echo "Creating TS bindings..."
mkdir -p ts/{enums,structs}
- rm -f ts/{enums,structs,}/*.{mjs,mts}
+ rm -f ts/{enums,structs,}/*.{mjs,mts,mts.part}
if [ "$4" = "false" ]; then
./genbindings.py "./lightning.h" ts ts ts $DEBUG_ARG typescript node
if [ -x "$(which tsc)" ]; then
cd ts
- rm -r structs # TODO: Make the human-types compile
+ for F in structs/*; do
+ cat imports.mts.part | grep -v " $(basename -s .mts $F)[ ,]" | cat - $F > $F.tmp
+ mv $F.tmp $F
+ done
+ rm imports.mts.part
if [ "$4" = "true" ]; then
def add_ref(self, holder, referent):
return "CommonBase.add_ref_from(" + holder + ", " + referent + ")"
+ def obj_defined(self, struct_names, folder):
+ with open(self.outdir + "/index.mts", 'a') as index:
+ index.write(f"export * from './{folder}/{struct_names[0]}.mjs';\n")
+ with open(self.outdir + "/imports.mts.part", 'a') as imports:
+ imports.write(f"import {{ {', '.join(struct_names)} }} from '../{folder}/{struct_names[0]}.mjs';\n")
def native_c_unitary_enum_map(self, struct_name, variants, enum_doc_comment):
out_c = "static inline LDK" + struct_name + " LDK" + struct_name + "_from_js(int32_t ord) {\n"
out_c = out_c + "\tswitch (ord) {\n"
out_typescript_enum = f"export {{ {struct_name} }} from \"../bindings.mjs\";"
+ self.obj_defined([struct_name], "enums")
return (out_c, out_typescript_enum, out_typescript)
def c_unitary_enum_to_native_call(self, ty_info):
out_c += ("\t}\n}\n")
out_java_enum += java_hu_class
self.struct_file_suffixes[java_hu_type] = java_hu_subclasses
+ self.obj_defined([java_hu_type], "structs")
return (out_java, out_java_enum, out_c)
def map_opaque_struct(self, struct_name, struct_doc_comment):
+ self.obj_defined([hu_name], "structs")
return out_opaque_struct_human
def map_tuple(self, struct_name):