BASE_CFLAGS="$BASE_CFLAGS -frandom-seed=42"
LOCAL_CFLAGS="-Wall -Wno-nullability-completeness -pthread -Iinclude/"
if [ "$HOST_PLATFORM" = "host: x86_64-apple-darwin" ]; then
+ HOST_OSX=true
+elif [ "$HOST_PLATFORM" = "host: aarch64-apple-darwin" ]; then
+ HOST_OSX=true
+if [ "$HOST_OSX" = "true" ]; then
LOCAL_CFLAGS="$LOCAL_CFLAGS -isysroot$(xcrun --show-sdk-path) -mmacosx-version-min=10.9"
BASE_CFLAGS="$BASE_CFLAGS -isysroot$(xcrun --show-sdk-path) -mmacosx-version-min=10.9"
pushd "$LIGHTNING_PATH/$1"
RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP=1 cargo rustc --profile=check --no-default-features $3 -- --cfg=c_bindings -Zunpretty=expanded > /tmp/$1-crate-source.txt
- if [ "$HOST_PLATFORM" = "host: x86_64-apple-darwin" ]; then
+ if [ "$HOST_OSX" = "true" ]; then
sed -i".original" "1i\\
pub mod $2 {
" /tmp/$1-crate-source.txt
echo "}" >> /tmp/$1-crate-source.txt
cat /tmp/$1-crate-source.txt >> /tmp/crate-source.txt
rm /tmp/$1-crate-source.txt
- if [ "$HOST_PLATFORM" = "host: x86_64-apple-darwin" ]; then
+ if [ "$HOST_OSX" = "true" ]; then
# OSX sed is for some reason not compatible with GNU sed
sed -E -i '' 's|#*'$1' = \{ .*|'$1' = \{ path = "'"$LIGHTNING_PATH"'/'$1'", default-features = false }|' lightning-c-bindings/Cargo.toml
function drop_crate() {
- if [ "$HOST_PLATFORM" = "host: x86_64-apple-darwin" ]; then
+ if [ "$HOST_OSX" = "true" ]; then
# OSX sed is for some reason not compatible with GNU sed
sed -E -i '' 's|'$1' = \{ (.*)|#'$1' = \{ \1|' lightning-c-bindings/Cargo.toml
# cbindgen is relatively braindead when exporting typedefs -
# it happily exports all our typedefs for private types, even with the
# generics we specified in C mode! So we drop all those types manually here.
-if [ "$HOST_PLATFORM" = "host: x86_64-apple-darwin" ]; then
+if [ "$HOST_OSX" = "true" ]; then
# OSX sed is for some reason not compatible with GNU sed
sed -i '' 's/typedef LDKnative.*Import.*LDKnative.*;//g' include/lightning.h
RUSTC_LLVM_V=$(rustc --version --verbose | grep "LLVM version" | awk '{ print substr($3, 0, 2); }')
-if [ "$HOST_PLATFORM" = "host: x86_64-apple-darwin" ]; then
+if [ "$HOST_OSX" = "true" ]; then
# Apple is special, as always, and their versions of clang aren't
# compatible with upstream LLVM.
if [ "$(clang --version | grep 'Apple clang')" != "" ]; then
# Finally, if we're on OSX or on Linux, build the final debug binary with address sanitizer (and leave it there)
if [ "$HOST_PLATFORM" = "host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" -o "$HOST_PLATFORM" = "host: x86_64-apple-darwin" ]; then
if [ "$CLANGPP" != "" ]; then
- if [ "$HOST_PLATFORM" = "host: x86_64-apple-darwin" ]; then
+ if [ "$HOST_OSX" = "true" ]; then
# OSX sed is for some reason not compatible with GNU sed
sed -i .bk 's/,"cdylib"]/]/g' Cargo.toml
# packaging than simply shipping the rustup binaries (eg Debian should Just Work
# here).
LINK_ARG_FLAGS="-C link-arg=-fuse-ld=$LLD"
- if [ "$HOST_PLATFORM" = "host: x86_64-apple-darwin" ]; then
+ if [ "$HOST_OSX" = "true" ]; then
export LDK_CLANG_PATH=$(which $CLANG)
export CLANG="$(pwd)/../deterministic-build-wrappers/clang-lto-link-osx"
for ARG in "CFLAGS_aarch64_apple_darwin"; do