]> git.bitcoin.ninja Git - ldk-java/blob - src/main/java/org/ldk/batteries/NioPeerHandler.java
Drop fail-fast in CI to run jobs even after another fails
[ldk-java] / src / main / java / org / ldk / batteries / NioPeerHandler.java
1 package org.ldk.batteries;
3 import org.ldk.structs.*;
5 import java.io.IOException;
6 import java.net.SocketAddress;
7 import java.net.StandardSocketOptions;
8 import java.nio.Buffer;
9 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
10 import java.nio.channels.*;
12 /**
13  * A NioPeerHandler maps LDK's PeerHandler to Java's NIO I/O interface. It spawns a single background thread which
14  * processes socket events and provides the data to LDK for decryption and processing.
15  */
16 public class NioPeerHandler {
17     private static class Peer {
18         SocketDescriptor descriptor;
19         SelectionKey key;
20     }
22     // Android's java.nio implementation has a big lock inside the selector, preventing any concurrent access to it.
23     // This appears to largely defeat the entire purpose of java.nio, but we work around it here by explicitly checking
24     // for an Android environment and passing any selector access on any thread other than our internal one through
25     // do_selector_action, which wakes up the selector before accessing it.
26     private static boolean IS_ANDROID;
27     static {
28         IS_ANDROID = System.getProperty("java.vendor").toLowerCase().contains("android");
29     }
30     private boolean wakeup_selector = false;
31     private interface SelectorCall {
32         void meth() throws IOException;
33     }
34     private void do_selector_action(SelectorCall meth) throws IOException {
35         if (IS_ANDROID) {
36             wakeup_selector = true;
37             this.selector.wakeup();
38             synchronized (this.selector) {
39                 meth.meth();
40                 wakeup_selector = false;
41             }
42         } else {
43             meth.meth();
44         }
45     }
47     private Peer setup_socket(SocketChannel chan) throws IOException {
48         chan.configureBlocking(false);
49         // Lightning tends to send a number of small messages back and forth between peers quickly, which Nagle is
50         // particularly bad at handling, so we disable it here.
51         chan.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.TCP_NODELAY, true);
52         long our_id;
53         synchronized (this) {
54             this.socket_id = this.socket_id + 1;
55             our_id = this.socket_id;
56         }
58         final Peer peer = new Peer();
59         SocketDescriptor descriptor = SocketDescriptor.new_impl(new SocketDescriptor.SocketDescriptorInterface() {
60             @Override
61             public long send_data(byte[] data, boolean resume_read) {
62                 try {
63                     if (resume_read) {
64                         do_selector_action(() -> peer.key.interestOps(peer.key.interestOps() | SelectionKey.OP_READ));
65                     }
66                     long written = chan.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(data));
67                     if (written != data.length) {
68                         do_selector_action(() -> peer.key.interestOps(peer.key.interestOps() | SelectionKey.OP_WRITE));
69                     }
70                     return written;
71                 } catch (IOException e) {
72                     // Most likely the socket is disconnected, let the background thread handle it.
73                     return 0;
74                 }
75             }
77             @Override
78             public void disconnect_socket() {
79                 try {
80                     do_selector_action(() -> {
81                         peer.key.cancel();
82                         peer.key.channel().close();
83                     });
84                 } catch (IOException ignored) { }
85             }
86             @Override public boolean eq(SocketDescriptor other_arg) { return other_arg.hash() == our_id; }
87             @Override public long hash() { return our_id; }
88         });
89         peer.descriptor = descriptor;
90         return peer;
91     }
93     PeerManager peer_manager;
94     Thread io_thread;
95     final Selector selector;
96     long socket_id;
97     volatile boolean shutdown = false;
99     /**
100      * Constructs a new peer handler, spawning a thread to monitor for socket events.
101      * The background thread will call the PeerManager's timer_tick_occured() function for you on an appropriate schedule.
102      *
103      * @param manager The LDK PeerManager which connection data will be provided to.
104      * @throws IOException If an internal java.nio error occurs.
105      */
106     public NioPeerHandler(PeerManager manager) throws IOException {
107         this.peer_manager = manager;
108         this.selector = Selector.open();
109         io_thread = new Thread(() -> {
110             ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(8192);
111             long lastTimerTick = System.currentTimeMillis();
112             while (true) {
113                 try {
114                     if (IS_ANDROID) {
115                         while (true) {
116                             synchronized (this.selector) {
117                                 if (!wakeup_selector) {
118                                     this.selector.select(1000);
119                                     break;
120                                 }
121                             }
122                         }
123                     } else {
124                         this.selector.select(1000);
125                     }
126                 } catch (IOException ignored) {
127                     System.err.println("java.nio threw an unexpected IOException. Stopping PeerHandler thread!");
128                     return;
129                 }
130                 if (shutdown) return;
131                 if (Thread.interrupted()) return;
132                 for (SelectionKey key : this.selector.selectedKeys()) {
133                     try {
134                         if ((key.interestOps() & SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT) != 0) {
135                             if (key.isAcceptable()) {
136                                 SocketChannel chan;
137                                 try {
138                                     chan = ((ServerSocketChannel) key.channel()).accept();
139                                 } catch (IOException ignored) {
140                                     key.cancel();
141                                     continue;
142                                 }
143                                 if (chan == null) continue;
144                                 try {
145                                     Peer peer = setup_socket(chan);
146                                     Result_NonePeerHandleErrorZ res = this.peer_manager.new_inbound_connection(peer.descriptor);
147                                     if (res instanceof Result_NonePeerHandleErrorZ.Result_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_OK) {
148                                         peer.key = chan.register(this.selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ, peer);
149                                     }
150                                 } catch (IOException ignored) { }
151                             }
152                             continue; // There is no attachment so the rest of the loop is useless
153                         }
154                         Peer peer = (Peer) key.attachment();
155                         try {
156                             if (key.isValid() && (key.interestOps() & SelectionKey.OP_WRITE) != 0 && key.isWritable()) {
157                                 Result_NonePeerHandleErrorZ res = this.peer_manager.write_buffer_space_avail(peer.descriptor);
158                                 if (res instanceof Result_NonePeerHandleErrorZ.Result_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_Err) {
159                                     key.channel().close();
160                                     key.cancel();
161                                 }
162                             }
163                             if (key.isValid() && (key.interestOps() & SelectionKey.OP_READ) != 0 && key.isReadable()) {
164                                 ((Buffer)buf).clear();
165                                 int read = ((SocketChannel) key.channel()).read(buf);
166                                 if (read == -1) {
167                                     this.peer_manager.socket_disconnected(peer.descriptor);
168                                     key.cancel();
169                                 } else if (read > 0) {
170                                     ((Buffer)buf).flip();
171                                     byte[] read_bytes = new byte[read];
172                                     buf.get(read_bytes, 0, read);
173                                     Result_boolPeerHandleErrorZ res = this.peer_manager.read_event(peer.descriptor, read_bytes);
174                                     if (res instanceof Result_boolPeerHandleErrorZ.Result_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_OK) {
175                                         if (((Result_boolPeerHandleErrorZ.Result_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_OK) res).res) {
176                                             key.interestOps(key.interestOps() & (~SelectionKey.OP_READ));
177                                         }
178                                     } else {
179                                         key.channel().close();
180                                         key.cancel();
181                                     }
182                                 }
183                             }
184                         } catch (IOException ignored) {
185                             try { key.channel().close(); } catch (IOException ignored2) { }
186                             key.cancel();
187                             peer_manager.socket_disconnected(peer.descriptor);
188                         }
189                     } catch (CancelledKeyException e) {
190                         try { key.channel().close(); } catch (IOException ignored) { }
191                         // The key is only cancelled when we have notified the PeerManager that the socket is closed, so
192                         // no need to do anything here with the PeerManager.
193                     }
194                 }
195                 if (lastTimerTick < System.currentTimeMillis() - 30 * 1000) {
196                     peer_manager.timer_tick_occurred();
197                     lastTimerTick = System.currentTimeMillis();
198                 }
199                 peer_manager.process_events();
200             }
201         }, "NioPeerHandler NIO Thread");
202         io_thread.start();
203     }
205     /**
206      * Connect to a peer given their node id and socket address. Blocks until a connection is established (or returns
207      * IOException) and then the connection handling runs in the background.
208      *
209      * @param their_node_id A valid 33-byte public key representing the peer's Lightning Node ID. If this is invalid,
210      *                      undefined behavior (read: Segfault, etc) may occur.
211      * @param remote The socket address to connect to.
212      * @param timeout_ms The amount of time, in milliseconds, up to which we will wait for connection to complete.
213      * @throws IOException If connecting to the remote endpoint fails or internal java.nio errors occur.
214      */
215     public void connect(byte[] their_node_id, SocketAddress remote, int timeout_ms) throws IOException {
216         SocketChannel chan = SocketChannel.open();
217         chan.configureBlocking(false);
218         Selector open_selector = Selector.open();
219         chan.register(open_selector, SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT);
220         if (!chan.connect(remote)) {
221             open_selector.select(timeout_ms);
222         }
223         if (!chan.finishConnect()) { // Note that this may throw its own IOException if we failed for another reason
224             throw new IOException("Timed out");
225         }
226         Peer peer = setup_socket(chan);
227         Result_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ res = this.peer_manager.new_outbound_connection(their_node_id, peer.descriptor);
228         if (res instanceof  Result_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ.Result_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_OK) {
229             byte[] initial_bytes = ((Result_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ.Result_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_OK) res).res;
230             if (chan.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(initial_bytes)) != initial_bytes.length) {
231                 throw new IOException("We assume TCP socket buffer is at least a single packet in length");
232             }
233             do_selector_action(() -> peer.key = chan.register(this.selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ, peer));
234         } else {
235             throw new IOException("LDK rejected outbound connection. This likely shouldn't ever happen.");
236         }
237     }
239     /**
240      * Disconnects any connections currently open with the peer with the given node id.
241      *
242      * @param their_node_id must be a valid 33-byte public key
243      */
244     public void disconnect(byte[] their_node_id) {
245         this.peer_manager.disconnect_by_node_id(their_node_id, false);
246     }
248     /**
249      * Binds a listening socket to the given address, accepting incoming connections and handling them on the background
250      * thread.
251      *
252      * @param socket_address The address to bind the listening socket to.
253      * @throws IOException if binding the listening socket fail.
254      */
255     public void bind_listener(SocketAddress socket_address) throws IOException {
256         ServerSocketChannel listen_channel = ServerSocketChannel.open();
257         listen_channel.bind(socket_address);
258         listen_channel.configureBlocking(false);
259         do_selector_action(() -> listen_channel.register(this.selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT));
260     }
262     /**
263      * Interrupt the background thread, stopping all peer handling. Disconnection events to the PeerHandler are not made,
264      * potentially leaving the PeerHandler in an inconsistent state.
265      */
266     public void interrupt() {
267         shutdown = true;
268         selector.wakeup();
269         try {
270             io_thread.join();
271         } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { }
272     }
274     /**
275      * Calls process_events on the PeerManager immediately. Normally process_events is polled regularly to check for new
276      * messages which need to be sent, but you can interrupt the poll and check immediately by calling this function.
277      */
278     public void check_events() {
279         selector.wakeup();
280     }
281 }