#if ty_info.is_ptr or holds_ref:
# ty_info.subty.requires_clone = False
ty_info.subty.requires_clone = not ty_info.is_ptr or not holds_ref
- if ty_info.subty.rust_obj is not None and ty_info.subty.rust_obj == "LDKChannelMonitor":
+ if not ty_info.subty.is_native_primitive and ty_info.subty.rust_obj == "LDKChannelMonitor":
# We take a Vec of references to ChannelMonitors as input to ChannelManagerReadArgs, if we clone them,
# we end up freeing the clones after creating the ChannelManagerReadArgs before calling the read
# function itself, resulting in a segfault. Thus, we manually check and ensure we don't clone for
arg_conv = ty_info.rust_obj + " " + arr_name + "_constr;\n"
arg_conv = arg_conv + arr_name + "_constr." + arr_len + " = " + self.consts.get_native_arr_len_call[0] + arr_name + self.consts.get_native_arr_len_call[1] + ";\n"
arg_conv = arg_conv + "if (" + arr_name + "_constr." + arr_len + " > 0)\n"
- if subty.rust_obj is None:
+ if subty.is_native_primitive:
szof = subty.c_ty
szof = subty.rust_obj
ret_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_conv", to_hu_conv = None, to_hu_conv_name = None, from_hu_conv = None)
elif ty_info.var_name == "" and not print_void:
# We don't have a parameter name, and want one, just call it arg
- if ty_info.rust_obj is not None:
+ if not ty_info.is_native_primitive:
assert(not is_free or ty_info.rust_obj not in self.opaque_structs)
return ConvInfo(ty_info = ty_info, arg_name = ty_info.var_name,
arg_conv = ty_info.rust_obj + " arg_conv = *(" + ty_info.rust_obj + "*)arg;\nFREE((void*)arg);",
return ConvInfo(ty_info = ty_info, arg_name = ty_info.var_name,
arg_conv = None, arg_conv_name = "arg", arg_conv_cleanup = None,
ret_conv = None, ret_conv_name = None, to_hu_conv = "TODO 8", to_hu_conv_name = None, from_hu_conv = None)
- elif ty_info.rust_obj is None:
+ elif ty_info.is_native_primitive:
return ConvInfo(ty_info = ty_info, arg_name = ty_info.var_name,
arg_conv = None, arg_conv_name = ty_info.var_name, arg_conv_cleanup = None,
ret_conv = None, ret_conv_name = None, to_hu_conv = None, to_hu_conv_name = None, from_hu_conv = None)
c_ty = "int64_t"
fn_arg = fn_arg[8:].strip()
- c_ty = "intptr_t"
+ c_ty = "int64_t"
+ rust_obj = "uintptr_t"
fn_arg = fn_arg[9:].strip()
is_primitive = True
elif is_const and fn_arg.startswith("char *"):
c_ty = consts.ptr_c_ty
java_ty = consts.ptr_native_ty
fn_ty_arg = "J"
- is_primitive = False
var_is_arr = var_is_arr_regex.match(fn_arg)
if var_is_arr is not None or ret_arr_len is not None:
rty = java_c_types(reg_fn.group(1), None)
- if rty is not None and rty.rust_obj is not None and reg_fn.group(2) == rty.java_hu_ty + "_new":
+ if rty is not None and not rty.is_native_primitive and reg_fn.group(2) == rty.java_hu_ty + "_new":
constructor_fns[rty.rust_obj] = reg_fn.group(3)
arr_fn = fn_ret_arr_regex.match(line)