use tokio_postgres::{Client, Connection, NoTls, Socket};
use tokio_postgres::tls::NoTlsStream;
+use futures::StreamExt;
use crate::{config, TestLogger};
use crate::serialization::MutatedProperties;
println!("Obtaining corresponding database entries");
// get all the channel announcements that are currently in the network graph
- let announcement_rows = client.query("SELECT announcement_signed, seen FROM channel_announcements WHERE short_channel_id = any($1) ORDER BY short_channel_id ASC", &[&channel_ids]).await.unwrap();
+ let announcement_rows = client.query_raw("SELECT announcement_signed, seen FROM channel_announcements WHERE short_channel_id = any($1) ORDER BY short_channel_id ASC", [&channel_ids]).await.unwrap();
+ let mut pinned_rows = Box::pin(announcement_rows);
- for current_announcement_row in announcement_rows {
+ while let Some(row_res) = {
+ let current_announcement_row = row_res.unwrap();
let blob: Vec<u8> = current_announcement_row.get("announcement_signed");
let mut readable = Cursor::new(blob);
let unsigned_announcement = ChannelAnnouncement::read(&mut readable).unwrap().contents;
// here is where the channels whose first update in either direction occurred after
// `last_seen_timestamp` are added to the selection
- let newer_oldest_directional_updates = client.query("
+ let params: [&(dyn tokio_postgres::types::ToSql + Sync); 2] =
+ [&channel_ids, &last_sync_timestamp_object];
+ let newer_oldest_directional_updates = client.query_raw("
SELECT DISTINCT ON (short_channel_id) *
ORDER BY short_channel_id ASC, seen DESC
) AS distinct_chans
WHERE distinct_chans.seen >= $2
- ", &[&channel_ids, &last_sync_timestamp_object]).await.unwrap();
+ ", params).await.unwrap();
+ let mut pinned_updates = Box::pin(newer_oldest_directional_updates);
+ while let Some(row_res) = {
+ let current_row = row_res.unwrap();
- for current_row in newer_oldest_directional_updates {
let scid: i64 = current_row.get("short_channel_id");
let current_seen_timestamp_object: SystemTime = current_row.get("seen");
let current_seen_timestamp: u32 = current_seen_timestamp_object.duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_secs() as u32;
let reminder_threshold_timestamp = SystemTime::now().checked_sub(config::CHANNEL_REMINDER_AGE).unwrap();
let read_only_graph = network_graph.read_only();
- let older_latest_directional_updates = client.query("
+ let params: [&(dyn tokio_postgres::types::ToSql + Sync); 2] =
+ [&channel_ids, &reminder_threshold_timestamp];
+ let older_latest_directional_updates = client.query_raw("
SELECT short_channel_id FROM (
SELECT DISTINCT ON (short_channel_id) *
ORDER BY short_channel_id ASC, seen ASC
) AS distinct_chans
WHERE distinct_chans.seen <= $2
- ", &[&channel_ids, &reminder_threshold_timestamp]).await.unwrap();
+ ", params).await.unwrap();
+ let mut pinned_updates = Box::pin(older_latest_directional_updates);
- for current_row in older_latest_directional_updates {
+ while let Some(row_res) = {
+ let current_row = row_res.unwrap();
let scid: i64 = current_row.get("short_channel_id");
// annotate this channel as requiring that reminders be sent to the client
// get the latest channel update in each direction prior to last_sync_timestamp, provided
// there was an update in either direction that happened after the last sync (to avoid
// collecting too many reference updates)
- let reference_rows = client.query("
+ let reference_rows = client.query_raw("
SELECT id, direction, blob_signed FROM channel_updates
SELECT DISTINCT ON (short_channel_id, direction) id
FROM channel_updates
WHERE seen >= $1
- ", &[&last_sync_timestamp_object]).await.unwrap();
+ ", [last_sync_timestamp_object]).await.unwrap();
+ let mut pinned_rows = Box::pin(reference_rows);
- println!("Fetched reference rows ({}): {:?}", reference_rows.len(), start.elapsed());
+ println!("Fetched reference rows in {:?}", start.elapsed());
- let mut last_seen_update_ids: Vec<i32> = Vec::with_capacity(reference_rows.len());
+ let mut last_seen_update_ids: Vec<i32> = Vec::new();
let mut non_intermediate_ids: HashSet<i32> = HashSet::new();
+ let mut reference_row_count = 0;
- for current_reference in reference_rows {
+ while let Some(row_res) = {
+ let current_reference = row_res.unwrap();
let update_id: i32 = current_reference.get("id");
update_delta.last_update_before_seen = Some(unsigned_channel_update);
+ reference_row_count += 1;
- println!("Processed reference rows (delta size: {}): {:?}", delta_set.len(), start.elapsed());
+ println!("Processed {} reference rows (delta size: {}) in {:?}",
+ reference_row_count, delta_set.len(), start.elapsed());
// get all the intermediate channel updates
// (to calculate the set of mutated fields for snapshotting, where intermediate updates may
// have been omitted)
- let intermediate_updates = client.query("
+ let intermediate_updates = client.query_raw("
SELECT id, direction, blob_signed, seen
FROM channel_updates
WHERE seen >= $1
- ", &[&last_sync_timestamp_object]).await.unwrap();
- println!("Fetched intermediate rows ({}): {:?}", intermediate_updates.len(), start.elapsed());
+ ", [last_sync_timestamp_object]).await.unwrap();
+ let mut pinned_updates = Box::pin(intermediate_updates);
+ println!("Fetched intermediate rows in {:?}", start.elapsed());
let mut previous_scid = u64::MAX;
let mut previously_seen_directions = (false, false);
// let mut previously_seen_directions = (false, false);
let mut intermediate_update_count = 0;
- for intermediate_update in intermediate_updates {
+ while let Some(row_res) = {
+ let intermediate_update = row_res.unwrap();
let update_id: i32 = intermediate_update.get("id");
if non_intermediate_ids.contains(&update_id) {