]> git.bitcoin.ninja Git - ldk-java/blob - src/main/java/org/ldk/structs/OnionMessageHandler.java
[Java] Update auto-generated Java bindings
[ldk-java] / src / main / java / org / ldk / structs / OnionMessageHandler.java
1 package org.ldk.structs;
3 import org.ldk.impl.bindings;
4 import org.ldk.enums.*;
5 import org.ldk.util.*;
6 import java.util.Arrays;
7 import java.lang.ref.Reference;
8 import javax.annotation.Nullable;
10 /**
11  * A trait to describe an object that can receive onion messages.
12  */
13 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // We correctly assign various generic arrays
14 public class OnionMessageHandler extends CommonBase {
15         final bindings.LDKOnionMessageHandler bindings_instance;
16         OnionMessageHandler(Object _dummy, long ptr) { super(ptr); bindings_instance = null; }
17         private OnionMessageHandler(bindings.LDKOnionMessageHandler arg, bindings.LDKOnionMessageProvider OnionMessageProvider) {
18                 super(bindings.LDKOnionMessageHandler_new(arg, OnionMessageProvider));
19                 this.ptrs_to.add(arg);
20                 this.ptrs_to.add(OnionMessageProvider);
21                 this.bindings_instance = arg;
22         }
23         @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
24         protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
25                 if (ptr != 0) { bindings.OnionMessageHandler_free(ptr); } super.finalize();
26         }
28         public static interface OnionMessageHandlerInterface {
29                 /**
30                  * Handle an incoming onion_message message from the given peer.
31                  */
32                 void handle_onion_message(byte[] peer_node_id, OnionMessage msg);
33                 /**
34                  * Called when a connection is established with a peer. Can be used to track which peers
35                  * advertise onion message support and are online.
36                  * 
37                  * May return an `Err(())` if the features the peer supports are not sufficient to communicate
38                  * with us. Implementors should be somewhat conservative about doing so, however, as other
39                  * message handlers may still wish to communicate with this peer.
40                  */
41                 Result_NoneNoneZ peer_connected(byte[] their_node_id, Init init);
42                 /**
43                  * Indicates a connection to the peer failed/an existing connection was lost. Allows handlers to
44                  * drop and refuse to forward onion messages to this peer.
45                  * 
46                  * Note that in some rare cases this may be called without a corresponding
47                  * [`Self::peer_connected`].
48                  */
49                 void peer_disconnected(byte[] their_node_id, boolean no_connection_possible);
50                 /**
51                  * Gets the node feature flags which this handler itself supports. All available handlers are
52                  * queried similarly and their feature flags are OR'd together to form the [`NodeFeatures`]
53                  * which are broadcasted in our [`NodeAnnouncement`] message.
54                  */
55                 NodeFeatures provided_node_features();
56                 /**
57                  * Gets the init feature flags which should be sent to the given peer. All available handlers
58                  * are queried similarly and their feature flags are OR'd together to form the [`InitFeatures`]
59                  * which are sent in our [`Init`] message.
60                  * 
61                  * Note that this method is called before [`Self::peer_connected`].
62                  */
63                 InitFeatures provided_init_features(byte[] their_node_id);
64         }
65         private static class LDKOnionMessageHandlerHolder { OnionMessageHandler held; }
66         public static OnionMessageHandler new_impl(OnionMessageHandlerInterface arg, OnionMessageProvider.OnionMessageProviderInterface OnionMessageProvider_impl) {
67                 final LDKOnionMessageHandlerHolder impl_holder = new LDKOnionMessageHandlerHolder();
68                 impl_holder.held = new OnionMessageHandler(new bindings.LDKOnionMessageHandler() {
69                         @Override public void handle_onion_message(byte[] peer_node_id, long msg) {
70                                 org.ldk.structs.OnionMessage msg_hu_conv = null; if (msg < 0 || msg > 4096) { msg_hu_conv = new org.ldk.structs.OnionMessage(null, msg); }
71                                 arg.handle_onion_message(peer_node_id, msg_hu_conv);
72                                 Reference.reachabilityFence(arg);
73                         }
74                         @Override public long peer_connected(byte[] their_node_id, long init) {
75                                 org.ldk.structs.Init init_hu_conv = null; if (init < 0 || init > 4096) { init_hu_conv = new org.ldk.structs.Init(null, init); }
76                                 Result_NoneNoneZ ret = arg.peer_connected(their_node_id, init_hu_conv);
77                                 Reference.reachabilityFence(arg);
78                                 long result = ret == null ? 0 : ret.clone_ptr();
79                                 return result;
80                         }
81                         @Override public void peer_disconnected(byte[] their_node_id, boolean no_connection_possible) {
82                                 arg.peer_disconnected(their_node_id, no_connection_possible);
83                                 Reference.reachabilityFence(arg);
84                         }
85                         @Override public long provided_node_features() {
86                                 NodeFeatures ret = arg.provided_node_features();
87                                 Reference.reachabilityFence(arg);
88                                 long result = ret == null ? 0 : ret.clone_ptr();
89                                 return result;
90                         }
91                         @Override public long provided_init_features(byte[] their_node_id) {
92                                 InitFeatures ret = arg.provided_init_features(their_node_id);
93                                 Reference.reachabilityFence(arg);
94                                 long result = ret == null ? 0 : ret.clone_ptr();
95                                 return result;
96                         }
97                 }, OnionMessageProvider.new_impl(OnionMessageProvider_impl).bindings_instance);
98                 return impl_holder.held;
99         }
101         /**
102          * Gets the underlying OnionMessageProvider.
103          */
104         public OnionMessageProvider get_onion_message_provider() {
105                 OnionMessageProvider res = new OnionMessageProvider(null, bindings.LDKOnionMessageHandler_get_OnionMessageProvider(this.ptr));
106                 this.ptrs_to.add(res);
107                 return res;
108         }
110         /**
111          * Handle an incoming onion_message message from the given peer.
112          */
113         public void handle_onion_message(byte[] peer_node_id, OnionMessage msg) {
114                 bindings.OnionMessageHandler_handle_onion_message(this.ptr, InternalUtils.check_arr_len(peer_node_id, 33), msg == null ? 0 : msg.ptr);
115                 Reference.reachabilityFence(this);
116                 Reference.reachabilityFence(peer_node_id);
117                 Reference.reachabilityFence(msg);
118                 if (this != null) { this.ptrs_to.add(msg); };
119         }
121         /**
122          * Called when a connection is established with a peer. Can be used to track which peers
123          * advertise onion message support and are online.
124          * 
125          * May return an `Err(())` if the features the peer supports are not sufficient to communicate
126          * with us. Implementors should be somewhat conservative about doing so, however, as other
127          * message handlers may still wish to communicate with this peer.
128          */
129         public Result_NoneNoneZ peer_connected(byte[] their_node_id, Init init) {
130                 long ret = bindings.OnionMessageHandler_peer_connected(this.ptr, InternalUtils.check_arr_len(their_node_id, 33), init == null ? 0 : init.ptr);
131                 Reference.reachabilityFence(this);
132                 Reference.reachabilityFence(their_node_id);
133                 Reference.reachabilityFence(init);
134                 if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; }
135                 Result_NoneNoneZ ret_hu_conv = Result_NoneNoneZ.constr_from_ptr(ret);
136                 if (this != null) { this.ptrs_to.add(init); };
137                 return ret_hu_conv;
138         }
140         /**
141          * Indicates a connection to the peer failed/an existing connection was lost. Allows handlers to
142          * drop and refuse to forward onion messages to this peer.
143          * 
144          * Note that in some rare cases this may be called without a corresponding
145          * [`Self::peer_connected`].
146          */
147         public void peer_disconnected(byte[] their_node_id, boolean no_connection_possible) {
148                 bindings.OnionMessageHandler_peer_disconnected(this.ptr, InternalUtils.check_arr_len(their_node_id, 33), no_connection_possible);
149                 Reference.reachabilityFence(this);
150                 Reference.reachabilityFence(their_node_id);
151                 Reference.reachabilityFence(no_connection_possible);
152         }
154         /**
155          * Gets the node feature flags which this handler itself supports. All available handlers are
156          * queried similarly and their feature flags are OR'd together to form the [`NodeFeatures`]
157          * which are broadcasted in our [`NodeAnnouncement`] message.
158          */
159         public NodeFeatures provided_node_features() {
160                 long ret = bindings.OnionMessageHandler_provided_node_features(this.ptr);
161                 Reference.reachabilityFence(this);
162                 if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; }
163                 org.ldk.structs.NodeFeatures ret_hu_conv = null; if (ret < 0 || ret > 4096) { ret_hu_conv = new org.ldk.structs.NodeFeatures(null, ret); }
164                 if (ret_hu_conv != null) { ret_hu_conv.ptrs_to.add(this); };
165                 return ret_hu_conv;
166         }
168         /**
169          * Gets the init feature flags which should be sent to the given peer. All available handlers
170          * are queried similarly and their feature flags are OR'd together to form the [`InitFeatures`]
171          * which are sent in our [`Init`] message.
172          * 
173          * Note that this method is called before [`Self::peer_connected`].
174          */
175         public InitFeatures provided_init_features(byte[] their_node_id) {
176                 long ret = bindings.OnionMessageHandler_provided_init_features(this.ptr, InternalUtils.check_arr_len(their_node_id, 33));
177                 Reference.reachabilityFence(this);
178                 Reference.reachabilityFence(their_node_id);
179                 if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; }
180                 org.ldk.structs.InitFeatures ret_hu_conv = null; if (ret < 0 || ret > 4096) { ret_hu_conv = new org.ldk.structs.InitFeatures(null, ret); }
181                 if (ret_hu_conv != null) { ret_hu_conv.ptrs_to.add(this); };
182                 return ret_hu_conv;
183         }
185 }