use bitcoin::network::constants::Network;
use bitcoin::hashes::{Hash, HashEngine};
-use bitcoin::hashes::hmac::{Hmac, HmacEngine};
use bitcoin::hashes::sha256::Hash as Sha256;
use bitcoin::hashes::sha256d::Hash as Sha256dHash;
-use bitcoin::hashes::cmp::fixed_time_eq;
use bitcoin::hash_types::{BlockHash, Txid};
use bitcoin::secp256k1::key::{SecretKey,PublicKey};
use util::events::{EventHandler, EventsProvider, MessageSendEvent, MessageSendEventsProvider, ClosureReason};
use util::{byte_utils, events};
use util::ser::{BigSize, FixedLengthReader, Readable, ReadableArgs, MaybeReadable, Writeable, Writer};
-use util::chacha20::{ChaCha20, ChaChaReader};
use util::logger::{Level, Logger};
use util::errors::APIError;
use prelude::*;
use core::{cmp, mem};
use core::cell::RefCell;
-use io::{Cursor, Read};
+use io::Read;
use sync::{Arc, Condvar, Mutex, MutexGuard, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard};
use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use core::time::Duration;
arr.copy_from_slice(&SharedSecret::new(&msg.onion_routing_packet.public_key.unwrap(), &self.our_network_key)[..]);
- let (rho, mu) = onion_utils::gen_rho_mu_from_shared_secret(&shared_secret);
if msg.onion_routing_packet.version != 0 {
//TODO: Spec doesn't indicate if we should only hash hop_data here (and in other
return_malformed_err!("Unknown onion packet version", 0x8000 | 0x4000 | 4);
- let mut hmac = HmacEngine::<Sha256>::new(&mu);
- hmac.input(&msg.onion_routing_packet.hop_data);
- hmac.input(&msg.payment_hash.0[..]);
- if !fixed_time_eq(&Hmac::from_engine(hmac).into_inner(), &msg.onion_routing_packet.hmac) {
- return_malformed_err!("HMAC Check failed", 0x8000 | 0x4000 | 5);
- }
let mut channel_state = None;
macro_rules! return_err {
($msg: expr, $err_code: expr, $data: expr) => {
- let mut chacha = ChaCha20::new(&rho, &[0u8; 8]);
- let mut chacha_stream = ChaChaReader { chacha: &mut chacha, read: Cursor::new(&msg.onion_routing_packet.hop_data[..]) };
- let (next_hop_data, next_hop_hmac): (msgs::OnionHopData, _) = {
- match <msgs::OnionHopData as Readable>::read(&mut chacha_stream) {
- Err(err) => {
- let error_code = match err {
- msgs::DecodeError::UnknownVersion => 0x4000 | 1, // unknown realm byte
- msgs::DecodeError::UnknownRequiredFeature|
- msgs::DecodeError::InvalidValue|
- msgs::DecodeError::ShortRead => 0x4000 | 22, // invalid_onion_payload
- _ => 0x2000 | 2, // Should never happen
- };
- return_err!("Unable to decode our hop data", error_code, &[0;0]);
- },
- Ok(msg) => {
- let mut hmac = [0; 32];
- if let Err(_) = chacha_stream.read_exact(&mut hmac[..]) {
- return_err!("Unable to decode hop data", 0x4000 | 22, &[0;0]);
- }
- (msg, hmac)
- },
- }
+ let next_hop = match onion_utils::decode_next_hop(shared_secret, &msg.onion_routing_packet.hop_data[..], msg.onion_routing_packet.hmac, msg.payment_hash) {
+ Ok(res) => res,
+ Err(onion_utils::OnionDecodeErr::Malformed { err_msg, err_code }) => {
+ return_malformed_err!(err_msg, err_code);
+ },
+ Err(onion_utils::OnionDecodeErr::Relay { err_msg, err_code }) => {
+ return_err!(err_msg, err_code, &[0; 0]);
+ },
- let pending_forward_info = if next_hop_hmac == [0; 32] {
- #[cfg(test)]
- {
- // In tests, make sure that the initial onion pcket data is, at least, non-0.
- // We could do some fancy randomness test here, but, ehh, whatever.
- // This checks for the issue where you can calculate the path length given the
- // onion data as all the path entries that the originator sent will be here
- // as-is (and were originally 0s).
- // Of course reverse path calculation is still pretty easy given naive routing
- // algorithms, but this fixes the most-obvious case.
- let mut next_bytes = [0; 32];
- chacha_stream.read_exact(&mut next_bytes).unwrap();
- assert_ne!(next_bytes[..], [0; 32][..]);
- chacha_stream.read_exact(&mut next_bytes).unwrap();
- assert_ne!(next_bytes[..], [0; 32][..]);
- }
- // final_expiry_too_soon
- // We have to have some headroom to broadcast on chain if we have the preimage, so make sure
- // we have at least HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER blocks to go.
- // Also, ensure that, in the case of an unknown preimage for the received payment hash, our
- // payment logic has enough time to fail the HTLC backward before our onchain logic triggers a
- // channel closure (see HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER rationale).
- if (msg.cltv_expiry as u64) <= as u64 + HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER as u64 + 1 {
- return_err!("The final CLTV expiry is too soon to handle", 17, &[0;0]);
- }
- // final_incorrect_htlc_amount
- if next_hop_data.amt_to_forward > msg.amount_msat {
- return_err!("Upstream node sent less than we were supposed to receive in payment", 19, &byte_utils::be64_to_array(msg.amount_msat));
- }
- // final_incorrect_cltv_expiry
- if next_hop_data.outgoing_cltv_value != msg.cltv_expiry {
- return_err!("Upstream node set CLTV to the wrong value", 18, &byte_utils::be32_to_array(msg.cltv_expiry));
- }
+ let pending_forward_info = match next_hop {
+ onion_utils::Hop::Receive(next_hop_data) => {
+ // final_expiry_too_soon
+ // We have to have some headroom to broadcast on chain if we have the preimage, so make sure
+ // we have at least HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER blocks to go.
+ // Also, ensure that, in the case of an unknown preimage for the received payment hash, our
+ // payment logic has enough time to fail the HTLC backward before our onchain logic triggers a
+ // channel closure (see HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER rationale).
+ if (msg.cltv_expiry as u64) <= as u64 + HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER as u64 + 1 {
+ return_err!("The final CLTV expiry is too soon to handle", 17, &[0;0]);
+ }
+ // final_incorrect_htlc_amount
+ if next_hop_data.amt_to_forward > msg.amount_msat {
+ return_err!("Upstream node sent less than we were supposed to receive in payment", 19, &byte_utils::be64_to_array(msg.amount_msat));
+ }
+ // final_incorrect_cltv_expiry
+ if next_hop_data.outgoing_cltv_value != msg.cltv_expiry {
+ return_err!("Upstream node set CLTV to the wrong value", 18, &byte_utils::be32_to_array(msg.cltv_expiry));
+ }
- let routing = match next_hop_data.format {
- msgs::OnionHopDataFormat::Legacy { .. } => return_err!("We require payment_secrets", 0x4000|0x2000|3, &[0;0]),
- msgs::OnionHopDataFormat::NonFinalNode { .. } => return_err!("Got non final data with an HMAC of 0", 0x4000 | 22, &[0;0]),
- msgs::OnionHopDataFormat::FinalNode { payment_data, keysend_preimage } => {
- if payment_data.is_some() && keysend_preimage.is_some() {
- return_err!("We don't support MPP keysend payments", 0x4000|22, &[0;0]);
- } else if let Some(data) = payment_data {
- PendingHTLCRouting::Receive {
- payment_data: data,
- incoming_cltv_expiry: msg.cltv_expiry,
- }
- } else if let Some(payment_preimage) = keysend_preimage {
- // We need to check that the sender knows the keysend preimage before processing this
- // payment further. Otherwise, an intermediary routing hop forwarding non-keysend-HTLC X
- // could discover the final destination of X, by probing the adjacent nodes on the route
- // with a keysend payment of identical payment hash to X and observing the processing
- // time discrepancies due to a hash collision with X.
- let hashed_preimage = PaymentHash(Sha256::hash(&payment_preimage.0).into_inner());
- if hashed_preimage != msg.payment_hash {
- return_err!("Payment preimage didn't match payment hash", 0x4000|22, &[0;0]);
- }
+ let routing = match next_hop_data.format {
+ msgs::OnionHopDataFormat::Legacy { .. } => return_err!("We require payment_secrets", 0x4000|0x2000|3, &[0;0]),
+ msgs::OnionHopDataFormat::NonFinalNode { .. } => return_err!("Got non final data with an HMAC of 0", 0x4000 | 22, &[0;0]),
+ msgs::OnionHopDataFormat::FinalNode { payment_data, keysend_preimage } => {
+ if payment_data.is_some() && keysend_preimage.is_some() {
+ return_err!("We don't support MPP keysend payments", 0x4000|22, &[0;0]);
+ } else if let Some(data) = payment_data {
+ PendingHTLCRouting::Receive {
+ payment_data: data,
+ incoming_cltv_expiry: msg.cltv_expiry,
+ }
+ } else if let Some(payment_preimage) = keysend_preimage {
+ // We need to check that the sender knows the keysend preimage before processing this
+ // payment further. Otherwise, an intermediary routing hop forwarding non-keysend-HTLC X
+ // could discover the final destination of X, by probing the adjacent nodes on the route
+ // with a keysend payment of identical payment hash to X and observing the processing
+ // time discrepancies due to a hash collision with X.
+ let hashed_preimage = PaymentHash(Sha256::hash(&payment_preimage.0).into_inner());
+ if hashed_preimage != msg.payment_hash {
+ return_err!("Payment preimage didn't match payment hash", 0x4000|22, &[0;0]);
+ }
- PendingHTLCRouting::ReceiveKeysend {
- payment_preimage,
- incoming_cltv_expiry: msg.cltv_expiry,
+ PendingHTLCRouting::ReceiveKeysend {
+ payment_preimage,
+ incoming_cltv_expiry: msg.cltv_expiry,
+ }
+ } else {
+ return_err!("We require payment_secrets", 0x4000|0x2000|3, &[0;0]);
- } else {
- return_err!("We require payment_secrets", 0x4000|0x2000|3, &[0;0]);
- }
- },
- };
- // Note that we could obviously respond immediately with an update_fulfill_htlc
- // message, however that would leak that we are the recipient of this payment, so
- // instead we stay symmetric with the forwarding case, only responding (after a
- // delay) once they've send us a commitment_signed!
- PendingHTLCStatus::Forward(PendingHTLCInfo {
- routing,
- payment_hash: msg.payment_hash.clone(),
- incoming_shared_secret: shared_secret,
- amt_to_forward: next_hop_data.amt_to_forward,
- outgoing_cltv_value: next_hop_data.outgoing_cltv_value,
- })
- } else {
- let mut new_packet_data = [0; 20*65];
- let read_pos = new_packet_data).unwrap();
- #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
- {
- // Check two things:
- // a) that the behavior of our stream here will return Ok(0) even if the TLV
- // read above emptied out our buffer and the unwrap() wont needlessly panic
- // b) that we didn't somehow magically end up with extra data.
- let mut t = [0; 1];
- debug_assert!( t).unwrap() == 0);
- }
- // Once we've emptied the set of bytes our peer gave us, encrypt 0 bytes until we
- // fill the onion hop data we'll forward to our next-hop peer.
- chacha_stream.chacha.process_in_place(&mut new_packet_data[read_pos..]);
- let mut new_pubkey = msg.onion_routing_packet.public_key.unwrap();
+ },
+ };
- let blinding_factor = {
- let mut sha = Sha256::engine();
- sha.input(&new_pubkey.serialize()[..]);
- sha.input(&shared_secret);
- Sha256::from_engine(sha).into_inner()
- };
+ // Note that we could obviously respond immediately with an update_fulfill_htlc
+ // message, however that would leak that we are the recipient of this payment, so
+ // instead we stay symmetric with the forwarding case, only responding (after a
+ // delay) once they've send us a commitment_signed!
+ PendingHTLCStatus::Forward(PendingHTLCInfo {
+ routing,
+ payment_hash: msg.payment_hash.clone(),
+ incoming_shared_secret: shared_secret,
+ amt_to_forward: next_hop_data.amt_to_forward,
+ outgoing_cltv_value: next_hop_data.outgoing_cltv_value,
+ })
+ },
+ onion_utils::Hop::Forward { next_hop_data, next_hop_hmac, new_packet_bytes } => {
+ let mut new_pubkey = msg.onion_routing_packet.public_key.unwrap();
+ let blinding_factor = {
+ let mut sha = Sha256::engine();
+ sha.input(&new_pubkey.serialize()[..]);
+ sha.input(&shared_secret);
+ Sha256::from_engine(sha).into_inner()
+ };
- let public_key = if let Err(e) = new_pubkey.mul_assign(&self.secp_ctx, &blinding_factor[..]) {
- Err(e)
- } else { Ok(new_pubkey) };
+ let public_key = if let Err(e) = new_pubkey.mul_assign(&self.secp_ctx, &blinding_factor[..]) {
+ Err(e)
+ } else { Ok(new_pubkey) };
- let outgoing_packet = msgs::OnionPacket {
- version: 0,
- public_key,
- hop_data: new_packet_data,
- hmac: next_hop_hmac.clone(),
- };
+ let outgoing_packet = msgs::OnionPacket {
+ version: 0,
+ public_key,
+ hop_data: new_packet_bytes,
+ hmac: next_hop_hmac.clone(),
+ };
- let short_channel_id = match next_hop_data.format {
- msgs::OnionHopDataFormat::Legacy { short_channel_id } => short_channel_id,
- msgs::OnionHopDataFormat::NonFinalNode { short_channel_id } => short_channel_id,
- msgs::OnionHopDataFormat::FinalNode { .. } => {
- return_err!("Final Node OnionHopData provided for us as an intermediary node", 0x4000 | 22, &[0;0]);
- },
- };
+ let short_channel_id = match next_hop_data.format {
+ msgs::OnionHopDataFormat::Legacy { short_channel_id } => short_channel_id,
+ msgs::OnionHopDataFormat::NonFinalNode { short_channel_id } => short_channel_id,
+ msgs::OnionHopDataFormat::FinalNode { .. } => {
+ return_err!("Final Node OnionHopData provided for us as an intermediary node", 0x4000 | 22, &[0;0]);
+ },
+ };
- PendingHTLCStatus::Forward(PendingHTLCInfo {
- routing: PendingHTLCRouting::Forward {
- onion_packet: outgoing_packet,
- short_channel_id,
- },
- payment_hash: msg.payment_hash.clone(),
- incoming_shared_secret: shared_secret,
- amt_to_forward: next_hop_data.amt_to_forward,
- outgoing_cltv_value: next_hop_data.outgoing_cltv_value,
- })
+ PendingHTLCStatus::Forward(PendingHTLCInfo {
+ routing: PendingHTLCRouting::Forward {
+ onion_packet: outgoing_packet,
+ short_channel_id,
+ },
+ payment_hash: msg.payment_hash.clone(),
+ incoming_shared_secret: shared_secret,
+ amt_to_forward: next_hop_data.amt_to_forward,
+ outgoing_cltv_value: next_hop_data.outgoing_cltv_value,
+ })
+ }
channel_state = Some(self.channel_state.lock().unwrap());
use ln::msgs;
use routing::network_graph::NetworkUpdate;
use routing::router::RouteHop;
-use util::chacha20::ChaCha20;
+use util::chacha20::{ChaCha20, ChaChaReader};
use util::errors::{self, APIError};
use util::ser::{Readable, Writeable, LengthCalculatingWriter};
use util::logger::Logger;
use bitcoin::secp256k1;
use prelude::*;
-use io::Cursor;
+use io::{Cursor, Read};
use core::convert::TryInto;
use core::ops::Deref;
} else { unreachable!(); }
+/// Data decrypted from the onion payload.
+pub(crate) enum Hop {
+ /// This onion payload was for us, not for forwarding to a next-hop. Contains information for
+ /// verifying the incoming payment.
+ Receive(msgs::OnionHopData),
+ /// This onion payload needs to be forwarded to a next-hop.
+ Forward {
+ /// Onion payload data used in forwarding the payment.
+ next_hop_data: msgs::OnionHopData,
+ /// HMAC of the next hop's onion packet.
+ next_hop_hmac: [u8; 32],
+ /// Bytes of the onion packet we're forwarding.
+ new_packet_bytes: [u8; 20*65],
+ },
+/// Error returned when we fail to decode the onion packet.
+pub(crate) enum OnionDecodeErr {
+ /// The HMAC of the onion packet did not match the hop data.
+ Malformed {
+ err_msg: &'static str,
+ err_code: u16,
+ },
+ /// We failed to decode the onion payload.
+ Relay {
+ err_msg: &'static str,
+ err_code: u16,
+ },
+pub(crate) fn decode_next_hop(shared_secret: [u8; 32], hop_data: &[u8], hmac_bytes: [u8; 32], payment_hash: PaymentHash) -> Result<Hop, OnionDecodeErr> {
+ let (rho, mu) = gen_rho_mu_from_shared_secret(&shared_secret);
+ let mut hmac = HmacEngine::<Sha256>::new(&mu);
+ hmac.input(hop_data);
+ hmac.input(&payment_hash.0[..]);
+ if !fixed_time_eq(&Hmac::from_engine(hmac).into_inner(), &hmac_bytes) {
+ return Err(OnionDecodeErr::Malformed {
+ err_msg: "HMAC Check failed",
+ err_code: 0x8000 | 0x4000 | 5,
+ });
+ }
+ let mut chacha = ChaCha20::new(&rho, &[0u8; 8]);
+ let mut chacha_stream = ChaChaReader { chacha: &mut chacha, read: Cursor::new(&hop_data[..]) };
+ match <msgs::OnionHopData as Readable>::read(&mut chacha_stream) {
+ Err(err) => {
+ let error_code = match err {
+ msgs::DecodeError::UnknownVersion => 0x4000 | 1, // unknown realm byte
+ msgs::DecodeError::UnknownRequiredFeature|
+ msgs::DecodeError::InvalidValue|
+ msgs::DecodeError::ShortRead => 0x4000 | 22, // invalid_onion_payload
+ _ => 0x2000 | 2, // Should never happen
+ };
+ return Err(OnionDecodeErr::Relay {
+ err_msg: "Unable to decode our hop data",
+ err_code: error_code,
+ });
+ },
+ Ok(msg) => {
+ let mut hmac = [0; 32];
+ if let Err(_) = chacha_stream.read_exact(&mut hmac[..]) {
+ return Err(OnionDecodeErr::Relay {
+ err_msg: "Unable to decode our hop data",
+ err_code: 0x4000 | 22,
+ });
+ }
+ if hmac == [0; 32] {
+ #[cfg(test)]
+ {
+ // In tests, make sure that the initial onion packet data is, at least, non-0.
+ // We could do some fancy randomness test here, but, ehh, whatever.
+ // This checks for the issue where you can calculate the path length given the
+ // onion data as all the path entries that the originator sent will be here
+ // as-is (and were originally 0s).
+ // Of course reverse path calculation is still pretty easy given naive routing
+ // algorithms, but this fixes the most-obvious case.
+ let mut next_bytes = [0; 32];
+ chacha_stream.read_exact(&mut next_bytes).unwrap();
+ assert_ne!(next_bytes[..], [0; 32][..]);
+ chacha_stream.read_exact(&mut next_bytes).unwrap();
+ assert_ne!(next_bytes[..], [0; 32][..]);
+ }
+ return Ok(Hop::Receive(msg));
+ } else {
+ let mut new_packet_bytes = [0; 20*65];
+ let read_pos = new_packet_bytes).unwrap();
+ #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+ {
+ // Check two things:
+ // a) that the behavior of our stream here will return Ok(0) even if the TLV
+ // read above emptied out our buffer and the unwrap() wont needlessly panic
+ // b) that we didn't somehow magically end up with extra data.
+ let mut t = [0; 1];
+ debug_assert!( t).unwrap() == 0);
+ }
+ // Once we've emptied the set of bytes our peer gave us, encrypt 0 bytes until we
+ // fill the onion hop data we'll forward to our next-hop peer.
+ chacha_stream.chacha.process_in_place(&mut new_packet_bytes[read_pos..]);
+ return Ok(Hop::Forward {
+ next_hop_data: msg,
+ next_hop_hmac: hmac,
+ new_packet_bytes,
+ })
+ }
+ },
+ }
mod tests {
use io;