//! Further functional tests which test blockchain reorganizations.
-use crate::sign::{ChannelSigner, EcdsaChannelSigner};
+use crate::sign::EcdsaChannelSigner;
use crate::chain::channelmonitor::{ANTI_REORG_DELAY, LATENCY_GRACE_PERIOD_BLOCKS, Balance};
use crate::chain::transaction::OutPoint;
-use crate::chain::chaininterface::LowerBoundedFeeEstimator;
-use crate::events::bump_transaction::BumpTransactionEvent;
+use crate::chain::chaininterface::{LowerBoundedFeeEstimator, compute_feerate_sat_per_1000_weight};
+use crate::events::bump_transaction::{BumpTransactionEvent, WalletSource};
use crate::events::{Event, MessageSendEvent, MessageSendEventsProvider, ClosureReason, HTLCDestination};
use crate::ln::channel;
-use crate::ln::chan_utils;
use crate::ln::channelmanager::{BREAKDOWN_TIMEOUT, ChannelManager, PaymentId, RecipientOnionFields};
use crate::ln::msgs::ChannelMessageHandler;
use crate::util::config::UserConfig;
check_closed_event(&nodes[0], 1, ClosureReason::CommitmentTxConfirmed, false);
check_added_monitors(&nodes[0], 1);
+ let coinbase_tx = Transaction {
+ version: 2,
+ lock_time: PackedLockTime::ZERO,
+ input: vec![TxIn { ..Default::default() }],
+ output: vec![TxOut { // UTXO to attach fees to `htlc_tx` on anchors
+ value: Amount::ONE_BTC.to_sat(),
+ script_pubkey: nodes[0].wallet_source.get_change_script().unwrap(),
+ }],
+ };
+ nodes[0].wallet_source.add_utxo(bitcoin::OutPoint { txid: coinbase_tx.txid(), vout: 0 }, coinbase_tx.output[0].value);
// Set up a helper closure we'll use throughout our test. We should only expect retries without
// bumps if fees have not increased after a block has been connected (assuming the height timer
// re-evaluates at every block) or after `ChainMonitor::rebroadcast_pending_claims` is called.
let mut check_htlc_retry = |should_retry: bool, should_bump: bool| -> Option<Transaction> {
let (htlc_tx, htlc_tx_feerate) = if anchors {
- let mut events = nodes[0].chain_monitor.chain_monitor.get_and_clear_pending_events();
+ let events = nodes[0].chain_monitor.chain_monitor.get_and_clear_pending_events();
assert_eq!(events.len(), if should_retry { 1 } else { 0 });
if !should_retry {
return None;
- #[allow(unused_assignments)]
- let mut tx = Transaction {
- version: 2,
- lock_time: bitcoin::PackedLockTime::ZERO,
- input: vec![],
- output: vec![],
- };
- #[allow(unused_assignments)]
- let mut feerate = 0;
- feerate = if let Event::BumpTransaction(BumpTransactionEvent::HTLCResolution {
- target_feerate_sat_per_1000_weight, mut htlc_descriptors, tx_lock_time, ..
- }) = events.pop().unwrap() {
- let secp = Secp256k1::new();
- assert_eq!(htlc_descriptors.len(), 1);
- let descriptor = htlc_descriptors.pop().unwrap();
- assert_eq!(descriptor.commitment_txid, commitment_txn[0].txid());
- let htlc_output_idx = descriptor.htlc.transaction_output_index.unwrap() as usize;
- assert!(htlc_output_idx < commitment_txn[0].output.len());
- tx.lock_time = tx_lock_time;
- // Note that we don't care about actually making the HTLC transaction meet the
- // feerate for the test, we just want to make sure the feerates we receive from
- // the events never decrease.
- tx.input.push(descriptor.unsigned_tx_input());
- tx.output.push(descriptor.tx_output(&secp));
- let signer = descriptor.derive_channel_signer(&nodes[0].keys_manager);
- let our_sig = signer.sign_holder_htlc_transaction(&mut tx, 0, &descriptor, &secp).unwrap();
- let witness_script = descriptor.witness_script(&secp);
- tx.input[0].witness = descriptor.tx_input_witness(&our_sig, &witness_script);
- target_feerate_sat_per_1000_weight as u64
- } else { panic!("unexpected event"); };
- (tx, feerate)
+ match &events[0] {
+ Event::BumpTransaction(event) => {
+ nodes[0].bump_tx_handler.handle_event(&event);
+ let mut txn = nodes[0].tx_broadcaster.unique_txn_broadcast();
+ assert_eq!(txn.len(), 1);
+ let htlc_tx = txn.pop().unwrap();
+ check_spends!(&htlc_tx, &commitment_txn[0], &coinbase_tx);
+ let htlc_tx_fee = HTLC_AMT_SAT + coinbase_tx.output[0].value -
+ htlc_tx.output.iter().map(|output| output.value).sum::<u64>();
+ let htlc_tx_weight = htlc_tx.weight() as u64;
+ (htlc_tx, compute_feerate_sat_per_1000_weight(htlc_tx_fee, htlc_tx_weight))
+ }
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected event"),
+ }
} else {
let mut txn = nodes[0].tx_broadcaster.txn_broadcast();
let htlc_tx = txn.pop().unwrap();
check_spends!(htlc_tx, commitment_txn[0]);
let htlc_tx_fee = HTLC_AMT_SAT - htlc_tx.output[0].value;
- let htlc_tx_feerate = htlc_tx_fee * 1000 / htlc_tx.weight() as u64;
- (htlc_tx, htlc_tx_feerate)
+ let htlc_tx_weight = htlc_tx.weight() as u64;
+ (htlc_tx, compute_feerate_sat_per_1000_weight(htlc_tx_fee, htlc_tx_weight))
if should_bump {
assert!(htlc_tx_feerate > prev_htlc_tx_feerate.take().unwrap());
// Mine the HTLC transaction to ensure we don't retry claims while they're confirmed.
mine_transaction(&nodes[0], &htlc_tx);
- // If we have a `ConnectStyle` that advertises the new block first without the transasctions,
+ // If we have a `ConnectStyle` that advertises the new block first without the transactions,
// we'll receive an extra bumped claim.
if nodes[0].connect_style.borrow().updates_best_block_first() {
+ nodes[0].wallet_source.add_utxo(bitcoin::OutPoint { txid: coinbase_tx.txid(), vout: 0 }, coinbase_tx.output[0].value);
+ nodes[0].wallet_source.remove_utxo(bitcoin::OutPoint { txid: htlc_tx.txid(), vout: 1 });
check_htlc_retry(true, anchors);
// allowing the consumer to provide additional fees to the commitment transaction to be
// broadcast. Once the commitment transaction confirms, events for the HTLC resolution should be
// emitted by LDK, such that the consumer can attach fees to the zero fee HTLC transactions.
- let secp = Secp256k1::new();
let mut chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
let mut anchors_config = UserConfig::default();
let mut holder_events = nodes[0].chain_monitor.chain_monitor.get_and_clear_pending_events();
assert_eq!(holder_events.len(), 1);
let (commitment_tx, anchor_tx) = match holder_events.pop().unwrap() {
- Event::BumpTransaction(BumpTransactionEvent::ChannelClose { commitment_tx, anchor_descriptor, .. }) => {
- assert_eq!(commitment_tx.input.len(), 1);
- assert_eq!(commitment_tx.output.len(), 6);
- let mut anchor_tx = Transaction {
+ Event::BumpTransaction(event) => {
+ let coinbase_tx = Transaction {
version: 2,
lock_time: PackedLockTime::ZERO,
- input: vec![
- TxIn { previous_output: anchor_descriptor.outpoint, ..Default::default() },
- TxIn { ..Default::default() },
- ],
- output: vec![TxOut {
+ input: vec![TxIn { ..Default::default() }],
+ output: vec![TxOut { // UTXO to attach fees to `anchor_tx`
value: Amount::ONE_BTC.to_sat(),
- script_pubkey: Script::new_op_return(&[]),
+ script_pubkey: nodes[0].wallet_source.get_change_script().unwrap(),
- let signer = anchor_descriptor.derive_channel_signer(&nodes[0].keys_manager);
- let funding_sig = signer.sign_holder_anchor_input(&mut anchor_tx, 0, &secp).unwrap();
- anchor_tx.input[0].witness = chan_utils::build_anchor_input_witness(
- &signer.pubkeys().funding_pubkey, &funding_sig
- );
+ nodes[0].wallet_source.add_utxo(bitcoin::OutPoint { txid: coinbase_tx.txid(), vout: 0 }, coinbase_tx.output[0].value);
+ nodes[0].bump_tx_handler.handle_event(&event);
+ let mut txn = nodes[0].tx_broadcaster.unique_txn_broadcast();
+ assert_eq!(txn.len(), 2);
+ let anchor_tx = txn.pop().unwrap();
+ let commitment_tx = txn.pop().unwrap();
+ check_spends!(anchor_tx, coinbase_tx, commitment_tx);
(commitment_tx, anchor_tx)
_ => panic!("Unexpected event"),
let mut htlc_txs = Vec::with_capacity(2);
for event in holder_events {
match event {
- Event::BumpTransaction(BumpTransactionEvent::HTLCResolution { htlc_descriptors, tx_lock_time, .. }) => {
- assert_eq!(htlc_descriptors.len(), 1);
- let htlc_descriptor = &htlc_descriptors[0];
- let mut htlc_tx = Transaction {
- version: 2,
- lock_time: tx_lock_time,
- input: vec![
- htlc_descriptor.unsigned_tx_input(), // HTLC input
- TxIn { ..Default::default() } // Fee input
- ],
- output: vec![
- htlc_descriptor.tx_output(&secp), // HTLC output
- TxOut { // Fee input change
- value: Amount::ONE_BTC.to_sat(),
- script_pubkey: Script::new_op_return(&[]),
- }
- ]
- };
- let signer = htlc_descriptor.derive_channel_signer(&nodes[0].keys_manager);
- let our_sig = signer.sign_holder_htlc_transaction(&mut htlc_tx, 0, htlc_descriptor, &secp).unwrap();
- let witness_script = htlc_descriptor.witness_script(&secp);
- htlc_tx.input[0].witness = htlc_descriptor.tx_input_witness(&our_sig, &witness_script);
+ Event::BumpTransaction(event) => {
+ nodes[0].bump_tx_handler.handle_event(&event);
+ let mut txn = nodes[0].tx_broadcaster.unique_txn_broadcast();
+ assert_eq!(txn.len(), 1);
+ let htlc_tx = txn.pop().unwrap();
+ check_spends!(htlc_tx, commitment_tx, anchor_tx);
_ => panic!("Unexpected event"),
check_added_monitors(&nodes[1], 2);
check_closed_event!(&nodes[1], 2, ClosureReason::OutdatedChannelManager);
let (revoked_commitment_a, revoked_commitment_b) = {
- let txn = nodes[1].tx_broadcaster.txn_broadcasted.lock().unwrap().split_off(0);
+ let txn = nodes[1].tx_broadcaster.unique_txn_broadcast();
assert_eq!(txn.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(txn[0].output.len(), 6); // 2 HTLC outputs + 1 to_self output + 1 to_remote output + 2 anchor outputs
assert_eq!(txn[1].output.len(), 6); // 2 HTLC outputs + 1 to_self output + 1 to_remote output + 2 anchor outputs
let events = nodes[1].chain_monitor.chain_monitor.get_and_clear_pending_events();
assert_eq!(events.len(), 2);
- let anchor_tx = {
- let secret_key = SecretKey::from_slice(&[1; 32]).unwrap();
- let public_key = PublicKey::new(secret_key.public_key(&secp));
- let fee_utxo_script = Script::new_v0_p2wpkh(&public_key.wpubkey_hash().unwrap());
+ let mut anchor_txs = Vec::with_capacity(events.len());
+ for (idx, event) in events.into_iter().enumerate() {
+ let utxo_value = Amount::ONE_BTC.to_sat() * (idx + 1) as u64;
let coinbase_tx = Transaction {
version: 2,
lock_time: PackedLockTime::ZERO,
input: vec![TxIn { ..Default::default() }],
output: vec![TxOut { // UTXO to attach fees to `anchor_tx`
- value: Amount::ONE_BTC.to_sat(),
- script_pubkey: fee_utxo_script.clone(),
+ value: utxo_value,
+ script_pubkey: nodes[1].wallet_source.get_change_script().unwrap(),
- let mut anchor_tx = Transaction {
- version: 2,
- lock_time: PackedLockTime::ZERO,
- input: vec![
- TxIn { // Fee input
- previous_output: bitcoin::OutPoint { txid: coinbase_tx.txid(), vout: 0 },
- ..Default::default()
- },
- ],
- output: vec![TxOut { // Fee input change
- value: coinbase_tx.output[0].value / 2 ,
- script_pubkey: Script::new_op_return(&[]),
- }],
- };
- let mut signers = Vec::with_capacity(2);
- for event in events {
- match event {
- Event::BumpTransaction(BumpTransactionEvent::ChannelClose { anchor_descriptor, .. }) => {
- anchor_tx.input.push(TxIn {
- previous_output: anchor_descriptor.outpoint,
- ..Default::default()
- });
- let signer = anchor_descriptor.derive_channel_signer(&nodes[1].keys_manager);
- signers.push(signer);
- },
- _ => panic!("Unexpected event"),
- }
- }
- for (i, signer) in signers.into_iter().enumerate() {
- let anchor_idx = i + 1;
- let funding_sig = signer.sign_holder_anchor_input(&mut anchor_tx, anchor_idx, &secp).unwrap();
- anchor_tx.input[anchor_idx].witness = chan_utils::build_anchor_input_witness(
- &signer.pubkeys().funding_pubkey, &funding_sig
- );
- }
- let fee_utxo_sig = {
- let witness_script = Script::new_p2pkh(&public_key.pubkey_hash());
- let sighash = hash_to_message!(&SighashCache::new(&anchor_tx).segwit_signature_hash(
- 0, &witness_script, coinbase_tx.output[0].value, EcdsaSighashType::All
- ).unwrap()[..]);
- let sig = sign(&secp, &sighash, &secret_key);
- let mut sig = sig.serialize_der().to_vec();
- sig.push(EcdsaSighashType::All as u8);
- sig
+ nodes[1].wallet_source.add_utxo(bitcoin::OutPoint { txid: coinbase_tx.txid(), vout: 0 }, utxo_value);
+ match event {
+ Event::BumpTransaction(event) => nodes[1].bump_tx_handler.handle_event(&event),
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected event"),
- anchor_tx.input[0].witness = Witness::from_vec(vec![fee_utxo_sig, public_key.to_bytes()]);
- check_spends!(anchor_tx, coinbase_tx, revoked_commitment_a, revoked_commitment_b);
- anchor_tx
+ let txn = nodes[1].tx_broadcaster.txn_broadcast();
+ assert_eq!(txn.len(), 2);
+ let (commitment_tx, anchor_tx) = (&txn[0], &txn[1]);
+ check_spends!(anchor_tx, coinbase_tx, commitment_tx);
+ anchor_txs.push(anchor_tx.clone());
for node in &nodes {
- mine_transactions(node, &[&revoked_commitment_a, &revoked_commitment_b, &anchor_tx]);
+ mine_transactions(node, &[&revoked_commitment_a, &anchor_txs[0], &revoked_commitment_b, &anchor_txs[1]]);
check_added_monitors!(&nodes[0], 2);
check_closed_broadcast(&nodes[0], 2, true);
let mut descriptors = Vec::with_capacity(4);
for event in events {
+ // We don't use the `BumpTransactionEventHandler` here because it does not support
+ // creating one transaction from multiple `HTLCResolution` events.
if let Event::BumpTransaction(BumpTransactionEvent::HTLCResolution { mut htlc_descriptors, tx_lock_time, .. }) = event {
assert_eq!(htlc_descriptors.len(), 2);
for htlc_descriptor in &htlc_descriptors {