// Exit if either CLI polling exits or the background processor exits (which shouldn't happen
// unless we fail to write to the filesystem).
+ let mut bg_res = Ok(Ok(()));
tokio::select! {
_ = cli_poll => {},
- bg_res = &mut background_processor => {
- stop_listen_connect.store(true, Ordering::Release);
- peer_manager.disconnect_all_peers();
- panic!("ERR: background processing stopped with result {:?}, exiting", bg_res);
+ bg_exit = &mut background_processor => {
+ bg_res = bg_exit;
stop_listen_connect.store(true, Ordering::Release);
+ if let Err(e) = bg_res {
+ let persist_res = persister.persist("manager", &*channel_manager).unwrap();
+ use lightning::util::logger::Logger;
+ lightning::log_error!(
+ &*logger,
+ "Last-ditch ChannelManager persistence result: {:?}",
+ persist_res
+ );
+ panic!(
+ "ERR: background processing stopped with result {:?}, exiting.\n\
+ Last-ditch ChannelManager persistence result {:?}",
+ e, persist_res
+ );
+ }
// Stop the background processor.
if !bp_exit.is_closed() {