thread_local! {
static DB_TEST_SCHEMA: RefCell<Option<String>> = RefCell::new(None);
+ static IS_TEST_SCHEMA_CLEAN: RefCell<Option<bool>> = RefCell::new(None);
fn blank_signature() -> Signature {
pub(crate) fn db_test_schema() -> String {
DB_TEST_SCHEMA.with(|suffix_reference| {
- let mut suffix_option = suffix_reference.borrow_mut();
- match suffix_option.as_ref() {
- None => {
- let current_time = SystemTime::now();
- let unix_time = current_time.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).expect("Time went backwards");
- let timestamp_seconds = unix_time.as_secs();
- let timestamp_nanos = unix_time.as_nanos();
- let preimage = format!("{}", timestamp_nanos);
- let suffix = Sha256dHash::hash(preimage.as_bytes()).into_inner().to_hex();
- // the schema must start with a letter
- let schema = format!("test_{}_{}", timestamp_seconds, suffix);
- suffix_option.replace(schema.clone());
- schema
- }
- Some(suffix) => {
- suffix.clone()
- }
- }
+ let mut suffix_option = suffix_reference.borrow();
+ suffix_option.as_ref().unwrap().clone()
+struct SchemaSanitizer {}
+impl SchemaSanitizer {
+ fn new() -> Self {
+ IS_TEST_SCHEMA_CLEAN.with(|cleanliness_reference| {
+ let mut is_clean_option = cleanliness_reference.borrow_mut();
+ *is_clean_option = Some(false);
+ });
+ DB_TEST_SCHEMA.with(|suffix_reference| {
+ let mut suffix_option = suffix_reference.borrow_mut();
+ let current_time = SystemTime::now();
+ let unix_time = current_time.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).expect("Time went backwards");
+ let timestamp_seconds = unix_time.as_secs();
+ let timestamp_nanos = unix_time.as_nanos();
+ let preimage = format!("{}", timestamp_nanos);
+ let suffix = Sha256dHash::hash(preimage.as_bytes()).into_inner().to_hex();
+ // the schema must start with a letter
+ let schema = format!("test_{}_{}", timestamp_seconds, suffix);
+ *suffix_option = Some(schema);
+ });
+ return Self {};
+ }
+impl Drop for SchemaSanitizer {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ IS_TEST_SCHEMA_CLEAN.with(|cleanliness_reference| {
+ let is_clean_option = cleanliness_reference.borrow();
+ if let Some(is_clean) = *is_clean_option {
+ assert_eq!(is_clean, true);
+ }
+ });
+ }
async fn clean_test_db() {
let client = crate::connect_to_db().await;
let schema = db_test_schema();
client.execute(&format!("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS {} CASCADE", schema), &[]).await.unwrap();
+ IS_TEST_SCHEMA_CLEAN.with(|cleanliness_reference| {
+ let mut is_clean_option = cleanliness_reference.borrow_mut();
+ *is_clean_option = Some(true);
+ });
async fn test_trivial_setup() {
+ let _sanitizer = SchemaSanitizer::new();
let logger = Arc::new(TestLogger::new());
let network_graph = NetworkGraph::new(Network::Bitcoin, logger.clone());
let network_graph_arc = Arc::new(network_graph);