out_java = out_java + ", " + var[0] + " " + var[1]
out_java = out_java + ");\n"
- out_java = out_java + "\tpublic static native " + struct_name + " " + struct_name + "_get_obj_from_jcalls(long val);\n"
# Now that we've written out our java code (and created java_meths), generate C
out_c = "typedef struct " + struct_name + "_JCalls {\n"
out_c = out_c + "\treturn (long)res_ptr;\n"
out_c = out_c + "}\n"
- out_c = out_c + self.c_fn_ty_pfx + "jobject " + self.c_fn_name_pfx + struct_name.replace("_", "_1") + "_1get_1obj_1from_1jcalls (" + self.c_fn_args_pfx + ", " + self.ptr_c_ty + " val) {\n"
- out_c = out_c + "\tjobject ret = (*env)->NewLocalRef(env, ((" + struct_name + "_JCalls*)val)->o);\n"
- out_c = out_c + "\tCHECK(ret != NULL);\n"
- out_c = out_c + "\treturn ret;\n"
- out_c = out_c + "}\n"
return (out_java, out_java_trait, out_c)
def trait_struct_inc_refcnt(self, ty_info):
out_typescript_bindings += f"""): number {{
throw new Error('unimplemented'); // TODO: bind to WASM
- export function {struct_name}_get_obj_from_jcalls(val: number): {struct_name} {{
- throw new Error('unimplemented'); // TODO: bind to WASM
- }}
out_typescript_bindings += '\n// OUT_TYPESCRIPT_BINDINGS :: MAP_TRAIT :: END\n\n\n'
out_c = out_c + "\t//TODO: jobject obj = get object we can call against on j_calls->o\n"
if fn_line.ret_ty_info.c_ty.endswith("Array"):
out_c = out_c + "\t" + fn_line.ret_ty_info.c_ty + " arg; // TODO: Call " + fn_line.fn_name + " on j_calls with instance obj, returning an object"
+ elif fn_line.ret_ty_info.java_ty == "void":
+ out_c = out_c + "\treturn; //TODO: Call " + fn_line.fn_name + " on j_calls with instance obj"
elif not fn_line.ret_ty_info.passed_as_ptr:
- out_c = out_c + "\treturn 0; //TODO: Call " + fn_line.fn_name + " on j_calls with instance obj, retruning " + fn_line.ret_ty_info.java_ty
+ out_c = out_c + "\treturn 0; //TODO: Call " + fn_line.fn_name + " on j_calls with instance obj, returning " + fn_line.ret_ty_info.java_ty
out_c = out_c + "\t" + fn_line.ret_ty_info.rust_obj + "* ret; // TODO: Call " + fn_line.fn_name + " on j_calls with instance obj, returning a pointer"
out_c = out_c + "\treturn (void*) this_arg;\n"
out_c = out_c + "}\n"
- out_c = out_c + "static inline " + struct_name + " " + struct_name + "_init (" + self.c_fn_args_pfx + ", jobject o"
+ out_c = out_c + "static inline " + struct_name + " " + struct_name + "_init (" + self.c_fn_args_pfx + ", /*TODO: JS Object Reference */void* o"
for var in field_var_conversions:
if isinstance(var, ConvInfo):
out_c = out_c + ", " + var.c_ty + " " + var.arg_name
- out_c = out_c + ", jobject " + var[1]
+ out_c = out_c + ", /*TODO: JS Object Reference */void* " + var[1]
out_c = out_c + ") {\n"
- out_c = out_c + "\tjclass c = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, o);\n"
- out_c = out_c + "\tCHECK(c != NULL);\n"
out_c = out_c + "\t" + struct_name + "_JCalls *calls = MALLOC(sizeof(" + struct_name + "_JCalls), \"" + struct_name + "_JCalls\");\n"
out_c = out_c + "\tatomic_init(&calls->refcnt, 1);\n"
out_c = out_c + "\t//TODO: Assign calls->o from o\n"
out_c = out_c + "\t\t." + var.var_name + " = " + var.var_name + ",\n"
out_c = out_c + "\t\t.set_" + var.var_name + " = NULL,\n"
- out_c = out_c + "\t\t." + var[1] + " = " + var[0] + "_init(env, clz, " + var[1] + "),\n"
+ out_c = out_c + "\t\t." + var[1] + " = " + var[0] + "_init(NULL, " + var[1] + "),\n"
out_c = out_c + "\t};\n"
for var in field_var_conversions:
if not isinstance(var, ConvInfo):
out_c = out_c + "\treturn ret;\n"
out_c = out_c + "}\n"
- out_c = out_c + self.c_fn_ty_pfx + "long " + self.c_fn_name_pfx + struct_name.replace("_", "_1") + "_1new (" + self.c_fn_args_pfx + ", jobject o"
+ out_c = out_c + self.c_fn_ty_pfx + "long " + self.c_fn_name_pfx + struct_name.replace("_", "_1") + "_1new (" + self.c_fn_args_pfx + ", /*TODO: JS Object Reference */void* o"
for var in field_var_conversions:
if isinstance(var, ConvInfo):
out_c = out_c + ", " + var.c_ty + " " + var.arg_name
- out_c = out_c + ", jobject " + var[1]
+ out_c = out_c + ", /*TODO: JS Object Reference */ void* " + var[1]
out_c = out_c + ") {\n"
out_c = out_c + "\t" + struct_name + " *res_ptr = MALLOC(sizeof(" + struct_name + "), \"" + struct_name + "\");\n"
- out_c = out_c + "\t*res_ptr = " + struct_name + "_init(env, clz, o"
+ out_c = out_c + "\t*res_ptr = " + struct_name + "_init(NULL, o"
for var in field_var_conversions:
if isinstance(var, ConvInfo):
out_c = out_c + ", " + var.arg_name
out_c = out_c + "\treturn (long)res_ptr;\n"
out_c = out_c + "}\n"
- out_c = out_c + self.c_fn_ty_pfx + "jobject " + self.c_fn_name_pfx + struct_name.replace("_", "_1") + "_1get_1obj_1from_1jcalls (" + self.c_fn_args_pfx + ", " + self.ptr_c_ty + " val) {\n"
- out_c = out_c + "\tjobject ret = (*env)->NewLocalRef(env, ((" + struct_name + "_JCalls*)val)->o);\n"
- out_c = out_c + "\tCHECK(ret != NULL);\n"
- out_c = out_c + "\treturn ret;\n"
- out_c = out_c + "}\n"
return (out_typescript_bindings, out_typescript_human, out_c)
def trait_struct_inc_refcnt(self, ty_info):