} else {
let state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(FutureState {
callbacks: Vec::new(),
+ callbacks_with_state: Vec::new(),
complete: lock.0,
callbacks_made: false,
// first bool - set to false if we're just calling a Waker, and true if we're calling an actual
// user-provided function.
callbacks: Vec<(bool, Box<dyn FutureCallback>)>,
+ callbacks_with_state: Vec<(bool, Box<dyn Fn(&Arc<Mutex<FutureState>>) -> () + Send>)>,
complete: bool,
callbacks_made: bool,
state.callbacks_made |= counts_as_call;
+ for (counts_as_call, callback) in state.callbacks_with_state.drain(..) {
+ (callback)(this);
+ state.callbacks_made |= counts_as_call;
+ }
state.complete = true;
for notifier_mtx in self.notifiers.iter() {
let cv_ref = Arc::clone(&cv);
let notified_fut_ref = Arc::clone(¬ified_fut_mtx);
- let notifier_ref = Arc::clone(¬ifier_mtx);
let mut notifier = notifier_mtx.lock().unwrap();
if notifier.complete {
- *notified_fut_mtx.lock().unwrap() = Some(notifier_ref);
+ *notified_fut_mtx.lock().unwrap() = Some(Arc::clone(¬ifier_mtx));
- notifier.callbacks.push((false, Box::new(move || {
- *notified_fut_ref.lock().unwrap() = Some(Arc::clone(¬ifier_ref));
+ notifier.callbacks_with_state.push((false, Box::new(move |notifier_ref| {
+ *notified_fut_ref.lock().unwrap() = Some(Arc::clone(notifier_ref));
+ #[cfg(feature = "std")]
+ #[test]
+ fn test_state_drops() {
+ // Previously, there was a leak if a `Notifier` was `drop`ed without ever being notified
+ // but after having been slept-on. This tests for that leak.
+ use crate::sync::Arc;
+ use std::thread;
+ let notifier_a = Arc::new(Notifier::new());
+ let notifier_b = Arc::new(Notifier::new());
+ let thread_notifier_a = Arc::clone(¬ifier_a);
+ let future_a = notifier_a.get_future();
+ let future_state_a = Arc::downgrade(&future_a.state);
+ let future_b = notifier_b.get_future();
+ let future_state_b = Arc::downgrade(&future_b.state);
+ let join_handle = thread::spawn(move || {
+ // Let the other thread get to the wait point, then notify it.
+ std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(50));
+ thread_notifier_a.notify();
+ });
+ // Wait on the other thread to finish its sleep, note that the leak only happened if we
+ // actually have to sleep here, not if we immediately return.
+ Sleeper::from_two_futures(future_a, future_b).wait();
+ join_handle.join().unwrap();
+ // then drop the notifiers and make sure the future states are gone.
+ mem::drop(notifier_a);
+ mem::drop(notifier_b);
+ assert!(future_state_a.upgrade().is_none() && future_state_b.upgrade().is_none());
+ }
fn test_future_callbacks() {
let future = Future {
state: Arc::new(Mutex::new(FutureState {
callbacks: Vec::new(),
+ callbacks_with_state: Vec::new(),
complete: false,
callbacks_made: false,
let future = Future {
state: Arc::new(Mutex::new(FutureState {
callbacks: Vec::new(),
+ callbacks_with_state: Vec::new(),
complete: false,
callbacks_made: false,
let mut future = Future {
state: Arc::new(Mutex::new(FutureState {
callbacks: Vec::new(),
+ callbacks_with_state: Vec::new(),
complete: false,
callbacks_made: false,