return 253;
} as ldk.FeeEstimatorInterface);
- const tx_broadcaster = ldk.BroadcasterInterface.new_impl({
- broadcast_transaction(tx: Uint8Array): void { console.log("Tx Broadcast: " + tx); }
- } as ldk.BroadcasterInterfaceInterface);
+ var tx_broadcaster;
+ const tx_broadcasted: Promise<Uint8Array> = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ tx_broadcaster = ldk.BroadcasterInterface.new_impl({
+ broadcast_transaction(tx: Uint8Array): void { console.log("Tx Broadcast: " + tx); resolve(tx); }
+ } as ldk.BroadcasterInterfaceInterface);
+ });
const logger = ldk.Logger.new_impl({
log(record: ldk.Record): void {
console.log(record.get_module_path() + ": " + record.get_args());
const config = ldk.UserConfig.constructor_default();
const params = ldk.ChainParameters.constructor_new(ldk.Network.LDKNetwork_Testnet, ldk.BestBlock.constructor_from_genesis(ldk.Network.LDKNetwork_Testnet));
- return ldk.ChannelManager.constructor_new(fee_est, chain_watch, tx_broadcaster, logger, keys_interface, config, params);
+ return [ldk.ChannelManager.constructor_new(fee_est, chain_watch, tx_broadcaster, logger, keys_interface, config, params), tx_broadcasted];
function exchange_messages(a: ldk.ChannelManager, b: ldk.ChannelManager) {
} else if (msg instanceof ldk.MessageSendEvent_SendAcceptChannel) {
if (!array_eq(msg.node_id, to.get_our_node_id())) return false;
to.as_ChannelMessageHandler().handle_accept_channel(from.get_our_node_id(), ldk.InitFeatures.constructor_known(), msg.msg);
+ } else if (msg instanceof ldk.MessageSendEvent_SendFundingCreated) {
+ if (!array_eq(msg.node_id, to.get_our_node_id())) return false;
+ to.as_ChannelMessageHandler().handle_funding_created(from.get_our_node_id(), msg.msg);
+ } else if (msg instanceof ldk.MessageSendEvent_SendFundingSigned) {
+ if (!array_eq(msg.node_id, to.get_our_node_id())) return false;
+ to.as_ChannelMessageHandler().handle_funding_signed(from.get_our_node_id(), msg.msg);
} else {
return false;
return true;
+function assign_u64(arr: Uint8Array, offset: number, value: bigint) {
+ arr[offset + 0] = Number((value >> BigInt(8 * 0)) & BigInt(0xff));
+ arr[offset + 1] = Number((value >> BigInt(8 * 1)) & BigInt(0xff));
+ arr[offset + 2] = Number((value >> BigInt(8 * 2)) & BigInt(0xff));
+ arr[offset + 3] = Number((value >> BigInt(8 * 3)) & BigInt(0xff));
+ arr[offset + 4] = Number((value >> BigInt(8 * 4)) & BigInt(0xff));
+ arr[offset + 5] = Number((value >> BigInt(8 * 5)) & BigInt(0xff));
+ arr[offset + 6] = Number((value >> BigInt(8 * 6)) & BigInt(0xff));
+ arr[offset + 7] = Number((value >> BigInt(8 * 7)) & BigInt(0xff));
tests.push(async () => {
- const chan_man_a = get_chanman();
- const chan_man_b = get_chanman();
+ const peer_a = get_chanman();
+ const peer_b = get_chanman();
+ const chan_man_a: ldk.ChannelManager = peer_a[0] as ldk.ChannelManager;
+ const chan_man_b: ldk.ChannelManager = peer_b[0] as ldk.ChannelManager;
chan_man_a.as_ChannelMessageHandler().peer_connected(chan_man_b.get_our_node_id(), ldk.Init.constructor_new(ldk.InitFeatures.constructor_known()));
chan_man_b.as_ChannelMessageHandler().peer_connected(chan_man_a.get_our_node_id(), ldk.Init.constructor_new(ldk.InitFeatures.constructor_known()));
if (events.length != 1) return false;
if (!(events[0] instanceof ldk.Event_FundingGenerationReady)) return false;
+ // (very) manually create a funding transaction
+ const witness_pos = events[0].output_script.length + 58;
+ const funding_tx = new Uint8Array(witness_pos + 7);
+ funding_tx[0] = 2; // 4-byte tx version 2
+ funding_tx[4] = 0; funding_tx[5] = 1; // segwit magic bytes
+ funding_tx[6] = 1; // 1-byte input count 1
+ // 36 bytes previous outpoint all-0s
+ funding_tx[43] = 0; // 1-byte input script length 0
+ funding_tx[44] = 0xff; funding_tx[45] = 0xff; funding_tx[46] = 0xff; funding_tx[47] = 0xff; // 4-byte nSequence
+ funding_tx[48] = 1; // one output
+ assign_u64(funding_tx, 49, events[0].channel_value_satoshis);
+ funding_tx[57] = events[0].output_script.length; // 1-byte output script length
+ funding_tx.set(events[0].output_script, 58);
+ funding_tx[witness_pos] = 1; funding_tx[witness_pos + 1] = 1; funding_tx[witness_pos + 2] = 0xff; // one witness element of size 1 with contents 0xff
+ funding_tx[witness_pos + 3] = 0; funding_tx[witness_pos + 4] = 0; funding_tx[witness_pos + 5] = 0; funding_tx[witness_pos + 6] = 0; // lock time 0
+ const funding_res = chan_man_a.funding_transaction_generated(events[0].temporary_channel_id, funding_tx);
+ if (!(funding_res instanceof ldk.Result_NoneAPIErrorZ_OK)) return false;
+ if (!exchange_messages(chan_man_a, chan_man_b)) return false;
+ const tx_broadcasted: Uint8Array = (await peer_a[1]) as Uint8Array;
+ if (!array_eq(tx_broadcasted, funding_tx)) return false;
return true;