A config file where the Postgres credentials and Lightning peers can be adjusted. Most adjustments
can be made by setting environment variables, whose usage is as follows:
-| Name | Default | Description |
-| RAPID_GOSSIP_SYNC_SERVER_DB_HOST | localhost | Domain of the Postgres database |
-| RAPID_GOSSIP_SYNC_SERVER_DB_USER | alice | Username to access Postgres |
-| RAPID_GOSSIP_SYNC_SERVER_DB_PASSWORD | _None_ | Password to access Postgres |
-| RAPID_GOSSIP_SYNC_SERVER_DB_NAME | ln_graph_sync | Name of the database to be used for gossip storage |
-| BITCOIN_REST_DOMAIN | | Domain of the [bitcoind REST server](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/REST-interface.md) |
-| BITCOIN_REST_PORT | 8332 | HTTP port of the bitcoind REST server |
-| BITCOIN_REST_PATH | /rest/ | Path infix to access the bitcoind REST endpoints |
-Notably, one property needs to be modified in code, namely the `ln_peers()` method. It specifies how
-many and which peers to use for retrieving gossip.
+| Name | Default | Description |
+| RAPID_GOSSIP_SYNC_SERVER_DB_HOST | localhost | Domain of the Postgres database |
+| RAPID_GOSSIP_SYNC_SERVER_DB_USER | alice | Username to access Postgres |
+| RAPID_GOSSIP_SYNC_SERVER_DB_PASSWORD | _None_ | Password to access Postgres |
+| RAPID_GOSSIP_SYNC_SERVER_DB_NAME | ln_graph_sync | Name of the database to be used for gossip storage |
+| BITCOIN_REST_DOMAIN | | Domain of the [bitcoind REST server](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/REST-interface.md) |
+| BITCOIN_REST_PORT | 8332 | HTTP port of the bitcoind REST server |
+| BITCOIN_REST_PATH | /rest/ | Path infix to access the bitcoind REST endpoints |
+| LN_PEERS | _Wallet of Satoshi_ | Comma separated list of LN peers to use for retrieving gossip |
### downloader
+use crate::hex_utils;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::env;
-use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::io::Cursor;
+use std::net::{SocketAddr, ToSocketAddrs};
+use bitcoin::hashes::hex::FromHex;
use bitcoin::secp256k1::PublicKey;
+use futures::stream::{FuturesUnordered, StreamExt};
use lightning::ln::msgs::ChannelAnnouncement;
use lightning::util::ser::Readable;
use lightning_block_sync::http::HttpEndpoint;
use tokio_postgres::Config;
-use crate::hex_utils;
-use futures::stream::{FuturesUnordered, StreamExt};
pub(crate) const SCHEMA_VERSION: i32 = 8;
pub(crate) const SNAPSHOT_CALCULATION_INTERVAL: u32 = 3600 * 24; // every 24 hours, in seconds
let _ = client.execute("ALTER TABLE channel_announcements SET ( autovacuum_vacuum_insert_scale_factor = 0.005 );", &[]).await;
-/// EDIT ME
pub(crate) fn ln_peers() -> Vec<(PublicKey, SocketAddr)> {
- vec![
- // Bitfinex
- // (hex_utils::to_compressed_pubkey("033d8656219478701227199cbd6f670335c8d408a92ae88b962c49d4dc0e83e025").unwrap(), "".parse().unwrap()),
+ const WALLET_OF_SATOSHI: &str = "035e4ff418fc8b5554c5d9eea66396c227bd429a3251c8cbc711002ba215bfc226@";
+ let list = env::var("LN_PEERS").unwrap_or(WALLET_OF_SATOSHI.to_string());
+ let mut peers = Vec::new();
+ for peer_info in list.split(',') {
+ peers.push(resolve_peer_info(peer_info).expect("Invalid peer info in LN_PEERS"));
+ }
+ peers
+fn resolve_peer_info(peer_info: &str) -> Result<(PublicKey, SocketAddr), &str> {
+ let mut peer_info = peer_info.splitn(2, '@');
+ let pubkey = peer_info.next().ok_or("Invalid peer info. Should be formatted as: `pubkey@host:port`")?;
+ let pubkey = Vec::from_hex(pubkey).map_err(|_| "Invalid node pubkey")?;
+ let pubkey = PublicKey::from_slice(&pubkey).map_err(|_| "Invalid node pubkey")?;
+ let socket_address = peer_info.next().ok_or("Invalid peer info. Should be formatted as: `pubkey@host:port`")?;
+ let socket_address = socket_address
+ .to_socket_addrs()
+ .map_err(|_| "Cannot resolve node address")?
+ .next()
+ .ok_or("Cannot resolve node address")?;
- // Matt Corallo
- // (hex_utils::to_compressed_pubkey("03db10aa09ff04d3568b0621750794063df401e6853c79a21a83e1a3f3b5bfb0c8").unwrap(), "".parse().unwrap())
+ Ok((pubkey, socket_address))
+mod tests {
+ use super::resolve_peer_info;
+ use bitcoin::hashes::hex::ToHex;
- // River Financial
- // (hex_utils::to_compressed_pubkey("03037dc08e9ac63b82581f79b662a4d0ceca8a8ca162b1af3551595b8f2d97b70a").unwrap(), "".parse().unwrap())
+ #[test]
+ fn test_resolve_peer_info() {
+ let wallet_of_satoshi = "035e4ff418fc8b5554c5d9eea66396c227bd429a3251c8cbc711002ba215bfc226@";
+ let (pubkey, socket_address) = resolve_peer_info(wallet_of_satoshi).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(pubkey.serialize().to_hex(), "035e4ff418fc8b5554c5d9eea66396c227bd429a3251c8cbc711002ba215bfc226");
+ assert_eq!(socket_address.to_string(), "");
- // Wallet of Satoshi | 035e4ff418fc8b5554c5d9eea66396c227bd429a3251c8cbc711002ba215bfc226@
- (hex_utils::to_compressed_pubkey("035e4ff418fc8b5554c5d9eea66396c227bd429a3251c8cbc711002ba215bfc226").unwrap(), "".parse().unwrap())
- ]
+ let ipv6 = "033d8656219478701227199cbd6f670335c8d408a92ae88b962c49d4dc0e83e025@[2001:db8::1]:80";
+ let (pubkey, socket_address) = resolve_peer_info(ipv6).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(pubkey.serialize().to_hex(), "033d8656219478701227199cbd6f670335c8d408a92ae88b962c49d4dc0e83e025");
+ assert_eq!(socket_address.to_string(), "[2001:db8::1]:80");
+ let localhost = "033d8656219478701227199cbd6f670335c8d408a92ae88b962c49d4dc0e83e025@localhost:9735";
+ let (pubkey, socket_address) = resolve_peer_info(localhost).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(pubkey.serialize().to_hex(), "033d8656219478701227199cbd6f670335c8d408a92ae88b962c49d4dc0e83e025");
+ let socket_address = socket_address.to_string();
+ assert!(socket_address == "" || socket_address == "[::1]:9735");
+ }