impl Readable for ControlTlvs {
- fn read<R: Read>(mut r: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
- let mut _padding: Option<Padding> = None;
- let mut _short_channel_id: Option<u64> = None;
- let mut next_node_id: Option<PublicKey> = None;
- let mut path_id: Option<[u8; 32]> = None;
- let mut next_blinding_override: Option<PublicKey> = None;
- decode_tlv_stream!(&mut r, {
+ fn read<R: Read>(r: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
+ _init_and_read_tlv_stream!(r, {
(1, _padding, option),
(2, _short_channel_id, option),
(4, next_node_id, option),
(6, path_id, option),
(8, next_blinding_override, option),
+ let _padding: Option<Padding> = _padding;
+ let _short_channel_id: Option<u64> = _short_channel_id;
let valid_fwd_fmt = next_node_id.is_some() && path_id.is_none();
let valid_recv_fmt = next_node_id.is_none() && next_blinding_override.is_none();
+/// Equivalent to running [`_init_tlv_field_var`] then [`decode_tlv_stream`].
+macro_rules! _init_and_read_tlv_stream {
+ ($reader: ident, {$(($type: expr, $field: ident, $fieldty: tt)),* $(,)*}) => {
+ $(
+ $crate::_init_tlv_field_var!($field, $fieldty);
+ )*
+ $crate::decode_tlv_stream!($reader, {
+ $(($type, $field, $fieldty)),*
+ });
+ }
/// Implements [`Readable`]/[`Writeable`] for a struct storing it as a set of TLVs
/// If `$fieldty` is `required`, then `$field` is a required field that is not an [`Option`] nor a [`Vec`].
/// If `$fieldty` is `(default_value, $default)`, then `$field` will be set to `$default` if not present.