1 from bindingstypes import *
9 def __init__(self, DEBUG: bool, target: Target, **kwargs):
11 self.c_array_class_caches = set()
12 self.c_type_map = dict(
19 self.to_hu_conv_templates = dict(
20 ptr = '{human_type} {var_name}_hu_conv = new {human_type}(null, {var_name});',
21 default = '{human_type} {var_name}_hu_conv = new {human_type}(null, {var_name});'
24 self.bindings_header = """package org.ldk.impl;
25 import org.ldk.enums.*;
27 public class bindings {
28 public static class VecOrSliceDef {
32 public VecOrSliceDef(long dataptr, long datalen, long stride) {
33 this.dataptr = dataptr; this.datalen = datalen; this.stride = stride;
37 System.loadLibrary(\"lightningjni\");
38 init(java.lang.Enum.class, VecOrSliceDef.class);
40 if (!get_lib_version_string().equals(get_ldk_java_bindings_version()))
41 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Compiled LDK library and LDK class failes do not match");
42 // Fetching the LDK versions from C also checks that the header and binaries match
43 get_ldk_c_bindings_version();
46 static native void init(java.lang.Class c, java.lang.Class slicedef);
47 static native void init_class_cache();
48 static native String get_lib_version_string();
50 public static String get_ldk_java_bindings_version() {
51 return "<git_version_ldk_garbagecollected>";
53 public static native String get_ldk_c_bindings_version();
54 public static native String get_ldk_version();
56 public static native boolean deref_bool(long ptr);
57 public static native long deref_long(long ptr);
58 public static native void free_heap_ptr(long ptr);
59 public static native byte[] read_bytes(long ptr, long len);
60 public static native byte[] get_u8_slice_bytes(long slice_ptr);
61 public static native long bytes_to_u8_vec(byte[] bytes);
62 public static native long new_txpointer_copy_data(byte[] txdata);
63 public static native void txpointer_free(long ptr);
64 public static native byte[] txpointer_get_buffer(long ptr);
65 public static native long vec_slice_len(long vec);
66 public static native long new_empty_slice_vec();
70 self.bindings_footer = "}\n"
72 self.util_fn_pfx = """package org.ldk.structs;
73 import org.ldk.impl.bindings;
74 import java.util.Arrays;
75 import org.ldk.enums.*;
77 public class UtilMethods {
79 self.util_fn_sfx = "}"
80 self.common_base = """package org.ldk.structs;
81 import java.util.LinkedList;
84 LinkedList<Object> ptrs_to = new LinkedList();
85 protected CommonBase(long ptr) { this.ptr = ptr; }
86 public long _test_only_get_ptr() { return this.ptr; }
90 self.c_file_pfx = """#include \"org_ldk_impl_bindings.h\"
91 #include <lightning.h>
93 #include <stdatomic.h>
98 if self.target == Target.ANDROID:
99 self.c_file_pfx = self.c_file_pfx + """
100 #include <android/log.h>
101 #define DEBUG_PRINT(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "LDK", __VA_ARGS__)
105 static void* redirect_stderr(void* ignored) {
108 dup2(pipes[1], STDERR_FILENO);
110 memset(buf, 0, 8192);
112 while ((len = read(pipes[0], buf, 8191)) > 0) {
113 DEBUG_PRINT("%s\\n", buf);
114 memset(buf, 0, 8192);
116 DEBUG_PRINT("End of stderr???\\n");
119 void __attribute__((constructor)) spawn_stderr_redirection() {
121 pthread_create(&thread, NULL, &redirect_stderr, NULL);
125 self.c_file_pfx = self.c_file_pfx + "#define DEBUG_PRINT(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)\n"
128 self.c_file_pfx = self.c_file_pfx + """#define MALLOC(a, _) malloc(a)
129 #define FREE(p) if ((uint64_t)(p) > 1024) { free(p); }
130 #define DO_ASSERT(a) (void)(a)
134 self.c_file_pfx = self.c_file_pfx + """#include <assert.h>
135 // Always run a, then assert it is true:
136 #define DO_ASSERT(a) do { bool _assert_val = (a); assert(_assert_val); } while(0)
137 // Assert a is true or do nothing
138 #define CHECK(a) DO_ASSERT(a)
140 void __attribute__((constructor)) debug_log_version() {
141 if (check_get_ldk_version() == NULL)
142 DEBUG_PRINT("LDK version did not match the header we built against\\n");
143 if (check_get_ldk_bindings_version() == NULL)
144 DEBUG_PRINT("LDK C Bindings version did not match the header we built against\\n");
145 DEBUG_PRINT("Loaded LDK-Java Bindings with LDK %s and LDK-C-Bindings %s\\n", check_get_ldk_version(), check_get_ldk_bindings_version());
148 // Running a leak check across all the allocations and frees of the JDK is a mess,
149 // so instead we implement our own naive leak checker here, relying on the -wrap
150 // linker option to wrap malloc/calloc/realloc/free, tracking everyhing allocated
151 // and free'd in Rust or C across the generated bindings shared library.
155 if self.target == Target.ANDROID:
156 self.c_file_pfx = self.c_file_pfx + """
160 // Implement the execinfo functions using _Unwind_backtrace. This seems to miss many Rust
161 // symbols, so we only use it on Android, where execinfo.h is unavailable.
163 struct BacktraceState {
167 static _Unwind_Reason_Code unwind_callback(struct _Unwind_Context* context, void* arg) {
168 struct BacktraceState* state = (struct BacktraceState*)arg;
169 uintptr_t pc = _Unwind_GetIP(context);
171 if (state->current == state->end) {
172 return _URC_END_OF_STACK;
174 *state->current++ = (void*)(pc);
177 return _URC_NO_REASON;
180 int backtrace(void** buffer, int max) {
181 struct BacktraceState state = { buffer, buffer + max };
182 _Unwind_Backtrace(unwind_callback, &state);
183 return state.current - buffer;
186 void backtrace_symbols_fd(void ** buffer, int count, int _fd) {
187 for (int idx = 0; idx < count; ++idx) {
189 if (dladdr(buffer[idx], &info) && info.dli_sname) {
190 DEBUG_PRINT("%p: %s", buffer[idx], info.dli_sname);
192 DEBUG_PRINT("%p: ???", buffer[idx]);
198 self.c_file_pfx = self.c_file_pfx + "#include <execinfo.h>\n"
199 self.c_file_pfx = self.c_file_pfx + """
201 static mtx_t allocation_mtx;
203 void __attribute__((constructor)) init_mtx() {
204 DO_ASSERT(mtx_init(&allocation_mtx, mtx_plain) == thrd_success);
208 typedef struct allocation {
209 struct allocation* next;
211 const char* struct_name;
214 unsigned long alloc_len;
216 static allocation* allocation_ll = NULL;
218 void* __real_malloc(size_t len);
219 void* __real_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t len);
220 static void new_allocation(void* res, const char* struct_name, size_t len) {
221 allocation* new_alloc = __real_malloc(sizeof(allocation));
222 new_alloc->ptr = res;
223 new_alloc->struct_name = struct_name;
224 new_alloc->bt_len = backtrace(new_alloc->bt, BT_MAX);
225 new_alloc->alloc_len = len;
226 DO_ASSERT(mtx_lock(&allocation_mtx) == thrd_success);
227 new_alloc->next = allocation_ll;
228 allocation_ll = new_alloc;
229 DO_ASSERT(mtx_unlock(&allocation_mtx) == thrd_success);
231 static void* MALLOC(size_t len, const char* struct_name) {
232 void* res = __real_malloc(len);
233 new_allocation(res, struct_name, len);
236 void __real_free(void* ptr);
237 static void alloc_freed(void* ptr) {
238 allocation* p = NULL;
239 DO_ASSERT(mtx_lock(&allocation_mtx) == thrd_success);
240 allocation* it = allocation_ll;
241 while (it->ptr != ptr) {
242 p = it; it = it->next;
244 DEBUG_PRINT("Tried to free unknown pointer %p at:\\n", ptr);
246 int bt_len = backtrace(bt, BT_MAX);
247 backtrace_symbols_fd(bt, bt_len, STDERR_FILENO);
248 DEBUG_PRINT("\\n\\n");
249 DO_ASSERT(mtx_unlock(&allocation_mtx) == thrd_success);
250 return; // addrsan should catch malloc-unknown and print more info than we have
253 if (p) { p->next = it->next; } else { allocation_ll = it->next; }
254 DO_ASSERT(mtx_unlock(&allocation_mtx) == thrd_success);
255 DO_ASSERT(it->ptr == ptr);
258 static void FREE(void* ptr) {
259 if ((uint64_t)ptr < 1024) return; // Rust loves to create pointers to the NULL page for dummys
264 void* __wrap_malloc(size_t len) {
265 void* res = __real_malloc(len);
266 new_allocation(res, "malloc call", len);
269 void* __wrap_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t len) {
270 void* res = __real_calloc(nmemb, len);
271 new_allocation(res, "calloc call", len);
274 void __wrap_free(void* ptr) {
275 if (ptr == NULL) return;
280 void* __real_realloc(void* ptr, size_t newlen);
281 void* __wrap_realloc(void* ptr, size_t len) {
282 if (ptr != NULL) alloc_freed(ptr);
283 void* res = __real_realloc(ptr, len);
284 new_allocation(res, "realloc call", len);
287 void __wrap_reallocarray(void* ptr, size_t new_sz) {
288 // Rust doesn't seem to use reallocarray currently
292 void __attribute__((destructor)) check_leaks() {
293 unsigned long alloc_count = 0;
294 unsigned long alloc_size = 0;
295 DEBUG_PRINT("The following LDK-allocated blocks still remain.\\n");
296 DEBUG_PRINT("Note that this is only accurate if System.gc(); System.runFinalization()\\n");
297 DEBUG_PRINT("was called prior to exit after all LDK objects were out of scope.\\n");
298 for (allocation* a = allocation_ll; a != NULL; a = a->next) {
299 DEBUG_PRINT("%s %p (%lu bytes) remains:\\n", a->struct_name, a->ptr, a->alloc_len);
300 backtrace_symbols_fd(a->bt, a->bt_len, STDERR_FILENO);
301 DEBUG_PRINT("\\n\\n");
303 alloc_size += a->alloc_len;
305 DEBUG_PRINT("%lu allocations remained for %lu bytes.\\n", alloc_count, alloc_size);
306 DEBUG_PRINT("Note that this is only accurate if System.gc(); System.runFinalization()\\n");
307 DEBUG_PRINT("was called prior to exit after all LDK objects were out of scope.\\n");
310 self.c_file_pfx = self.c_file_pfx + """
311 static jmethodID ordinal_meth = NULL;
312 static jmethodID slicedef_meth = NULL;
313 static jclass slicedef_cls = NULL;
314 JNIEXPORT void Java_org_ldk_impl_bindings_init(JNIEnv * env, jclass _b, jclass enum_class, jclass slicedef_class) {
315 ordinal_meth = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, enum_class, "ordinal", "()I");
316 CHECK(ordinal_meth != NULL);
317 slicedef_meth = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, slicedef_class, "<init>", "(JJJ)V");
318 CHECK(slicedef_meth != NULL);
319 slicedef_cls = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, slicedef_class);
320 CHECK(slicedef_cls != NULL);
323 JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_org_ldk_impl_bindings_deref_1bool (JNIEnv * env, jclass _a, jlong ptr) {
324 return *((bool*)ptr);
326 JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_org_ldk_impl_bindings_deref_1long (JNIEnv * env, jclass _a, jlong ptr) {
327 return *((long*)ptr);
329 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_ldk_impl_bindings_free_1heap_1ptr (JNIEnv * env, jclass _a, jlong ptr) {
332 JNIEXPORT jbyteArray JNICALL Java_org_ldk_impl_bindings_read_1bytes (JNIEnv * env, jclass _b, jlong ptr, jlong len) {
333 jbyteArray ret_arr = (*env)->NewByteArray(env, len);
334 (*env)->SetByteArrayRegion(env, ret_arr, 0, len, (unsigned char*)ptr);
337 JNIEXPORT jbyteArray JNICALL Java_org_ldk_impl_bindings_get_1u8_1slice_1bytes (JNIEnv * env, jclass _b, jlong slice_ptr) {
338 LDKu8slice *slice = (LDKu8slice*)slice_ptr;
339 jbyteArray ret_arr = (*env)->NewByteArray(env, slice->datalen);
340 (*env)->SetByteArrayRegion(env, ret_arr, 0, slice->datalen, slice->data);
343 JNIEXPORT int64_t impl_bindings_bytes_1to_1u8_1vec (JNIEnv * env, jclass _b, jbyteArray bytes) {
344 LDKCVec_u8Z *vec = (LDKCVec_u8Z*)MALLOC(sizeof(LDKCVec_u8Z), "LDKCVec_u8");
345 vec->datalen = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, bytes);
346 vec->data = (uint8_t*)MALLOC(vec->datalen, "LDKCVec_u8Z Bytes");
347 (*env)->GetByteArrayRegion (env, bytes, 0, vec->datalen, vec->data);
348 return (uint64_t)vec;
350 JNIEXPORT jbyteArray JNICALL Java_org_ldk_impl_bindings_txpointer_1get_1buffer (JNIEnv * env, jclass _b, jlong ptr) {
351 LDKTransaction *txdata = (LDKTransaction*)ptr;
353 slice.data = txdata->data;
354 slice.datalen = txdata->datalen;
355 return Java_org_ldk_impl_bindings_get_1u8_1slice_1bytes(env, _b, (uint64_t)&slice);
357 JNIEXPORT int64_t JNICALL Java_org_ldk_impl_bindings_new_1txpointer_1copy_1data (JNIEnv * env, jclass _b, jbyteArray bytes) {
358 LDKTransaction *txdata = (LDKTransaction*)MALLOC(sizeof(LDKTransaction), "LDKTransaction");
359 txdata->datalen = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, bytes);
360 txdata->data = (uint8_t*)MALLOC(txdata->datalen, "Tx Data Bytes");
361 txdata->data_is_owned = false;
362 (*env)->GetByteArrayRegion (env, bytes, 0, txdata->datalen, txdata->data);
363 return (uint64_t)txdata;
365 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_ldk_impl_bindings_txpointer_1free (JNIEnv * env, jclass _b, jlong ptr) {
366 LDKTransaction *tx = (LDKTransaction*)ptr;
367 tx->data_is_owned = true;
368 Transaction_free(*tx);
371 JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_org_ldk_impl_bindings_vec_1slice_1len (JNIEnv * env, jclass _a, jlong ptr) {
372 // Check offsets of a few Vec types are all consistent as we're meant to be generic across types
373 _Static_assert(offsetof(LDKCVec_u8Z, datalen) == offsetof(LDKCVec_SignatureZ, datalen), "Vec<*> needs to be mapped identically");
374 _Static_assert(offsetof(LDKCVec_u8Z, datalen) == offsetof(LDKCVec_MessageSendEventZ, datalen), "Vec<*> needs to be mapped identically");
375 _Static_assert(offsetof(LDKCVec_u8Z, datalen) == offsetof(LDKCVec_EventZ, datalen), "Vec<*> needs to be mapped identically");
376 _Static_assert(offsetof(LDKCVec_u8Z, datalen) == offsetof(LDKCVec_C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZZ, datalen), "Vec<*> needs to be mapped identically");
377 LDKCVec_u8Z *vec = (LDKCVec_u8Z*)ptr;
378 return (uint64_t)vec->datalen;
380 JNIEXPORT int64_t JNICALL Java_org_ldk_impl_bindings_new_1empty_1slice_1vec (JNIEnv * env, jclass _b) {
381 // Check sizes of a few Vec types are all consistent as we're meant to be generic across types
382 _Static_assert(sizeof(LDKCVec_u8Z) == sizeof(LDKCVec_SignatureZ), "Vec<*> needs to be mapped identically");
383 _Static_assert(sizeof(LDKCVec_u8Z) == sizeof(LDKCVec_MessageSendEventZ), "Vec<*> needs to be mapped identically");
384 _Static_assert(sizeof(LDKCVec_u8Z) == sizeof(LDKCVec_EventZ), "Vec<*> needs to be mapped identically");
385 _Static_assert(sizeof(LDKCVec_u8Z) == sizeof(LDKCVec_C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZZ), "Vec<*> needs to be mapped identically");
386 LDKCVec_u8Z *vec = (LDKCVec_u8Z*)MALLOC(sizeof(LDKCVec_u8Z), "Empty LDKCVec");
389 return (uint64_t)vec;
392 // We assume that CVec_u8Z and u8slice are the same size and layout (and thus pointers to the two can be mixed)
393 _Static_assert(sizeof(LDKCVec_u8Z) == sizeof(LDKu8slice), "Vec<u8> and [u8] need to have been mapped identically");
394 _Static_assert(offsetof(LDKCVec_u8Z, data) == offsetof(LDKu8slice, data), "Vec<u8> and [u8] need to have been mapped identically");
395 _Static_assert(offsetof(LDKCVec_u8Z, datalen) == offsetof(LDKu8slice, datalen), "Vec<u8> and [u8] need to have been mapped identically");
397 _Static_assert(sizeof(jlong) == sizeof(int64_t), "We assume that j-types are the same as C types");
398 _Static_assert(sizeof(jbyte) == sizeof(char), "We assume that j-types are the same as C types");
399 _Static_assert(sizeof(void*) <= 8, "Pointers must fit into 64 bits");
401 typedef jlongArray int64_tArray;
402 typedef jbyteArray int8_tArray;
404 static inline jstring str_ref_to_java(JNIEnv *env, const char* chars, size_t len) {
405 // Sadly we need to create a temporary because Java can't accept a char* without a 0-terminator
406 char* conv_buf = MALLOC(len + 1, "str conv buf");
407 memcpy(conv_buf, chars, len);
409 jstring ret = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, conv_buf);
413 static inline LDKStr java_to_owned_str(JNIEnv *env, jstring str) {
414 uint64_t str_len = (*env)->GetStringUTFLength(env, str);
415 char* newchars = MALLOC(str_len + 1, "String chars");
416 const char* jchars = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, str, NULL);
417 memcpy(newchars, jchars, str_len);
418 newchars[str_len] = 0;
419 (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, str, jchars);
423 .chars_is_owned = true
428 JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_org_ldk_impl_bindings_get_1lib_1version_1string(JNIEnv *env, jclass _c) {
429 return str_ref_to_java(env, "<git_version_ldk_garbagecollected>", strlen("<git_version_ldk_garbagecollected>"));
431 JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_org_ldk_impl_bindings_get_1ldk_1c_1bindings_1version(JNIEnv *env, jclass _c) {
432 return str_ref_to_java(env, check_get_ldk_bindings_version(), strlen(check_get_ldk_bindings_version()));
434 JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_org_ldk_impl_bindings_get_1ldk_1version(JNIEnv *env, jclass _c) {
435 return str_ref_to_java(env, check_get_ldk_version(), strlen(check_get_ldk_version()));
439 self.hu_struct_file_prefix = """package org.ldk.structs;
441 import org.ldk.impl.bindings;
442 import org.ldk.enums.*;
443 import org.ldk.util.*;
444 import java.util.Arrays;
447 self.c_fn_ty_pfx = "JNIEXPORT "
448 self.c_fn_args_pfx = "JNIEnv *env, jclass clz"
449 self.file_ext = ".java"
450 self.ptr_c_ty = "int64_t"
451 self.ptr_native_ty = "long"
452 self.result_c_ty = "jclass"
453 self.ptr_arr = "jobjectArray"
454 self.get_native_arr_len_call = ("(*env)->GetArrayLength(env, ", ")")
456 def construct_jenv(self):
457 res = "JNIEnv *env;\n"
458 res += "jint get_jenv_res = (*j_calls->vm)->GetEnv(j_calls->vm, (void**)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_6);\n"
459 res += "if (get_jenv_res == JNI_EDETACHED) {\n"
460 res += "\tDO_ASSERT((*j_calls->vm)->AttachCurrentThread(j_calls->vm, (void**)&env, NULL) == JNI_OK);\n"
462 res += "\tDO_ASSERT(get_jenv_res == JNI_OK);\n"
465 def deconstruct_jenv(self):
466 res = "if (get_jenv_res == JNI_EDETACHED) {\n"
467 res += "\tDO_ASSERT((*j_calls->vm)->DetachCurrentThread(j_calls->vm) == JNI_OK);\n"
471 def release_native_arr_ptr_call(self, ty_info, arr_var, arr_ptr_var):
472 if ty_info.subty is None or not ty_info.subty.c_ty.endswith("Array"):
473 return "(*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, " + arr_var + ", " + arr_ptr_var + ", 0)"
475 def create_native_arr_call(self, arr_len, ty_info):
476 if ty_info.c_ty == "int8_tArray":
477 return "(*env)->NewByteArray(env, " + arr_len + ")"
478 elif ty_info.subty.c_ty.endswith("Array"):
479 clz_var = ty_info.java_fn_ty_arg[1:].replace("[", "arr_of_")
480 self.c_array_class_caches.add(clz_var)
481 return "(*env)->NewObjectArray(env, " + arr_len + ", " + clz_var + "_clz, NULL);\n"
483 return "(*env)->New" + ty_info.java_ty.strip("[]").title() + "Array(env, " + arr_len + ")"
484 def set_native_arr_contents(self, arr_name, arr_len, ty_info):
485 if ty_info.c_ty == "int8_tArray":
486 return ("(*env)->SetByteArrayRegion(env, " + arr_name + ", 0, " + arr_len + ", ", ")")
489 def get_native_arr_contents(self, arr_name, dest_name, arr_len, ty_info, copy):
490 if ty_info.c_ty == "int8_tArray":
492 return "(*env)->GetByteArrayRegion(env, " + arr_name + ", 0, " + arr_len + ", " + dest_name + ")"
494 return "(*env)->GetByteArrayElements (env, " + arr_name + ", NULL)"
495 elif not ty_info.java_ty[:len(ty_info.java_ty) - 2].endswith("[]"):
496 return "(*env)->Get" + ty_info.subty.java_ty.title() + "ArrayElements (env, " + arr_name + ", NULL)"
499 def get_native_arr_elem(self, arr_name, idxc, ty_info):
500 if self.get_native_arr_contents(arr_name, "", "", ty_info, False) is None:
501 return "(*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, " + arr_name + ", " + idxc + ")"
503 assert False # Only called if above is None
504 def get_native_arr_ptr_call(self, ty_info):
505 if ty_info.subty is not None and ty_info.subty.c_ty.endswith("Array"):
507 return ("(*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, ", ", NULL)")
508 def get_native_arr_entry_call(self, ty_info, arr_name, idxc, entry_access):
509 if ty_info.subty is None or not ty_info.subty.c_ty.endswith("Array"):
511 return "(*env)->SetObjectArrayElement(env, " + arr_name + ", " + idxc + ", " + entry_access + ")"
512 def cleanup_native_arr_ref_contents(self, arr_name, dest_name, arr_len, ty_info):
513 if ty_info.c_ty == "int8_tArray":
514 return "(*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, " + arr_name + ", (int8_t*)" + dest_name + ", 0);"
516 return "(*env)->Release" + ty_info.java_ty.strip("[]").title() + "ArrayElements(env, " + arr_name + ", " + dest_name + ", 0)"
518 def str_ref_to_native_call(self, var_name, str_len):
519 return "str_ref_to_java(env, " + var_name + ", " + str_len + ")"
520 def str_ref_to_c_call(self, var_name):
521 return "java_to_owned_str(env, " + var_name + ")"
523 def c_fn_name_define_pfx(self, fn_name, has_args):
525 return "JNICALL Java_org_ldk_impl_bindings_" + fn_name.replace("_", "_1") + "(JNIEnv *env, jclass clz, "
526 return "JNICALL Java_org_ldk_impl_bindings_" + fn_name.replace("_", "_1") + "(JNIEnv *env, jclass clz"
530 for ty in sorted(self.c_array_class_caches):
531 res = res + "static jclass " + ty + "_clz = NULL;\n"
532 res = res + "JNIEXPORT void Java_org_ldk_impl_bindings_init_1class_1cache(JNIEnv * env, jclass clz) {\n"
533 for ty in sorted(self.c_array_class_caches):
534 res = res + "\t" + ty + "_clz = (*env)->FindClass(env, \"" + ty.replace("arr_of_", "[") + "\");\n"
535 res = res + "\tCHECK(" + ty + "_clz != NULL);\n"
536 res = res + "\t" + ty + "_clz = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, " + ty + "_clz);\n"
540 def native_c_unitary_enum_map(self, struct_name, variants, enum_doc_comment):
541 out_java_enum = "package org.ldk.enums;\n\n"
544 out_c = out_c + "static inline LDK" + struct_name + " LDK" + struct_name + "_from_java(" + self.c_fn_args_pfx + ") {\n"
545 out_c = out_c + "\tswitch ((*env)->CallIntMethod(env, clz, ordinal_meth)) {\n"
547 if enum_doc_comment is not None:
548 out_java_enum += "/**\n * " + enum_doc_comment.replace("\n", "\n * ") + "\n */\n"
549 out_java_enum += "public enum " + struct_name + " {\n"
552 out_java_enum = out_java_enum + "\t" + var + ",\n"
553 out_c = out_c + "\t\tcase %d: return %s;\n" % (ord_v, var)
555 out_java_enum = out_java_enum + "\t; static native void init();\n"
556 out_java_enum = out_java_enum + "\tstatic { init(); }\n"
557 out_java_enum = out_java_enum + "}"
558 out_java = out_java + "\tstatic { " + struct_name + ".values(); /* Force enum statics to run */ }\n"
559 out_c = out_c + "\t}\n"
560 out_c = out_c + "\tabort();\n"
561 out_c = out_c + "}\n"
563 out_c = out_c + "static jclass " + struct_name + "_class = NULL;\n"
565 out_c = out_c + "static jfieldID " + struct_name + "_" + var + " = NULL;\n"
566 out_c = out_c + self.c_fn_ty_pfx + "void JNICALL Java_org_ldk_enums_" + struct_name.replace("_", "_1") + "_init (" + self.c_fn_args_pfx + ") {\n"
567 out_c = out_c + "\t" + struct_name + "_class = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, clz);\n"
568 out_c = out_c + "\tCHECK(" + struct_name + "_class != NULL);\n"
570 out_c = out_c + "\t" + struct_name + "_" + var + " = (*env)->GetStaticFieldID(env, " + struct_name + "_class, \"" + var + "\", \"Lorg/ldk/enums/" + struct_name + ";\");\n"
571 out_c = out_c + "\tCHECK(" + struct_name + "_" + var + " != NULL);\n"
572 out_c = out_c + "}\n"
573 out_c = out_c + "static inline jclass LDK" + struct_name + "_to_java(JNIEnv *env, LDK" + struct_name + " val) {\n"
574 out_c = out_c + "\tswitch (val) {\n"
577 out_c = out_c + "\t\tcase " + var + ":\n"
578 out_c = out_c + "\t\t\treturn (*env)->GetStaticObjectField(env, " + struct_name + "_class, " + struct_name + "_" + var + ");\n"
580 out_c = out_c + "\t\tdefault: abort();\n"
581 out_c = out_c + "\t}\n"
582 out_c = out_c + "}\n\n"
584 return (out_c, out_java_enum, out_java)
586 def c_unitary_enum_to_native_call(self, ty_info):
587 return (ty_info.rust_obj + "_to_java(env, ", ")")
588 def native_unitary_enum_to_c_call(self, ty_info):
589 return (ty_info.rust_obj + "_from_java(env, ", ")")
591 def c_complex_enum_pfx(self, struct_name, variants, init_meth_jty_strs):
594 out_c = out_c + "static jclass " + struct_name + "_" + var + "_class = NULL;\n"
595 out_c = out_c + "static jmethodID " + struct_name + "_" + var + "_meth = NULL;\n"
596 out_c = out_c + self.c_fn_ty_pfx + "void JNICALL Java_org_ldk_impl_bindings_00024" + struct_name.replace("_", "_1") + "_init (" + self.c_fn_args_pfx + ") {\n"
597 for var_name in variants:
598 out_c = out_c + "\t" + struct_name + "_" + var_name + "_class =\n"
599 if self.target == Target.ANDROID:
600 out_c = out_c + "\t\t(*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, (*env)->FindClass(env, \"org/ldk/impl/bindings$" + struct_name + "$" + var_name + "\"));\n"
602 out_c = out_c + "\t\t(*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, (*env)->FindClass(env, \"Lorg/ldk/impl/bindings$" + struct_name + "$" + var_name + ";\"));\n"
603 out_c = out_c + "\tCHECK(" + struct_name + "_" + var_name + "_class != NULL);\n"
604 out_c = out_c + "\t" + struct_name + "_" + var_name + "_meth = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, " + struct_name + "_" + var_name + "_class, \"<init>\", \"(" + init_meth_jty_strs[var_name] + ")V\");\n"
605 out_c = out_c + "\tCHECK(" + struct_name + "_" + var_name + "_meth != NULL);\n"
606 out_c = out_c + "}\n"
609 def c_complex_enum_pass_ty(self, struct_name):
612 def c_constr_native_complex_enum(self, struct_name, variant, c_params):
613 ret = "(*env)->NewObject(env, " + struct_name + "_" + variant + "_class, " + struct_name + "_" + variant + "_meth"
614 for param in c_params:
615 ret = ret + ", " + param
618 def native_c_map_trait(self, struct_name, field_vars, flattened_field_vars, field_fns, trait_doc_comment):
622 # First generate most of the Java code, note that we need information about java method argument strings for C
623 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + self.hu_struct_file_prefix
624 if trait_doc_comment is not None:
625 out_java_trait += "/**\n * " + trait_doc_comment.replace("\n", "\n * ") + "\n */\n"
626 out_java_trait += "@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") // We correctly assign various generic arrays\n"
627 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + "public class " + struct_name.replace("LDK","") + " extends CommonBase {\n"
628 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + "\tfinal bindings." + struct_name + " bindings_instance;\n"
629 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + "\t" + struct_name.replace("LDK", "") + "(Object _dummy, long ptr) { super(ptr); bindings_instance = null; }\n"
630 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + "\tprivate " + struct_name.replace("LDK", "") + "(bindings." + struct_name + " arg"
631 for var in flattened_field_vars:
632 if isinstance(var, ConvInfo):
633 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + ", " + var.java_hu_ty + " " + var.arg_name
635 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + ", bindings." + var[0] + " " + var[1]
636 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + ") {\n"
637 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + "\t\tsuper(bindings." + struct_name + "_new(arg"
638 for var in flattened_field_vars:
639 if isinstance(var, ConvInfo):
640 if var.from_hu_conv is not None:
641 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + ", " + var.from_hu_conv[0]
643 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + ", " + var.arg_name
645 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + ", " + var[1]
646 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + "));\n"
647 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + "\t\tthis.ptrs_to.add(arg);\n"
648 for var in flattened_field_vars:
649 if isinstance(var, ConvInfo):
650 if var.from_hu_conv is not None and var.from_hu_conv[1] != "":
651 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + "\t\t" + var.from_hu_conv[1].replace("\n", "\n\t\t") + ";\n"
653 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + "\t\tthis.ptrs_to.add(" + var[1] + ");\n"
654 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + "\t\tthis.bindings_instance = arg;\n"
655 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + "\t}\n"
656 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + "\t@Override @SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\")\n"
657 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + "\tprotected void finalize() throws Throwable {\n"
658 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + "\t\tif (ptr != 0) { bindings." + struct_name.replace("LDK","") + "_free(ptr); } super.finalize();\n"
659 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + "\t}\n\n"
661 java_trait_constr = "\tprivate static class " + struct_name + "Holder { " + struct_name.replace("LDK", "") + " held; }\n"
662 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\tpublic static " + struct_name.replace("LDK", "") + " new_impl(" + struct_name.replace("LDK", "") + "Interface arg"
663 for var in flattened_field_vars:
664 if isinstance(var, ConvInfo):
665 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + ", " + var.java_hu_ty + " " + var.arg_name
667 # Ideally we'd be able to take any instance of the interface, but our C code can only represent
668 # Java-implemented version, so we require users pass a Java implementation here :/
669 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + ", " + var[0].replace("LDK", "") + "." + var[0].replace("LDK", "") + "Interface " + var[1] + "_impl"
670 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + ") {\n\t\tfinal " + struct_name + "Holder impl_holder = new " + struct_name + "Holder();\n"
671 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\timpl_holder.held = new " + struct_name.replace("LDK", "") + "(new bindings." + struct_name + "() {\n"
672 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + "\tpublic static interface " + struct_name.replace("LDK", "") + "Interface {\n"
673 out_java = out_java + "\tpublic interface " + struct_name + " {\n"
675 for fn_line in field_fns:
676 java_meth_descr = "("
677 if fn_line.fn_name != "free" and fn_line.fn_name != "clone":
678 out_java = out_java + "\t\t " + fn_line.ret_ty_info.java_ty + " " + fn_line.fn_name + "("
679 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\t\t@Override public " + fn_line.ret_ty_info.java_ty + " " + fn_line.fn_name + "("
680 out_java_trait += "\t\t/**\n\t\t * " + fn_line.docs.replace("\n", "\n\t\t * ") + "\n\t\t */\n"
681 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + "\t\t" + fn_line.ret_ty_info.java_hu_ty + " " + fn_line.fn_name + "("
683 for idx, arg_conv_info in enumerate(fn_line.args_ty):
685 out_java = out_java + ", "
686 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + ", "
687 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + ", "
688 out_java = out_java + arg_conv_info.java_ty + " " + arg_conv_info.arg_name
689 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + arg_conv_info.java_hu_ty + " " + arg_conv_info.arg_name
690 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + arg_conv_info.java_ty + " " + arg_conv_info.arg_name
691 java_meth_descr = java_meth_descr + arg_conv_info.java_fn_ty_arg
692 java_meth_descr = java_meth_descr + ")" + fn_line.ret_ty_info.java_fn_ty_arg
693 java_meths.append((fn_line.fn_name, java_meth_descr))
695 out_java = out_java + ");\n"
696 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + ");\n"
697 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + ") {\n"
699 for arg_info in fn_line.args_ty:
700 if arg_info.to_hu_conv is not None:
701 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\t\t\t" + arg_info.to_hu_conv.replace("\n", "\n\t\t\t\t") + "\n"
703 if fn_line.ret_ty_info.java_ty != "void":
704 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\t\t\t" + fn_line.ret_ty_info.java_hu_ty + " ret = arg." + fn_line.fn_name + "("
706 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\t\t\targ." + fn_line.fn_name + "("
708 for idx, arg_info in enumerate(fn_line.args_ty):
710 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + ", "
711 if arg_info.to_hu_conv_name is not None:
712 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + arg_info.to_hu_conv_name
714 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + arg_info.arg_name
716 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + ");\n"
717 if fn_line.ret_ty_info.java_ty != "void":
718 if fn_line.ret_ty_info.from_hu_conv is not None:
719 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\t\t\t" + fn_line.ret_ty_info.java_ty + " result = " + fn_line.ret_ty_info.from_hu_conv[0] + ";\n"
720 if fn_line.ret_ty_info.from_hu_conv[1] != "":
721 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\t\t\t" + fn_line.ret_ty_info.from_hu_conv[1].replace("this", "impl_holder.held") + ";\n"
722 #if fn_line.ret_ty_info.rust_obj in result_types:
723 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\t\t\treturn result;\n"
725 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\t\t\treturn ret;\n"
726 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\t\t}\n"
727 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + "\t\t}"
728 for var in field_vars:
729 if isinstance(var, ConvInfo):
730 java_trait_constr = java_trait_constr + ", " + var.arg_name
732 java_trait_constr += ", " + var[1] + ".new_impl(" + var[1] + "_impl"
733 for suparg in var[2]:
734 if isinstance(suparg, ConvInfo):
735 java_trait_constr += ", " + suparg.arg_name
737 java_trait_constr += ", " + suparg[1]
738 java_trait_constr += ").bindings_instance"
739 for suparg in var[2]:
740 if isinstance(suparg, ConvInfo):
741 java_trait_constr += ", " + suparg.arg_name
743 java_trait_constr += ", " + suparg[1]
744 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + "\t}\n"
745 out_java_trait = out_java_trait + java_trait_constr + ");\n\t\treturn impl_holder.held;\n\t}\n"
747 out_java = out_java + "\t}\n"
749 out_java = out_java + "\tpublic static native long " + struct_name + "_new(" + struct_name + " impl"
750 for var in flattened_field_vars:
751 if isinstance(var, ConvInfo):
752 out_java = out_java + ", " + var.java_ty + " " + var.arg_name
754 out_java = out_java + ", " + var[0] + " " + var[1]
755 out_java = out_java + ");\n"
757 # Now that we've written out our java code (and created java_meths), generate C
758 out_c = "typedef struct " + struct_name + "_JCalls {\n"
759 out_c = out_c + "\tatomic_size_t refcnt;\n"
760 out_c = out_c + "\tJavaVM *vm;\n"
761 out_c = out_c + "\tjweak o;\n"
762 for var in flattened_field_vars:
763 if isinstance(var, ConvInfo):
764 # We're a regular ol' field
768 out_c = out_c + "\t" + var[0] + "_JCalls* " + var[1] + ";\n"
770 if fn.fn_name != "free" and fn.fn_name != "clone":
771 out_c = out_c + "\tjmethodID " + fn.fn_name + "_meth;\n"
772 out_c = out_c + "} " + struct_name + "_JCalls;\n"
774 for fn_line in field_fns:
775 if fn_line.fn_name == "free":
776 out_c = out_c + "static void " + struct_name + "_JCalls_free(void* this_arg) {\n"
777 out_c = out_c + "\t" + struct_name + "_JCalls *j_calls = (" + struct_name + "_JCalls*) this_arg;\n"
778 out_c = out_c + "\tif (atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(&j_calls->refcnt, 1, memory_order_acquire) == 1) {\n"
779 out_c += "\t\t" + self.construct_jenv().replace("\n", "\n\t\t").strip() + "\n"
780 out_c = out_c + "\t\t(*env)->DeleteWeakGlobalRef(env, j_calls->o);\n"
781 out_c += "\t\t" + self.deconstruct_jenv().replace("\n", "\n\t\t").strip() + "\n"
782 out_c = out_c + "\t\tFREE(j_calls);\n"
783 out_c = out_c + "\t}\n}\n"
785 for idx, fn_line in enumerate(field_fns):
786 if fn_line.fn_name != "free" and fn_line.fn_name != "clone":
787 assert fn_line.ret_ty_info.ty_info.get_full_rust_ty()[1] == ""
788 out_c = out_c + fn_line.ret_ty_info.ty_info.get_full_rust_ty()[0] + " " + fn_line.fn_name + "_" + struct_name + "_jcall("
789 if fn_line.self_is_const:
790 out_c = out_c + "const void* this_arg"
792 out_c = out_c + "void* this_arg"
794 for idx, arg in enumerate(fn_line.args_ty):
795 out_c = out_c + ", " + arg.ty_info.get_full_rust_ty()[0] + " " + arg.arg_name + arg.ty_info.get_full_rust_ty()[1]
797 out_c = out_c + ") {\n"
798 out_c = out_c + "\t" + struct_name + "_JCalls *j_calls = (" + struct_name + "_JCalls*) this_arg;\n"
799 out_c += "\t" + self.construct_jenv().replace("\n", "\n\t").strip() + "\n"
801 for arg_info in fn_line.args_ty:
802 if arg_info.ret_conv is not None:
803 out_c = out_c + "\t" + arg_info.ret_conv[0].replace('\n', '\n\t')
804 out_c = out_c + arg_info.arg_name
805 out_c = out_c + arg_info.ret_conv[1].replace('\n', '\n\t') + "\n"
807 out_c = out_c + "\tjobject obj = (*env)->NewLocalRef(env, j_calls->o);\n\tCHECK(obj != NULL);\n"
808 if fn_line.ret_ty_info.c_ty.endswith("Array"):
809 out_c = out_c + "\t" + fn_line.ret_ty_info.c_ty + " ret = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, obj, j_calls->" + fn_line.fn_name + "_meth"
810 elif fn_line.ret_ty_info.c_ty == "void":
811 out_c += "\t(*env)->Call" + fn_line.ret_ty_info.java_ty.title() + "Method(env, obj, j_calls->" + fn_line.fn_name + "_meth"
812 elif not fn_line.ret_ty_info.passed_as_ptr:
813 out_c += "\t" + fn_line.ret_ty_info.c_ty + " ret = (*env)->Call" + fn_line.ret_ty_info.java_ty.title() + "Method(env, obj, j_calls->" + fn_line.fn_name + "_meth"
815 out_c = out_c + "\t" + fn_line.ret_ty_info.rust_obj + "* ret = (" + fn_line.ret_ty_info.rust_obj + "*)(*env)->CallLongMethod(env, obj, j_calls->" + fn_line.fn_name + "_meth"
817 for idx, arg_info in enumerate(fn_line.args_ty):
818 if arg_info.ret_conv is not None:
819 out_c = out_c + ", " + arg_info.ret_conv_name
821 out_c = out_c + ", " + arg_info.arg_name
822 out_c = out_c + ");\n"
823 if fn_line.ret_ty_info.arg_conv is not None:
824 out_c += "\t" + fn_line.ret_ty_info.arg_conv.replace("\n", "\n\t") + "\n"
825 out_c += "\t" + self.deconstruct_jenv().replace("\n", "\n\t").strip() + "\n"
826 out_c += "\treturn " + fn_line.ret_ty_info.arg_conv_name + ";\n"
828 out_c += "\t" + self.deconstruct_jenv().replace("\n", "\n\t").strip() + "\n"
829 if not fn_line.ret_ty_info.passed_as_ptr and fn_line.ret_ty_info.c_ty != "void":
830 out_c += "\treturn ret;\n"
832 out_c = out_c + "}\n"
834 # Write out a clone function whether we need one or not, as we use them in moving to rust
835 out_c = out_c + "static void* " + struct_name + "_JCalls_clone(const void* this_arg) {\n"
836 out_c = out_c + "\t" + struct_name + "_JCalls *j_calls = (" + struct_name + "_JCalls*) this_arg;\n"
837 out_c = out_c + "\tatomic_fetch_add_explicit(&j_calls->refcnt, 1, memory_order_release);\n"
838 for var in field_vars:
839 if not isinstance(var, ConvInfo):
840 out_c = out_c + "\tatomic_fetch_add_explicit(&j_calls->" + var[1] + "->refcnt, 1, memory_order_release);\n"
841 out_c = out_c + "\treturn (void*) this_arg;\n"
842 out_c = out_c + "}\n"
844 out_c = out_c + "static inline " + struct_name + " " + struct_name + "_init (" + self.c_fn_args_pfx + ", jobject o"
845 for var in flattened_field_vars:
846 if isinstance(var, ConvInfo):
847 out_c = out_c + ", " + var.c_ty + " " + var.arg_name
849 out_c = out_c + ", jobject " + var[1]
850 out_c = out_c + ") {\n"
852 out_c = out_c + "\tjclass c = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, o);\n"
853 out_c = out_c + "\tCHECK(c != NULL);\n"
854 out_c = out_c + "\t" + struct_name + "_JCalls *calls = MALLOC(sizeof(" + struct_name + "_JCalls), \"" + struct_name + "_JCalls\");\n"
855 out_c = out_c + "\tatomic_init(&calls->refcnt, 1);\n"
856 out_c = out_c + "\tDO_ASSERT((*env)->GetJavaVM(env, &calls->vm) == 0);\n"
857 out_c = out_c + "\tcalls->o = (*env)->NewWeakGlobalRef(env, o);\n"
859 for (fn_name, java_meth_descr) in java_meths:
860 if fn_name != "free" and fn_name != "clone":
861 out_c = out_c + "\tcalls->" + fn_name + "_meth = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, c, \"" + fn_name + "\", \"" + java_meth_descr + "\");\n"
862 out_c = out_c + "\tCHECK(calls->" + fn_name + "_meth != NULL);\n"
864 for var in flattened_field_vars:
865 if isinstance(var, ConvInfo) and var.arg_conv is not None:
866 out_c = out_c + "\n\t" + var.arg_conv.replace("\n", "\n\t") +"\n"
867 out_c = out_c + "\n\t" + struct_name + " ret = {\n"
868 out_c = out_c + "\t\t.this_arg = (void*) calls,\n"
869 for fn_line in field_fns:
870 if fn_line.fn_name != "free" and fn_line.fn_name != "clone":
871 out_c = out_c + "\t\t." + fn_line.fn_name + " = " + fn_line.fn_name + "_" + struct_name + "_jcall,\n"
872 elif fn_line.fn_name == "free":
873 out_c = out_c + "\t\t.free = " + struct_name + "_JCalls_free,\n"
875 out_c = out_c + "\t\t.clone = " + struct_name + "_JCalls_clone,\n"
876 for var in field_vars:
877 if isinstance(var, ConvInfo):
878 if var.arg_conv_name is not None:
879 out_c = out_c + "\t\t." + var.arg_name + " = " + var.arg_conv_name + ",\n"
880 out_c = out_c + "\t\t.set_" + var.arg_name + " = NULL,\n"
882 out_c = out_c + "\t\t." + var.var_name + " = " + var.var_name + ",\n"
883 out_c = out_c + "\t\t.set_" + var.var_name + " = NULL,\n"
885 out_c += "\t\t." + var[1] + " = " + var[0] + "_init(env, clz, " + var[1]
886 for suparg in var[2]:
887 if isinstance(suparg, ConvInfo):
888 out_c = out_c + ", " + suparg.arg_name
890 out_c = out_c + ", " + suparg[1]
892 out_c = out_c + "\t};\n"
893 for var in flattened_field_vars:
894 if not isinstance(var, ConvInfo):
895 out_c = out_c + "\tcalls->" + var[1] + " = ret." + var[1] + ".this_arg;\n"
896 out_c = out_c + "\treturn ret;\n"
897 out_c = out_c + "}\n"
899 out_c = out_c + self.c_fn_ty_pfx + "int64_t " + self.c_fn_name_define_pfx(struct_name + "_new", True) + "jobject o"
900 for var in flattened_field_vars:
901 if isinstance(var, ConvInfo):
902 out_c = out_c + ", " + var.c_ty + " " + var.arg_name
904 out_c = out_c + ", jobject " + var[1]
905 out_c = out_c + ") {\n"
906 out_c = out_c + "\t" + struct_name + " *res_ptr = MALLOC(sizeof(" + struct_name + "), \"" + struct_name + "\");\n"
907 out_c = out_c + "\t*res_ptr = " + struct_name + "_init(env, clz, o"
908 for var in flattened_field_vars:
909 if isinstance(var, ConvInfo):
910 out_c = out_c + ", " + var.arg_name
912 out_c = out_c + ", " + var[1]
913 out_c = out_c + ");\n"
914 out_c = out_c + "\treturn (uint64_t)res_ptr;\n"
915 out_c = out_c + "}\n"
917 return (out_java, out_java_trait, out_c)
919 def trait_struct_inc_refcnt(self, ty_info):
920 base_conv = "\nif (" + ty_info.var_name + "_conv.free == " + ty_info.rust_obj + "_JCalls_free) {\n"
921 base_conv = base_conv + "\t// If this_arg is a JCalls struct, then we need to increment the refcnt in it.\n"
922 base_conv = base_conv + "\t" + ty_info.rust_obj + "_JCalls_clone(" + ty_info.var_name + "_conv.this_arg);\n}"
925 def map_complex_enum(self, struct_name, variant_list, camel_to_snake, enum_doc_comment):
926 java_hu_type = struct_name.replace("LDK", "").replace("COption", "Option")
931 out_java_enum += (self.hu_struct_file_prefix)
932 out_java_enum += "\n/**\n * " + enum_doc_comment.replace("\n", "\n * ") + "\n */\n"
933 out_java_enum += "@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") // We correctly assign various generic arrays\n"
934 out_java_enum += ("public class " + java_hu_type + " extends CommonBase {\n")
935 out_java_enum += ("\tprivate " + java_hu_type + "(Object _dummy, long ptr) { super(ptr); }\n")
936 out_java_enum += ("\t@Override @SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\")\n")
937 out_java_enum += ("\tprotected void finalize() throws Throwable {\n")
938 out_java_enum += ("\t\tsuper.finalize();\n")
939 out_java_enum += ("\t\tif (ptr != 0) { bindings." + struct_name.replace("LDK", "") + "_free(ptr); }\n")
940 out_java_enum += ("\t}\n")
941 out_java_enum += ("\tstatic " + java_hu_type + " constr_from_ptr(long ptr) {\n")
942 out_java_enum += ("\t\tbindings." + struct_name + " raw_val = bindings." + struct_name + "_ref_from_ptr(ptr);\n")
943 java_hu_subclasses = ""
945 init_meth_jty_strs = {}
947 out_java += ("\tpublic static class " + struct_name + " {\n")
948 out_java += ("\t\tprivate " + struct_name + "() {}\n")
949 for var in variant_list:
950 out_java += ("\t\tpublic final static class " + var.var_name + " extends " + struct_name + " {\n")
951 java_hu_subclasses = java_hu_subclasses + "\tpublic final static class " + var.var_name + " extends " + java_hu_type + " {\n"
952 out_java_enum += ("\t\tif (raw_val.getClass() == bindings." + struct_name + "." + var.var_name + ".class) {\n")
953 out_java_enum += ("\t\t\treturn new " + var.var_name + "(ptr, (bindings." + struct_name + "." + var.var_name + ")raw_val);\n")
954 init_meth_jty_str = ""
955 init_meth_params = ""
958 for idx, field_ty in enumerate(var.fields):
960 init_meth_params = init_meth_params + ", "
962 if field_ty.java_hu_ty == var.var_name:
963 field_path = field_ty.java_fn_ty_arg.strip("L;").replace("/", ".")
964 out_java += "\t\t\tpublic " + field_path + " " + field_ty.arg_name + ";\n"
965 java_hu_subclasses = java_hu_subclasses + "\t\tpublic final " + field_path + " " + field_ty.arg_name + ";\n"
966 init_meth_params = init_meth_params + field_path + " " + field_ty.arg_name
968 out_java += "\t\t\tpublic " + field_ty.java_ty + " " + field_ty.arg_name + ";\n"
969 java_hu_subclasses = java_hu_subclasses + "\t\tpublic final " + field_ty.java_hu_ty + " " + field_ty.arg_name + ";\n"
970 init_meth_params = init_meth_params + field_ty.java_ty + " " + field_ty.arg_name
971 init_meth_body = init_meth_body + "this." + field_ty.arg_name + " = " + field_ty.arg_name + "; "
972 if field_ty.to_hu_conv is not None:
973 hu_conv_body = hu_conv_body + "\t\t\t" + field_ty.java_ty + " " + field_ty.arg_name + " = obj." + field_ty.arg_name + ";\n"
974 hu_conv_body = hu_conv_body + "\t\t\t" + field_ty.to_hu_conv.replace("\n", "\n\t\t\t") + "\n"
975 hu_conv_body = hu_conv_body + "\t\t\tthis." + field_ty.arg_name + " = " + field_ty.to_hu_conv_name + ";\n"
977 hu_conv_body = hu_conv_body + "\t\t\tthis." + field_ty.arg_name + " = obj." + field_ty.arg_name + ";\n"
978 init_meth_jty_str = init_meth_jty_str + field_ty.java_fn_ty_arg
979 out_java += ("\t\t\t" + var.var_name + "(" + init_meth_params + ") { ")
980 out_java += (init_meth_body)
982 out_java += ("\t\t}\n")
983 out_java_enum += ("\t\t}\n")
984 java_hu_subclasses = java_hu_subclasses + "\t\tprivate " + var.var_name + "(long ptr, bindings." + struct_name + "." + var.var_name + " obj) {\n\t\t\tsuper(null, ptr);\n"
985 java_hu_subclasses = java_hu_subclasses + hu_conv_body
986 java_hu_subclasses = java_hu_subclasses + "\t\t}\n\t}\n"
987 init_meth_jty_strs[var.var_name] = init_meth_jty_str
988 out_java += ("\t\tstatic native void init();\n")
989 out_java += ("\t}\n")
990 out_java_enum += ("\t\tassert false; return null; // Unreachable without extending the (internal) bindings interface\n\t}\n\n")
991 out_java_enum += (java_hu_subclasses)
992 out_java += ("\tstatic { " + struct_name + ".init(); }\n")
993 out_java += ("\tpublic static native " + struct_name + " " + struct_name + "_ref_from_ptr(long ptr);\n");
995 out_c += (self.c_complex_enum_pfx(struct_name, [x.var_name for x in variant_list], init_meth_jty_strs))
997 out_c += (self.c_fn_ty_pfx + self.c_complex_enum_pass_ty(struct_name) + " " + self.c_fn_name_define_pfx(struct_name + "_ref_from_ptr", True) + self.ptr_c_ty + " ptr) {\n")
998 out_c += ("\t" + struct_name + " *obj = (" + struct_name + "*)(ptr & ~1);\n")
999 out_c += ("\tswitch(obj->tag) {\n")
1000 for var in variant_list:
1001 out_c += ("\t\tcase " + struct_name + "_" + var.var_name + ": {\n")
1003 for idx, field_map in enumerate(var.fields):
1004 if field_map.ret_conv is not None:
1005 out_c += ("\t\t\t" + field_map.ret_conv[0].replace("\n", "\n\t\t\t"))
1006 if var.tuple_variant:
1007 out_c += "obj->" + camel_to_snake(var.var_name)
1009 out_c += "obj->" + camel_to_snake(var.var_name) + "." + field_map.arg_name
1010 out_c += (field_map.ret_conv[1].replace("\n", "\n\t\t\t") + "\n")
1011 c_params.append(field_map.ret_conv_name)
1013 if var.tuple_variant:
1014 c_params.append("obj->" + camel_to_snake(var.var_name))
1016 c_params.append("obj->" + camel_to_snake(var.var_name) + "." + field_map.arg_name)
1017 out_c += ("\t\t\treturn " + self.c_constr_native_complex_enum(struct_name, var.var_name, c_params) + ";\n")
1018 out_c += ("\t\t}\n")
1019 out_c += ("\t\tdefault: abort();\n")
1020 out_c += ("\t}\n}\n")
1021 return (out_java, out_java_enum, out_c)
1023 def map_opaque_struct(self, struct_name, struct_doc_comment):
1024 out_opaque_struct_human = ""
1025 out_opaque_struct_human += self.hu_struct_file_prefix
1026 out_opaque_struct_human += "\n/**\n * " + struct_doc_comment.replace("\n", "\n * ") + "\n */\n"
1027 out_opaque_struct_human += "@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") // We correctly assign various generic arrays\n"
1028 out_opaque_struct_human += ("public class " + struct_name.replace("LDK","") + " extends CommonBase")
1029 if struct_name.startswith("LDKLocked"):
1030 out_opaque_struct_human += (" implements AutoCloseable")
1031 out_opaque_struct_human += (" {\n")
1032 out_opaque_struct_human += ("\t" + struct_name.replace("LDK", "") + "(Object _dummy, long ptr) { super(ptr); }\n")
1033 if struct_name.startswith("LDKLocked"):
1034 out_opaque_struct_human += ("\t@Override public void close() {\n")
1036 out_opaque_struct_human += ("\t@Override @SuppressWarnings(\"deprecation\")\n")
1037 out_opaque_struct_human += ("\tprotected void finalize() throws Throwable {\n")
1038 out_opaque_struct_human += ("\t\tsuper.finalize();\n")
1039 out_opaque_struct_human += ("\t\tif (ptr != 0) { bindings." + struct_name.replace("LDK","") + "_free(ptr); }\n")
1040 out_opaque_struct_human += ("\t}\n\n")
1041 return out_opaque_struct_human
1044 def map_function(self, argument_types, c_call_string, method_name, return_type_info, struct_meth, default_constructor_args, takes_self, takes_self_as_ref, args_known, type_mapping_generator, doc_comment):
1047 out_java_struct = None
1049 out_java += ("\tpublic static native ")
1050 out_c += (self.c_fn_ty_pfx)
1051 out_c += (return_type_info.c_ty)
1052 out_java += (return_type_info.java_ty)
1053 if return_type_info.ret_conv is not None:
1054 ret_conv_pfx, ret_conv_sfx = return_type_info.ret_conv
1055 out_java += (" " + method_name + "(")
1056 have_args = len(argument_types) > 1 or (len(argument_types) > 0 and argument_types[0].c_ty != "void")
1057 out_c += (" " + self.c_fn_name_define_pfx(method_name, have_args))
1059 for idx, arg_conv_info in enumerate(argument_types):
1063 if arg_conv_info.c_ty != "void":
1064 out_c += (arg_conv_info.c_ty + " " + arg_conv_info.arg_name)
1065 out_java += (arg_conv_info.java_ty + " " + arg_conv_info.arg_name)
1067 out_java_struct = ""
1069 out_java_struct += ("\t// Skipped " + method_name + "\n")
1071 meth_n = method_name[len(struct_meth) + 1 if len(struct_meth) != 0 else 0:].strip("_")
1072 if doc_comment is not None:
1073 out_java_struct += "\t/**\n\t * " + doc_comment.replace("\n", "\n\t * ") + "\n\t */\n"
1076 out_java_struct += "\tpublic static " + return_type_info.java_hu_ty + " of("
1077 elif meth_n == "default":
1078 out_java_struct += "\tpublic static " + return_type_info.java_hu_ty + " with_default("
1080 out_java_struct += "\tpublic static " + return_type_info.java_hu_ty + " " + meth_n + "("
1082 out_java_struct += ("\tpublic " + return_type_info.java_hu_ty + " " + meth_n + "(")
1083 for idx, arg in enumerate(argument_types):
1085 if not takes_self or idx > 1:
1086 out_java_struct += ", "
1089 if arg.java_ty != "void":
1090 if arg.arg_name in default_constructor_args:
1091 for explode_idx, explode_arg in enumerate(default_constructor_args[arg.arg_name]):
1092 if explode_idx != 0:
1093 out_java_struct += (", ")
1094 out_java_struct += (
1095 explode_arg.java_hu_ty + " " + arg.arg_name + "_" + explode_arg.arg_name)
1097 out_java_struct += (arg.java_hu_ty + " " + arg.arg_name)
1098 out_java += (");\n")
1100 if out_java_struct is not None:
1101 out_java_struct += (") {\n")
1102 for info in argument_types:
1103 if info.arg_conv is not None:
1104 out_c += ("\t" + info.arg_conv.replace('\n', "\n\t") + "\n")
1105 if return_type_info.ret_conv is not None:
1106 out_c += ("\t" + ret_conv_pfx.replace('\n', '\n\t'))
1107 elif return_type_info.c_ty != "void":
1108 out_c += ("\t" + return_type_info.c_ty + " ret_val = ")
1111 if c_call_string is None:
1112 out_c += (method_name + "(")
1114 out_c += (c_call_string)
1115 for idx, info in enumerate(argument_types):
1116 if info.arg_conv_name is not None:
1119 elif c_call_string is not None:
1121 out_c += (info.arg_conv_name)
1123 if return_type_info.ret_conv is not None:
1124 out_c += (ret_conv_sfx.replace('\n', '\n\t'))
1127 for info in argument_types:
1128 if info.arg_conv_cleanup is not None:
1129 out_c += ("\n\t" + info.arg_conv_cleanup.replace("\n", "\n\t"))
1130 if return_type_info.ret_conv is not None:
1131 out_c += ("\n\treturn " + return_type_info.ret_conv_name + ";")
1132 elif return_type_info.c_ty != "void":
1133 out_c += ("\n\treturn ret_val;")
1134 out_c += ("\n}\n\n")
1137 out_java_struct += ("\t\t")
1138 if return_type_info.java_ty != "void":
1139 out_java_struct += (return_type_info.java_ty + " ret = ")
1140 out_java_struct += ("bindings." + method_name + "(")
1141 for idx, info in enumerate(argument_types):
1143 out_java_struct += (", ")
1144 if idx == 0 and takes_self:
1145 out_java_struct += ("this.ptr")
1146 elif info.arg_name in default_constructor_args:
1147 out_java_struct += ("bindings." + info.java_hu_ty + "_new(")
1148 for explode_idx, explode_arg in enumerate(default_constructor_args[info.arg_name]):
1149 if explode_idx != 0:
1150 out_java_struct += (", ")
1151 expl_arg_name = info.arg_name + "_" + explode_arg.arg_name
1152 if explode_arg.from_hu_conv is not None:
1153 out_java_struct += (
1154 explode_arg.from_hu_conv[0].replace(explode_arg.arg_name, expl_arg_name))
1156 out_java_struct += (expl_arg_name)
1157 out_java_struct += (")")
1158 elif info.from_hu_conv is not None:
1159 out_java_struct += (info.from_hu_conv[0])
1161 out_java_struct += (info.arg_name)
1162 out_java_struct += (");\n")
1163 if return_type_info.to_hu_conv is not None:
1165 out_java_struct += ("\t\t" + return_type_info.to_hu_conv.replace("\n", "\n\t\t").replace("this",
1166 return_type_info.to_hu_conv_name) + "\n")
1168 out_java_struct += ("\t\t" + return_type_info.to_hu_conv.replace("\n", "\n\t\t") + "\n")
1170 for idx, info in enumerate(argument_types):
1171 if idx == 0 and takes_self:
1173 elif info.arg_name in default_constructor_args:
1174 for explode_arg in default_constructor_args[info.arg_name]:
1175 expl_arg_name = info.arg_name + "_" + explode_arg.arg_name
1176 if explode_arg.from_hu_conv is not None and return_type_info.to_hu_conv_name:
1177 out_java_struct += ("\t\t" + explode_arg.from_hu_conv[1].replace(explode_arg.arg_name,
1178 expl_arg_name).replace(
1179 "this", return_type_info.to_hu_conv_name) + ";\n")
1180 elif info.from_hu_conv is not None and info.from_hu_conv[1] != "":
1181 if not takes_self and return_type_info.to_hu_conv_name is not None:
1182 out_java_struct += (
1183 "\t\t" + info.from_hu_conv[1].replace("this", return_type_info.to_hu_conv_name).replace("\n", "\n\t\t") + ";\n")
1185 out_java_struct += ("\t\t" + info.from_hu_conv[1].replace("\n", "\n\t\t") + ";\n")
1187 if takes_self and not takes_self_as_ref:
1188 out_java_struct += "\t\t" + argument_types[0].from_hu_conv[1].replace("\n", "\n\t\t").replace("this_arg", "this") + ";\n"
1189 if return_type_info.to_hu_conv_name is not None:
1190 out_java_struct += ("\t\treturn " + return_type_info.to_hu_conv_name + ";\n")
1191 elif return_type_info.java_ty != "void" and return_type_info.rust_obj != "LDK" + struct_meth:
1192 out_java_struct += ("\t\treturn ret;\n")
1193 out_java_struct += ("\t}\n\n")
1195 return (out_java, out_c, out_java_struct)