Self::new(&invoice_request.bytes, contents, Some(keys))
+ pub(super) fn for_refund_using_keys(
+ refund: &'a Refund, payment_paths: Vec<(BlindedPath, BlindedPayInfo)>, created_at: Duration,
+ payment_hash: PaymentHash, keys: KeyPair,
+ ) -> Result<Self, SemanticError> {
+ let contents = InvoiceContents::ForRefund {
+ refund: refund.contents.clone(),
+ fields: InvoiceFields {
+ payment_paths, created_at, relative_expiry: None, payment_hash,
+ amount_msats: refund.amount_msats(), fallbacks: None,
+ features: Bolt12InvoiceFeatures::empty(), signing_pubkey: keys.public_key(),
+ },
+ };
+ Self::new(&refund.bytes, contents, Some(keys))
+ }
impl<'a, S: SigningPubkeyStrategy> InvoiceBuilder<'a, S> {
let InvoiceBuilder { invreq_bytes, invoice, keys, .. } = self;
- let keys = match &invoice {
- InvoiceContents::ForOffer { .. } => keys.unwrap(),
- InvoiceContents::ForRefund { .. } => unreachable!(),
- };
let unsigned_invoice = UnsignedInvoice { invreq_bytes, invoice };
+ let keys = keys.unwrap();
let invoice = unsigned_invoice
.sign::<_, Infallible>(|digest| Ok(secp_ctx.sign_schnorr_no_aux_rand(digest, &keys)))
+ #[test]
+ fn builds_invoice_from_refund_using_derived_keys() {
+ let expanded_key = ExpandedKey::new(&KeyMaterial([42; 32]));
+ let entropy = FixedEntropy {};
+ let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
+ let refund = RefundBuilder::new("foo".into(), vec![1; 32], payer_pubkey(), 1000).unwrap()
+ .build().unwrap();
+ if let Err(e) = refund
+ .respond_using_derived_keys_no_std(
+ payment_paths(), payment_hash(), now(), &expanded_key, &entropy
+ )
+ .unwrap()
+ .build_and_sign(&secp_ctx)
+ {
+ panic!("error building invoice: {:?}", e);
+ }
+ }
fn builds_invoice_with_relative_expiry() {
let now = now();
use crate::ln::features::InvoiceRequestFeatures;
use crate::ln::inbound_payment::{ExpandedKey, IV_LEN, Nonce};
use crate::ln::msgs::{DecodeError, MAX_VALUE_MSAT};
-use crate::offers::invoice::{BlindedPayInfo, ExplicitSigningPubkey, InvoiceBuilder};
+use crate::offers::invoice::{BlindedPayInfo, DerivedSigningPubkey, ExplicitSigningPubkey, InvoiceBuilder};
use crate::offers::invoice_request::{InvoiceRequestTlvStream, InvoiceRequestTlvStreamRef};
use crate::offers::offer::{OfferTlvStream, OfferTlvStreamRef};
use crate::offers::parse::{Bech32Encode, ParseError, ParsedMessage, SemanticError};
use crate::offers::payer::{PayerContents, PayerTlvStream, PayerTlvStreamRef};
-use crate::offers::signer::{Metadata, MetadataMaterial};
+use crate::offers::signer::{Metadata, MetadataMaterial, self};
use crate::onion_message::BlindedPath;
use crate::util::ser::{SeekReadable, WithoutLength, Writeable, Writer};
use crate::util::string::PrintableString;
InvoiceBuilder::for_refund(self, payment_paths, created_at, payment_hash, signing_pubkey)
+ /// Creates an [`InvoiceBuilder`] for the refund using the given required fields and that uses
+ /// derived signing keys to sign the [`Invoice`].
+ ///
+ /// See [`Refund::respond_with`] for further details.
+ ///
+ /// [`Invoice`]: crate::offers::invoice::Invoice
+ #[cfg(feature = "std")]
+ pub fn respond_using_derived_keys<ES: Deref>(
+ &self, payment_paths: Vec<(BlindedPath, BlindedPayInfo)>, payment_hash: PaymentHash,
+ expanded_key: &ExpandedKey, entropy_source: ES
+ ) -> Result<InvoiceBuilder<DerivedSigningPubkey>, SemanticError>
+ where
+ ES::Target: EntropySource,
+ {
+ let created_at = std::time::SystemTime::now()
+ .duration_since(std::time::SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH)
+ .expect("SystemTime::now() should come after SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH");
+ self.respond_using_derived_keys_no_std(
+ payment_paths, payment_hash, created_at, expanded_key, entropy_source
+ )
+ }
+ /// Creates an [`InvoiceBuilder`] for the refund using the given required fields and that uses
+ /// derived signing keys to sign the [`Invoice`].
+ ///
+ /// See [`Refund::respond_with_no_std`] for further details.
+ ///
+ /// [`Invoice`]: crate::offers::invoice::Invoice
+ pub fn respond_using_derived_keys_no_std<ES: Deref>(
+ &self, payment_paths: Vec<(BlindedPath, BlindedPayInfo)>, payment_hash: PaymentHash,
+ created_at: core::time::Duration, expanded_key: &ExpandedKey, entropy_source: ES
+ ) -> Result<InvoiceBuilder<DerivedSigningPubkey>, SemanticError>
+ where
+ ES::Target: EntropySource,
+ {
+ if self.features().requires_unknown_bits() {
+ return Err(SemanticError::UnknownRequiredFeatures);
+ }
+ let nonce = Nonce::from_entropy_source(entropy_source);
+ let keys = signer::derive_keys(nonce, expanded_key);
+ InvoiceBuilder::for_refund_using_keys(self, payment_paths, created_at, payment_hash, keys)
+ }
fn as_tlv_stream(&self) -> RefundTlvStreamRef {