]> git.bitcoin.ninja Git - ldk-java/blob - src/main/java/org/ldk/structs/BackgroundProcessor.java
[Java] Update auto-generated bindings
[ldk-java] / src / main / java / org / ldk / structs / BackgroundProcessor.java
1 package org.ldk.structs;
3 import org.ldk.impl.bindings;
4 import org.ldk.enums.*;
5 import org.ldk.util.*;
6 import java.util.Arrays;
7 import java.lang.ref.Reference;
8 import javax.annotation.Nullable;
11 /**
12  * `BackgroundProcessor` takes care of tasks that (1) need to happen periodically to keep
13  * Rust-Lightning running properly, and (2) either can or should be run in the background. Its
14  * responsibilities are:
15  * Processing [`Event`]s with a user-provided [`EventHandler`].
16  * Monitoring whether the [`ChannelManager`] needs to be re-persisted to disk, and if so,
17  * writing it to disk/backups by invoking the callback given to it at startup.
18  * [`ChannelManager`] persistence should be done in the background.
19  * Calling [`ChannelManager::timer_tick_occurred`] and [`PeerManager::timer_tick_occurred`]
20  * at the appropriate intervals.
21  * Calling [`NetworkGraph::remove_stale_channels`] (if a [`NetGraphMsgHandler`] is provided to
22  * [`BackgroundProcessor::start`]).
23  * 
24  * It will also call [`PeerManager::process_events`] periodically though this shouldn't be relied
25  * upon as doing so may result in high latency.
26  * 
27  * # Note
28  * 
29  * If [`ChannelManager`] persistence fails and the persisted manager becomes out-of-date, then
30  * there is a risk of channels force-closing on startup when the manager realizes it's outdated.
31  * However, as long as [`ChannelMonitor`] backups are sound, no funds besides those used for
32  * unilateral chain closure fees are at risk.
33  * 
34  * [`ChannelMonitor`]: lightning::chain::channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor
35  * [`Event`]: lightning::util::events::Event
36  * BackgroundProcessor will immediately stop on drop. It should be stored until shutdown.
37  */
38 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // We correctly assign various generic arrays
39 public class BackgroundProcessor extends CommonBase {
40         BackgroundProcessor(Object _dummy, long ptr) { super(ptr); }
41         @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
42         protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
43                 super.finalize();
44                 if (ptr != 0) { bindings.BackgroundProcessor_free(ptr); }
45         }
47         /**
48          * Start a background thread that takes care of responsibilities enumerated in the [top-level
49          * documentation].
50          * 
51          * The thread runs indefinitely unless the object is dropped, [`stop`] is called, or
52          * [`Persister::persist_manager`] returns an error. In case of an error, the error is retrieved by calling
53          * either [`join`] or [`stop`].
54          * 
55          * # Data Persistence
56          * 
57          * [`Persister::persist_manager`] is responsible for writing out the [`ChannelManager`] to disk, and/or
58          * uploading to one or more backup services. See [`ChannelManager::write`] for writing out a
59          * [`ChannelManager`]. See [`FilesystemPersister::persist_manager`] for Rust-Lightning's
60          * provided implementation.
61          * 
62          * [`Persister::persist_graph`] is responsible for writing out the [`NetworkGraph`] to disk. See
63          * [`NetworkGraph::write`] for writing out a [`NetworkGraph`]. See [`FilesystemPersister::persist_network_graph`]
64          * for Rust-Lightning's provided implementation.
65          * 
66          * Typically, users should either implement [`Persister::persist_manager`] to never return an
67          * error or call [`join`] and handle any error that may arise. For the latter case,
68          * `BackgroundProcessor` must be restarted by calling `start` again after handling the error.
69          * 
70          * # Event Handling
71          * 
72          * `event_handler` is responsible for handling events that users should be notified of (e.g.,
73          * payment failed). [`BackgroundProcessor`] may decorate the given [`EventHandler`] with common
74          * functionality implemented by other handlers.
75          * [`NetGraphMsgHandler`] if given will update the [`NetworkGraph`] based on payment failures.
76          * 
77          * [top-level documentation]: BackgroundProcessor
78          * [`join`]: Self::join
79          * [`stop`]: Self::stop
80          * [`ChannelManager`]: lightning::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager
81          * [`ChannelManager::write`]: lightning::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager#impl-Writeable
82          * [`FilesystemPersister::persist_manager`]: lightning_persister::FilesystemPersister::persist_manager
83          * [`FilesystemPersister::persist_network_graph`]: lightning_persister::FilesystemPersister::persist_network_graph
84          * [`NetworkGraph`]: lightning::routing::network_graph::NetworkGraph
85          * [`NetworkGraph::write`]: lightning::routing::network_graph::NetworkGraph#impl-Writeable
86          * 
87          * Note that net_graph_msg_handler (or a relevant inner pointer) may be NULL or all-0s to represent None
88          */
89         public static BackgroundProcessor start(Persister persister, EventHandler event_handler, ChainMonitor chain_monitor, ChannelManager channel_manager, @Nullable NetGraphMsgHandler net_graph_msg_handler, PeerManager peer_manager, Logger logger) {
90                 long ret = bindings.BackgroundProcessor_start(persister == null ? 0 : persister.ptr, event_handler == null ? 0 : event_handler.ptr, chain_monitor == null ? 0 : chain_monitor.ptr & ~1, channel_manager == null ? 0 : channel_manager.ptr & ~1, net_graph_msg_handler == null ? 0 : net_graph_msg_handler.ptr & ~1, peer_manager == null ? 0 : peer_manager.ptr & ~1, logger == null ? 0 : logger.ptr);
91                 Reference.reachabilityFence(persister);
92                 Reference.reachabilityFence(event_handler);
93                 Reference.reachabilityFence(chain_monitor);
94                 Reference.reachabilityFence(channel_manager);
95                 Reference.reachabilityFence(net_graph_msg_handler);
96                 Reference.reachabilityFence(peer_manager);
97                 Reference.reachabilityFence(logger);
98                 if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; }
99                 BackgroundProcessor ret_hu_conv = null; if (ret < 0 || ret > 4096) { ret_hu_conv = new BackgroundProcessor(null, ret); }
100                 ret_hu_conv.ptrs_to.add(ret_hu_conv);
101                 ret_hu_conv.ptrs_to.add(persister);
102                 ret_hu_conv.ptrs_to.add(event_handler);
103                 ret_hu_conv.ptrs_to.add(chain_monitor);
104                 ret_hu_conv.ptrs_to.add(channel_manager);
105                 ret_hu_conv.ptrs_to.add(net_graph_msg_handler);
106                 ret_hu_conv.ptrs_to.add(peer_manager);
107                 ret_hu_conv.ptrs_to.add(logger);
108                 return ret_hu_conv;
109         }
111         /**
112          * Join `BackgroundProcessor`'s thread, returning any error that occurred while persisting
113          * [`ChannelManager`].
114          * 
115          * # Panics
116          * 
117          * This function panics if the background thread has panicked such as while persisting or
118          * handling events.
119          * 
120          * [`ChannelManager`]: lightning::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager
121          */
122         public Result_NoneErrorZ join() {
123                 long ret = bindings.BackgroundProcessor_join(this.ptr);
124                 Reference.reachabilityFence(this);
125                 if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; }
126                 Result_NoneErrorZ ret_hu_conv = Result_NoneErrorZ.constr_from_ptr(ret);
127                 this.ptrs_to.add(this);
128                 // Due to rust's strict-ownership memory model, in some cases we need to "move"
129                 // an object to pass exclusive ownership to the function being called.
130                 // In most cases, we avoid this being visible in GC'd languages by cloning the object
131                 // at the FFI layer, creating a new object which Rust can claim ownership of
132                 // However, in some cases (eg here), there is no way to clone an object, and thus
133                 // we actually have to pass full ownership to Rust.
134                 // Thus, after this call, this is reset to null and is now a dummy object.
135                 this.ptr = 0;;
136                 return ret_hu_conv;
137         }
139         /**
140          * Stop `BackgroundProcessor`'s thread, returning any error that occurred while persisting
141          * [`ChannelManager`].
142          * 
143          * # Panics
144          * 
145          * This function panics if the background thread has panicked such as while persisting or
146          * handling events.
147          * 
148          * [`ChannelManager`]: lightning::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager
149          */
150         public Result_NoneErrorZ stop() {
151                 long ret = bindings.BackgroundProcessor_stop(this.ptr);
152                 Reference.reachabilityFence(this);
153                 if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; }
154                 Result_NoneErrorZ ret_hu_conv = Result_NoneErrorZ.constr_from_ptr(ret);
155                 this.ptrs_to.add(this);
156                 // Due to rust's strict-ownership memory model, in some cases we need to "move"
157                 // an object to pass exclusive ownership to the function being called.
158                 // In most cases, we avoid this being visible in GC'd languages by cloning the object
159                 // at the FFI layer, creating a new object which Rust can claim ownership of
160                 // However, in some cases (eg here), there is no way to clone an object, and thus
161                 // we actually have to pass full ownership to Rust.
162                 // Thus, after this call, this is reset to null and is now a dummy object.
163                 this.ptr = 0;;
164                 return ret_hu_conv;
165         }
167 }