use ln::{PaymentHash, PaymentSecret};
use ln::channelmanager::{HTLCForwardInfo, CLTV_FAR_FAR_AWAY, MIN_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA, PendingHTLCInfo, PendingHTLCRouting};
use ln::onion_utils;
-use routing::network_graph::{NetworkUpdate, RoutingFees};
+use routing::network_graph::{NetworkUpdate, RoutingFees, NodeId};
use routing::router::{get_route, PaymentParameters, Route, RouteHint, RouteHintHop};
-use ln::features::{InitFeatures, InvoiceFeatures};
+use ln::features::{InitFeatures, InvoiceFeatures, NodeFeatures};
use ln::msgs;
use ln::msgs::{ChannelMessageHandler, ChannelUpdate, OptionalField};
use util::events::{Event, MessageSendEvent, MessageSendEventsProvider};
}, true, Some(23), None, None);
+fn test_default_to_onion_payload_tlv_format() {
+ // Tests that we default to creating tlv format onion payloads when no `NodeAnnouncementInfo`
+ // `features` for a node in the `network_graph` exists, or when the node isn't in the
+ // `network_graph`, and no other known `features` for the node exists.
+ let mut priv_channels_conf = UserConfig::default();
+ priv_channels_conf.channel_options.announced_channel = false;
+ let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(5);
+ let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(5, &chanmon_cfgs);
+ let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(5, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None, None, Some(priv_channels_conf)]);
+ let mut nodes = create_network(5, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
+ create_announced_chan_between_nodes(&nodes, 0, 1, InitFeatures::known(), InitFeatures::known());
+ create_announced_chan_between_nodes(&nodes, 1, 2, InitFeatures::known(), InitFeatures::known());
+ create_announced_chan_between_nodes(&nodes, 2, 3, InitFeatures::known(), InitFeatures::known());
+ create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 3, 4, 100000, 10001, InitFeatures::known(), InitFeatures::known());
+ let payment_params = PaymentParameters::from_node_id(nodes[3].node.get_our_node_id());
+ let origin_node = &nodes[0];
+ let network_graph = origin_node.network_graph;
+ // Clears all the `NodeAnnouncementInfo` for all nodes of `nodes[0]`'s `network_graph`, so that
+ // their `features` aren't used when creating the `route`.
+ network_graph.clear_nodes_announcement_info();
+ let (announced_route, _, _, _) = get_route_and_payment_hash!(
+ origin_node, nodes[3], payment_params, 10_000, TEST_FINAL_CLTV);
+ let hops = &announced_route.paths[0];
+ // Assert that the hop between `nodes[1]` and `nodes[2]` defaults to supporting variable length
+ // onions, as `nodes[0]` has no `NodeAnnouncementInfo` `features` for `node[2]`
+ assert!(hops[1].node_features.supports_variable_length_onion());
+ // Assert that the hop between `nodes[2]` and `nodes[3]` defaults to supporting variable length
+ // onions, as `nodes[0]` has no `NodeAnnouncementInfo` `features` for `node[3]`, and no `InvoiceFeatures`
+ // for the `payment_params`, which would otherwise have been used.
+ assert!(hops[2].node_features.supports_variable_length_onion());
+ // Note that we do not assert that `hops[0]` (the channel between `nodes[0]` and `nodes[1]`)
+ // supports variable length onions, as the `InitFeatures` exchanged in the init message
+ // between the nodes will be used when creating the route. We therefore do not default to
+ // supporting variable length onions for that hop, as the `InitFeatures` in this case are
+ // `InitFeatures::known()`.
+ let unannounced_chan = &nodes[4].node.list_usable_channels()[0];
+ let last_hop = RouteHint(vec![RouteHintHop {
+ src_node_id: nodes[3].node.get_our_node_id(),
+ short_channel_id: unannounced_chan.short_channel_id.unwrap(),
+ fees: RoutingFees {
+ base_msat: 0,
+ proportional_millionths: 0,
+ },
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 42,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: None,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: None,
+ }]);
+ let unannounced_chan_params = PaymentParameters::from_node_id(nodes[4].node.get_our_node_id()).with_route_hints(vec![last_hop]);
+ let (unannounced_route, _, _, _) = get_route_and_payment_hash!(
+ origin_node, nodes[4], unannounced_chan_params, 10_000, TEST_FINAL_CLTV);
+ let unannounced_chan_hop = &unannounced_route.paths[0][3];
+ // Ensure that `nodes[4]` doesn't exist in `nodes[0]`'s `network_graph`, as it's not public.
+ assert!(&network_graph.read_only().nodes().get(&NodeId::from_pubkey(&nodes[4].node.get_our_node_id())).is_none());
+ // Assert that the hop between `nodes[3]` and `nodes[4]` defaults to supporting variable length
+ // onions, even though `nodes[4]` as `nodes[0]` doesn't exists in `nodes[0]`'s `network_graph`,
+ // and no `InvoiceFeatures` for the `payment_params` exists, which would otherwise have been
+ // used.
+ assert!(unannounced_chan_hop.node_features.supports_variable_length_onion());
+ let cur_height = nodes[0].best_block_info().1 + 1;
+ let (announced_route_payloads, _htlc_msat, _htlc_cltv) = onion_utils::build_onion_payloads(&announced_route.paths[0], 40000, &None, cur_height, &None).unwrap();
+ let (unannounced_route_paylods, _htlc_msat, _htlc_cltv) = onion_utils::build_onion_payloads(&unannounced_route.paths[0], 40000, &None, cur_height, &None).unwrap();
+ for onion_payloads in vec![announced_route_payloads, unannounced_route_paylods] {
+ for onion_payload in onion_payloads.iter() {
+ match onion_payload.format {
+ msgs::OnionHopDataFormat::Legacy {..} => {
+ panic!("Generated a `msgs::OnionHopDataFormat::Legacy` payload, even though that shouldn't have happend.");
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+fn test_do_not_default_to_onion_payload_tlv_format_when_unsupported() {
+ // Tests that we do not default to creating tlv onions if either of these types features
+ // exists, which specifies no support for variable length onions for a specific hop, when
+ // creating a route:
+ // 1. `InitFeatures` to the counterparty node exchanged with the init message to the node.
+ // 2. `NodeFeatures` in the `NodeAnnouncementInfo` of a node in sender node's `network_graph`.
+ // 3. `InvoiceFeatures` specified by the receiving node, when no `NodeAnnouncementInfo`
+ // `features` exists for the receiver in the sender's `network_graph`.
+ let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(4);
+ let mut node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(4, &chanmon_cfgs);
+ // Set `node[1]` config to `InitFeatures::empty()` which return `false` for
+ // `supports_variable_length_onion()`
+ let mut node_1_cfg = &mut node_cfgs[1];
+ node_1_cfg.features = InitFeatures::empty();
+ let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(4, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None, None]);
+ let mut nodes = create_network(4, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
+ create_announced_chan_between_nodes(&nodes, 0, 1, InitFeatures::known(), InitFeatures::known());
+ create_announced_chan_between_nodes(&nodes, 1, 2, InitFeatures::known(), InitFeatures::known());
+ create_announced_chan_between_nodes(&nodes, 2, 3, InitFeatures::known(), InitFeatures::known());
+ let payment_params = PaymentParameters::from_node_id(nodes[3].node.get_our_node_id())
+ .with_features(InvoiceFeatures::empty());
+ let origin_node = &nodes[0];
+ let network_graph = origin_node.network_graph;
+ network_graph.clear_nodes_announcement_info();
+ // Set `NodeAnnouncementInfo` `features` which do not support variable length onions for
+ // `nodes[2]` in `nodes[0]`'s `network_graph`.
+ let nodes_2_unsigned_node_announcement = msgs::UnsignedNodeAnnouncement {
+ features: NodeFeatures::empty(),
+ timestamp: 0,
+ node_id: nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id(),
+ rgb: [32; 3],
+ alias: [16;32],
+ addresses: Vec::new(),
+ excess_address_data: Vec::new(),
+ excess_data: Vec::new(),
+ };
+ let _res = network_graph.update_node_from_unsigned_announcement(&nodes_2_unsigned_node_announcement);
+ let (route, _, _, _) = get_route_and_payment_hash!(
+ origin_node, nodes[3], payment_params, 10_000, TEST_FINAL_CLTV);
+ let hops = &route.paths[0];
+ // Assert that the hop between `nodes[0]` and `nodes[1]` doesn't support variable length
+ // onions, as as the `InitFeatures` exchanged (`InitFeatures::empty()`) in the init message
+ // between the nodes when setting up the channel is used when creating the `route` and that we
+ // therefore do not default to supporting variable length onions. Despite `nodes[0]` having no
+ // `NodeAnnouncementInfo` `features` for `node[1]`.
+ assert!(!hops[0].node_features.supports_variable_length_onion());
+ // Assert that the hop between `nodes[1]` and `nodes[2]` uses the `features` from
+ // `nodes_2_unsigned_node_announcement` that doesn't support variable length onions.
+ assert!(!hops[1].node_features.supports_variable_length_onion());
+ // Assert that the hop between `nodes[2]` and `nodes[3]` uses the `InvoiceFeatures` set to the
+ // `payment_params`, that doesn't support variable length onions. We therefore do not end up
+ // defaulting to supporting variable length onions, despite `nodes[0]` having no
+ // `NodeAnnouncementInfo` `features` for `node[3]`.
+ assert!(!hops[2].node_features.supports_variable_length_onion());
+ let cur_height = nodes[0].best_block_info().1 + 1;
+ let (onion_payloads, _htlc_msat, _htlc_cltv) = onion_utils::build_onion_payloads(&route.paths[0], 40000, &None, cur_height, &None).unwrap();
+ for onion_payload in onion_payloads.iter() {
+ match onion_payload.format {
+ msgs::OnionHopDataFormat::Legacy {..} => {}
+ _ => {
+ panic!("Should have only have generated `msgs::OnionHopDataFormat::Legacy` payloads");
+ }
+ }
+ }
macro_rules! get_phantom_route {
($nodes: expr, $amt: expr, $channel: expr) => {{
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();