use lightning::chain;
use lightning::chain::chaininterface::{BroadcasterInterface, FeeEstimator};
-use lightning::chain::keysinterface::{ChannelKeys, KeysInterface};
+use lightning::chain::keysinterface::{Sign, KeysInterface};
use lightning::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager;
use lightning::util::logger::Logger;
-use lightning::util::ser::Writeable;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::thread;
/// [`thread_handle`]: struct.BackgroundProcessor.html#structfield.thread_handle
/// [`ChannelManager::write`]: ../lightning/ln/channelmanager/struct.ChannelManager.html#method.write
/// [`FilesystemPersister::persist_manager`]: ../lightning_persister/struct.FilesystemPersister.html#impl
- pub fn start<PM, ChanSigner, M, T, K, F, L>(persist_manager: PM, manager: Arc<ChannelManager<ChanSigner, Arc<M>, Arc<T>, Arc<K>, Arc<F>, Arc<L>>>, logger: Arc<L>) -> Self
- where ChanSigner: 'static + ChannelKeys + Writeable,
- M: 'static + chain::Watch<Keys=ChanSigner>,
+ pub fn start<PM, Signer, M, T, K, F, L>(persist_manager: PM, manager: Arc<ChannelManager<Signer, Arc<M>, Arc<T>, Arc<K>, Arc<F>, Arc<L>>>, logger: Arc<L>) -> Self
+ where Signer: 'static + Sign,
+ M: 'static + chain::Watch<ChanSigner=Signer>,
T: 'static + BroadcasterInterface,
- K: 'static + KeysInterface<ChanKeySigner=ChanSigner>,
+ K: 'static + KeysInterface<Signer=Signer>,
F: 'static + FeeEstimator,
L: 'static + Logger,
- PM: 'static + Send + Fn(&ChannelManager<ChanSigner, Arc<M>, Arc<T>, Arc<K>, Arc<F>, Arc<L>>) -> Result<(), std::io::Error>,
+ PM: 'static + Send + Fn(&ChannelManager<Signer, Arc<M>, Arc<T>, Arc<K>, Arc<F>, Arc<L>>) -> Result<(), std::io::Error>,
let stop_thread = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
let stop_thread_clone = stop_thread.clone();
use lightning::chain;
use lightning::chain::chaininterface::{BroadcasterInterface, FeeEstimator};
use lightning::chain::chainmonitor;
- use lightning::chain::keysinterface::{ChannelKeys, InMemoryChannelKeys, KeysInterface, KeysManager};
+ use lightning::chain::keysinterface::{Sign, InMemorySigner, KeysInterface, KeysManager};
use lightning::chain::transaction::OutPoint;
use lightning::get_event_msg;
use lightning::ln::channelmanager::{ChannelManager, SimpleArcChannelManager};
use std::time::Duration;
use super::BackgroundProcessor;
- type ChainMonitor = chainmonitor::ChainMonitor<InMemoryChannelKeys, Arc<test_utils::TestChainSource>, Arc<test_utils::TestBroadcaster>, Arc<test_utils::TestFeeEstimator>, Arc<test_utils::TestLogger>, Arc<FilesystemPersister>>;
+ type ChainMonitor = chainmonitor::ChainMonitor<InMemorySigner, Arc<test_utils::TestChainSource>, Arc<test_utils::TestBroadcaster>, Arc<test_utils::TestFeeEstimator>, Arc<test_utils::TestLogger>, Arc<FilesystemPersister>>;
struct Node {
node: SimpleArcChannelManager<ChainMonitor, test_utils::TestBroadcaster, test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, test_utils::TestLogger>,
// Initiate the background processors to watch each node.
let data_dir = nodes[0].persister.get_data_dir();
- let callback = move |node: &ChannelManager<InMemoryChannelKeys, Arc<ChainMonitor>, Arc<test_utils::TestBroadcaster>, Arc<KeysManager>, Arc<test_utils::TestFeeEstimator>, Arc<test_utils::TestLogger>>| FilesystemPersister::persist_manager(data_dir.clone(), node);
+ let callback = move |node: &ChannelManager<InMemorySigner, Arc<ChainMonitor>, Arc<test_utils::TestBroadcaster>, Arc<KeysManager>, Arc<test_utils::TestFeeEstimator>, Arc<test_utils::TestLogger>>| FilesystemPersister::persist_manager(data_dir.clone(), node);
let bg_processor = BackgroundProcessor::start(callback, nodes[0].node.clone(), nodes[0].logger.clone());
// Go through the channel creation process until each node should have something persisted.
let nodes = create_nodes(1, "test_chan_freshness_called".to_string());
let data_dir = nodes[0].persister.get_data_dir();
- let callback = move |node: &ChannelManager<InMemoryChannelKeys, Arc<ChainMonitor>, Arc<test_utils::TestBroadcaster>, Arc<KeysManager>, Arc<test_utils::TestFeeEstimator>, Arc<test_utils::TestLogger>>| FilesystemPersister::persist_manager(data_dir.clone(), node);
+ let callback = move |node: &ChannelManager<InMemorySigner, Arc<ChainMonitor>, Arc<test_utils::TestBroadcaster>, Arc<KeysManager>, Arc<test_utils::TestFeeEstimator>, Arc<test_utils::TestLogger>>| FilesystemPersister::persist_manager(data_dir.clone(), node);
let bg_processor = BackgroundProcessor::start(callback, nodes[0].node.clone(), nodes[0].logger.clone());
loop {
let log_entries = nodes[0].logger.lines.lock().unwrap();
fn test_persist_error() {
// Test that if we encounter an error during manager persistence, the thread panics.
- fn persist_manager<ChanSigner, M, T, K, F, L>(_data: &ChannelManager<ChanSigner, Arc<M>, Arc<T>, Arc<K>, Arc<F>, Arc<L>>) -> Result<(), std::io::Error>
- where ChanSigner: 'static + ChannelKeys + Writeable,
- M: 'static + chain::Watch<Keys=ChanSigner>,
+ fn persist_manager<Signer, M, T, K, F, L>(_data: &ChannelManager<Signer, Arc<M>, Arc<T>, Arc<K>, Arc<F>, Arc<L>>) -> Result<(), std::io::Error>
+ where Signer: 'static + Sign,
+ M: 'static + chain::Watch<ChanSigner=Signer>,
T: 'static + BroadcasterInterface,
- K: 'static + KeysInterface<ChanKeySigner=ChanSigner>,
+ K: 'static + KeysInterface<Signer=Signer>,
F: 'static + FeeEstimator,
L: 'static + Logger,
use lightning::chain::channelmonitor::{ChannelMonitor, ChannelMonitorUpdateErr, MonitorEvent};
use lightning::chain::transaction::OutPoint;
use lightning::chain::chaininterface::{BroadcasterInterface, ConfirmationTarget, FeeEstimator};
-use lightning::chain::keysinterface::{KeysInterface, InMemoryChannelKeys};
+use lightning::chain::keysinterface::{KeysInterface, InMemorySigner};
use lightning::ln::channelmanager::{ChannelManager, PaymentHash, PaymentPreimage, PaymentSecret, PaymentSendFailure, ChannelManagerReadArgs};
use lightning::ln::features::{ChannelFeatures, InitFeatures, NodeFeatures};
use lightning::ln::msgs::{CommitmentUpdate, ChannelMessageHandler, DecodeError, ErrorAction, UpdateAddHTLC, Init};
-use lightning::util::enforcing_trait_impls::{EnforcingChannelKeys, INITIAL_REVOKED_COMMITMENT_NUMBER};
+use lightning::util::enforcing_trait_impls::{EnforcingSigner, INITIAL_REVOKED_COMMITMENT_NUMBER};
use lightning::util::errors::APIError;
use lightning::util::events;
use lightning::util::logger::Logger;
struct TestChainMonitor {
pub logger: Arc<dyn Logger>,
- pub chain_monitor: Arc<chainmonitor::ChainMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys, Arc<dyn chain::Filter>, Arc<TestBroadcaster>, Arc<FuzzEstimator>, Arc<dyn Logger>, Arc<TestPersister>>>,
+ pub chain_monitor: Arc<chainmonitor::ChainMonitor<EnforcingSigner, Arc<dyn chain::Filter>, Arc<TestBroadcaster>, Arc<FuzzEstimator>, Arc<dyn Logger>, Arc<TestPersister>>>,
pub update_ret: Mutex<Result<(), channelmonitor::ChannelMonitorUpdateErr>>,
// If we reload a node with an old copy of ChannelMonitors, the ChannelManager deserialization
// logic will automatically force-close our channels for us (as we don't have an up-to-date
impl chain::Watch for TestChainMonitor {
- type Keys = EnforcingChannelKeys;
+ type ChanSigner = EnforcingSigner;
- fn watch_channel(&self, funding_txo: OutPoint, monitor: channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>) -> Result<(), channelmonitor::ChannelMonitorUpdateErr> {
+ fn watch_channel(&self, funding_txo: OutPoint, monitor: channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>) -> Result<(), channelmonitor::ChannelMonitorUpdateErr> {
let mut ser = VecWriter(Vec::new());
monitor.write(&mut ser).unwrap();
if let Some(_) = self.latest_monitors.lock().unwrap().insert(funding_txo, (monitor.get_latest_update_id(), ser.0)) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(entry) => entry,
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(_) => panic!("Didn't have monitor on update call"),
- let mut deserialized_monitor = <(BlockHash, channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>)>::
+ let mut deserialized_monitor = <(BlockHash, channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>)>::
read(&mut Cursor::new(&map_entry.get().1), &OnlyReadsKeysInterface {}).unwrap().1;
deserialized_monitor.update_monitor(&update, &&TestBroadcaster{}, &&FuzzEstimator{}, &self.logger).unwrap();
let mut ser = VecWriter(Vec::new());
revoked_commitments: Mutex<HashMap<[u8;32], Arc<Mutex<u64>>>>,
impl KeysInterface for KeyProvider {
- type ChanKeySigner = EnforcingChannelKeys;
+ type Signer = EnforcingSigner;
fn get_node_secret(&self) -> SecretKey {
SecretKey::from_slice(&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, self.node_id]).unwrap()
PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, self.node_id]).unwrap())
- fn get_channel_keys(&self, _inbound: bool, channel_value_satoshis: u64) -> EnforcingChannelKeys {
+ fn get_channel_signer(&self, _inbound: bool, channel_value_satoshis: u64) -> EnforcingSigner {
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::signing_only();
let id = self.rand_bytes_id.fetch_add(1, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
- let keys = InMemoryChannelKeys::new(
+ let keys = InMemorySigner::new(
SecretKey::from_slice(&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, self.node_id]).unwrap(),
SecretKey::from_slice(&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, self.node_id]).unwrap(),
[0; 32],
let revoked_commitment = self.make_revoked_commitment_cell(keys.commitment_seed);
- EnforcingChannelKeys::new_with_revoked(keys, revoked_commitment, false)
+ EnforcingSigner::new_with_revoked(keys, revoked_commitment, false)
fn get_secure_random_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, id, 11, self.node_id]
- fn read_chan_signer(&self, buffer: &[u8]) -> Result<Self::ChanKeySigner, DecodeError> {
+ fn read_chan_signer(&self, buffer: &[u8]) -> Result<Self::Signer, DecodeError> {
let mut reader = std::io::Cursor::new(buffer);
- let inner: InMemoryChannelKeys = Readable::read(&mut reader)?;
+ let inner: InMemorySigner = Readable::read(&mut reader)?;
let revoked_commitment = self.make_revoked_commitment_cell(inner.commitment_seed);
let last_commitment_number = Readable::read(&mut reader)?;
- Ok(EnforcingChannelKeys {
+ Ok(EnforcingSigner {
last_commitment_number: Arc::new(Mutex::new(last_commitment_number)),
-type ChanMan = ChannelManager<EnforcingChannelKeys, Arc<TestChainMonitor>, Arc<TestBroadcaster>, Arc<KeyProvider>, Arc<FuzzEstimator>, Arc<dyn Logger>>;
+type ChanMan = ChannelManager<EnforcingSigner, Arc<TestChainMonitor>, Arc<TestBroadcaster>, Arc<KeyProvider>, Arc<FuzzEstimator>, Arc<dyn Logger>>;
fn send_payment(source: &ChanMan, dest: &ChanMan, dest_chan_id: u64, amt: u64, payment_id: &mut u8) -> bool {
let mut monitors = HashMap::new();
let mut old_monitors = $old_monitors.latest_monitors.lock().unwrap();
for (outpoint, (update_id, monitor_ser)) in old_monitors.drain() {
- monitors.insert(outpoint, <(BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>)>::read(&mut Cursor::new(&monitor_ser), &OnlyReadsKeysInterface {}).expect("Failed to read monitor").1);
+ monitors.insert(outpoint, <(BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>)>::read(&mut Cursor::new(&monitor_ser), &OnlyReadsKeysInterface {}).expect("Failed to read monitor").1);
chain_monitor.latest_monitors.lock().unwrap().insert(outpoint, (update_id, monitor_ser));
let mut monitor_refs = HashMap::new();
use bitcoin::hash_types::BlockHash;
use lightning::chain::channelmonitor;
-use lightning::util::enforcing_trait_impls::EnforcingChannelKeys;
+use lightning::util::enforcing_trait_impls::EnforcingSigner;
use lightning::util::ser::{ReadableArgs, Writer, Writeable};
use lightning::util::test_utils::OnlyReadsKeysInterface;
pub fn do_test<Out: test_logger::Output>(data: &[u8], _out: Out) {
- if let Ok((latest_block_hash, monitor)) = <(BlockHash, channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>)>::read(&mut Cursor::new(data), &OnlyReadsKeysInterface {}) {
+ if let Ok((latest_block_hash, monitor)) = <(BlockHash, channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>)>::read(&mut Cursor::new(data), &OnlyReadsKeysInterface {}) {
let mut w = VecWriter(Vec::new());
monitor.write(&mut w).unwrap();
- let deserialized_copy = <(BlockHash, channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>)>::read(&mut Cursor::new(&w.0), &OnlyReadsKeysInterface {}).unwrap();
+ let deserialized_copy = <(BlockHash, channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>)>::read(&mut Cursor::new(&w.0), &OnlyReadsKeysInterface {}).unwrap();
assert!(latest_block_hash == deserialized_copy.0);
assert!(monitor == deserialized_copy.1);
use lightning::chain::chaininterface::{BroadcasterInterface, ConfirmationTarget, FeeEstimator};
use lightning::chain::chainmonitor;
use lightning::chain::transaction::OutPoint;
-use lightning::chain::keysinterface::{InMemoryChannelKeys, KeysInterface};
+use lightning::chain::keysinterface::{InMemorySigner, KeysInterface};
use lightning::ln::channelmanager::{ChannelManager, PaymentHash, PaymentPreimage, PaymentSecret};
use lightning::ln::peer_handler::{MessageHandler,PeerManager,SocketDescriptor};
use lightning::ln::msgs::DecodeError;
use lightning::routing::network_graph::NetGraphMsgHandler;
use lightning::util::config::UserConfig;
use lightning::util::events::{EventsProvider,Event};
-use lightning::util::enforcing_trait_impls::EnforcingChannelKeys;
+use lightning::util::enforcing_trait_impls::EnforcingSigner;
use lightning::util::logger::Logger;
use lightning::util::ser::Readable;
type ChannelMan = ChannelManager<
- EnforcingChannelKeys,
- Arc<chainmonitor::ChainMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys, Arc<dyn chain::Filter>, Arc<TestBroadcaster>, Arc<FuzzEstimator>, Arc<dyn Logger>, Arc<TestPersister>>>,
+ EnforcingSigner,
+ Arc<chainmonitor::ChainMonitor<EnforcingSigner, Arc<dyn chain::Filter>, Arc<TestBroadcaster>, Arc<FuzzEstimator>, Arc<dyn Logger>, Arc<TestPersister>>>,
Arc<TestBroadcaster>, Arc<KeyProvider>, Arc<FuzzEstimator>, Arc<dyn Logger>>;
type PeerMan<'a> = PeerManager<Peer<'a>, Arc<ChannelMan>, Arc<NetGraphMsgHandler<Arc<dyn chain::Access>, Arc<dyn Logger>>>, Arc<dyn Logger>>;
struct MoneyLossDetector<'a> {
manager: Arc<ChannelMan>,
- monitor: Arc<chainmonitor::ChainMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys, Arc<dyn chain::Filter>, Arc<TestBroadcaster>, Arc<FuzzEstimator>, Arc<dyn Logger>, Arc<TestPersister>>>,
+ monitor: Arc<chainmonitor::ChainMonitor<EnforcingSigner, Arc<dyn chain::Filter>, Arc<TestBroadcaster>, Arc<FuzzEstimator>, Arc<dyn Logger>, Arc<TestPersister>>>,
handler: PeerMan<'a>,
peers: &'a RefCell<[bool; 256]>,
impl<'a> MoneyLossDetector<'a> {
pub fn new(peers: &'a RefCell<[bool; 256]>,
manager: Arc<ChannelMan>,
- monitor: Arc<chainmonitor::ChainMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys, Arc<dyn chain::Filter>, Arc<TestBroadcaster>, Arc<FuzzEstimator>, Arc<dyn Logger>, Arc<TestPersister>>>,
+ monitor: Arc<chainmonitor::ChainMonitor<EnforcingSigner, Arc<dyn chain::Filter>, Arc<TestBroadcaster>, Arc<FuzzEstimator>, Arc<dyn Logger>, Arc<TestPersister>>>,
handler: PeerMan<'a>) -> Self {
MoneyLossDetector {
counter: AtomicU64,
impl KeysInterface for KeyProvider {
- type ChanKeySigner = EnforcingChannelKeys;
+ type Signer = EnforcingSigner;
fn get_node_secret(&self) -> SecretKey {
PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]).unwrap())
- fn get_channel_keys(&self, inbound: bool, channel_value_satoshis: u64) -> EnforcingChannelKeys {
+ fn get_channel_signer(&self, inbound: bool, channel_value_satoshis: u64) -> EnforcingSigner {
let ctr = self.counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed) as u8;
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::signing_only();
- EnforcingChannelKeys::new(if inbound {
- InMemoryChannelKeys::new(
+ EnforcingSigner::new(if inbound {
+ InMemorySigner::new(
SecretKey::from_slice(&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, ctr]).unwrap(),
SecretKey::from_slice(&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, ctr]).unwrap(),
[0; 32]
} else {
- InMemoryChannelKeys::new(
+ InMemorySigner::new(
SecretKey::from_slice(&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, ctr]).unwrap(),
SecretKey::from_slice(&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, ctr]).unwrap(),
(ctr >> 8*7) as u8, (ctr >> 8*6) as u8, (ctr >> 8*5) as u8, (ctr >> 8*4) as u8, (ctr >> 8*3) as u8, (ctr >> 8*2) as u8, (ctr >> 8*1) as u8, 14, (ctr >> 8*0) as u8]
- fn read_chan_signer(&self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<EnforcingChannelKeys, DecodeError> {
- EnforcingChannelKeys::read(&mut std::io::Cursor::new(data))
+ fn read_chan_signer(&self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<EnforcingSigner, DecodeError> {
+ EnforcingSigner::read(&mut std::io::Cursor::new(data))
use lightning::chain::channelmonitor;
use lightning::chain::transaction::OutPoint;
-use lightning::util::enforcing_trait_impls::EnforcingChannelKeys;
+use lightning::util::enforcing_trait_impls::EnforcingSigner;
pub struct TestPersister {}
-impl channelmonitor::Persist<EnforcingChannelKeys> for TestPersister {
- fn persist_new_channel(&self, _funding_txo: OutPoint, _data: &channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>) -> Result<(), channelmonitor::ChannelMonitorUpdateErr> {
+impl channelmonitor::Persist<EnforcingSigner> for TestPersister {
+ fn persist_new_channel(&self, _funding_txo: OutPoint, _data: &channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>) -> Result<(), channelmonitor::ChannelMonitorUpdateErr> {
- fn update_persisted_channel(&self, _funding_txo: OutPoint, _update: &channelmonitor::ChannelMonitorUpdate, _data: &channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>) -> Result<(), channelmonitor::ChannelMonitorUpdateErr> {
+ fn update_persisted_channel(&self, _funding_txo: OutPoint, _update: &channelmonitor::ChannelMonitorUpdate, _data: &channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>) -> Result<(), channelmonitor::ChannelMonitorUpdateErr> {
//! type Logger = dyn lightning::util::logger::Logger;
//! type ChainAccess = dyn lightning::chain::Access;
//! type ChainFilter = dyn lightning::chain::Filter;
-//! type DataPersister = dyn lightning::chain::channelmonitor::Persist<lightning::chain::keysinterface::InMemoryChannelKeys>;
-//! type ChainMonitor = lightning::chain::chainmonitor::ChainMonitor<lightning::chain::keysinterface::InMemoryChannelKeys, Arc<ChainFilter>, Arc<TxBroadcaster>, Arc<FeeEstimator>, Arc<Logger>, Arc<DataPersister>>;
+//! type DataPersister = dyn lightning::chain::channelmonitor::Persist<lightning::chain::keysinterface::InMemorySigner>;
+//! type ChainMonitor = lightning::chain::chainmonitor::ChainMonitor<lightning::chain::keysinterface::InMemorySigner, Arc<ChainFilter>, Arc<TxBroadcaster>, Arc<FeeEstimator>, Arc<Logger>, Arc<DataPersister>>;
//! type ChannelManager = lightning::ln::channelmanager::SimpleArcChannelManager<ChainMonitor, TxBroadcaster, FeeEstimator, Logger>;
//! type PeerManager = lightning::ln::peer_handler::SimpleArcPeerManager<lightning_net_tokio::SocketDescriptor, ChainMonitor, TxBroadcaster, FeeEstimator, ChainAccess, Logger>;
use lightning::chain::chaininterface::{BroadcasterInterface, FeeEstimator};
use lightning::chain::channelmonitor::{ChannelMonitor, ChannelMonitorUpdate, ChannelMonitorUpdateErr};
use lightning::chain::channelmonitor;
-use lightning::chain::keysinterface::{ChannelKeys, KeysInterface};
+use lightning::chain::keysinterface::{Sign, KeysInterface};
use lightning::chain::transaction::OutPoint;
use lightning::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager;
use lightning::util::logger::Logger;
path_to_channel_data: String,
-impl<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys> DiskWriteable for ChannelMonitor<ChanSigner> {
+impl<Signer: Sign> DiskWriteable for ChannelMonitor<Signer> {
fn write_to_file(&self, writer: &mut fs::File) -> Result<(), Error> {
-impl<ChanSigner, M, T, K, F, L> DiskWriteable for ChannelManager<ChanSigner, Arc<M>, Arc<T>, Arc<K>, Arc<F>, Arc<L>>
-where ChanSigner: ChannelKeys + Writeable,
- M: chain::Watch<Keys=ChanSigner>,
- T: BroadcasterInterface,
- K: KeysInterface<ChanKeySigner=ChanSigner>,
- F: FeeEstimator,
- L: Logger,
+impl<Signer: Sign, M, T, K, F, L> DiskWriteable for ChannelManager<Signer, Arc<M>, Arc<T>, Arc<K>, Arc<F>, Arc<L>>
+where M: chain::Watch<ChanSigner=Signer>,
+ T: BroadcasterInterface,
+ K: KeysInterface<Signer=Signer>,
+ F: FeeEstimator,
+ L: Logger,
fn write_to_file(&self, writer: &mut fs::File) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
/// Writes the provided `ChannelManager` to the path provided at `FilesystemPersister`
/// initialization, within a file called "manager".
- pub fn persist_manager<ChanSigner, M, T, K, F, L>(
+ pub fn persist_manager<Signer, M, T, K, F, L>(
data_dir: String,
- manager: &ChannelManager<ChanSigner, Arc<M>, Arc<T>, Arc<K>, Arc<F>, Arc<L>>
+ manager: &ChannelManager<Signer, Arc<M>, Arc<T>, Arc<K>, Arc<F>, Arc<L>>
) -> Result<(), std::io::Error>
- where ChanSigner: ChannelKeys + Writeable,
- M: chain::Watch<Keys=ChanSigner>,
- T: BroadcasterInterface,
- K: KeysInterface<ChanKeySigner=ChanSigner>,
- F: FeeEstimator,
- L: Logger
+ where Signer: Sign,
+ M: chain::Watch<ChanSigner=Signer>,
+ T: BroadcasterInterface,
+ K: KeysInterface<Signer=Signer>,
+ F: FeeEstimator,
+ L: Logger
util::write_to_file(data_dir, "manager".to_string(), manager)
fn load_channel_data<Keys: KeysInterface>(&self, keys: &Keys) ->
- Result<HashMap<OutPoint, ChannelMonitor<Keys::ChanKeySigner>>, ChannelMonitorUpdateErr> {
+ Result<HashMap<OutPoint, ChannelMonitor<Keys::Signer>>, ChannelMonitorUpdateErr> {
if let Err(_) = fs::create_dir_all(&self.path_to_channel_data) {
return Err(ChannelMonitorUpdateErr::PermanentFailure);
if contents.is_err() { return Err(ChannelMonitorUpdateErr::PermanentFailure); }
if let Ok((_, loaded_monitor)) =
- <(BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<Keys::ChanKeySigner>)>::read(&mut Cursor::new(&contents.unwrap()), keys) {
+ <(BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<Keys::Signer>)>::read(&mut Cursor::new(&contents.unwrap()), keys) {
res.insert(OutPoint { txid: txid.unwrap(), index: index.unwrap() }, loaded_monitor);
} else {
return Err(ChannelMonitorUpdateErr::PermanentFailure);
-impl<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys + Send + Sync> channelmonitor::Persist<ChanSigner> for FilesystemPersister {
+impl<ChanSigner: Sign + Send + Sync> channelmonitor::Persist<ChanSigner> for FilesystemPersister {
fn persist_new_channel(&self, funding_txo: OutPoint, monitor: &ChannelMonitor<ChanSigner>) -> Result<(), ChannelMonitorUpdateErr> {
let filename = format!("{}_{}", funding_txo.txid.to_hex(), funding_txo.index);
util::write_to_file(self.path_to_channel_data.clone(), filename, monitor)
use chain::channelmonitor;
use chain::channelmonitor::{ChannelMonitor, ChannelMonitorUpdate, ChannelMonitorUpdateErr, MonitorEvent, Persist};
use chain::transaction::{OutPoint, TransactionData};
-use chain::keysinterface::ChannelKeys;
+use chain::keysinterface::Sign;
use util::logger::Logger;
use util::events;
use util::events::Event;
/// [`chain::Watch`]: ../trait.Watch.html
/// [`ChannelManager`]: ../../ln/channelmanager/struct.ChannelManager.html
/// [module-level documentation]: index.html
-pub struct ChainMonitor<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys, C: Deref, T: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref, P: Deref>
+pub struct ChainMonitor<ChanSigner: Sign, C: Deref, T: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref, P: Deref>
where C::Target: chain::Filter,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
persister: P,
-impl<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys, C: Deref, T: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref, P: Deref> ChainMonitor<ChanSigner, C, T, F, L, P>
+impl<ChanSigner: Sign, C: Deref, T: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref, P: Deref> ChainMonitor<ChanSigner, C, T, F, L, P>
where C::Target: chain::Filter,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
-impl<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys, C: Deref + Sync + Send, T: Deref + Sync + Send, F: Deref + Sync + Send, L: Deref + Sync + Send, P: Deref + Sync + Send> chain::Watch for ChainMonitor<ChanSigner, C, T, F, L, P>
+impl<ChanSigner: Sign, C: Deref + Sync + Send, T: Deref + Sync + Send, F: Deref + Sync + Send, L: Deref + Sync + Send, P: Deref + Sync + Send> chain::Watch for ChainMonitor<ChanSigner, C, T, F, L, P>
where C::Target: chain::Filter,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
L::Target: Logger,
P::Target: channelmonitor::Persist<ChanSigner>,
- type Keys = ChanSigner;
+ type ChanSigner = ChanSigner;
/// Adds the monitor that watches the channel referred to by the given outpoint.
-impl<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys, C: Deref, T: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref, P: Deref> events::EventsProvider for ChainMonitor<ChanSigner, C, T, F, L, P>
+impl<ChanSigner: Sign, C: Deref, T: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref, P: Deref> events::EventsProvider for ChainMonitor<ChanSigner, C, T, F, L, P>
where C::Target: chain::Filter,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
use ln::onchaintx::{OnchainTxHandler, InputDescriptors};
use chain::chaininterface::{BroadcasterInterface, FeeEstimator};
use chain::transaction::{OutPoint, TransactionData};
-use chain::keysinterface::{SpendableOutputDescriptor, StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor, DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor, ChannelKeys, KeysInterface};
+use chain::keysinterface::{SpendableOutputDescriptor, StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor, DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor, Sign, KeysInterface};
use util::logger::Logger;
use util::ser::{Readable, ReadableArgs, MaybeReadable, Writer, Writeable, U48};
use util::byte_utils;
/// the "reorg path" (ie disconnecting blocks until you find a common ancestor from both the
/// returned block hash and the the current chain and then reconnecting blocks to get to the
/// best chain) upon deserializing the object!
-pub struct ChannelMonitor<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys> {
+pub struct ChannelMonitor<Signer: Sign> {
latest_update_id: u64,
commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor: u64,
outputs_to_watch: HashMap<Txid, Vec<(u32, Script)>>,
- pub onchain_tx_handler: OnchainTxHandler<ChanSigner>,
+ pub onchain_tx_handler: OnchainTxHandler<Signer>,
- onchain_tx_handler: OnchainTxHandler<ChanSigner>,
+ onchain_tx_handler: OnchainTxHandler<Signer>,
// This is set when the Channel[Manager] generated a ChannelMonitorUpdate which indicated the
// channel has been force-closed. After this is set, no further holder commitment transaction
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "fuzztarget", feature = "_test_utils"))]
/// Used only in testing and fuzztarget to check serialization roundtrips don't change the
/// underlying object
-impl<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys> PartialEq for ChannelMonitor<ChanSigner> {
+impl<Signer: Sign> PartialEq for ChannelMonitor<Signer> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
if self.latest_update_id != other.latest_update_id ||
self.commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor != other.commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor ||
-impl<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys> Writeable for ChannelMonitor<ChanSigner> {
+impl<Signer: Sign> Writeable for ChannelMonitor<Signer> {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
//TODO: We still write out all the serialization here manually instead of using the fancy
//serialization framework we have, we should migrate things over to it.
-impl<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys> ChannelMonitor<ChanSigner> {
- pub(crate) fn new(keys: ChanSigner, shutdown_pubkey: &PublicKey,
+impl<Signer: Sign> ChannelMonitor<Signer> {
+ pub(crate) fn new(keys: Signer, shutdown_pubkey: &PublicKey,
on_counterparty_tx_csv: u16, destination_script: &Script, funding_info: (OutPoint, Script),
channel_parameters: &ChannelTransactionParameters,
funding_redeemscript: Script, channel_value_satoshis: u64,
commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor: u64,
- initial_holder_commitment_tx: HolderCommitmentTransaction) -> ChannelMonitor<ChanSigner> {
+ initial_holder_commitment_tx: HolderCommitmentTransaction) -> ChannelMonitor<Signer> {
assert!(commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor <= (1 << 48));
let our_channel_close_key_hash = WPubkeyHash::hash(&shutdown_pubkey.serialize());
/// transaction and losing money. This is a risk because previous channel states
/// are toxic, so it's important that whatever channel state is persisted is
/// kept up-to-date.
-pub trait Persist<Keys: ChannelKeys>: Send + Sync {
+pub trait Persist<ChannelSigner: Sign>: Send + Sync {
/// Persist a new channel's data. The data can be stored any way you want, but
/// the identifier provided by Rust-Lightning is the channel's outpoint (and
/// it is up to you to maintain a correct mapping between the outpoint and the
/// [`ChannelMonitor::serialize_for_disk`]: struct.ChannelMonitor.html#method.serialize_for_disk
/// [`ChannelMonitorUpdateErr`]: enum.ChannelMonitorUpdateErr.html
- fn persist_new_channel(&self, id: OutPoint, data: &ChannelMonitor<Keys>) -> Result<(), ChannelMonitorUpdateErr>;
+ fn persist_new_channel(&self, id: OutPoint, data: &ChannelMonitor<ChannelSigner>) -> Result<(), ChannelMonitorUpdateErr>;
/// Update one channel's data. The provided `ChannelMonitor` has already
/// applied the given update.
/// [`ChannelMonitor::serialize_for_disk`]: struct.ChannelMonitor.html#method.serialize_for_disk
/// [`ChannelMonitorUpdate::write`]: struct.ChannelMonitorUpdate.html#method.write
/// [`ChannelMonitorUpdateErr`]: enum.ChannelMonitorUpdateErr.html
- fn update_persisted_channel(&self, id: OutPoint, update: &ChannelMonitorUpdate, data: &ChannelMonitor<Keys>) -> Result<(), ChannelMonitorUpdateErr>;
+ fn update_persisted_channel(&self, id: OutPoint, update: &ChannelMonitorUpdate, data: &ChannelMonitor<ChannelSigner>) -> Result<(), ChannelMonitorUpdateErr>;
const MAX_ALLOC_SIZE: usize = 64*1024;
-impl<'a, ChanSigner: ChannelKeys, K: KeysInterface<ChanKeySigner = ChanSigner>> ReadableArgs<&'a K>
- for (BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<ChanSigner>) {
+impl<'a, Signer: Sign, K: KeysInterface<Signer = Signer>> ReadableArgs<&'a K>
+ for (BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<Signer>) {
fn read<R: ::std::io::Read>(reader: &mut R, keys_manager: &'a K) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
macro_rules! unwrap_obj {
($key: expr) => {
use bitcoin::secp256k1::key::{SecretKey,PublicKey};
use bitcoin::secp256k1::Secp256k1;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
- use chain::keysinterface::InMemoryChannelKeys;
+ use chain::keysinterface::InMemorySigner;
fn test_prune_preimages() {
- let keys = InMemoryChannelKeys::new(
+ let keys = InMemorySigner::new(
SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap(),
SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap(),
sign_input!(sighash_parts, idx, 0, inp, sum_actual_sigs);
- assert_eq!(base_weight + OnchainTxHandler::<InMemoryChannelKeys>::get_witnesses_weight(&inputs_des[..]), claim_tx.get_weight() + /* max_length_sig */ (73 * inputs_des.len() - sum_actual_sigs));
+ assert_eq!(base_weight + OnchainTxHandler::<InMemorySigner>::get_witnesses_weight(&inputs_des[..]), claim_tx.get_weight() + /* max_length_sig */ (73 * inputs_des.len() - sum_actual_sigs));
// Claim tx with 1 offered HTLCs, 3 received HTLCs
sign_input!(sighash_parts, idx, 0, inp, sum_actual_sigs);
- assert_eq!(base_weight + OnchainTxHandler::<InMemoryChannelKeys>::get_witnesses_weight(&inputs_des[..]), claim_tx.get_weight() + /* max_length_sig */ (73 * inputs_des.len() - sum_actual_sigs));
+ assert_eq!(base_weight + OnchainTxHandler::<InMemorySigner>::get_witnesses_weight(&inputs_des[..]), claim_tx.get_weight() + /* max_length_sig */ (73 * inputs_des.len() - sum_actual_sigs));
// Justice tx with 1 revoked HTLC-Success tx output
sign_input!(sighash_parts, idx, 0, inp, sum_actual_sigs);
- assert_eq!(base_weight + OnchainTxHandler::<InMemoryChannelKeys>::get_witnesses_weight(&inputs_des[..]), claim_tx.get_weight() + /* max_length_isg */ (73 * inputs_des.len() - sum_actual_sigs));
+ assert_eq!(base_weight + OnchainTxHandler::<InMemorySigner>::get_witnesses_weight(&inputs_des[..]), claim_tx.get_weight() + /* max_length_isg */ (73 * inputs_des.len() - sum_actual_sigs));
// Further testing is done in the ChannelManager integration tests.
/// derive the witnessScript for this output.
pub revocation_pubkey: PublicKey,
/// Arbitrary identification information returned by a call to
- /// `ChannelKeys::channel_keys_id()`. This may be useful in re-deriving keys used in
+ /// `Sign::channel_keys_id()`. This may be useful in re-deriving keys used in
/// the channel to spend the output.
pub channel_keys_id: [u8; 32],
/// The value of the channel which this output originated from, possibly indirectly.
/// The output which is referenced by the given outpoint
pub output: TxOut,
/// Arbitrary identification information returned by a call to
- /// `ChannelKeys::channel_keys_id()`. This may be useful in re-deriving keys used in
+ /// `Sign::channel_keys_id()`. This may be useful in re-deriving keys used in
/// the channel to spend the output.
pub channel_keys_id: [u8; 32],
/// The value of the channel which this transactions spends.
/// To derive the delayed_payment key which is used to sign for this input, you must pass the
/// holder delayed_payment_base_key (ie the private key which corresponds to the pubkey in
- /// ChannelKeys::pubkeys().delayed_payment_basepoint) and the provided per_commitment_point to
+ /// Sign::pubkeys().delayed_payment_basepoint) and the provided per_commitment_point to
/// chan_utils::derive_private_key. The public key can be generated without the secret key
/// using chan_utils::derive_public_key and only the delayed_payment_basepoint which appears in
- /// ChannelKeys::pubkeys().
+ /// Sign::pubkeys().
/// To derive the revocation_pubkey provided here (which is used in the witness
/// script generation), you must pass the counterparty revocation_basepoint (which appears in the
- /// call to ChannelKeys::ready_channel) and the provided per_commitment point
+ /// call to Sign::ready_channel) and the provided per_commitment point
/// to chan_utils::derive_public_revocation_key.
/// The witness script which is hashed and included in the output script_pubkey may be
/// chan_utils::get_revokeable_redeemscript.
/// An output to a P2WPKH, spendable exclusively by our payment key (ie the private key which
- /// corresponds to the public key in ChannelKeys::pubkeys().payment_point).
+ /// corresponds to the public key in Sign::pubkeys().payment_point).
/// The witness in the spending input, is, thus, simply:
/// <BIP 143 signature> <payment key>
-/// Set of lightning keys needed to operate a channel as described in BOLT 3.
+/// A trait to sign lightning channel transactions as described in BOLT 3.
/// Signing services could be implemented on a hardware wallet. In this case,
-/// the current ChannelKeys would be a front-end on top of a communication
+/// the current Sign would be a front-end on top of a communication
/// channel connected to your secure device and lightning key material wouldn't
/// reside on a hot server. Nevertheless, a this deployment would still need
/// to trust the ChannelManager to avoid loss of funds as this latest component
/// In any case, ChannelMonitor or fallback watchtowers are always going to be trusted
/// to act, as liveness and breach reply correctness are always going to be hard requirements
/// of LN security model, orthogonal of key management issues.
-// TODO: We should remove Clone by instead requesting a new ChannelKeys copy when we create
+// TODO: We should remove Clone by instead requesting a new Sign copy when we create
// ChannelMonitors instead of expecting to clone the one out of the Channel into the monitors.
-pub trait ChannelKeys : Send+Clone + Writeable {
+pub trait Sign : Send+Clone + Writeable {
/// Gets the per-commitment point for a specific commitment number
/// Note that the commitment number starts at (1 << 48) - 1 and counts backwards.
fn pubkeys(&self) -> &ChannelPublicKeys;
/// Gets an arbitrary identifier describing the set of keys which are provided back to you in
/// some SpendableOutputDescriptor types. This should be sufficient to identify this
- /// ChannelKeys object uniquely and lookup or re-derive its keys.
+ /// Sign object uniquely and lookup or re-derive its keys.
fn channel_keys_id(&self) -> [u8; 32];
/// Create a signature for a counterparty's commitment transaction and associated HTLC transactions.
/// A trait to describe an object which can get user secrets and key material.
pub trait KeysInterface: Send + Sync {
- /// A type which implements ChannelKeys which will be returned by get_channel_keys.
- type ChanKeySigner : ChannelKeys;
+ /// A type which implements Sign which will be returned by get_channel_signer.
+ type Signer : Sign;
/// Get node secret key (aka node_id or network_key).
/// This method should return a different value each time it is called, to avoid linking
/// on-chain funds across channels as controlled to the same user.
fn get_shutdown_pubkey(&self) -> PublicKey;
- /// Get a new set of ChannelKeys for per-channel secrets. These MUST be unique even if you
+ /// Get a new set of Sign for per-channel secrets. These MUST be unique even if you
/// restarted with some stale data!
/// This method must return a different value each time it is called.
- fn get_channel_keys(&self, inbound: bool, channel_value_satoshis: u64) -> Self::ChanKeySigner;
+ fn get_channel_signer(&self, inbound: bool, channel_value_satoshis: u64) -> Self::Signer;
/// Gets a unique, cryptographically-secure, random 32 byte value. This is used for encrypting
/// onion packets and for temporary channel IDs. There is no requirement that these be
/// persisted anywhere, though they must be unique across restarts.
/// This method must return a different value each time it is called.
fn get_secure_random_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 32];
- /// Reads a `ChanKeySigner` for this `KeysInterface` from the given input stream.
+ /// Reads a `Signer` for this `KeysInterface` from the given input stream.
/// This is only called during deserialization of other objects which contain
- /// `ChannelKeys`-implementing objects (ie `ChannelMonitor`s and `ChannelManager`s).
- /// The bytes are exactly those which `<Self::ChanKeySigner as Writeable>::write()` writes, and
+ /// `Sign`-implementing objects (ie `ChannelMonitor`s and `ChannelManager`s).
+ /// The bytes are exactly those which `<Self::Signer as Writeable>::write()` writes, and
/// contain no versioning scheme. You may wish to include your own version prefix and ensure
/// you've read all of the provided bytes to ensure no corruption occurred.
- fn read_chan_signer(&self, reader: &[u8]) -> Result<Self::ChanKeySigner, DecodeError>;
+ fn read_chan_signer(&self, reader: &[u8]) -> Result<Self::Signer, DecodeError>;
-/// A simple implementation of ChannelKeys that just keeps the private keys in memory.
+/// A simple implementation of Sign that just keeps the private keys in memory.
/// This implementation performs no policy checks and is insufficient by itself as
/// a secure external signer.
-pub struct InMemoryChannelKeys {
+pub struct InMemorySigner {
/// Private key of anchor tx
pub funding_key: SecretKey,
/// Holder secret key for blinded revocation pubkey
channel_keys_id: [u8; 32],
-impl InMemoryChannelKeys {
- /// Create a new InMemoryChannelKeys
+impl InMemorySigner {
+ /// Create a new InMemorySigner
pub fn new<C: Signing>(
secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<C>,
funding_key: SecretKey,
htlc_base_key: SecretKey,
commitment_seed: [u8; 32],
channel_value_satoshis: u64,
- channel_keys_id: [u8; 32]) -> InMemoryChannelKeys {
+ channel_keys_id: [u8; 32]) -> InMemorySigner {
let holder_channel_pubkeys =
- InMemoryChannelKeys::make_holder_keys(secp_ctx, &funding_key, &revocation_base_key,
+ InMemorySigner::make_holder_keys(secp_ctx, &funding_key, &revocation_base_key,
&payment_key, &delayed_payment_base_key,
- InMemoryChannelKeys {
+ InMemorySigner {
-impl ChannelKeys for InMemoryChannelKeys {
+impl Sign for InMemorySigner {
fn get_per_commitment_point<T: secp256k1::Signing + secp256k1::Verification>(&self, idx: u64, secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<T>) -> PublicKey {
let commitment_secret = SecretKey::from_slice(&chan_utils::build_commitment_secret(&self.commitment_seed, idx)).unwrap();
PublicKey::from_secret_key(secp_ctx, &commitment_secret)
-impl Writeable for InMemoryChannelKeys {
+impl Writeable for InMemorySigner {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
-impl Readable for InMemoryChannelKeys {
+impl Readable for InMemorySigner {
fn read<R: ::std::io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
let funding_key = Readable::read(reader)?;
let revocation_base_key = Readable::read(reader)?;
let channel_value_satoshis = Readable::read(reader)?;
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::signing_only();
let holder_channel_pubkeys =
- InMemoryChannelKeys::make_holder_keys(&secp_ctx, &funding_key, &revocation_base_key,
+ InMemorySigner::make_holder_keys(&secp_ctx, &funding_key, &revocation_base_key,
&payment_key, &delayed_payment_base_key,
let keys_id = Readable::read(reader)?;
- Ok(InMemoryChannelKeys {
+ Ok(InMemorySigner {
- /// Derive an old set of ChannelKeys for per-channel secrets based on a key derivation
+ /// Derive an old set of Sign for per-channel secrets based on a key derivation
/// parameters.
/// Key derivation parameters are accessible through a per-channel secrets
- /// ChannelKeys::channel_keys_id and is provided inside DynamicOuputP2WSH in case of
+ /// Sign::channel_keys_id and is provided inside DynamicOuputP2WSH in case of
/// onchain output detection for which a corresponding delayed_payment_key must be derived.
- pub fn derive_channel_keys(&self, channel_value_satoshis: u64, params: &[u8; 32]) -> InMemoryChannelKeys {
+ pub fn derive_channel_keys(&self, channel_value_satoshis: u64, params: &[u8; 32]) -> InMemorySigner {
let chan_id = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(¶ms[0..8]);
assert!(chan_id <= std::u32::MAX as u64); // Otherwise the params field wasn't created by us
let mut unique_start = Sha256::engine();
let delayed_payment_base_key = key_step!(b"delayed payment base key", payment_key);
let htlc_base_key = key_step!(b"HTLC base key", delayed_payment_base_key);
- InMemoryChannelKeys::new(
+ InMemorySigner::new(
/// We do not enforce that outputs meet the dust limit or that any output scripts are standard.
/// May panic if the `SpendableOutputDescriptor`s were not generated by Channels which used
- /// this KeysManager or one of the `InMemoryChannelKeys` created by this KeysManager.
+ /// this KeysManager or one of the `InMemorySigner` created by this KeysManager.
pub fn spend_spendable_outputs<C: Signing>(&self, descriptors: &[&SpendableOutputDescriptor], outputs: Vec<TxOut>, change_destination_script: Script, feerate_sat_per_1000_weight: u32, secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<C>) -> Result<Transaction, ()> {
let mut input = Vec::new();
let mut input_value = 0;
transaction_utils::maybe_add_change_output(&mut spend_tx, input_value, witness_weight, feerate_sat_per_1000_weight, change_destination_script)?;
- let mut keys_cache: Option<(InMemoryChannelKeys, [u8; 32])> = None;
+ let mut keys_cache: Option<(InMemorySigner, [u8; 32])> = None;
let mut input_idx = 0;
for outp in descriptors {
match outp {
impl KeysInterface for KeysManager {
- type ChanKeySigner = InMemoryChannelKeys;
+ type Signer = InMemorySigner;
fn get_node_secret(&self) -> SecretKey {
- fn get_channel_keys(&self, _inbound: bool, channel_value_satoshis: u64) -> Self::ChanKeySigner {
+ fn get_channel_signer(&self, _inbound: bool, channel_value_satoshis: u64) -> Self::Signer {
let child_ix = self.channel_child_index.fetch_add(1, Ordering::AcqRel);
assert!(child_ix <= std::u32::MAX as usize);
let mut id = [0; 32];
- fn read_chan_signer(&self, reader: &[u8]) -> Result<Self::ChanKeySigner, DecodeError> {
- InMemoryChannelKeys::read(&mut std::io::Cursor::new(reader))
+ fn read_chan_signer(&self, reader: &[u8]) -> Result<Self::Signer, DecodeError> {
+ InMemorySigner::read(&mut std::io::Cursor::new(reader))
use bitcoin::hash_types::{BlockHash, Txid};
use chain::channelmonitor::{ChannelMonitor, ChannelMonitorUpdate, ChannelMonitorUpdateErr, MonitorEvent};
-use chain::keysinterface::ChannelKeys;
+use chain::keysinterface::Sign;
use chain::transaction::OutPoint;
pub mod chaininterface;
/// [`PermanentFailure`]: channelmonitor/enum.ChannelMonitorUpdateErr.html#variant.PermanentFailure
pub trait Watch: Send + Sync {
/// Keys needed by monitors for creating and signing transactions.
- type Keys: ChannelKeys;
+ type ChanSigner: Sign;
/// Watches a channel identified by `funding_txo` using `monitor`.
/// [`get_outputs_to_watch`]: channelmonitor/struct.ChannelMonitor.html#method.get_outputs_to_watch
/// [`block_connected`]: channelmonitor/struct.ChannelMonitor.html#method.block_connected
/// [`block_disconnected`]: channelmonitor/struct.ChannelMonitor.html#method.block_disconnected
- fn watch_channel(&self, funding_txo: OutPoint, monitor: ChannelMonitor<Self::Keys>) -> Result<(), ChannelMonitorUpdateErr>;
+ fn watch_channel(&self, funding_txo: OutPoint, monitor: ChannelMonitor<Self::ChanSigner>) -> Result<(), ChannelMonitorUpdateErr>;
/// Updates a channel identified by `funding_txo` by applying `update` to its monitor.
// licenses.
//! Various utilities for building scripts and deriving keys related to channels. These are
-//! largely of interest for those implementing chain::keysinterface::ChannelKeys message signing
-//! by hand.
+//! largely of interest for those implementing chain::keysinterface::Sign message signing by hand.
use bitcoin::blockdata::script::{Script,Builder};
use bitcoin::blockdata::opcodes;
use ln::msgs;
use ln::msgs::{ChannelMessageHandler, ErrorAction, RoutingMessageHandler};
use routing::router::get_route;
-use util::enforcing_trait_impls::EnforcingChannelKeys;
+use util::enforcing_trait_impls::EnforcingSigner;
use util::events::{Event, EventsProvider, MessageSendEvent, MessageSendEventsProvider};
use util::errors::APIError;
use util::ser::{ReadableArgs, Writeable};
let monitor = monitors.get(&outpoint).unwrap();
let mut w = test_utils::TestVecWriter(Vec::new());
monitor.write(&mut w).unwrap();
- let new_monitor = <(BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>)>::read(
+ let new_monitor = <(BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>)>::read(
&mut ::std::io::Cursor::new(&w.0), &test_utils::OnlyReadsKeysInterface {}).unwrap().1;
assert!(new_monitor == *monitor);
let chain_mon = test_utils::TestChainMonitor::new(Some(&chain_source), &chanmon_cfgs[0].tx_broadcaster, &logger, &chanmon_cfgs[0].fee_estimator, &persister, &node_cfgs[0].keys_manager);
use chain::chaininterface::{FeeEstimator,ConfirmationTarget};
use chain::channelmonitor::{ChannelMonitor, ChannelMonitorUpdate, ChannelMonitorUpdateStep, HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER};
use chain::transaction::{OutPoint, TransactionData};
-use chain::keysinterface::{ChannelKeys, KeysInterface};
+use chain::keysinterface::{Sign, KeysInterface};
use util::transaction_utils;
use util::ser::{Readable, ReadableArgs, Writeable, Writer, VecWriter};
use util::logger::Logger;
// Holder designates channel data owned for the benefice of the user client.
// Counterparty designates channel data owned by the another channel participant entity.
-pub(super) struct Channel<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys> {
+pub(super) struct Channel<Signer: Sign> {
config: ChannelConfig,
user_id: u64,
latest_monitor_update_id: u64,
- holder_keys: ChanSigner,
+ holder_keys: Signer,
- pub(super) holder_keys: ChanSigner,
+ pub(super) holder_keys: Signer,
shutdown_pubkey: PublicKey,
destination_script: Script,
-impl<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys> Channel<ChanSigner> {
+impl<Signer: Sign> Channel<Signer> {
// Convert constants + channel value to limits:
fn get_holder_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(channel_value_satoshis: u64) -> u64 {
channel_value_satoshis * 1000 / 10 //TODO
// Constructors:
- pub fn new_outbound<K: Deref, F: Deref>(fee_estimator: &F, keys_provider: &K, counterparty_node_id: PublicKey, channel_value_satoshis: u64, push_msat: u64, user_id: u64, config: &UserConfig) -> Result<Channel<ChanSigner>, APIError>
- where K::Target: KeysInterface<ChanKeySigner = ChanSigner>,
+ pub fn new_outbound<K: Deref, F: Deref>(fee_estimator: &F, keys_provider: &K, counterparty_node_id: PublicKey, channel_value_satoshis: u64, push_msat: u64, user_id: u64, config: &UserConfig) -> Result<Channel<Signer>, APIError>
+ where K::Target: KeysInterface<Signer = Signer>,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
let holder_selected_contest_delay = config.own_channel_config.our_to_self_delay;
- let chan_keys = keys_provider.get_channel_keys(false, channel_value_satoshis);
+ let chan_keys = keys_provider.get_channel_signer(false, channel_value_satoshis);
let pubkeys = chan_keys.pubkeys().clone();
if channel_value_satoshis >= MAX_FUNDING_SATOSHIS {
return Err(APIError::APIMisuseError {err: format!("Configured with an unreasonable our_to_self_delay ({}) putting user funds at risks", holder_selected_contest_delay)});
let background_feerate = fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(ConfirmationTarget::Background);
- if Channel::<ChanSigner>::get_holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis(channel_value_satoshis) < Channel::<ChanSigner>::derive_holder_dust_limit_satoshis(background_feerate) {
+ if Channel::<Signer>::get_holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis(channel_value_satoshis) < Channel::<Signer>::derive_holder_dust_limit_satoshis(background_feerate) {
return Err(APIError::FeeRateTooHigh{err: format!("Not enough reserve above dust limit can be found at current fee rate({})", background_feerate), feerate: background_feerate});
feerate_per_kw: feerate,
counterparty_dust_limit_satoshis: 0,
- holder_dust_limit_satoshis: Channel::<ChanSigner>::derive_holder_dust_limit_satoshis(background_feerate),
+ holder_dust_limit_satoshis: Channel::<Signer>::derive_holder_dust_limit_satoshis(background_feerate),
counterparty_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat: 0,
counterparty_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis: 0,
counterparty_htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
/// Creates a new channel from a remote sides' request for one.
/// Assumes chain_hash has already been checked and corresponds with what we expect!
- pub fn new_from_req<K: Deref, F: Deref>(fee_estimator: &F, keys_provider: &K, counterparty_node_id: PublicKey, their_features: InitFeatures, msg: &msgs::OpenChannel, user_id: u64, config: &UserConfig) -> Result<Channel<ChanSigner>, ChannelError>
- where K::Target: KeysInterface<ChanKeySigner = ChanSigner>,
+ pub fn new_from_req<K: Deref, F: Deref>(fee_estimator: &F, keys_provider: &K, counterparty_node_id: PublicKey, their_features: InitFeatures, msg: &msgs::OpenChannel, user_id: u64, config: &UserConfig) -> Result<Channel<Signer>, ChannelError>
+ where K::Target: KeysInterface<Signer = Signer>,
F::Target: FeeEstimator
- let chan_keys = keys_provider.get_channel_keys(true, msg.funding_satoshis);
+ let chan_keys = keys_provider.get_channel_signer(true, msg.funding_satoshis);
let pubkeys = chan_keys.pubkeys().clone();
let counterparty_pubkeys = ChannelPublicKeys {
funding_pubkey: msg.funding_pubkey,
if msg.htlc_minimum_msat >= full_channel_value_msat {
return Err(ChannelError::Close(format!("Minimum htlc value ({}) was larger than full channel value ({})", msg.htlc_minimum_msat, full_channel_value_msat)));
- Channel::<ChanSigner>::check_remote_fee(fee_estimator, msg.feerate_per_kw)?;
+ Channel::<Signer>::check_remote_fee(fee_estimator, msg.feerate_per_kw)?;
let max_counterparty_selected_contest_delay = u16::min(config.peer_channel_config_limits.their_to_self_delay, MAX_LOCAL_BREAKDOWN_TIMEOUT);
if msg.to_self_delay > max_counterparty_selected_contest_delay {
let background_feerate = fee_estimator.get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(ConfirmationTarget::Background);
- let holder_dust_limit_satoshis = Channel::<ChanSigner>::derive_holder_dust_limit_satoshis(background_feerate);
- let holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis = Channel::<ChanSigner>::get_holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis(msg.funding_satoshis);
+ let holder_dust_limit_satoshis = Channel::<Signer>::derive_holder_dust_limit_satoshis(background_feerate);
+ let holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis = Channel::<Signer>::get_holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis(msg.funding_satoshis);
if holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis < holder_dust_limit_satoshis {
return Err(ChannelError::Close(format!("Suitable channel reserve not found. remote_channel_reserve was ({}). dust_limit_satoshis is ({}).", holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis, holder_dust_limit_satoshis)));
debug_assert!(broadcaster_max_commitment_tx_output.0 <= value_to_self_msat as u64 || value_to_self_msat / 1000 >= self.counterparty_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis as i64);
broadcaster_max_commitment_tx_output.0 = cmp::max(broadcaster_max_commitment_tx_output.0, value_to_self_msat as u64);
- debug_assert!(broadcaster_max_commitment_tx_output.1 <= value_to_remote_msat as u64 || value_to_remote_msat / 1000 >= Channel::<ChanSigner>::get_holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis(self.channel_value_satoshis) as i64);
+ debug_assert!(broadcaster_max_commitment_tx_output.1 <= value_to_remote_msat as u64 || value_to_remote_msat / 1000 >= Channel::<Signer>::get_holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis(self.channel_value_satoshis) as i64);
broadcaster_max_commitment_tx_output.1 = cmp::max(broadcaster_max_commitment_tx_output.1, value_to_remote_msat as u64);
if msg.channel_reserve_satoshis < self.holder_dust_limit_satoshis {
return Err(ChannelError::Close(format!("Peer never wants payout outputs? channel_reserve_satoshis was ({}). dust_limit is ({})", msg.channel_reserve_satoshis, self.holder_dust_limit_satoshis)));
- let remote_reserve = Channel::<ChanSigner>::get_holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis(self.channel_value_satoshis);
+ let remote_reserve = Channel::<Signer>::get_holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis(self.channel_value_satoshis);
if msg.dust_limit_satoshis > remote_reserve {
return Err(ChannelError::Close(format!("Dust limit ({}) is bigger than our channel reserve ({})", msg.dust_limit_satoshis, remote_reserve)));
- pub fn funding_created<L: Deref>(&mut self, msg: &msgs::FundingCreated, logger: &L) -> Result<(msgs::FundingSigned, ChannelMonitor<ChanSigner>), ChannelError> where L::Target: Logger {
+ pub fn funding_created<L: Deref>(&mut self, msg: &msgs::FundingCreated, logger: &L) -> Result<(msgs::FundingSigned, ChannelMonitor<Signer>), ChannelError> where L::Target: Logger {
if self.is_outbound() {
return Err(ChannelError::Close("Received funding_created for an outbound channel?".to_owned()));
/// Handles a funding_signed message from the remote end.
/// If this call is successful, broadcast the funding transaction (and not before!)
- pub fn funding_signed<L: Deref>(&mut self, msg: &msgs::FundingSigned, logger: &L) -> Result<ChannelMonitor<ChanSigner>, ChannelError> where L::Target: Logger {
+ pub fn funding_signed<L: Deref>(&mut self, msg: &msgs::FundingSigned, logger: &L) -> Result<ChannelMonitor<Signer>, ChannelError> where L::Target: Logger {
if !self.is_outbound() {
return Err(ChannelError::Close("Received funding_signed for an inbound channel?".to_owned()));
if inbound_htlc_count + 1 > OUR_MAX_HTLCS as u32 {
return Err(ChannelError::Close(format!("Remote tried to push more than our max accepted HTLCs ({})", OUR_MAX_HTLCS)));
- let holder_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat = Channel::<ChanSigner>::get_holder_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(self.channel_value_satoshis);
+ let holder_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat = Channel::<Signer>::get_holder_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(self.channel_value_satoshis);
if htlc_inbound_value_msat + msg.amount_msat > holder_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat {
return Err(ChannelError::Close(format!("Remote HTLC add would put them over our max HTLC value ({})", holder_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat)));
let chan_reserve_msat =
- Channel::<ChanSigner>::get_holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis(self.channel_value_satoshis) * 1000;
+ Channel::<Signer>::get_holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis(self.channel_value_satoshis) * 1000;
if pending_remote_value_msat - msg.amount_msat - remote_commit_tx_fee_msat < chan_reserve_msat {
return Err(ChannelError::Close("Remote HTLC add would put them under remote reserve value".to_owned()));
let total_fee = feerate_per_kw as u64 * (COMMITMENT_TX_BASE_WEIGHT + (num_htlcs as u64) * COMMITMENT_TX_WEIGHT_PER_HTLC) / 1000;
//If channel fee was updated by funder confirm funder can afford the new fee rate when applied to the current local commitment transaction
if update_fee {
- let counterparty_reserve_we_require = Channel::<ChanSigner>::get_holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis(self.channel_value_satoshis);
+ let counterparty_reserve_we_require = Channel::<Signer>::get_holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis(self.channel_value_satoshis);
if self.channel_value_satoshis - self.value_to_self_msat / 1000 < total_fee + counterparty_reserve_we_require {
return Err((None, ChannelError::Close("Funding remote cannot afford proposed new fee".to_owned())));
if self.channel_state & (ChannelState::PeerDisconnected as u32) == ChannelState::PeerDisconnected as u32 {
return Err(ChannelError::Close("Peer sent update_fee when we needed a channel_reestablish".to_owned()));
- Channel::<ChanSigner>::check_remote_fee(fee_estimator, msg.feerate_per_kw)?;
+ Channel::<Signer>::check_remote_fee(fee_estimator, msg.feerate_per_kw)?;
self.pending_update_fee = Some(msg.feerate_per_kw);
self.update_time_counter += 1;
// channel might have been used to route very small values (either by honest users or as DoS).
self.channel_value_satoshis * 9 / 10,
- Channel::<ChanSigner>::get_holder_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(self.channel_value_satoshis)
+ Channel::<Signer>::get_holder_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(self.channel_value_satoshis)
- pub fn get_keys(&self) -> &ChanSigner {
+ pub fn get_keys(&self) -> &Signer {
funding_satoshis: self.channel_value_satoshis,
push_msat: self.channel_value_satoshis * 1000 - self.value_to_self_msat,
dust_limit_satoshis: self.holder_dust_limit_satoshis,
- max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat: Channel::<ChanSigner>::get_holder_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(self.channel_value_satoshis),
- channel_reserve_satoshis: Channel::<ChanSigner>::get_holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis(self.channel_value_satoshis),
+ max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat: Channel::<Signer>::get_holder_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(self.channel_value_satoshis),
+ channel_reserve_satoshis: Channel::<Signer>::get_holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis(self.channel_value_satoshis),
htlc_minimum_msat: self.holder_htlc_minimum_msat,
feerate_per_kw: self.feerate_per_kw as u32,
to_self_delay: self.get_holder_selected_contest_delay(),
msgs::AcceptChannel {
temporary_channel_id: self.channel_id,
dust_limit_satoshis: self.holder_dust_limit_satoshis,
- max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat: Channel::<ChanSigner>::get_holder_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(self.channel_value_satoshis),
- channel_reserve_satoshis: Channel::<ChanSigner>::get_holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis(self.channel_value_satoshis),
+ max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat: Channel::<Signer>::get_holder_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(self.channel_value_satoshis),
+ channel_reserve_satoshis: Channel::<Signer>::get_holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis(self.channel_value_satoshis),
htlc_minimum_msat: self.holder_htlc_minimum_msat,
minimum_depth: self.minimum_depth,
to_self_delay: self.get_holder_selected_contest_delay(),
if !self.is_outbound() {
// Check that we won't violate the remote channel reserve by adding this HTLC.
let counterparty_balance_msat = self.channel_value_satoshis * 1000 - self.value_to_self_msat;
- let holder_selected_chan_reserve_msat = Channel::<ChanSigner>::get_holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis(self.channel_value_satoshis);
+ let holder_selected_chan_reserve_msat = Channel::<Signer>::get_holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis(self.channel_value_satoshis);
let htlc_candidate = HTLCCandidate::new(amount_msat, HTLCInitiator::LocalOffered);
let counterparty_commit_tx_fee_msat = self.next_remote_commit_tx_fee_msat(htlc_candidate, None);
if counterparty_balance_msat < holder_selected_chan_reserve_msat + counterparty_commit_tx_fee_msat {
-impl<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys> Writeable for Channel<ChanSigner> {
+impl<Signer: Sign> Writeable for Channel<Signer> {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ::std::io::Error> {
// Note that we write out as if remove_uncommitted_htlcs_and_mark_paused had just been
// called but include holding cell updates (and obviously we don't modify self).
const MAX_ALLOC_SIZE: usize = 64*1024;
-impl<'a, ChanSigner: ChannelKeys, K: Deref> ReadableArgs<&'a K> for Channel<ChanSigner>
- where K::Target: KeysInterface<ChanKeySigner = ChanSigner> {
+impl<'a, Signer: Sign, K: Deref> ReadableArgs<&'a K> for Channel<Signer>
+ where K::Target: KeysInterface<Signer = Signer> {
fn read<R : ::std::io::Read>(reader: &mut R, keys_source: &'a K) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
let _ver: u8 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let min_ver: u8 = Readable::read(reader)?;
use bitcoin::hashes::hex::FromHex;
use hex;
use ln::channelmanager::{HTLCSource, PaymentPreimage, PaymentHash};
- use ln::channel::{Channel,ChannelKeys,InboundHTLCOutput,OutboundHTLCOutput,InboundHTLCState,OutboundHTLCState,HTLCOutputInCommitment,HTLCCandidate,HTLCInitiator,TxCreationKeys};
+ use ln::channel::{Channel,Sign,InboundHTLCOutput,OutboundHTLCOutput,InboundHTLCState,OutboundHTLCState,HTLCOutputInCommitment,HTLCCandidate,HTLCInitiator,TxCreationKeys};
use ln::channel::MAX_FUNDING_SATOSHIS;
use ln::features::InitFeatures;
use ln::msgs::{OptionalField, DataLossProtect, DecodeError};
use ln::chan_utils;
use ln::chan_utils::{ChannelPublicKeys, HolderCommitmentTransaction, CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters, HTLC_SUCCESS_TX_WEIGHT, HTLC_TIMEOUT_TX_WEIGHT};
use chain::chaininterface::{FeeEstimator,ConfirmationTarget};
- use chain::keysinterface::{InMemoryChannelKeys, KeysInterface};
+ use chain::keysinterface::{InMemorySigner, KeysInterface};
use chain::transaction::OutPoint;
use util::config::UserConfig;
- use util::enforcing_trait_impls::EnforcingChannelKeys;
+ use util::enforcing_trait_impls::EnforcingSigner;
use util::test_utils;
use util::logger::Logger;
use bitcoin::secp256k1::{Secp256k1, Message, Signature, All};
struct Keys {
- chan_keys: InMemoryChannelKeys,
+ chan_keys: InMemorySigner,
impl KeysInterface for Keys {
- type ChanKeySigner = InMemoryChannelKeys;
+ type Signer = InMemorySigner;
fn get_node_secret(&self) -> SecretKey { panic!(); }
fn get_destination_script(&self) -> Script {
PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &channel_close_key)
- fn get_channel_keys(&self, _inbound: bool, _channel_value_satoshis: u64) -> InMemoryChannelKeys {
+ fn get_channel_signer(&self, _inbound: bool, _channel_value_satoshis: u64) -> InMemorySigner {
fn get_secure_random_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 32] { [0; 32] }
- fn read_chan_signer(&self, _data: &[u8]) -> Result<Self::ChanKeySigner, DecodeError> { panic!(); }
+ fn read_chan_signer(&self, _data: &[u8]) -> Result<Self::Signer, DecodeError> { panic!(); }
fn public_from_secret_hex(secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<All>, hex: &str) -> PublicKey {
let node_a_node_id = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap());
let config = UserConfig::default();
- let node_a_chan = Channel::<EnforcingChannelKeys>::new_outbound(&&fee_est, &&keys_provider, node_a_node_id, 10000000, 100000, 42, &config).unwrap();
+ let node_a_chan = Channel::<EnforcingSigner>::new_outbound(&&fee_est, &&keys_provider, node_a_node_id, 10000000, 100000, 42, &config).unwrap();
// Now change the fee so we can check that the fee in the open_channel message is the
// same as the old fee.
// Create Node A's channel pointing to Node B's pubkey
let node_b_node_id = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap());
let config = UserConfig::default();
- let mut node_a_chan = Channel::<EnforcingChannelKeys>::new_outbound(&&feeest, &&keys_provider, node_b_node_id, 10000000, 100000, 42, &config).unwrap();
+ let mut node_a_chan = Channel::<EnforcingSigner>::new_outbound(&&feeest, &&keys_provider, node_b_node_id, 10000000, 100000, 42, &config).unwrap();
// Create Node B's channel by receiving Node A's open_channel message
// Make sure A's dust limit is as we expect.
let open_channel_msg = node_a_chan.get_open_channel(genesis_block(network).header.block_hash());
assert_eq!(open_channel_msg.dust_limit_satoshis, 1560);
let node_b_node_id = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[7; 32]).unwrap());
- let node_b_chan = Channel::<EnforcingChannelKeys>::new_from_req(&&feeest, &&keys_provider, node_b_node_id, InitFeatures::known(), &open_channel_msg, 7, &config).unwrap();
+ let node_b_chan = Channel::<EnforcingSigner>::new_from_req(&&feeest, &&keys_provider, node_b_node_id, InitFeatures::known(), &open_channel_msg, 7, &config).unwrap();
// Node B --> Node A: accept channel, explicitly setting B's dust limit.
let mut accept_channel_msg = node_b_chan.get_accept_channel();
let node_id = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap());
let config = UserConfig::default();
- let mut chan = Channel::<EnforcingChannelKeys>::new_outbound(&&fee_est, &&keys_provider, node_id, 10000000, 100000, 42, &config).unwrap();
+ let mut chan = Channel::<EnforcingSigner>::new_outbound(&&fee_est, &&keys_provider, node_id, 10000000, 100000, 42, &config).unwrap();
let commitment_tx_fee_0_htlcs = chan.commit_tx_fee_msat(0);
let commitment_tx_fee_1_htlc = chan.commit_tx_fee_msat(1);
// Create Node A's channel pointing to Node B's pubkey
let node_b_node_id = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap());
let config = UserConfig::default();
- let mut node_a_chan = Channel::<EnforcingChannelKeys>::new_outbound(&&feeest, &&keys_provider, node_b_node_id, 10000000, 100000, 42, &config).unwrap();
+ let mut node_a_chan = Channel::<EnforcingSigner>::new_outbound(&&feeest, &&keys_provider, node_b_node_id, 10000000, 100000, 42, &config).unwrap();
// Create Node B's channel by receiving Node A's open_channel message
let open_channel_msg = node_a_chan.get_open_channel(genesis_block(network).header.block_hash());
let node_b_node_id = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[7; 32]).unwrap());
- let mut node_b_chan = Channel::<EnforcingChannelKeys>::new_from_req(&&feeest, &&keys_provider, node_b_node_id, InitFeatures::known(), &open_channel_msg, 7, &config).unwrap();
+ let mut node_b_chan = Channel::<EnforcingSigner>::new_from_req(&&feeest, &&keys_provider, node_b_node_id, InitFeatures::known(), &open_channel_msg, 7, &config).unwrap();
// Node B --> Node A: accept channel
let accept_channel_msg = node_b_chan.get_accept_channel();
let logger : Arc<Logger> = Arc::new(test_utils::TestLogger::new());
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
- let mut chan_keys = InMemoryChannelKeys::new(
+ let mut chan_keys = InMemorySigner::new(
let counterparty_node_id = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap());
let mut config = UserConfig::default();
config.channel_options.announced_channel = false;
- let mut chan = Channel::<InMemoryChannelKeys>::new_outbound(&&feeest, &&keys_provider, counterparty_node_id, 10_000_000, 100000, 42, &config).unwrap(); // Nothing uses their network key in this test
+ let mut chan = Channel::<InMemorySigner>::new_outbound(&&feeest, &&keys_provider, counterparty_node_id, 10_000_000, 100000, 42, &config).unwrap(); // Nothing uses their network key in this test
chan.holder_dust_limit_satoshis = 546;
let funding_info = OutPoint{ txid: Txid::from_hex("8984484a580b825b9972d7adb15050b3ab624ccd731946b3eeddb92f4e7ef6be").unwrap(), index: 0 };
use ln::msgs::NetAddress;
use ln::onion_utils;
use ln::msgs::{ChannelMessageHandler, DecodeError, LightningError, OptionalField};
-use chain::keysinterface::{ChannelKeys, KeysInterface, KeysManager, InMemoryChannelKeys};
+use chain::keysinterface::{Sign, KeysInterface, KeysManager, InMemorySigner};
use util::config::UserConfig;
use util::events::{Event, EventsProvider, MessageSendEvent, MessageSendEventsProvider};
use util::{byte_utils, events};
// Note this is only exposed in cfg(test):
-pub(super) struct ChannelHolder<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys> {
- pub(super) by_id: HashMap<[u8; 32], Channel<ChanSigner>>,
+pub(super) struct ChannelHolder<Signer: Sign> {
+ pub(super) by_id: HashMap<[u8; 32], Channel<Signer>>,
pub(super) short_to_id: HashMap<u64, [u8; 32]>,
/// short channel id -> forward infos. Key of 0 means payments received
/// Note that while this is held in the same mutex as the channels themselves, no consistency
/// issues such as overly long function definitions. Note that the ChannelManager can take any
/// type that implements KeysInterface for its keys manager, but this type alias chooses the
/// concrete type of the KeysManager.
-pub type SimpleArcChannelManager<M, T, F, L> = Arc<ChannelManager<InMemoryChannelKeys, Arc<M>, Arc<T>, Arc<KeysManager>, Arc<F>, Arc<L>>>;
+pub type SimpleArcChannelManager<M, T, F, L> = Arc<ChannelManager<InMemorySigner, Arc<M>, Arc<T>, Arc<KeysManager>, Arc<F>, Arc<L>>>;
/// SimpleRefChannelManager is a type alias for a ChannelManager reference, and is the reference
/// counterpart to the SimpleArcChannelManager type alias. Use this type by default when you don't
/// helps with issues such as long function definitions. Note that the ChannelManager can take any
/// type that implements KeysInterface for its keys manager, but this type alias chooses the
/// concrete type of the KeysManager.
-pub type SimpleRefChannelManager<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, M, T, F, L> = ChannelManager<InMemoryChannelKeys, &'a M, &'b T, &'c KeysManager, &'d F, &'e L>;
+pub type SimpleRefChannelManager<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, M, T, F, L> = ChannelManager<InMemorySigner, &'a M, &'b T, &'c KeysManager, &'d F, &'e L>;
/// Manager which keeps track of a number of channels and sends messages to the appropriate
/// channel, also tracking HTLC preimages and forwarding onion packets appropriately.
/// essentially you should default to using a SimpleRefChannelManager, and use a
/// SimpleArcChannelManager when you require a ChannelManager with a static lifetime, such as when
/// you're using lightning-net-tokio.
-pub struct ChannelManager<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref>
- where M::Target: chain::Watch<Keys=ChanSigner>,
+pub struct ChannelManager<Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref>
+ where M::Target: chain::Watch<ChanSigner=Signer>,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
- K::Target: KeysInterface<ChanKeySigner = ChanSigner>,
+ K::Target: KeysInterface<Signer = Signer>,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
L::Target: Logger,
secp_ctx: Secp256k1<secp256k1::All>,
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "_test_utils"))]
- pub(super) channel_state: Mutex<ChannelHolder<ChanSigner>>,
+ pub(super) channel_state: Mutex<ChannelHolder<Signer>>,
#[cfg(not(any(test, feature = "_test_utils")))]
- channel_state: Mutex<ChannelHolder<ChanSigner>>,
+ channel_state: Mutex<ChannelHolder<Signer>>,
our_network_key: SecretKey,
/// Used to track the last value sent in a node_announcement "timestamp" field. We ensure this
-impl<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> ChannelManager<ChanSigner, M, T, K, F, L>
- where M::Target: chain::Watch<Keys=ChanSigner>,
+impl<Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> ChannelManager<Signer, M, T, K, F, L>
+ where M::Target: chain::Watch<ChanSigner=Signer>,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
- K::Target: KeysInterface<ChanKeySigner = ChanSigner>,
+ K::Target: KeysInterface<Signer = Signer>,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
L::Target: Logger,
- fn list_channels_with_filter<Fn: FnMut(&(&[u8; 32], &Channel<ChanSigner>)) -> bool>(&self, f: Fn) -> Vec<ChannelDetails> {
+ fn list_channels_with_filter<Fn: FnMut(&(&[u8; 32], &Channel<Signer>)) -> bool>(&self, f: Fn) -> Vec<ChannelDetails> {
let mut res = Vec::new();
let channel_state = self.channel_state.lock().unwrap();
- fn decode_update_add_htlc_onion(&self, msg: &msgs::UpdateAddHTLC) -> (PendingHTLCStatus, MutexGuard<ChannelHolder<ChanSigner>>) {
+ fn decode_update_add_htlc_onion(&self, msg: &msgs::UpdateAddHTLC) -> (PendingHTLCStatus, MutexGuard<ChannelHolder<Signer>>) {
macro_rules! return_malformed_err {
($msg: expr, $err_code: expr) => {
/// only fails if the channel does not yet have an assigned short_id
/// May be called with channel_state already locked!
- fn get_channel_update(&self, chan: &Channel<ChanSigner>) -> Result<msgs::ChannelUpdate, LightningError> {
+ fn get_channel_update(&self, chan: &Channel<Signer>) -> Result<msgs::ChannelUpdate, LightningError> {
let short_channel_id = match chan.get_short_channel_id() {
None => return Err(LightningError{err: "Channel not yet established".to_owned(), action: msgs::ErrorAction::IgnoreError}),
Some(id) => id,
- fn get_announcement_sigs(&self, chan: &Channel<ChanSigner>) -> Option<msgs::AnnouncementSignatures> {
+ fn get_announcement_sigs(&self, chan: &Channel<Signer>) -> Option<msgs::AnnouncementSignatures> {
if !chan.should_announce() {
log_trace!(self.logger, "Can't send announcement_signatures for private channel {}", log_bytes!(chan.channel_id()));
return None
/// to fail and take the channel_state lock for each iteration (as we take ownership and may
/// drop it). In other words, no assumptions are made that entries in claimable_htlcs point to
/// still-available channels.
- fn fail_htlc_backwards_internal(&self, mut channel_state_lock: MutexGuard<ChannelHolder<ChanSigner>>, source: HTLCSource, payment_hash: &PaymentHash, onion_error: HTLCFailReason) {
+ fn fail_htlc_backwards_internal(&self, mut channel_state_lock: MutexGuard<ChannelHolder<Signer>>, source: HTLCSource, payment_hash: &PaymentHash, onion_error: HTLCFailReason) {
//TODO: There is a timing attack here where if a node fails an HTLC back to us they can
//identify whether we sent it or not based on the (I presume) very different runtime
//between the branches here. We should make this async and move it into the forward HTLCs
} else { false }
- fn claim_funds_from_hop(&self, channel_state_lock: &mut MutexGuard<ChannelHolder<ChanSigner>>, prev_hop: HTLCPreviousHopData, payment_preimage: PaymentPreimage) -> Result<(), Option<(PublicKey, MsgHandleErrInternal)>> {
+ fn claim_funds_from_hop(&self, channel_state_lock: &mut MutexGuard<ChannelHolder<Signer>>, prev_hop: HTLCPreviousHopData, payment_preimage: PaymentPreimage) -> Result<(), Option<(PublicKey, MsgHandleErrInternal)>> {
//TODO: Delay the claimed_funds relaying just like we do outbound relay!
let channel_state = &mut **channel_state_lock;
let chan_id = match channel_state.short_to_id.get(&prev_hop.short_channel_id) {
} else { unreachable!(); }
- fn claim_funds_internal(&self, mut channel_state_lock: MutexGuard<ChannelHolder<ChanSigner>>, source: HTLCSource, payment_preimage: PaymentPreimage) {
+ fn claim_funds_internal(&self, mut channel_state_lock: MutexGuard<ChannelHolder<Signer>>, source: HTLCSource, payment_preimage: PaymentPreimage) {
match source {
HTLCSource::OutboundRoute { .. } => {
return Err(MsgHandleErrInternal::send_err_msg_no_close("Got a message for a channel from the wrong node!".to_owned(), msg.channel_id));
- let create_pending_htlc_status = |chan: &Channel<ChanSigner>, pending_forward_info: PendingHTLCStatus, error_code: u16| {
+ let create_pending_htlc_status = |chan: &Channel<Signer>, pending_forward_info: PendingHTLCStatus, error_code: u16| {
// Ensure error_code has the UPDATE flag set, since by default we send a
// channel update along as part of failing the HTLC.
assert!((error_code & 0x1000) != 0);
-impl<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> MessageSendEventsProvider for ChannelManager<ChanSigner, M, T, K, F, L>
- where M::Target: chain::Watch<Keys=ChanSigner>,
+impl<Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> MessageSendEventsProvider for ChannelManager<Signer, M, T, K, F, L>
+ where M::Target: chain::Watch<ChanSigner=Signer>,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
- K::Target: KeysInterface<ChanKeySigner = ChanSigner>,
+ K::Target: KeysInterface<Signer = Signer>,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
L::Target: Logger,
-impl<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> EventsProvider for ChannelManager<ChanSigner, M, T, K, F, L>
- where M::Target: chain::Watch<Keys=ChanSigner>,
+impl<Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> EventsProvider for ChannelManager<Signer, M, T, K, F, L>
+ where M::Target: chain::Watch<ChanSigner=Signer>,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
- K::Target: KeysInterface<ChanKeySigner = ChanSigner>,
+ K::Target: KeysInterface<Signer = Signer>,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
L::Target: Logger,
-impl<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> ChannelManager<ChanSigner, M, T, K, F, L>
- where M::Target: chain::Watch<Keys=ChanSigner>,
+impl<Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> ChannelManager<Signer, M, T, K, F, L>
+ where M::Target: chain::Watch<ChanSigner=Signer>,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
- K::Target: KeysInterface<ChanKeySigner = ChanSigner>,
+ K::Target: KeysInterface<Signer = Signer>,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
L::Target: Logger,
-impl<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys, M: Deref + Sync + Send, T: Deref + Sync + Send, K: Deref + Sync + Send, F: Deref + Sync + Send, L: Deref + Sync + Send>
- ChannelMessageHandler for ChannelManager<ChanSigner, M, T, K, F, L>
- where M::Target: chain::Watch<Keys=ChanSigner>,
+impl<Signer: Sign, M: Deref + Sync + Send, T: Deref + Sync + Send, K: Deref + Sync + Send, F: Deref + Sync + Send, L: Deref + Sync + Send>
+ ChannelMessageHandler for ChannelManager<Signer, M, T, K, F, L>
+ where M::Target: chain::Watch<ChanSigner=Signer>,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
- K::Target: KeysInterface<ChanKeySigner = ChanSigner>,
+ K::Target: KeysInterface<Signer = Signer>,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
L::Target: Logger,
-impl<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> Writeable for ChannelManager<ChanSigner, M, T, K, F, L>
- where M::Target: chain::Watch<Keys=ChanSigner>,
+impl<Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref> Writeable for ChannelManager<Signer, M, T, K, F, L>
+ where M::Target: chain::Watch<ChanSigner=Signer>,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
- K::Target: KeysInterface<ChanKeySigner = ChanSigner>,
+ K::Target: KeysInterface<Signer = Signer>,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
L::Target: Logger,
/// 4) Reconnect blocks on your ChannelMonitors.
/// 5) Move the ChannelMonitors into your local chain::Watch.
/// 6) Disconnect/connect blocks on the ChannelManager.
-pub struct ChannelManagerReadArgs<'a, ChanSigner: 'a + ChannelKeys, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref>
- where M::Target: chain::Watch<Keys=ChanSigner>,
+pub struct ChannelManagerReadArgs<'a, Signer: 'a + Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref>
+ where M::Target: chain::Watch<ChanSigner=Signer>,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
- K::Target: KeysInterface<ChanKeySigner = ChanSigner>,
+ K::Target: KeysInterface<Signer = Signer>,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
L::Target: Logger,
/// this struct.
/// (C-not exported) because we have no HashMap bindings
- pub channel_monitors: HashMap<OutPoint, &'a mut ChannelMonitor<ChanSigner>>,
+ pub channel_monitors: HashMap<OutPoint, &'a mut ChannelMonitor<Signer>>,
-impl<'a, ChanSigner: 'a + ChannelKeys, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref>
- ChannelManagerReadArgs<'a, ChanSigner, M, T, K, F, L>
- where M::Target: chain::Watch<Keys=ChanSigner>,
+impl<'a, Signer: 'a + Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref>
+ ChannelManagerReadArgs<'a, Signer, M, T, K, F, L>
+ where M::Target: chain::Watch<ChanSigner=Signer>,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
- K::Target: KeysInterface<ChanKeySigner = ChanSigner>,
+ K::Target: KeysInterface<Signer = Signer>,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
L::Target: Logger,
/// HashMap for you. This is primarily useful for C bindings where it is not practical to
/// populate a HashMap directly from C.
pub fn new(keys_manager: K, fee_estimator: F, chain_monitor: M, tx_broadcaster: T, logger: L, default_config: UserConfig,
- mut channel_monitors: Vec<&'a mut ChannelMonitor<ChanSigner>>) -> Self {
+ mut channel_monitors: Vec<&'a mut ChannelMonitor<Signer>>) -> Self {
Self {
keys_manager, fee_estimator, chain_monitor, tx_broadcaster, logger, default_config,
channel_monitors: channel_monitors.drain(..).map(|monitor| { (monitor.get_funding_txo().0, monitor) }).collect()
// Implement ReadableArgs for an Arc'd ChannelManager to make it a bit easier to work with the
// SipmleArcChannelManager type:
-impl<'a, ChanSigner: ChannelKeys, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref>
- ReadableArgs<ChannelManagerReadArgs<'a, ChanSigner, M, T, K, F, L>> for (BlockHash, Arc<ChannelManager<ChanSigner, M, T, K, F, L>>)
- where M::Target: chain::Watch<Keys=ChanSigner>,
+impl<'a, Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref>
+ ReadableArgs<ChannelManagerReadArgs<'a, Signer, M, T, K, F, L>> for (BlockHash, Arc<ChannelManager<Signer, M, T, K, F, L>>)
+ where M::Target: chain::Watch<ChanSigner=Signer>,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
- K::Target: KeysInterface<ChanKeySigner = ChanSigner>,
+ K::Target: KeysInterface<Signer = Signer>,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
L::Target: Logger,
- fn read<R: ::std::io::Read>(reader: &mut R, args: ChannelManagerReadArgs<'a, ChanSigner, M, T, K, F, L>) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
- let (blockhash, chan_manager) = <(BlockHash, ChannelManager<ChanSigner, M, T, K, F, L>)>::read(reader, args)?;
+ fn read<R: ::std::io::Read>(reader: &mut R, args: ChannelManagerReadArgs<'a, Signer, M, T, K, F, L>) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
+ let (blockhash, chan_manager) = <(BlockHash, ChannelManager<Signer, M, T, K, F, L>)>::read(reader, args)?;
Ok((blockhash, Arc::new(chan_manager)))
-impl<'a, ChanSigner: ChannelKeys, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref>
- ReadableArgs<ChannelManagerReadArgs<'a, ChanSigner, M, T, K, F, L>> for (BlockHash, ChannelManager<ChanSigner, M, T, K, F, L>)
- where M::Target: chain::Watch<Keys=ChanSigner>,
+impl<'a, Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref>
+ ReadableArgs<ChannelManagerReadArgs<'a, Signer, M, T, K, F, L>> for (BlockHash, ChannelManager<Signer, M, T, K, F, L>)
+ where M::Target: chain::Watch<ChanSigner=Signer>,
T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
- K::Target: KeysInterface<ChanKeySigner = ChanSigner>,
+ K::Target: KeysInterface<Signer = Signer>,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
L::Target: Logger,
- fn read<R: ::std::io::Read>(reader: &mut R, mut args: ChannelManagerReadArgs<'a, ChanSigner, M, T, K, F, L>) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
+ fn read<R: ::std::io::Read>(reader: &mut R, mut args: ChannelManagerReadArgs<'a, Signer, M, T, K, F, L>) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
let _ver: u8 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let min_ver: u8 = Readable::read(reader)?;
let mut by_id = HashMap::with_capacity(cmp::min(channel_count as usize, 128));
let mut short_to_id = HashMap::with_capacity(cmp::min(channel_count as usize, 128));
for _ in 0..channel_count {
- let mut channel: Channel<ChanSigner> = Channel::read(reader, &args.keys_manager)?;
+ let mut channel: Channel<Signer> = Channel::read(reader, &args.keys_manager)?;
if channel.last_block_connected != Default::default() && channel.last_block_connected != last_block_hash {
return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue);
use ln::features::InitFeatures;
use ln::msgs;
use ln::msgs::{ChannelMessageHandler,RoutingMessageHandler};
-use util::enforcing_trait_impls::EnforcingChannelKeys;
+use util::enforcing_trait_impls::EnforcingSigner;
use util::test_utils;
use util::test_utils::TestChainMonitor;
use util::events::{Event, EventsProvider, MessageSendEvent, MessageSendEventsProvider};
pub tx_broadcaster: &'c test_utils::TestBroadcaster,
pub chain_monitor: &'b test_utils::TestChainMonitor<'c>,
pub keys_manager: &'b test_utils::TestKeysInterface,
- pub node: &'a ChannelManager<EnforcingChannelKeys, &'b TestChainMonitor<'c>, &'c test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &'b test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &'c test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &'c test_utils::TestLogger>,
+ pub node: &'a ChannelManager<EnforcingSigner, &'b TestChainMonitor<'c>, &'c test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &'b test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &'c test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &'c test_utils::TestLogger>,
pub net_graph_msg_handler: NetGraphMsgHandler<&'c test_utils::TestChainSource, &'c test_utils::TestLogger>,
pub node_seed: [u8; 32],
pub network_payment_count: Rc<RefCell<u8>>,
for (_, old_monitor) in old_monitors.iter() {
let mut w = test_utils::TestVecWriter(Vec::new());
old_monitor.write(&mut w).unwrap();
- let (_, deserialized_monitor) = <(BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>)>::read(
+ let (_, deserialized_monitor) = <(BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>)>::read(
&mut ::std::io::Cursor::new(&w.0), self.keys_manager).unwrap();
let mut w = test_utils::TestVecWriter(Vec::new());
self.node.write(&mut w).unwrap();
- <(BlockHash, ChannelManager<EnforcingChannelKeys, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>)>::read(&mut ::std::io::Cursor::new(w.0), ChannelManagerReadArgs {
+ <(BlockHash, ChannelManager<EnforcingSigner, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>)>::read(&mut ::std::io::Cursor::new(w.0), ChannelManagerReadArgs {
default_config: UserConfig::default(),
keys_manager: self.keys_manager,
fee_estimator: &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator { sat_per_kw: 253 },
-pub fn create_node_chanmgrs<'a, 'b>(node_count: usize, cfgs: &'a Vec<NodeCfg<'b>>, node_config: &[Option<UserConfig>]) -> Vec<ChannelManager<EnforcingChannelKeys, &'a TestChainMonitor<'b>, &'b test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &'a test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &'b test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &'b test_utils::TestLogger>> {
+pub fn create_node_chanmgrs<'a, 'b>(node_count: usize, cfgs: &'a Vec<NodeCfg<'b>>, node_config: &[Option<UserConfig>]) -> Vec<ChannelManager<EnforcingSigner, &'a TestChainMonitor<'b>, &'b test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &'a test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &'b test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &'b test_utils::TestLogger>> {
let mut chanmgrs = Vec::new();
for i in 0..node_count {
let mut default_config = UserConfig::default();
-pub fn create_network<'a, 'b: 'a, 'c: 'b>(node_count: usize, cfgs: &'b Vec<NodeCfg<'c>>, chan_mgrs: &'a Vec<ChannelManager<EnforcingChannelKeys, &'b TestChainMonitor<'c>, &'c test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &'b test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &'c test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &'c test_utils::TestLogger>>) -> Vec<Node<'a, 'b, 'c>> {
+pub fn create_network<'a, 'b: 'a, 'c: 'b>(node_count: usize, cfgs: &'b Vec<NodeCfg<'c>>, chan_mgrs: &'a Vec<ChannelManager<EnforcingSigner, &'b TestChainMonitor<'c>, &'c test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &'b test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &'c test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &'c test_utils::TestLogger>>) -> Vec<Node<'a, 'b, 'c>> {
let mut nodes = Vec::new();
let chan_count = Rc::new(RefCell::new(0));
let payment_count = Rc::new(RefCell::new(0));
use chain::channelmonitor;
use chain::channelmonitor::{ChannelMonitor, CLTV_CLAIM_BUFFER, LATENCY_GRACE_PERIOD_BLOCKS, ANTI_REORG_DELAY};
use chain::transaction::OutPoint;
-use chain::keysinterface::{ChannelKeys, KeysInterface};
+use chain::keysinterface::{Sign, KeysInterface};
use ln::channelmanager::{ChannelManager, ChannelManagerReadArgs, RAACommitmentOrder, PaymentPreimage, PaymentHash, PaymentSecret, PaymentSendFailure, BREAKDOWN_TIMEOUT};
use ln::channel::{Channel, ChannelError};
use ln::features::{ChannelFeatures, InitFeatures, NodeFeatures};
use ln::msgs;
use ln::msgs::{ChannelMessageHandler,RoutingMessageHandler,HTLCFailChannelUpdate, ErrorAction};
-use util::enforcing_trait_impls::EnforcingChannelKeys;
+use util::enforcing_trait_impls::EnforcingSigner;
use util::{byte_utils, test_utils};
use util::events::{Event, EventsProvider, MessageSendEvent, MessageSendEventsProvider};
use util::errors::APIError;
// Instantiate channel parameters where we push the maximum msats given our
// funding satoshis
let channel_value_sat = 31337; // same as funding satoshis
- let channel_reserve_satoshis = Channel::<EnforcingChannelKeys>::get_holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis(channel_value_sat);
+ let channel_reserve_satoshis = Channel::<EnforcingSigner>::get_holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis(channel_value_sat);
let push_msat = (channel_value_sat - channel_reserve_satoshis) * 1000;
// Have node0 initiate a channel to node1 with aforementioned parameters
const INITIAL_COMMITMENT_NUMBER: u64 = (1 << 48) - 1;
- // Get the EnforcingChannelKeys for each channel, which will be used to (1) get the keys
+ // Get the EnforcingSigner for each channel, which will be used to (1) get the keys
// needed to sign the new commitment tx and (2) sign the new commitment tx.
let (local_revocation_basepoint, local_htlc_basepoint, local_secret, next_local_point) = {
let chan_lock = nodes[0].node.channel_state.lock().unwrap();
let fee_estimator: test_utils::TestFeeEstimator;
let persister: test_utils::TestPersister;
let new_chain_monitor: test_utils::TestChainMonitor;
- let nodes_0_deserialized: ChannelManager<EnforcingChannelKeys, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>;
+ let nodes_0_deserialized: ChannelManager<EnforcingSigner, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>;
let mut nodes = create_network(2, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
let tx = create_chan_between_nodes_with_value_init(&nodes[0], &nodes[1], 100000, 10001, InitFeatures::known(), InitFeatures::known());
new_chain_monitor = test_utils::TestChainMonitor::new(Some(nodes[0].chain_source), nodes[0].tx_broadcaster.clone(), &logger, &fee_estimator, &persister, keys_manager);
nodes[0].chain_monitor = &new_chain_monitor;
let mut chan_0_monitor_read = &chan_0_monitor_serialized.0[..];
- let (_, mut chan_0_monitor) = <(BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>)>::read(
+ let (_, mut chan_0_monitor) = <(BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>)>::read(
&mut chan_0_monitor_read, keys_manager).unwrap();
let (_, nodes_0_deserialized_tmp) = {
let mut channel_monitors = HashMap::new();
channel_monitors.insert(chan_0_monitor.get_funding_txo().0, &mut chan_0_monitor);
- <(BlockHash, ChannelManager<EnforcingChannelKeys, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>)>::read(&mut nodes_0_read, ChannelManagerReadArgs {
+ <(BlockHash, ChannelManager<EnforcingSigner, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>)>::read(&mut nodes_0_read, ChannelManagerReadArgs {
default_config: config,
fee_estimator: &fee_estimator,
let persister: test_utils::TestPersister;
let logger: test_utils::TestLogger;
let new_chain_monitor: test_utils::TestChainMonitor;
- let nodes_0_deserialized: ChannelManager<EnforcingChannelKeys, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>;
+ let nodes_0_deserialized: ChannelManager<EnforcingSigner, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>;
let mut nodes = create_network(2, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
// Start creating a channel, but stop right before broadcasting the event message FundingBroadcastSafe
new_chain_monitor = test_utils::TestChainMonitor::new(Some(nodes[0].chain_source), nodes[0].tx_broadcaster.clone(), &logger, &fee_estimator, &persister, keys_manager);
nodes[0].chain_monitor = &new_chain_monitor;
let mut chan_0_monitor_read = &chan_0_monitor_serialized.0[..];
- let (_, mut chan_0_monitor) = <(BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>)>::read(
+ let (_, mut chan_0_monitor) = <(BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>)>::read(
&mut chan_0_monitor_read, keys_manager).unwrap();
let (_, nodes_0_deserialized_tmp) = {
let mut channel_monitors = HashMap::new();
channel_monitors.insert(chan_0_monitor.get_funding_txo().0, &mut chan_0_monitor);
- <(BlockHash, ChannelManager<EnforcingChannelKeys, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>)>::read(&mut nodes_0_read, ChannelManagerReadArgs {
+ <(BlockHash, ChannelManager<EnforcingSigner, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>)>::read(&mut nodes_0_read, ChannelManagerReadArgs {
default_config: config,
fee_estimator: &fee_estimator,
let fee_estimator: test_utils::TestFeeEstimator;
let persister: test_utils::TestPersister;
let new_chain_monitor: test_utils::TestChainMonitor;
- let nodes_0_deserialized: ChannelManager<EnforcingChannelKeys, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>;
+ let nodes_0_deserialized: ChannelManager<EnforcingSigner, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>;
let mut nodes = create_network(2, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
create_announced_chan_between_nodes(&nodes, 0, 1, InitFeatures::known(), InitFeatures::known());
new_chain_monitor = test_utils::TestChainMonitor::new(Some(nodes[0].chain_source), nodes[0].tx_broadcaster.clone(), &logger, &fee_estimator, &persister, keys_manager);
nodes[0].chain_monitor = &new_chain_monitor;
let mut chan_0_monitor_read = &chan_0_monitor_serialized.0[..];
- let (_, mut chan_0_monitor) = <(BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>)>::read(
+ let (_, mut chan_0_monitor) = <(BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>)>::read(
&mut chan_0_monitor_read, keys_manager).unwrap();
let (_, nodes_0_deserialized_tmp) = {
let mut channel_monitors = HashMap::new();
channel_monitors.insert(chan_0_monitor.get_funding_txo().0, &mut chan_0_monitor);
- <(BlockHash, ChannelManager<EnforcingChannelKeys, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>)>::read(&mut nodes_0_read, ChannelManagerReadArgs {
+ <(BlockHash, ChannelManager<EnforcingSigner, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>)>::read(&mut nodes_0_read, ChannelManagerReadArgs {
default_config: UserConfig::default(),
fee_estimator: &fee_estimator,
let fee_estimator: test_utils::TestFeeEstimator;
let persister: test_utils::TestPersister;
let new_chain_monitor: test_utils::TestChainMonitor;
- let nodes_0_deserialized: ChannelManager<EnforcingChannelKeys, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>;
+ let nodes_0_deserialized: ChannelManager<EnforcingSigner, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>;
let mut nodes = create_network(4, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
create_announced_chan_between_nodes(&nodes, 0, 1, InitFeatures::known(), InitFeatures::known());
create_announced_chan_between_nodes(&nodes, 2, 0, InitFeatures::known(), InitFeatures::known());
let mut node_0_stale_monitors = Vec::new();
for serialized in node_0_stale_monitors_serialized.iter() {
let mut read = &serialized[..];
- let (_, monitor) = <(BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>)>::read(&mut read, keys_manager).unwrap();
+ let (_, monitor) = <(BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>)>::read(&mut read, keys_manager).unwrap();
let mut node_0_monitors = Vec::new();
for serialized in node_0_monitors_serialized.iter() {
let mut read = &serialized[..];
- let (_, monitor) = <(BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>)>::read(&mut read, keys_manager).unwrap();
+ let (_, monitor) = <(BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>)>::read(&mut read, keys_manager).unwrap();
let mut nodes_0_read = &nodes_0_serialized[..];
if let Err(msgs::DecodeError::InvalidValue) =
- <(BlockHash, ChannelManager<EnforcingChannelKeys, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>)>::read(&mut nodes_0_read, ChannelManagerReadArgs {
+ <(BlockHash, ChannelManager<EnforcingSigner, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>)>::read(&mut nodes_0_read, ChannelManagerReadArgs {
default_config: UserConfig::default(),
fee_estimator: &fee_estimator,
let mut nodes_0_read = &nodes_0_serialized[..];
let (_, nodes_0_deserialized_tmp) =
- <(BlockHash, ChannelManager<EnforcingChannelKeys, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>)>::read(&mut nodes_0_read, ChannelManagerReadArgs {
+ <(BlockHash, ChannelManager<EnforcingSigner, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>)>::read(&mut nodes_0_read, ChannelManagerReadArgs {
default_config: UserConfig::default(),
fee_estimator: &fee_estimator,
// Restore node A from previous state
logger = test_utils::TestLogger::with_id(format!("node {}", 0));
- let mut chain_monitor = <(BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>)>::read(&mut ::std::io::Cursor::new(previous_chain_monitor_state.0), keys_manager).unwrap().1;
+ let mut chain_monitor = <(BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>)>::read(&mut ::std::io::Cursor::new(previous_chain_monitor_state.0), keys_manager).unwrap().1;
chain_source = test_utils::TestChainSource::new(Network::Testnet);
tx_broadcaster = test_utils::TestBroadcaster{txn_broadcasted: Mutex::new(Vec::new())};
fee_estimator = test_utils::TestFeeEstimator { sat_per_kw: 253 };
node_state_0 = {
let mut channel_monitors = HashMap::new();
channel_monitors.insert(OutPoint { txid: chan.3.txid(), index: 0 }, &mut chain_monitor);
- <(BlockHash, ChannelManager<EnforcingChannelKeys, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>)>::read(&mut ::std::io::Cursor::new(previous_node_state), ChannelManagerReadArgs {
+ <(BlockHash, ChannelManager<EnforcingSigner, &test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestLogger>)>::read(&mut ::std::io::Cursor::new(previous_node_state), ChannelManagerReadArgs {
keys_manager: keys_manager,
fee_estimator: &fee_estimator,
chain_monitor: &monitor,
// commitment transaction, we would have happily carried on and provided them the next
// commitment transaction based on one RAA forward. This would probably eventually have led to
// channel closure, but it would not have resulted in funds loss. Still, our
- // EnforcingChannelKeys would have paniced as it doesn't like jumps into the future. Here, we
+ // EnforcingSigner would have paniced as it doesn't like jumps into the future. Here, we
// check simply that the channel is closed in response to such an RAA, but don't check whether
// we decide to punish our counterparty for revoking their funds (as we don't currently
// implement that).
let monitor = monitors.get(&outpoint).unwrap();
let mut w = test_utils::TestVecWriter(Vec::new());
monitor.write(&mut w).unwrap();
- let new_monitor = <(BlockHash, channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>)>::read(
+ let new_monitor = <(BlockHash, channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>)>::read(
&mut ::std::io::Cursor::new(&w.0), &test_utils::OnlyReadsKeysInterface {}).unwrap().1;
assert!(new_monitor == *monitor);
let watchtower = test_utils::TestChainMonitor::new(Some(&chain_source), &chanmon_cfgs[0].tx_broadcaster, &logger, &chanmon_cfgs[0].fee_estimator, &persister, &node_cfgs[0].keys_manager);
let monitor = monitors.get(&outpoint).unwrap();
let mut w = test_utils::TestVecWriter(Vec::new());
monitor.write(&mut w).unwrap();
- let new_monitor = <(BlockHash, channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>)>::read(
+ let new_monitor = <(BlockHash, channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>)>::read(
&mut ::std::io::Cursor::new(&w.0), &test_utils::OnlyReadsKeysInterface {}).unwrap().1;
assert!(new_monitor == *monitor);
let watchtower = test_utils::TestChainMonitor::new(Some(&chain_source), &chanmon_cfgs[0].tx_broadcaster, &logger, &chanmon_cfgs[0].fee_estimator, &persister, &node_cfgs[0].keys_manager);
let monitor = monitors.get(&outpoint).unwrap();
let mut w = test_utils::TestVecWriter(Vec::new());
monitor.write(&mut w).unwrap();
- let new_monitor = <(BlockHash, channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>)>::read(
+ let new_monitor = <(BlockHash, channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>)>::read(
&mut ::std::io::Cursor::new(&w.0), &test_utils::OnlyReadsKeysInterface {}).unwrap().1;
assert!(new_monitor == *monitor);
let watchtower = test_utils::TestChainMonitor::new(Some(&chain_source), &chanmon_cfgs[0].tx_broadcaster, &logger, &chanmon_cfgs[0].fee_estimator, &persister, &node_cfgs[0].keys_manager);
use ln::chan_utils::{TxCreationKeys, ChannelTransactionParameters, HolderCommitmentTransaction};
use chain::chaininterface::{FeeEstimator, BroadcasterInterface, ConfirmationTarget, MIN_RELAY_FEE_SAT_PER_1000_WEIGHT};
use chain::channelmonitor::{ANTI_REORG_DELAY, CLTV_SHARED_CLAIM_BUFFER, InputMaterial, ClaimRequest};
-use chain::keysinterface::{ChannelKeys, KeysInterface};
+use chain::keysinterface::{Sign, KeysInterface};
use util::logger::Logger;
use util::ser::{Readable, ReadableArgs, Writer, Writeable, VecWriter};
use util::byte_utils;
/// OnchainTxHandler receives claiming requests, aggregates them if it's sound, broadcast and
/// do RBF bumping if possible.
-pub struct OnchainTxHandler<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys> {
+pub struct OnchainTxHandler<ChanSigner: Sign> {
destination_script: Script,
holder_commitment: HolderCommitmentTransaction,
// holder_htlc_sigs and prev_holder_htlc_sigs are in the order as they appear in the commitment
secp_ctx: Secp256k1<secp256k1::All>,
-impl<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys> OnchainTxHandler<ChanSigner> {
+impl<ChanSigner: Sign> OnchainTxHandler<ChanSigner> {
pub(crate) fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), ::std::io::Error> {
-impl<'a, K: KeysInterface> ReadableArgs<&'a K> for OnchainTxHandler<K::ChanKeySigner> {
+impl<'a, K: KeysInterface> ReadableArgs<&'a K> for OnchainTxHandler<K::Signer> {
fn read<R: ::std::io::Read>(reader: &mut R, keys_manager: &'a K) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
let destination_script = Readable::read(reader)?;
-impl<ChanSigner: ChannelKeys> OnchainTxHandler<ChanSigner> {
+impl<ChanSigner: Sign> OnchainTxHandler<ChanSigner> {
pub(crate) fn new(destination_script: Script, keys: ChanSigner, channel_parameters: ChannelTransactionParameters, holder_commitment: HolderCommitmentTransaction) -> Self {
let key_storage = keys;
use ln::chan_utils::{HTLCOutputInCommitment, ChannelPublicKeys, HolderCommitmentTransaction, CommitmentTransaction, ChannelTransactionParameters, TrustedCommitmentTransaction};
use ln::{chan_utils, msgs};
-use chain::keysinterface::{ChannelKeys, InMemoryChannelKeys};
+use chain::keysinterface::{Sign, InMemorySigner};
use std::cmp;
use std::sync::{Mutex, Arc};
/// Initial value for revoked commitment downward counter
-/// An implementation of ChannelKeys that enforces some policy checks. The current checks
+/// An implementation of Sign that enforces some policy checks. The current checks
/// are an incomplete set. They include:
/// - When signing, the holder transaction has not been revoked
/// Eventually we will probably want to expose a variant of this which would essentially
/// be what you'd want to run on a hardware wallet.
-pub struct EnforcingChannelKeys {
- pub inner: InMemoryChannelKeys,
+pub struct EnforcingSigner {
+ pub inner: InMemorySigner,
/// The last counterparty commitment number we signed, backwards counting
pub last_commitment_number: Arc<Mutex<Option<u64>>>,
/// The last holder commitment number we revoked, backwards counting
pub disable_revocation_policy_check: bool,
-impl EnforcingChannelKeys {
- /// Construct an EnforcingChannelKeys
- pub fn new(inner: InMemoryChannelKeys) -> Self {
+impl EnforcingSigner {
+ /// Construct an EnforcingSigner
+ pub fn new(inner: InMemorySigner) -> Self {
Self {
last_commitment_number: Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)),
- /// Construct an EnforcingChannelKeys with externally managed storage
+ /// Construct an EnforcingSigner with externally managed storage
/// Since there are multiple copies of this struct for each channel, some coordination is needed
/// so that all copies are aware of revocations. A pointer to this state is provided here, usually
/// by an implementation of KeysInterface.
- pub fn new_with_revoked(inner: InMemoryChannelKeys, revoked_commitment: Arc<Mutex<u64>>, disable_revocation_policy_check: bool) -> Self {
+ pub fn new_with_revoked(inner: InMemorySigner, revoked_commitment: Arc<Mutex<u64>>, disable_revocation_policy_check: bool) -> Self {
Self {
last_commitment_number: Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)),
-impl ChannelKeys for EnforcingChannelKeys {
+impl Sign for EnforcingSigner {
fn get_per_commitment_point<T: secp256k1::Signing + secp256k1::Verification>(&self, idx: u64, secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<T>) -> PublicKey {
self.inner.get_per_commitment_point(idx, secp_ctx)
-impl Writeable for EnforcingChannelKeys {
+impl Writeable for EnforcingSigner {
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> {
let last = *self.last_commitment_number.lock().unwrap();
-impl Readable for EnforcingChannelKeys {
+impl Readable for EnforcingSigner {
fn read<R: ::std::io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
let inner = Readable::read(reader)?;
let last_commitment_number = Readable::read(reader)?;
- Ok(EnforcingChannelKeys {
+ Ok(EnforcingSigner {
last_commitment_number: Arc::new(Mutex::new(last_commitment_number)),
revoked_commitment: Arc::new(Mutex::new(INITIAL_REVOKED_COMMITMENT_NUMBER)),
-impl EnforcingChannelKeys {
+impl EnforcingSigner {
fn verify_counterparty_commitment_tx<'a, T: secp256k1::Signing + secp256k1::Verification>(&self, commitment_tx: &'a CommitmentTransaction, secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<T>) -> TrustedCommitmentTransaction<'a> {
self.inner.counterparty_pubkeys(), self.inner.pubkeys(), secp_ctx)
use ln::features::{ChannelFeatures, InitFeatures};
use ln::msgs;
use ln::msgs::OptionalField;
-use util::enforcing_trait_impls::{EnforcingChannelKeys, INITIAL_REVOKED_COMMITMENT_NUMBER};
+use util::enforcing_trait_impls::{EnforcingSigner, INITIAL_REVOKED_COMMITMENT_NUMBER};
use util::events;
use util::logger::{Logger, Level, Record};
use util::ser::{Readable, ReadableArgs, Writer, Writeable};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::{cmp, mem};
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
-use chain::keysinterface::InMemoryChannelKeys;
+use chain::keysinterface::InMemorySigner;
pub struct TestVecWriter(pub Vec<u8>);
impl Writer for TestVecWriter {
pub struct OnlyReadsKeysInterface {}
impl keysinterface::KeysInterface for OnlyReadsKeysInterface {
- type ChanKeySigner = EnforcingChannelKeys;
+ type Signer = EnforcingSigner;
fn get_node_secret(&self) -> SecretKey { unreachable!(); }
fn get_destination_script(&self) -> Script { unreachable!(); }
fn get_shutdown_pubkey(&self) -> PublicKey { unreachable!(); }
- fn get_channel_keys(&self, _inbound: bool, _channel_value_satoshis: u64) -> EnforcingChannelKeys { unreachable!(); }
+ fn get_channel_signer(&self, _inbound: bool, _channel_value_satoshis: u64) -> EnforcingSigner { unreachable!(); }
fn get_secure_random_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 32] { unreachable!(); }
- fn read_chan_signer(&self, reader: &[u8]) -> Result<Self::ChanKeySigner, msgs::DecodeError> {
- EnforcingChannelKeys::read(&mut std::io::Cursor::new(reader))
+ fn read_chan_signer(&self, reader: &[u8]) -> Result<Self::Signer, msgs::DecodeError> {
+ EnforcingSigner::read(&mut std::io::Cursor::new(reader))
pub struct TestChainMonitor<'a> {
- pub added_monitors: Mutex<Vec<(OutPoint, channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>)>>,
+ pub added_monitors: Mutex<Vec<(OutPoint, channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>)>>,
pub latest_monitor_update_id: Mutex<HashMap<[u8; 32], (OutPoint, u64)>>,
- pub chain_monitor: chainmonitor::ChainMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys, &'a TestChainSource, &'a chaininterface::BroadcasterInterface, &'a TestFeeEstimator, &'a TestLogger, &'a channelmonitor::Persist<EnforcingChannelKeys>>,
+ pub chain_monitor: chainmonitor::ChainMonitor<EnforcingSigner, &'a TestChainSource, &'a chaininterface::BroadcasterInterface, &'a TestFeeEstimator, &'a TestLogger, &'a channelmonitor::Persist<EnforcingSigner>>,
pub keys_manager: &'a TestKeysInterface,
pub update_ret: Mutex<Option<Result<(), channelmonitor::ChannelMonitorUpdateErr>>>,
// If this is set to Some(), after the next return, we'll always return this until update_ret
pub next_update_ret: Mutex<Option<Result<(), channelmonitor::ChannelMonitorUpdateErr>>>,
impl<'a> TestChainMonitor<'a> {
- pub fn new(chain_source: Option<&'a TestChainSource>, broadcaster: &'a chaininterface::BroadcasterInterface, logger: &'a TestLogger, fee_estimator: &'a TestFeeEstimator, persister: &'a channelmonitor::Persist<EnforcingChannelKeys>, keys_manager: &'a TestKeysInterface) -> Self {
+ pub fn new(chain_source: Option<&'a TestChainSource>, broadcaster: &'a chaininterface::BroadcasterInterface, logger: &'a TestLogger, fee_estimator: &'a TestFeeEstimator, persister: &'a channelmonitor::Persist<EnforcingSigner>, keys_manager: &'a TestKeysInterface) -> Self {
Self {
added_monitors: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
latest_monitor_update_id: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
impl<'a> chain::Watch for TestChainMonitor<'a> {
- type Keys = EnforcingChannelKeys;
+ type ChanSigner = EnforcingSigner;
- fn watch_channel(&self, funding_txo: OutPoint, monitor: channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>) -> Result<(), channelmonitor::ChannelMonitorUpdateErr> {
+ fn watch_channel(&self, funding_txo: OutPoint, monitor: channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>) -> Result<(), channelmonitor::ChannelMonitorUpdateErr> {
// At every point where we get a monitor update, we should be able to send a useful monitor
// to a watchtower and disk...
let mut w = TestVecWriter(Vec::new());
monitor.write(&mut w).unwrap();
- let new_monitor = <(BlockHash, channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>)>::read(
+ let new_monitor = <(BlockHash, channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>)>::read(
&mut ::std::io::Cursor::new(&w.0), self.keys_manager).unwrap().1;
assert!(new_monitor == monitor);
self.latest_monitor_update_id.lock().unwrap().insert(funding_txo.to_channel_id(), (funding_txo, monitor.get_latest_update_id()));
let monitor = monitors.get(&funding_txo).unwrap();
monitor.write(&mut w).unwrap();
- let new_monitor = <(BlockHash, channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>)>::read(
+ let new_monitor = <(BlockHash, channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>)>::read(
&mut ::std::io::Cursor::new(&w.0), self.keys_manager).unwrap().1;
assert!(new_monitor == *monitor);
self.added_monitors.lock().unwrap().push((funding_txo, new_monitor));
*self.update_ret.lock().unwrap() = ret;
-impl channelmonitor::Persist<EnforcingChannelKeys> for TestPersister {
- fn persist_new_channel(&self, _funding_txo: OutPoint, _data: &channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>) -> Result<(), channelmonitor::ChannelMonitorUpdateErr> {
+impl channelmonitor::Persist<EnforcingSigner> for TestPersister {
+ fn persist_new_channel(&self, _funding_txo: OutPoint, _data: &channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>) -> Result<(), channelmonitor::ChannelMonitorUpdateErr> {
- fn update_persisted_channel(&self, _funding_txo: OutPoint, _update: &channelmonitor::ChannelMonitorUpdate, _data: &channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingChannelKeys>) -> Result<(), channelmonitor::ChannelMonitorUpdateErr> {
+ fn update_persisted_channel(&self, _funding_txo: OutPoint, _update: &channelmonitor::ChannelMonitorUpdate, _data: &channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor<EnforcingSigner>) -> Result<(), channelmonitor::ChannelMonitorUpdateErr> {
impl keysinterface::KeysInterface for TestKeysInterface {
- type ChanKeySigner = EnforcingChannelKeys;
+ type Signer = EnforcingSigner;
fn get_node_secret(&self) -> SecretKey { self.backing.get_node_secret() }
fn get_destination_script(&self) -> Script { self.backing.get_destination_script() }
fn get_shutdown_pubkey(&self) -> PublicKey { self.backing.get_shutdown_pubkey() }
- fn get_channel_keys(&self, inbound: bool, channel_value_satoshis: u64) -> EnforcingChannelKeys {
- let keys = self.backing.get_channel_keys(inbound, channel_value_satoshis);
+ fn get_channel_signer(&self, inbound: bool, channel_value_satoshis: u64) -> EnforcingSigner {
+ let keys = self.backing.get_channel_signer(inbound, channel_value_satoshis);
let revoked_commitment = self.make_revoked_commitment_cell(keys.commitment_seed);
- EnforcingChannelKeys::new_with_revoked(keys, revoked_commitment, self.disable_revocation_policy_check)
+ EnforcingSigner::new_with_revoked(keys, revoked_commitment, self.disable_revocation_policy_check)
fn get_secure_random_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
- fn read_chan_signer(&self, buffer: &[u8]) -> Result<Self::ChanKeySigner, msgs::DecodeError> {
+ fn read_chan_signer(&self, buffer: &[u8]) -> Result<Self::Signer, msgs::DecodeError> {
let mut reader = std::io::Cursor::new(buffer);
- let inner: InMemoryChannelKeys = Readable::read(&mut reader)?;
+ let inner: InMemorySigner = Readable::read(&mut reader)?;
let revoked_commitment = self.make_revoked_commitment_cell(inner.commitment_seed);
let last_commitment_number = Readable::read(&mut reader)?;
- Ok(EnforcingChannelKeys {
+ Ok(EnforcingSigner {
last_commitment_number: Arc::new(Mutex::new(last_commitment_number)),
revoked_commitments: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
- pub fn derive_channel_keys(&self, channel_value_satoshis: u64, id: &[u8; 32]) -> EnforcingChannelKeys {
+ pub fn derive_channel_keys(&self, channel_value_satoshis: u64, id: &[u8; 32]) -> EnforcingSigner {
let keys = self.backing.derive_channel_keys(channel_value_satoshis, id);
let revoked_commitment = self.make_revoked_commitment_cell(keys.commitment_seed);
- EnforcingChannelKeys::new_with_revoked(keys, revoked_commitment, self.disable_revocation_policy_check)
+ EnforcingSigner::new_with_revoked(keys, revoked_commitment, self.disable_revocation_policy_check)
fn make_revoked_commitment_cell(&self, commitment_seed: [u8; 32]) -> Arc<Mutex<u64>> {