Merge pull request #119 from TheBlueMatt/main
[ldk-java] / ts / bindings.mts
2 import * as version from './version.mjs';
3 import { UInt5, WitnessVersion } from './structs/CommonBase.mjs';
5 const imports: any = {};
6 imports.env = {};
8 var js_objs: Array<WeakRef<object>> = [];
9 var js_invoke: Function;
10 var getRandomValues: Function;
12 imports.wasi_snapshot_preview1 = {
13         "fd_write": (fd: number, iovec_array_ptr: number, iovec_array_len: number, bytes_written_ptr: number) => {
14                 // This should generally only be used to print panic messages
15                 const ptr_len_view = new Uint32Array(wasm.memory.buffer, iovec_array_ptr, iovec_array_len * 2);
16                 var bytes_written = 0;
17                 for (var i = 0; i < iovec_array_len; i++) {
18                         const bytes_view = new Uint8Array(wasm.memory.buffer, ptr_len_view[i*2], ptr_len_view[i*2+1]);
19                         console.log("[fd " + fd + "]: " + String.fromCharCode(...bytes_view));
20                         bytes_written += ptr_len_view[i*2+1];
21                 }
22                 const written_view = new Uint32Array(wasm.memory.buffer, bytes_written_ptr, 1);
23                 written_view[0] = bytes_written;
24                 return 0;
25         },
26         "fd_close": (_fd: number) => {
27                 // This is not generally called, but may be referenced in debug builds
28                 console.log("wasi_snapshot_preview1:fd_close");
29                 return 58; // Not Supported
30         },
31         "fd_seek": (_fd: number, _offset: bigint, _whence: number, _new_offset: number) => {
32                 // This is not generally called, but may be referenced in debug builds
33                 console.log("wasi_snapshot_preview1:fd_seek");
34                 return 58; // Not Supported
35         },
36         "random_get": (buf_ptr: number, buf_len: number) => {
37                 const buf = new Uint8Array(wasm.memory.buffer, buf_ptr, buf_len);
38                 getRandomValues(buf);
39                 return 0;
40         },
41         "environ_sizes_get": (environ_var_count_ptr: number, environ_len_ptr: number) => {
42                 // This is called before fd_write to format + print panic messages
43                 const out_count_view = new Uint32Array(wasm.memory.buffer, environ_var_count_ptr, 1);
44                 out_count_view[0] = 0;
45                 const out_len_view = new Uint32Array(wasm.memory.buffer, environ_len_ptr, 1);
46                 out_len_view[0] = 0;
47                 return 0;
48         },
49         "environ_get": (environ_ptr: number, environ_buf_ptr: number) => {
50                 // This is called before fd_write to format + print panic messages,
51                 // but only if we have variables in environ_sizes_get, so shouldn't ever actually happen!
52                 console.log("wasi_snapshot_preview1:environ_get");
53                 return 58; // Note supported - we said there were 0 environment entries!
54         },
55         "proc_exit" : () => {
56                 console.log("wasi_snapshot_preview1:proc_exit");
57         },
58 };
60 var wasm: any = null;
61 let isWasmInitialized: boolean = false;
63 async function finishInitializeWasm(wasmInstance: WebAssembly.Instance) {
64         if (typeof crypto === "undefined") {
65                 var crypto_import = (await import('crypto')).webcrypto;
66                 getRandomValues = crypto_import.getRandomValues.bind(crypto_import);
67         } else {
68                 getRandomValues = crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto);
69         }
71         wasm = wasmInstance.exports;
72         if (!wasm.test_bigint_pass_deadbeef0badf00d(BigInt("0xdeadbeef0badf00d"))) {
73                 throw new Error("Currently need BigInt-as-u64 support, try ----experimental-wasm-bigint");
74         }
76         if (decodeString(wasm.TS_get_lib_version_string()) !== version.get_ldk_java_bindings_version())
77                 throw new Error("Compiled LDK library and LDK class files do not match");
78         // Fetching the LDK versions from C also checks that the header and binaries match
79         const c_bindings_ver: number = wasm.TS_get_ldk_c_bindings_version();
80         const ldk_ver: number = wasm.TS_get_ldk_version();
81         if (c_bindings_ver == 0)
82                 throw new Error("LDK version did not match the header we built against");
83         if (ldk_ver == 0)
84                 throw new Error("LDK C bindings version did not match the header we built against");
85         const c_bindings_version: string = decodeString(c_bindings_ver)
86         const ldk_version: string = decodeString(ldk_ver);
87         console.log("Loaded LDK-Java Bindings with LDK " + ldk_version + " and LDK-C-Bindings " + c_bindings_version);
89         isWasmInitialized = true;
90 }
92 const fn_list = ["uuuuuu", "buuuuu", "bbuuuu", "bbbuuu", "bbbbuu",
93         "bbbbbb", "ubuubu", "ubuuuu", "ubbuuu", "uubuuu", "uububu"];
95 /* @internal */
96 export async function initializeWasmFromUint8Array(wasmBinary: Uint8Array) {
97         for (const fn of fn_list) { imports.env["js_invoke_function_" + fn] = js_invoke; }
98         const { instance: wasmInstance } = await WebAssembly.instantiate(wasmBinary, imports);
99         await finishInitializeWasm(wasmInstance);
100 }
102 /* @internal */
103 export async function initializeWasmFetch(uri: string) {
104         for (const fn of fn_list) { imports.env["js_invoke_function_" + fn] = js_invoke; }
105         const stream = fetch(uri);
106         const { instance: wasmInstance } = await WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(stream, imports);
107         await finishInitializeWasm(wasmInstance);
108 }
111 /* @internal */
112 export function uint5ArrToBytes(inputArray: Array<UInt5>): Uint8Array {
113         const arr = new Uint8Array(inputArray.length);
114         for (var i = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++) {
115                 arr[i] = inputArray[i].getVal();
116         }
117         return arr;
118 }
120 /* @internal */
121 export function WitnessVersionArrToBytes(inputArray: Array<WitnessVersion>): Uint8Array {
122         const arr = new Uint8Array(inputArray.length);
123         for (var i = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++) {
124                 arr[i] = inputArray[i].getVal();
125         }
126         return arr;
127 }
131 /* @internal */
132 export function encodeUint8Array (inputArray: Uint8Array): number {
133         const cArrayPointer = wasm.TS_malloc(inputArray.length + 8);
134         const arrayLengthView = new BigUint64Array(wasm.memory.buffer, cArrayPointer, 1);
135         arrayLengthView[0] = BigInt(inputArray.length);
136         const arrayMemoryView = new Uint8Array(wasm.memory.buffer, cArrayPointer + 8, inputArray.length);
137         arrayMemoryView.set(inputArray);
138         return cArrayPointer;
139 }
140 /* @internal */
141 export function encodeUint32Array (inputArray: Uint32Array|Array<number>): number {
142         const cArrayPointer = wasm.TS_malloc((inputArray.length + 2) * 4);
143         const arrayLengthView = new BigUint64Array(wasm.memory.buffer, cArrayPointer, 1);
144         arrayLengthView[0] = BigInt(inputArray.length);
145         const arrayMemoryView = new Uint32Array(wasm.memory.buffer, cArrayPointer + 8, inputArray.length);
146         arrayMemoryView.set(inputArray);
147         return cArrayPointer;
148 }
149 /* @internal */
150 export function encodeUint64Array (inputArray: BigUint64Array|Array<bigint>): number {
151         const cArrayPointer = wasm.TS_malloc((inputArray.length + 1) * 8);
152         const arrayMemoryView = new BigUint64Array(wasm.memory.buffer, cArrayPointer, 1);
153         arrayMemoryView.set(inputArray, 1);
154         arrayMemoryView[0] = BigInt(inputArray.length);
155         return cArrayPointer;
156 }
158 /* @internal */
159 export function check_arr_len(arr: Uint8Array, len: number): Uint8Array {
160         if (arr.length != len) { throw new Error("Expected array of length " + len + " got " + arr.length); }
161         return arr;
162 }
164 /* @internal */
165 export function getArrayLength(arrayPointer: number): number {
166         const arraySizeViewer = new BigUint64Array(wasm.memory.buffer, arrayPointer, 1);
167         const len = arraySizeViewer[0];
168         if (len >= (2n ** 32n)) throw new Error("Bogus Array Size");
169         return Number(len % (2n ** 32n));
170 }
171 /* @internal */
172 export function decodeUint8Array (arrayPointer: number, free = true): Uint8Array {
173         const arraySize = getArrayLength(arrayPointer);
174         const actualArrayViewer = new Uint8Array(wasm.memory.buffer, arrayPointer + 8, arraySize);
175         // Clone the contents, TODO: In the future we should wrap the Viewer in a class that
176         // will free the underlying memory when it becomes unreachable instead of copying here.
177         // Note that doing so may have edge-case interactions with memory resizing (invalidating the buffer).
178         const actualArray = actualArrayViewer.slice(0, arraySize);
179         if (free) {
180                 wasm.TS_free(arrayPointer);
181         }
182         return actualArray;
183 }
184 const decodeUint32Array = (arrayPointer: number, free = true) => {
185         const arraySize = getArrayLength(arrayPointer);
186         const actualArrayViewer = new Uint32Array(
187                 wasm.memory.buffer, // value
188                 arrayPointer + 8, // offset (ignoring length bytes)
189                 arraySize // uint32 count
190         );
191         // Clone the contents, TODO: In the future we should wrap the Viewer in a class that
192         // will free the underlying memory when it becomes unreachable instead of copying here.
193         const actualArray = actualArrayViewer.slice(0, arraySize);
194         if (free) {
195                 wasm.TS_free(arrayPointer);
196         }
197         return actualArray;
198 }
199 /* @internal */
200 export function decodeUint64Array (arrayPointer: number, free = true): bigint[] {
201         const arraySize = getArrayLength(arrayPointer);
202         const actualArrayViewer = new BigUint64Array(
203                 wasm.memory.buffer, // value
204                 arrayPointer + 8, // offset (ignoring length bytes)
205                 arraySize // uint32 count
206         );
207         // Clone the contents, TODO: In the future we should wrap the Viewer in a class that
208         // will free the underlying memory when it becomes unreachable instead of copying here.
209         const actualArray = new Array(arraySize);
210         for (var i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) actualArray[i] = actualArrayViewer[i];
211         if (free) {
212                 wasm.TS_free(arrayPointer);
213         }
214         return actualArray;
215 }
217 export function freeWasmMemory(pointer: number) { wasm.TS_free(pointer); }
219 /* @internal */
220 export function getU64ArrayElem(arrayPointer: number, idx: number): bigint {
221         const actualArrayViewer = new BigUint64Array(wasm.memory.buffer, arrayPointer + 8, idx + 1);
222         return actualArrayViewer[idx];
223 }
225 /* @internal */
226 export function getU32ArrayElem(arrayPointer: number, idx: number): number {
227         const actualArrayViewer = new Uint32Array(wasm.memory.buffer, arrayPointer + 8, idx + 1);
228         return actualArrayViewer[idx];
229 }
231 /* @internal */
232 export function getU8ArrayElem(arrayPointer: number, idx: number): number {
233         const actualArrayViewer = new Uint8Array(wasm.memory.buffer, arrayPointer + 8, idx + 1);
234         return actualArrayViewer[idx];
235 }
238 /* @internal */
239 export function encodeString(str: string): number {
240         const charArray = new TextEncoder().encode(str);
241         return encodeUint8Array(charArray);
242 }
244 /* @internal */
245 export function decodeString(stringPointer: number, free = true): string {
246         const arraySize = getArrayLength(stringPointer);
247         const memoryView = new Uint8Array(wasm.memory.buffer, stringPointer + 8, arraySize);
248         const result = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(memoryView);
250         if (free) {
251                 wasm.TS_free(stringPointer);
252         }
254         return result;
255 }
257 /* @internal */ export function getRemainingAllocationCount(): number { return 0; }
258 /* @internal */ export function debugPrintRemainingAllocs() { }
260 /**
261  * An error when accessing the chain via [`Access`].
262  */
263 export enum AccessError {
264         /**
265          * The requested chain is unknown.
266          */
267         LDKAccessError_UnknownChain,
268         /**
269          * The requested transaction doesn't exist or hasn't confirmed.
270          */
271         LDKAccessError_UnknownTx,
273 }
275 /**
276  * An enum which can either contain a  or not
277  */
278 export enum COption_NoneZ {
279         /**
280          * When we're in this state, this COption_NoneZ contains a
281          */
282         LDKCOption_NoneZ_Some,
283         /**
284          * When we're in this state, this COption_NoneZ contains nothing
285          */
286         LDKCOption_NoneZ_None,
288 }
290 /**
291  * An error enum representing a failure to persist a channel monitor update.
292  */
293 export enum ChannelMonitorUpdateErr {
294         /**
295          * Used to indicate a temporary failure (eg connection to a watchtower or remote backup of
296         our state failed, but is expected to succeed at some point in the future).
298         Such a failure will \"freeze\" a channel, preventing us from revoking old states or
299         submitting new commitment transactions to the counterparty. Once the update(s) that failed
300         have been successfully applied, a [`MonitorEvent::UpdateCompleted`] event should be returned
301         via [`Watch::release_pending_monitor_events`] which will then restore the channel to an
302         operational state.
304         Note that a given ChannelManager will *never* re-generate a given ChannelMonitorUpdate. If
305         you return a TemporaryFailure you must ensure that it is written to disk safely before
306         writing out the latest ChannelManager state.
308         Even when a channel has been \"frozen\" updates to the ChannelMonitor can continue to occur
309         (eg if an inbound HTLC which we forwarded was claimed upstream resulting in us attempting
310         to claim it on this channel) and those updates must be applied wherever they can be. At
311         least one such updated ChannelMonitor must be persisted otherwise PermanentFailure should
312         be returned to get things on-chain ASAP using only the in-memory copy. Obviously updates to
313         the channel which would invalidate previous ChannelMonitors are not made when a channel has
314         been \"frozen\".
316         Note that even if updates made after TemporaryFailure succeed you must still provide a
317         [`MonitorEvent::UpdateCompleted`] to ensure you have the latest monitor and re-enable
318         normal channel operation. Note that this is normally generated through a call to
319         [`ChainMonitor::channel_monitor_updated`].
321         Note that the update being processed here will not be replayed for you when you return a
322         [`MonitorEvent::UpdateCompleted`] event via [`Watch::release_pending_monitor_events`], so
323         you must store the update itself on your own local disk prior to returning a
324         TemporaryFailure. You may, of course, employ a journaling approach, storing only the
325         ChannelMonitorUpdate on disk without updating the monitor itself, replaying the journal at
326         reload-time.
328         For deployments where a copy of ChannelMonitors and other local state are backed up in a
329         remote location (with local copies persisted immediately), it is anticipated that all
330         updates will return TemporaryFailure until the remote copies could be updated.
332         [`ChainMonitor::channel_monitor_updated`]: chainmonitor::ChainMonitor::channel_monitor_updated
333          */
334         LDKChannelMonitorUpdateErr_TemporaryFailure,
335         /**
336          * Used to indicate no further channel monitor updates will be allowed (eg we've moved on to a
337         different watchtower and cannot update with all watchtowers that were previously informed
338         of this channel).
340         At reception of this error, ChannelManager will force-close the channel and return at
341         least a final ChannelMonitorUpdate::ChannelForceClosed which must be delivered to at
342         least one ChannelMonitor copy. Revocation secret MUST NOT be released and offchain channel
343         update must be rejected.
345         This failure may also signal a failure to update the local persisted copy of one of
346         the channel monitor instance.
348         Note that even when you fail a holder commitment transaction update, you must store the
349         update to ensure you can claim from it in case of a duplicate copy of this ChannelMonitor
350         broadcasts it (e.g distributed channel-monitor deployment)
352         In case of distributed watchtowers deployment, the new version must be written to disk, as
353         state may have been stored but rejected due to a block forcing a commitment broadcast. This
354         storage is used to claim outputs of rejected state confirmed onchain by another watchtower,
355         lagging behind on block processing.
356          */
357         LDKChannelMonitorUpdateErr_PermanentFailure,
359 }
361 /**
362  * An enum that represents the speed at which we want a transaction to confirm used for feerate
363  * estimation.
364  */
365 export enum ConfirmationTarget {
366         /**
367          * We are happy with this transaction confirming slowly when feerate drops some.
368          */
369         LDKConfirmationTarget_Background,
370         /**
371          * We'd like this transaction to confirm without major delay, but 12-18 blocks is fine.
372          */
373         LDKConfirmationTarget_Normal,
374         /**
375          * We'd like this transaction to confirm in the next few blocks.
376          */
377         LDKConfirmationTarget_HighPriority,
379 }
381 /**
382  * Errors that may occur when constructing a new `RawInvoice` or `Invoice`
383  */
384 export enum CreationError {
385         /**
386          * The supplied description string was longer than 639 __bytes__ (see [`Description::new(...)`](./
387          */
388         LDKCreationError_DescriptionTooLong,
389         /**
390          * The specified route has too many hops and can't be encoded
391          */
392         LDKCreationError_RouteTooLong,
393         /**
394          * The Unix timestamp of the supplied date is less than zero or greater than 35-bits
395          */
396         LDKCreationError_TimestampOutOfBounds,
397         /**
398          * The supplied millisatoshi amount was greater than the total bitcoin supply.
399          */
400         LDKCreationError_InvalidAmount,
401         /**
402          * Route hints were required for this invoice and were missing. Applies to
403         [phantom invoices].
405         [phantom invoices]: crate::utils::create_phantom_invoice
406          */
407         LDKCreationError_MissingRouteHints,
409 }
411 /**
412  * Enum representing the crypto currencies (or networks) supported by this library
413  */
414 export enum Currency {
415         /**
416          * Bitcoin mainnet
417          */
418         LDKCurrency_Bitcoin,
419         /**
420          * Bitcoin testnet
421          */
422         LDKCurrency_BitcoinTestnet,
423         /**
424          * Bitcoin regtest
425          */
426         LDKCurrency_Regtest,
427         /**
428          * Bitcoin simnet
429          */
430         LDKCurrency_Simnet,
431         /**
432          * Bitcoin signet
433          */
434         LDKCurrency_Signet,
436 }
438 /**
439  * Represents an IO Error. Note that some information is lost in the conversion from Rust.
440  */
441 export enum IOError {
442                 LDKIOError_NotFound,
443                 LDKIOError_PermissionDenied,
444                 LDKIOError_ConnectionRefused,
445                 LDKIOError_ConnectionReset,
446                 LDKIOError_ConnectionAborted,
447                 LDKIOError_NotConnected,
448                 LDKIOError_AddrInUse,
449                 LDKIOError_AddrNotAvailable,
450                 LDKIOError_BrokenPipe,
451                 LDKIOError_AlreadyExists,
452                 LDKIOError_WouldBlock,
453                 LDKIOError_InvalidInput,
454                 LDKIOError_InvalidData,
455                 LDKIOError_TimedOut,
456                 LDKIOError_WriteZero,
457                 LDKIOError_Interrupted,
458                 LDKIOError_Other,
459                 LDKIOError_UnexpectedEof,
461 }
463 /**
464  * An enum representing the available verbosity levels of the logger.
465  */
466 export enum Level {
467         /**
468          * Designates extremely verbose information, including gossip-induced messages
469          */
470         LDKLevel_Gossip,
471         /**
472          * Designates very low priority, often extremely verbose, information
473          */
474         LDKLevel_Trace,
475         /**
476          * Designates lower priority information
477          */
478         LDKLevel_Debug,
479         /**
480          * Designates useful information
481          */
482         LDKLevel_Info,
483         /**
484          * Designates hazardous situations
485          */
486         LDKLevel_Warn,
487         /**
488          * Designates very serious errors
489          */
490         LDKLevel_Error,
492 }
494 /**
495  * An enum representing the possible Bitcoin or test networks which we can run on
496  */
497 export enum Network {
498         /**
499          * The main Bitcoin blockchain.
500          */
501         LDKNetwork_Bitcoin,
502         /**
503          * The testnet3 blockchain.
504          */
505         LDKNetwork_Testnet,
506         /**
507          * A local test blockchain.
508          */
509         LDKNetwork_Regtest,
510         /**
511          * A blockchain on which blocks are signed instead of mined.
512          */
513         LDKNetwork_Signet,
515 }
517 /**
518  * Specifies the recipient of an invoice, to indicate to [`KeysInterface::sign_invoice`] what node
519  * secret key should be used to sign the invoice.
520  */
521 export enum Recipient {
522         /**
523          * The invoice should be signed with the local node secret key.
524          */
525         LDKRecipient_Node,
526         /**
527          * The invoice should be signed with the phantom node secret key. This secret key must be the
528         same for all nodes participating in the [phantom node payment].
530         [phantom node payment]: PhantomKeysManager
531          */
532         LDKRecipient_PhantomNode,
534 }
536 /**
537  * Represents an error returned from libsecp256k1 during validation of some secp256k1 data
538  */
539 export enum Secp256k1Error {
540         /**
541          * Signature failed verification
542          */
543         LDKSecp256k1Error_IncorrectSignature,
544         /**
545          * Badly sized message ("messages" are actually fixed-sized digests; see the MESSAGE_SIZE constant)
546          */
547         LDKSecp256k1Error_InvalidMessage,
548         /**
549          * Bad public key
550          */
551         LDKSecp256k1Error_InvalidPublicKey,
552         /**
553          * Bad signature
554          */
555         LDKSecp256k1Error_InvalidSignature,
556         /**
557          * Bad secret key
558          */
559         LDKSecp256k1Error_InvalidSecretKey,
560         /**
561          * Bad shared secret.
562          */
563         LDKSecp256k1Error_InvalidSharedSecret,
564         /**
565          * Bad recovery id
566          */
567         LDKSecp256k1Error_InvalidRecoveryId,
568         /**
569          * Invalid tweak for add_assign or mul_assign
570          */
571         LDKSecp256k1Error_InvalidTweak,
572         /**
573          * Didn't pass enough memory to context creation with preallocated memory
574          */
575         LDKSecp256k1Error_NotEnoughMemory,
576         /**
577          * Bad set of public keys.
578          */
579         LDKSecp256k1Error_InvalidPublicKeySum,
580         /**
581          * The only valid parity values are 0 or 1.
582          */
583         LDKSecp256k1Error_InvalidParityValue,
585 }
587 /**
588  * Errors that may occur when converting a `RawInvoice` to an `Invoice`. They relate to the
589  * requirements sections in BOLT #11
590  */
591 export enum SemanticError {
592         /**
593          * The invoice is missing the mandatory payment hash
594          */
595         LDKSemanticError_NoPaymentHash,
596         /**
597          * The invoice has multiple payment hashes which isn't allowed
598          */
599         LDKSemanticError_MultiplePaymentHashes,
600         /**
601          * No description or description hash are part of the invoice
602          */
603         LDKSemanticError_NoDescription,
604         /**
605          * The invoice contains multiple descriptions and/or description hashes which isn't allowed
606          */
607         LDKSemanticError_MultipleDescriptions,
608         /**
609          * The invoice is missing the mandatory payment secret, which all modern lightning nodes
610         should provide.
611          */
612         LDKSemanticError_NoPaymentSecret,
613         /**
614          * The invoice contains multiple payment secrets
615          */
616         LDKSemanticError_MultiplePaymentSecrets,
617         /**
618          * The invoice's features are invalid
619          */
620         LDKSemanticError_InvalidFeatures,
621         /**
622          * The recovery id doesn't fit the signature/pub key
623          */
624         LDKSemanticError_InvalidRecoveryId,
625         /**
626          * The invoice's signature is invalid
627          */
628         LDKSemanticError_InvalidSignature,
629         /**
630          * The invoice's amount was not a whole number of millisatoshis
631          */
632         LDKSemanticError_ImpreciseAmount,
634 }
636 /**
637  * SI prefixes for the human readable part
638  */
639 export enum SiPrefix {
640         /**
641          * 10^-3
642          */
643         LDKSiPrefix_Milli,
644         /**
645          * 10^-6
646          */
647         LDKSiPrefix_Micro,
648         /**
649          * 10^-9
650          */
651         LDKSiPrefix_Nano,
652         /**
653          * 10^-12
654          */
655         LDKSiPrefix_Pico,
657 }
658         // struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes BigEndianScalar_get_bytes (struct LDKBigEndianScalar* thing)
659 /* @internal */
660 export function BigEndianScalar_get_bytes(thing: bigint): number {
661         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
662                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
663         }
664         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BigEndianScalar_get_bytes(thing);
665         return nativeResponseValue;
666 }
667         // static void BigEndianScalar_free (struct LDKBigEndianScalar thing)
668 /* @internal */
669 export function BigEndianScalar_free(thing: bigint): void {
670         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
671                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
672         }
673         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BigEndianScalar_free(thing);
674         // debug statements here
675 }
676 /* @internal */
677 export class LDKBech32Error {
678         protected constructor() {}
679 }
680 /* @internal */
681 export function LDKBech32Error_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
682         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
683                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
684         }
685         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKBech32Error_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
686         return nativeResponseValue;
687 }
688 /* @internal */
689 export function LDKBech32Error_InvalidChar_get_invalid_char(ptr: bigint): number {
690         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
691                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
692         }
693         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKBech32Error_InvalidChar_get_invalid_char(ptr);
694         return nativeResponseValue;
695 }
696 /* @internal */
697 export function LDKBech32Error_InvalidData_get_invalid_data(ptr: bigint): number {
698         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
699                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
700         }
701         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKBech32Error_InvalidData_get_invalid_data(ptr);
702         return nativeResponseValue;
703 }
704         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z TxOut_get_script_pubkey (struct LDKTxOut* thing)
705 /* @internal */
706 export function TxOut_get_script_pubkey(thing: bigint): number {
707         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
708                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
709         }
710         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxOut_get_script_pubkey(thing);
711         return nativeResponseValue;
712 }
713         // uint64_t TxOut_get_value (struct LDKTxOut* thing)
714 /* @internal */
715 export function TxOut_get_value(thing: bigint): bigint {
716         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
717                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
718         }
719         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxOut_get_value(thing);
720         return nativeResponseValue;
721 }
722         // struct LDKBlindedRoute CResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
723 /* @internal */
724 export function CResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
725         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
726                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
727         }
728         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ_get_ok(owner);
729         return nativeResponseValue;
730 }
731         // void CResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ_get_err(LDKCResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
732 /* @internal */
733 export function CResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ_get_err(owner: bigint): void {
734         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
735                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
736         }
737         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ_get_err(owner);
738         // debug statements here
739 }
740         // struct LDKBlindedRoute CResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
741 /* @internal */
742 export function CResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
743         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
744                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
745         }
746         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
747         return nativeResponseValue;
748 }
749         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
750 /* @internal */
751 export function CResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
752         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
753                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
754         }
755         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
756         return nativeResponseValue;
757 }
758         // struct LDKBlindedHop CResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
759 /* @internal */
760 export function CResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
761         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
762                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
763         }
764         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
765         return nativeResponseValue;
766 }
767         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
768 /* @internal */
769 export function CResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
770         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
771                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
772         }
773         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
774         return nativeResponseValue;
775 }
776         // void CResult_NoneNoneZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_NoneNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
777 /* @internal */
778 export function CResult_NoneNoneZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): void {
779         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
780                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
781         }
782         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneNoneZ_get_ok(owner);
783         // debug statements here
784 }
785         // void CResult_NoneNoneZ_get_err(LDKCResult_NoneNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
786 /* @internal */
787 export function CResult_NoneNoneZ_get_err(owner: bigint): void {
788         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
789                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
790         }
791         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneNoneZ_get_err(owner);
792         // debug statements here
793 }
794         // struct LDKCounterpartyCommitmentSecrets CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
795 /* @internal */
796 export function CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
797         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
798                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
799         }
800         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
801         return nativeResponseValue;
802 }
803         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
804 /* @internal */
805 export function CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
806         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
807                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
808         }
809         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
810         return nativeResponseValue;
811 }
812         // struct LDKSecretKey CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_SecretKeyErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
813 /* @internal */
814 export function CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): number {
815         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
816                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
817         }
818         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
819         return nativeResponseValue;
820 }
821         // enum LDKSecp256k1Error CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_SecretKeyErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
822 /* @internal */
823 export function CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): Secp256k1Error {
824         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
825                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
826         }
827         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_get_err(owner);
828         return nativeResponseValue;
829 }
830         // struct LDKPublicKey CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_PublicKeyErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
831 /* @internal */
832 export function CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): number {
833         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
834                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
835         }
836         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
837         return nativeResponseValue;
838 }
839         // enum LDKSecp256k1Error CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_PublicKeyErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
840 /* @internal */
841 export function CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): Secp256k1Error {
842         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
843                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
844         }
845         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_get_err(owner);
846         return nativeResponseValue;
847 }
848         // struct LDKTxCreationKeys CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
849 /* @internal */
850 export function CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
851         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
852                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
853         }
854         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
855         return nativeResponseValue;
856 }
857         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
858 /* @internal */
859 export function CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
860         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
861                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
862         }
863         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
864         return nativeResponseValue;
865 }
866         // struct LDKChannelPublicKeys CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
867 /* @internal */
868 export function CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
869         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
870                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
871         }
872         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
873         return nativeResponseValue;
874 }
875         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
876 /* @internal */
877 export function CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
878         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
879                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
880         }
881         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
882         return nativeResponseValue;
883 }
884         // struct LDKTxCreationKeys CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
885 /* @internal */
886 export function CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
887         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
888                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
889         }
890         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
891         return nativeResponseValue;
892 }
893         // enum LDKSecp256k1Error CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
894 /* @internal */
895 export function CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): Secp256k1Error {
896         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
897                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
898         }
899         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_get_err(owner);
900         return nativeResponseValue;
901 }
902 /* @internal */
903 export class LDKCOption_u32Z {
904         protected constructor() {}
905 }
906 /* @internal */
907 export function LDKCOption_u32Z_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
908         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
909                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
910         }
911         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_u32Z_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
912         return nativeResponseValue;
913 }
914 /* @internal */
915 export function LDKCOption_u32Z_Some_get_some(ptr: bigint): number {
916         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
917                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
918         }
919         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_u32Z_Some_get_some(ptr);
920         return nativeResponseValue;
921 }
922         // struct LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
923 /* @internal */
924 export function CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
925         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
926                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
927         }
928         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
929         return nativeResponseValue;
930 }
931         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
932 /* @internal */
933 export function CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
934         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
935                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
936         }
937         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
938         return nativeResponseValue;
939 }
940         // struct LDKCounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
941 /* @internal */
942 export function CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
943         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
944                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
945         }
946         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
947         return nativeResponseValue;
948 }
949         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
950 /* @internal */
951 export function CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
952         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
953                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
954         }
955         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
956         return nativeResponseValue;
957 }
958         // struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
959 /* @internal */
960 export function CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
961         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
962                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
963         }
964         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
965         return nativeResponseValue;
966 }
967         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
968 /* @internal */
969 export function CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
970         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
971                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
972         }
973         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
974         return nativeResponseValue;
975 }
976         // struct LDKHolderCommitmentTransaction CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
977 /* @internal */
978 export function CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
979         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
980                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
981         }
982         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
983         return nativeResponseValue;
984 }
985         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
986 /* @internal */
987 export function CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
988         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
989                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
990         }
991         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
992         return nativeResponseValue;
993 }
994         // struct LDKBuiltCommitmentTransaction CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
995 /* @internal */
996 export function CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
997         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
998                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
999         }
1000         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
1001         return nativeResponseValue;
1002 }
1003         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1004 /* @internal */
1005 export function CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
1006         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1007                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1008         }
1009         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
1010         return nativeResponseValue;
1011 }
1012         // struct LDKTrustedClosingTransaction CResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1013 /* @internal */
1014 export function CResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
1015         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1016                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1017         }
1018         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ_get_ok(owner);
1019         return nativeResponseValue;
1020 }
1021         // void CResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ_get_err(LDKCResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1022 /* @internal */
1023 export function CResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ_get_err(owner: bigint): void {
1024         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1025                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1026         }
1027         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ_get_err(owner);
1028         // debug statements here
1029 }
1030         // struct LDKCommitmentTransaction CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1031 /* @internal */
1032 export function CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
1033         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1034                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1035         }
1036         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
1037         return nativeResponseValue;
1038 }
1039         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1040 /* @internal */
1041 export function CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
1042         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1043                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1044         }
1045         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
1046         return nativeResponseValue;
1047 }
1048         // struct LDKTrustedCommitmentTransaction CResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1049 /* @internal */
1050 export function CResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
1051         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1052                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1053         }
1054         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ_get_ok(owner);
1055         return nativeResponseValue;
1056 }
1057         // void CResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ_get_err(LDKCResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1058 /* @internal */
1059 export function CResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ_get_err(owner: bigint): void {
1060         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1061                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1062         }
1063         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ_get_err(owner);
1064         // debug statements here
1065 }
1066         // struct LDKCVec_SignatureZ CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1067 /* @internal */
1068 export function CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): number {
1069         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1070                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1071         }
1072         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_get_ok(owner);
1073         return nativeResponseValue;
1074 }
1075         // void CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_get_err(LDKCResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1076 /* @internal */
1077 export function CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_get_err(owner: bigint): void {
1078         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1079                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1080         }
1081         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_get_err(owner);
1082         // debug statements here
1083 }
1084         // struct LDKShutdownScript CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1085 /* @internal */
1086 export function CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
1087         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1088                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1089         }
1090         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
1091         return nativeResponseValue;
1092 }
1093         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1094 /* @internal */
1095 export function CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
1096         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1097                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1098         }
1099         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
1100         return nativeResponseValue;
1101 }
1102         // struct LDKShutdownScript CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1103 /* @internal */
1104 export function CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
1105         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1106                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1107         }
1108         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_get_ok(owner);
1109         return nativeResponseValue;
1110 }
1111         // struct LDKInvalidShutdownScript CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1112 /* @internal */
1113 export function CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
1114         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1115                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1116         }
1117         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_get_err(owner);
1118         return nativeResponseValue;
1119 }
1120         // struct LDKRouteHop CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1121 /* @internal */
1122 export function CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
1123         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1124                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1125         }
1126         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
1127         return nativeResponseValue;
1128 }
1129         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1130 /* @internal */
1131 export function CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
1132         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1133                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1134         }
1135         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
1136         return nativeResponseValue;
1137 }
1138         // struct LDKRoute CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1139 /* @internal */
1140 export function CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
1141         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1142                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1143         }
1144         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
1145         return nativeResponseValue;
1146 }
1147         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1148 /* @internal */
1149 export function CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
1150         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1151                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1152         }
1153         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
1154         return nativeResponseValue;
1155 }
1156         // struct LDKRouteParameters CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1157 /* @internal */
1158 export function CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
1159         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1160                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1161         }
1162         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
1163         return nativeResponseValue;
1164 }
1165         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1166 /* @internal */
1167 export function CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
1168         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1169                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1170         }
1171         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
1172         return nativeResponseValue;
1173 }
1174 /* @internal */
1175 export class LDKCOption_u64Z {
1176         protected constructor() {}
1177 }
1178 /* @internal */
1179 export function LDKCOption_u64Z_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
1180         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1181                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1182         }
1183         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_u64Z_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
1184         return nativeResponseValue;
1185 }
1186 /* @internal */
1187 export function LDKCOption_u64Z_Some_get_some(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1188         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1189                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1190         }
1191         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_u64Z_Some_get_some(ptr);
1192         return nativeResponseValue;
1193 }
1194         // struct LDKPaymentParameters CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1195 /* @internal */
1196 export function CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
1197         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1198                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1199         }
1200         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
1201         return nativeResponseValue;
1202 }
1203         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1204 /* @internal */
1205 export function CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
1206         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1207                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1208         }
1209         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
1210         return nativeResponseValue;
1211 }
1212         // struct LDKRouteHint CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1213 /* @internal */
1214 export function CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
1215         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1216                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1217         }
1218         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
1219         return nativeResponseValue;
1220 }
1221         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1222 /* @internal */
1223 export function CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
1224         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1225                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1226         }
1227         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
1228         return nativeResponseValue;
1229 }
1230         // struct LDKRouteHintHop CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1231 /* @internal */
1232 export function CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
1233         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1234                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1235         }
1236         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
1237         return nativeResponseValue;
1238 }
1239         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1240 /* @internal */
1241 export function CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
1242         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1243                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1244         }
1245         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
1246         return nativeResponseValue;
1247 }
1248         // struct LDKRoute CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_RouteLightningErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1249 /* @internal */
1250 export function CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
1251         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1252                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1253         }
1254         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
1255         return nativeResponseValue;
1256 }
1257         // struct LDKLightningError CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_RouteLightningErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1258 /* @internal */
1259 export function CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
1260         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1261                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1262         }
1263         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_get_err(owner);
1264         return nativeResponseValue;
1265 }
1266 /* @internal */
1267 export class LDKPaymentPurpose {
1268         protected constructor() {}
1269 }
1270 /* @internal */
1271 export function LDKPaymentPurpose_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
1272         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1273                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1274         }
1275         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKPaymentPurpose_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
1276         return nativeResponseValue;
1277 }
1278 /* @internal */
1279 export function LDKPaymentPurpose_InvoicePayment_get_payment_preimage(ptr: bigint): number {
1280         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1281                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1282         }
1283         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKPaymentPurpose_InvoicePayment_get_payment_preimage(ptr);
1284         return nativeResponseValue;
1285 }
1286 /* @internal */
1287 export function LDKPaymentPurpose_InvoicePayment_get_payment_secret(ptr: bigint): number {
1288         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1289                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1290         }
1291         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKPaymentPurpose_InvoicePayment_get_payment_secret(ptr);
1292         return nativeResponseValue;
1293 }
1294 /* @internal */
1295 export function LDKPaymentPurpose_SpontaneousPayment_get_spontaneous_payment(ptr: bigint): number {
1296         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1297                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1298         }
1299         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKPaymentPurpose_SpontaneousPayment_get_spontaneous_payment(ptr);
1300         return nativeResponseValue;
1301 }
1302         // struct LDKPaymentPurpose CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1303 /* @internal */
1304 export function CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
1305         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1306                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1307         }
1308         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
1309         return nativeResponseValue;
1310 }
1311         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1312 /* @internal */
1313 export function CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
1314         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1315                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1316         }
1317         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
1318         return nativeResponseValue;
1319 }
1320 /* @internal */
1321 export class LDKClosureReason {
1322         protected constructor() {}
1323 }
1324 /* @internal */
1325 export function LDKClosureReason_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
1326         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1327                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1328         }
1329         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKClosureReason_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
1330         return nativeResponseValue;
1331 }
1332 /* @internal */
1333 export function LDKClosureReason_CounterpartyForceClosed_get_peer_msg(ptr: bigint): number {
1334         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1335                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1336         }
1337         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKClosureReason_CounterpartyForceClosed_get_peer_msg(ptr);
1338         return nativeResponseValue;
1339 }
1340 /* @internal */
1341 export function LDKClosureReason_ProcessingError_get_err(ptr: bigint): number {
1342         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1343                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1344         }
1345         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKClosureReason_ProcessingError_get_err(ptr);
1346         return nativeResponseValue;
1347 }
1348 /* @internal */
1349 export class LDKCOption_ClosureReasonZ {
1350         protected constructor() {}
1351 }
1352 /* @internal */
1353 export function LDKCOption_ClosureReasonZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
1354         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1355                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1356         }
1357         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_ClosureReasonZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
1358         return nativeResponseValue;
1359 }
1360 /* @internal */
1361 export function LDKCOption_ClosureReasonZ_Some_get_some(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1362         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1363                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1364         }
1365         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_ClosureReasonZ_Some_get_some(ptr);
1366         return nativeResponseValue;
1367 }
1368         // struct LDKCOption_ClosureReasonZ CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1369 /* @internal */
1370 export function CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
1371         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1372                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1373         }
1374         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
1375         return nativeResponseValue;
1376 }
1377         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1378 /* @internal */
1379 export function CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
1380         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1381                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1382         }
1383         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
1384         return nativeResponseValue;
1385 }
1386 /* @internal */
1387 export class LDKHTLCDestination {
1388         protected constructor() {}
1389 }
1390 /* @internal */
1391 export function LDKHTLCDestination_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
1392         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1393                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1394         }
1395         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKHTLCDestination_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
1396         return nativeResponseValue;
1397 }
1398 /* @internal */
1399 export function LDKHTLCDestination_NextHopChannel_get_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
1400         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1401                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1402         }
1403         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKHTLCDestination_NextHopChannel_get_node_id(ptr);
1404         return nativeResponseValue;
1405 }
1406 /* @internal */
1407 export function LDKHTLCDestination_NextHopChannel_get_channel_id(ptr: bigint): number {
1408         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1409                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1410         }
1411         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKHTLCDestination_NextHopChannel_get_channel_id(ptr);
1412         return nativeResponseValue;
1413 }
1414 /* @internal */
1415 export function LDKHTLCDestination_UnknownNextHop_get_requested_forward_scid(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1416         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1417                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1418         }
1419         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKHTLCDestination_UnknownNextHop_get_requested_forward_scid(ptr);
1420         return nativeResponseValue;
1421 }
1422 /* @internal */
1423 export function LDKHTLCDestination_FailedPayment_get_payment_hash(ptr: bigint): number {
1424         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1425                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1426         }
1427         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKHTLCDestination_FailedPayment_get_payment_hash(ptr);
1428         return nativeResponseValue;
1429 }
1430 /* @internal */
1431 export class LDKCOption_HTLCDestinationZ {
1432         protected constructor() {}
1433 }
1434 /* @internal */
1435 export function LDKCOption_HTLCDestinationZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
1436         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1437                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1438         }
1439         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_HTLCDestinationZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
1440         return nativeResponseValue;
1441 }
1442 /* @internal */
1443 export function LDKCOption_HTLCDestinationZ_Some_get_some(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1444         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1445                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1446         }
1447         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_HTLCDestinationZ_Some_get_some(ptr);
1448         return nativeResponseValue;
1449 }
1450         // struct LDKCOption_HTLCDestinationZ CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1451 /* @internal */
1452 export function CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
1453         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1454                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1455         }
1456         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
1457         return nativeResponseValue;
1458 }
1459         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
1460 /* @internal */
1461 export function CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
1462         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1463                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1464         }
1465         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
1466         return nativeResponseValue;
1467 }
1468 /* @internal */
1469 export class LDKNetworkUpdate {
1470         protected constructor() {}
1471 }
1472 /* @internal */
1473 export function LDKNetworkUpdate_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
1474         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1475                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1476         }
1477         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKNetworkUpdate_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
1478         return nativeResponseValue;
1479 }
1480 /* @internal */
1481 export function LDKNetworkUpdate_ChannelUpdateMessage_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1482         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1483                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1484         }
1485         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKNetworkUpdate_ChannelUpdateMessage_get_msg(ptr);
1486         return nativeResponseValue;
1487 }
1488 /* @internal */
1489 export function LDKNetworkUpdate_ChannelFailure_get_short_channel_id(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1490         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1491                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1492         }
1493         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKNetworkUpdate_ChannelFailure_get_short_channel_id(ptr);
1494         return nativeResponseValue;
1495 }
1496 /* @internal */
1497 export function LDKNetworkUpdate_ChannelFailure_get_is_permanent(ptr: bigint): boolean {
1498         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1499                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1500         }
1501         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKNetworkUpdate_ChannelFailure_get_is_permanent(ptr);
1502         return nativeResponseValue;
1503 }
1504 /* @internal */
1505 export function LDKNetworkUpdate_NodeFailure_get_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
1506         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1507                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1508         }
1509         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKNetworkUpdate_NodeFailure_get_node_id(ptr);
1510         return nativeResponseValue;
1511 }
1512 /* @internal */
1513 export function LDKNetworkUpdate_NodeFailure_get_is_permanent(ptr: bigint): boolean {
1514         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1515                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1516         }
1517         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKNetworkUpdate_NodeFailure_get_is_permanent(ptr);
1518         return nativeResponseValue;
1519 }
1520 /* @internal */
1521 export class LDKCOption_NetworkUpdateZ {
1522         protected constructor() {}
1523 }
1524 /* @internal */
1525 export function LDKCOption_NetworkUpdateZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
1526         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1527                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1528         }
1529         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_NetworkUpdateZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
1530         return nativeResponseValue;
1531 }
1532 /* @internal */
1533 export function LDKCOption_NetworkUpdateZ_Some_get_some(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1534         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1535                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1536         }
1537         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_NetworkUpdateZ_Some_get_some(ptr);
1538         return nativeResponseValue;
1539 }
1540 /* @internal */
1541 export class LDKSpendableOutputDescriptor {
1542         protected constructor() {}
1543 }
1544 /* @internal */
1545 export function LDKSpendableOutputDescriptor_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
1546         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1547                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1548         }
1549         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKSpendableOutputDescriptor_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
1550         return nativeResponseValue;
1551 }
1552 /* @internal */
1553 export function LDKSpendableOutputDescriptor_StaticOutput_get_outpoint(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1554         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1555                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1556         }
1557         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKSpendableOutputDescriptor_StaticOutput_get_outpoint(ptr);
1558         return nativeResponseValue;
1559 }
1560 /* @internal */
1561 export function LDKSpendableOutputDescriptor_StaticOutput_get_output(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1562         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1563                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1564         }
1565         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKSpendableOutputDescriptor_StaticOutput_get_output(ptr);
1566         return nativeResponseValue;
1567 }
1568 /* @internal */
1569 export function LDKSpendableOutputDescriptor_DelayedPaymentOutput_get_delayed_payment_output(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1570         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1571                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1572         }
1573         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKSpendableOutputDescriptor_DelayedPaymentOutput_get_delayed_payment_output(ptr);
1574         return nativeResponseValue;
1575 }
1576 /* @internal */
1577 export function LDKSpendableOutputDescriptor_StaticPaymentOutput_get_static_payment_output(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1578         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1579                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1580         }
1581         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKSpendableOutputDescriptor_StaticPaymentOutput_get_static_payment_output(ptr);
1582         return nativeResponseValue;
1583 }
1584 /* @internal */
1585 export class LDKEvent {
1586         protected constructor() {}
1587 }
1588 /* @internal */
1589 export function LDKEvent_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
1590         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1591                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1592         }
1593         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
1594         return nativeResponseValue;
1595 }
1596 /* @internal */
1597 export function LDKEvent_FundingGenerationReady_get_temporary_channel_id(ptr: bigint): number {
1598         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1599                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1600         }
1601         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_FundingGenerationReady_get_temporary_channel_id(ptr);
1602         return nativeResponseValue;
1603 }
1604 /* @internal */
1605 export function LDKEvent_FundingGenerationReady_get_counterparty_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
1606         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1607                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1608         }
1609         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_FundingGenerationReady_get_counterparty_node_id(ptr);
1610         return nativeResponseValue;
1611 }
1612 /* @internal */
1613 export function LDKEvent_FundingGenerationReady_get_channel_value_satoshis(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1614         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1615                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1616         }
1617         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_FundingGenerationReady_get_channel_value_satoshis(ptr);
1618         return nativeResponseValue;
1619 }
1620 /* @internal */
1621 export function LDKEvent_FundingGenerationReady_get_output_script(ptr: bigint): number {
1622         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1623                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1624         }
1625         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_FundingGenerationReady_get_output_script(ptr);
1626         return nativeResponseValue;
1627 }
1628 /* @internal */
1629 export function LDKEvent_FundingGenerationReady_get_user_channel_id(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1630         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1631                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1632         }
1633         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_FundingGenerationReady_get_user_channel_id(ptr);
1634         return nativeResponseValue;
1635 }
1636 /* @internal */
1637 export function LDKEvent_PaymentReceived_get_payment_hash(ptr: bigint): number {
1638         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1639                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1640         }
1641         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentReceived_get_payment_hash(ptr);
1642         return nativeResponseValue;
1643 }
1644 /* @internal */
1645 export function LDKEvent_PaymentReceived_get_amount_msat(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1646         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1647                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1648         }
1649         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentReceived_get_amount_msat(ptr);
1650         return nativeResponseValue;
1651 }
1652 /* @internal */
1653 export function LDKEvent_PaymentReceived_get_purpose(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1654         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1655                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1656         }
1657         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentReceived_get_purpose(ptr);
1658         return nativeResponseValue;
1659 }
1660 /* @internal */
1661 export function LDKEvent_PaymentClaimed_get_payment_hash(ptr: bigint): number {
1662         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1663                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1664         }
1665         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentClaimed_get_payment_hash(ptr);
1666         return nativeResponseValue;
1667 }
1668 /* @internal */
1669 export function LDKEvent_PaymentClaimed_get_amount_msat(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1670         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1671                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1672         }
1673         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentClaimed_get_amount_msat(ptr);
1674         return nativeResponseValue;
1675 }
1676 /* @internal */
1677 export function LDKEvent_PaymentClaimed_get_purpose(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1678         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1679                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1680         }
1681         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentClaimed_get_purpose(ptr);
1682         return nativeResponseValue;
1683 }
1684 /* @internal */
1685 export function LDKEvent_PaymentSent_get_payment_id(ptr: bigint): number {
1686         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1687                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1688         }
1689         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentSent_get_payment_id(ptr);
1690         return nativeResponseValue;
1691 }
1692 /* @internal */
1693 export function LDKEvent_PaymentSent_get_payment_preimage(ptr: bigint): number {
1694         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1695                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1696         }
1697         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentSent_get_payment_preimage(ptr);
1698         return nativeResponseValue;
1699 }
1700 /* @internal */
1701 export function LDKEvent_PaymentSent_get_payment_hash(ptr: bigint): number {
1702         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1703                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1704         }
1705         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentSent_get_payment_hash(ptr);
1706         return nativeResponseValue;
1707 }
1708 /* @internal */
1709 export function LDKEvent_PaymentSent_get_fee_paid_msat(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1710         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1711                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1712         }
1713         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentSent_get_fee_paid_msat(ptr);
1714         return nativeResponseValue;
1715 }
1716 /* @internal */
1717 export function LDKEvent_PaymentFailed_get_payment_id(ptr: bigint): number {
1718         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1719                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1720         }
1721         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentFailed_get_payment_id(ptr);
1722         return nativeResponseValue;
1723 }
1724 /* @internal */
1725 export function LDKEvent_PaymentFailed_get_payment_hash(ptr: bigint): number {
1726         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1727                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1728         }
1729         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentFailed_get_payment_hash(ptr);
1730         return nativeResponseValue;
1731 }
1732 /* @internal */
1733 export function LDKEvent_PaymentPathSuccessful_get_payment_id(ptr: bigint): number {
1734         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1735                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1736         }
1737         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentPathSuccessful_get_payment_id(ptr);
1738         return nativeResponseValue;
1739 }
1740 /* @internal */
1741 export function LDKEvent_PaymentPathSuccessful_get_payment_hash(ptr: bigint): number {
1742         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1743                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1744         }
1745         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentPathSuccessful_get_payment_hash(ptr);
1746         return nativeResponseValue;
1747 }
1748 /* @internal */
1749 export function LDKEvent_PaymentPathSuccessful_get_path(ptr: bigint): number {
1750         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1751                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1752         }
1753         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentPathSuccessful_get_path(ptr);
1754         return nativeResponseValue;
1755 }
1756 /* @internal */
1757 export function LDKEvent_PaymentPathFailed_get_payment_id(ptr: bigint): number {
1758         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1759                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1760         }
1761         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentPathFailed_get_payment_id(ptr);
1762         return nativeResponseValue;
1763 }
1764 /* @internal */
1765 export function LDKEvent_PaymentPathFailed_get_payment_hash(ptr: bigint): number {
1766         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1767                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1768         }
1769         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentPathFailed_get_payment_hash(ptr);
1770         return nativeResponseValue;
1771 }
1772 /* @internal */
1773 export function LDKEvent_PaymentPathFailed_get_payment_failed_permanently(ptr: bigint): boolean {
1774         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1775                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1776         }
1777         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentPathFailed_get_payment_failed_permanently(ptr);
1778         return nativeResponseValue;
1779 }
1780 /* @internal */
1781 export function LDKEvent_PaymentPathFailed_get_network_update(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1782         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1783                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1784         }
1785         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentPathFailed_get_network_update(ptr);
1786         return nativeResponseValue;
1787 }
1788 /* @internal */
1789 export function LDKEvent_PaymentPathFailed_get_all_paths_failed(ptr: bigint): boolean {
1790         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1791                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1792         }
1793         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentPathFailed_get_all_paths_failed(ptr);
1794         return nativeResponseValue;
1795 }
1796 /* @internal */
1797 export function LDKEvent_PaymentPathFailed_get_path(ptr: bigint): number {
1798         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1799                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1800         }
1801         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentPathFailed_get_path(ptr);
1802         return nativeResponseValue;
1803 }
1804 /* @internal */
1805 export function LDKEvent_PaymentPathFailed_get_short_channel_id(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1806         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1807                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1808         }
1809         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentPathFailed_get_short_channel_id(ptr);
1810         return nativeResponseValue;
1811 }
1812 /* @internal */
1813 export function LDKEvent_PaymentPathFailed_get_retry(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1814         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1815                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1816         }
1817         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentPathFailed_get_retry(ptr);
1818         return nativeResponseValue;
1819 }
1820 /* @internal */
1821 export function LDKEvent_ProbeSuccessful_get_payment_id(ptr: bigint): number {
1822         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1823                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1824         }
1825         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_ProbeSuccessful_get_payment_id(ptr);
1826         return nativeResponseValue;
1827 }
1828 /* @internal */
1829 export function LDKEvent_ProbeSuccessful_get_payment_hash(ptr: bigint): number {
1830         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1831                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1832         }
1833         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_ProbeSuccessful_get_payment_hash(ptr);
1834         return nativeResponseValue;
1835 }
1836 /* @internal */
1837 export function LDKEvent_ProbeSuccessful_get_path(ptr: bigint): number {
1838         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1839                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1840         }
1841         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_ProbeSuccessful_get_path(ptr);
1842         return nativeResponseValue;
1843 }
1844 /* @internal */
1845 export function LDKEvent_ProbeFailed_get_payment_id(ptr: bigint): number {
1846         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1847                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1848         }
1849         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_ProbeFailed_get_payment_id(ptr);
1850         return nativeResponseValue;
1851 }
1852 /* @internal */
1853 export function LDKEvent_ProbeFailed_get_payment_hash(ptr: bigint): number {
1854         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1855                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1856         }
1857         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_ProbeFailed_get_payment_hash(ptr);
1858         return nativeResponseValue;
1859 }
1860 /* @internal */
1861 export function LDKEvent_ProbeFailed_get_path(ptr: bigint): number {
1862         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1863                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1864         }
1865         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_ProbeFailed_get_path(ptr);
1866         return nativeResponseValue;
1867 }
1868 /* @internal */
1869 export function LDKEvent_ProbeFailed_get_short_channel_id(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1870         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1871                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1872         }
1873         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_ProbeFailed_get_short_channel_id(ptr);
1874         return nativeResponseValue;
1875 }
1876 /* @internal */
1877 export function LDKEvent_PendingHTLCsForwardable_get_time_forwardable(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1878         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1879                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1880         }
1881         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PendingHTLCsForwardable_get_time_forwardable(ptr);
1882         return nativeResponseValue;
1883 }
1884 /* @internal */
1885 export function LDKEvent_SpendableOutputs_get_outputs(ptr: bigint): number {
1886         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1887                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1888         }
1889         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_SpendableOutputs_get_outputs(ptr);
1890         return nativeResponseValue;
1891 }
1892 /* @internal */
1893 export function LDKEvent_PaymentForwarded_get_prev_channel_id(ptr: bigint): number {
1894         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1895                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1896         }
1897         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentForwarded_get_prev_channel_id(ptr);
1898         return nativeResponseValue;
1899 }
1900 /* @internal */
1901 export function LDKEvent_PaymentForwarded_get_next_channel_id(ptr: bigint): number {
1902         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1903                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1904         }
1905         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentForwarded_get_next_channel_id(ptr);
1906         return nativeResponseValue;
1907 }
1908 /* @internal */
1909 export function LDKEvent_PaymentForwarded_get_fee_earned_msat(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1910         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1911                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1912         }
1913         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentForwarded_get_fee_earned_msat(ptr);
1914         return nativeResponseValue;
1915 }
1916 /* @internal */
1917 export function LDKEvent_PaymentForwarded_get_claim_from_onchain_tx(ptr: bigint): boolean {
1918         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1919                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1920         }
1921         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_PaymentForwarded_get_claim_from_onchain_tx(ptr);
1922         return nativeResponseValue;
1923 }
1924 /* @internal */
1925 export function LDKEvent_ChannelClosed_get_channel_id(ptr: bigint): number {
1926         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1927                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1928         }
1929         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_ChannelClosed_get_channel_id(ptr);
1930         return nativeResponseValue;
1931 }
1932 /* @internal */
1933 export function LDKEvent_ChannelClosed_get_user_channel_id(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1934         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1935                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1936         }
1937         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_ChannelClosed_get_user_channel_id(ptr);
1938         return nativeResponseValue;
1939 }
1940 /* @internal */
1941 export function LDKEvent_ChannelClosed_get_reason(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1942         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1943                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1944         }
1945         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_ChannelClosed_get_reason(ptr);
1946         return nativeResponseValue;
1947 }
1948 /* @internal */
1949 export function LDKEvent_DiscardFunding_get_channel_id(ptr: bigint): number {
1950         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1951                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1952         }
1953         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_DiscardFunding_get_channel_id(ptr);
1954         return nativeResponseValue;
1955 }
1956 /* @internal */
1957 export function LDKEvent_DiscardFunding_get_transaction(ptr: bigint): number {
1958         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1959                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1960         }
1961         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_DiscardFunding_get_transaction(ptr);
1962         return nativeResponseValue;
1963 }
1964 /* @internal */
1965 export function LDKEvent_OpenChannelRequest_get_temporary_channel_id(ptr: bigint): number {
1966         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1967                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1968         }
1969         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_OpenChannelRequest_get_temporary_channel_id(ptr);
1970         return nativeResponseValue;
1971 }
1972 /* @internal */
1973 export function LDKEvent_OpenChannelRequest_get_counterparty_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
1974         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1975                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1976         }
1977         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_OpenChannelRequest_get_counterparty_node_id(ptr);
1978         return nativeResponseValue;
1979 }
1980 /* @internal */
1981 export function LDKEvent_OpenChannelRequest_get_funding_satoshis(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1982         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1983                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1984         }
1985         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_OpenChannelRequest_get_funding_satoshis(ptr);
1986         return nativeResponseValue;
1987 }
1988 /* @internal */
1989 export function LDKEvent_OpenChannelRequest_get_push_msat(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1990         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1991                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
1992         }
1993         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_OpenChannelRequest_get_push_msat(ptr);
1994         return nativeResponseValue;
1995 }
1996 /* @internal */
1997 export function LDKEvent_OpenChannelRequest_get_channel_type(ptr: bigint): bigint {
1998         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
1999                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2000         }
2001         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_OpenChannelRequest_get_channel_type(ptr);
2002         return nativeResponseValue;
2003 }
2004 /* @internal */
2005 export function LDKEvent_HTLCHandlingFailed_get_prev_channel_id(ptr: bigint): number {
2006         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2007                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2008         }
2009         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_HTLCHandlingFailed_get_prev_channel_id(ptr);
2010         return nativeResponseValue;
2011 }
2012 /* @internal */
2013 export function LDKEvent_HTLCHandlingFailed_get_failed_next_destination(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2014         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2015                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2016         }
2017         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEvent_HTLCHandlingFailed_get_failed_next_destination(ptr);
2018         return nativeResponseValue;
2019 }
2020 /* @internal */
2021 export class LDKCOption_EventZ {
2022         protected constructor() {}
2023 }
2024 /* @internal */
2025 export function LDKCOption_EventZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
2026         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2027                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2028         }
2029         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_EventZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
2030         return nativeResponseValue;
2031 }
2032 /* @internal */
2033 export function LDKCOption_EventZ_Some_get_some(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2034         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2035                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2036         }
2037         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_EventZ_Some_get_some(ptr);
2038         return nativeResponseValue;
2039 }
2040         // struct LDKCOption_EventZ CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2041 /* @internal */
2042 export function CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
2043         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2044                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2045         }
2046         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
2047         return nativeResponseValue;
2048 }
2049         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2050 /* @internal */
2051 export function CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
2052         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2053                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2054         }
2055         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
2056         return nativeResponseValue;
2057 }
2058 /* @internal */
2059 export class LDKErrorAction {
2060         protected constructor() {}
2061 }
2062 /* @internal */
2063 export function LDKErrorAction_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
2064         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2065                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2066         }
2067         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKErrorAction_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
2068         return nativeResponseValue;
2069 }
2070 /* @internal */
2071 export function LDKErrorAction_DisconnectPeer_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2072         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2073                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2074         }
2075         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKErrorAction_DisconnectPeer_get_msg(ptr);
2076         return nativeResponseValue;
2077 }
2078 /* @internal */
2079 export function LDKErrorAction_IgnoreAndLog_get_ignore_and_log(ptr: bigint): Level {
2080         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2081                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2082         }
2083         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKErrorAction_IgnoreAndLog_get_ignore_and_log(ptr);
2084         return nativeResponseValue;
2085 }
2086 /* @internal */
2087 export function LDKErrorAction_SendErrorMessage_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2088         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2089                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2090         }
2091         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKErrorAction_SendErrorMessage_get_msg(ptr);
2092         return nativeResponseValue;
2093 }
2094 /* @internal */
2095 export function LDKErrorAction_SendWarningMessage_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2096         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2097                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2098         }
2099         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKErrorAction_SendWarningMessage_get_msg(ptr);
2100         return nativeResponseValue;
2101 }
2102 /* @internal */
2103 export function LDKErrorAction_SendWarningMessage_get_log_level(ptr: bigint): Level {
2104         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2105                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2106         }
2107         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKErrorAction_SendWarningMessage_get_log_level(ptr);
2108         return nativeResponseValue;
2109 }
2110 /* @internal */
2111 export class LDKMessageSendEvent {
2112         protected constructor() {}
2113 }
2114 /* @internal */
2115 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
2116         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2117                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2118         }
2119         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
2120         return nativeResponseValue;
2121 }
2122 /* @internal */
2123 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendAcceptChannel_get_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
2124         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2125                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2126         }
2127         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendAcceptChannel_get_node_id(ptr);
2128         return nativeResponseValue;
2129 }
2130 /* @internal */
2131 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendAcceptChannel_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2132         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2133                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2134         }
2135         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendAcceptChannel_get_msg(ptr);
2136         return nativeResponseValue;
2137 }
2138 /* @internal */
2139 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendOpenChannel_get_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
2140         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2141                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2142         }
2143         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendOpenChannel_get_node_id(ptr);
2144         return nativeResponseValue;
2145 }
2146 /* @internal */
2147 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendOpenChannel_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2148         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2149                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2150         }
2151         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendOpenChannel_get_msg(ptr);
2152         return nativeResponseValue;
2153 }
2154 /* @internal */
2155 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendFundingCreated_get_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
2156         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2157                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2158         }
2159         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendFundingCreated_get_node_id(ptr);
2160         return nativeResponseValue;
2161 }
2162 /* @internal */
2163 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendFundingCreated_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2164         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2165                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2166         }
2167         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendFundingCreated_get_msg(ptr);
2168         return nativeResponseValue;
2169 }
2170 /* @internal */
2171 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendFundingSigned_get_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
2172         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2173                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2174         }
2175         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendFundingSigned_get_node_id(ptr);
2176         return nativeResponseValue;
2177 }
2178 /* @internal */
2179 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendFundingSigned_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2180         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2181                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2182         }
2183         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendFundingSigned_get_msg(ptr);
2184         return nativeResponseValue;
2185 }
2186 /* @internal */
2187 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelReady_get_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
2188         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2189                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2190         }
2191         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelReady_get_node_id(ptr);
2192         return nativeResponseValue;
2193 }
2194 /* @internal */
2195 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelReady_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2196         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2197                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2198         }
2199         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelReady_get_msg(ptr);
2200         return nativeResponseValue;
2201 }
2202 /* @internal */
2203 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendAnnouncementSignatures_get_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
2204         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2205                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2206         }
2207         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendAnnouncementSignatures_get_node_id(ptr);
2208         return nativeResponseValue;
2209 }
2210 /* @internal */
2211 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendAnnouncementSignatures_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2212         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2213                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2214         }
2215         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendAnnouncementSignatures_get_msg(ptr);
2216         return nativeResponseValue;
2217 }
2218 /* @internal */
2219 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_UpdateHTLCs_get_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
2220         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2221                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2222         }
2223         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_UpdateHTLCs_get_node_id(ptr);
2224         return nativeResponseValue;
2225 }
2226 /* @internal */
2227 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_UpdateHTLCs_get_updates(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2228         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2229                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2230         }
2231         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_UpdateHTLCs_get_updates(ptr);
2232         return nativeResponseValue;
2233 }
2234 /* @internal */
2235 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendRevokeAndACK_get_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
2236         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2237                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2238         }
2239         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendRevokeAndACK_get_node_id(ptr);
2240         return nativeResponseValue;
2241 }
2242 /* @internal */
2243 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendRevokeAndACK_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2244         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2245                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2246         }
2247         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendRevokeAndACK_get_msg(ptr);
2248         return nativeResponseValue;
2249 }
2250 /* @internal */
2251 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendClosingSigned_get_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
2252         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2253                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2254         }
2255         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendClosingSigned_get_node_id(ptr);
2256         return nativeResponseValue;
2257 }
2258 /* @internal */
2259 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendClosingSigned_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2260         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2261                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2262         }
2263         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendClosingSigned_get_msg(ptr);
2264         return nativeResponseValue;
2265 }
2266 /* @internal */
2267 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendShutdown_get_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
2268         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2269                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2270         }
2271         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendShutdown_get_node_id(ptr);
2272         return nativeResponseValue;
2273 }
2274 /* @internal */
2275 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendShutdown_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2276         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2277                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2278         }
2279         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendShutdown_get_msg(ptr);
2280         return nativeResponseValue;
2281 }
2282 /* @internal */
2283 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelReestablish_get_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
2284         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2285                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2286         }
2287         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelReestablish_get_node_id(ptr);
2288         return nativeResponseValue;
2289 }
2290 /* @internal */
2291 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelReestablish_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2292         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2293                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2294         }
2295         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelReestablish_get_msg(ptr);
2296         return nativeResponseValue;
2297 }
2298 /* @internal */
2299 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelAnnouncement_get_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
2300         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2301                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2302         }
2303         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelAnnouncement_get_node_id(ptr);
2304         return nativeResponseValue;
2305 }
2306 /* @internal */
2307 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelAnnouncement_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2308         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2309                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2310         }
2311         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelAnnouncement_get_msg(ptr);
2312         return nativeResponseValue;
2313 }
2314 /* @internal */
2315 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelAnnouncement_get_update_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2316         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2317                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2318         }
2319         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelAnnouncement_get_update_msg(ptr);
2320         return nativeResponseValue;
2321 }
2322 /* @internal */
2323 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_BroadcastChannelAnnouncement_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2324         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2325                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2326         }
2327         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_BroadcastChannelAnnouncement_get_msg(ptr);
2328         return nativeResponseValue;
2329 }
2330 /* @internal */
2331 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_BroadcastChannelAnnouncement_get_update_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2332         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2333                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2334         }
2335         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_BroadcastChannelAnnouncement_get_update_msg(ptr);
2336         return nativeResponseValue;
2337 }
2338 /* @internal */
2339 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_BroadcastChannelUpdate_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2340         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2341                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2342         }
2343         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_BroadcastChannelUpdate_get_msg(ptr);
2344         return nativeResponseValue;
2345 }
2346 /* @internal */
2347 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelUpdate_get_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
2348         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2349                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2350         }
2351         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelUpdate_get_node_id(ptr);
2352         return nativeResponseValue;
2353 }
2354 /* @internal */
2355 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelUpdate_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2356         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2357                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2358         }
2359         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelUpdate_get_msg(ptr);
2360         return nativeResponseValue;
2361 }
2362 /* @internal */
2363 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_HandleError_get_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
2364         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2365                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2366         }
2367         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_HandleError_get_node_id(ptr);
2368         return nativeResponseValue;
2369 }
2370 /* @internal */
2371 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_HandleError_get_action(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2372         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2373                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2374         }
2375         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_HandleError_get_action(ptr);
2376         return nativeResponseValue;
2377 }
2378 /* @internal */
2379 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelRangeQuery_get_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
2380         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2381                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2382         }
2383         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelRangeQuery_get_node_id(ptr);
2384         return nativeResponseValue;
2385 }
2386 /* @internal */
2387 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelRangeQuery_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2388         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2389                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2390         }
2391         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendChannelRangeQuery_get_msg(ptr);
2392         return nativeResponseValue;
2393 }
2394 /* @internal */
2395 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendShortIdsQuery_get_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
2396         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2397                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2398         }
2399         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendShortIdsQuery_get_node_id(ptr);
2400         return nativeResponseValue;
2401 }
2402 /* @internal */
2403 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendShortIdsQuery_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2404         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2405                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2406         }
2407         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendShortIdsQuery_get_msg(ptr);
2408         return nativeResponseValue;
2409 }
2410 /* @internal */
2411 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendReplyChannelRange_get_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
2412         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2413                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2414         }
2415         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendReplyChannelRange_get_node_id(ptr);
2416         return nativeResponseValue;
2417 }
2418 /* @internal */
2419 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendReplyChannelRange_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2420         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2421                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2422         }
2423         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendReplyChannelRange_get_msg(ptr);
2424         return nativeResponseValue;
2425 }
2426 /* @internal */
2427 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendGossipTimestampFilter_get_node_id(ptr: bigint): number {
2428         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2429                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2430         }
2431         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendGossipTimestampFilter_get_node_id(ptr);
2432         return nativeResponseValue;
2433 }
2434 /* @internal */
2435 export function LDKMessageSendEvent_SendGossipTimestampFilter_get_msg(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2436         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2437                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2438         }
2439         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEvent_SendGossipTimestampFilter_get_msg(ptr);
2440         return nativeResponseValue;
2441 }
2442         // struct LDKTxOut CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2443 /* @internal */
2444 export function CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
2445         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2446                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2447         }
2448         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
2449         return nativeResponseValue;
2450 }
2451         // enum LDKAccessError CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2452 /* @internal */
2453 export function CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): AccessError {
2454         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2455                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2456         }
2457         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_get_err(owner);
2458         return nativeResponseValue;
2459 }
2460         // uintptr_t C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ_get_a(LDKC2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2461 /* @internal */
2462 export function C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ_get_a(owner: bigint): number {
2463         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2464                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2465         }
2466         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ_get_a(owner);
2467         return nativeResponseValue;
2468 }
2469         // struct LDKTransaction C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ_get_b(LDKC2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2470 /* @internal */
2471 export function C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ_get_b(owner: bigint): number {
2472         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2473                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2474         }
2475         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ_get_b(owner);
2476         return nativeResponseValue;
2477 }
2478         // void CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2479 /* @internal */
2480 export function CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): void {
2481         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2482                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2483         }
2484         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_get_ok(owner);
2485         // debug statements here
2486 }
2487         // enum LDKChannelMonitorUpdateErr CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_get_err(LDKCResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2488 /* @internal */
2489 export function CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_get_err(owner: bigint): ChannelMonitorUpdateErr {
2490         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2491                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2492         }
2493         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_get_err(owner);
2494         return nativeResponseValue;
2495 }
2496 /* @internal */
2497 export class LDKMonitorEvent {
2498         protected constructor() {}
2499 }
2500 /* @internal */
2501 export function LDKMonitorEvent_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
2502         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2503                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2504         }
2505         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMonitorEvent_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
2506         return nativeResponseValue;
2507 }
2508 /* @internal */
2509 export function LDKMonitorEvent_HTLCEvent_get_htlc_event(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2510         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2511                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2512         }
2513         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMonitorEvent_HTLCEvent_get_htlc_event(ptr);
2514         return nativeResponseValue;
2515 }
2516 /* @internal */
2517 export function LDKMonitorEvent_CommitmentTxConfirmed_get_commitment_tx_confirmed(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2518         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2519                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2520         }
2521         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMonitorEvent_CommitmentTxConfirmed_get_commitment_tx_confirmed(ptr);
2522         return nativeResponseValue;
2523 }
2524 /* @internal */
2525 export function LDKMonitorEvent_UpdateCompleted_get_funding_txo(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2526         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2527                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2528         }
2529         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMonitorEvent_UpdateCompleted_get_funding_txo(ptr);
2530         return nativeResponseValue;
2531 }
2532 /* @internal */
2533 export function LDKMonitorEvent_UpdateCompleted_get_monitor_update_id(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2534         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2535                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2536         }
2537         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMonitorEvent_UpdateCompleted_get_monitor_update_id(ptr);
2538         return nativeResponseValue;
2539 }
2540 /* @internal */
2541 export function LDKMonitorEvent_UpdateFailed_get_update_failed(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2542         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2543                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2544         }
2545         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKMonitorEvent_UpdateFailed_get_update_failed(ptr);
2546         return nativeResponseValue;
2547 }
2548         // struct LDKOutPoint C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ_get_a(LDKC3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2549 /* @internal */
2550 export function C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ_get_a(owner: bigint): bigint {
2551         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2552                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2553         }
2554         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ_get_a(owner);
2555         return nativeResponseValue;
2556 }
2557         // struct LDKCVec_MonitorEventZ C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ_get_b(LDKC3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2558 /* @internal */
2559 export function C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ_get_b(owner: bigint): number {
2560         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2561                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2562         }
2563         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ_get_b(owner);
2564         return nativeResponseValue;
2565 }
2566         // struct LDKPublicKey C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ_get_c(LDKC3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2567 /* @internal */
2568 export function C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ_get_c(owner: bigint): number {
2569         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2570                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2571         }
2572         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ_get_c(owner);
2573         return nativeResponseValue;
2574 }
2575         // struct LDKFixedPenaltyScorer CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2576 /* @internal */
2577 export function CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
2578         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2579                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2580         }
2581         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
2582         return nativeResponseValue;
2583 }
2584         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2585 /* @internal */
2586 export function CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
2587         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2588                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2589         }
2590         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
2591         return nativeResponseValue;
2592 }
2593         // uint64_t C2Tuple_u64u64Z_get_a(LDKC2Tuple_u64u64Z *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2594 /* @internal */
2595 export function C2Tuple_u64u64Z_get_a(owner: bigint): bigint {
2596         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2597                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2598         }
2599         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_u64u64Z_get_a(owner);
2600         return nativeResponseValue;
2601 }
2602         // uint64_t C2Tuple_u64u64Z_get_b(LDKC2Tuple_u64u64Z *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2603 /* @internal */
2604 export function C2Tuple_u64u64Z_get_b(owner: bigint): bigint {
2605         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2606                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2607         }
2608         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_u64u64Z_get_b(owner);
2609         return nativeResponseValue;
2610 }
2611 /* @internal */
2612 export class LDKCOption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ {
2613         protected constructor() {}
2614 }
2615 /* @internal */
2616 export function LDKCOption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
2617         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2618                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2619         }
2620         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
2621         return nativeResponseValue;
2622 }
2623 /* @internal */
2624 export function LDKCOption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ_Some_get_some(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2625         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2626                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2627         }
2628         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ_Some_get_some(ptr);
2629         return nativeResponseValue;
2630 }
2631 /* @internal */
2632 export interface LDKLogger {
2633         log (record: bigint): void;
2634 }
2636 /* @internal */
2637 export function LDKLogger_new(impl: LDKLogger): [bigint, number] {
2638         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2639                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2640         }
2641         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
2642         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
2643                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
2644         }
2645         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
2646         return [wasm.TS_LDKLogger_new(i), i];
2647 }
2648         // struct LDKProbabilisticScorer CResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2649 /* @internal */
2650 export function CResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
2651         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2652                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2653         }
2654         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
2655         return nativeResponseValue;
2656 }
2657         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2658 /* @internal */
2659 export function CResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
2660         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2661                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2662         }
2663         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
2664         return nativeResponseValue;
2665 }
2666         // struct LDKInitFeatures CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2667 /* @internal */
2668 export function CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
2669         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2670                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2671         }
2672         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
2673         return nativeResponseValue;
2674 }
2675         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2676 /* @internal */
2677 export function CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
2678         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2679                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2680         }
2681         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
2682         return nativeResponseValue;
2683 }
2684         // struct LDKChannelFeatures CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2685 /* @internal */
2686 export function CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
2687         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2688                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2689         }
2690         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
2691         return nativeResponseValue;
2692 }
2693         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2694 /* @internal */
2695 export function CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
2696         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2697                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2698         }
2699         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
2700         return nativeResponseValue;
2701 }
2702         // struct LDKNodeFeatures CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2703 /* @internal */
2704 export function CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
2705         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2706                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2707         }
2708         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
2709         return nativeResponseValue;
2710 }
2711         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2712 /* @internal */
2713 export function CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
2714         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2715                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2716         }
2717         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
2718         return nativeResponseValue;
2719 }
2720         // struct LDKInvoiceFeatures CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2721 /* @internal */
2722 export function CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
2723         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2724                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2725         }
2726         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
2727         return nativeResponseValue;
2728 }
2729         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2730 /* @internal */
2731 export function CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
2732         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2733                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2734         }
2735         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
2736         return nativeResponseValue;
2737 }
2738         // struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2739 /* @internal */
2740 export function CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
2741         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2742                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2743         }
2744         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
2745         return nativeResponseValue;
2746 }
2747         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2748 /* @internal */
2749 export function CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
2750         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2751                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2752         }
2753         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
2754         return nativeResponseValue;
2755 }
2756         // struct LDKNodeId CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2757 /* @internal */
2758 export function CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
2759         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2760                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2761         }
2762         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
2763         return nativeResponseValue;
2764 }
2765         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2766 /* @internal */
2767 export function CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
2768         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2769                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2770         }
2771         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
2772         return nativeResponseValue;
2773 }
2774         // struct LDKCOption_NetworkUpdateZ CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2775 /* @internal */
2776 export function CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
2777         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2778                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2779         }
2780         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
2781         return nativeResponseValue;
2782 }
2783         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2784 /* @internal */
2785 export function CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
2786         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2787                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2788         }
2789         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
2790         return nativeResponseValue;
2791 }
2792 /* @internal */
2793 export interface LDKAccess {
2794         get_utxo (genesis_hash: number, short_channel_id: bigint): bigint;
2795 }
2797 /* @internal */
2798 export function LDKAccess_new(impl: LDKAccess): [bigint, number] {
2799         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2800                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2801         }
2802         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
2803         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
2804                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
2805         }
2806         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
2807         return [wasm.TS_LDKAccess_new(i), i];
2808 }
2809         // LDKCResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ Access_get_utxo LDKAccess *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*genesis_hash)[32], uint64_t short_channel_id
2810 /* @internal */
2811 export function Access_get_utxo(this_arg: bigint, genesis_hash: number, short_channel_id: bigint): bigint {
2812         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2813                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2814         }
2815         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Access_get_utxo(this_arg, genesis_hash, short_channel_id);
2816         return nativeResponseValue;
2817 }
2818 /* @internal */
2819 export class LDKCOption_AccessZ {
2820         protected constructor() {}
2821 }
2822 /* @internal */
2823 export function LDKCOption_AccessZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
2824         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2825                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2826         }
2827         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_AccessZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
2828         return nativeResponseValue;
2829 }
2830 /* @internal */
2831 export function LDKCOption_AccessZ_Some_get_some(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2832         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2833                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2834         }
2835         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_AccessZ_Some_get_some(ptr);
2836         return nativeResponseValue;
2837 }
2838         // bool CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_boolLightningErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2839 /* @internal */
2840 export function CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): boolean {
2841         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2842                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2843         }
2844         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
2845         return nativeResponseValue;
2846 }
2847         // struct LDKLightningError CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_boolLightningErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2848 /* @internal */
2849 export function CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
2850         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2851                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2852         }
2853         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_get_err(owner);
2854         return nativeResponseValue;
2855 }
2856         // struct LDKChannelAnnouncement C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ_get_a(LDKC3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2857 /* @internal */
2858 export function C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ_get_a(owner: bigint): bigint {
2859         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2860                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2861         }
2862         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ_get_a(owner);
2863         return nativeResponseValue;
2864 }
2865         // struct LDKChannelUpdate C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ_get_b(LDKC3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2866 /* @internal */
2867 export function C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ_get_b(owner: bigint): bigint {
2868         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2869                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2870         }
2871         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ_get_b(owner);
2872         return nativeResponseValue;
2873 }
2874         // struct LDKChannelUpdate C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ_get_c(LDKC3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2875 /* @internal */
2876 export function C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ_get_c(owner: bigint): bigint {
2877         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2878                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2879         }
2880         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ_get_c(owner);
2881         return nativeResponseValue;
2882 }
2883 /* @internal */
2884 export class LDKCOption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ {
2885         protected constructor() {}
2886 }
2887 /* @internal */
2888 export function LDKCOption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
2889         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2890                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2891         }
2892         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
2893         return nativeResponseValue;
2894 }
2895 /* @internal */
2896 export function LDKCOption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ_Some_get_some(ptr: bigint): bigint {
2897         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2898                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2899         }
2900         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ_Some_get_some(ptr);
2901         return nativeResponseValue;
2902 }
2903         // void CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_NoneLightningErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2904 /* @internal */
2905 export function CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): void {
2906         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2907                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2908         }
2909         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
2910         // debug statements here
2911 }
2912         // struct LDKLightningError CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_NoneLightningErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2913 /* @internal */
2914 export function CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
2915         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2916                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2917         }
2918         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_get_err(owner);
2919         return nativeResponseValue;
2920 }
2921         // struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2922 /* @internal */
2923 export function CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
2924         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2925                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2926         }
2927         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
2928         return nativeResponseValue;
2929 }
2930         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2931 /* @internal */
2932 export function CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
2933         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2934                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2935         }
2936         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
2937         return nativeResponseValue;
2938 }
2939         // struct LDKChannelInfo CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2940 /* @internal */
2941 export function CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
2942         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2943                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2944         }
2945         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
2946         return nativeResponseValue;
2947 }
2948         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2949 /* @internal */
2950 export function CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
2951         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2952                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2953         }
2954         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
2955         return nativeResponseValue;
2956 }
2957         // struct LDKRoutingFees CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2958 /* @internal */
2959 export function CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
2960         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2961                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2962         }
2963         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
2964         return nativeResponseValue;
2965 }
2966         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
2967 /* @internal */
2968 export function CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
2969         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2970                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2971         }
2972         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
2973         return nativeResponseValue;
2974 }
2975 /* @internal */
2976 export class LDKNetAddress {
2977         protected constructor() {}
2978 }
2979 /* @internal */
2980 export function LDKNetAddress_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
2981         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2982                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2983         }
2984         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKNetAddress_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
2985         return nativeResponseValue;
2986 }
2987 /* @internal */
2988 export function LDKNetAddress_IPv4_get_addr(ptr: bigint): number {
2989         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2990                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2991         }
2992         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKNetAddress_IPv4_get_addr(ptr);
2993         return nativeResponseValue;
2994 }
2995 /* @internal */
2996 export function LDKNetAddress_IPv4_get_port(ptr: bigint): number {
2997         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
2998                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
2999         }
3000         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKNetAddress_IPv4_get_port(ptr);
3001         return nativeResponseValue;
3002 }
3003 /* @internal */
3004 export function LDKNetAddress_IPv6_get_addr(ptr: bigint): number {
3005         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3006                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3007         }
3008         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKNetAddress_IPv6_get_addr(ptr);
3009         return nativeResponseValue;
3010 }
3011 /* @internal */
3012 export function LDKNetAddress_IPv6_get_port(ptr: bigint): number {
3013         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3014                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3015         }
3016         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKNetAddress_IPv6_get_port(ptr);
3017         return nativeResponseValue;
3018 }
3019 /* @internal */
3020 export function LDKNetAddress_OnionV2_get_onion_v2(ptr: bigint): number {
3021         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3022                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3023         }
3024         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKNetAddress_OnionV2_get_onion_v2(ptr);
3025         return nativeResponseValue;
3026 }
3027 /* @internal */
3028 export function LDKNetAddress_OnionV3_get_ed25519_pubkey(ptr: bigint): number {
3029         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3030                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3031         }
3032         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKNetAddress_OnionV3_get_ed25519_pubkey(ptr);
3033         return nativeResponseValue;
3034 }
3035 /* @internal */
3036 export function LDKNetAddress_OnionV3_get_checksum(ptr: bigint): number {
3037         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3038                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3039         }
3040         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKNetAddress_OnionV3_get_checksum(ptr);
3041         return nativeResponseValue;
3042 }
3043 /* @internal */
3044 export function LDKNetAddress_OnionV3_get_version(ptr: bigint): number {
3045         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3046                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3047         }
3048         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKNetAddress_OnionV3_get_version(ptr);
3049         return nativeResponseValue;
3050 }
3051 /* @internal */
3052 export function LDKNetAddress_OnionV3_get_port(ptr: bigint): number {
3053         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3054                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3055         }
3056         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKNetAddress_OnionV3_get_port(ptr);
3057         return nativeResponseValue;
3058 }
3059 /* @internal */
3060 export function LDKNetAddress_Hostname_get_hostname(ptr: bigint): bigint {
3061         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3062                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3063         }
3064         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKNetAddress_Hostname_get_hostname(ptr);
3065         return nativeResponseValue;
3066 }
3067 /* @internal */
3068 export function LDKNetAddress_Hostname_get_port(ptr: bigint): number {
3069         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3070                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3071         }
3072         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKNetAddress_Hostname_get_port(ptr);
3073         return nativeResponseValue;
3074 }
3075         // struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3076 /* @internal */
3077 export function CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
3078         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3079                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3080         }
3081         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
3082         return nativeResponseValue;
3083 }
3084         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3085 /* @internal */
3086 export function CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
3087         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3088                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3089         }
3090         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
3091         return nativeResponseValue;
3092 }
3093         // struct LDKNodeAlias CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3094 /* @internal */
3095 export function CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
3096         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3097                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3098         }
3099         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
3100         return nativeResponseValue;
3101 }
3102         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3103 /* @internal */
3104 export function CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
3105         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3106                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3107         }
3108         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
3109         return nativeResponseValue;
3110 }
3111         // struct LDKNodeInfo CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3112 /* @internal */
3113 export function CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
3114         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3115                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3116         }
3117         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
3118         return nativeResponseValue;
3119 }
3120         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3121 /* @internal */
3122 export function CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
3123         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3124                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3125         }
3126         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
3127         return nativeResponseValue;
3128 }
3129         // struct LDKNetworkGraph CResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3130 /* @internal */
3131 export function CResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
3132         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3133                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3134         }
3135         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
3136         return nativeResponseValue;
3137 }
3138         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3139 /* @internal */
3140 export function CResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
3141         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3142                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3143         }
3144         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
3145         return nativeResponseValue;
3146 }
3147 /* @internal */
3148 export class LDKCOption_CVec_NetAddressZZ {
3149         protected constructor() {}
3150 }
3151 /* @internal */
3152 export function LDKCOption_CVec_NetAddressZZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
3153         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3154                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3155         }
3156         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_CVec_NetAddressZZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
3157         return nativeResponseValue;
3158 }
3159 /* @internal */
3160 export function LDKCOption_CVec_NetAddressZZ_Some_get_some(ptr: bigint): number {
3161         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3162                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3163         }
3164         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_CVec_NetAddressZZ_Some_get_some(ptr);
3165         return nativeResponseValue;
3166 }
3167         // struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3168 /* @internal */
3169 export function CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
3170         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3171                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3172         }
3173         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
3174         return nativeResponseValue;
3175 }
3176         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3177 /* @internal */
3178 export function CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
3179         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3180                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3181         }
3182         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
3183         return nativeResponseValue;
3184 }
3185         // struct LDKStaticPaymentOutputDescriptor CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3186 /* @internal */
3187 export function CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
3188         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3189                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3190         }
3191         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
3192         return nativeResponseValue;
3193 }
3194         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3195 /* @internal */
3196 export function CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
3197         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3198                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3199         }
3200         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
3201         return nativeResponseValue;
3202 }
3203         // struct LDKSpendableOutputDescriptor CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3204 /* @internal */
3205 export function CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
3206         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3207                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3208         }
3209         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
3210         return nativeResponseValue;
3211 }
3212         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3213 /* @internal */
3214 export function CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
3215         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3216                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3217         }
3218         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
3219         return nativeResponseValue;
3220 }
3221         // struct LDKSignature C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ_get_a(LDKC2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3222 /* @internal */
3223 export function C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ_get_a(owner: bigint): number {
3224         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3225                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3226         }
3227         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ_get_a(owner);
3228         return nativeResponseValue;
3229 }
3230         // struct LDKCVec_SignatureZ C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ_get_b(LDKC2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3231 /* @internal */
3232 export function C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ_get_b(owner: bigint): number {
3233         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3234                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3235         }
3236         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ_get_b(owner);
3237         return nativeResponseValue;
3238 }
3239         // struct LDKC2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3240 /* @internal */
3241 export function CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
3242         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3243                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3244         }
3245         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_get_ok(owner);
3246         return nativeResponseValue;
3247 }
3248         // void CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_get_err(LDKCResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3249 /* @internal */
3250 export function CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_get_err(owner: bigint): void {
3251         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3252                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3253         }
3254         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_get_err(owner);
3255         // debug statements here
3256 }
3257         // struct LDKSignature CResult_SignatureNoneZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_SignatureNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3258 /* @internal */
3259 export function CResult_SignatureNoneZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): number {
3260         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3261                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3262         }
3263         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignatureNoneZ_get_ok(owner);
3264         return nativeResponseValue;
3265 }
3266         // void CResult_SignatureNoneZ_get_err(LDKCResult_SignatureNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3267 /* @internal */
3268 export function CResult_SignatureNoneZ_get_err(owner: bigint): void {
3269         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3270                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3271         }
3272         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignatureNoneZ_get_err(owner);
3273         // debug statements here
3274 }
3275         // struct LDKSignature C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ_get_a(LDKC2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3276 /* @internal */
3277 export function C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ_get_a(owner: bigint): number {
3278         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3279                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3280         }
3281         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ_get_a(owner);
3282         return nativeResponseValue;
3283 }
3284         // struct LDKSignature C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ_get_b(LDKC2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3285 /* @internal */
3286 export function C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ_get_b(owner: bigint): number {
3287         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3288                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3289         }
3290         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ_get_b(owner);
3291         return nativeResponseValue;
3292 }
3293         // struct LDKC2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3294 /* @internal */
3295 export function CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
3296         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3297                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3298         }
3299         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_get_ok(owner);
3300         return nativeResponseValue;
3301 }
3302         // void CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_get_err(LDKCResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3303 /* @internal */
3304 export function CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_get_err(owner: bigint): void {
3305         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3306                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3307         }
3308         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_get_err(owner);
3309         // debug statements here
3310 }
3311         // struct LDKSecretKey CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_SecretKeyNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3312 /* @internal */
3313 export function CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): number {
3314         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3315                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3316         }
3317         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_get_ok(owner);
3318         return nativeResponseValue;
3319 }
3320         // void CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_get_err(LDKCResult_SecretKeyNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3321 /* @internal */
3322 export function CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_get_err(owner: bigint): void {
3323         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3324                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3325         }
3326         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_get_err(owner);
3327         // debug statements here
3328 }
3329 /* @internal */
3330 export class LDKCOption_ScalarZ {
3331         protected constructor() {}
3332 }
3333 /* @internal */
3334 export function LDKCOption_ScalarZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
3335         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3336                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3337         }
3338         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_ScalarZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
3339         return nativeResponseValue;
3340 }
3341 /* @internal */
3342 export function LDKCOption_ScalarZ_Some_get_some(ptr: bigint): bigint {
3343         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3344                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3345         }
3346         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_ScalarZ_Some_get_some(ptr);
3347         return nativeResponseValue;
3348 }
3349         // struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_SharedSecretNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3350 /* @internal */
3351 export function CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): number {
3352         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3353                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3354         }
3355         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_get_ok(owner);
3356         return nativeResponseValue;
3357 }
3358         // void CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_get_err(LDKCResult_SharedSecretNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3359 /* @internal */
3360 export function CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_get_err(owner: bigint): void {
3361         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3362                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3363         }
3364         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_get_err(owner);
3365         // debug statements here
3366 }
3367 /* @internal */
3368 export interface LDKBaseSign {
3369         get_per_commitment_point (idx: bigint): number;
3370         release_commitment_secret (idx: bigint): number;
3371         validate_holder_commitment (holder_tx: bigint, preimages: number): bigint;
3372         channel_keys_id (): number;
3373         sign_counterparty_commitment (commitment_tx: bigint, preimages: number): bigint;
3374         validate_counterparty_revocation (idx: bigint, secret: number): bigint;
3375         sign_holder_commitment_and_htlcs (commitment_tx: bigint): bigint;
3376         sign_justice_revoked_output (justice_tx: number, input: number, amount: bigint, per_commitment_key: number): bigint;
3377         sign_justice_revoked_htlc (justice_tx: number, input: number, amount: bigint, per_commitment_key: number, htlc: bigint): bigint;
3378         sign_counterparty_htlc_transaction (htlc_tx: number, input: number, amount: bigint, per_commitment_point: number, htlc: bigint): bigint;
3379         sign_closing_transaction (closing_tx: bigint): bigint;
3380         sign_channel_announcement (msg: bigint): bigint;
3381         ready_channel (channel_parameters: bigint): void;
3382 }
3384 /* @internal */
3385 export function LDKBaseSign_new(impl: LDKBaseSign, pubkeys: bigint): [bigint, number] {
3386         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3387                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3388         }
3389         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
3390         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
3391                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
3392         }
3393         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
3394         return [wasm.TS_LDKBaseSign_new(i, pubkeys), i];
3395 }
3396         // LDKPublicKey BaseSign_get_per_commitment_point LDKBaseSign *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, uint64_t idx
3397 /* @internal */
3398 export function BaseSign_get_per_commitment_point(this_arg: bigint, idx: bigint): number {
3399         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3400                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3401         }
3402         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BaseSign_get_per_commitment_point(this_arg, idx);
3403         return nativeResponseValue;
3404 }
3405         // LDKThirtyTwoBytes BaseSign_release_commitment_secret LDKBaseSign *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, uint64_t idx
3406 /* @internal */
3407 export function BaseSign_release_commitment_secret(this_arg: bigint, idx: bigint): number {
3408         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3409                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3410         }
3411         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BaseSign_release_commitment_secret(this_arg, idx);
3412         return nativeResponseValue;
3413 }
3414         // LDKCResult_NoneNoneZ BaseSign_validate_holder_commitment LDKBaseSign *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKHolderCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR holder_tx, struct LDKCVec_PaymentPreimageZ preimages
3415 /* @internal */
3416 export function BaseSign_validate_holder_commitment(this_arg: bigint, holder_tx: bigint, preimages: number): bigint {
3417         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3418                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3419         }
3420         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BaseSign_validate_holder_commitment(this_arg, holder_tx, preimages);
3421         return nativeResponseValue;
3422 }
3423         // LDKThirtyTwoBytes BaseSign_channel_keys_id LDKBaseSign *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
3424 /* @internal */
3425 export function BaseSign_channel_keys_id(this_arg: bigint): number {
3426         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3427                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3428         }
3429         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BaseSign_channel_keys_id(this_arg);
3430         return nativeResponseValue;
3431 }
3432         // LDKCResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ BaseSign_sign_counterparty_commitment LDKBaseSign *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR commitment_tx, struct LDKCVec_PaymentPreimageZ preimages
3433 /* @internal */
3434 export function BaseSign_sign_counterparty_commitment(this_arg: bigint, commitment_tx: bigint, preimages: number): bigint {
3435         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3436                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3437         }
3438         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BaseSign_sign_counterparty_commitment(this_arg, commitment_tx, preimages);
3439         return nativeResponseValue;
3440 }
3441         // LDKCResult_NoneNoneZ BaseSign_validate_counterparty_revocation LDKBaseSign *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, uint64_t idx, const uint8_t (*secret)[32]
3442 /* @internal */
3443 export function BaseSign_validate_counterparty_revocation(this_arg: bigint, idx: bigint, secret: number): bigint {
3444         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3445                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3446         }
3447         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BaseSign_validate_counterparty_revocation(this_arg, idx, secret);
3448         return nativeResponseValue;
3449 }
3450         // LDKCResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ BaseSign_sign_holder_commitment_and_htlcs LDKBaseSign *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKHolderCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR commitment_tx
3451 /* @internal */
3452 export function BaseSign_sign_holder_commitment_and_htlcs(this_arg: bigint, commitment_tx: bigint): bigint {
3453         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3454                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3455         }
3456         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BaseSign_sign_holder_commitment_and_htlcs(this_arg, commitment_tx);
3457         return nativeResponseValue;
3458 }
3459         // LDKCResult_SignatureNoneZ BaseSign_sign_justice_revoked_output LDKBaseSign *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKTransaction justice_tx, uintptr_t input, uint64_t amount, const uint8_t (*per_commitment_key)[32]
3460 /* @internal */
3461 export function BaseSign_sign_justice_revoked_output(this_arg: bigint, justice_tx: number, input: number, amount: bigint, per_commitment_key: number): bigint {
3462         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3463                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3464         }
3465         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BaseSign_sign_justice_revoked_output(this_arg, justice_tx, input, amount, per_commitment_key);
3466         return nativeResponseValue;
3467 }
3468         // LDKCResult_SignatureNoneZ BaseSign_sign_justice_revoked_htlc LDKBaseSign *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKTransaction justice_tx, uintptr_t input, uint64_t amount, const uint8_t (*per_commitment_key)[32], const struct LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment *NONNULL_PTR htlc
3469 /* @internal */
3470 export function BaseSign_sign_justice_revoked_htlc(this_arg: bigint, justice_tx: number, input: number, amount: bigint, per_commitment_key: number, htlc: bigint): bigint {
3471         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3472                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3473         }
3474         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BaseSign_sign_justice_revoked_htlc(this_arg, justice_tx, input, amount, per_commitment_key, htlc);
3475         return nativeResponseValue;
3476 }
3477         // LDKCResult_SignatureNoneZ BaseSign_sign_counterparty_htlc_transaction LDKBaseSign *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKTransaction htlc_tx, uintptr_t input, uint64_t amount, struct LDKPublicKey per_commitment_point, const struct LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment *NONNULL_PTR htlc
3478 /* @internal */
3479 export function BaseSign_sign_counterparty_htlc_transaction(this_arg: bigint, htlc_tx: number, input: number, amount: bigint, per_commitment_point: number, htlc: bigint): bigint {
3480         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3481                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3482         }
3483         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BaseSign_sign_counterparty_htlc_transaction(this_arg, htlc_tx, input, amount, per_commitment_point, htlc);
3484         return nativeResponseValue;
3485 }
3486         // LDKCResult_SignatureNoneZ BaseSign_sign_closing_transaction LDKBaseSign *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKClosingTransaction *NONNULL_PTR closing_tx
3487 /* @internal */
3488 export function BaseSign_sign_closing_transaction(this_arg: bigint, closing_tx: bigint): bigint {
3489         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3490                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3491         }
3492         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BaseSign_sign_closing_transaction(this_arg, closing_tx);
3493         return nativeResponseValue;
3494 }
3495         // LDKCResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ BaseSign_sign_channel_announcement LDKBaseSign *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR msg
3496 /* @internal */
3497 export function BaseSign_sign_channel_announcement(this_arg: bigint, msg: bigint): bigint {
3498         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3499                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3500         }
3501         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BaseSign_sign_channel_announcement(this_arg, msg);
3502         return nativeResponseValue;
3503 }
3504         // void BaseSign_ready_channel LDKBaseSign *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR channel_parameters
3505 /* @internal */
3506 export function BaseSign_ready_channel(this_arg: bigint, channel_parameters: bigint): void {
3507         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3508                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3509         }
3510         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BaseSign_ready_channel(this_arg, channel_parameters);
3511         // debug statements here
3512 }
3513         // LDKChannelPublicKeys BaseSign_get_pubkeys LDKBaseSign *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
3514 /* @internal */
3515 export function BaseSign_get_pubkeys(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
3516         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3517                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3518         }
3519         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BaseSign_get_pubkeys(this_arg);
3520         return nativeResponseValue;
3521 }
3522 /* @internal */
3523 export interface LDKSign {
3524         write (): number;
3525 }
3527 /* @internal */
3528 export function LDKSign_new(impl: LDKSign, BaseSign: number, pubkeys: bigint): [bigint, number] {
3529         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3530                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3531         }
3532         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
3533         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
3534                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
3535         }
3536         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
3537         return [wasm.TS_LDKSign_new(i, BaseSign, pubkeys), i];
3538 }
3539         // LDKCVec_u8Z Sign_write LDKSign *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
3540 /* @internal */
3541 export function Sign_write(this_arg: bigint): number {
3542         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3543                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3544         }
3545         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Sign_write(this_arg);
3546         return nativeResponseValue;
3547 }
3548         // struct LDKSign CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_SignDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3549 /* @internal */
3550 export function CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
3551         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3552                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3553         }
3554         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
3555         return nativeResponseValue;
3556 }
3557         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_SignDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3558 /* @internal */
3559 export function CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
3560         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3561                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3562         }
3563         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
3564         return nativeResponseValue;
3565 }
3566         // struct LDKRecoverableSignature CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3567 /* @internal */
3568 export function CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): number {
3569         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3570                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3571         }
3572         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_get_ok(owner);
3573         return nativeResponseValue;
3574 }
3575         // void CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_get_err(LDKCResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3576 /* @internal */
3577 export function CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_get_err(owner: bigint): void {
3578         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3579                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3580         }
3581         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_get_err(owner);
3582         // debug statements here
3583 }
3584         // struct LDKCVec_CVec_u8ZZ CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3585 /* @internal */
3586 export function CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): number {
3587         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3588                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3589         }
3590         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_get_ok(owner);
3591         return nativeResponseValue;
3592 }
3593         // void CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_get_err(LDKCResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3594 /* @internal */
3595 export function CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_get_err(owner: bigint): void {
3596         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3597                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3598         }
3599         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_get_err(owner);
3600         // debug statements here
3601 }
3602         // struct LDKInMemorySigner CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3603 /* @internal */
3604 export function CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
3605         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3606                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3607         }
3608         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
3609         return nativeResponseValue;
3610 }
3611         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3612 /* @internal */
3613 export function CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
3614         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3615                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3616         }
3617         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
3618         return nativeResponseValue;
3619 }
3620         // struct LDKTransaction CResult_TransactionNoneZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_TransactionNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3621 /* @internal */
3622 export function CResult_TransactionNoneZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): number {
3623         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3624                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3625         }
3626         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TransactionNoneZ_get_ok(owner);
3627         return nativeResponseValue;
3628 }
3629         // void CResult_TransactionNoneZ_get_err(LDKCResult_TransactionNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3630 /* @internal */
3631 export function CResult_TransactionNoneZ_get_err(owner: bigint): void {
3632         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3633                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3634         }
3635         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TransactionNoneZ_get_err(owner);
3636         // debug statements here
3637 }
3638 /* @internal */
3639 export class LDKCOption_u16Z {
3640         protected constructor() {}
3641 }
3642 /* @internal */
3643 export function LDKCOption_u16Z_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
3644         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3645                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3646         }
3647         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_u16Z_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
3648         return nativeResponseValue;
3649 }
3650 /* @internal */
3651 export function LDKCOption_u16Z_Some_get_some(ptr: bigint): number {
3652         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3653                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3654         }
3655         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_u16Z_Some_get_some(ptr);
3656         return nativeResponseValue;
3657 }
3658 /* @internal */
3659 export class LDKAPIError {
3660         protected constructor() {}
3661 }
3662 /* @internal */
3663 export function LDKAPIError_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
3664         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3665                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3666         }
3667         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKAPIError_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
3668         return nativeResponseValue;
3669 }
3670 /* @internal */
3671 export function LDKAPIError_APIMisuseError_get_err(ptr: bigint): number {
3672         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3673                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3674         }
3675         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKAPIError_APIMisuseError_get_err(ptr);
3676         return nativeResponseValue;
3677 }
3678 /* @internal */
3679 export function LDKAPIError_FeeRateTooHigh_get_err(ptr: bigint): number {
3680         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3681                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3682         }
3683         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKAPIError_FeeRateTooHigh_get_err(ptr);
3684         return nativeResponseValue;
3685 }
3686 /* @internal */
3687 export function LDKAPIError_FeeRateTooHigh_get_feerate(ptr: bigint): number {
3688         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3689                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3690         }
3691         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKAPIError_FeeRateTooHigh_get_feerate(ptr);
3692         return nativeResponseValue;
3693 }
3694 /* @internal */
3695 export function LDKAPIError_RouteError_get_err(ptr: bigint): number {
3696         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3697                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3698         }
3699         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKAPIError_RouteError_get_err(ptr);
3700         return nativeResponseValue;
3701 }
3702 /* @internal */
3703 export function LDKAPIError_ChannelUnavailable_get_err(ptr: bigint): number {
3704         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3705                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3706         }
3707         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKAPIError_ChannelUnavailable_get_err(ptr);
3708         return nativeResponseValue;
3709 }
3710 /* @internal */
3711 export function LDKAPIError_IncompatibleShutdownScript_get_script(ptr: bigint): bigint {
3712         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3713                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3714         }
3715         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKAPIError_IncompatibleShutdownScript_get_script(ptr);
3716         return nativeResponseValue;
3717 }
3718         // void CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_NoneAPIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3719 /* @internal */
3720 export function CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): void {
3721         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3722                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3723         }
3724         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
3725         // debug statements here
3726 }
3727         // struct LDKAPIError CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_NoneAPIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3728 /* @internal */
3729 export function CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
3730         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3731                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3732         }
3733         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_get_err(owner);
3734         return nativeResponseValue;
3735 }
3736         // struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes CResult__u832APIErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult__u832APIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3737 /* @internal */
3738 export function CResult__u832APIErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): number {
3739         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3740                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3741         }
3742         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult__u832APIErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
3743         return nativeResponseValue;
3744 }
3745         // struct LDKAPIError CResult__u832APIErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult__u832APIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3746 /* @internal */
3747 export function CResult__u832APIErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
3748         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3749                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3750         }
3751         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult__u832APIErrorZ_get_err(owner);
3752         return nativeResponseValue;
3753 }
3754 /* @internal */
3755 export class LDKPaymentSendFailure {
3756         protected constructor() {}
3757 }
3758 /* @internal */
3759 export function LDKPaymentSendFailure_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
3760         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3761                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3762         }
3763         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKPaymentSendFailure_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
3764         return nativeResponseValue;
3765 }
3766 /* @internal */
3767 export function LDKPaymentSendFailure_ParameterError_get_parameter_error(ptr: bigint): bigint {
3768         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3769                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3770         }
3771         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKPaymentSendFailure_ParameterError_get_parameter_error(ptr);
3772         return nativeResponseValue;
3773 }
3774 /* @internal */
3775 export function LDKPaymentSendFailure_PathParameterError_get_path_parameter_error(ptr: bigint): number {
3776         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3777                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3778         }
3779         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKPaymentSendFailure_PathParameterError_get_path_parameter_error(ptr);
3780         return nativeResponseValue;
3781 }
3782 /* @internal */
3783 export function LDKPaymentSendFailure_AllFailedRetrySafe_get_all_failed_retry_safe(ptr: bigint): number {
3784         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3785                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3786         }
3787         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKPaymentSendFailure_AllFailedRetrySafe_get_all_failed_retry_safe(ptr);
3788         return nativeResponseValue;
3789 }
3790 /* @internal */
3791 export function LDKPaymentSendFailure_PartialFailure_get_results(ptr: bigint): number {
3792         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3793                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3794         }
3795         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKPaymentSendFailure_PartialFailure_get_results(ptr);
3796         return nativeResponseValue;
3797 }
3798 /* @internal */
3799 export function LDKPaymentSendFailure_PartialFailure_get_failed_paths_retry(ptr: bigint): bigint {
3800         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3801                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3802         }
3803         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKPaymentSendFailure_PartialFailure_get_failed_paths_retry(ptr);
3804         return nativeResponseValue;
3805 }
3806 /* @internal */
3807 export function LDKPaymentSendFailure_PartialFailure_get_payment_id(ptr: bigint): number {
3808         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3809                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3810         }
3811         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKPaymentSendFailure_PartialFailure_get_payment_id(ptr);
3812         return nativeResponseValue;
3813 }
3814         // struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3815 /* @internal */
3816 export function CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): number {
3817         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3818                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3819         }
3820         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_get_ok(owner);
3821         return nativeResponseValue;
3822 }
3823         // struct LDKPaymentSendFailure CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_get_err(LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3824 /* @internal */
3825 export function CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
3826         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3827                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3828         }
3829         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_get_err(owner);
3830         return nativeResponseValue;
3831 }
3832         // void CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3833 /* @internal */
3834 export function CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): void {
3835         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3836                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3837         }
3838         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_get_ok(owner);
3839         // debug statements here
3840 }
3841         // struct LDKPaymentSendFailure CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_get_err(LDKCResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3842 /* @internal */
3843 export function CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
3844         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3845                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3846         }
3847         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_get_err(owner);
3848         return nativeResponseValue;
3849 }
3850         // struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ_get_a(LDKC2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3851 /* @internal */
3852 export function C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ_get_a(owner: bigint): number {
3853         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3854                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3855         }
3856         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ_get_a(owner);
3857         return nativeResponseValue;
3858 }
3859         // struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ_get_b(LDKC2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3860 /* @internal */
3861 export function C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ_get_b(owner: bigint): number {
3862         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3863                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3864         }
3865         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ_get_b(owner);
3866         return nativeResponseValue;
3867 }
3868         // struct LDKC2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3869 /* @internal */
3870 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
3871         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3872                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3873         }
3874         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_get_ok(owner);
3875         return nativeResponseValue;
3876 }
3877         // struct LDKPaymentSendFailure CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_get_err(LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3878 /* @internal */
3879 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
3880         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3881                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3882         }
3883         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_get_err(owner);
3884         return nativeResponseValue;
3885 }
3886         // struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ_get_a(LDKC2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3887 /* @internal */
3888 export function C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ_get_a(owner: bigint): number {
3889         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3890                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3891         }
3892         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ_get_a(owner);
3893         return nativeResponseValue;
3894 }
3895         // struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ_get_b(LDKC2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3896 /* @internal */
3897 export function C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ_get_b(owner: bigint): number {
3898         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3899                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3900         }
3901         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ_get_b(owner);
3902         return nativeResponseValue;
3903 }
3904         // struct LDKC2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3905 /* @internal */
3906 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
3907         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3908                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3909         }
3910         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_get_ok(owner);
3911         return nativeResponseValue;
3912 }
3913         // void CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_get_err(LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3914 /* @internal */
3915 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_get_err(owner: bigint): void {
3916         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3917                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3918         }
3919         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_get_err(owner);
3920         // debug statements here
3921 }
3922         // struct LDKC2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3923 /* @internal */
3924 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
3925         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3926                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3927         }
3928         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
3929         return nativeResponseValue;
3930 }
3931         // struct LDKAPIError CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3932 /* @internal */
3933 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
3934         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3935                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3936         }
3937         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_get_err(owner);
3938         return nativeResponseValue;
3939 }
3940         // struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3941 /* @internal */
3942 export function CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): number {
3943         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3944                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3945         }
3946         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_get_ok(owner);
3947         return nativeResponseValue;
3948 }
3949         // void CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_get_err(LDKCResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3950 /* @internal */
3951 export function CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_get_err(owner: bigint): void {
3952         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3953                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3954         }
3955         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_get_err(owner);
3956         // debug statements here
3957 }
3958         // struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3959 /* @internal */
3960 export function CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): number {
3961         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3962                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3963         }
3964         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
3965         return nativeResponseValue;
3966 }
3967         // struct LDKAPIError CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3968 /* @internal */
3969 export function CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
3970         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3971                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3972         }
3973         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_get_err(owner);
3974         return nativeResponseValue;
3975 }
3976         // struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3977 /* @internal */
3978 export function CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): number {
3979         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3980                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3981         }
3982         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
3983         return nativeResponseValue;
3984 }
3985         // struct LDKAPIError CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3986 /* @internal */
3987 export function CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
3988         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3989                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3990         }
3991         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_get_err(owner);
3992         return nativeResponseValue;
3993 }
3994         // struct LDKCounterpartyForwardingInfo CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
3995 /* @internal */
3996 export function CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
3997         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
3998                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
3999         }
4000         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4001         return nativeResponseValue;
4002 }
4003         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4004 /* @internal */
4005 export function CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
4006         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4007                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4008         }
4009         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4010         return nativeResponseValue;
4011 }
4012         // struct LDKChannelCounterparty CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4013 /* @internal */
4014 export function CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
4015         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4016                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4017         }
4018         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4019         return nativeResponseValue;
4020 }
4021         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4022 /* @internal */
4023 export function CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
4024         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4025                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4026         }
4027         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4028         return nativeResponseValue;
4029 }
4030         // struct LDKChannelDetails CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4031 /* @internal */
4032 export function CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
4033         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4034                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4035         }
4036         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4037         return nativeResponseValue;
4038 }
4039         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4040 /* @internal */
4041 export function CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
4042         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4043                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4044         }
4045         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4046         return nativeResponseValue;
4047 }
4048         // struct LDKPhantomRouteHints CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4049 /* @internal */
4050 export function CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
4051         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4052                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4053         }
4054         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4055         return nativeResponseValue;
4056 }
4057         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4058 /* @internal */
4059 export function CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
4060         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4061                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4062         }
4063         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4064         return nativeResponseValue;
4065 }
4066 /* @internal */
4067 export interface LDKWatch {
4068         watch_channel (funding_txo: bigint, monitor: bigint): bigint;
4069         update_channel (funding_txo: bigint, update: bigint): bigint;
4070         release_pending_monitor_events (): number;
4071 }
4073 /* @internal */
4074 export function LDKWatch_new(impl: LDKWatch): [bigint, number] {
4075         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4076                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4077         }
4078         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
4079         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
4080                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
4081         }
4082         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
4083         return [wasm.TS_LDKWatch_new(i), i];
4084 }
4085         // LDKCResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ Watch_watch_channel LDKWatch *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKOutPoint funding_txo, struct LDKChannelMonitor monitor
4086 /* @internal */
4087 export function Watch_watch_channel(this_arg: bigint, funding_txo: bigint, monitor: bigint): bigint {
4088         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4089                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4090         }
4091         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Watch_watch_channel(this_arg, funding_txo, monitor);
4092         return nativeResponseValue;
4093 }
4094         // LDKCResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ Watch_update_channel LDKWatch *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKOutPoint funding_txo, struct LDKChannelMonitorUpdate update
4095 /* @internal */
4096 export function Watch_update_channel(this_arg: bigint, funding_txo: bigint, update: bigint): bigint {
4097         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4098                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4099         }
4100         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Watch_update_channel(this_arg, funding_txo, update);
4101         return nativeResponseValue;
4102 }
4103         // LDKCVec_C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZZ Watch_release_pending_monitor_events LDKWatch *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
4104 /* @internal */
4105 export function Watch_release_pending_monitor_events(this_arg: bigint): number {
4106         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4107                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4108         }
4109         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Watch_release_pending_monitor_events(this_arg);
4110         return nativeResponseValue;
4111 }
4112 /* @internal */
4113 export interface LDKBroadcasterInterface {
4114         broadcast_transaction (tx: number): void;
4115 }
4117 /* @internal */
4118 export function LDKBroadcasterInterface_new(impl: LDKBroadcasterInterface): [bigint, number] {
4119         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4120                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4121         }
4122         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
4123         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
4124                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
4125         }
4126         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
4127         return [wasm.TS_LDKBroadcasterInterface_new(i), i];
4128 }
4129         // void BroadcasterInterface_broadcast_transaction LDKBroadcasterInterface *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKTransaction tx
4130 /* @internal */
4131 export function BroadcasterInterface_broadcast_transaction(this_arg: bigint, tx: number): void {
4132         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4133                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4134         }
4135         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BroadcasterInterface_broadcast_transaction(this_arg, tx);
4136         // debug statements here
4137 }
4138 /* @internal */
4139 export interface LDKKeysInterface {
4140         get_node_secret (recipient: Recipient): bigint;
4141         ecdh (recipient: Recipient, other_key: number, tweak: bigint): bigint;
4142         get_destination_script (): number;
4143         get_shutdown_scriptpubkey (): bigint;
4144         get_channel_signer (inbound: boolean, channel_value_satoshis: bigint): bigint;
4145         get_secure_random_bytes (): number;
4146         read_chan_signer (reader: number): bigint;
4147         sign_invoice (hrp_bytes: number, invoice_data: number, receipient: Recipient): bigint;
4148         get_inbound_payment_key_material (): number;
4149 }
4151 /* @internal */
4152 export function LDKKeysInterface_new(impl: LDKKeysInterface): [bigint, number] {
4153         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4154                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4155         }
4156         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
4157         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
4158                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
4159         }
4160         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
4161         return [wasm.TS_LDKKeysInterface_new(i), i];
4162 }
4163         // LDKCResult_SecretKeyNoneZ KeysInterface_get_node_secret LDKKeysInterface *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, enum LDKRecipient recipient
4164 /* @internal */
4165 export function KeysInterface_get_node_secret(this_arg: bigint, recipient: Recipient): bigint {
4166         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4167                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4168         }
4169         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_KeysInterface_get_node_secret(this_arg, recipient);
4170         return nativeResponseValue;
4171 }
4172         // LDKCResult_SharedSecretNoneZ KeysInterface_ecdh LDKKeysInterface *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, enum LDKRecipient recipient, struct LDKPublicKey other_key, struct LDKCOption_ScalarZ tweak
4173 /* @internal */
4174 export function KeysInterface_ecdh(this_arg: bigint, recipient: Recipient, other_key: number, tweak: bigint): bigint {
4175         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4176                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4177         }
4178         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_KeysInterface_ecdh(this_arg, recipient, other_key, tweak);
4179         return nativeResponseValue;
4180 }
4181         // LDKCVec_u8Z KeysInterface_get_destination_script LDKKeysInterface *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
4182 /* @internal */
4183 export function KeysInterface_get_destination_script(this_arg: bigint): number {
4184         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4185                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4186         }
4187         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_KeysInterface_get_destination_script(this_arg);
4188         return nativeResponseValue;
4189 }
4190         // LDKShutdownScript KeysInterface_get_shutdown_scriptpubkey LDKKeysInterface *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
4191 /* @internal */
4192 export function KeysInterface_get_shutdown_scriptpubkey(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
4193         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4194                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4195         }
4196         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_KeysInterface_get_shutdown_scriptpubkey(this_arg);
4197         return nativeResponseValue;
4198 }
4199         // LDKSign KeysInterface_get_channel_signer LDKKeysInterface *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, bool inbound, uint64_t channel_value_satoshis
4200 /* @internal */
4201 export function KeysInterface_get_channel_signer(this_arg: bigint, inbound: boolean, channel_value_satoshis: bigint): bigint {
4202         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4203                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4204         }
4205         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_KeysInterface_get_channel_signer(this_arg, inbound, channel_value_satoshis);
4206         return nativeResponseValue;
4207 }
4208         // LDKThirtyTwoBytes KeysInterface_get_secure_random_bytes LDKKeysInterface *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
4209 /* @internal */
4210 export function KeysInterface_get_secure_random_bytes(this_arg: bigint): number {
4211         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4212                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4213         }
4214         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_KeysInterface_get_secure_random_bytes(this_arg);
4215         return nativeResponseValue;
4216 }
4217         // LDKCResult_SignDecodeErrorZ KeysInterface_read_chan_signer LDKKeysInterface *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKu8slice reader
4218 /* @internal */
4219 export function KeysInterface_read_chan_signer(this_arg: bigint, reader: number): bigint {
4220         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4221                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4222         }
4223         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_KeysInterface_read_chan_signer(this_arg, reader);
4224         return nativeResponseValue;
4225 }
4226         // LDKCResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ KeysInterface_sign_invoice LDKKeysInterface *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKu8slice hrp_bytes, struct LDKCVec_u5Z invoice_data, enum LDKRecipient receipient
4227 /* @internal */
4228 export function KeysInterface_sign_invoice(this_arg: bigint, hrp_bytes: number, invoice_data: number, receipient: Recipient): bigint {
4229         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4230                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4231         }
4232         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_KeysInterface_sign_invoice(this_arg, hrp_bytes, invoice_data, receipient);
4233         return nativeResponseValue;
4234 }
4235         // LDKThirtyTwoBytes KeysInterface_get_inbound_payment_key_material LDKKeysInterface *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
4236 /* @internal */
4237 export function KeysInterface_get_inbound_payment_key_material(this_arg: bigint): number {
4238         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4239                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4240         }
4241         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_KeysInterface_get_inbound_payment_key_material(this_arg);
4242         return nativeResponseValue;
4243 }
4244 /* @internal */
4245 export interface LDKFeeEstimator {
4246         get_est_sat_per_1000_weight (confirmation_target: ConfirmationTarget): number;
4247 }
4249 /* @internal */
4250 export function LDKFeeEstimator_new(impl: LDKFeeEstimator): [bigint, number] {
4251         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4252                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4253         }
4254         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
4255         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
4256                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
4257         }
4258         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
4259         return [wasm.TS_LDKFeeEstimator_new(i), i];
4260 }
4261         // uint32_t FeeEstimator_get_est_sat_per_1000_weight LDKFeeEstimator *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, enum LDKConfirmationTarget confirmation_target
4262 /* @internal */
4263 export function FeeEstimator_get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(this_arg: bigint, confirmation_target: ConfirmationTarget): number {
4264         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4265                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4266         }
4267         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FeeEstimator_get_est_sat_per_1000_weight(this_arg, confirmation_target);
4268         return nativeResponseValue;
4269 }
4270         // struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZ_get_a(LDKC2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4271 /* @internal */
4272 export function C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZ_get_a(owner: bigint): number {
4273         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4274                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4275         }
4276         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZ_get_a(owner);
4277         return nativeResponseValue;
4278 }
4279         // struct LDKChannelManager C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZ_get_b(LDKC2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4280 /* @internal */
4281 export function C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZ_get_b(owner: bigint): bigint {
4282         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4283                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4284         }
4285         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZ_get_b(owner);
4286         return nativeResponseValue;
4287 }
4288         // struct LDKC2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZ *CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4289 /* @internal */
4290 export function CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
4291         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4292                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4293         }
4294         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4295         return nativeResponseValue;
4296 }
4297         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4298 /* @internal */
4299 export function CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
4300         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4301                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4302         }
4303         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4304         return nativeResponseValue;
4305 }
4306         // struct LDKChannelConfig CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4307 /* @internal */
4308 export function CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
4309         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4310                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4311         }
4312         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4313         return nativeResponseValue;
4314 }
4315         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4316 /* @internal */
4317 export function CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
4318         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4319                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4320         }
4321         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4322         return nativeResponseValue;
4323 }
4324         // struct LDKOutPoint CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4325 /* @internal */
4326 export function CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
4327         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4328                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4329         }
4330         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4331         return nativeResponseValue;
4332 }
4333         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4334 /* @internal */
4335 export function CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
4336         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4337                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4338         }
4339         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4340         return nativeResponseValue;
4341 }
4342 /* @internal */
4343 export interface LDKType {
4344         type_id (): number;
4345         debug_str (): number;
4346         write (): number;
4347 }
4349 /* @internal */
4350 export function LDKType_new(impl: LDKType): [bigint, number] {
4351         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4352                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4353         }
4354         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
4355         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
4356                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
4357         }
4358         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
4359         return [wasm.TS_LDKType_new(i), i];
4360 }
4361         // uint16_t Type_type_id LDKType *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
4362 /* @internal */
4363 export function Type_type_id(this_arg: bigint): number {
4364         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4365                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4366         }
4367         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Type_type_id(this_arg);
4368         return nativeResponseValue;
4369 }
4370         // LDKStr Type_debug_str LDKType *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
4371 /* @internal */
4372 export function Type_debug_str(this_arg: bigint): number {
4373         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4374                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4375         }
4376         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Type_debug_str(this_arg);
4377         return nativeResponseValue;
4378 }
4379         // LDKCVec_u8Z Type_write LDKType *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
4380 /* @internal */
4381 export function Type_write(this_arg: bigint): number {
4382         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4383                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4384         }
4385         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Type_write(this_arg);
4386         return nativeResponseValue;
4387 }
4388 /* @internal */
4389 export class LDKCOption_TypeZ {
4390         protected constructor() {}
4391 }
4392 /* @internal */
4393 export function LDKCOption_TypeZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
4394         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4395                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4396         }
4397         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_TypeZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
4398         return nativeResponseValue;
4399 }
4400 /* @internal */
4401 export function LDKCOption_TypeZ_Some_get_some(ptr: bigint): bigint {
4402         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4403                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4404         }
4405         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_TypeZ_Some_get_some(ptr);
4406         return nativeResponseValue;
4407 }
4408         // struct LDKCOption_TypeZ CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4409 /* @internal */
4410 export function CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
4411         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4412                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4413         }
4414         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4415         return nativeResponseValue;
4416 }
4417         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4418 /* @internal */
4419 export function CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
4420         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4421                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4422         }
4423         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4424         return nativeResponseValue;
4425 }
4426 /* @internal */
4427 export class LDKPaymentError {
4428         protected constructor() {}
4429 }
4430 /* @internal */
4431 export function LDKPaymentError_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
4432         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4433                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4434         }
4435         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKPaymentError_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
4436         return nativeResponseValue;
4437 }
4438 /* @internal */
4439 export function LDKPaymentError_Invoice_get_invoice(ptr: bigint): number {
4440         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4441                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4442         }
4443         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKPaymentError_Invoice_get_invoice(ptr);
4444         return nativeResponseValue;
4445 }
4446 /* @internal */
4447 export function LDKPaymentError_Routing_get_routing(ptr: bigint): bigint {
4448         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4449                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4450         }
4451         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKPaymentError_Routing_get_routing(ptr);
4452         return nativeResponseValue;
4453 }
4454 /* @internal */
4455 export function LDKPaymentError_Sending_get_sending(ptr: bigint): bigint {
4456         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4457                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4458         }
4459         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKPaymentError_Sending_get_sending(ptr);
4460         return nativeResponseValue;
4461 }
4462         // struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4463 /* @internal */
4464 export function CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): number {
4465         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4466                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4467         }
4468         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4469         return nativeResponseValue;
4470 }
4471         // struct LDKPaymentError CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4472 /* @internal */
4473 export function CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
4474         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4475                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4476         }
4477         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4478         return nativeResponseValue;
4479 }
4480         // struct LDKInFlightHtlcs CResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4481 /* @internal */
4482 export function CResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
4483         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4484                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4485         }
4486         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4487         return nativeResponseValue;
4488 }
4489         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4490 /* @internal */
4491 export function CResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
4492         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4493                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4494         }
4495         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4496         return nativeResponseValue;
4497 }
4498 /* @internal */
4499 export class LDKParseError {
4500         protected constructor() {}
4501 }
4502 /* @internal */
4503 export function LDKParseError_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
4504         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4505                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4506         }
4507         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKParseError_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
4508         return nativeResponseValue;
4509 }
4510 /* @internal */
4511 export function LDKParseError_Bech32Error_get_bech32_error(ptr: bigint): bigint {
4512         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4513                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4514         }
4515         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKParseError_Bech32Error_get_bech32_error(ptr);
4516         return nativeResponseValue;
4517 }
4518 /* @internal */
4519 export function LDKParseError_ParseAmountError_get_parse_amount_error(ptr: bigint): number {
4520         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4521                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4522         }
4523         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKParseError_ParseAmountError_get_parse_amount_error(ptr);
4524         return nativeResponseValue;
4525 }
4526 /* @internal */
4527 export function LDKParseError_MalformedSignature_get_malformed_signature(ptr: bigint): Secp256k1Error {
4528         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4529                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4530         }
4531         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKParseError_MalformedSignature_get_malformed_signature(ptr);
4532         return nativeResponseValue;
4533 }
4534 /* @internal */
4535 export function LDKParseError_DescriptionDecodeError_get_description_decode_error(ptr: bigint): number {
4536         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4537                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4538         }
4539         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKParseError_DescriptionDecodeError_get_description_decode_error(ptr);
4540         return nativeResponseValue;
4541 }
4542 /* @internal */
4543 export function LDKParseError_InvalidSliceLength_get_invalid_slice_length(ptr: bigint): number {
4544         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4545                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4546         }
4547         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKParseError_InvalidSliceLength_get_invalid_slice_length(ptr);
4548         return nativeResponseValue;
4549 }
4550         // enum LDKSiPrefix CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4551 /* @internal */
4552 export function CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): SiPrefix {
4553         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4554                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4555         }
4556         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4557         return nativeResponseValue;
4558 }
4559         // struct LDKParseError CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4560 /* @internal */
4561 export function CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
4562         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4563                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4564         }
4565         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4566         return nativeResponseValue;
4567 }
4568 /* @internal */
4569 export class LDKParseOrSemanticError {
4570         protected constructor() {}
4571 }
4572 /* @internal */
4573 export function LDKParseOrSemanticError_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
4574         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4575                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4576         }
4577         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKParseOrSemanticError_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
4578         return nativeResponseValue;
4579 }
4580 /* @internal */
4581 export function LDKParseOrSemanticError_ParseError_get_parse_error(ptr: bigint): bigint {
4582         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4583                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4584         }
4585         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKParseOrSemanticError_ParseError_get_parse_error(ptr);
4586         return nativeResponseValue;
4587 }
4588 /* @internal */
4589 export function LDKParseOrSemanticError_SemanticError_get_semantic_error(ptr: bigint): SemanticError {
4590         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4591                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4592         }
4593         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKParseOrSemanticError_SemanticError_get_semantic_error(ptr);
4594         return nativeResponseValue;
4595 }
4596         // struct LDKInvoice CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4597 /* @internal */
4598 export function CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
4599         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4600                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4601         }
4602         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4603         return nativeResponseValue;
4604 }
4605         // struct LDKParseOrSemanticError CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4606 /* @internal */
4607 export function CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
4608         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4609                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4610         }
4611         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4612         return nativeResponseValue;
4613 }
4614         // struct LDKSignedRawInvoice CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4615 /* @internal */
4616 export function CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
4617         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4618                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4619         }
4620         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4621         return nativeResponseValue;
4622 }
4623         // struct LDKParseError CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4624 /* @internal */
4625 export function CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
4626         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4627                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4628         }
4629         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4630         return nativeResponseValue;
4631 }
4632         // struct LDKRawInvoice C3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ_get_a(LDKC3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4633 /* @internal */
4634 export function C3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ_get_a(owner: bigint): bigint {
4635         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4636                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4637         }
4638         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ_get_a(owner);
4639         return nativeResponseValue;
4640 }
4641         // struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes C3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ_get_b(LDKC3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4642 /* @internal */
4643 export function C3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ_get_b(owner: bigint): number {
4644         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4645                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4646         }
4647         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ_get_b(owner);
4648         return nativeResponseValue;
4649 }
4650         // struct LDKInvoiceSignature C3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ_get_c(LDKC3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4651 /* @internal */
4652 export function C3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ_get_c(owner: bigint): bigint {
4653         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4654                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4655         }
4656         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ_get_c(owner);
4657         return nativeResponseValue;
4658 }
4659         // struct LDKPayeePubKey CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4660 /* @internal */
4661 export function CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
4662         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4663                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4664         }
4665         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4666         return nativeResponseValue;
4667 }
4668         // enum LDKSecp256k1Error CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4669 /* @internal */
4670 export function CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): Secp256k1Error {
4671         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4672                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4673         }
4674         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4675         return nativeResponseValue;
4676 }
4677         // struct LDKPositiveTimestamp CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4678 /* @internal */
4679 export function CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
4680         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4681                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4682         }
4683         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4684         return nativeResponseValue;
4685 }
4686         // enum LDKCreationError CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4687 /* @internal */
4688 export function CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): CreationError {
4689         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4690                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4691         }
4692         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4693         return nativeResponseValue;
4694 }
4695         // void CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4696 /* @internal */
4697 export function CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): void {
4698         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4699                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4700         }
4701         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4702         // debug statements here
4703 }
4704         // enum LDKSemanticError CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4705 /* @internal */
4706 export function CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): SemanticError {
4707         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4708                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4709         }
4710         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4711         return nativeResponseValue;
4712 }
4713         // struct LDKInvoice CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4714 /* @internal */
4715 export function CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
4716         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4717                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4718         }
4719         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4720         return nativeResponseValue;
4721 }
4722         // enum LDKSemanticError CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4723 /* @internal */
4724 export function CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): SemanticError {
4725         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4726                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4727         }
4728         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4729         return nativeResponseValue;
4730 }
4731         // struct LDKDescription CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4732 /* @internal */
4733 export function CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
4734         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4735                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4736         }
4737         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4738         return nativeResponseValue;
4739 }
4740         // enum LDKCreationError CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4741 /* @internal */
4742 export function CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): CreationError {
4743         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4744                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4745         }
4746         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4747         return nativeResponseValue;
4748 }
4749         // struct LDKPrivateRoute CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4750 /* @internal */
4751 export function CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
4752         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4753                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4754         }
4755         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4756         return nativeResponseValue;
4757 }
4758         // enum LDKCreationError CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4759 /* @internal */
4760 export function CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): CreationError {
4761         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4762                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4763         }
4764         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4765         return nativeResponseValue;
4766 }
4767         // struct LDKStr CResult_StringErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_StringErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4768 /* @internal */
4769 export function CResult_StringErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): number {
4770         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4771                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4772         }
4773         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_StringErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4774         return nativeResponseValue;
4775 }
4776         // enum LDKSecp256k1Error CResult_StringErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_StringErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4777 /* @internal */
4778 export function CResult_StringErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): Secp256k1Error {
4779         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4780                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4781         }
4782         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_StringErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4783         return nativeResponseValue;
4784 }
4785         // struct LDKChannelMonitorUpdate CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4786 /* @internal */
4787 export function CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
4788         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4789                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4790         }
4791         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4792         return nativeResponseValue;
4793 }
4794         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4795 /* @internal */
4796 export function CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
4797         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4798                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4799         }
4800         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4801         return nativeResponseValue;
4802 }
4803 /* @internal */
4804 export class LDKCOption_MonitorEventZ {
4805         protected constructor() {}
4806 }
4807 /* @internal */
4808 export function LDKCOption_MonitorEventZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
4809         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4810                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4811         }
4812         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_MonitorEventZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
4813         return nativeResponseValue;
4814 }
4815 /* @internal */
4816 export function LDKCOption_MonitorEventZ_Some_get_some(ptr: bigint): bigint {
4817         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4818                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4819         }
4820         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_MonitorEventZ_Some_get_some(ptr);
4821         return nativeResponseValue;
4822 }
4823         // struct LDKCOption_MonitorEventZ CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4824 /* @internal */
4825 export function CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
4826         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4827                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4828         }
4829         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4830         return nativeResponseValue;
4831 }
4832         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4833 /* @internal */
4834 export function CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
4835         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4836                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4837         }
4838         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4839         return nativeResponseValue;
4840 }
4841         // struct LDKHTLCUpdate CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4842 /* @internal */
4843 export function CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
4844         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4845                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4846         }
4847         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
4848         return nativeResponseValue;
4849 }
4850         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4851 /* @internal */
4852 export function CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
4853         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4854                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4855         }
4856         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
4857         return nativeResponseValue;
4858 }
4859         // struct LDKOutPoint C2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ_get_a(LDKC2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4860 /* @internal */
4861 export function C2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ_get_a(owner: bigint): bigint {
4862         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4863                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4864         }
4865         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ_get_a(owner);
4866         return nativeResponseValue;
4867 }
4868         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z C2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ_get_b(LDKC2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4869 /* @internal */
4870 export function C2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ_get_b(owner: bigint): number {
4871         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4872                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4873         }
4874         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ_get_b(owner);
4875         return nativeResponseValue;
4876 }
4877         // uint32_t C2Tuple_u32ScriptZ_get_a(LDKC2Tuple_u32ScriptZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4878 /* @internal */
4879 export function C2Tuple_u32ScriptZ_get_a(owner: bigint): number {
4880         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4881                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4882         }
4883         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZ_get_a(owner);
4884         return nativeResponseValue;
4885 }
4886         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z C2Tuple_u32ScriptZ_get_b(LDKC2Tuple_u32ScriptZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4887 /* @internal */
4888 export function C2Tuple_u32ScriptZ_get_b(owner: bigint): number {
4889         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4890                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4891         }
4892         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZ_get_b(owner);
4893         return nativeResponseValue;
4894 }
4895         // struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ_get_a(LDKC2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4896 /* @internal */
4897 export function C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ_get_a(owner: bigint): number {
4898         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4899                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4900         }
4901         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ_get_a(owner);
4902         return nativeResponseValue;
4903 }
4904         // struct LDKCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZ C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ_get_b(LDKC2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4905 /* @internal */
4906 export function C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ_get_b(owner: bigint): number {
4907         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4908                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4909         }
4910         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ_get_b(owner);
4911         return nativeResponseValue;
4912 }
4913         // uint32_t C2Tuple_u32TxOutZ_get_a(LDKC2Tuple_u32TxOutZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4914 /* @internal */
4915 export function C2Tuple_u32TxOutZ_get_a(owner: bigint): number {
4916         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4917                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4918         }
4919         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZ_get_a(owner);
4920         return nativeResponseValue;
4921 }
4922         // struct LDKTxOut C2Tuple_u32TxOutZ_get_b(LDKC2Tuple_u32TxOutZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4923 /* @internal */
4924 export function C2Tuple_u32TxOutZ_get_b(owner: bigint): bigint {
4925         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4926                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4927         }
4928         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZ_get_b(owner);
4929         return nativeResponseValue;
4930 }
4931         // struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ_get_a(LDKC2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4932 /* @internal */
4933 export function C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ_get_a(owner: bigint): number {
4934         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4935                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4936         }
4937         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ_get_a(owner);
4938         return nativeResponseValue;
4939 }
4940         // struct LDKCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZ C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ_get_b(LDKC2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
4941 /* @internal */
4942 export function C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ_get_b(owner: bigint): number {
4943         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4944                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4945         }
4946         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ_get_b(owner);
4947         return nativeResponseValue;
4948 }
4949 /* @internal */
4950 export class LDKBalance {
4951         protected constructor() {}
4952 }
4953 /* @internal */
4954 export function LDKBalance_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
4955         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4956                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4957         }
4958         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKBalance_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
4959         return nativeResponseValue;
4960 }
4961 /* @internal */
4962 export function LDKBalance_ClaimableOnChannelClose_get_claimable_amount_satoshis(ptr: bigint): bigint {
4963         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4964                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4965         }
4966         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKBalance_ClaimableOnChannelClose_get_claimable_amount_satoshis(ptr);
4967         return nativeResponseValue;
4968 }
4969 /* @internal */
4970 export function LDKBalance_ClaimableAwaitingConfirmations_get_claimable_amount_satoshis(ptr: bigint): bigint {
4971         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4972                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4973         }
4974         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKBalance_ClaimableAwaitingConfirmations_get_claimable_amount_satoshis(ptr);
4975         return nativeResponseValue;
4976 }
4977 /* @internal */
4978 export function LDKBalance_ClaimableAwaitingConfirmations_get_confirmation_height(ptr: bigint): number {
4979         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4980                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4981         }
4982         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKBalance_ClaimableAwaitingConfirmations_get_confirmation_height(ptr);
4983         return nativeResponseValue;
4984 }
4985 /* @internal */
4986 export function LDKBalance_ContentiousClaimable_get_claimable_amount_satoshis(ptr: bigint): bigint {
4987         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4988                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4989         }
4990         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKBalance_ContentiousClaimable_get_claimable_amount_satoshis(ptr);
4991         return nativeResponseValue;
4992 }
4993 /* @internal */
4994 export function LDKBalance_ContentiousClaimable_get_timeout_height(ptr: bigint): number {
4995         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
4996                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
4997         }
4998         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKBalance_ContentiousClaimable_get_timeout_height(ptr);
4999         return nativeResponseValue;
5000 }
5001 /* @internal */
5002 export function LDKBalance_MaybeTimeoutClaimableHTLC_get_claimable_amount_satoshis(ptr: bigint): bigint {
5003         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5004                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5005         }
5006         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKBalance_MaybeTimeoutClaimableHTLC_get_claimable_amount_satoshis(ptr);
5007         return nativeResponseValue;
5008 }
5009 /* @internal */
5010 export function LDKBalance_MaybeTimeoutClaimableHTLC_get_claimable_height(ptr: bigint): number {
5011         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5012                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5013         }
5014         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKBalance_MaybeTimeoutClaimableHTLC_get_claimable_height(ptr);
5015         return nativeResponseValue;
5016 }
5017 /* @internal */
5018 export function LDKBalance_MaybePreimageClaimableHTLC_get_claimable_amount_satoshis(ptr: bigint): bigint {
5019         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5020                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5021         }
5022         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKBalance_MaybePreimageClaimableHTLC_get_claimable_amount_satoshis(ptr);
5023         return nativeResponseValue;
5024 }
5025 /* @internal */
5026 export function LDKBalance_MaybePreimageClaimableHTLC_get_expiry_height(ptr: bigint): number {
5027         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5028                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5029         }
5030         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKBalance_MaybePreimageClaimableHTLC_get_expiry_height(ptr);
5031         return nativeResponseValue;
5032 }
5033 /* @internal */
5034 export function LDKBalance_CounterpartyRevokedOutputClaimable_get_claimable_amount_satoshis(ptr: bigint): bigint {
5035         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5036                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5037         }
5038         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKBalance_CounterpartyRevokedOutputClaimable_get_claimable_amount_satoshis(ptr);
5039         return nativeResponseValue;
5040 }
5041         // struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ_get_a(LDKC2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5042 /* @internal */
5043 export function C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ_get_a(owner: bigint): number {
5044         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5045                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5046         }
5047         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ_get_a(owner);
5048         return nativeResponseValue;
5049 }
5050         // struct LDKChannelMonitor C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ_get_b(LDKC2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5051 /* @internal */
5052 export function C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ_get_b(owner: bigint): bigint {
5053         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5054                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5055         }
5056         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ_get_b(owner);
5057         return nativeResponseValue;
5058 }
5059         // struct LDKC2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5060 /* @internal */
5061 export function CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5062         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5063                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5064         }
5065         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5066         return nativeResponseValue;
5067 }
5068         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5069 /* @internal */
5070 export function CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5071         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5072                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5073         }
5074         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5075         return nativeResponseValue;
5076 }
5077         // struct LDKPublicKey C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ_get_a(LDKC2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5078 /* @internal */
5079 export function C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ_get_a(owner: bigint): number {
5080         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5081                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5082         }
5083         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ_get_a(owner);
5084         return nativeResponseValue;
5085 }
5086         // struct LDKType C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ_get_b(LDKC2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5087 /* @internal */
5088 export function C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ_get_b(owner: bigint): bigint {
5089         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5090                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5091         }
5092         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ_get_b(owner);
5093         return nativeResponseValue;
5094 }
5095 /* @internal */
5096 export class LDKCOption_NetAddressZ {
5097         protected constructor() {}
5098 }
5099 /* @internal */
5100 export function LDKCOption_NetAddressZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
5101         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5102                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5103         }
5104         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_NetAddressZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
5105         return nativeResponseValue;
5106 }
5107 /* @internal */
5108 export function LDKCOption_NetAddressZ_Some_get_some(ptr: bigint): bigint {
5109         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5110                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5111         }
5112         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_NetAddressZ_Some_get_some(ptr);
5113         return nativeResponseValue;
5114 }
5115         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5116 /* @internal */
5117 export function CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): number {
5118         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5119                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5120         }
5121         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5122         return nativeResponseValue;
5123 }
5124         // struct LDKPeerHandleError CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5125 /* @internal */
5126 export function CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5127         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5128                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5129         }
5130         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5131         return nativeResponseValue;
5132 }
5133         // void CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5134 /* @internal */
5135 export function CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): void {
5136         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5137                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5138         }
5139         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5140         // debug statements here
5141 }
5142         // struct LDKPeerHandleError CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5143 /* @internal */
5144 export function CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5145         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5146                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5147         }
5148         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5149         return nativeResponseValue;
5150 }
5151         // bool CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5152 /* @internal */
5153 export function CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): boolean {
5154         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5155                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5156         }
5157         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5158         return nativeResponseValue;
5159 }
5160         // struct LDKPeerHandleError CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5161 /* @internal */
5162 export function CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5163         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5164                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5165         }
5166         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5167         return nativeResponseValue;
5168 }
5169 /* @internal */
5170 export class LDKSendError {
5171         protected constructor() {}
5172 }
5173 /* @internal */
5174 export function LDKSendError_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
5175         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5176                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5177         }
5178         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKSendError_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
5179         return nativeResponseValue;
5180 }
5181 /* @internal */
5182 export function LDKSendError_Secp256k1_get_secp256k1(ptr: bigint): Secp256k1Error {
5183         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5184                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5185         }
5186         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKSendError_Secp256k1_get_secp256k1(ptr);
5187         return nativeResponseValue;
5188 }
5189         // void CResult_NoneSendErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_NoneSendErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5190 /* @internal */
5191 export function CResult_NoneSendErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): void {
5192         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5193                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5194         }
5195         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneSendErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5196         // debug statements here
5197 }
5198         // struct LDKSendError CResult_NoneSendErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_NoneSendErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5199 /* @internal */
5200 export function CResult_NoneSendErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5201         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5202                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5203         }
5204         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneSendErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5205         return nativeResponseValue;
5206 }
5207         // void CResult_NoneErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_NoneErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5208 /* @internal */
5209 export function CResult_NoneErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): void {
5210         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5211                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5212         }
5213         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5214         // debug statements here
5215 }
5216         // enum LDKIOError CResult_NoneErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_NoneErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5217 /* @internal */
5218 export function CResult_NoneErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): IOError {
5219         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5220                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5221         }
5222         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5223         return nativeResponseValue;
5224 }
5225         // struct LDKNetAddress CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5226 /* @internal */
5227 export function CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5228         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5229                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5230         }
5231         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5232         return nativeResponseValue;
5233 }
5234         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5235 /* @internal */
5236 export function CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5237         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5238                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5239         }
5240         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5241         return nativeResponseValue;
5242 }
5243         // struct LDKAcceptChannel CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5244 /* @internal */
5245 export function CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5246         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5247                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5248         }
5249         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5250         return nativeResponseValue;
5251 }
5252         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5253 /* @internal */
5254 export function CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5255         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5256                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5257         }
5258         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5259         return nativeResponseValue;
5260 }
5261         // struct LDKAnnouncementSignatures CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5262 /* @internal */
5263 export function CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5264         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5265                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5266         }
5267         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5268         return nativeResponseValue;
5269 }
5270         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5271 /* @internal */
5272 export function CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5273         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5274                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5275         }
5276         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5277         return nativeResponseValue;
5278 }
5279         // struct LDKChannelReestablish CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5280 /* @internal */
5281 export function CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5282         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5283                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5284         }
5285         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5286         return nativeResponseValue;
5287 }
5288         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5289 /* @internal */
5290 export function CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5291         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5292                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5293         }
5294         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5295         return nativeResponseValue;
5296 }
5297         // struct LDKClosingSigned CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5298 /* @internal */
5299 export function CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5300         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5301                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5302         }
5303         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5304         return nativeResponseValue;
5305 }
5306         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5307 /* @internal */
5308 export function CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5309         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5310                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5311         }
5312         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5313         return nativeResponseValue;
5314 }
5315         // struct LDKClosingSignedFeeRange CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5316 /* @internal */
5317 export function CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5318         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5319                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5320         }
5321         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5322         return nativeResponseValue;
5323 }
5324         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5325 /* @internal */
5326 export function CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5327         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5328                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5329         }
5330         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5331         return nativeResponseValue;
5332 }
5333         // struct LDKCommitmentSigned CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5334 /* @internal */
5335 export function CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5336         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5337                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5338         }
5339         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5340         return nativeResponseValue;
5341 }
5342         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5343 /* @internal */
5344 export function CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5345         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5346                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5347         }
5348         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5349         return nativeResponseValue;
5350 }
5351         // struct LDKFundingCreated CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5352 /* @internal */
5353 export function CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5354         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5355                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5356         }
5357         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5358         return nativeResponseValue;
5359 }
5360         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5361 /* @internal */
5362 export function CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5363         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5364                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5365         }
5366         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5367         return nativeResponseValue;
5368 }
5369         // struct LDKFundingSigned CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5370 /* @internal */
5371 export function CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5372         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5373                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5374         }
5375         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5376         return nativeResponseValue;
5377 }
5378         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5379 /* @internal */
5380 export function CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5381         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5382                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5383         }
5384         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5385         return nativeResponseValue;
5386 }
5387         // struct LDKChannelReady CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5388 /* @internal */
5389 export function CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5390         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5391                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5392         }
5393         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5394         return nativeResponseValue;
5395 }
5396         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5397 /* @internal */
5398 export function CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5399         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5400                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5401         }
5402         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5403         return nativeResponseValue;
5404 }
5405         // struct LDKInit CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_InitDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5406 /* @internal */
5407 export function CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5408         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5409                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5410         }
5411         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5412         return nativeResponseValue;
5413 }
5414         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_InitDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5415 /* @internal */
5416 export function CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5417         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5418                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5419         }
5420         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5421         return nativeResponseValue;
5422 }
5423         // struct LDKOpenChannel CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5424 /* @internal */
5425 export function CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5426         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5427                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5428         }
5429         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5430         return nativeResponseValue;
5431 }
5432         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5433 /* @internal */
5434 export function CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5435         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5436                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5437         }
5438         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5439         return nativeResponseValue;
5440 }
5441         // struct LDKRevokeAndACK CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5442 /* @internal */
5443 export function CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5444         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5445                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5446         }
5447         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5448         return nativeResponseValue;
5449 }
5450         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5451 /* @internal */
5452 export function CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5453         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5454                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5455         }
5456         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5457         return nativeResponseValue;
5458 }
5459         // struct LDKShutdown CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5460 /* @internal */
5461 export function CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5462         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5463                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5464         }
5465         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5466         return nativeResponseValue;
5467 }
5468         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5469 /* @internal */
5470 export function CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5471         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5472                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5473         }
5474         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5475         return nativeResponseValue;
5476 }
5477         // struct LDKUpdateFailHTLC CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5478 /* @internal */
5479 export function CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5480         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5481                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5482         }
5483         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5484         return nativeResponseValue;
5485 }
5486         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5487 /* @internal */
5488 export function CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5489         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5490                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5491         }
5492         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5493         return nativeResponseValue;
5494 }
5495         // struct LDKUpdateFailMalformedHTLC CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5496 /* @internal */
5497 export function CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5498         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5499                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5500         }
5501         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5502         return nativeResponseValue;
5503 }
5504         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5505 /* @internal */
5506 export function CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5507         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5508                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5509         }
5510         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5511         return nativeResponseValue;
5512 }
5513         // struct LDKUpdateFee CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5514 /* @internal */
5515 export function CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5516         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5517                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5518         }
5519         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5520         return nativeResponseValue;
5521 }
5522         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5523 /* @internal */
5524 export function CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5525         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5526                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5527         }
5528         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5529         return nativeResponseValue;
5530 }
5531         // struct LDKUpdateFulfillHTLC CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5532 /* @internal */
5533 export function CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5534         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5535                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5536         }
5537         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5538         return nativeResponseValue;
5539 }
5540         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5541 /* @internal */
5542 export function CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5543         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5544                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5545         }
5546         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5547         return nativeResponseValue;
5548 }
5549         // struct LDKUpdateAddHTLC CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5550 /* @internal */
5551 export function CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5552         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5553                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5554         }
5555         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5556         return nativeResponseValue;
5557 }
5558         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5559 /* @internal */
5560 export function CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5561         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5562                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5563         }
5564         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5565         return nativeResponseValue;
5566 }
5567         // struct LDKOnionMessage CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5568 /* @internal */
5569 export function CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5570         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5571                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5572         }
5573         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5574         return nativeResponseValue;
5575 }
5576         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5577 /* @internal */
5578 export function CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5579         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5580                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5581         }
5582         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5583         return nativeResponseValue;
5584 }
5585         // struct LDKPing CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_PingDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5586 /* @internal */
5587 export function CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5588         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5589                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5590         }
5591         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5592         return nativeResponseValue;
5593 }
5594         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_PingDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5595 /* @internal */
5596 export function CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5597         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5598                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5599         }
5600         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5601         return nativeResponseValue;
5602 }
5603         // struct LDKPong CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_PongDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5604 /* @internal */
5605 export function CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5606         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5607                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5608         }
5609         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5610         return nativeResponseValue;
5611 }
5612         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_PongDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5613 /* @internal */
5614 export function CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5615         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5616                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5617         }
5618         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5619         return nativeResponseValue;
5620 }
5621         // struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5622 /* @internal */
5623 export function CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5624         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5625                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5626         }
5627         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5628         return nativeResponseValue;
5629 }
5630         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5631 /* @internal */
5632 export function CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5633         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5634                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5635         }
5636         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5637         return nativeResponseValue;
5638 }
5639         // struct LDKChannelAnnouncement CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5640 /* @internal */
5641 export function CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5642         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5643                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5644         }
5645         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5646         return nativeResponseValue;
5647 }
5648         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5649 /* @internal */
5650 export function CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5651         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5652                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5653         }
5654         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5655         return nativeResponseValue;
5656 }
5657         // struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5658 /* @internal */
5659 export function CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5660         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5661                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5662         }
5663         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5664         return nativeResponseValue;
5665 }
5666         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5667 /* @internal */
5668 export function CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5669         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5670                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5671         }
5672         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5673         return nativeResponseValue;
5674 }
5675         // struct LDKChannelUpdate CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5676 /* @internal */
5677 export function CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5678         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5679                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5680         }
5681         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5682         return nativeResponseValue;
5683 }
5684         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5685 /* @internal */
5686 export function CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5687         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5688                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5689         }
5690         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5691         return nativeResponseValue;
5692 }
5693         // struct LDKErrorMessage CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5694 /* @internal */
5695 export function CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5696         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5697                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5698         }
5699         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5700         return nativeResponseValue;
5701 }
5702         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5703 /* @internal */
5704 export function CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5705         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5706                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5707         }
5708         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5709         return nativeResponseValue;
5710 }
5711         // struct LDKWarningMessage CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5712 /* @internal */
5713 export function CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5714         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5715                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5716         }
5717         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5718         return nativeResponseValue;
5719 }
5720         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5721 /* @internal */
5722 export function CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5723         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5724                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5725         }
5726         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5727         return nativeResponseValue;
5728 }
5729         // struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5730 /* @internal */
5731 export function CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5732         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5733                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5734         }
5735         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5736         return nativeResponseValue;
5737 }
5738         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5739 /* @internal */
5740 export function CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5741         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5742                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5743         }
5744         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5745         return nativeResponseValue;
5746 }
5747         // struct LDKNodeAnnouncement CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5748 /* @internal */
5749 export function CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5750         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5751                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5752         }
5753         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5754         return nativeResponseValue;
5755 }
5756         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5757 /* @internal */
5758 export function CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5759         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5760                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5761         }
5762         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5763         return nativeResponseValue;
5764 }
5765         // struct LDKQueryShortChannelIds CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5766 /* @internal */
5767 export function CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5768         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5769                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5770         }
5771         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5772         return nativeResponseValue;
5773 }
5774         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5775 /* @internal */
5776 export function CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5777         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5778                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5779         }
5780         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5781         return nativeResponseValue;
5782 }
5783         // struct LDKReplyShortChannelIdsEnd CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5784 /* @internal */
5785 export function CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5786         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5787                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5788         }
5789         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5790         return nativeResponseValue;
5791 }
5792         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5793 /* @internal */
5794 export function CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5795         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5796                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5797         }
5798         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5799         return nativeResponseValue;
5800 }
5801         // struct LDKQueryChannelRange CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5802 /* @internal */
5803 export function CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5804         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5805                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5806         }
5807         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5808         return nativeResponseValue;
5809 }
5810         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5811 /* @internal */
5812 export function CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5813         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5814                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5815         }
5816         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5817         return nativeResponseValue;
5818 }
5819         // struct LDKReplyChannelRange CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5820 /* @internal */
5821 export function CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5822         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5823                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5824         }
5825         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5826         return nativeResponseValue;
5827 }
5828         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5829 /* @internal */
5830 export function CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5831         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5832                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5833         }
5834         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5835         return nativeResponseValue;
5836 }
5837         // struct LDKGossipTimestampFilter CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5838 /* @internal */
5839 export function CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5840         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5841                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5842         }
5843         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5844         return nativeResponseValue;
5845 }
5846         // struct LDKDecodeError CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5847 /* @internal */
5848 export function CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5849         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5850                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5851         }
5852         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5853         return nativeResponseValue;
5854 }
5855 /* @internal */
5856 export class LDKSignOrCreationError {
5857         protected constructor() {}
5858 }
5859 /* @internal */
5860 export function LDKSignOrCreationError_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
5861         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5862                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5863         }
5864         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKSignOrCreationError_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
5865         return nativeResponseValue;
5866 }
5867 /* @internal */
5868 export function LDKSignOrCreationError_CreationError_get_creation_error(ptr: bigint): CreationError {
5869         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5870                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5871         }
5872         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKSignOrCreationError_CreationError_get_creation_error(ptr);
5873         return nativeResponseValue;
5874 }
5875         // struct LDKInvoice CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5876 /* @internal */
5877 export function CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5878         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5879                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5880         }
5881         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_get_ok(owner);
5882         return nativeResponseValue;
5883 }
5884         // struct LDKSignOrCreationError CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_get_err(LDKCResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5885 /* @internal */
5886 export function CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_get_err(owner: bigint): bigint {
5887         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5888                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5889         }
5890         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_get_err(owner);
5891         return nativeResponseValue;
5892 }
5893 /* @internal */
5894 export interface LDKFilter {
5895         register_tx (txid: number, script_pubkey: number): void;
5896         register_output (output: bigint): void;
5897 }
5899 /* @internal */
5900 export function LDKFilter_new(impl: LDKFilter): [bigint, number] {
5901         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5902                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5903         }
5904         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
5905         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
5906                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
5907         }
5908         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
5909         return [wasm.TS_LDKFilter_new(i), i];
5910 }
5911         // void Filter_register_tx LDKFilter *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*txid)[32], struct LDKu8slice script_pubkey
5912 /* @internal */
5913 export function Filter_register_tx(this_arg: bigint, txid: number, script_pubkey: number): void {
5914         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5915                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5916         }
5917         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Filter_register_tx(this_arg, txid, script_pubkey);
5918         // debug statements here
5919 }
5920         // void Filter_register_output LDKFilter *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKWatchedOutput output
5921 /* @internal */
5922 export function Filter_register_output(this_arg: bigint, output: bigint): void {
5923         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5924                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5925         }
5926         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Filter_register_output(this_arg, output);
5927         // debug statements here
5928 }
5929 /* @internal */
5930 export class LDKCOption_FilterZ {
5931         protected constructor() {}
5932 }
5933 /* @internal */
5934 export function LDKCOption_FilterZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
5935         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5936                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5937         }
5938         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_FilterZ_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
5939         return nativeResponseValue;
5940 }
5941 /* @internal */
5942 export function LDKCOption_FilterZ_Some_get_some(ptr: bigint): bigint {
5943         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5944                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5945         }
5946         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKCOption_FilterZ_Some_get_some(ptr);
5947         return nativeResponseValue;
5948 }
5949         // struct LDKLockedChannelMonitor CResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ_get_ok(LDKCResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5950 /* @internal */
5951 export function CResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ_get_ok(owner: bigint): bigint {
5952         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5953                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5954         }
5955         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ_get_ok(owner);
5956         return nativeResponseValue;
5957 }
5958         // void CResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ_get_err(LDKCResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR owner);
5959 /* @internal */
5960 export function CResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ_get_err(owner: bigint): void {
5961         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5962                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5963         }
5964         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ_get_err(owner);
5965         // debug statements here
5966 }
5967 /* @internal */
5968 export interface LDKMessageSendEventsProvider {
5969         get_and_clear_pending_msg_events (): number;
5970 }
5972 /* @internal */
5973 export function LDKMessageSendEventsProvider_new(impl: LDKMessageSendEventsProvider): [bigint, number] {
5974         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5975                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5976         }
5977         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
5978         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
5979                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
5980         }
5981         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
5982         return [wasm.TS_LDKMessageSendEventsProvider_new(i), i];
5983 }
5984         // LDKCVec_MessageSendEventZ MessageSendEventsProvider_get_and_clear_pending_msg_events LDKMessageSendEventsProvider *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
5985 /* @internal */
5986 export function MessageSendEventsProvider_get_and_clear_pending_msg_events(this_arg: bigint): number {
5987         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
5988                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
5989         }
5990         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEventsProvider_get_and_clear_pending_msg_events(this_arg);
5991         return nativeResponseValue;
5992 }
5993 /* @internal */
5994 export interface LDKOnionMessageProvider {
5995         next_onion_message_for_peer (peer_node_id: number): bigint;
5996 }
5998 /* @internal */
5999 export function LDKOnionMessageProvider_new(impl: LDKOnionMessageProvider): [bigint, number] {
6000         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6001                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6002         }
6003         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
6004         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
6005                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
6006         }
6007         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
6008         return [wasm.TS_LDKOnionMessageProvider_new(i), i];
6009 }
6010         // LDKOnionMessage OnionMessageProvider_next_onion_message_for_peer LDKOnionMessageProvider *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey peer_node_id
6011 /* @internal */
6012 export function OnionMessageProvider_next_onion_message_for_peer(this_arg: bigint, peer_node_id: number): bigint {
6013         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6014                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6015         }
6016         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OnionMessageProvider_next_onion_message_for_peer(this_arg, peer_node_id);
6017         return nativeResponseValue;
6018 }
6019 /* @internal */
6020 export interface LDKEventHandler {
6021         handle_event (event: bigint): void;
6022 }
6024 /* @internal */
6025 export function LDKEventHandler_new(impl: LDKEventHandler): [bigint, number] {
6026         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6027                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6028         }
6029         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
6030         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
6031                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
6032         }
6033         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
6034         return [wasm.TS_LDKEventHandler_new(i), i];
6035 }
6036         // void EventHandler_handle_event LDKEventHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKEvent *NONNULL_PTR event
6037 /* @internal */
6038 export function EventHandler_handle_event(this_arg: bigint, event: bigint): void {
6039         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6040                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6041         }
6042         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_EventHandler_handle_event(this_arg, event);
6043         // debug statements here
6044 }
6045 /* @internal */
6046 export interface LDKEventsProvider {
6047         process_pending_events (handler: bigint): void;
6048 }
6050 /* @internal */
6051 export function LDKEventsProvider_new(impl: LDKEventsProvider): [bigint, number] {
6052         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6053                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6054         }
6055         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
6056         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
6057                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
6058         }
6059         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
6060         return [wasm.TS_LDKEventsProvider_new(i), i];
6061 }
6062         // void EventsProvider_process_pending_events LDKEventsProvider *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKEventHandler handler
6063 /* @internal */
6064 export function EventsProvider_process_pending_events(this_arg: bigint, handler: bigint): void {
6065         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6066                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6067         }
6068         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_EventsProvider_process_pending_events(this_arg, handler);
6069         // debug statements here
6070 }
6071 /* @internal */
6072 export interface LDKScore {
6073         channel_penalty_msat (short_channel_id: bigint, source: bigint, target: bigint, usage: bigint): bigint;
6074         payment_path_failed (path: number, short_channel_id: bigint): void;
6075         payment_path_successful (path: number): void;
6076         probe_failed (path: number, short_channel_id: bigint): void;
6077         probe_successful (path: number): void;
6078         write (): number;
6079 }
6081 /* @internal */
6082 export function LDKScore_new(impl: LDKScore): [bigint, number] {
6083         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6084                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6085         }
6086         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
6087         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
6088                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
6089         }
6090         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
6091         return [wasm.TS_LDKScore_new(i), i];
6092 }
6093         // uint64_t Score_channel_penalty_msat LDKScore *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, uint64_t short_channel_id, const struct LDKNodeId *NONNULL_PTR source, const struct LDKNodeId *NONNULL_PTR target, struct LDKChannelUsage usage
6094 /* @internal */
6095 export function Score_channel_penalty_msat(this_arg: bigint, short_channel_id: bigint, source: bigint, target: bigint, usage: bigint): bigint {
6096         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6097                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6098         }
6099         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Score_channel_penalty_msat(this_arg, short_channel_id, source, target, usage);
6100         return nativeResponseValue;
6101 }
6102         // void Score_payment_path_failed LDKScore *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKCVec_RouteHopZ path, uint64_t short_channel_id
6103 /* @internal */
6104 export function Score_payment_path_failed(this_arg: bigint, path: number, short_channel_id: bigint): void {
6105         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6106                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6107         }
6108         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Score_payment_path_failed(this_arg, path, short_channel_id);
6109         // debug statements here
6110 }
6111         // void Score_payment_path_successful LDKScore *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKCVec_RouteHopZ path
6112 /* @internal */
6113 export function Score_payment_path_successful(this_arg: bigint, path: number): void {
6114         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6115                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6116         }
6117         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Score_payment_path_successful(this_arg, path);
6118         // debug statements here
6119 }
6120         // void Score_probe_failed LDKScore *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKCVec_RouteHopZ path, uint64_t short_channel_id
6121 /* @internal */
6122 export function Score_probe_failed(this_arg: bigint, path: number, short_channel_id: bigint): void {
6123         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6124                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6125         }
6126         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Score_probe_failed(this_arg, path, short_channel_id);
6127         // debug statements here
6128 }
6129         // void Score_probe_successful LDKScore *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKCVec_RouteHopZ path
6130 /* @internal */
6131 export function Score_probe_successful(this_arg: bigint, path: number): void {
6132         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6133                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6134         }
6135         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Score_probe_successful(this_arg, path);
6136         // debug statements here
6137 }
6138         // LDKCVec_u8Z Score_write LDKScore *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
6139 /* @internal */
6140 export function Score_write(this_arg: bigint): number {
6141         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6142                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6143         }
6144         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Score_write(this_arg);
6145         return nativeResponseValue;
6146 }
6147 /* @internal */
6148 export interface LDKLockableScore {
6149         lock (): bigint;
6150 }
6152 /* @internal */
6153 export function LDKLockableScore_new(impl: LDKLockableScore): [bigint, number] {
6154         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6155                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6156         }
6157         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
6158         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
6159                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
6160         }
6161         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
6162         return [wasm.TS_LDKLockableScore_new(i), i];
6163 }
6164         // LDKScore LockableScore_lock LDKLockableScore *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
6165 /* @internal */
6166 export function LockableScore_lock(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
6167         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6168                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6169         }
6170         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LockableScore_lock(this_arg);
6171         return nativeResponseValue;
6172 }
6173 /* @internal */
6174 export interface LDKWriteableScore {
6175         write (): number;
6176 }
6178 /* @internal */
6179 export function LDKWriteableScore_new(impl: LDKWriteableScore, LockableScore: number): [bigint, number] {
6180         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6181                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6182         }
6183         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
6184         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
6185                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
6186         }
6187         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
6188         return [wasm.TS_LDKWriteableScore_new(i, LockableScore), i];
6189 }
6190         // LDKCVec_u8Z WriteableScore_write LDKWriteableScore *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
6191 /* @internal */
6192 export function WriteableScore_write(this_arg: bigint): number {
6193         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6194                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6195         }
6196         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WriteableScore_write(this_arg);
6197         return nativeResponseValue;
6198 }
6199 /* @internal */
6200 export interface LDKPersister {
6201         persist_manager (channel_manager: bigint): bigint;
6202         persist_graph (network_graph: bigint): bigint;
6203         persist_scorer (scorer: bigint): bigint;
6204 }
6206 /* @internal */
6207 export function LDKPersister_new(impl: LDKPersister): [bigint, number] {
6208         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6209                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6210         }
6211         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
6212         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
6213                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
6214         }
6215         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
6216         return [wasm.TS_LDKPersister_new(i), i];
6217 }
6218         // LDKCResult_NoneErrorZ Persister_persist_manager LDKPersister *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR channel_manager
6219 /* @internal */
6220 export function Persister_persist_manager(this_arg: bigint, channel_manager: bigint): bigint {
6221         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6222                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6223         }
6224         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Persister_persist_manager(this_arg, channel_manager);
6225         return nativeResponseValue;
6226 }
6227         // LDKCResult_NoneErrorZ Persister_persist_graph LDKPersister *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR network_graph
6228 /* @internal */
6229 export function Persister_persist_graph(this_arg: bigint, network_graph: bigint): bigint {
6230         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6231                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6232         }
6233         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Persister_persist_graph(this_arg, network_graph);
6234         return nativeResponseValue;
6235 }
6236         // LDKCResult_NoneErrorZ Persister_persist_scorer LDKPersister *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKWriteableScore *NONNULL_PTR scorer
6237 /* @internal */
6238 export function Persister_persist_scorer(this_arg: bigint, scorer: bigint): bigint {
6239         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6240                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6241         }
6242         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Persister_persist_scorer(this_arg, scorer);
6243         return nativeResponseValue;
6244 }
6245 /* @internal */
6246 export interface LDKFutureCallback {
6247         call (): void;
6248 }
6250 /* @internal */
6251 export function LDKFutureCallback_new(impl: LDKFutureCallback): [bigint, number] {
6252         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6253                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6254         }
6255         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
6256         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
6257                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
6258         }
6259         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
6260         return [wasm.TS_LDKFutureCallback_new(i), i];
6261 }
6262         // void FutureCallback_call LDKFutureCallback *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
6263 /* @internal */
6264 export function FutureCallback_call(this_arg: bigint): void {
6265         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6266                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6267         }
6268         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FutureCallback_call(this_arg);
6269         // debug statements here
6270 }
6271 /* @internal */
6272 export interface LDKListen {
6273         filtered_block_connected (header: number, txdata: number, height: number): void;
6274         block_connected (block: number, height: number): void;
6275         block_disconnected (header: number, height: number): void;
6276 }
6278 /* @internal */
6279 export function LDKListen_new(impl: LDKListen): [bigint, number] {
6280         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6281                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6282         }
6283         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
6284         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
6285                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
6286         }
6287         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
6288         return [wasm.TS_LDKListen_new(i), i];
6289 }
6290         // void Listen_filtered_block_connected LDKListen *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*header)[80], struct LDKCVec_C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZZ txdata, uint32_t height
6291 /* @internal */
6292 export function Listen_filtered_block_connected(this_arg: bigint, header: number, txdata: number, height: number): void {
6293         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6294                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6295         }
6296         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Listen_filtered_block_connected(this_arg, header, txdata, height);
6297         // debug statements here
6298 }
6299         // void Listen_block_connected LDKListen *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKu8slice block, uint32_t height
6300 /* @internal */
6301 export function Listen_block_connected(this_arg: bigint, block: number, height: number): void {
6302         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6303                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6304         }
6305         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Listen_block_connected(this_arg, block, height);
6306         // debug statements here
6307 }
6308         // void Listen_block_disconnected LDKListen *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*header)[80], uint32_t height
6309 /* @internal */
6310 export function Listen_block_disconnected(this_arg: bigint, header: number, height: number): void {
6311         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6312                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6313         }
6314         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Listen_block_disconnected(this_arg, header, height);
6315         // debug statements here
6316 }
6317 /* @internal */
6318 export interface LDKConfirm {
6319         transactions_confirmed (header: number, txdata: number, height: number): void;
6320         transaction_unconfirmed (txid: number): void;
6321         best_block_updated (header: number, height: number): void;
6322         get_relevant_txids (): number;
6323 }
6325 /* @internal */
6326 export function LDKConfirm_new(impl: LDKConfirm): [bigint, number] {
6327         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6328                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6329         }
6330         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
6331         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
6332                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
6333         }
6334         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
6335         return [wasm.TS_LDKConfirm_new(i), i];
6336 }
6337         // void Confirm_transactions_confirmed LDKConfirm *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*header)[80], struct LDKCVec_C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZZ txdata, uint32_t height
6338 /* @internal */
6339 export function Confirm_transactions_confirmed(this_arg: bigint, header: number, txdata: number, height: number): void {
6340         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6341                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6342         }
6343         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Confirm_transactions_confirmed(this_arg, header, txdata, height);
6344         // debug statements here
6345 }
6346         // void Confirm_transaction_unconfirmed LDKConfirm *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*txid)[32]
6347 /* @internal */
6348 export function Confirm_transaction_unconfirmed(this_arg: bigint, txid: number): void {
6349         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6350                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6351         }
6352         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Confirm_transaction_unconfirmed(this_arg, txid);
6353         // debug statements here
6354 }
6355         // void Confirm_best_block_updated LDKConfirm *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*header)[80], uint32_t height
6356 /* @internal */
6357 export function Confirm_best_block_updated(this_arg: bigint, header: number, height: number): void {
6358         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6359                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6360         }
6361         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Confirm_best_block_updated(this_arg, header, height);
6362         // debug statements here
6363 }
6364         // LDKCVec_TxidZ Confirm_get_relevant_txids LDKConfirm *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
6365 /* @internal */
6366 export function Confirm_get_relevant_txids(this_arg: bigint): number {
6367         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6368                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6369         }
6370         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Confirm_get_relevant_txids(this_arg);
6371         return nativeResponseValue;
6372 }
6373 /* @internal */
6374 export interface LDKPersist {
6375         persist_new_channel (channel_id: bigint, data: bigint, update_id: bigint): bigint;
6376         update_persisted_channel (channel_id: bigint, update: bigint, data: bigint, update_id: bigint): bigint;
6377 }
6379 /* @internal */
6380 export function LDKPersist_new(impl: LDKPersist): [bigint, number] {
6381         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6382                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6383         }
6384         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
6385         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
6386                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
6387         }
6388         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
6389         return [wasm.TS_LDKPersist_new(i), i];
6390 }
6391         // LDKCResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ Persist_persist_new_channel LDKPersist *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKOutPoint channel_id, const struct LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR data, struct LDKMonitorUpdateId update_id
6392 /* @internal */
6393 export function Persist_persist_new_channel(this_arg: bigint, channel_id: bigint, data: bigint, update_id: bigint): bigint {
6394         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6395                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6396         }
6397         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Persist_persist_new_channel(this_arg, channel_id, data, update_id);
6398         return nativeResponseValue;
6399 }
6400         // LDKCResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ Persist_update_persisted_channel LDKPersist *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKOutPoint channel_id, const struct LDKChannelMonitorUpdate *NONNULL_PTR update, const struct LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR data, struct LDKMonitorUpdateId update_id
6401 /* @internal */
6402 export function Persist_update_persisted_channel(this_arg: bigint, channel_id: bigint, update: bigint, data: bigint, update_id: bigint): bigint {
6403         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6404                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6405         }
6406         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Persist_update_persisted_channel(this_arg, channel_id, update, data, update_id);
6407         return nativeResponseValue;
6408 }
6409 /* @internal */
6410 export interface LDKChannelMessageHandler {
6411         handle_open_channel (their_node_id: number, their_features: bigint, msg: bigint): void;
6412         handle_accept_channel (their_node_id: number, their_features: bigint, msg: bigint): void;
6413         handle_funding_created (their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void;
6414         handle_funding_signed (their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void;
6415         handle_channel_ready (their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void;
6416         handle_shutdown (their_node_id: number, their_features: bigint, msg: bigint): void;
6417         handle_closing_signed (their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void;
6418         handle_update_add_htlc (their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void;
6419         handle_update_fulfill_htlc (their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void;
6420         handle_update_fail_htlc (their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void;
6421         handle_update_fail_malformed_htlc (their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void;
6422         handle_commitment_signed (their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void;
6423         handle_revoke_and_ack (their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void;
6424         handle_update_fee (their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void;
6425         handle_announcement_signatures (their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void;
6426         peer_disconnected (their_node_id: number, no_connection_possible: boolean): void;
6427         peer_connected (their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void;
6428         handle_channel_reestablish (their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void;
6429         handle_channel_update (their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void;
6430         handle_error (their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void;
6431         provided_node_features (): bigint;
6432         provided_init_features (their_node_id: number): bigint;
6433 }
6435 /* @internal */
6436 export function LDKChannelMessageHandler_new(impl: LDKChannelMessageHandler, MessageSendEventsProvider: number): [bigint, number] {
6437         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6438                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6439         }
6440         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
6441         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
6442                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
6443         }
6444         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
6445         return [wasm.TS_LDKChannelMessageHandler_new(i, MessageSendEventsProvider), i];
6446 }
6447         // void ChannelMessageHandler_handle_open_channel LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, struct LDKInitFeatures their_features, const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR msg
6448 /* @internal */
6449 export function ChannelMessageHandler_handle_open_channel(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, their_features: bigint, msg: bigint): void {
6450         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6451                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6452         }
6453         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_handle_open_channel(this_arg, their_node_id, their_features, msg);
6454         // debug statements here
6455 }
6456         // void ChannelMessageHandler_handle_accept_channel LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, struct LDKInitFeatures their_features, const struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR msg
6457 /* @internal */
6458 export function ChannelMessageHandler_handle_accept_channel(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, their_features: bigint, msg: bigint): void {
6459         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6460                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6461         }
6462         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_handle_accept_channel(this_arg, their_node_id, their_features, msg);
6463         // debug statements here
6464 }
6465         // void ChannelMessageHandler_handle_funding_created LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, const struct LDKFundingCreated *NONNULL_PTR msg
6466 /* @internal */
6467 export function ChannelMessageHandler_handle_funding_created(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void {
6468         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6469                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6470         }
6471         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_handle_funding_created(this_arg, their_node_id, msg);
6472         // debug statements here
6473 }
6474         // void ChannelMessageHandler_handle_funding_signed LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, const struct LDKFundingSigned *NONNULL_PTR msg
6475 /* @internal */
6476 export function ChannelMessageHandler_handle_funding_signed(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void {
6477         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6478                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6479         }
6480         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_handle_funding_signed(this_arg, their_node_id, msg);
6481         // debug statements here
6482 }
6483         // void ChannelMessageHandler_handle_channel_ready LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, const struct LDKChannelReady *NONNULL_PTR msg
6484 /* @internal */
6485 export function ChannelMessageHandler_handle_channel_ready(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void {
6486         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6487                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6488         }
6489         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_handle_channel_ready(this_arg, their_node_id, msg);
6490         // debug statements here
6491 }
6492         // void ChannelMessageHandler_handle_shutdown LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR their_features, const struct LDKShutdown *NONNULL_PTR msg
6493 /* @internal */
6494 export function ChannelMessageHandler_handle_shutdown(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, their_features: bigint, msg: bigint): void {
6495         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6496                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6497         }
6498         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_handle_shutdown(this_arg, their_node_id, their_features, msg);
6499         // debug statements here
6500 }
6501         // void ChannelMessageHandler_handle_closing_signed LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, const struct LDKClosingSigned *NONNULL_PTR msg
6502 /* @internal */
6503 export function ChannelMessageHandler_handle_closing_signed(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void {
6504         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6505                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6506         }
6507         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_handle_closing_signed(this_arg, their_node_id, msg);
6508         // debug statements here
6509 }
6510         // void ChannelMessageHandler_handle_update_add_htlc LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, const struct LDKUpdateAddHTLC *NONNULL_PTR msg
6511 /* @internal */
6512 export function ChannelMessageHandler_handle_update_add_htlc(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void {
6513         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6514                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6515         }
6516         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_handle_update_add_htlc(this_arg, their_node_id, msg);
6517         // debug statements here
6518 }
6519         // void ChannelMessageHandler_handle_update_fulfill_htlc LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, const struct LDKUpdateFulfillHTLC *NONNULL_PTR msg
6520 /* @internal */
6521 export function ChannelMessageHandler_handle_update_fulfill_htlc(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void {
6522         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6523                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6524         }
6525         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_handle_update_fulfill_htlc(this_arg, their_node_id, msg);
6526         // debug statements here
6527 }
6528         // void ChannelMessageHandler_handle_update_fail_htlc LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, const struct LDKUpdateFailHTLC *NONNULL_PTR msg
6529 /* @internal */
6530 export function ChannelMessageHandler_handle_update_fail_htlc(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void {
6531         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6532                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6533         }
6534         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_handle_update_fail_htlc(this_arg, their_node_id, msg);
6535         // debug statements here
6536 }
6537         // void ChannelMessageHandler_handle_update_fail_malformed_htlc LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, const struct LDKUpdateFailMalformedHTLC *NONNULL_PTR msg
6538 /* @internal */
6539 export function ChannelMessageHandler_handle_update_fail_malformed_htlc(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void {
6540         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6541                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6542         }
6543         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_handle_update_fail_malformed_htlc(this_arg, their_node_id, msg);
6544         // debug statements here
6545 }
6546         // void ChannelMessageHandler_handle_commitment_signed LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, const struct LDKCommitmentSigned *NONNULL_PTR msg
6547 /* @internal */
6548 export function ChannelMessageHandler_handle_commitment_signed(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void {
6549         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6550                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6551         }
6552         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_handle_commitment_signed(this_arg, their_node_id, msg);
6553         // debug statements here
6554 }
6555         // void ChannelMessageHandler_handle_revoke_and_ack LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, const struct LDKRevokeAndACK *NONNULL_PTR msg
6556 /* @internal */
6557 export function ChannelMessageHandler_handle_revoke_and_ack(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void {
6558         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6559                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6560         }
6561         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_handle_revoke_and_ack(this_arg, their_node_id, msg);
6562         // debug statements here
6563 }
6564         // void ChannelMessageHandler_handle_update_fee LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, const struct LDKUpdateFee *NONNULL_PTR msg
6565 /* @internal */
6566 export function ChannelMessageHandler_handle_update_fee(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void {
6567         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6568                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6569         }
6570         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_handle_update_fee(this_arg, their_node_id, msg);
6571         // debug statements here
6572 }
6573         // void ChannelMessageHandler_handle_announcement_signatures LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, const struct LDKAnnouncementSignatures *NONNULL_PTR msg
6574 /* @internal */
6575 export function ChannelMessageHandler_handle_announcement_signatures(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void {
6576         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6577                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6578         }
6579         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_handle_announcement_signatures(this_arg, their_node_id, msg);
6580         // debug statements here
6581 }
6582         // void ChannelMessageHandler_peer_disconnected LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, bool no_connection_possible
6583 /* @internal */
6584 export function ChannelMessageHandler_peer_disconnected(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, no_connection_possible: boolean): void {
6585         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6586                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6587         }
6588         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_peer_disconnected(this_arg, their_node_id, no_connection_possible);
6589         // debug statements here
6590 }
6591         // void ChannelMessageHandler_peer_connected LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, const struct LDKInit *NONNULL_PTR msg
6592 /* @internal */
6593 export function ChannelMessageHandler_peer_connected(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void {
6594         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6595                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6596         }
6597         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_peer_connected(this_arg, their_node_id, msg);
6598         // debug statements here
6599 }
6600         // void ChannelMessageHandler_handle_channel_reestablish LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, const struct LDKChannelReestablish *NONNULL_PTR msg
6601 /* @internal */
6602 export function ChannelMessageHandler_handle_channel_reestablish(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void {
6603         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6604                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6605         }
6606         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_handle_channel_reestablish(this_arg, their_node_id, msg);
6607         // debug statements here
6608 }
6609         // void ChannelMessageHandler_handle_channel_update LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, const struct LDKChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR msg
6610 /* @internal */
6611 export function ChannelMessageHandler_handle_channel_update(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void {
6612         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6613                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6614         }
6615         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_handle_channel_update(this_arg, their_node_id, msg);
6616         // debug statements here
6617 }
6618         // void ChannelMessageHandler_handle_error LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, const struct LDKErrorMessage *NONNULL_PTR msg
6619 /* @internal */
6620 export function ChannelMessageHandler_handle_error(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void {
6621         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6622                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6623         }
6624         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_handle_error(this_arg, their_node_id, msg);
6625         // debug statements here
6626 }
6627         // LDKNodeFeatures ChannelMessageHandler_provided_node_features LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
6628 /* @internal */
6629 export function ChannelMessageHandler_provided_node_features(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
6630         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6631                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6632         }
6633         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_provided_node_features(this_arg);
6634         return nativeResponseValue;
6635 }
6636         // LDKInitFeatures ChannelMessageHandler_provided_init_features LDKChannelMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id
6637 /* @internal */
6638 export function ChannelMessageHandler_provided_init_features(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number): bigint {
6639         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6640                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6641         }
6642         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_provided_init_features(this_arg, their_node_id);
6643         return nativeResponseValue;
6644 }
6645 /* @internal */
6646 export interface LDKRoutingMessageHandler {
6647         handle_node_announcement (msg: bigint): bigint;
6648         handle_channel_announcement (msg: bigint): bigint;
6649         handle_channel_update (msg: bigint): bigint;
6650         get_next_channel_announcement (starting_point: bigint): bigint;
6651         get_next_node_announcement (starting_point: number): bigint;
6652         peer_connected (their_node_id: number, init: bigint): void;
6653         handle_reply_channel_range (their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint;
6654         handle_reply_short_channel_ids_end (their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint;
6655         handle_query_channel_range (their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint;
6656         handle_query_short_channel_ids (their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint;
6657         provided_node_features (): bigint;
6658         provided_init_features (their_node_id: number): bigint;
6659 }
6661 /* @internal */
6662 export function LDKRoutingMessageHandler_new(impl: LDKRoutingMessageHandler, MessageSendEventsProvider: number): [bigint, number] {
6663         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6664                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6665         }
6666         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
6667         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
6668                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
6669         }
6670         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
6671         return [wasm.TS_LDKRoutingMessageHandler_new(i, MessageSendEventsProvider), i];
6672 }
6673         // LDKCResult_boolLightningErrorZ RoutingMessageHandler_handle_node_announcement LDKRoutingMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR msg
6674 /* @internal */
6675 export function RoutingMessageHandler_handle_node_announcement(this_arg: bigint, msg: bigint): bigint {
6676         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6677                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6678         }
6679         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingMessageHandler_handle_node_announcement(this_arg, msg);
6680         return nativeResponseValue;
6681 }
6682         // LDKCResult_boolLightningErrorZ RoutingMessageHandler_handle_channel_announcement LDKRoutingMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR msg
6683 /* @internal */
6684 export function RoutingMessageHandler_handle_channel_announcement(this_arg: bigint, msg: bigint): bigint {
6685         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6686                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6687         }
6688         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingMessageHandler_handle_channel_announcement(this_arg, msg);
6689         return nativeResponseValue;
6690 }
6691         // LDKCResult_boolLightningErrorZ RoutingMessageHandler_handle_channel_update LDKRoutingMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR msg
6692 /* @internal */
6693 export function RoutingMessageHandler_handle_channel_update(this_arg: bigint, msg: bigint): bigint {
6694         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6695                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6696         }
6697         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingMessageHandler_handle_channel_update(this_arg, msg);
6698         return nativeResponseValue;
6699 }
6700         // LDKCOption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ RoutingMessageHandler_get_next_channel_announcement LDKRoutingMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, uint64_t starting_point
6701 /* @internal */
6702 export function RoutingMessageHandler_get_next_channel_announcement(this_arg: bigint, starting_point: bigint): bigint {
6703         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6704                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6705         }
6706         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingMessageHandler_get_next_channel_announcement(this_arg, starting_point);
6707         return nativeResponseValue;
6708 }
6709         // LDKNodeAnnouncement RoutingMessageHandler_get_next_node_announcement LDKRoutingMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey starting_point
6710 /* @internal */
6711 export function RoutingMessageHandler_get_next_node_announcement(this_arg: bigint, starting_point: number): bigint {
6712         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6713                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6714         }
6715         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingMessageHandler_get_next_node_announcement(this_arg, starting_point);
6716         return nativeResponseValue;
6717 }
6718         // void RoutingMessageHandler_peer_connected LDKRoutingMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, const struct LDKInit *NONNULL_PTR init
6719 /* @internal */
6720 export function RoutingMessageHandler_peer_connected(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, init: bigint): void {
6721         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6722                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6723         }
6724         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingMessageHandler_peer_connected(this_arg, their_node_id, init);
6725         // debug statements here
6726 }
6727         // LDKCResult_NoneLightningErrorZ RoutingMessageHandler_handle_reply_channel_range LDKRoutingMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, struct LDKReplyChannelRange msg
6728 /* @internal */
6729 export function RoutingMessageHandler_handle_reply_channel_range(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint {
6730         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6731                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6732         }
6733         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingMessageHandler_handle_reply_channel_range(this_arg, their_node_id, msg);
6734         return nativeResponseValue;
6735 }
6736         // LDKCResult_NoneLightningErrorZ RoutingMessageHandler_handle_reply_short_channel_ids_end LDKRoutingMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, struct LDKReplyShortChannelIdsEnd msg
6737 /* @internal */
6738 export function RoutingMessageHandler_handle_reply_short_channel_ids_end(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint {
6739         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6740                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6741         }
6742         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingMessageHandler_handle_reply_short_channel_ids_end(this_arg, their_node_id, msg);
6743         return nativeResponseValue;
6744 }
6745         // LDKCResult_NoneLightningErrorZ RoutingMessageHandler_handle_query_channel_range LDKRoutingMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, struct LDKQueryChannelRange msg
6746 /* @internal */
6747 export function RoutingMessageHandler_handle_query_channel_range(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint {
6748         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6749                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6750         }
6751         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingMessageHandler_handle_query_channel_range(this_arg, their_node_id, msg);
6752         return nativeResponseValue;
6753 }
6754         // LDKCResult_NoneLightningErrorZ RoutingMessageHandler_handle_query_short_channel_ids LDKRoutingMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, struct LDKQueryShortChannelIds msg
6755 /* @internal */
6756 export function RoutingMessageHandler_handle_query_short_channel_ids(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint {
6757         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6758                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6759         }
6760         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingMessageHandler_handle_query_short_channel_ids(this_arg, their_node_id, msg);
6761         return nativeResponseValue;
6762 }
6763         // LDKNodeFeatures RoutingMessageHandler_provided_node_features LDKRoutingMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
6764 /* @internal */
6765 export function RoutingMessageHandler_provided_node_features(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
6766         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6767                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6768         }
6769         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingMessageHandler_provided_node_features(this_arg);
6770         return nativeResponseValue;
6771 }
6772         // LDKInitFeatures RoutingMessageHandler_provided_init_features LDKRoutingMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id
6773 /* @internal */
6774 export function RoutingMessageHandler_provided_init_features(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number): bigint {
6775         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6776                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6777         }
6778         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingMessageHandler_provided_init_features(this_arg, their_node_id);
6779         return nativeResponseValue;
6780 }
6781 /* @internal */
6782 export interface LDKOnionMessageHandler {
6783         handle_onion_message (peer_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void;
6784         peer_connected (their_node_id: number, init: bigint): void;
6785         peer_disconnected (their_node_id: number, no_connection_possible: boolean): void;
6786         provided_node_features (): bigint;
6787         provided_init_features (their_node_id: number): bigint;
6788 }
6790 /* @internal */
6791 export function LDKOnionMessageHandler_new(impl: LDKOnionMessageHandler, OnionMessageProvider: number): [bigint, number] {
6792         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6793                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6794         }
6795         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
6796         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
6797                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
6798         }
6799         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
6800         return [wasm.TS_LDKOnionMessageHandler_new(i, OnionMessageProvider), i];
6801 }
6802         // void OnionMessageHandler_handle_onion_message LDKOnionMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey peer_node_id, const struct LDKOnionMessage *NONNULL_PTR msg
6803 /* @internal */
6804 export function OnionMessageHandler_handle_onion_message(this_arg: bigint, peer_node_id: number, msg: bigint): void {
6805         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6806                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6807         }
6808         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OnionMessageHandler_handle_onion_message(this_arg, peer_node_id, msg);
6809         // debug statements here
6810 }
6811         // void OnionMessageHandler_peer_connected LDKOnionMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, const struct LDKInit *NONNULL_PTR init
6812 /* @internal */
6813 export function OnionMessageHandler_peer_connected(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, init: bigint): void {
6814         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6815                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6816         }
6817         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OnionMessageHandler_peer_connected(this_arg, their_node_id, init);
6818         // debug statements here
6819 }
6820         // void OnionMessageHandler_peer_disconnected LDKOnionMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, bool no_connection_possible
6821 /* @internal */
6822 export function OnionMessageHandler_peer_disconnected(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, no_connection_possible: boolean): void {
6823         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6824                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6825         }
6826         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OnionMessageHandler_peer_disconnected(this_arg, their_node_id, no_connection_possible);
6827         // debug statements here
6828 }
6829         // LDKNodeFeatures OnionMessageHandler_provided_node_features LDKOnionMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
6830 /* @internal */
6831 export function OnionMessageHandler_provided_node_features(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
6832         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6833                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6834         }
6835         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OnionMessageHandler_provided_node_features(this_arg);
6836         return nativeResponseValue;
6837 }
6838         // LDKInitFeatures OnionMessageHandler_provided_init_features LDKOnionMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id
6839 /* @internal */
6840 export function OnionMessageHandler_provided_init_features(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number): bigint {
6841         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6842                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6843         }
6844         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OnionMessageHandler_provided_init_features(this_arg, their_node_id);
6845         return nativeResponseValue;
6846 }
6847 /* @internal */
6848 export interface LDKCustomMessageReader {
6849         read (message_type: number, buffer: number): bigint;
6850 }
6852 /* @internal */
6853 export function LDKCustomMessageReader_new(impl: LDKCustomMessageReader): [bigint, number] {
6854         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6855                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6856         }
6857         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
6858         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
6859                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
6860         }
6861         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
6862         return [wasm.TS_LDKCustomMessageReader_new(i), i];
6863 }
6864         // LDKCResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ CustomMessageReader_read LDKCustomMessageReader *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, uint16_t message_type, struct LDKu8slice buffer
6865 /* @internal */
6866 export function CustomMessageReader_read(this_arg: bigint, message_type: number, buffer: number): bigint {
6867         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6868                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6869         }
6870         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CustomMessageReader_read(this_arg, message_type, buffer);
6871         return nativeResponseValue;
6872 }
6873 /* @internal */
6874 export interface LDKCustomMessageHandler {
6875         handle_custom_message (msg: bigint, sender_node_id: number): bigint;
6876         get_and_clear_pending_msg (): number;
6877 }
6879 /* @internal */
6880 export function LDKCustomMessageHandler_new(impl: LDKCustomMessageHandler, CustomMessageReader: number): [bigint, number] {
6881         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6882                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6883         }
6884         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
6885         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
6886                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
6887         }
6888         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
6889         return [wasm.TS_LDKCustomMessageHandler_new(i, CustomMessageReader), i];
6890 }
6891         // LDKCResult_NoneLightningErrorZ CustomMessageHandler_handle_custom_message LDKCustomMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKType msg, struct LDKPublicKey sender_node_id
6892 /* @internal */
6893 export function CustomMessageHandler_handle_custom_message(this_arg: bigint, msg: bigint, sender_node_id: number): bigint {
6894         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6895                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6896         }
6897         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CustomMessageHandler_handle_custom_message(this_arg, msg, sender_node_id);
6898         return nativeResponseValue;
6899 }
6900         // LDKCVec_C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZZ CustomMessageHandler_get_and_clear_pending_msg LDKCustomMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
6901 /* @internal */
6902 export function CustomMessageHandler_get_and_clear_pending_msg(this_arg: bigint): number {
6903         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6904                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6905         }
6906         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CustomMessageHandler_get_and_clear_pending_msg(this_arg);
6907         return nativeResponseValue;
6908 }
6909 /* @internal */
6910 export interface LDKSocketDescriptor {
6911         send_data (data: number, resume_read: boolean): number;
6912         disconnect_socket (): void;
6913         eq (other_arg: bigint): boolean;
6914         hash (): bigint;
6915 }
6917 /* @internal */
6918 export function LDKSocketDescriptor_new(impl: LDKSocketDescriptor): [bigint, number] {
6919         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6920                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6921         }
6922         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
6923         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
6924                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
6925         }
6926         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
6927         return [wasm.TS_LDKSocketDescriptor_new(i), i];
6928 }
6929         // uintptr_t SocketDescriptor_send_data LDKSocketDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKu8slice data, bool resume_read
6930 /* @internal */
6931 export function SocketDescriptor_send_data(this_arg: bigint, data: number, resume_read: boolean): number {
6932         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6933                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6934         }
6935         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SocketDescriptor_send_data(this_arg, data, resume_read);
6936         return nativeResponseValue;
6937 }
6938         // void SocketDescriptor_disconnect_socket LDKSocketDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
6939 /* @internal */
6940 export function SocketDescriptor_disconnect_socket(this_arg: bigint): void {
6941         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6942                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6943         }
6944         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SocketDescriptor_disconnect_socket(this_arg);
6945         // debug statements here
6946 }
6947         // uint64_t SocketDescriptor_hash LDKSocketDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
6948 /* @internal */
6949 export function SocketDescriptor_hash(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
6950         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6951                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6952         }
6953         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SocketDescriptor_hash(this_arg);
6954         return nativeResponseValue;
6955 }
6956 /* @internal */
6957 export class LDKEffectiveCapacity {
6958         protected constructor() {}
6959 }
6960 /* @internal */
6961 export function LDKEffectiveCapacity_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
6962         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6963                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6964         }
6965         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEffectiveCapacity_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
6966         return nativeResponseValue;
6967 }
6968 /* @internal */
6969 export function LDKEffectiveCapacity_ExactLiquidity_get_liquidity_msat(ptr: bigint): bigint {
6970         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6971                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6972         }
6973         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEffectiveCapacity_ExactLiquidity_get_liquidity_msat(ptr);
6974         return nativeResponseValue;
6975 }
6976 /* @internal */
6977 export function LDKEffectiveCapacity_MaximumHTLC_get_amount_msat(ptr: bigint): bigint {
6978         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6979                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6980         }
6981         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEffectiveCapacity_MaximumHTLC_get_amount_msat(ptr);
6982         return nativeResponseValue;
6983 }
6984 /* @internal */
6985 export function LDKEffectiveCapacity_Total_get_capacity_msat(ptr: bigint): bigint {
6986         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6987                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6988         }
6989         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEffectiveCapacity_Total_get_capacity_msat(ptr);
6990         return nativeResponseValue;
6991 }
6992 /* @internal */
6993 export function LDKEffectiveCapacity_Total_get_htlc_maximum_msat(ptr: bigint): bigint {
6994         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
6995                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
6996         }
6997         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKEffectiveCapacity_Total_get_htlc_maximum_msat(ptr);
6998         return nativeResponseValue;
6999 }
7000 /* @internal */
7001 export class LDKDestination {
7002         protected constructor() {}
7003 }
7004 /* @internal */
7005 export function LDKDestination_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
7006         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7007                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7008         }
7009         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKDestination_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
7010         return nativeResponseValue;
7011 }
7012 /* @internal */
7013 export function LDKDestination_Node_get_node(ptr: bigint): number {
7014         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7015                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7016         }
7017         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKDestination_Node_get_node(ptr);
7018         return nativeResponseValue;
7019 }
7020 /* @internal */
7021 export function LDKDestination_BlindedRoute_get_blinded_route(ptr: bigint): bigint {
7022         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7023                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7024         }
7025         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKDestination_BlindedRoute_get_blinded_route(ptr);
7026         return nativeResponseValue;
7027 }
7028 /* @internal */
7029 export class LDKFallback {
7030         protected constructor() {}
7031 }
7032 /* @internal */
7033 export function LDKFallback_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
7034         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7035                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7036         }
7037         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKFallback_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
7038         return nativeResponseValue;
7039 }
7040 /* @internal */
7041 export function LDKFallback_SegWitProgram_get_version(ptr: bigint): number {
7042         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7043                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7044         }
7045         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKFallback_SegWitProgram_get_version(ptr);
7046         return nativeResponseValue;
7047 }
7048 /* @internal */
7049 export function LDKFallback_SegWitProgram_get_program(ptr: bigint): number {
7050         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7051                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7052         }
7053         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKFallback_SegWitProgram_get_program(ptr);
7054         return nativeResponseValue;
7055 }
7056 /* @internal */
7057 export function LDKFallback_PubKeyHash_get_pub_key_hash(ptr: bigint): number {
7058         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7059                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7060         }
7061         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKFallback_PubKeyHash_get_pub_key_hash(ptr);
7062         return nativeResponseValue;
7063 }
7064 /* @internal */
7065 export function LDKFallback_ScriptHash_get_script_hash(ptr: bigint): number {
7066         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7067                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7068         }
7069         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKFallback_ScriptHash_get_script_hash(ptr);
7070         return nativeResponseValue;
7071 }
7072 /* @internal */
7073 export interface LDKPayer {
7074         node_id (): number;
7075         first_hops (): number;
7076         send_payment (route: bigint, payment_hash: number, payment_secret: number): bigint;
7077         send_spontaneous_payment (route: bigint, payment_preimage: number): bigint;
7078         retry_payment (route: bigint, payment_id: number): bigint;
7079         abandon_payment (payment_id: number): void;
7080 }
7082 /* @internal */
7083 export function LDKPayer_new(impl: LDKPayer): [bigint, number] {
7084         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7085                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7086         }
7087         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
7088         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
7089                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
7090         }
7091         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
7092         return [wasm.TS_LDKPayer_new(i), i];
7093 }
7094         // LDKPublicKey Payer_node_id LDKPayer *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
7095 /* @internal */
7096 export function Payer_node_id(this_arg: bigint): number {
7097         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7098                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7099         }
7100         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Payer_node_id(this_arg);
7101         return nativeResponseValue;
7102 }
7103         // LDKCVec_ChannelDetailsZ Payer_first_hops LDKPayer *NONNULL_PTR this_arg
7104 /* @internal */
7105 export function Payer_first_hops(this_arg: bigint): number {
7106         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7107                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7108         }
7109         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Payer_first_hops(this_arg);
7110         return nativeResponseValue;
7111 }
7112         // LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ Payer_send_payment LDKPayer *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKRoute *NONNULL_PTR route, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_hash, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_secret
7113 /* @internal */
7114 export function Payer_send_payment(this_arg: bigint, route: bigint, payment_hash: number, payment_secret: number): bigint {
7115         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7116                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7117         }
7118         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Payer_send_payment(this_arg, route, payment_hash, payment_secret);
7119         return nativeResponseValue;
7120 }
7121         // LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ Payer_send_spontaneous_payment LDKPayer *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKRoute *NONNULL_PTR route, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_preimage
7122 /* @internal */
7123 export function Payer_send_spontaneous_payment(this_arg: bigint, route: bigint, payment_preimage: number): bigint {
7124         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7125                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7126         }
7127         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Payer_send_spontaneous_payment(this_arg, route, payment_preimage);
7128         return nativeResponseValue;
7129 }
7130         // LDKCResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ Payer_retry_payment LDKPayer *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKRoute *NONNULL_PTR route, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_id
7131 /* @internal */
7132 export function Payer_retry_payment(this_arg: bigint, route: bigint, payment_id: number): bigint {
7133         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7134                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7135         }
7136         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Payer_retry_payment(this_arg, route, payment_id);
7137         return nativeResponseValue;
7138 }
7139         // void Payer_abandon_payment LDKPayer *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_id
7140 /* @internal */
7141 export function Payer_abandon_payment(this_arg: bigint, payment_id: number): void {
7142         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7143                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7144         }
7145         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Payer_abandon_payment(this_arg, payment_id);
7146         // debug statements here
7147 }
7148 /* @internal */
7149 export interface LDKRouter {
7150         find_route (payer: number, route_params: bigint, payment_hash: number, first_hops: number, inflight_htlcs: bigint): bigint;
7151         notify_payment_path_failed (path: number, short_channel_id: bigint): void;
7152         notify_payment_path_successful (path: number): void;
7153         notify_payment_probe_successful (path: number): void;
7154         notify_payment_probe_failed (path: number, short_channel_id: bigint): void;
7155 }
7157 /* @internal */
7158 export function LDKRouter_new(impl: LDKRouter): [bigint, number] {
7159         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7160                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7161         }
7162         var new_obj_idx = js_objs.length;
7163         for (var i = 0; i < js_objs.length; i++) {
7164                 if (js_objs[i] == null || js_objs[i] == undefined) { new_obj_idx = i; break; }
7165         }
7166         js_objs[i] = new WeakRef(impl);
7167         return [wasm.TS_LDKRouter_new(i), i];
7168 }
7169         // LDKCResult_RouteLightningErrorZ Router_find_route LDKRouter *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey payer, const struct LDKRouteParameters *NONNULL_PTR route_params, const uint8_t (*payment_hash)[32], struct LDKCVec_ChannelDetailsZ *first_hops, struct LDKInFlightHtlcs inflight_htlcs
7170 /* @internal */
7171 export function Router_find_route(this_arg: bigint, payer: number, route_params: bigint, payment_hash: number, first_hops: number, inflight_htlcs: bigint): bigint {
7172         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7173                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7174         }
7175         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Router_find_route(this_arg, payer, route_params, payment_hash, first_hops, inflight_htlcs);
7176         return nativeResponseValue;
7177 }
7178         // void Router_notify_payment_path_failed LDKRouter *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKCVec_RouteHopZ path, uint64_t short_channel_id
7179 /* @internal */
7180 export function Router_notify_payment_path_failed(this_arg: bigint, path: number, short_channel_id: bigint): void {
7181         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7182                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7183         }
7184         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Router_notify_payment_path_failed(this_arg, path, short_channel_id);
7185         // debug statements here
7186 }
7187         // void Router_notify_payment_path_successful LDKRouter *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKCVec_RouteHopZ path
7188 /* @internal */
7189 export function Router_notify_payment_path_successful(this_arg: bigint, path: number): void {
7190         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7191                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7192         }
7193         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Router_notify_payment_path_successful(this_arg, path);
7194         // debug statements here
7195 }
7196         // void Router_notify_payment_probe_successful LDKRouter *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKCVec_RouteHopZ path
7197 /* @internal */
7198 export function Router_notify_payment_probe_successful(this_arg: bigint, path: number): void {
7199         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7200                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7201         }
7202         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Router_notify_payment_probe_successful(this_arg, path);
7203         // debug statements here
7204 }
7205         // void Router_notify_payment_probe_failed LDKRouter *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKCVec_RouteHopZ path, uint64_t short_channel_id
7206 /* @internal */
7207 export function Router_notify_payment_probe_failed(this_arg: bigint, path: number, short_channel_id: bigint): void {
7208         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7209                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7210         }
7211         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Router_notify_payment_probe_failed(this_arg, path, short_channel_id);
7212         // debug statements here
7213 }
7214 /* @internal */
7215 export class LDKRetry {
7216         protected constructor() {}
7217 }
7218 /* @internal */
7219 export function LDKRetry_ty_from_ptr(ptr: bigint): number {
7220         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7221                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7222         }
7223         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKRetry_ty_from_ptr(ptr);
7224         return nativeResponseValue;
7225 }
7226 /* @internal */
7227 export function LDKRetry_Attempts_get_attempts(ptr: bigint): number {
7228         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7229                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7230         }
7231         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LDKRetry_Attempts_get_attempts(ptr);
7232         return nativeResponseValue;
7233 }
7234         // struct LDKStr _ldk_get_compiled_version(void);
7235 /* @internal */
7236 export function _ldk_get_compiled_version(): number {
7237         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7238                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7239         }
7240         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS__ldk_get_compiled_version();
7241         return nativeResponseValue;
7242 }
7243         // struct LDKStr _ldk_c_bindings_get_compiled_version(void);
7244 /* @internal */
7245 export function _ldk_c_bindings_get_compiled_version(): number {
7246         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7247                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7248         }
7249         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS__ldk_c_bindings_get_compiled_version();
7250         return nativeResponseValue;
7251 }
7252         // struct LDKBigEndianScalar BigEndianScalar_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes big_endian_bytes);
7253 /* @internal */
7254 export function BigEndianScalar_new(big_endian_bytes: number): bigint {
7255         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7256                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7257         }
7258         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BigEndianScalar_new(big_endian_bytes);
7259         return nativeResponseValue;
7260 }
7261         // uint64_t Bech32Error_clone_ptr(LDKBech32Error *NONNULL_PTR arg);
7262 /* @internal */
7263 export function Bech32Error_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
7264         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7265                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7266         }
7267         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Bech32Error_clone_ptr(arg);
7268         return nativeResponseValue;
7269 }
7270         // struct LDKBech32Error Bech32Error_clone(const struct LDKBech32Error *NONNULL_PTR orig);
7271 /* @internal */
7272 export function Bech32Error_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
7273         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7274                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7275         }
7276         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Bech32Error_clone(orig);
7277         return nativeResponseValue;
7278 }
7279         // void Bech32Error_free(struct LDKBech32Error o);
7280 /* @internal */
7281 export function Bech32Error_free(o: bigint): void {
7282         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7283                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7284         }
7285         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Bech32Error_free(o);
7286         // debug statements here
7287 }
7288         // void Transaction_free(struct LDKTransaction _res);
7289 /* @internal */
7290 export function Transaction_free(_res: number): void {
7291         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7292                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7293         }
7294         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Transaction_free(_res);
7295         // debug statements here
7296 }
7297         // struct LDKTxOut TxOut_new(struct LDKCVec_u8Z script_pubkey, uint64_t value);
7298 /* @internal */
7299 export function TxOut_new(script_pubkey: number, value: bigint): bigint {
7300         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7301                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7302         }
7303         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxOut_new(script_pubkey, value);
7304         return nativeResponseValue;
7305 }
7306         // void TxOut_free(struct LDKTxOut _res);
7307 /* @internal */
7308 export function TxOut_free(_res: bigint): void {
7309         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7310                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7311         }
7312         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxOut_free(_res);
7313         // debug statements here
7314 }
7315         // uint64_t TxOut_clone_ptr(LDKTxOut *NONNULL_PTR arg);
7316 /* @internal */
7317 export function TxOut_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
7318         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7319                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7320         }
7321         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxOut_clone_ptr(arg);
7322         return nativeResponseValue;
7323 }
7324         // struct LDKTxOut TxOut_clone(const struct LDKTxOut *NONNULL_PTR orig);
7325 /* @internal */
7326 export function TxOut_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
7327         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7328                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7329         }
7330         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxOut_clone(orig);
7331         return nativeResponseValue;
7332 }
7333         // void Str_free(struct LDKStr _res);
7334 /* @internal */
7335 export function Str_free(_res: number): void {
7336         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7337                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7338         }
7339         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Str_free(_res);
7340         // debug statements here
7341 }
7342         // void CVec_PublicKeyZ_free(struct LDKCVec_PublicKeyZ _res);
7343 /* @internal */
7344 export function CVec_PublicKeyZ_free(_res: number): void {
7345         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7346                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7347         }
7348         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_PublicKeyZ_free(_res);
7349         // debug statements here
7350 }
7351         // struct LDKCResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ CResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ_ok(struct LDKBlindedRoute o);
7352 /* @internal */
7353 export function CResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
7354         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7355                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7356         }
7357         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ_ok(o);
7358         return nativeResponseValue;
7359 }
7360         // struct LDKCResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ CResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ_err(void);
7361 /* @internal */
7362 export function CResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ_err(): bigint {
7363         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7364                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7365         }
7366         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ_err();
7367         return nativeResponseValue;
7368 }
7369         // bool CResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
7370 /* @internal */
7371 export function CResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
7372         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7373                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7374         }
7375         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ_is_ok(o);
7376         return nativeResponseValue;
7377 }
7378         // void CResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ_free(struct LDKCResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ _res);
7379 /* @internal */
7380 export function CResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
7381         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7382                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7383         }
7384         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ_free(_res);
7385         // debug statements here
7386 }
7387         // struct LDKCResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ CResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKBlindedRoute o);
7388 /* @internal */
7389 export function CResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
7390         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7391                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7392         }
7393         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
7394         return nativeResponseValue;
7395 }
7396         // struct LDKCResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ CResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
7397 /* @internal */
7398 export function CResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
7399         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7400                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7401         }
7402         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
7403         return nativeResponseValue;
7404 }
7405         // bool CResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
7406 /* @internal */
7407 export function CResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
7408         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7409                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7410         }
7411         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
7412         return nativeResponseValue;
7413 }
7414         // void CResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ _res);
7415 /* @internal */
7416 export function CResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
7417         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7418                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7419         }
7420         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
7421         // debug statements here
7422 }
7423         // struct LDKCResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ CResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKBlindedHop o);
7424 /* @internal */
7425 export function CResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
7426         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7427                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7428         }
7429         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
7430         return nativeResponseValue;
7431 }
7432         // struct LDKCResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ CResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
7433 /* @internal */
7434 export function CResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
7435         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7436                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7437         }
7438         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
7439         return nativeResponseValue;
7440 }
7441         // bool CResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
7442 /* @internal */
7443 export function CResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
7444         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7445                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7446         }
7447         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
7448         return nativeResponseValue;
7449 }
7450         // void CResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ _res);
7451 /* @internal */
7452 export function CResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
7453         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7454                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7455         }
7456         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
7457         // debug statements here
7458 }
7459         // struct LDKCResult_NoneNoneZ CResult_NoneNoneZ_ok(void);
7460 /* @internal */
7461 export function CResult_NoneNoneZ_ok(): bigint {
7462         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7463                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7464         }
7465         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneNoneZ_ok();
7466         return nativeResponseValue;
7467 }
7468         // struct LDKCResult_NoneNoneZ CResult_NoneNoneZ_err(void);
7469 /* @internal */
7470 export function CResult_NoneNoneZ_err(): bigint {
7471         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7472                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7473         }
7474         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneNoneZ_err();
7475         return nativeResponseValue;
7476 }
7477         // bool CResult_NoneNoneZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_NoneNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
7478 /* @internal */
7479 export function CResult_NoneNoneZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
7480         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7481                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7482         }
7483         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneNoneZ_is_ok(o);
7484         return nativeResponseValue;
7485 }
7486         // void CResult_NoneNoneZ_free(struct LDKCResult_NoneNoneZ _res);
7487 /* @internal */
7488 export function CResult_NoneNoneZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
7489         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7490                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7491         }
7492         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneNoneZ_free(_res);
7493         // debug statements here
7494 }
7495         // uint64_t CResult_NoneNoneZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_NoneNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
7496 /* @internal */
7497 export function CResult_NoneNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
7498         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7499                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7500         }
7501         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg);
7502         return nativeResponseValue;
7503 }
7504         // struct LDKCResult_NoneNoneZ CResult_NoneNoneZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_NoneNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
7505 /* @internal */
7506 export function CResult_NoneNoneZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
7507         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7508                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7509         }
7510         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneNoneZ_clone(orig);
7511         return nativeResponseValue;
7512 }
7513         // struct LDKCResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKCounterpartyCommitmentSecrets o);
7514 /* @internal */
7515 export function CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
7516         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7517                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7518         }
7519         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
7520         return nativeResponseValue;
7521 }
7522         // struct LDKCResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
7523 /* @internal */
7524 export function CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
7525         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7526                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7527         }
7528         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
7529         return nativeResponseValue;
7530 }
7531         // bool CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
7532 /* @internal */
7533 export function CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
7534         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7535                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7536         }
7537         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
7538         return nativeResponseValue;
7539 }
7540         // void CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ _res);
7541 /* @internal */
7542 export function CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
7543         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7544                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7545         }
7546         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
7547         // debug statements here
7548 }
7549         // uint64_t CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
7550 /* @internal */
7551 export function CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
7552         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7553                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7554         }
7555         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
7556         return nativeResponseValue;
7557 }
7558         // struct LDKCResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
7559 /* @internal */
7560 export function CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
7561         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7562                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7563         }
7564         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
7565         return nativeResponseValue;
7566 }
7567         // struct LDKCResult_SecretKeyErrorZ CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_ok(struct LDKSecretKey o);
7568 /* @internal */
7569 export function CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_ok(o: number): bigint {
7570         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7571                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7572         }
7573         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_ok(o);
7574         return nativeResponseValue;
7575 }
7576         // struct LDKCResult_SecretKeyErrorZ CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_err(enum LDKSecp256k1Error e);
7577 /* @internal */
7578 export function CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_err(e: Secp256k1Error): bigint {
7579         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7580                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7581         }
7582         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_err(e);
7583         return nativeResponseValue;
7584 }
7585         // bool CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_SecretKeyErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
7586 /* @internal */
7587 export function CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
7588         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7589                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7590         }
7591         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_is_ok(o);
7592         return nativeResponseValue;
7593 }
7594         // void CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_SecretKeyErrorZ _res);
7595 /* @internal */
7596 export function CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
7597         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7598                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7599         }
7600         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_free(_res);
7601         // debug statements here
7602 }
7603         // uint64_t CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_SecretKeyErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
7604 /* @internal */
7605 export function CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
7606         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7607                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7608         }
7609         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
7610         return nativeResponseValue;
7611 }
7612         // struct LDKCResult_SecretKeyErrorZ CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_SecretKeyErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
7613 /* @internal */
7614 export function CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
7615         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7616                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7617         }
7618         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SecretKeyErrorZ_clone(orig);
7619         return nativeResponseValue;
7620 }
7621         // struct LDKCResult_PublicKeyErrorZ CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_ok(struct LDKPublicKey o);
7622 /* @internal */
7623 export function CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_ok(o: number): bigint {
7624         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7625                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7626         }
7627         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_ok(o);
7628         return nativeResponseValue;
7629 }
7630         // struct LDKCResult_PublicKeyErrorZ CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_err(enum LDKSecp256k1Error e);
7631 /* @internal */
7632 export function CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_err(e: Secp256k1Error): bigint {
7633         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7634                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7635         }
7636         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_err(e);
7637         return nativeResponseValue;
7638 }
7639         // bool CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_PublicKeyErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
7640 /* @internal */
7641 export function CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
7642         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7643                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7644         }
7645         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_is_ok(o);
7646         return nativeResponseValue;
7647 }
7648         // void CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_PublicKeyErrorZ _res);
7649 /* @internal */
7650 export function CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
7651         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7652                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7653         }
7654         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_free(_res);
7655         // debug statements here
7656 }
7657         // uint64_t CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_PublicKeyErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
7658 /* @internal */
7659 export function CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
7660         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7661                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7662         }
7663         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
7664         return nativeResponseValue;
7665 }
7666         // struct LDKCResult_PublicKeyErrorZ CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_PublicKeyErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
7667 /* @internal */
7668 export function CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
7669         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7670                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7671         }
7672         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PublicKeyErrorZ_clone(orig);
7673         return nativeResponseValue;
7674 }
7675         // struct LDKCResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKTxCreationKeys o);
7676 /* @internal */
7677 export function CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
7678         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7679                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7680         }
7681         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
7682         return nativeResponseValue;
7683 }
7684         // struct LDKCResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
7685 /* @internal */
7686 export function CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
7687         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7688                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7689         }
7690         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
7691         return nativeResponseValue;
7692 }
7693         // bool CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
7694 /* @internal */
7695 export function CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
7696         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7697                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7698         }
7699         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
7700         return nativeResponseValue;
7701 }
7702         // void CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ _res);
7703 /* @internal */
7704 export function CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
7705         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7706                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7707         }
7708         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
7709         // debug statements here
7710 }
7711         // uint64_t CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
7712 /* @internal */
7713 export function CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
7714         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7715                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7716         }
7717         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
7718         return nativeResponseValue;
7719 }
7720         // struct LDKCResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
7721 /* @internal */
7722 export function CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
7723         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7724                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7725         }
7726         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
7727         return nativeResponseValue;
7728 }
7729         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKChannelPublicKeys o);
7730 /* @internal */
7731 export function CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
7732         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7733                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7734         }
7735         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
7736         return nativeResponseValue;
7737 }
7738         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
7739 /* @internal */
7740 export function CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
7741         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7742                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7743         }
7744         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
7745         return nativeResponseValue;
7746 }
7747         // bool CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
7748 /* @internal */
7749 export function CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
7750         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7751                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7752         }
7753         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
7754         return nativeResponseValue;
7755 }
7756         // void CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ _res);
7757 /* @internal */
7758 export function CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
7759         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7760                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7761         }
7762         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
7763         // debug statements here
7764 }
7765         // uint64_t CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
7766 /* @internal */
7767 export function CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
7768         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7769                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7770         }
7771         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
7772         return nativeResponseValue;
7773 }
7774         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
7775 /* @internal */
7776 export function CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
7777         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7778                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7779         }
7780         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
7781         return nativeResponseValue;
7782 }
7783         // struct LDKCResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_ok(struct LDKTxCreationKeys o);
7784 /* @internal */
7785 export function CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
7786         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7787                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7788         }
7789         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_ok(o);
7790         return nativeResponseValue;
7791 }
7792         // struct LDKCResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_err(enum LDKSecp256k1Error e);
7793 /* @internal */
7794 export function CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_err(e: Secp256k1Error): bigint {
7795         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7796                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7797         }
7798         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_err(e);
7799         return nativeResponseValue;
7800 }
7801         // bool CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
7802 /* @internal */
7803 export function CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
7804         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7805                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7806         }
7807         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_is_ok(o);
7808         return nativeResponseValue;
7809 }
7810         // void CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ _res);
7811 /* @internal */
7812 export function CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
7813         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7814                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7815         }
7816         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_free(_res);
7817         // debug statements here
7818 }
7819         // uint64_t CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
7820 /* @internal */
7821 export function CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
7822         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7823                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7824         }
7825         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
7826         return nativeResponseValue;
7827 }
7828         // struct LDKCResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
7829 /* @internal */
7830 export function CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
7831         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7832                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7833         }
7834         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ_clone(orig);
7835         return nativeResponseValue;
7836 }
7837         // struct LDKCOption_u32Z COption_u32Z_some(uint32_t o);
7838 /* @internal */
7839 export function COption_u32Z_some(o: number): bigint {
7840         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7841                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7842         }
7843         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_u32Z_some(o);
7844         return nativeResponseValue;
7845 }
7846         // struct LDKCOption_u32Z COption_u32Z_none(void);
7847 /* @internal */
7848 export function COption_u32Z_none(): bigint {
7849         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7850                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7851         }
7852         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_u32Z_none();
7853         return nativeResponseValue;
7854 }
7855         // void COption_u32Z_free(struct LDKCOption_u32Z _res);
7856 /* @internal */
7857 export function COption_u32Z_free(_res: bigint): void {
7858         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7859                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7860         }
7861         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_u32Z_free(_res);
7862         // debug statements here
7863 }
7864         // uint64_t COption_u32Z_clone_ptr(LDKCOption_u32Z *NONNULL_PTR arg);
7865 /* @internal */
7866 export function COption_u32Z_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
7867         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7868                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7869         }
7870         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_u32Z_clone_ptr(arg);
7871         return nativeResponseValue;
7872 }
7873         // struct LDKCOption_u32Z COption_u32Z_clone(const struct LDKCOption_u32Z *NONNULL_PTR orig);
7874 /* @internal */
7875 export function COption_u32Z_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
7876         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7877                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7878         }
7879         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_u32Z_clone(orig);
7880         return nativeResponseValue;
7881 }
7882         // struct LDKCResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment o);
7883 /* @internal */
7884 export function CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
7885         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7886                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7887         }
7888         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
7889         return nativeResponseValue;
7890 }
7891         // struct LDKCResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
7892 /* @internal */
7893 export function CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
7894         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7895                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7896         }
7897         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
7898         return nativeResponseValue;
7899 }
7900         // bool CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
7901 /* @internal */
7902 export function CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
7903         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7904                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7905         }
7906         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
7907         return nativeResponseValue;
7908 }
7909         // void CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ _res);
7910 /* @internal */
7911 export function CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
7912         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7913                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7914         }
7915         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
7916         // debug statements here
7917 }
7918         // uint64_t CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
7919 /* @internal */
7920 export function CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
7921         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7922                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7923         }
7924         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
7925         return nativeResponseValue;
7926 }
7927         // struct LDKCResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
7928 /* @internal */
7929 export function CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
7930         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7931                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7932         }
7933         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
7934         return nativeResponseValue;
7935 }
7936         // enum LDKCOption_NoneZ COption_NoneZ_some(void);
7937 /* @internal */
7938 export function COption_NoneZ_some(): COption_NoneZ {
7939         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7940                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7941         }
7942         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_NoneZ_some();
7943         return nativeResponseValue;
7944 }
7945         // enum LDKCOption_NoneZ COption_NoneZ_none(void);
7946 /* @internal */
7947 export function COption_NoneZ_none(): COption_NoneZ {
7948         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7949                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7950         }
7951         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_NoneZ_none();
7952         return nativeResponseValue;
7953 }
7954         // void COption_NoneZ_free(enum LDKCOption_NoneZ _res);
7955 /* @internal */
7956 export function COption_NoneZ_free(_res: COption_NoneZ): void {
7957         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7958                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7959         }
7960         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_NoneZ_free(_res);
7961         // debug statements here
7962 }
7963         // struct LDKCResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKCounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters o);
7964 /* @internal */
7965 export function CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
7966         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7967                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7968         }
7969         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
7970         return nativeResponseValue;
7971 }
7972         // struct LDKCResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
7973 /* @internal */
7974 export function CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
7975         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7976                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7977         }
7978         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
7979         return nativeResponseValue;
7980 }
7981         // bool CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
7982 /* @internal */
7983 export function CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
7984         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7985                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7986         }
7987         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
7988         return nativeResponseValue;
7989 }
7990         // void CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ _res);
7991 /* @internal */
7992 export function CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
7993         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
7994                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
7995         }
7996         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
7997         // debug statements here
7998 }
7999         // uint64_t CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
8000 /* @internal */
8001 export function CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
8002         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8003                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8004         }
8005         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
8006         return nativeResponseValue;
8007 }
8008         // struct LDKCResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
8009 /* @internal */
8010 export function CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
8011         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8012                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8013         }
8014         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
8015         return nativeResponseValue;
8016 }
8017         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters o);
8018 /* @internal */
8019 export function CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
8020         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8021                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8022         }
8023         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
8024         return nativeResponseValue;
8025 }
8026         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
8027 /* @internal */
8028 export function CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
8029         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8030                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8031         }
8032         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
8033         return nativeResponseValue;
8034 }
8035         // bool CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
8036 /* @internal */
8037 export function CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
8038         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8039                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8040         }
8041         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
8042         return nativeResponseValue;
8043 }
8044         // void CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ _res);
8045 /* @internal */
8046 export function CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
8047         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8048                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8049         }
8050         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
8051         // debug statements here
8052 }
8053         // uint64_t CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
8054 /* @internal */
8055 export function CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
8056         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8057                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8058         }
8059         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
8060         return nativeResponseValue;
8061 }
8062         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
8063 /* @internal */
8064 export function CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
8065         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8066                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8067         }
8068         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
8069         return nativeResponseValue;
8070 }
8071         // void CVec_SignatureZ_free(struct LDKCVec_SignatureZ _res);
8072 /* @internal */
8073 export function CVec_SignatureZ_free(_res: number): void {
8074         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8075                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8076         }
8077         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_SignatureZ_free(_res);
8078         // debug statements here
8079 }
8080         // struct LDKCResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKHolderCommitmentTransaction o);
8081 /* @internal */
8082 export function CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
8083         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8084                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8085         }
8086         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
8087         return nativeResponseValue;
8088 }
8089         // struct LDKCResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
8090 /* @internal */
8091 export function CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
8092         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8093                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8094         }
8095         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
8096         return nativeResponseValue;
8097 }
8098         // bool CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
8099 /* @internal */
8100 export function CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
8101         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8102                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8103         }
8104         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
8105         return nativeResponseValue;
8106 }
8107         // void CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ _res);
8108 /* @internal */
8109 export function CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
8110         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8111                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8112         }
8113         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
8114         // debug statements here
8115 }
8116         // uint64_t CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
8117 /* @internal */
8118 export function CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
8119         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8120                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8121         }
8122         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
8123         return nativeResponseValue;
8124 }
8125         // struct LDKCResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
8126 /* @internal */
8127 export function CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
8128         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8129                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8130         }
8131         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
8132         return nativeResponseValue;
8133 }
8134         // struct LDKCResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKBuiltCommitmentTransaction o);
8135 /* @internal */
8136 export function CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
8137         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8138                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8139         }
8140         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
8141         return nativeResponseValue;
8142 }
8143         // struct LDKCResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
8144 /* @internal */
8145 export function CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
8146         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8147                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8148         }
8149         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
8150         return nativeResponseValue;
8151 }
8152         // bool CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
8153 /* @internal */
8154 export function CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
8155         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8156                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8157         }
8158         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
8159         return nativeResponseValue;
8160 }
8161         // void CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ _res);
8162 /* @internal */
8163 export function CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
8164         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8165                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8166         }
8167         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
8168         // debug statements here
8169 }
8170         // uint64_t CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
8171 /* @internal */
8172 export function CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
8173         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8174                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8175         }
8176         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
8177         return nativeResponseValue;
8178 }
8179         // struct LDKCResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
8180 /* @internal */
8181 export function CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
8182         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8183                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8184         }
8185         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
8186         return nativeResponseValue;
8187 }
8188         // struct LDKCResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ CResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ_ok(struct LDKTrustedClosingTransaction o);
8189 /* @internal */
8190 export function CResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
8191         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8192                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8193         }
8194         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ_ok(o);
8195         return nativeResponseValue;
8196 }
8197         // struct LDKCResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ CResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ_err(void);
8198 /* @internal */
8199 export function CResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ_err(): bigint {
8200         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8201                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8202         }
8203         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ_err();
8204         return nativeResponseValue;
8205 }
8206         // bool CResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
8207 /* @internal */
8208 export function CResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
8209         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8210                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8211         }
8212         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ_is_ok(o);
8213         return nativeResponseValue;
8214 }
8215         // void CResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ_free(struct LDKCResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ _res);
8216 /* @internal */
8217 export function CResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
8218         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8219                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8220         }
8221         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ_free(_res);
8222         // debug statements here
8223 }
8224         // struct LDKCResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKCommitmentTransaction o);
8225 /* @internal */
8226 export function CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
8227         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8228                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8229         }
8230         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
8231         return nativeResponseValue;
8232 }
8233         // struct LDKCResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
8234 /* @internal */
8235 export function CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
8236         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8237                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8238         }
8239         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
8240         return nativeResponseValue;
8241 }
8242         // bool CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
8243 /* @internal */
8244 export function CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
8245         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8246                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8247         }
8248         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
8249         return nativeResponseValue;
8250 }
8251         // void CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ _res);
8252 /* @internal */
8253 export function CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
8254         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8255                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8256         }
8257         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
8258         // debug statements here
8259 }
8260         // uint64_t CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
8261 /* @internal */
8262 export function CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
8263         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8264                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8265         }
8266         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
8267         return nativeResponseValue;
8268 }
8269         // struct LDKCResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
8270 /* @internal */
8271 export function CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
8272         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8273                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8274         }
8275         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
8276         return nativeResponseValue;
8277 }
8278         // struct LDKCResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ CResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ_ok(struct LDKTrustedCommitmentTransaction o);
8279 /* @internal */
8280 export function CResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
8281         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8282                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8283         }
8284         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ_ok(o);
8285         return nativeResponseValue;
8286 }
8287         // struct LDKCResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ CResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ_err(void);
8288 /* @internal */
8289 export function CResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ_err(): bigint {
8290         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8291                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8292         }
8293         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ_err();
8294         return nativeResponseValue;
8295 }
8296         // bool CResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
8297 /* @internal */
8298 export function CResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
8299         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8300                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8301         }
8302         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ_is_ok(o);
8303         return nativeResponseValue;
8304 }
8305         // void CResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ_free(struct LDKCResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ _res);
8306 /* @internal */
8307 export function CResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
8308         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8309                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8310         }
8311         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ_free(_res);
8312         // debug statements here
8313 }
8314         // struct LDKCResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_ok(struct LDKCVec_SignatureZ o);
8315 /* @internal */
8316 export function CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_ok(o: number): bigint {
8317         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8318                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8319         }
8320         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_ok(o);
8321         return nativeResponseValue;
8322 }
8323         // struct LDKCResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_err(void);
8324 /* @internal */
8325 export function CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_err(): bigint {
8326         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8327                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8328         }
8329         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_err();
8330         return nativeResponseValue;
8331 }
8332         // bool CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
8333 /* @internal */
8334 export function CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
8335         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8336                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8337         }
8338         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_is_ok(o);
8339         return nativeResponseValue;
8340 }
8341         // void CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_free(struct LDKCResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ _res);
8342 /* @internal */
8343 export function CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
8344         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8345                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8346         }
8347         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_free(_res);
8348         // debug statements here
8349 }
8350         // uint64_t CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
8351 /* @internal */
8352 export function CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
8353         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8354                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8355         }
8356         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg);
8357         return nativeResponseValue;
8358 }
8359         // struct LDKCResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
8360 /* @internal */
8361 export function CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
8362         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8363                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8364         }
8365         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ_clone(orig);
8366         return nativeResponseValue;
8367 }
8368         // struct LDKCResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKShutdownScript o);
8369 /* @internal */
8370 export function CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
8371         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8372                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8373         }
8374         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
8375         return nativeResponseValue;
8376 }
8377         // struct LDKCResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
8378 /* @internal */
8379 export function CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
8380         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8381                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8382         }
8383         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
8384         return nativeResponseValue;
8385 }
8386         // bool CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
8387 /* @internal */
8388 export function CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
8389         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8390                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8391         }
8392         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
8393         return nativeResponseValue;
8394 }
8395         // void CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ _res);
8396 /* @internal */
8397 export function CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
8398         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8399                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8400         }
8401         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
8402         // debug statements here
8403 }
8404         // uint64_t CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
8405 /* @internal */
8406 export function CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
8407         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8408                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8409         }
8410         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
8411         return nativeResponseValue;
8412 }
8413         // struct LDKCResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
8414 /* @internal */
8415 export function CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
8416         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8417                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8418         }
8419         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
8420         return nativeResponseValue;
8421 }
8422         // struct LDKCResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_ok(struct LDKShutdownScript o);
8423 /* @internal */
8424 export function CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
8425         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8426                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8427         }
8428         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_ok(o);
8429         return nativeResponseValue;
8430 }
8431         // struct LDKCResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_err(struct LDKInvalidShutdownScript e);
8432 /* @internal */
8433 export function CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
8434         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8435                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8436         }
8437         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_err(e);
8438         return nativeResponseValue;
8439 }
8440         // bool CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
8441 /* @internal */
8442 export function CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
8443         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8444                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8445         }
8446         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_is_ok(o);
8447         return nativeResponseValue;
8448 }
8449         // void CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ _res);
8450 /* @internal */
8451 export function CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
8452         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8453                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8454         }
8455         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_free(_res);
8456         // debug statements here
8457 }
8458         // uint64_t CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
8459 /* @internal */
8460 export function CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
8461         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8462                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8463         }
8464         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_clone_ptr(arg);
8465         return nativeResponseValue;
8466 }
8467         // struct LDKCResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
8468 /* @internal */
8469 export function CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
8470         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8471                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8472         }
8473         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ_clone(orig);
8474         return nativeResponseValue;
8475 }
8476         // struct LDKCResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKRouteHop o);
8477 /* @internal */
8478 export function CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
8479         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8480                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8481         }
8482         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
8483         return nativeResponseValue;
8484 }
8485         // struct LDKCResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
8486 /* @internal */
8487 export function CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
8488         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8489                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8490         }
8491         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
8492         return nativeResponseValue;
8493 }
8494         // bool CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
8495 /* @internal */
8496 export function CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
8497         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8498                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8499         }
8500         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
8501         return nativeResponseValue;
8502 }
8503         // void CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ _res);
8504 /* @internal */
8505 export function CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
8506         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8507                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8508         }
8509         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
8510         // debug statements here
8511 }
8512         // uint64_t CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
8513 /* @internal */
8514 export function CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
8515         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8516                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8517         }
8518         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
8519         return nativeResponseValue;
8520 }
8521         // struct LDKCResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
8522 /* @internal */
8523 export function CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
8524         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8525                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8526         }
8527         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
8528         return nativeResponseValue;
8529 }
8530         // void CVec_RouteHopZ_free(struct LDKCVec_RouteHopZ _res);
8531 /* @internal */
8532 export function CVec_RouteHopZ_free(_res: number): void {
8533         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8534                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8535         }
8536         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_RouteHopZ_free(_res);
8537         // debug statements here
8538 }
8539         // void CVec_CVec_RouteHopZZ_free(struct LDKCVec_CVec_RouteHopZZ _res);
8540 /* @internal */
8541 export function CVec_CVec_RouteHopZZ_free(_res: number): void {
8542         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8543                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8544         }
8545         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_CVec_RouteHopZZ_free(_res);
8546         // debug statements here
8547 }
8548         // struct LDKCResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKRoute o);
8549 /* @internal */
8550 export function CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
8551         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8552                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8553         }
8554         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
8555         return nativeResponseValue;
8556 }
8557         // struct LDKCResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
8558 /* @internal */
8559 export function CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
8560         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8561                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8562         }
8563         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
8564         return nativeResponseValue;
8565 }
8566         // bool CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
8567 /* @internal */
8568 export function CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
8569         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8570                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8571         }
8572         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
8573         return nativeResponseValue;
8574 }
8575         // void CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ _res);
8576 /* @internal */
8577 export function CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
8578         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8579                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8580         }
8581         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
8582         // debug statements here
8583 }
8584         // uint64_t CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
8585 /* @internal */
8586 export function CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
8587         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8588                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8589         }
8590         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
8591         return nativeResponseValue;
8592 }
8593         // struct LDKCResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
8594 /* @internal */
8595 export function CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
8596         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8597                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8598         }
8599         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
8600         return nativeResponseValue;
8601 }
8602         // struct LDKCResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKRouteParameters o);
8603 /* @internal */
8604 export function CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
8605         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8606                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8607         }
8608         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
8609         return nativeResponseValue;
8610 }
8611         // struct LDKCResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
8612 /* @internal */
8613 export function CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
8614         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8615                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8616         }
8617         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
8618         return nativeResponseValue;
8619 }
8620         // bool CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
8621 /* @internal */
8622 export function CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
8623         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8624                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8625         }
8626         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
8627         return nativeResponseValue;
8628 }
8629         // void CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ _res);
8630 /* @internal */
8631 export function CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
8632         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8633                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8634         }
8635         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
8636         // debug statements here
8637 }
8638         // uint64_t CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
8639 /* @internal */
8640 export function CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
8641         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8642                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8643         }
8644         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
8645         return nativeResponseValue;
8646 }
8647         // struct LDKCResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
8648 /* @internal */
8649 export function CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
8650         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8651                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8652         }
8653         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
8654         return nativeResponseValue;
8655 }
8656         // void CVec_RouteHintZ_free(struct LDKCVec_RouteHintZ _res);
8657 /* @internal */
8658 export function CVec_RouteHintZ_free(_res: number): void {
8659         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8660                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8661         }
8662         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_RouteHintZ_free(_res);
8663         // debug statements here
8664 }
8665         // struct LDKCOption_u64Z COption_u64Z_some(uint64_t o);
8666 /* @internal */
8667 export function COption_u64Z_some(o: bigint): bigint {
8668         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8669                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8670         }
8671         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_u64Z_some(o);
8672         return nativeResponseValue;
8673 }
8674         // struct LDKCOption_u64Z COption_u64Z_none(void);
8675 /* @internal */
8676 export function COption_u64Z_none(): bigint {
8677         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8678                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8679         }
8680         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_u64Z_none();
8681         return nativeResponseValue;
8682 }
8683         // void COption_u64Z_free(struct LDKCOption_u64Z _res);
8684 /* @internal */
8685 export function COption_u64Z_free(_res: bigint): void {
8686         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8687                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8688         }
8689         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_u64Z_free(_res);
8690         // debug statements here
8691 }
8692         // uint64_t COption_u64Z_clone_ptr(LDKCOption_u64Z *NONNULL_PTR arg);
8693 /* @internal */
8694 export function COption_u64Z_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
8695         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8696                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8697         }
8698         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_u64Z_clone_ptr(arg);
8699         return nativeResponseValue;
8700 }
8701         // struct LDKCOption_u64Z COption_u64Z_clone(const struct LDKCOption_u64Z *NONNULL_PTR orig);
8702 /* @internal */
8703 export function COption_u64Z_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
8704         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8705                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8706         }
8707         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_u64Z_clone(orig);
8708         return nativeResponseValue;
8709 }
8710         // void CVec_u64Z_free(struct LDKCVec_u64Z _res);
8711 /* @internal */
8712 export function CVec_u64Z_free(_res: number): void {
8713         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8714                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8715         }
8716         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_u64Z_free(_res);
8717         // debug statements here
8718 }
8719         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKPaymentParameters o);
8720 /* @internal */
8721 export function CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
8722         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8723                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8724         }
8725         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
8726         return nativeResponseValue;
8727 }
8728         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
8729 /* @internal */
8730 export function CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
8731         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8732                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8733         }
8734         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
8735         return nativeResponseValue;
8736 }
8737         // bool CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
8738 /* @internal */
8739 export function CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
8740         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8741                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8742         }
8743         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
8744         return nativeResponseValue;
8745 }
8746         // void CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ _res);
8747 /* @internal */
8748 export function CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
8749         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8750                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8751         }
8752         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
8753         // debug statements here
8754 }
8755         // uint64_t CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
8756 /* @internal */
8757 export function CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
8758         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8759                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8760         }
8761         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
8762         return nativeResponseValue;
8763 }
8764         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
8765 /* @internal */
8766 export function CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
8767         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8768                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8769         }
8770         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
8771         return nativeResponseValue;
8772 }
8773         // void CVec_RouteHintHopZ_free(struct LDKCVec_RouteHintHopZ _res);
8774 /* @internal */
8775 export function CVec_RouteHintHopZ_free(_res: number): void {
8776         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8777                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8778         }
8779         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_RouteHintHopZ_free(_res);
8780         // debug statements here
8781 }
8782         // struct LDKCResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKRouteHint o);
8783 /* @internal */
8784 export function CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
8785         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8786                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8787         }
8788         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
8789         return nativeResponseValue;
8790 }
8791         // struct LDKCResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
8792 /* @internal */
8793 export function CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
8794         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8795                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8796         }
8797         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
8798         return nativeResponseValue;
8799 }
8800         // bool CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
8801 /* @internal */
8802 export function CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
8803         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8804                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8805         }
8806         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
8807         return nativeResponseValue;
8808 }
8809         // void CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ _res);
8810 /* @internal */
8811 export function CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
8812         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8813                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8814         }
8815         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
8816         // debug statements here
8817 }
8818         // uint64_t CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
8819 /* @internal */
8820 export function CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
8821         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8822                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8823         }
8824         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
8825         return nativeResponseValue;
8826 }
8827         // struct LDKCResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
8828 /* @internal */
8829 export function CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
8830         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8831                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8832         }
8833         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
8834         return nativeResponseValue;
8835 }
8836         // struct LDKCResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKRouteHintHop o);
8837 /* @internal */
8838 export function CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
8839         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8840                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8841         }
8842         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
8843         return nativeResponseValue;
8844 }
8845         // struct LDKCResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
8846 /* @internal */
8847 export function CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
8848         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8849                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8850         }
8851         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
8852         return nativeResponseValue;
8853 }
8854         // bool CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
8855 /* @internal */
8856 export function CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
8857         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8858                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8859         }
8860         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
8861         return nativeResponseValue;
8862 }
8863         // void CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ _res);
8864 /* @internal */
8865 export function CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
8866         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8867                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8868         }
8869         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
8870         // debug statements here
8871 }
8872         // uint64_t CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
8873 /* @internal */
8874 export function CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
8875         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8876                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8877         }
8878         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
8879         return nativeResponseValue;
8880 }
8881         // struct LDKCResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
8882 /* @internal */
8883 export function CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
8884         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8885                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8886         }
8887         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
8888         return nativeResponseValue;
8889 }
8890         // void CVec_ChannelDetailsZ_free(struct LDKCVec_ChannelDetailsZ _res);
8891 /* @internal */
8892 export function CVec_ChannelDetailsZ_free(_res: number): void {
8893         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8894                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8895         }
8896         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_ChannelDetailsZ_free(_res);
8897         // debug statements here
8898 }
8899         // struct LDKCResult_RouteLightningErrorZ CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_ok(struct LDKRoute o);
8900 /* @internal */
8901 export function CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
8902         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8903                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8904         }
8905         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_ok(o);
8906         return nativeResponseValue;
8907 }
8908         // struct LDKCResult_RouteLightningErrorZ CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_err(struct LDKLightningError e);
8909 /* @internal */
8910 export function CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
8911         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8912                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8913         }
8914         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_err(e);
8915         return nativeResponseValue;
8916 }
8917         // bool CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_RouteLightningErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
8918 /* @internal */
8919 export function CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
8920         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8921                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8922         }
8923         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_is_ok(o);
8924         return nativeResponseValue;
8925 }
8926         // void CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_RouteLightningErrorZ _res);
8927 /* @internal */
8928 export function CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
8929         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8930                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8931         }
8932         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_free(_res);
8933         // debug statements here
8934 }
8935         // uint64_t CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_RouteLightningErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
8936 /* @internal */
8937 export function CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
8938         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8939                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8940         }
8941         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
8942         return nativeResponseValue;
8943 }
8944         // struct LDKCResult_RouteLightningErrorZ CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_RouteLightningErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
8945 /* @internal */
8946 export function CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
8947         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8948                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8949         }
8950         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RouteLightningErrorZ_clone(orig);
8951         return nativeResponseValue;
8952 }
8953         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKPaymentPurpose o);
8954 /* @internal */
8955 export function CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
8956         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8957                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8958         }
8959         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
8960         return nativeResponseValue;
8961 }
8962         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
8963 /* @internal */
8964 export function CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
8965         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8966                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8967         }
8968         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
8969         return nativeResponseValue;
8970 }
8971         // bool CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
8972 /* @internal */
8973 export function CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
8974         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8975                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8976         }
8977         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
8978         return nativeResponseValue;
8979 }
8980         // void CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ _res);
8981 /* @internal */
8982 export function CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
8983         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8984                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8985         }
8986         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
8987         // debug statements here
8988 }
8989         // uint64_t CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
8990 /* @internal */
8991 export function CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
8992         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
8993                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
8994         }
8995         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
8996         return nativeResponseValue;
8997 }
8998         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
8999 /* @internal */
9000 export function CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
9001         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9002                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9003         }
9004         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
9005         return nativeResponseValue;
9006 }
9007         // struct LDKCOption_ClosureReasonZ COption_ClosureReasonZ_some(struct LDKClosureReason o);
9008 /* @internal */
9009 export function COption_ClosureReasonZ_some(o: bigint): bigint {
9010         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9011                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9012         }
9013         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_ClosureReasonZ_some(o);
9014         return nativeResponseValue;
9015 }
9016         // struct LDKCOption_ClosureReasonZ COption_ClosureReasonZ_none(void);
9017 /* @internal */
9018 export function COption_ClosureReasonZ_none(): bigint {
9019         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9020                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9021         }
9022         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_ClosureReasonZ_none();
9023         return nativeResponseValue;
9024 }
9025         // void COption_ClosureReasonZ_free(struct LDKCOption_ClosureReasonZ _res);
9026 /* @internal */
9027 export function COption_ClosureReasonZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
9028         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9029                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9030         }
9031         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_ClosureReasonZ_free(_res);
9032         // debug statements here
9033 }
9034         // uint64_t COption_ClosureReasonZ_clone_ptr(LDKCOption_ClosureReasonZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
9035 /* @internal */
9036 export function COption_ClosureReasonZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
9037         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9038                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9039         }
9040         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_ClosureReasonZ_clone_ptr(arg);
9041         return nativeResponseValue;
9042 }
9043         // struct LDKCOption_ClosureReasonZ COption_ClosureReasonZ_clone(const struct LDKCOption_ClosureReasonZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
9044 /* @internal */
9045 export function COption_ClosureReasonZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
9046         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9047                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9048         }
9049         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_ClosureReasonZ_clone(orig);
9050         return nativeResponseValue;
9051 }
9052         // struct LDKCResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKCOption_ClosureReasonZ o);
9053 /* @internal */
9054 export function CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
9055         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9056                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9057         }
9058         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
9059         return nativeResponseValue;
9060 }
9061         // struct LDKCResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
9062 /* @internal */
9063 export function CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
9064         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9065                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9066         }
9067         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
9068         return nativeResponseValue;
9069 }
9070         // bool CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
9071 /* @internal */
9072 export function CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
9073         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9074                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9075         }
9076         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
9077         return nativeResponseValue;
9078 }
9079         // void CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ _res);
9080 /* @internal */
9081 export function CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
9082         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9083                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9084         }
9085         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
9086         // debug statements here
9087 }
9088         // uint64_t CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
9089 /* @internal */
9090 export function CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
9091         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9092                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9093         }
9094         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
9095         return nativeResponseValue;
9096 }
9097         // struct LDKCResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
9098 /* @internal */
9099 export function CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
9100         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9101                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9102         }
9103         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
9104         return nativeResponseValue;
9105 }
9106         // struct LDKCOption_HTLCDestinationZ COption_HTLCDestinationZ_some(struct LDKHTLCDestination o);
9107 /* @internal */
9108 export function COption_HTLCDestinationZ_some(o: bigint): bigint {
9109         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9110                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9111         }
9112         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_HTLCDestinationZ_some(o);
9113         return nativeResponseValue;
9114 }
9115         // struct LDKCOption_HTLCDestinationZ COption_HTLCDestinationZ_none(void);
9116 /* @internal */
9117 export function COption_HTLCDestinationZ_none(): bigint {
9118         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9119                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9120         }
9121         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_HTLCDestinationZ_none();
9122         return nativeResponseValue;
9123 }
9124         // void COption_HTLCDestinationZ_free(struct LDKCOption_HTLCDestinationZ _res);
9125 /* @internal */
9126 export function COption_HTLCDestinationZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
9127         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9128                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9129         }
9130         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_HTLCDestinationZ_free(_res);
9131         // debug statements here
9132 }
9133         // uint64_t COption_HTLCDestinationZ_clone_ptr(LDKCOption_HTLCDestinationZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
9134 /* @internal */
9135 export function COption_HTLCDestinationZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
9136         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9137                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9138         }
9139         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_HTLCDestinationZ_clone_ptr(arg);
9140         return nativeResponseValue;
9141 }
9142         // struct LDKCOption_HTLCDestinationZ COption_HTLCDestinationZ_clone(const struct LDKCOption_HTLCDestinationZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
9143 /* @internal */
9144 export function COption_HTLCDestinationZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
9145         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9146                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9147         }
9148         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_HTLCDestinationZ_clone(orig);
9149         return nativeResponseValue;
9150 }
9151         // struct LDKCResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKCOption_HTLCDestinationZ o);
9152 /* @internal */
9153 export function CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
9154         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9155                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9156         }
9157         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
9158         return nativeResponseValue;
9159 }
9160         // struct LDKCResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
9161 /* @internal */
9162 export function CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
9163         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9164                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9165         }
9166         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
9167         return nativeResponseValue;
9168 }
9169         // bool CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
9170 /* @internal */
9171 export function CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
9172         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9173                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9174         }
9175         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
9176         return nativeResponseValue;
9177 }
9178         // void CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ _res);
9179 /* @internal */
9180 export function CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
9181         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9182                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9183         }
9184         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
9185         // debug statements here
9186 }
9187         // uint64_t CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
9188 /* @internal */
9189 export function CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
9190         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9191                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9192         }
9193         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
9194         return nativeResponseValue;
9195 }
9196         // struct LDKCResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
9197 /* @internal */
9198 export function CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
9199         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9200                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9201         }
9202         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
9203         return nativeResponseValue;
9204 }
9205         // struct LDKCOption_NetworkUpdateZ COption_NetworkUpdateZ_some(struct LDKNetworkUpdate o);
9206 /* @internal */
9207 export function COption_NetworkUpdateZ_some(o: bigint): bigint {
9208         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9209                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9210         }
9211         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_NetworkUpdateZ_some(o);
9212         return nativeResponseValue;
9213 }
9214         // struct LDKCOption_NetworkUpdateZ COption_NetworkUpdateZ_none(void);
9215 /* @internal */
9216 export function COption_NetworkUpdateZ_none(): bigint {
9217         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9218                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9219         }
9220         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_NetworkUpdateZ_none();
9221         return nativeResponseValue;
9222 }
9223         // void COption_NetworkUpdateZ_free(struct LDKCOption_NetworkUpdateZ _res);
9224 /* @internal */
9225 export function COption_NetworkUpdateZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
9226         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9227                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9228         }
9229         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_NetworkUpdateZ_free(_res);
9230         // debug statements here
9231 }
9232         // uint64_t COption_NetworkUpdateZ_clone_ptr(LDKCOption_NetworkUpdateZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
9233 /* @internal */
9234 export function COption_NetworkUpdateZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
9235         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9236                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9237         }
9238         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_NetworkUpdateZ_clone_ptr(arg);
9239         return nativeResponseValue;
9240 }
9241         // struct LDKCOption_NetworkUpdateZ COption_NetworkUpdateZ_clone(const struct LDKCOption_NetworkUpdateZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
9242 /* @internal */
9243 export function COption_NetworkUpdateZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
9244         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9245                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9246         }
9247         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_NetworkUpdateZ_clone(orig);
9248         return nativeResponseValue;
9249 }
9250         // void CVec_SpendableOutputDescriptorZ_free(struct LDKCVec_SpendableOutputDescriptorZ _res);
9251 /* @internal */
9252 export function CVec_SpendableOutputDescriptorZ_free(_res: number): void {
9253         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9254                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9255         }
9256         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_SpendableOutputDescriptorZ_free(_res);
9257         // debug statements here
9258 }
9259         // struct LDKCOption_EventZ COption_EventZ_some(struct LDKEvent o);
9260 /* @internal */
9261 export function COption_EventZ_some(o: bigint): bigint {
9262         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9263                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9264         }
9265         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_EventZ_some(o);
9266         return nativeResponseValue;
9267 }
9268         // struct LDKCOption_EventZ COption_EventZ_none(void);
9269 /* @internal */
9270 export function COption_EventZ_none(): bigint {
9271         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9272                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9273         }
9274         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_EventZ_none();
9275         return nativeResponseValue;
9276 }
9277         // void COption_EventZ_free(struct LDKCOption_EventZ _res);
9278 /* @internal */
9279 export function COption_EventZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
9280         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9281                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9282         }
9283         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_EventZ_free(_res);
9284         // debug statements here
9285 }
9286         // uint64_t COption_EventZ_clone_ptr(LDKCOption_EventZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
9287 /* @internal */
9288 export function COption_EventZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
9289         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9290                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9291         }
9292         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_EventZ_clone_ptr(arg);
9293         return nativeResponseValue;
9294 }
9295         // struct LDKCOption_EventZ COption_EventZ_clone(const struct LDKCOption_EventZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
9296 /* @internal */
9297 export function COption_EventZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
9298         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9299                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9300         }
9301         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_EventZ_clone(orig);
9302         return nativeResponseValue;
9303 }
9304         // struct LDKCResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKCOption_EventZ o);
9305 /* @internal */
9306 export function CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
9307         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9308                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9309         }
9310         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
9311         return nativeResponseValue;
9312 }
9313         // struct LDKCResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
9314 /* @internal */
9315 export function CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
9316         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9317                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9318         }
9319         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
9320         return nativeResponseValue;
9321 }
9322         // bool CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
9323 /* @internal */
9324 export function CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
9325         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9326                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9327         }
9328         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
9329         return nativeResponseValue;
9330 }
9331         // void CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ _res);
9332 /* @internal */
9333 export function CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
9334         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9335                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9336         }
9337         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
9338         // debug statements here
9339 }
9340         // uint64_t CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
9341 /* @internal */
9342 export function CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
9343         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9344                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9345         }
9346         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
9347         return nativeResponseValue;
9348 }
9349         // struct LDKCResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
9350 /* @internal */
9351 export function CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
9352         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9353                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9354         }
9355         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
9356         return nativeResponseValue;
9357 }
9358         // void CVec_MessageSendEventZ_free(struct LDKCVec_MessageSendEventZ _res);
9359 /* @internal */
9360 export function CVec_MessageSendEventZ_free(_res: number): void {
9361         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9362                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9363         }
9364         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_MessageSendEventZ_free(_res);
9365         // debug statements here
9366 }
9367         // struct LDKCResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_ok(struct LDKTxOut o);
9368 /* @internal */
9369 export function CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
9370         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9371                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9372         }
9373         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_ok(o);
9374         return nativeResponseValue;
9375 }
9376         // struct LDKCResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_err(enum LDKAccessError e);
9377 /* @internal */
9378 export function CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_err(e: AccessError): bigint {
9379         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9380                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9381         }
9382         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_err(e);
9383         return nativeResponseValue;
9384 }
9385         // bool CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
9386 /* @internal */
9387 export function CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
9388         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9389                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9390         }
9391         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_is_ok(o);
9392         return nativeResponseValue;
9393 }
9394         // void CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ _res);
9395 /* @internal */
9396 export function CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
9397         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9398                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9399         }
9400         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_free(_res);
9401         // debug statements here
9402 }
9403         // uint64_t CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
9404 /* @internal */
9405 export function CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
9406         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9407                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9408         }
9409         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
9410         return nativeResponseValue;
9411 }
9412         // struct LDKCResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
9413 /* @internal */
9414 export function CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
9415         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9416                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9417         }
9418         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TxOutAccessErrorZ_clone(orig);
9419         return nativeResponseValue;
9420 }
9421         // uint64_t C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ_clone_ptr(LDKC2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
9422 /* @internal */
9423 export function C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
9424         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9425                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9426         }
9427         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ_clone_ptr(arg);
9428         return nativeResponseValue;
9429 }
9430         // struct LDKC2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ_clone(const struct LDKC2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
9431 /* @internal */
9432 export function C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
9433         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9434                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9435         }
9436         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ_clone(orig);
9437         return nativeResponseValue;
9438 }
9439         // struct LDKC2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ_new(uintptr_t a, struct LDKTransaction b);
9440 /* @internal */
9441 export function C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ_new(a: number, b: number): bigint {
9442         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9443                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9444         }
9445         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ_new(a, b);
9446         return nativeResponseValue;
9447 }
9448         // void C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ_free(struct LDKC2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ _res);
9449 /* @internal */
9450 export function C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
9451         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9452                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9453         }
9454         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZ_free(_res);
9455         // debug statements here
9456 }
9457         // void CVec_C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZZ_free(struct LDKCVec_C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZZ _res);
9458 /* @internal */
9459 export function CVec_C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZZ_free(_res: number): void {
9460         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9461                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9462         }
9463         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZZ_free(_res);
9464         // debug statements here
9465 }
9466         // void CVec_TxidZ_free(struct LDKCVec_TxidZ _res);
9467 /* @internal */
9468 export function CVec_TxidZ_free(_res: number): void {
9469         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9470                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9471         }
9472         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_TxidZ_free(_res);
9473         // debug statements here
9474 }
9475         // struct LDKCResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_ok(void);
9476 /* @internal */
9477 export function CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_ok(): bigint {
9478         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9479                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9480         }
9481         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_ok();
9482         return nativeResponseValue;
9483 }
9484         // struct LDKCResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_err(enum LDKChannelMonitorUpdateErr e);
9485 /* @internal */
9486 export function CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_err(e: ChannelMonitorUpdateErr): bigint {
9487         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9488                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9489         }
9490         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_err(e);
9491         return nativeResponseValue;
9492 }
9493         // bool CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
9494 /* @internal */
9495 export function CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
9496         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9497                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9498         }
9499         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_is_ok(o);
9500         return nativeResponseValue;
9501 }
9502         // void CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_free(struct LDKCResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ _res);
9503 /* @internal */
9504 export function CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
9505         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9506                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9507         }
9508         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_free(_res);
9509         // debug statements here
9510 }
9511         // uint64_t CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
9512 /* @internal */
9513 export function CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
9514         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9515                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9516         }
9517         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_clone_ptr(arg);
9518         return nativeResponseValue;
9519 }
9520         // struct LDKCResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
9521 /* @internal */
9522 export function CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
9523         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9524                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9525         }
9526         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneChannelMonitorUpdateErrZ_clone(orig);
9527         return nativeResponseValue;
9528 }
9529         // void CVec_MonitorEventZ_free(struct LDKCVec_MonitorEventZ _res);
9530 /* @internal */
9531 export function CVec_MonitorEventZ_free(_res: number): void {
9532         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9533                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9534         }
9535         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_MonitorEventZ_free(_res);
9536         // debug statements here
9537 }
9538         // uint64_t C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ_clone_ptr(LDKC3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
9539 /* @internal */
9540 export function C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
9541         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9542                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9543         }
9544         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ_clone_ptr(arg);
9545         return nativeResponseValue;
9546 }
9547         // struct LDKC3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ_clone(const struct LDKC3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
9548 /* @internal */
9549 export function C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
9550         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9551                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9552         }
9553         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ_clone(orig);
9554         return nativeResponseValue;
9555 }
9556         // struct LDKC3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ_new(struct LDKOutPoint a, struct LDKCVec_MonitorEventZ b, struct LDKPublicKey c);
9557 /* @internal */
9558 export function C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ_new(a: bigint, b: number, c: number): bigint {
9559         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9560                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9561         }
9562         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ_new(a, b, c);
9563         return nativeResponseValue;
9564 }
9565         // void C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ_free(struct LDKC3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ _res);
9566 /* @internal */
9567 export function C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
9568         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9569                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9570         }
9571         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZ_free(_res);
9572         // debug statements here
9573 }
9574         // void CVec_C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZZ_free(struct LDKCVec_C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZZ _res);
9575 /* @internal */
9576 export function CVec_C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZZ_free(_res: number): void {
9577         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9578                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9579         }
9580         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_C3Tuple_OutPointCVec_MonitorEventZPublicKeyZZ_free(_res);
9581         // debug statements here
9582 }
9583         // struct LDKCResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKFixedPenaltyScorer o);
9584 /* @internal */
9585 export function CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
9586         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9587                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9588         }
9589         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
9590         return nativeResponseValue;
9591 }
9592         // struct LDKCResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
9593 /* @internal */
9594 export function CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
9595         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9596                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9597         }
9598         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
9599         return nativeResponseValue;
9600 }
9601         // bool CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
9602 /* @internal */
9603 export function CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
9604         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9605                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9606         }
9607         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
9608         return nativeResponseValue;
9609 }
9610         // void CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ _res);
9611 /* @internal */
9612 export function CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
9613         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9614                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9615         }
9616         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
9617         // debug statements here
9618 }
9619         // uint64_t CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
9620 /* @internal */
9621 export function CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
9622         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9623                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9624         }
9625         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
9626         return nativeResponseValue;
9627 }
9628         // struct LDKCResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
9629 /* @internal */
9630 export function CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
9631         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9632                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9633         }
9634         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
9635         return nativeResponseValue;
9636 }
9637         // uint64_t C2Tuple_u64u64Z_clone_ptr(LDKC2Tuple_u64u64Z *NONNULL_PTR arg);
9638 /* @internal */
9639 export function C2Tuple_u64u64Z_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
9640         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9641                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9642         }
9643         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_u64u64Z_clone_ptr(arg);
9644         return nativeResponseValue;
9645 }
9646         // struct LDKC2Tuple_u64u64Z C2Tuple_u64u64Z_clone(const struct LDKC2Tuple_u64u64Z *NONNULL_PTR orig);
9647 /* @internal */
9648 export function C2Tuple_u64u64Z_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
9649         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9650                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9651         }
9652         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_u64u64Z_clone(orig);
9653         return nativeResponseValue;
9654 }
9655         // struct LDKC2Tuple_u64u64Z C2Tuple_u64u64Z_new(uint64_t a, uint64_t b);
9656 /* @internal */
9657 export function C2Tuple_u64u64Z_new(a: bigint, b: bigint): bigint {
9658         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9659                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9660         }
9661         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_u64u64Z_new(a, b);
9662         return nativeResponseValue;
9663 }
9664         // void C2Tuple_u64u64Z_free(struct LDKC2Tuple_u64u64Z _res);
9665 /* @internal */
9666 export function C2Tuple_u64u64Z_free(_res: bigint): void {
9667         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9668                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9669         }
9670         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_u64u64Z_free(_res);
9671         // debug statements here
9672 }
9673         // struct LDKCOption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ COption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ_some(struct LDKC2Tuple_u64u64Z o);
9674 /* @internal */
9675 export function COption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ_some(o: bigint): bigint {
9676         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9677                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9678         }
9679         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ_some(o);
9680         return nativeResponseValue;
9681 }
9682         // struct LDKCOption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ COption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ_none(void);
9683 /* @internal */
9684 export function COption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ_none(): bigint {
9685         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9686                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9687         }
9688         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ_none();
9689         return nativeResponseValue;
9690 }
9691         // void COption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ_free(struct LDKCOption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ _res);
9692 /* @internal */
9693 export function COption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
9694         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9695                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9696         }
9697         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ_free(_res);
9698         // debug statements here
9699 }
9700         // uint64_t COption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ_clone_ptr(LDKCOption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
9701 /* @internal */
9702 export function COption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
9703         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9704                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9705         }
9706         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ_clone_ptr(arg);
9707         return nativeResponseValue;
9708 }
9709         // struct LDKCOption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ COption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ_clone(const struct LDKCOption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
9710 /* @internal */
9711 export function COption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
9712         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9713                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9714         }
9715         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ_clone(orig);
9716         return nativeResponseValue;
9717 }
9718         // void CVec_NodeIdZ_free(struct LDKCVec_NodeIdZ _res);
9719 /* @internal */
9720 export function CVec_NodeIdZ_free(_res: number): void {
9721         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9722                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9723         }
9724         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_NodeIdZ_free(_res);
9725         // debug statements here
9726 }
9727         // struct LDKCResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ CResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKProbabilisticScorer o);
9728 /* @internal */
9729 export function CResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
9730         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9731                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9732         }
9733         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
9734         return nativeResponseValue;
9735 }
9736         // struct LDKCResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ CResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
9737 /* @internal */
9738 export function CResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
9739         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9740                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9741         }
9742         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
9743         return nativeResponseValue;
9744 }
9745         // bool CResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
9746 /* @internal */
9747 export function CResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
9748         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9749                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9750         }
9751         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
9752         return nativeResponseValue;
9753 }
9754         // void CResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ _res);
9755 /* @internal */
9756 export function CResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
9757         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9758                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9759         }
9760         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
9761         // debug statements here
9762 }
9763         // struct LDKCResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKInitFeatures o);
9764 /* @internal */
9765 export function CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
9766         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9767                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9768         }
9769         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
9770         return nativeResponseValue;
9771 }
9772         // struct LDKCResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
9773 /* @internal */
9774 export function CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
9775         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9776                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9777         }
9778         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
9779         return nativeResponseValue;
9780 }
9781         // bool CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
9782 /* @internal */
9783 export function CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
9784         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9785                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9786         }
9787         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
9788         return nativeResponseValue;
9789 }
9790         // void CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ _res);
9791 /* @internal */
9792 export function CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
9793         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9794                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9795         }
9796         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
9797         // debug statements here
9798 }
9799         // uint64_t CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
9800 /* @internal */
9801 export function CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
9802         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9803                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9804         }
9805         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
9806         return nativeResponseValue;
9807 }
9808         // struct LDKCResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
9809 /* @internal */
9810 export function CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
9811         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9812                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9813         }
9814         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
9815         return nativeResponseValue;
9816 }
9817         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKChannelFeatures o);
9818 /* @internal */
9819 export function CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
9820         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9821                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9822         }
9823         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
9824         return nativeResponseValue;
9825 }
9826         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
9827 /* @internal */
9828 export function CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
9829         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9830                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9831         }
9832         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
9833         return nativeResponseValue;
9834 }
9835         // bool CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
9836 /* @internal */
9837 export function CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
9838         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9839                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9840         }
9841         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
9842         return nativeResponseValue;
9843 }
9844         // void CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ _res);
9845 /* @internal */
9846 export function CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
9847         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9848                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9849         }
9850         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
9851         // debug statements here
9852 }
9853         // uint64_t CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
9854 /* @internal */
9855 export function CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
9856         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9857                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9858         }
9859         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
9860         return nativeResponseValue;
9861 }
9862         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
9863 /* @internal */
9864 export function CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
9865         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9866                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9867         }
9868         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
9869         return nativeResponseValue;
9870 }
9871         // struct LDKCResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKNodeFeatures o);
9872 /* @internal */
9873 export function CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
9874         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9875                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9876         }
9877         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
9878         return nativeResponseValue;
9879 }
9880         // struct LDKCResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
9881 /* @internal */
9882 export function CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
9883         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9884                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9885         }
9886         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
9887         return nativeResponseValue;
9888 }
9889         // bool CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
9890 /* @internal */
9891 export function CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
9892         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9893                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9894         }
9895         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
9896         return nativeResponseValue;
9897 }
9898         // void CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ _res);
9899 /* @internal */
9900 export function CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
9901         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9902                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9903         }
9904         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
9905         // debug statements here
9906 }
9907         // uint64_t CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
9908 /* @internal */
9909 export function CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
9910         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9911                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9912         }
9913         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
9914         return nativeResponseValue;
9915 }
9916         // struct LDKCResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
9917 /* @internal */
9918 export function CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
9919         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9920                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9921         }
9922         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
9923         return nativeResponseValue;
9924 }
9925         // struct LDKCResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKInvoiceFeatures o);
9926 /* @internal */
9927 export function CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
9928         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9929                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9930         }
9931         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
9932         return nativeResponseValue;
9933 }
9934         // struct LDKCResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
9935 /* @internal */
9936 export function CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
9937         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9938                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9939         }
9940         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
9941         return nativeResponseValue;
9942 }
9943         // bool CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
9944 /* @internal */
9945 export function CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
9946         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9947                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9948         }
9949         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
9950         return nativeResponseValue;
9951 }
9952         // void CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ _res);
9953 /* @internal */
9954 export function CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
9955         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9956                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9957         }
9958         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
9959         // debug statements here
9960 }
9961         // uint64_t CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
9962 /* @internal */
9963 export function CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
9964         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9965                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9966         }
9967         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
9968         return nativeResponseValue;
9969 }
9970         // struct LDKCResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
9971 /* @internal */
9972 export function CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
9973         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9974                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9975         }
9976         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
9977         return nativeResponseValue;
9978 }
9979         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures o);
9980 /* @internal */
9981 export function CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
9982         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9983                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9984         }
9985         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
9986         return nativeResponseValue;
9987 }
9988         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
9989 /* @internal */
9990 export function CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
9991         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
9992                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
9993         }
9994         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
9995         return nativeResponseValue;
9996 }
9997         // bool CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
9998 /* @internal */
9999 export function CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
10000         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10001                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10002         }
10003         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
10004         return nativeResponseValue;
10005 }
10006         // void CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ _res);
10007 /* @internal */
10008 export function CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
10009         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10010                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10011         }
10012         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
10013         // debug statements here
10014 }
10015         // uint64_t CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
10016 /* @internal */
10017 export function CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
10018         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10019                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10020         }
10021         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
10022         return nativeResponseValue;
10023 }
10024         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
10025 /* @internal */
10026 export function CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
10027         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10028                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10029         }
10030         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
10031         return nativeResponseValue;
10032 }
10033         // struct LDKCResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKNodeId o);
10034 /* @internal */
10035 export function CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
10036         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10037                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10038         }
10039         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
10040         return nativeResponseValue;
10041 }
10042         // struct LDKCResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
10043 /* @internal */
10044 export function CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
10045         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10046                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10047         }
10048         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
10049         return nativeResponseValue;
10050 }
10051         // bool CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
10052 /* @internal */
10053 export function CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
10054         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10055                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10056         }
10057         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
10058         return nativeResponseValue;
10059 }
10060         // void CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ _res);
10061 /* @internal */
10062 export function CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
10063         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10064                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10065         }
10066         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
10067         // debug statements here
10068 }
10069         // uint64_t CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
10070 /* @internal */
10071 export function CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
10072         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10073                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10074         }
10075         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
10076         return nativeResponseValue;
10077 }
10078         // struct LDKCResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
10079 /* @internal */
10080 export function CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
10081         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10082                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10083         }
10084         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
10085         return nativeResponseValue;
10086 }
10087         // struct LDKCResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKCOption_NetworkUpdateZ o);
10088 /* @internal */
10089 export function CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
10090         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10091                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10092         }
10093         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
10094         return nativeResponseValue;
10095 }
10096         // struct LDKCResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
10097 /* @internal */
10098 export function CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
10099         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10100                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10101         }
10102         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
10103         return nativeResponseValue;
10104 }
10105         // bool CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
10106 /* @internal */
10107 export function CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
10108         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10109                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10110         }
10111         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
10112         return nativeResponseValue;
10113 }
10114         // void CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ _res);
10115 /* @internal */
10116 export function CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
10117         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10118                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10119         }
10120         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
10121         // debug statements here
10122 }
10123         // uint64_t CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
10124 /* @internal */
10125 export function CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
10126         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10127                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10128         }
10129         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
10130         return nativeResponseValue;
10131 }
10132         // struct LDKCResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
10133 /* @internal */
10134 export function CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
10135         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10136                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10137         }
10138         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
10139         return nativeResponseValue;
10140 }
10141         // struct LDKCOption_AccessZ COption_AccessZ_some(struct LDKAccess o);
10142 /* @internal */
10143 export function COption_AccessZ_some(o: bigint): bigint {
10144         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10145                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10146         }
10147         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_AccessZ_some(o);
10148         return nativeResponseValue;
10149 }
10150         // struct LDKCOption_AccessZ COption_AccessZ_none(void);
10151 /* @internal */
10152 export function COption_AccessZ_none(): bigint {
10153         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10154                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10155         }
10156         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_AccessZ_none();
10157         return nativeResponseValue;
10158 }
10159         // void COption_AccessZ_free(struct LDKCOption_AccessZ _res);
10160 /* @internal */
10161 export function COption_AccessZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
10162         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10163                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10164         }
10165         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_AccessZ_free(_res);
10166         // debug statements here
10167 }
10168         // struct LDKCResult_boolLightningErrorZ CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_ok(bool o);
10169 /* @internal */
10170 export function CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_ok(o: boolean): bigint {
10171         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10172                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10173         }
10174         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_ok(o);
10175         return nativeResponseValue;
10176 }
10177         // struct LDKCResult_boolLightningErrorZ CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_err(struct LDKLightningError e);
10178 /* @internal */
10179 export function CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
10180         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10181                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10182         }
10183         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_err(e);
10184         return nativeResponseValue;
10185 }
10186         // bool CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_boolLightningErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
10187 /* @internal */
10188 export function CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
10189         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10190                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10191         }
10192         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_is_ok(o);
10193         return nativeResponseValue;
10194 }
10195         // void CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_boolLightningErrorZ _res);
10196 /* @internal */
10197 export function CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
10198         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10199                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10200         }
10201         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_free(_res);
10202         // debug statements here
10203 }
10204         // uint64_t CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_boolLightningErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
10205 /* @internal */
10206 export function CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
10207         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10208                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10209         }
10210         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
10211         return nativeResponseValue;
10212 }
10213         // struct LDKCResult_boolLightningErrorZ CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_boolLightningErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
10214 /* @internal */
10215 export function CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
10216         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10217                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10218         }
10219         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_boolLightningErrorZ_clone(orig);
10220         return nativeResponseValue;
10221 }
10222         // uint64_t C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ_clone_ptr(LDKC3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
10223 /* @internal */
10224 export function C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
10225         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10226                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10227         }
10228         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ_clone_ptr(arg);
10229         return nativeResponseValue;
10230 }
10231         // struct LDKC3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ_clone(const struct LDKC3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
10232 /* @internal */
10233 export function C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
10234         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10235                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10236         }
10237         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ_clone(orig);
10238         return nativeResponseValue;
10239 }
10240         // struct LDKC3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ_new(struct LDKChannelAnnouncement a, struct LDKChannelUpdate b, struct LDKChannelUpdate c);
10241 /* @internal */
10242 export function C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ_new(a: bigint, b: bigint, c: bigint): bigint {
10243         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10244                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10245         }
10246         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ_new(a, b, c);
10247         return nativeResponseValue;
10248 }
10249         // void C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ_free(struct LDKC3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ _res);
10250 /* @internal */
10251 export function C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
10252         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10253                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10254         }
10255         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ_free(_res);
10256         // debug statements here
10257 }
10258         // struct LDKCOption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ COption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ_some(struct LDKC3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZ o);
10259 /* @internal */
10260 export function COption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ_some(o: bigint): bigint {
10261         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10262                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10263         }
10264         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ_some(o);
10265         return nativeResponseValue;
10266 }
10267         // struct LDKCOption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ COption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ_none(void);
10268 /* @internal */
10269 export function COption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ_none(): bigint {
10270         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10271                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10272         }
10273         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ_none();
10274         return nativeResponseValue;
10275 }
10276         // void COption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ_free(struct LDKCOption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ _res);
10277 /* @internal */
10278 export function COption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
10279         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10280                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10281         }
10282         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ_free(_res);
10283         // debug statements here
10284 }
10285         // uint64_t COption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ_clone_ptr(LDKCOption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
10286 /* @internal */
10287 export function COption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
10288         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10289                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10290         }
10291         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ_clone_ptr(arg);
10292         return nativeResponseValue;
10293 }
10294         // struct LDKCOption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ COption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ_clone(const struct LDKCOption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
10295 /* @internal */
10296 export function COption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
10297         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10298                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10299         }
10300         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_C3Tuple_ChannelAnnouncementChannelUpdateChannelUpdateZZ_clone(orig);
10301         return nativeResponseValue;
10302 }
10303         // struct LDKCResult_NoneLightningErrorZ CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_ok(void);
10304 /* @internal */
10305 export function CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_ok(): bigint {
10306         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10307                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10308         }
10309         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_ok();
10310         return nativeResponseValue;
10311 }
10312         // struct LDKCResult_NoneLightningErrorZ CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_err(struct LDKLightningError e);
10313 /* @internal */
10314 export function CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
10315         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10316                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10317         }
10318         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_err(e);
10319         return nativeResponseValue;
10320 }
10321         // bool CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_NoneLightningErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
10322 /* @internal */
10323 export function CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
10324         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10325                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10326         }
10327         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_is_ok(o);
10328         return nativeResponseValue;
10329 }
10330         // void CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_NoneLightningErrorZ _res);
10331 /* @internal */
10332 export function CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
10333         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10334                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10335         }
10336         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_free(_res);
10337         // debug statements here
10338 }
10339         // uint64_t CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_NoneLightningErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
10340 /* @internal */
10341 export function CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
10342         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10343                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10344         }
10345         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
10346         return nativeResponseValue;
10347 }
10348         // struct LDKCResult_NoneLightningErrorZ CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_NoneLightningErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
10349 /* @internal */
10350 export function CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
10351         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10352                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10353         }
10354         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneLightningErrorZ_clone(orig);
10355         return nativeResponseValue;
10356 }
10357         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo o);
10358 /* @internal */
10359 export function CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
10360         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10361                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10362         }
10363         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
10364         return nativeResponseValue;
10365 }
10366         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
10367 /* @internal */
10368 export function CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
10369         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10370                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10371         }
10372         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
10373         return nativeResponseValue;
10374 }
10375         // bool CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
10376 /* @internal */
10377 export function CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
10378         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10379                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10380         }
10381         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
10382         return nativeResponseValue;
10383 }
10384         // void CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ _res);
10385 /* @internal */
10386 export function CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
10387         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10388                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10389         }
10390         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
10391         // debug statements here
10392 }
10393         // uint64_t CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
10394 /* @internal */
10395 export function CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
10396         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10397                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10398         }
10399         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
10400         return nativeResponseValue;
10401 }
10402         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
10403 /* @internal */
10404 export function CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
10405         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10406                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10407         }
10408         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
10409         return nativeResponseValue;
10410 }
10411         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKChannelInfo o);
10412 /* @internal */
10413 export function CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
10414         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10415                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10416         }
10417         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
10418         return nativeResponseValue;
10419 }
10420         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
10421 /* @internal */
10422 export function CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
10423         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10424                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10425         }
10426         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
10427         return nativeResponseValue;
10428 }
10429         // bool CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
10430 /* @internal */
10431 export function CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
10432         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10433                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10434         }
10435         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
10436         return nativeResponseValue;
10437 }
10438         // void CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ _res);
10439 /* @internal */
10440 export function CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
10441         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10442                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10443         }
10444         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
10445         // debug statements here
10446 }
10447         // uint64_t CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
10448 /* @internal */
10449 export function CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
10450         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10451                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10452         }
10453         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
10454         return nativeResponseValue;
10455 }
10456         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
10457 /* @internal */
10458 export function CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
10459         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10460                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10461         }
10462         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
10463         return nativeResponseValue;
10464 }
10465         // struct LDKCResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKRoutingFees o);
10466 /* @internal */
10467 export function CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
10468         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10469                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10470         }
10471         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
10472         return nativeResponseValue;
10473 }
10474         // struct LDKCResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
10475 /* @internal */
10476 export function CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
10477         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10478                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10479         }
10480         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
10481         return nativeResponseValue;
10482 }
10483         // bool CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
10484 /* @internal */
10485 export function CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
10486         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10487                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10488         }
10489         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
10490         return nativeResponseValue;
10491 }
10492         // void CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ _res);
10493 /* @internal */
10494 export function CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
10495         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10496                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10497         }
10498         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
10499         // debug statements here
10500 }
10501         // uint64_t CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
10502 /* @internal */
10503 export function CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
10504         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10505                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10506         }
10507         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
10508         return nativeResponseValue;
10509 }
10510         // struct LDKCResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
10511 /* @internal */
10512 export function CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
10513         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10514                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10515         }
10516         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
10517         return nativeResponseValue;
10518 }
10519         // void CVec_NetAddressZ_free(struct LDKCVec_NetAddressZ _res);
10520 /* @internal */
10521 export function CVec_NetAddressZ_free(_res: number): void {
10522         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10523                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10524         }
10525         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_NetAddressZ_free(_res);
10526         // debug statements here
10527 }
10528         // struct LDKCResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo o);
10529 /* @internal */
10530 export function CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
10531         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10532                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10533         }
10534         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
10535         return nativeResponseValue;
10536 }
10537         // struct LDKCResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
10538 /* @internal */
10539 export function CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
10540         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10541                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10542         }
10543         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
10544         return nativeResponseValue;
10545 }
10546         // bool CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
10547 /* @internal */
10548 export function CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
10549         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10550                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10551         }
10552         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
10553         return nativeResponseValue;
10554 }
10555         // void CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ _res);
10556 /* @internal */
10557 export function CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
10558         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10559                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10560         }
10561         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
10562         // debug statements here
10563 }
10564         // uint64_t CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
10565 /* @internal */
10566 export function CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
10567         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10568                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10569         }
10570         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
10571         return nativeResponseValue;
10572 }
10573         // struct LDKCResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
10574 /* @internal */
10575 export function CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
10576         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10577                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10578         }
10579         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
10580         return nativeResponseValue;
10581 }
10582         // struct LDKCResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKNodeAlias o);
10583 /* @internal */
10584 export function CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
10585         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10586                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10587         }
10588         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
10589         return nativeResponseValue;
10590 }
10591         // struct LDKCResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
10592 /* @internal */
10593 export function CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
10594         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10595                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10596         }
10597         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
10598         return nativeResponseValue;
10599 }
10600         // bool CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
10601 /* @internal */
10602 export function CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
10603         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10604                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10605         }
10606         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
10607         return nativeResponseValue;
10608 }
10609         // void CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ _res);
10610 /* @internal */
10611 export function CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
10612         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10613                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10614         }
10615         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
10616         // debug statements here
10617 }
10618         // uint64_t CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
10619 /* @internal */
10620 export function CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
10621         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10622                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10623         }
10624         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
10625         return nativeResponseValue;
10626 }
10627         // struct LDKCResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
10628 /* @internal */
10629 export function CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
10630         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10631                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10632         }
10633         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
10634         return nativeResponseValue;
10635 }
10636         // struct LDKCResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKNodeInfo o);
10637 /* @internal */
10638 export function CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
10639         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10640                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10641         }
10642         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
10643         return nativeResponseValue;
10644 }
10645         // struct LDKCResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
10646 /* @internal */
10647 export function CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
10648         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10649                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10650         }
10651         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
10652         return nativeResponseValue;
10653 }
10654         // bool CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
10655 /* @internal */
10656 export function CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
10657         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10658                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10659         }
10660         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
10661         return nativeResponseValue;
10662 }
10663         // void CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ _res);
10664 /* @internal */
10665 export function CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
10666         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10667                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10668         }
10669         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
10670         // debug statements here
10671 }
10672         // uint64_t CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
10673 /* @internal */
10674 export function CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
10675         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10676                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10677         }
10678         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
10679         return nativeResponseValue;
10680 }
10681         // struct LDKCResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
10682 /* @internal */
10683 export function CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
10684         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10685                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10686         }
10687         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
10688         return nativeResponseValue;
10689 }
10690         // struct LDKCResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ CResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKNetworkGraph o);
10691 /* @internal */
10692 export function CResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
10693         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10694                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10695         }
10696         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
10697         return nativeResponseValue;
10698 }
10699         // struct LDKCResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ CResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
10700 /* @internal */
10701 export function CResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
10702         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10703                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10704         }
10705         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
10706         return nativeResponseValue;
10707 }
10708         // bool CResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
10709 /* @internal */
10710 export function CResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
10711         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10712                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10713         }
10714         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
10715         return nativeResponseValue;
10716 }
10717         // void CResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ _res);
10718 /* @internal */
10719 export function CResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
10720         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10721                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10722         }
10723         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
10724         // debug statements here
10725 }
10726         // struct LDKCOption_CVec_NetAddressZZ COption_CVec_NetAddressZZ_some(struct LDKCVec_NetAddressZ o);
10727 /* @internal */
10728 export function COption_CVec_NetAddressZZ_some(o: number): bigint {
10729         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10730                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10731         }
10732         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_CVec_NetAddressZZ_some(o);
10733         return nativeResponseValue;
10734 }
10735         // struct LDKCOption_CVec_NetAddressZZ COption_CVec_NetAddressZZ_none(void);
10736 /* @internal */
10737 export function COption_CVec_NetAddressZZ_none(): bigint {
10738         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10739                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10740         }
10741         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_CVec_NetAddressZZ_none();
10742         return nativeResponseValue;
10743 }
10744         // void COption_CVec_NetAddressZZ_free(struct LDKCOption_CVec_NetAddressZZ _res);
10745 /* @internal */
10746 export function COption_CVec_NetAddressZZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
10747         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10748                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10749         }
10750         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_CVec_NetAddressZZ_free(_res);
10751         // debug statements here
10752 }
10753         // uint64_t COption_CVec_NetAddressZZ_clone_ptr(LDKCOption_CVec_NetAddressZZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
10754 /* @internal */
10755 export function COption_CVec_NetAddressZZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
10756         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10757                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10758         }
10759         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_CVec_NetAddressZZ_clone_ptr(arg);
10760         return nativeResponseValue;
10761 }
10762         // struct LDKCOption_CVec_NetAddressZZ COption_CVec_NetAddressZZ_clone(const struct LDKCOption_CVec_NetAddressZZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
10763 /* @internal */
10764 export function COption_CVec_NetAddressZZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
10765         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10766                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10767         }
10768         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_CVec_NetAddressZZ_clone(orig);
10769         return nativeResponseValue;
10770 }
10771         // struct LDKCResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor o);
10772 /* @internal */
10773 export function CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
10774         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10775                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10776         }
10777         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
10778         return nativeResponseValue;
10779 }
10780         // struct LDKCResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
10781 /* @internal */
10782 export function CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
10783         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10784                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10785         }
10786         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
10787         return nativeResponseValue;
10788 }
10789         // bool CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
10790 /* @internal */
10791 export function CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
10792         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10793                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10794         }
10795         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
10796         return nativeResponseValue;
10797 }
10798         // void CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ _res);
10799 /* @internal */
10800 export function CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
10801         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10802                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10803         }
10804         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
10805         // debug statements here
10806 }
10807         // uint64_t CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
10808 /* @internal */
10809 export function CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
10810         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10811                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10812         }
10813         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
10814         return nativeResponseValue;
10815 }
10816         // struct LDKCResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
10817 /* @internal */
10818 export function CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
10819         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10820                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10821         }
10822         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
10823         return nativeResponseValue;
10824 }
10825         // struct LDKCResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKStaticPaymentOutputDescriptor o);
10826 /* @internal */
10827 export function CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
10828         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10829                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10830         }
10831         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
10832         return nativeResponseValue;
10833 }
10834         // struct LDKCResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
10835 /* @internal */
10836 export function CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
10837         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10838                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10839         }
10840         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
10841         return nativeResponseValue;
10842 }
10843         // bool CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
10844 /* @internal */
10845 export function CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
10846         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10847                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10848         }
10849         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
10850         return nativeResponseValue;
10851 }
10852         // void CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ _res);
10853 /* @internal */
10854 export function CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
10855         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10856                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10857         }
10858         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
10859         // debug statements here
10860 }
10861         // uint64_t CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
10862 /* @internal */
10863 export function CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
10864         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10865                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10866         }
10867         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
10868         return nativeResponseValue;
10869 }
10870         // struct LDKCResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
10871 /* @internal */
10872 export function CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
10873         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10874                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10875         }
10876         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
10877         return nativeResponseValue;
10878 }
10879         // struct LDKCResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKSpendableOutputDescriptor o);
10880 /* @internal */
10881 export function CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
10882         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10883                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10884         }
10885         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
10886         return nativeResponseValue;
10887 }
10888         // struct LDKCResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
10889 /* @internal */
10890 export function CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
10891         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10892                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10893         }
10894         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
10895         return nativeResponseValue;
10896 }
10897         // bool CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
10898 /* @internal */
10899 export function CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
10900         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10901                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10902         }
10903         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
10904         return nativeResponseValue;
10905 }
10906         // void CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ _res);
10907 /* @internal */
10908 export function CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
10909         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10910                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10911         }
10912         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
10913         // debug statements here
10914 }
10915         // uint64_t CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
10916 /* @internal */
10917 export function CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
10918         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10919                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10920         }
10921         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
10922         return nativeResponseValue;
10923 }
10924         // struct LDKCResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
10925 /* @internal */
10926 export function CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
10927         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10928                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10929         }
10930         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
10931         return nativeResponseValue;
10932 }
10933         // void CVec_PaymentPreimageZ_free(struct LDKCVec_PaymentPreimageZ _res);
10934 /* @internal */
10935 export function CVec_PaymentPreimageZ_free(_res: number): void {
10936         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10937                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10938         }
10939         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_PaymentPreimageZ_free(_res);
10940         // debug statements here
10941 }
10942         // uint64_t C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ_clone_ptr(LDKC2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
10943 /* @internal */
10944 export function C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
10945         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10946                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10947         }
10948         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ_clone_ptr(arg);
10949         return nativeResponseValue;
10950 }
10951         // struct LDKC2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ_clone(const struct LDKC2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
10952 /* @internal */
10953 export function C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
10954         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10955                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10956         }
10957         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ_clone(orig);
10958         return nativeResponseValue;
10959 }
10960         // struct LDKC2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ_new(struct LDKSignature a, struct LDKCVec_SignatureZ b);
10961 /* @internal */
10962 export function C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ_new(a: number, b: number): bigint {
10963         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10964                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10965         }
10966         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ_new(a, b);
10967         return nativeResponseValue;
10968 }
10969         // void C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ_free(struct LDKC2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ _res);
10970 /* @internal */
10971 export function C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
10972         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10973                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10974         }
10975         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ_free(_res);
10976         // debug statements here
10977 }
10978         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_ok(struct LDKC2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZ o);
10979 /* @internal */
10980 export function CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
10981         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10982                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10983         }
10984         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_ok(o);
10985         return nativeResponseValue;
10986 }
10987         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_err(void);
10988 /* @internal */
10989 export function CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_err(): bigint {
10990         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
10991                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
10992         }
10993         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_err();
10994         return nativeResponseValue;
10995 }
10996         // bool CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
10997 /* @internal */
10998 export function CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
10999         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11000                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11001         }
11002         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_is_ok(o);
11003         return nativeResponseValue;
11004 }
11005         // void CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_free(struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ _res);
11006 /* @internal */
11007 export function CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
11008         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11009                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11010         }
11011         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_free(_res);
11012         // debug statements here
11013 }
11014         // uint64_t CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
11015 /* @internal */
11016 export function CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
11017         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11018                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11019         }
11020         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg);
11021         return nativeResponseValue;
11022 }
11023         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
11024 /* @internal */
11025 export function CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
11026         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11027                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11028         }
11029         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureCVec_SignatureZZNoneZ_clone(orig);
11030         return nativeResponseValue;
11031 }
11032         // struct LDKCResult_SignatureNoneZ CResult_SignatureNoneZ_ok(struct LDKSignature o);
11033 /* @internal */
11034 export function CResult_SignatureNoneZ_ok(o: number): bigint {
11035         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11036                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11037         }
11038         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignatureNoneZ_ok(o);
11039         return nativeResponseValue;
11040 }
11041         // struct LDKCResult_SignatureNoneZ CResult_SignatureNoneZ_err(void);
11042 /* @internal */
11043 export function CResult_SignatureNoneZ_err(): bigint {
11044         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11045                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11046         }
11047         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignatureNoneZ_err();
11048         return nativeResponseValue;
11049 }
11050         // bool CResult_SignatureNoneZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_SignatureNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
11051 /* @internal */
11052 export function CResult_SignatureNoneZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
11053         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11054                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11055         }
11056         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignatureNoneZ_is_ok(o);
11057         return nativeResponseValue;
11058 }
11059         // void CResult_SignatureNoneZ_free(struct LDKCResult_SignatureNoneZ _res);
11060 /* @internal */
11061 export function CResult_SignatureNoneZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
11062         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11063                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11064         }
11065         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignatureNoneZ_free(_res);
11066         // debug statements here
11067 }
11068         // uint64_t CResult_SignatureNoneZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_SignatureNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
11069 /* @internal */
11070 export function CResult_SignatureNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
11071         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11072                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11073         }
11074         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignatureNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg);
11075         return nativeResponseValue;
11076 }
11077         // struct LDKCResult_SignatureNoneZ CResult_SignatureNoneZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_SignatureNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
11078 /* @internal */
11079 export function CResult_SignatureNoneZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
11080         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11081                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11082         }
11083         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignatureNoneZ_clone(orig);
11084         return nativeResponseValue;
11085 }
11086         // uint64_t C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ_clone_ptr(LDKC2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
11087 /* @internal */
11088 export function C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
11089         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11090                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11091         }
11092         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ_clone_ptr(arg);
11093         return nativeResponseValue;
11094 }
11095         // struct LDKC2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ_clone(const struct LDKC2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
11096 /* @internal */
11097 export function C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
11098         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11099                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11100         }
11101         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ_clone(orig);
11102         return nativeResponseValue;
11103 }
11104         // struct LDKC2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ_new(struct LDKSignature a, struct LDKSignature b);
11105 /* @internal */
11106 export function C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ_new(a: number, b: number): bigint {
11107         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11108                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11109         }
11110         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ_new(a, b);
11111         return nativeResponseValue;
11112 }
11113         // void C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ_free(struct LDKC2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ _res);
11114 /* @internal */
11115 export function C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
11116         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11117                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11118         }
11119         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ_free(_res);
11120         // debug statements here
11121 }
11122         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_ok(struct LDKC2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZ o);
11123 /* @internal */
11124 export function CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
11125         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11126                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11127         }
11128         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_ok(o);
11129         return nativeResponseValue;
11130 }
11131         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_err(void);
11132 /* @internal */
11133 export function CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_err(): bigint {
11134         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11135                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11136         }
11137         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_err();
11138         return nativeResponseValue;
11139 }
11140         // bool CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
11141 /* @internal */
11142 export function CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
11143         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11144                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11145         }
11146         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_is_ok(o);
11147         return nativeResponseValue;
11148 }
11149         // void CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_free(struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ _res);
11150 /* @internal */
11151 export function CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
11152         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11153                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11154         }
11155         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_free(_res);
11156         // debug statements here
11157 }
11158         // uint64_t CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
11159 /* @internal */
11160 export function CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
11161         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11162                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11163         }
11164         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg);
11165         return nativeResponseValue;
11166 }
11167         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
11168 /* @internal */
11169 export function CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
11170         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11171                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11172         }
11173         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_SignatureSignatureZNoneZ_clone(orig);
11174         return nativeResponseValue;
11175 }
11176         // struct LDKCResult_SecretKeyNoneZ CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_ok(struct LDKSecretKey o);
11177 /* @internal */
11178 export function CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_ok(o: number): bigint {
11179         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11180                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11181         }
11182         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_ok(o);
11183         return nativeResponseValue;
11184 }
11185         // struct LDKCResult_SecretKeyNoneZ CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_err(void);
11186 /* @internal */
11187 export function CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_err(): bigint {
11188         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11189                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11190         }
11191         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_err();
11192         return nativeResponseValue;
11193 }
11194         // bool CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_SecretKeyNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
11195 /* @internal */
11196 export function CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
11197         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11198                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11199         }
11200         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_is_ok(o);
11201         return nativeResponseValue;
11202 }
11203         // void CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_free(struct LDKCResult_SecretKeyNoneZ _res);
11204 /* @internal */
11205 export function CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
11206         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11207                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11208         }
11209         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_free(_res);
11210         // debug statements here
11211 }
11212         // uint64_t CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_SecretKeyNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
11213 /* @internal */
11214 export function CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
11215         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11216                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11217         }
11218         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg);
11219         return nativeResponseValue;
11220 }
11221         // struct LDKCResult_SecretKeyNoneZ CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_SecretKeyNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
11222 /* @internal */
11223 export function CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
11224         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11225                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11226         }
11227         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SecretKeyNoneZ_clone(orig);
11228         return nativeResponseValue;
11229 }
11230         // struct LDKCOption_ScalarZ COption_ScalarZ_some(struct LDKBigEndianScalar o);
11231 /* @internal */
11232 export function COption_ScalarZ_some(o: bigint): bigint {
11233         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11234                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11235         }
11236         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_ScalarZ_some(o);
11237         return nativeResponseValue;
11238 }
11239         // struct LDKCOption_ScalarZ COption_ScalarZ_none(void);
11240 /* @internal */
11241 export function COption_ScalarZ_none(): bigint {
11242         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11243                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11244         }
11245         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_ScalarZ_none();
11246         return nativeResponseValue;
11247 }
11248         // void COption_ScalarZ_free(struct LDKCOption_ScalarZ _res);
11249 /* @internal */
11250 export function COption_ScalarZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
11251         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11252                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11253         }
11254         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_ScalarZ_free(_res);
11255         // debug statements here
11256 }
11257         // struct LDKCResult_SharedSecretNoneZ CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_ok(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes o);
11258 /* @internal */
11259 export function CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_ok(o: number): bigint {
11260         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11261                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11262         }
11263         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_ok(o);
11264         return nativeResponseValue;
11265 }
11266         // struct LDKCResult_SharedSecretNoneZ CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_err(void);
11267 /* @internal */
11268 export function CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_err(): bigint {
11269         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11270                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11271         }
11272         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_err();
11273         return nativeResponseValue;
11274 }
11275         // bool CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_SharedSecretNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
11276 /* @internal */
11277 export function CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
11278         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11279                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11280         }
11281         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_is_ok(o);
11282         return nativeResponseValue;
11283 }
11284         // void CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_free(struct LDKCResult_SharedSecretNoneZ _res);
11285 /* @internal */
11286 export function CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
11287         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11288                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11289         }
11290         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_free(_res);
11291         // debug statements here
11292 }
11293         // uint64_t CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_SharedSecretNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
11294 /* @internal */
11295 export function CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
11296         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11297                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11298         }
11299         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg);
11300         return nativeResponseValue;
11301 }
11302         // struct LDKCResult_SharedSecretNoneZ CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_SharedSecretNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
11303 /* @internal */
11304 export function CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
11305         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11306                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11307         }
11308         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SharedSecretNoneZ_clone(orig);
11309         return nativeResponseValue;
11310 }
11311         // struct LDKCResult_SignDecodeErrorZ CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKSign o);
11312 /* @internal */
11313 export function CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
11314         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11315                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11316         }
11317         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
11318         return nativeResponseValue;
11319 }
11320         // struct LDKCResult_SignDecodeErrorZ CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
11321 /* @internal */
11322 export function CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
11323         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11324                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11325         }
11326         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
11327         return nativeResponseValue;
11328 }
11329         // bool CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_SignDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
11330 /* @internal */
11331 export function CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
11332         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11333                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11334         }
11335         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
11336         return nativeResponseValue;
11337 }
11338         // void CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_SignDecodeErrorZ _res);
11339 /* @internal */
11340 export function CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
11341         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11342                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11343         }
11344         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
11345         // debug statements here
11346 }
11347         // uint64_t CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_SignDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
11348 /* @internal */
11349 export function CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
11350         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11351                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11352         }
11353         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
11354         return nativeResponseValue;
11355 }
11356         // struct LDKCResult_SignDecodeErrorZ CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_SignDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
11357 /* @internal */
11358 export function CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
11359         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11360                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11361         }
11362         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
11363         return nativeResponseValue;
11364 }
11365         // void CVec_u5Z_free(struct LDKCVec_u5Z _res);
11366 /* @internal */
11367 export function CVec_u5Z_free(_res: number): void {
11368         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11369                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11370         }
11371         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_u5Z_free(_res);
11372         // debug statements here
11373 }
11374         // struct LDKCResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_ok(struct LDKRecoverableSignature o);
11375 /* @internal */
11376 export function CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_ok(o: number): bigint {
11377         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11378                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11379         }
11380         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_ok(o);
11381         return nativeResponseValue;
11382 }
11383         // struct LDKCResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_err(void);
11384 /* @internal */
11385 export function CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_err(): bigint {
11386         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11387                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11388         }
11389         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_err();
11390         return nativeResponseValue;
11391 }
11392         // bool CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
11393 /* @internal */
11394 export function CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
11395         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11396                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11397         }
11398         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_is_ok(o);
11399         return nativeResponseValue;
11400 }
11401         // void CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_free(struct LDKCResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ _res);
11402 /* @internal */
11403 export function CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
11404         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11405                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11406         }
11407         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_free(_res);
11408         // debug statements here
11409 }
11410         // uint64_t CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
11411 /* @internal */
11412 export function CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
11413         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11414                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11415         }
11416         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg);
11417         return nativeResponseValue;
11418 }
11419         // struct LDKCResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
11420 /* @internal */
11421 export function CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
11422         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11423                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11424         }
11425         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RecoverableSignatureNoneZ_clone(orig);
11426         return nativeResponseValue;
11427 }
11428         // void CVec_u8Z_free(struct LDKCVec_u8Z _res);
11429 /* @internal */
11430 export function CVec_u8Z_free(_res: number): void {
11431         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11432                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11433         }
11434         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_u8Z_free(_res);
11435         // debug statements here
11436 }
11437         // void CVec_CVec_u8ZZ_free(struct LDKCVec_CVec_u8ZZ _res);
11438 /* @internal */
11439 export function CVec_CVec_u8ZZ_free(_res: number): void {
11440         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11441                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11442         }
11443         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_CVec_u8ZZ_free(_res);
11444         // debug statements here
11445 }
11446         // struct LDKCResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_ok(struct LDKCVec_CVec_u8ZZ o);
11447 /* @internal */
11448 export function CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_ok(o: number): bigint {
11449         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11450                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11451         }
11452         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_ok(o);
11453         return nativeResponseValue;
11454 }
11455         // struct LDKCResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_err(void);
11456 /* @internal */
11457 export function CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_err(): bigint {
11458         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11459                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11460         }
11461         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_err();
11462         return nativeResponseValue;
11463 }
11464         // bool CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
11465 /* @internal */
11466 export function CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
11467         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11468                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11469         }
11470         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_is_ok(o);
11471         return nativeResponseValue;
11472 }
11473         // void CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_free(struct LDKCResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ _res);
11474 /* @internal */
11475 export function CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
11476         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11477                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11478         }
11479         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_free(_res);
11480         // debug statements here
11481 }
11482         // uint64_t CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
11483 /* @internal */
11484 export function CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
11485         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11486                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11487         }
11488         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg);
11489         return nativeResponseValue;
11490 }
11491         // struct LDKCResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
11492 /* @internal */
11493 export function CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
11494         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11495                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11496         }
11497         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ_clone(orig);
11498         return nativeResponseValue;
11499 }
11500         // struct LDKCResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKInMemorySigner o);
11501 /* @internal */
11502 export function CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
11503         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11504                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11505         }
11506         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
11507         return nativeResponseValue;
11508 }
11509         // struct LDKCResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
11510 /* @internal */
11511 export function CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
11512         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11513                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11514         }
11515         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
11516         return nativeResponseValue;
11517 }
11518         // bool CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
11519 /* @internal */
11520 export function CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
11521         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11522                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11523         }
11524         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
11525         return nativeResponseValue;
11526 }
11527         // void CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ _res);
11528 /* @internal */
11529 export function CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
11530         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11531                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11532         }
11533         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
11534         // debug statements here
11535 }
11536         // uint64_t CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
11537 /* @internal */
11538 export function CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
11539         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11540                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11541         }
11542         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
11543         return nativeResponseValue;
11544 }
11545         // struct LDKCResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
11546 /* @internal */
11547 export function CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
11548         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11549                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11550         }
11551         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
11552         return nativeResponseValue;
11553 }
11554         // void CVec_TxOutZ_free(struct LDKCVec_TxOutZ _res);
11555 /* @internal */
11556 export function CVec_TxOutZ_free(_res: number): void {
11557         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11558                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11559         }
11560         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_TxOutZ_free(_res);
11561         // debug statements here
11562 }
11563         // struct LDKCResult_TransactionNoneZ CResult_TransactionNoneZ_ok(struct LDKTransaction o);
11564 /* @internal */
11565 export function CResult_TransactionNoneZ_ok(o: number): bigint {
11566         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11567                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11568         }
11569         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TransactionNoneZ_ok(o);
11570         return nativeResponseValue;
11571 }
11572         // struct LDKCResult_TransactionNoneZ CResult_TransactionNoneZ_err(void);
11573 /* @internal */
11574 export function CResult_TransactionNoneZ_err(): bigint {
11575         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11576                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11577         }
11578         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TransactionNoneZ_err();
11579         return nativeResponseValue;
11580 }
11581         // bool CResult_TransactionNoneZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_TransactionNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
11582 /* @internal */
11583 export function CResult_TransactionNoneZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
11584         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11585                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11586         }
11587         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TransactionNoneZ_is_ok(o);
11588         return nativeResponseValue;
11589 }
11590         // void CResult_TransactionNoneZ_free(struct LDKCResult_TransactionNoneZ _res);
11591 /* @internal */
11592 export function CResult_TransactionNoneZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
11593         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11594                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11595         }
11596         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TransactionNoneZ_free(_res);
11597         // debug statements here
11598 }
11599         // uint64_t CResult_TransactionNoneZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_TransactionNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
11600 /* @internal */
11601 export function CResult_TransactionNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
11602         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11603                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11604         }
11605         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TransactionNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg);
11606         return nativeResponseValue;
11607 }
11608         // struct LDKCResult_TransactionNoneZ CResult_TransactionNoneZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_TransactionNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
11609 /* @internal */
11610 export function CResult_TransactionNoneZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
11611         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11612                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11613         }
11614         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_TransactionNoneZ_clone(orig);
11615         return nativeResponseValue;
11616 }
11617         // struct LDKCOption_u16Z COption_u16Z_some(uint16_t o);
11618 /* @internal */
11619 export function COption_u16Z_some(o: number): bigint {
11620         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11621                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11622         }
11623         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_u16Z_some(o);
11624         return nativeResponseValue;
11625 }
11626         // struct LDKCOption_u16Z COption_u16Z_none(void);
11627 /* @internal */
11628 export function COption_u16Z_none(): bigint {
11629         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11630                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11631         }
11632         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_u16Z_none();
11633         return nativeResponseValue;
11634 }
11635         // void COption_u16Z_free(struct LDKCOption_u16Z _res);
11636 /* @internal */
11637 export function COption_u16Z_free(_res: bigint): void {
11638         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11639                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11640         }
11641         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_u16Z_free(_res);
11642         // debug statements here
11643 }
11644         // uint64_t COption_u16Z_clone_ptr(LDKCOption_u16Z *NONNULL_PTR arg);
11645 /* @internal */
11646 export function COption_u16Z_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
11647         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11648                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11649         }
11650         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_u16Z_clone_ptr(arg);
11651         return nativeResponseValue;
11652 }
11653         // struct LDKCOption_u16Z COption_u16Z_clone(const struct LDKCOption_u16Z *NONNULL_PTR orig);
11654 /* @internal */
11655 export function COption_u16Z_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
11656         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11657                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11658         }
11659         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_u16Z_clone(orig);
11660         return nativeResponseValue;
11661 }
11662         // struct LDKCResult_NoneAPIErrorZ CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_ok(void);
11663 /* @internal */
11664 export function CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_ok(): bigint {
11665         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11666                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11667         }
11668         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_ok();
11669         return nativeResponseValue;
11670 }
11671         // struct LDKCResult_NoneAPIErrorZ CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_err(struct LDKAPIError e);
11672 /* @internal */
11673 export function CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
11674         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11675                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11676         }
11677         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_err(e);
11678         return nativeResponseValue;
11679 }
11680         // bool CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_NoneAPIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
11681 /* @internal */
11682 export function CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
11683         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11684                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11685         }
11686         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_is_ok(o);
11687         return nativeResponseValue;
11688 }
11689         // void CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_NoneAPIErrorZ _res);
11690 /* @internal */
11691 export function CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
11692         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11693                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11694         }
11695         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_free(_res);
11696         // debug statements here
11697 }
11698         // uint64_t CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_NoneAPIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
11699 /* @internal */
11700 export function CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
11701         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11702                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11703         }
11704         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
11705         return nativeResponseValue;
11706 }
11707         // struct LDKCResult_NoneAPIErrorZ CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_NoneAPIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
11708 /* @internal */
11709 export function CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
11710         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11711                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11712         }
11713         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneAPIErrorZ_clone(orig);
11714         return nativeResponseValue;
11715 }
11716         // void CVec_CResult_NoneAPIErrorZZ_free(struct LDKCVec_CResult_NoneAPIErrorZZ _res);
11717 /* @internal */
11718 export function CVec_CResult_NoneAPIErrorZZ_free(_res: number): void {
11719         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11720                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11721         }
11722         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_CResult_NoneAPIErrorZZ_free(_res);
11723         // debug statements here
11724 }
11725         // void CVec_APIErrorZ_free(struct LDKCVec_APIErrorZ _res);
11726 /* @internal */
11727 export function CVec_APIErrorZ_free(_res: number): void {
11728         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11729                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11730         }
11731         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_APIErrorZ_free(_res);
11732         // debug statements here
11733 }
11734         // struct LDKCResult__u832APIErrorZ CResult__u832APIErrorZ_ok(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes o);
11735 /* @internal */
11736 export function CResult__u832APIErrorZ_ok(o: number): bigint {
11737         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11738                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11739         }
11740         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult__u832APIErrorZ_ok(o);
11741         return nativeResponseValue;
11742 }
11743         // struct LDKCResult__u832APIErrorZ CResult__u832APIErrorZ_err(struct LDKAPIError e);
11744 /* @internal */
11745 export function CResult__u832APIErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
11746         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11747                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11748         }
11749         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult__u832APIErrorZ_err(e);
11750         return nativeResponseValue;
11751 }
11752         // bool CResult__u832APIErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult__u832APIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
11753 /* @internal */
11754 export function CResult__u832APIErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
11755         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11756                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11757         }
11758         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult__u832APIErrorZ_is_ok(o);
11759         return nativeResponseValue;
11760 }
11761         // void CResult__u832APIErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult__u832APIErrorZ _res);
11762 /* @internal */
11763 export function CResult__u832APIErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
11764         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11765                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11766         }
11767         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult__u832APIErrorZ_free(_res);
11768         // debug statements here
11769 }
11770         // uint64_t CResult__u832APIErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult__u832APIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
11771 /* @internal */
11772 export function CResult__u832APIErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
11773         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11774                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11775         }
11776         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult__u832APIErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
11777         return nativeResponseValue;
11778 }
11779         // struct LDKCResult__u832APIErrorZ CResult__u832APIErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult__u832APIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
11780 /* @internal */
11781 export function CResult__u832APIErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
11782         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11783                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11784         }
11785         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult__u832APIErrorZ_clone(orig);
11786         return nativeResponseValue;
11787 }
11788         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_ok(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes o);
11789 /* @internal */
11790 export function CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_ok(o: number): bigint {
11791         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11792                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11793         }
11794         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_ok(o);
11795         return nativeResponseValue;
11796 }
11797         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_err(struct LDKPaymentSendFailure e);
11798 /* @internal */
11799 export function CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
11800         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11801                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11802         }
11803         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_err(e);
11804         return nativeResponseValue;
11805 }
11806         // bool CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
11807 /* @internal */
11808 export function CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
11809         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11810                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11811         }
11812         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_is_ok(o);
11813         return nativeResponseValue;
11814 }
11815         // void CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_free(struct LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ _res);
11816 /* @internal */
11817 export function CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
11818         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11819                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11820         }
11821         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_free(_res);
11822         // debug statements here
11823 }
11824         // uint64_t CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
11825 /* @internal */
11826 export function CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
11827         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11828                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11829         }
11830         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_clone_ptr(arg);
11831         return nativeResponseValue;
11832 }
11833         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
11834 /* @internal */
11835 export function CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
11836         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11837                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11838         }
11839         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ_clone(orig);
11840         return nativeResponseValue;
11841 }
11842         // struct LDKCResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_ok(void);
11843 /* @internal */
11844 export function CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_ok(): bigint {
11845         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11846                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11847         }
11848         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_ok();
11849         return nativeResponseValue;
11850 }
11851         // struct LDKCResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_err(struct LDKPaymentSendFailure e);
11852 /* @internal */
11853 export function CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
11854         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11855                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11856         }
11857         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_err(e);
11858         return nativeResponseValue;
11859 }
11860         // bool CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
11861 /* @internal */
11862 export function CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
11863         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11864                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11865         }
11866         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_is_ok(o);
11867         return nativeResponseValue;
11868 }
11869         // void CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_free(struct LDKCResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ _res);
11870 /* @internal */
11871 export function CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
11872         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11873                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11874         }
11875         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_free(_res);
11876         // debug statements here
11877 }
11878         // uint64_t CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
11879 /* @internal */
11880 export function CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
11881         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11882                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11883         }
11884         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_clone_ptr(arg);
11885         return nativeResponseValue;
11886 }
11887         // struct LDKCResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
11888 /* @internal */
11889 export function CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
11890         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11891                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11892         }
11893         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ_clone(orig);
11894         return nativeResponseValue;
11895 }
11896         // uint64_t C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ_clone_ptr(LDKC2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
11897 /* @internal */
11898 export function C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
11899         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11900                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11901         }
11902         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ_clone_ptr(arg);
11903         return nativeResponseValue;
11904 }
11905         // struct LDKC2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ_clone(const struct LDKC2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
11906 /* @internal */
11907 export function C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
11908         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11909                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11910         }
11911         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ_clone(orig);
11912         return nativeResponseValue;
11913 }
11914         // struct LDKC2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes a, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes b);
11915 /* @internal */
11916 export function C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ_new(a: number, b: number): bigint {
11917         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11918                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11919         }
11920         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ_new(a, b);
11921         return nativeResponseValue;
11922 }
11923         // void C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ_free(struct LDKC2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ _res);
11924 /* @internal */
11925 export function C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
11926         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11927                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11928         }
11929         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ_free(_res);
11930         // debug statements here
11931 }
11932         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_ok(struct LDKC2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZ o);
11933 /* @internal */
11934 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
11935         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11936                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11937         }
11938         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_ok(o);
11939         return nativeResponseValue;
11940 }
11941         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_err(struct LDKPaymentSendFailure e);
11942 /* @internal */
11943 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
11944         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11945                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11946         }
11947         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_err(e);
11948         return nativeResponseValue;
11949 }
11950         // bool CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
11951 /* @internal */
11952 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
11953         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11954                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11955         }
11956         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_is_ok(o);
11957         return nativeResponseValue;
11958 }
11959         // void CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_free(struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ _res);
11960 /* @internal */
11961 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
11962         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11963                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11964         }
11965         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_free(_res);
11966         // debug statements here
11967 }
11968         // uint64_t CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
11969 /* @internal */
11970 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
11971         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11972                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11973         }
11974         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_clone_ptr(arg);
11975         return nativeResponseValue;
11976 }
11977         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
11978 /* @internal */
11979 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
11980         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11981                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11982         }
11983         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ_clone(orig);
11984         return nativeResponseValue;
11985 }
11986         // void CVec_ThirtyTwoBytesZ_free(struct LDKCVec_ThirtyTwoBytesZ _res);
11987 /* @internal */
11988 export function CVec_ThirtyTwoBytesZ_free(_res: number): void {
11989         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11990                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
11991         }
11992         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_ThirtyTwoBytesZ_free(_res);
11993         // debug statements here
11994 }
11995         // uint64_t C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ_clone_ptr(LDKC2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
11996 /* @internal */
11997 export function C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
11998         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
11999                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12000         }
12001         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ_clone_ptr(arg);
12002         return nativeResponseValue;
12003 }
12004         // struct LDKC2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ_clone(const struct LDKC2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
12005 /* @internal */
12006 export function C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
12007         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12008                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12009         }
12010         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ_clone(orig);
12011         return nativeResponseValue;
12012 }
12013         // struct LDKC2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes a, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes b);
12014 /* @internal */
12015 export function C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ_new(a: number, b: number): bigint {
12016         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12017                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12018         }
12019         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ_new(a, b);
12020         return nativeResponseValue;
12021 }
12022         // void C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ_free(struct LDKC2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ _res);
12023 /* @internal */
12024 export function C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
12025         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12026                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12027         }
12028         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ_free(_res);
12029         // debug statements here
12030 }
12031         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_ok(struct LDKC2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ o);
12032 /* @internal */
12033 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
12034         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12035                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12036         }
12037         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_ok(o);
12038         return nativeResponseValue;
12039 }
12040         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_err(void);
12041 /* @internal */
12042 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_err(): bigint {
12043         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12044                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12045         }
12046         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_err();
12047         return nativeResponseValue;
12048 }
12049         // bool CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
12050 /* @internal */
12051 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
12052         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12053                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12054         }
12055         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_is_ok(o);
12056         return nativeResponseValue;
12057 }
12058         // void CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_free(struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ _res);
12059 /* @internal */
12060 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
12061         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12062                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12063         }
12064         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_free(_res);
12065         // debug statements here
12066 }
12067         // uint64_t CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
12068 /* @internal */
12069 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
12070         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12071                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12072         }
12073         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg);
12074         return nativeResponseValue;
12075 }
12076         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
12077 /* @internal */
12078 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
12079         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12080                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12081         }
12082         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ_clone(orig);
12083         return nativeResponseValue;
12084 }
12085         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_ok(struct LDKC2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZ o);
12086 /* @internal */
12087 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
12088         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12089                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12090         }
12091         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_ok(o);
12092         return nativeResponseValue;
12093 }
12094         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_err(struct LDKAPIError e);
12095 /* @internal */
12096 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
12097         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12098                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12099         }
12100         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_err(e);
12101         return nativeResponseValue;
12102 }
12103         // bool CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
12104 /* @internal */
12105 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
12106         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12107                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12108         }
12109         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_is_ok(o);
12110         return nativeResponseValue;
12111 }
12112         // void CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ _res);
12113 /* @internal */
12114 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
12115         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12116                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12117         }
12118         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_free(_res);
12119         // debug statements here
12120 }
12121         // uint64_t CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
12122 /* @internal */
12123 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
12124         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12125                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12126         }
12127         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
12128         return nativeResponseValue;
12129 }
12130         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
12131 /* @internal */
12132 export function CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
12133         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12134                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12135         }
12136         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ_clone(orig);
12137         return nativeResponseValue;
12138 }
12139         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_ok(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes o);
12140 /* @internal */
12141 export function CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_ok(o: number): bigint {
12142         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12143                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12144         }
12145         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_ok(o);
12146         return nativeResponseValue;
12147 }
12148         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_err(void);
12149 /* @internal */
12150 export function CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_err(): bigint {
12151         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12152                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12153         }
12154         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_err();
12155         return nativeResponseValue;
12156 }
12157         // bool CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
12158 /* @internal */
12159 export function CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
12160         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12161                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12162         }
12163         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_is_ok(o);
12164         return nativeResponseValue;
12165 }
12166         // void CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_free(struct LDKCResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ _res);
12167 /* @internal */
12168 export function CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
12169         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12170                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12171         }
12172         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_free(_res);
12173         // debug statements here
12174 }
12175         // uint64_t CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
12176 /* @internal */
12177 export function CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
12178         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12179                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12180         }
12181         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_clone_ptr(arg);
12182         return nativeResponseValue;
12183 }
12184         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
12185 /* @internal */
12186 export function CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
12187         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12188                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12189         }
12190         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ_clone(orig);
12191         return nativeResponseValue;
12192 }
12193         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_ok(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes o);
12194 /* @internal */
12195 export function CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_ok(o: number): bigint {
12196         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12197                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12198         }
12199         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_ok(o);
12200         return nativeResponseValue;
12201 }
12202         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_err(struct LDKAPIError e);
12203 /* @internal */
12204 export function CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
12205         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12206                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12207         }
12208         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_err(e);
12209         return nativeResponseValue;
12210 }
12211         // bool CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
12212 /* @internal */
12213 export function CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
12214         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12215                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12216         }
12217         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_is_ok(o);
12218         return nativeResponseValue;
12219 }
12220         // void CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ _res);
12221 /* @internal */
12222 export function CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
12223         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12224                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12225         }
12226         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_free(_res);
12227         // debug statements here
12228 }
12229         // uint64_t CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
12230 /* @internal */
12231 export function CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
12232         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12233                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12234         }
12235         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
12236         return nativeResponseValue;
12237 }
12238         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
12239 /* @internal */
12240 export function CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
12241         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12242                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12243         }
12244         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ_clone(orig);
12245         return nativeResponseValue;
12246 }
12247         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_ok(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes o);
12248 /* @internal */
12249 export function CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_ok(o: number): bigint {
12250         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12251                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12252         }
12253         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_ok(o);
12254         return nativeResponseValue;
12255 }
12256         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_err(struct LDKAPIError e);
12257 /* @internal */
12258 export function CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
12259         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12260                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12261         }
12262         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_err(e);
12263         return nativeResponseValue;
12264 }
12265         // bool CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
12266 /* @internal */
12267 export function CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
12268         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12269                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12270         }
12271         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_is_ok(o);
12272         return nativeResponseValue;
12273 }
12274         // void CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ _res);
12275 /* @internal */
12276 export function CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
12277         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12278                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12279         }
12280         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_free(_res);
12281         // debug statements here
12282 }
12283         // uint64_t CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
12284 /* @internal */
12285 export function CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
12286         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12287                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12288         }
12289         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
12290         return nativeResponseValue;
12291 }
12292         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
12293 /* @internal */
12294 export function CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
12295         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12296                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12297         }
12298         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ_clone(orig);
12299         return nativeResponseValue;
12300 }
12301         // struct LDKCResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKCounterpartyForwardingInfo o);
12302 /* @internal */
12303 export function CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
12304         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12305                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12306         }
12307         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
12308         return nativeResponseValue;
12309 }
12310         // struct LDKCResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
12311 /* @internal */
12312 export function CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
12313         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12314                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12315         }
12316         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
12317         return nativeResponseValue;
12318 }
12319         // bool CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
12320 /* @internal */
12321 export function CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
12322         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12323                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12324         }
12325         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
12326         return nativeResponseValue;
12327 }
12328         // void CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ _res);
12329 /* @internal */
12330 export function CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
12331         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12332                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12333         }
12334         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
12335         // debug statements here
12336 }
12337         // uint64_t CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
12338 /* @internal */
12339 export function CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
12340         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12341                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12342         }
12343         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
12344         return nativeResponseValue;
12345 }
12346         // struct LDKCResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
12347 /* @internal */
12348 export function CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
12349         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12350                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12351         }
12352         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
12353         return nativeResponseValue;
12354 }
12355         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKChannelCounterparty o);
12356 /* @internal */
12357 export function CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
12358         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12359                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12360         }
12361         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
12362         return nativeResponseValue;
12363 }
12364         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
12365 /* @internal */
12366 export function CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
12367         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12368                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12369         }
12370         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
12371         return nativeResponseValue;
12372 }
12373         // bool CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
12374 /* @internal */
12375 export function CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
12376         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12377                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12378         }
12379         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
12380         return nativeResponseValue;
12381 }
12382         // void CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ _res);
12383 /* @internal */
12384 export function CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
12385         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12386                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12387         }
12388         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
12389         // debug statements here
12390 }
12391         // uint64_t CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
12392 /* @internal */
12393 export function CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
12394         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12395                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12396         }
12397         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
12398         return nativeResponseValue;
12399 }
12400         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
12401 /* @internal */
12402 export function CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
12403         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12404                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12405         }
12406         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
12407         return nativeResponseValue;
12408 }
12409         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKChannelDetails o);
12410 /* @internal */
12411 export function CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
12412         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12413                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12414         }
12415         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
12416         return nativeResponseValue;
12417 }
12418         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
12419 /* @internal */
12420 export function CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
12421         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12422                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12423         }
12424         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
12425         return nativeResponseValue;
12426 }
12427         // bool CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
12428 /* @internal */
12429 export function CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
12430         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12431                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12432         }
12433         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
12434         return nativeResponseValue;
12435 }
12436         // void CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ _res);
12437 /* @internal */
12438 export function CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
12439         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12440                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12441         }
12442         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
12443         // debug statements here
12444 }
12445         // uint64_t CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
12446 /* @internal */
12447 export function CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
12448         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12449                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12450         }
12451         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
12452         return nativeResponseValue;
12453 }
12454         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
12455 /* @internal */
12456 export function CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
12457         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12458                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12459         }
12460         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
12461         return nativeResponseValue;
12462 }
12463         // struct LDKCResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKPhantomRouteHints o);
12464 /* @internal */
12465 export function CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
12466         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12467                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12468         }
12469         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
12470         return nativeResponseValue;
12471 }
12472         // struct LDKCResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
12473 /* @internal */
12474 export function CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
12475         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12476                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12477         }
12478         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
12479         return nativeResponseValue;
12480 }
12481         // bool CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
12482 /* @internal */
12483 export function CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
12484         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12485                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12486         }
12487         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
12488         return nativeResponseValue;
12489 }
12490         // void CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ _res);
12491 /* @internal */
12492 export function CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
12493         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12494                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12495         }
12496         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
12497         // debug statements here
12498 }
12499         // uint64_t CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
12500 /* @internal */
12501 export function CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
12502         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12503                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12504         }
12505         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
12506         return nativeResponseValue;
12507 }
12508         // struct LDKCResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
12509 /* @internal */
12510 export function CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
12511         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12512                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12513         }
12514         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
12515         return nativeResponseValue;
12516 }
12517         // void CVec_ChannelMonitorZ_free(struct LDKCVec_ChannelMonitorZ _res);
12518 /* @internal */
12519 export function CVec_ChannelMonitorZ_free(_res: number): void {
12520         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12521                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12522         }
12523         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_ChannelMonitorZ_free(_res);
12524         // debug statements here
12525 }
12526         // struct LDKC2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZ C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZ_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes a, struct LDKChannelManager b);
12527 /* @internal */
12528 export function C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZ_new(a: number, b: bigint): bigint {
12529         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12530                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12531         }
12532         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZ_new(a, b);
12533         return nativeResponseValue;
12534 }
12535         // void C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZ_free(struct LDKC2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZ _res);
12536 /* @internal */
12537 export function C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
12538         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12539                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12540         }
12541         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZ_free(_res);
12542         // debug statements here
12543 }
12544         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKC2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZ o);
12545 /* @internal */
12546 export function CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
12547         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12548                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12549         }
12550         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
12551         return nativeResponseValue;
12552 }
12553         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
12554 /* @internal */
12555 export function CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
12556         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12557                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12558         }
12559         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
12560         return nativeResponseValue;
12561 }
12562         // bool CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
12563 /* @internal */
12564 export function CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
12565         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12566                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12567         }
12568         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
12569         return nativeResponseValue;
12570 }
12571         // void CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ _res);
12572 /* @internal */
12573 export function CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
12574         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12575                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12576         }
12577         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
12578         // debug statements here
12579 }
12580         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKChannelConfig o);
12581 /* @internal */
12582 export function CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
12583         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12584                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12585         }
12586         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
12587         return nativeResponseValue;
12588 }
12589         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
12590 /* @internal */
12591 export function CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
12592         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12593                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12594         }
12595         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
12596         return nativeResponseValue;
12597 }
12598         // bool CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
12599 /* @internal */
12600 export function CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
12601         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12602                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12603         }
12604         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
12605         return nativeResponseValue;
12606 }
12607         // void CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ _res);
12608 /* @internal */
12609 export function CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
12610         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12611                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12612         }
12613         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
12614         // debug statements here
12615 }
12616         // uint64_t CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
12617 /* @internal */
12618 export function CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
12619         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12620                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12621         }
12622         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
12623         return nativeResponseValue;
12624 }
12625         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
12626 /* @internal */
12627 export function CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
12628         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12629                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12630         }
12631         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
12632         return nativeResponseValue;
12633 }
12634         // struct LDKCResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKOutPoint o);
12635 /* @internal */
12636 export function CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
12637         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12638                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12639         }
12640         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
12641         return nativeResponseValue;
12642 }
12643         // struct LDKCResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
12644 /* @internal */
12645 export function CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
12646         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12647                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12648         }
12649         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
12650         return nativeResponseValue;
12651 }
12652         // bool CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
12653 /* @internal */
12654 export function CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
12655         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12656                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12657         }
12658         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
12659         return nativeResponseValue;
12660 }
12661         // void CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ _res);
12662 /* @internal */
12663 export function CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
12664         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12665                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12666         }
12667         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
12668         // debug statements here
12669 }
12670         // uint64_t CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
12671 /* @internal */
12672 export function CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
12673         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12674                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12675         }
12676         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
12677         return nativeResponseValue;
12678 }
12679         // struct LDKCResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
12680 /* @internal */
12681 export function CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
12682         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12683                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12684         }
12685         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
12686         return nativeResponseValue;
12687 }
12688         // struct LDKCOption_TypeZ COption_TypeZ_some(struct LDKType o);
12689 /* @internal */
12690 export function COption_TypeZ_some(o: bigint): bigint {
12691         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12692                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12693         }
12694         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_TypeZ_some(o);
12695         return nativeResponseValue;
12696 }
12697         // struct LDKCOption_TypeZ COption_TypeZ_none(void);
12698 /* @internal */
12699 export function COption_TypeZ_none(): bigint {
12700         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12701                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12702         }
12703         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_TypeZ_none();
12704         return nativeResponseValue;
12705 }
12706         // void COption_TypeZ_free(struct LDKCOption_TypeZ _res);
12707 /* @internal */
12708 export function COption_TypeZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
12709         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12710                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12711         }
12712         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_TypeZ_free(_res);
12713         // debug statements here
12714 }
12715         // uint64_t COption_TypeZ_clone_ptr(LDKCOption_TypeZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
12716 /* @internal */
12717 export function COption_TypeZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
12718         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12719                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12720         }
12721         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_TypeZ_clone_ptr(arg);
12722         return nativeResponseValue;
12723 }
12724         // struct LDKCOption_TypeZ COption_TypeZ_clone(const struct LDKCOption_TypeZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
12725 /* @internal */
12726 export function COption_TypeZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
12727         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12728                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12729         }
12730         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_TypeZ_clone(orig);
12731         return nativeResponseValue;
12732 }
12733         // struct LDKCResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKCOption_TypeZ o);
12734 /* @internal */
12735 export function CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
12736         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12737                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12738         }
12739         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
12740         return nativeResponseValue;
12741 }
12742         // struct LDKCResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
12743 /* @internal */
12744 export function CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
12745         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12746                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12747         }
12748         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
12749         return nativeResponseValue;
12750 }
12751         // bool CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
12752 /* @internal */
12753 export function CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
12754         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12755                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12756         }
12757         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
12758         return nativeResponseValue;
12759 }
12760         // void CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ _res);
12761 /* @internal */
12762 export function CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
12763         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12764                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12765         }
12766         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
12767         // debug statements here
12768 }
12769         // uint64_t CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
12770 /* @internal */
12771 export function CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
12772         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12773                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12774         }
12775         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
12776         return nativeResponseValue;
12777 }
12778         // struct LDKCResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
12779 /* @internal */
12780 export function CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
12781         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12782                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12783         }
12784         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_TypeZDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
12785         return nativeResponseValue;
12786 }
12787         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_ok(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes o);
12788 /* @internal */
12789 export function CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_ok(o: number): bigint {
12790         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12791                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12792         }
12793         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_ok(o);
12794         return nativeResponseValue;
12795 }
12796         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_err(struct LDKPaymentError e);
12797 /* @internal */
12798 export function CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
12799         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12800                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12801         }
12802         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_err(e);
12803         return nativeResponseValue;
12804 }
12805         // bool CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
12806 /* @internal */
12807 export function CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
12808         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12809                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12810         }
12811         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_is_ok(o);
12812         return nativeResponseValue;
12813 }
12814         // void CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ _res);
12815 /* @internal */
12816 export function CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
12817         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12818                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12819         }
12820         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_free(_res);
12821         // debug statements here
12822 }
12823         // uint64_t CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
12824 /* @internal */
12825 export function CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
12826         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12827                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12828         }
12829         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
12830         return nativeResponseValue;
12831 }
12832         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
12833 /* @internal */
12834 export function CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
12835         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12836                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12837         }
12838         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ_clone(orig);
12839         return nativeResponseValue;
12840 }
12841         // struct LDKCResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ CResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKInFlightHtlcs o);
12842 /* @internal */
12843 export function CResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
12844         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12845                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12846         }
12847         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
12848         return nativeResponseValue;
12849 }
12850         // struct LDKCResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ CResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
12851 /* @internal */
12852 export function CResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
12853         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12854                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12855         }
12856         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
12857         return nativeResponseValue;
12858 }
12859         // bool CResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
12860 /* @internal */
12861 export function CResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
12862         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12863                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12864         }
12865         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
12866         return nativeResponseValue;
12867 }
12868         // void CResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ _res);
12869 /* @internal */
12870 export function CResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
12871         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12872                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12873         }
12874         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
12875         // debug statements here
12876 }
12877         // struct LDKCResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_ok(enum LDKSiPrefix o);
12878 /* @internal */
12879 export function CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_ok(o: SiPrefix): bigint {
12880         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12881                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12882         }
12883         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_ok(o);
12884         return nativeResponseValue;
12885 }
12886         // struct LDKCResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_err(struct LDKParseError e);
12887 /* @internal */
12888 export function CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
12889         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12890                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12891         }
12892         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_err(e);
12893         return nativeResponseValue;
12894 }
12895         // bool CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
12896 /* @internal */
12897 export function CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
12898         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12899                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12900         }
12901         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_is_ok(o);
12902         return nativeResponseValue;
12903 }
12904         // void CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ _res);
12905 /* @internal */
12906 export function CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
12907         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12908                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12909         }
12910         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_free(_res);
12911         // debug statements here
12912 }
12913         // uint64_t CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
12914 /* @internal */
12915 export function CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
12916         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12917                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12918         }
12919         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
12920         return nativeResponseValue;
12921 }
12922         // struct LDKCResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
12923 /* @internal */
12924 export function CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
12925         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12926                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12927         }
12928         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ_clone(orig);
12929         return nativeResponseValue;
12930 }
12931         // struct LDKCResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_ok(struct LDKInvoice o);
12932 /* @internal */
12933 export function CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
12934         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12935                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12936         }
12937         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_ok(o);
12938         return nativeResponseValue;
12939 }
12940         // struct LDKCResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_err(struct LDKParseOrSemanticError e);
12941 /* @internal */
12942 export function CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
12943         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12944                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12945         }
12946         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_err(e);
12947         return nativeResponseValue;
12948 }
12949         // bool CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
12950 /* @internal */
12951 export function CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
12952         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12953                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12954         }
12955         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_is_ok(o);
12956         return nativeResponseValue;
12957 }
12958         // void CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ _res);
12959 /* @internal */
12960 export function CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
12961         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12962                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12963         }
12964         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_free(_res);
12965         // debug statements here
12966 }
12967         // uint64_t CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
12968 /* @internal */
12969 export function CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
12970         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12971                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12972         }
12973         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
12974         return nativeResponseValue;
12975 }
12976         // struct LDKCResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
12977 /* @internal */
12978 export function CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
12979         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12980                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12981         }
12982         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ_clone(orig);
12983         return nativeResponseValue;
12984 }
12985         // struct LDKCResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_ok(struct LDKSignedRawInvoice o);
12986 /* @internal */
12987 export function CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
12988         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12989                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12990         }
12991         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_ok(o);
12992         return nativeResponseValue;
12993 }
12994         // struct LDKCResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_err(struct LDKParseError e);
12995 /* @internal */
12996 export function CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
12997         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
12998                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
12999         }
13000         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_err(e);
13001         return nativeResponseValue;
13002 }
13003         // bool CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
13004 /* @internal */
13005 export function CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
13006         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13007                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13008         }
13009         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_is_ok(o);
13010         return nativeResponseValue;
13011 }
13012         // void CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ _res);
13013 /* @internal */
13014 export function CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
13015         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13016                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13017         }
13018         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_free(_res);
13019         // debug statements here
13020 }
13021         // uint64_t CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
13022 /* @internal */
13023 export function CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
13024         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13025                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13026         }
13027         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
13028         return nativeResponseValue;
13029 }
13030         // struct LDKCResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
13031 /* @internal */
13032 export function CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
13033         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13034                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13035         }
13036         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ_clone(orig);
13037         return nativeResponseValue;
13038 }
13039         // uint64_t C3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ_clone_ptr(LDKC3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
13040 /* @internal */
13041 export function C3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
13042         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13043                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13044         }
13045         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ_clone_ptr(arg);
13046         return nativeResponseValue;
13047 }
13048         // struct LDKC3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ C3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ_clone(const struct LDKC3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
13049 /* @internal */
13050 export function C3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
13051         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13052                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13053         }
13054         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ_clone(orig);
13055         return nativeResponseValue;
13056 }
13057         // struct LDKC3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ C3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ_new(struct LDKRawInvoice a, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes b, struct LDKInvoiceSignature c);
13058 /* @internal */
13059 export function C3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ_new(a: bigint, b: number, c: bigint): bigint {
13060         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13061                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13062         }
13063         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ_new(a, b, c);
13064         return nativeResponseValue;
13065 }
13066         // void C3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ_free(struct LDKC3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ _res);
13067 /* @internal */
13068 export function C3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
13069         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13070                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13071         }
13072         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ_free(_res);
13073         // debug statements here
13074 }
13075         // struct LDKCResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_ok(struct LDKPayeePubKey o);
13076 /* @internal */
13077 export function CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
13078         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13079                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13080         }
13081         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_ok(o);
13082         return nativeResponseValue;
13083 }
13084         // struct LDKCResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_err(enum LDKSecp256k1Error e);
13085 /* @internal */
13086 export function CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_err(e: Secp256k1Error): bigint {
13087         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13088                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13089         }
13090         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_err(e);
13091         return nativeResponseValue;
13092 }
13093         // bool CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
13094 /* @internal */
13095 export function CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
13096         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13097                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13098         }
13099         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_is_ok(o);
13100         return nativeResponseValue;
13101 }
13102         // void CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ _res);
13103 /* @internal */
13104 export function CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
13105         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13106                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13107         }
13108         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_free(_res);
13109         // debug statements here
13110 }
13111         // uint64_t CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
13112 /* @internal */
13113 export function CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
13114         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13115                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13116         }
13117         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
13118         return nativeResponseValue;
13119 }
13120         // struct LDKCResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
13121 /* @internal */
13122 export function CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
13123         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13124                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13125         }
13126         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ_clone(orig);
13127         return nativeResponseValue;
13128 }
13129         // void CVec_PrivateRouteZ_free(struct LDKCVec_PrivateRouteZ _res);
13130 /* @internal */
13131 export function CVec_PrivateRouteZ_free(_res: number): void {
13132         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13133                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13134         }
13135         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_PrivateRouteZ_free(_res);
13136         // debug statements here
13137 }
13138         // struct LDKCResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_ok(struct LDKPositiveTimestamp o);
13139 /* @internal */
13140 export function CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
13141         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13142                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13143         }
13144         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_ok(o);
13145         return nativeResponseValue;
13146 }
13147         // struct LDKCResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_err(enum LDKCreationError e);
13148 /* @internal */
13149 export function CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_err(e: CreationError): bigint {
13150         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13151                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13152         }
13153         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_err(e);
13154         return nativeResponseValue;
13155 }
13156         // bool CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
13157 /* @internal */
13158 export function CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
13159         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13160                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13161         }
13162         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_is_ok(o);
13163         return nativeResponseValue;
13164 }
13165         // void CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ _res);
13166 /* @internal */
13167 export function CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
13168         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13169                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13170         }
13171         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_free(_res);
13172         // debug statements here
13173 }
13174         // uint64_t CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
13175 /* @internal */
13176 export function CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
13177         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13178                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13179         }
13180         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
13181         return nativeResponseValue;
13182 }
13183         // struct LDKCResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
13184 /* @internal */
13185 export function CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
13186         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13187                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13188         }
13189         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ_clone(orig);
13190         return nativeResponseValue;
13191 }
13192         // struct LDKCResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_ok(void);
13193 /* @internal */
13194 export function CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_ok(): bigint {
13195         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13196                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13197         }
13198         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_ok();
13199         return nativeResponseValue;
13200 }
13201         // struct LDKCResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_err(enum LDKSemanticError e);
13202 /* @internal */
13203 export function CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_err(e: SemanticError): bigint {
13204         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13205                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13206         }
13207         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_err(e);
13208         return nativeResponseValue;
13209 }
13210         // bool CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
13211 /* @internal */
13212 export function CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
13213         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13214                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13215         }
13216         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_is_ok(o);
13217         return nativeResponseValue;
13218 }
13219         // void CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ _res);
13220 /* @internal */
13221 export function CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
13222         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13223                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13224         }
13225         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_free(_res);
13226         // debug statements here
13227 }
13228         // uint64_t CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
13229 /* @internal */
13230 export function CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
13231         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13232                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13233         }
13234         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
13235         return nativeResponseValue;
13236 }
13237         // struct LDKCResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
13238 /* @internal */
13239 export function CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
13240         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13241                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13242         }
13243         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ_clone(orig);
13244         return nativeResponseValue;
13245 }
13246         // struct LDKCResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_ok(struct LDKInvoice o);
13247 /* @internal */
13248 export function CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
13249         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13250                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13251         }
13252         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_ok(o);
13253         return nativeResponseValue;
13254 }
13255         // struct LDKCResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_err(enum LDKSemanticError e);
13256 /* @internal */
13257 export function CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_err(e: SemanticError): bigint {
13258         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13259                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13260         }
13261         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_err(e);
13262         return nativeResponseValue;
13263 }
13264         // bool CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
13265 /* @internal */
13266 export function CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
13267         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13268                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13269         }
13270         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_is_ok(o);
13271         return nativeResponseValue;
13272 }
13273         // void CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ _res);
13274 /* @internal */
13275 export function CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
13276         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13277                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13278         }
13279         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_free(_res);
13280         // debug statements here
13281 }
13282         // uint64_t CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
13283 /* @internal */
13284 export function CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
13285         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13286                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13287         }
13288         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
13289         return nativeResponseValue;
13290 }
13291         // struct LDKCResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
13292 /* @internal */
13293 export function CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
13294         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13295                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13296         }
13297         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ_clone(orig);
13298         return nativeResponseValue;
13299 }
13300         // struct LDKCResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_ok(struct LDKDescription o);
13301 /* @internal */
13302 export function CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
13303         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13304                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13305         }
13306         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_ok(o);
13307         return nativeResponseValue;
13308 }
13309         // struct LDKCResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_err(enum LDKCreationError e);
13310 /* @internal */
13311 export function CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_err(e: CreationError): bigint {
13312         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13313                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13314         }
13315         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_err(e);
13316         return nativeResponseValue;
13317 }
13318         // bool CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
13319 /* @internal */
13320 export function CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
13321         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13322                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13323         }
13324         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_is_ok(o);
13325         return nativeResponseValue;
13326 }
13327         // void CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ _res);
13328 /* @internal */
13329 export function CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
13330         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13331                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13332         }
13333         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_free(_res);
13334         // debug statements here
13335 }
13336         // uint64_t CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
13337 /* @internal */
13338 export function CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
13339         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13340                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13341         }
13342         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
13343         return nativeResponseValue;
13344 }
13345         // struct LDKCResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
13346 /* @internal */
13347 export function CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
13348         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13349                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13350         }
13351         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ_clone(orig);
13352         return nativeResponseValue;
13353 }
13354         // struct LDKCResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_ok(struct LDKPrivateRoute o);
13355 /* @internal */
13356 export function CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
13357         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13358                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13359         }
13360         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_ok(o);
13361         return nativeResponseValue;
13362 }
13363         // struct LDKCResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_err(enum LDKCreationError e);
13364 /* @internal */
13365 export function CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_err(e: CreationError): bigint {
13366         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13367                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13368         }
13369         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_err(e);
13370         return nativeResponseValue;
13371 }
13372         // bool CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
13373 /* @internal */
13374 export function CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
13375         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13376                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13377         }
13378         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_is_ok(o);
13379         return nativeResponseValue;
13380 }
13381         // void CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ _res);
13382 /* @internal */
13383 export function CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
13384         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13385                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13386         }
13387         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_free(_res);
13388         // debug statements here
13389 }
13390         // uint64_t CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
13391 /* @internal */
13392 export function CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
13393         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13394                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13395         }
13396         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
13397         return nativeResponseValue;
13398 }
13399         // struct LDKCResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
13400 /* @internal */
13401 export function CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
13402         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13403                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13404         }
13405         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ_clone(orig);
13406         return nativeResponseValue;
13407 }
13408         // struct LDKCResult_StringErrorZ CResult_StringErrorZ_ok(struct LDKStr o);
13409 /* @internal */
13410 export function CResult_StringErrorZ_ok(o: number): bigint {
13411         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13412                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13413         }
13414         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_StringErrorZ_ok(o);
13415         return nativeResponseValue;
13416 }
13417         // struct LDKCResult_StringErrorZ CResult_StringErrorZ_err(enum LDKSecp256k1Error e);
13418 /* @internal */
13419 export function CResult_StringErrorZ_err(e: Secp256k1Error): bigint {
13420         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13421                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13422         }
13423         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_StringErrorZ_err(e);
13424         return nativeResponseValue;
13425 }
13426         // bool CResult_StringErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_StringErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
13427 /* @internal */
13428 export function CResult_StringErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
13429         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13430                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13431         }
13432         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_StringErrorZ_is_ok(o);
13433         return nativeResponseValue;
13434 }
13435         // void CResult_StringErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_StringErrorZ _res);
13436 /* @internal */
13437 export function CResult_StringErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
13438         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13439                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13440         }
13441         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_StringErrorZ_free(_res);
13442         // debug statements here
13443 }
13444         // uint64_t CResult_StringErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_StringErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
13445 /* @internal */
13446 export function CResult_StringErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
13447         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13448                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13449         }
13450         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_StringErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
13451         return nativeResponseValue;
13452 }
13453         // struct LDKCResult_StringErrorZ CResult_StringErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_StringErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
13454 /* @internal */
13455 export function CResult_StringErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
13456         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13457                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13458         }
13459         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_StringErrorZ_clone(orig);
13460         return nativeResponseValue;
13461 }
13462         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKChannelMonitorUpdate o);
13463 /* @internal */
13464 export function CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
13465         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13466                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13467         }
13468         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
13469         return nativeResponseValue;
13470 }
13471         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
13472 /* @internal */
13473 export function CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
13474         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13475                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13476         }
13477         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
13478         return nativeResponseValue;
13479 }
13480         // bool CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
13481 /* @internal */
13482 export function CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
13483         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13484                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13485         }
13486         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
13487         return nativeResponseValue;
13488 }
13489         // void CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ _res);
13490 /* @internal */
13491 export function CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
13492         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13493                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13494         }
13495         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
13496         // debug statements here
13497 }
13498         // uint64_t CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
13499 /* @internal */
13500 export function CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
13501         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13502                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13503         }
13504         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
13505         return nativeResponseValue;
13506 }
13507         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
13508 /* @internal */
13509 export function CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
13510         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13511                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13512         }
13513         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
13514         return nativeResponseValue;
13515 }
13516         // struct LDKCOption_MonitorEventZ COption_MonitorEventZ_some(struct LDKMonitorEvent o);
13517 /* @internal */
13518 export function COption_MonitorEventZ_some(o: bigint): bigint {
13519         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13520                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13521         }
13522         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_MonitorEventZ_some(o);
13523         return nativeResponseValue;
13524 }
13525         // struct LDKCOption_MonitorEventZ COption_MonitorEventZ_none(void);
13526 /* @internal */
13527 export function COption_MonitorEventZ_none(): bigint {
13528         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13529                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13530         }
13531         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_MonitorEventZ_none();
13532         return nativeResponseValue;
13533 }
13534         // void COption_MonitorEventZ_free(struct LDKCOption_MonitorEventZ _res);
13535 /* @internal */
13536 export function COption_MonitorEventZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
13537         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13538                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13539         }
13540         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_MonitorEventZ_free(_res);
13541         // debug statements here
13542 }
13543         // uint64_t COption_MonitorEventZ_clone_ptr(LDKCOption_MonitorEventZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
13544 /* @internal */
13545 export function COption_MonitorEventZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
13546         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13547                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13548         }
13549         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_MonitorEventZ_clone_ptr(arg);
13550         return nativeResponseValue;
13551 }
13552         // struct LDKCOption_MonitorEventZ COption_MonitorEventZ_clone(const struct LDKCOption_MonitorEventZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
13553 /* @internal */
13554 export function COption_MonitorEventZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
13555         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13556                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13557         }
13558         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_MonitorEventZ_clone(orig);
13559         return nativeResponseValue;
13560 }
13561         // struct LDKCResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKCOption_MonitorEventZ o);
13562 /* @internal */
13563 export function CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
13564         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13565                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13566         }
13567         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
13568         return nativeResponseValue;
13569 }
13570         // struct LDKCResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
13571 /* @internal */
13572 export function CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
13573         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13574                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13575         }
13576         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
13577         return nativeResponseValue;
13578 }
13579         // bool CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
13580 /* @internal */
13581 export function CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
13582         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13583                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13584         }
13585         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
13586         return nativeResponseValue;
13587 }
13588         // void CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ _res);
13589 /* @internal */
13590 export function CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
13591         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13592                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13593         }
13594         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
13595         // debug statements here
13596 }
13597         // uint64_t CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
13598 /* @internal */
13599 export function CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
13600         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13601                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13602         }
13603         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
13604         return nativeResponseValue;
13605 }
13606         // struct LDKCResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
13607 /* @internal */
13608 export function CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
13609         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13610                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13611         }
13612         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
13613         return nativeResponseValue;
13614 }
13615         // struct LDKCResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKHTLCUpdate o);
13616 /* @internal */
13617 export function CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
13618         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13619                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13620         }
13621         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
13622         return nativeResponseValue;
13623 }
13624         // struct LDKCResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
13625 /* @internal */
13626 export function CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
13627         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13628                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13629         }
13630         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
13631         return nativeResponseValue;
13632 }
13633         // bool CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
13634 /* @internal */
13635 export function CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
13636         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13637                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13638         }
13639         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
13640         return nativeResponseValue;
13641 }
13642         // void CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ _res);
13643 /* @internal */
13644 export function CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
13645         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13646                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13647         }
13648         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
13649         // debug statements here
13650 }
13651         // uint64_t CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
13652 /* @internal */
13653 export function CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
13654         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13655                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13656         }
13657         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
13658         return nativeResponseValue;
13659 }
13660         // struct LDKCResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
13661 /* @internal */
13662 export function CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
13663         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13664                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13665         }
13666         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
13667         return nativeResponseValue;
13668 }
13669         // uint64_t C2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ_clone_ptr(LDKC2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
13670 /* @internal */
13671 export function C2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
13672         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13673                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13674         }
13675         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ_clone_ptr(arg);
13676         return nativeResponseValue;
13677 }
13678         // struct LDKC2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ C2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ_clone(const struct LDKC2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
13679 /* @internal */
13680 export function C2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
13681         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13682                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13683         }
13684         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ_clone(orig);
13685         return nativeResponseValue;
13686 }
13687         // struct LDKC2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ C2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ_new(struct LDKOutPoint a, struct LDKCVec_u8Z b);
13688 /* @internal */
13689 export function C2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ_new(a: bigint, b: number): bigint {
13690         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13691                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13692         }
13693         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ_new(a, b);
13694         return nativeResponseValue;
13695 }
13696         // void C2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ_free(struct LDKC2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ _res);
13697 /* @internal */
13698 export function C2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
13699         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13700                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13701         }
13702         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ_free(_res);
13703         // debug statements here
13704 }
13705         // uint64_t C2Tuple_u32ScriptZ_clone_ptr(LDKC2Tuple_u32ScriptZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
13706 /* @internal */
13707 export function C2Tuple_u32ScriptZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
13708         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13709                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13710         }
13711         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZ_clone_ptr(arg);
13712         return nativeResponseValue;
13713 }
13714         // struct LDKC2Tuple_u32ScriptZ C2Tuple_u32ScriptZ_clone(const struct LDKC2Tuple_u32ScriptZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
13715 /* @internal */
13716 export function C2Tuple_u32ScriptZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
13717         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13718                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13719         }
13720         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZ_clone(orig);
13721         return nativeResponseValue;
13722 }
13723         // struct LDKC2Tuple_u32ScriptZ C2Tuple_u32ScriptZ_new(uint32_t a, struct LDKCVec_u8Z b);
13724 /* @internal */
13725 export function C2Tuple_u32ScriptZ_new(a: number, b: number): bigint {
13726         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13727                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13728         }
13729         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZ_new(a, b);
13730         return nativeResponseValue;
13731 }
13732         // void C2Tuple_u32ScriptZ_free(struct LDKC2Tuple_u32ScriptZ _res);
13733 /* @internal */
13734 export function C2Tuple_u32ScriptZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
13735         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13736                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13737         }
13738         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZ_free(_res);
13739         // debug statements here
13740 }
13741         // void CVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZ_free(struct LDKCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZ _res);
13742 /* @internal */
13743 export function CVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZ_free(_res: number): void {
13744         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13745                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13746         }
13747         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZ_free(_res);
13748         // debug statements here
13749 }
13750         // uint64_t C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ_clone_ptr(LDKC2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
13751 /* @internal */
13752 export function C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
13753         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13754                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13755         }
13756         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ_clone_ptr(arg);
13757         return nativeResponseValue;
13758 }
13759         // struct LDKC2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ_clone(const struct LDKC2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
13760 /* @internal */
13761 export function C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
13762         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13763                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13764         }
13765         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ_clone(orig);
13766         return nativeResponseValue;
13767 }
13768         // struct LDKC2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes a, struct LDKCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZ b);
13769 /* @internal */
13770 export function C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ_new(a: number, b: number): bigint {
13771         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13772                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13773         }
13774         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ_new(a, b);
13775         return nativeResponseValue;
13776 }
13777         // void C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ_free(struct LDKC2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ _res);
13778 /* @internal */
13779 export function C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
13780         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13781                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13782         }
13783         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZ_free(_res);
13784         // debug statements here
13785 }
13786         // void CVec_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZZ_free(struct LDKCVec_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZZ _res);
13787 /* @internal */
13788 export function CVec_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZZ_free(_res: number): void {
13789         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13790                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13791         }
13792         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZZ_free(_res);
13793         // debug statements here
13794 }
13795         // void CVec_EventZ_free(struct LDKCVec_EventZ _res);
13796 /* @internal */
13797 export function CVec_EventZ_free(_res: number): void {
13798         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13799                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13800         }
13801         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_EventZ_free(_res);
13802         // debug statements here
13803 }
13804         // void CVec_TransactionZ_free(struct LDKCVec_TransactionZ _res);
13805 /* @internal */
13806 export function CVec_TransactionZ_free(_res: number): void {
13807         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13808                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13809         }
13810         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_TransactionZ_free(_res);
13811         // debug statements here
13812 }
13813         // uint64_t C2Tuple_u32TxOutZ_clone_ptr(LDKC2Tuple_u32TxOutZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
13814 /* @internal */
13815 export function C2Tuple_u32TxOutZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
13816         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13817                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13818         }
13819         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZ_clone_ptr(arg);
13820         return nativeResponseValue;
13821 }
13822         // struct LDKC2Tuple_u32TxOutZ C2Tuple_u32TxOutZ_clone(const struct LDKC2Tuple_u32TxOutZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
13823 /* @internal */
13824 export function C2Tuple_u32TxOutZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
13825         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13826                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13827         }
13828         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZ_clone(orig);
13829         return nativeResponseValue;
13830 }
13831         // struct LDKC2Tuple_u32TxOutZ C2Tuple_u32TxOutZ_new(uint32_t a, struct LDKTxOut b);
13832 /* @internal */
13833 export function C2Tuple_u32TxOutZ_new(a: number, b: bigint): bigint {
13834         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13835                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13836         }
13837         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZ_new(a, b);
13838         return nativeResponseValue;
13839 }
13840         // void C2Tuple_u32TxOutZ_free(struct LDKC2Tuple_u32TxOutZ _res);
13841 /* @internal */
13842 export function C2Tuple_u32TxOutZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
13843         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13844                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13845         }
13846         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZ_free(_res);
13847         // debug statements here
13848 }
13849         // void CVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZ_free(struct LDKCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZ _res);
13850 /* @internal */
13851 export function CVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZ_free(_res: number): void {
13852         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13853                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13854         }
13855         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZ_free(_res);
13856         // debug statements here
13857 }
13858         // uint64_t C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ_clone_ptr(LDKC2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
13859 /* @internal */
13860 export function C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
13861         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13862                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13863         }
13864         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ_clone_ptr(arg);
13865         return nativeResponseValue;
13866 }
13867         // struct LDKC2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ_clone(const struct LDKC2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
13868 /* @internal */
13869 export function C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
13870         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13871                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13872         }
13873         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ_clone(orig);
13874         return nativeResponseValue;
13875 }
13876         // struct LDKC2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes a, struct LDKCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZ b);
13877 /* @internal */
13878 export function C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ_new(a: number, b: number): bigint {
13879         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13880                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13881         }
13882         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ_new(a, b);
13883         return nativeResponseValue;
13884 }
13885         // void C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ_free(struct LDKC2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ _res);
13886 /* @internal */
13887 export function C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
13888         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13889                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13890         }
13891         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZ_free(_res);
13892         // debug statements here
13893 }
13894         // void CVec_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZZ_free(struct LDKCVec_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZZ _res);
13895 /* @internal */
13896 export function CVec_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZZ_free(_res: number): void {
13897         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13898                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13899         }
13900         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZZ_free(_res);
13901         // debug statements here
13902 }
13903         // void CVec_BalanceZ_free(struct LDKCVec_BalanceZ _res);
13904 /* @internal */
13905 export function CVec_BalanceZ_free(_res: number): void {
13906         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13907                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13908         }
13909         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_BalanceZ_free(_res);
13910         // debug statements here
13911 }
13912         // uint64_t C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ_clone_ptr(LDKC2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
13913 /* @internal */
13914 export function C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
13915         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13916                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13917         }
13918         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
13919         return nativeResponseValue;
13920 }
13921         // struct LDKC2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ_clone(const struct LDKC2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
13922 /* @internal */
13923 export function C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
13924         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13925                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13926         }
13927         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ_clone(orig);
13928         return nativeResponseValue;
13929 }
13930         // struct LDKC2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes a, struct LDKChannelMonitor b);
13931 /* @internal */
13932 export function C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ_new(a: number, b: bigint): bigint {
13933         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13934                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13935         }
13936         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ_new(a, b);
13937         return nativeResponseValue;
13938 }
13939         // void C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ_free(struct LDKC2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ _res);
13940 /* @internal */
13941 export function C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
13942         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13943                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13944         }
13945         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ_free(_res);
13946         // debug statements here
13947 }
13948         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKC2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ o);
13949 /* @internal */
13950 export function CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
13951         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13952                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13953         }
13954         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
13955         return nativeResponseValue;
13956 }
13957         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
13958 /* @internal */
13959 export function CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
13960         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13961                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13962         }
13963         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
13964         return nativeResponseValue;
13965 }
13966         // bool CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
13967 /* @internal */
13968 export function CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
13969         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13970                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13971         }
13972         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
13973         return nativeResponseValue;
13974 }
13975         // void CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ _res);
13976 /* @internal */
13977 export function CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
13978         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13979                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13980         }
13981         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
13982         // debug statements here
13983 }
13984         // uint64_t CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
13985 /* @internal */
13986 export function CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
13987         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13988                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13989         }
13990         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
13991         return nativeResponseValue;
13992 }
13993         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
13994 /* @internal */
13995 export function CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
13996         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
13997                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
13998         }
13999         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
14000         return nativeResponseValue;
14001 }
14002         // uint64_t C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ_clone_ptr(LDKC2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
14003 /* @internal */
14004 export function C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
14005         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14006                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14007         }
14008         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ_clone_ptr(arg);
14009         return nativeResponseValue;
14010 }
14011         // struct LDKC2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ_clone(const struct LDKC2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
14012 /* @internal */
14013 export function C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
14014         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14015                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14016         }
14017         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ_clone(orig);
14018         return nativeResponseValue;
14019 }
14020         // struct LDKC2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ_new(struct LDKPublicKey a, struct LDKType b);
14021 /* @internal */
14022 export function C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ_new(a: number, b: bigint): bigint {
14023         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14024                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14025         }
14026         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ_new(a, b);
14027         return nativeResponseValue;
14028 }
14029         // void C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ_free(struct LDKC2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ _res);
14030 /* @internal */
14031 export function C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
14032         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14033                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14034         }
14035         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZ_free(_res);
14036         // debug statements here
14037 }
14038         // void CVec_C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZZ_free(struct LDKCVec_C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZZ _res);
14039 /* @internal */
14040 export function CVec_C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZZ_free(_res: number): void {
14041         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14042                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14043         }
14044         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_C2Tuple_PublicKeyTypeZZ_free(_res);
14045         // debug statements here
14046 }
14047         // struct LDKCOption_NetAddressZ COption_NetAddressZ_some(struct LDKNetAddress o);
14048 /* @internal */
14049 export function COption_NetAddressZ_some(o: bigint): bigint {
14050         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14051                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14052         }
14053         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_NetAddressZ_some(o);
14054         return nativeResponseValue;
14055 }
14056         // struct LDKCOption_NetAddressZ COption_NetAddressZ_none(void);
14057 /* @internal */
14058 export function COption_NetAddressZ_none(): bigint {
14059         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14060                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14061         }
14062         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_NetAddressZ_none();
14063         return nativeResponseValue;
14064 }
14065         // void COption_NetAddressZ_free(struct LDKCOption_NetAddressZ _res);
14066 /* @internal */
14067 export function COption_NetAddressZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
14068         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14069                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14070         }
14071         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_NetAddressZ_free(_res);
14072         // debug statements here
14073 }
14074         // uint64_t COption_NetAddressZ_clone_ptr(LDKCOption_NetAddressZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
14075 /* @internal */
14076 export function COption_NetAddressZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
14077         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14078                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14079         }
14080         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_NetAddressZ_clone_ptr(arg);
14081         return nativeResponseValue;
14082 }
14083         // struct LDKCOption_NetAddressZ COption_NetAddressZ_clone(const struct LDKCOption_NetAddressZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
14084 /* @internal */
14085 export function COption_NetAddressZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
14086         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14087                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14088         }
14089         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_NetAddressZ_clone(orig);
14090         return nativeResponseValue;
14091 }
14092         // struct LDKCResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_ok(struct LDKCVec_u8Z o);
14093 /* @internal */
14094 export function CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_ok(o: number): bigint {
14095         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14096                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14097         }
14098         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_ok(o);
14099         return nativeResponseValue;
14100 }
14101         // struct LDKCResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_err(struct LDKPeerHandleError e);
14102 /* @internal */
14103 export function CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
14104         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14105                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14106         }
14107         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_err(e);
14108         return nativeResponseValue;
14109 }
14110         // bool CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
14111 /* @internal */
14112 export function CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
14113         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14114                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14115         }
14116         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_is_ok(o);
14117         return nativeResponseValue;
14118 }
14119         // void CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ _res);
14120 /* @internal */
14121 export function CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
14122         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14123                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14124         }
14125         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_free(_res);
14126         // debug statements here
14127 }
14128         // uint64_t CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
14129 /* @internal */
14130 export function CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
14131         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14132                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14133         }
14134         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
14135         return nativeResponseValue;
14136 }
14137         // struct LDKCResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
14138 /* @internal */
14139 export function CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
14140         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14141                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14142         }
14143         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ_clone(orig);
14144         return nativeResponseValue;
14145 }
14146         // struct LDKCResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_ok(void);
14147 /* @internal */
14148 export function CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_ok(): bigint {
14149         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14150                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14151         }
14152         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_ok();
14153         return nativeResponseValue;
14154 }
14155         // struct LDKCResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_err(struct LDKPeerHandleError e);
14156 /* @internal */
14157 export function CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
14158         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14159                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14160         }
14161         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_err(e);
14162         return nativeResponseValue;
14163 }
14164         // bool CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
14165 /* @internal */
14166 export function CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
14167         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14168                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14169         }
14170         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_is_ok(o);
14171         return nativeResponseValue;
14172 }
14173         // void CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ _res);
14174 /* @internal */
14175 export function CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
14176         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14177                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14178         }
14179         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_free(_res);
14180         // debug statements here
14181 }
14182         // uint64_t CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
14183 /* @internal */
14184 export function CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
14185         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14186                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14187         }
14188         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
14189         return nativeResponseValue;
14190 }
14191         // struct LDKCResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
14192 /* @internal */
14193 export function CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
14194         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14195                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14196         }
14197         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ_clone(orig);
14198         return nativeResponseValue;
14199 }
14200         // struct LDKCResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_ok(bool o);
14201 /* @internal */
14202 export function CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_ok(o: boolean): bigint {
14203         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14204                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14205         }
14206         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_ok(o);
14207         return nativeResponseValue;
14208 }
14209         // struct LDKCResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_err(struct LDKPeerHandleError e);
14210 /* @internal */
14211 export function CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
14212         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14213                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14214         }
14215         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_err(e);
14216         return nativeResponseValue;
14217 }
14218         // bool CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
14219 /* @internal */
14220 export function CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
14221         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14222                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14223         }
14224         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_is_ok(o);
14225         return nativeResponseValue;
14226 }
14227         // void CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ _res);
14228 /* @internal */
14229 export function CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
14230         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14231                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14232         }
14233         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_free(_res);
14234         // debug statements here
14235 }
14236         // uint64_t CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
14237 /* @internal */
14238 export function CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
14239         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14240                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14241         }
14242         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
14243         return nativeResponseValue;
14244 }
14245         // struct LDKCResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
14246 /* @internal */
14247 export function CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
14248         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14249                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14250         }
14251         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ_clone(orig);
14252         return nativeResponseValue;
14253 }
14254         // struct LDKCResult_NoneSendErrorZ CResult_NoneSendErrorZ_ok(void);
14255 /* @internal */
14256 export function CResult_NoneSendErrorZ_ok(): bigint {
14257         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14258                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14259         }
14260         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneSendErrorZ_ok();
14261         return nativeResponseValue;
14262 }
14263         // struct LDKCResult_NoneSendErrorZ CResult_NoneSendErrorZ_err(struct LDKSendError e);
14264 /* @internal */
14265 export function CResult_NoneSendErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
14266         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14267                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14268         }
14269         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneSendErrorZ_err(e);
14270         return nativeResponseValue;
14271 }
14272         // bool CResult_NoneSendErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_NoneSendErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
14273 /* @internal */
14274 export function CResult_NoneSendErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
14275         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14276                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14277         }
14278         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneSendErrorZ_is_ok(o);
14279         return nativeResponseValue;
14280 }
14281         // void CResult_NoneSendErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_NoneSendErrorZ _res);
14282 /* @internal */
14283 export function CResult_NoneSendErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
14284         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14285                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14286         }
14287         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneSendErrorZ_free(_res);
14288         // debug statements here
14289 }
14290         // struct LDKCResult_NoneErrorZ CResult_NoneErrorZ_ok(void);
14291 /* @internal */
14292 export function CResult_NoneErrorZ_ok(): bigint {
14293         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14294                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14295         }
14296         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneErrorZ_ok();
14297         return nativeResponseValue;
14298 }
14299         // struct LDKCResult_NoneErrorZ CResult_NoneErrorZ_err(enum LDKIOError e);
14300 /* @internal */
14301 export function CResult_NoneErrorZ_err(e: IOError): bigint {
14302         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14303                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14304         }
14305         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneErrorZ_err(e);
14306         return nativeResponseValue;
14307 }
14308         // bool CResult_NoneErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_NoneErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
14309 /* @internal */
14310 export function CResult_NoneErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
14311         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14312                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14313         }
14314         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneErrorZ_is_ok(o);
14315         return nativeResponseValue;
14316 }
14317         // void CResult_NoneErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_NoneErrorZ _res);
14318 /* @internal */
14319 export function CResult_NoneErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
14320         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14321                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14322         }
14323         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneErrorZ_free(_res);
14324         // debug statements here
14325 }
14326         // uint64_t CResult_NoneErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_NoneErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
14327 /* @internal */
14328 export function CResult_NoneErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
14329         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14330                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14331         }
14332         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
14333         return nativeResponseValue;
14334 }
14335         // struct LDKCResult_NoneErrorZ CResult_NoneErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_NoneErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
14336 /* @internal */
14337 export function CResult_NoneErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
14338         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14339                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14340         }
14341         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NoneErrorZ_clone(orig);
14342         return nativeResponseValue;
14343 }
14344         // struct LDKCResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKNetAddress o);
14345 /* @internal */
14346 export function CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
14347         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14348                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14349         }
14350         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
14351         return nativeResponseValue;
14352 }
14353         // struct LDKCResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
14354 /* @internal */
14355 export function CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
14356         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14357                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14358         }
14359         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
14360         return nativeResponseValue;
14361 }
14362         // bool CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
14363 /* @internal */
14364 export function CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
14365         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14366                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14367         }
14368         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
14369         return nativeResponseValue;
14370 }
14371         // void CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ _res);
14372 /* @internal */
14373 export function CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
14374         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14375                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14376         }
14377         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
14378         // debug statements here
14379 }
14380         // uint64_t CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
14381 /* @internal */
14382 export function CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
14383         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14384                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14385         }
14386         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
14387         return nativeResponseValue;
14388 }
14389         // struct LDKCResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
14390 /* @internal */
14391 export function CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
14392         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14393                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14394         }
14395         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
14396         return nativeResponseValue;
14397 }
14398         // void CVec_UpdateAddHTLCZ_free(struct LDKCVec_UpdateAddHTLCZ _res);
14399 /* @internal */
14400 export function CVec_UpdateAddHTLCZ_free(_res: number): void {
14401         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14402                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14403         }
14404         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_UpdateAddHTLCZ_free(_res);
14405         // debug statements here
14406 }
14407         // void CVec_UpdateFulfillHTLCZ_free(struct LDKCVec_UpdateFulfillHTLCZ _res);
14408 /* @internal */
14409 export function CVec_UpdateFulfillHTLCZ_free(_res: number): void {
14410         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14411                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14412         }
14413         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_UpdateFulfillHTLCZ_free(_res);
14414         // debug statements here
14415 }
14416         // void CVec_UpdateFailHTLCZ_free(struct LDKCVec_UpdateFailHTLCZ _res);
14417 /* @internal */
14418 export function CVec_UpdateFailHTLCZ_free(_res: number): void {
14419         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14420                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14421         }
14422         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_UpdateFailHTLCZ_free(_res);
14423         // debug statements here
14424 }
14425         // void CVec_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCZ_free(struct LDKCVec_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCZ _res);
14426 /* @internal */
14427 export function CVec_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCZ_free(_res: number): void {
14428         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14429                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14430         }
14431         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCZ_free(_res);
14432         // debug statements here
14433 }
14434         // struct LDKCResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKAcceptChannel o);
14435 /* @internal */
14436 export function CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
14437         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14438                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14439         }
14440         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
14441         return nativeResponseValue;
14442 }
14443         // struct LDKCResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
14444 /* @internal */
14445 export function CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
14446         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14447                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14448         }
14449         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
14450         return nativeResponseValue;
14451 }
14452         // bool CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
14453 /* @internal */
14454 export function CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
14455         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14456                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14457         }
14458         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
14459         return nativeResponseValue;
14460 }
14461         // void CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ _res);
14462 /* @internal */
14463 export function CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
14464         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14465                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14466         }
14467         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
14468         // debug statements here
14469 }
14470         // uint64_t CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
14471 /* @internal */
14472 export function CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
14473         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14474                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14475         }
14476         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
14477         return nativeResponseValue;
14478 }
14479         // struct LDKCResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
14480 /* @internal */
14481 export function CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
14482         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14483                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14484         }
14485         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
14486         return nativeResponseValue;
14487 }
14488         // struct LDKCResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKAnnouncementSignatures o);
14489 /* @internal */
14490 export function CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
14491         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14492                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14493         }
14494         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
14495         return nativeResponseValue;
14496 }
14497         // struct LDKCResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
14498 /* @internal */
14499 export function CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
14500         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14501                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14502         }
14503         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
14504         return nativeResponseValue;
14505 }
14506         // bool CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
14507 /* @internal */
14508 export function CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
14509         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14510                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14511         }
14512         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
14513         return nativeResponseValue;
14514 }
14515         // void CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ _res);
14516 /* @internal */
14517 export function CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
14518         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14519                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14520         }
14521         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
14522         // debug statements here
14523 }
14524         // uint64_t CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
14525 /* @internal */
14526 export function CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
14527         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14528                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14529         }
14530         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
14531         return nativeResponseValue;
14532 }
14533         // struct LDKCResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
14534 /* @internal */
14535 export function CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
14536         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14537                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14538         }
14539         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
14540         return nativeResponseValue;
14541 }
14542         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKChannelReestablish o);
14543 /* @internal */
14544 export function CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
14545         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14546                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14547         }
14548         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
14549         return nativeResponseValue;
14550 }
14551         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
14552 /* @internal */
14553 export function CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
14554         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14555                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14556         }
14557         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
14558         return nativeResponseValue;
14559 }
14560         // bool CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
14561 /* @internal */
14562 export function CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
14563         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14564                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14565         }
14566         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
14567         return nativeResponseValue;
14568 }
14569         // void CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ _res);
14570 /* @internal */
14571 export function CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
14572         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14573                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14574         }
14575         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
14576         // debug statements here
14577 }
14578         // uint64_t CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
14579 /* @internal */
14580 export function CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
14581         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14582                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14583         }
14584         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
14585         return nativeResponseValue;
14586 }
14587         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
14588 /* @internal */
14589 export function CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
14590         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14591                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14592         }
14593         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
14594         return nativeResponseValue;
14595 }
14596         // struct LDKCResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKClosingSigned o);
14597 /* @internal */
14598 export function CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
14599         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14600                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14601         }
14602         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
14603         return nativeResponseValue;
14604 }
14605         // struct LDKCResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
14606 /* @internal */
14607 export function CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
14608         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14609                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14610         }
14611         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
14612         return nativeResponseValue;
14613 }
14614         // bool CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
14615 /* @internal */
14616 export function CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
14617         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14618                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14619         }
14620         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
14621         return nativeResponseValue;
14622 }
14623         // void CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ _res);
14624 /* @internal */
14625 export function CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
14626         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14627                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14628         }
14629         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
14630         // debug statements here
14631 }
14632         // uint64_t CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
14633 /* @internal */
14634 export function CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
14635         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14636                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14637         }
14638         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
14639         return nativeResponseValue;
14640 }
14641         // struct LDKCResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
14642 /* @internal */
14643 export function CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
14644         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14645                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14646         }
14647         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
14648         return nativeResponseValue;
14649 }
14650         // struct LDKCResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKClosingSignedFeeRange o);
14651 /* @internal */
14652 export function CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
14653         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14654                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14655         }
14656         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
14657         return nativeResponseValue;
14658 }
14659         // struct LDKCResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
14660 /* @internal */
14661 export function CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
14662         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14663                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14664         }
14665         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
14666         return nativeResponseValue;
14667 }
14668         // bool CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
14669 /* @internal */
14670 export function CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
14671         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14672                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14673         }
14674         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
14675         return nativeResponseValue;
14676 }
14677         // void CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ _res);
14678 /* @internal */
14679 export function CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
14680         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14681                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14682         }
14683         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
14684         // debug statements here
14685 }
14686         // uint64_t CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
14687 /* @internal */
14688 export function CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
14689         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14690                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14691         }
14692         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
14693         return nativeResponseValue;
14694 }
14695         // struct LDKCResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
14696 /* @internal */
14697 export function CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
14698         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14699                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14700         }
14701         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
14702         return nativeResponseValue;
14703 }
14704         // struct LDKCResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKCommitmentSigned o);
14705 /* @internal */
14706 export function CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
14707         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14708                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14709         }
14710         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
14711         return nativeResponseValue;
14712 }
14713         // struct LDKCResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
14714 /* @internal */
14715 export function CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
14716         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14717                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14718         }
14719         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
14720         return nativeResponseValue;
14721 }
14722         // bool CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
14723 /* @internal */
14724 export function CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
14725         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14726                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14727         }
14728         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
14729         return nativeResponseValue;
14730 }
14731         // void CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ _res);
14732 /* @internal */
14733 export function CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
14734         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14735                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14736         }
14737         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
14738         // debug statements here
14739 }
14740         // uint64_t CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
14741 /* @internal */
14742 export function CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
14743         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14744                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14745         }
14746         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
14747         return nativeResponseValue;
14748 }
14749         // struct LDKCResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
14750 /* @internal */
14751 export function CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
14752         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14753                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14754         }
14755         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
14756         return nativeResponseValue;
14757 }
14758         // struct LDKCResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKFundingCreated o);
14759 /* @internal */
14760 export function CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
14761         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14762                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14763         }
14764         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
14765         return nativeResponseValue;
14766 }
14767         // struct LDKCResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
14768 /* @internal */
14769 export function CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
14770         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14771                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14772         }
14773         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
14774         return nativeResponseValue;
14775 }
14776         // bool CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
14777 /* @internal */
14778 export function CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
14779         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14780                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14781         }
14782         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
14783         return nativeResponseValue;
14784 }
14785         // void CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ _res);
14786 /* @internal */
14787 export function CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
14788         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14789                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14790         }
14791         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
14792         // debug statements here
14793 }
14794         // uint64_t CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
14795 /* @internal */
14796 export function CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
14797         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14798                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14799         }
14800         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
14801         return nativeResponseValue;
14802 }
14803         // struct LDKCResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
14804 /* @internal */
14805 export function CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
14806         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14807                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14808         }
14809         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
14810         return nativeResponseValue;
14811 }
14812         // struct LDKCResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKFundingSigned o);
14813 /* @internal */
14814 export function CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
14815         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14816                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14817         }
14818         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
14819         return nativeResponseValue;
14820 }
14821         // struct LDKCResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
14822 /* @internal */
14823 export function CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
14824         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14825                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14826         }
14827         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
14828         return nativeResponseValue;
14829 }
14830         // bool CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
14831 /* @internal */
14832 export function CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
14833         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14834                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14835         }
14836         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
14837         return nativeResponseValue;
14838 }
14839         // void CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ _res);
14840 /* @internal */
14841 export function CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
14842         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14843                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14844         }
14845         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
14846         // debug statements here
14847 }
14848         // uint64_t CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
14849 /* @internal */
14850 export function CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
14851         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14852                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14853         }
14854         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
14855         return nativeResponseValue;
14856 }
14857         // struct LDKCResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
14858 /* @internal */
14859 export function CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
14860         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14861                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14862         }
14863         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
14864         return nativeResponseValue;
14865 }
14866         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKChannelReady o);
14867 /* @internal */
14868 export function CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
14869         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14870                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14871         }
14872         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
14873         return nativeResponseValue;
14874 }
14875         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
14876 /* @internal */
14877 export function CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
14878         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14879                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14880         }
14881         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
14882         return nativeResponseValue;
14883 }
14884         // bool CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
14885 /* @internal */
14886 export function CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
14887         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14888                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14889         }
14890         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
14891         return nativeResponseValue;
14892 }
14893         // void CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ _res);
14894 /* @internal */
14895 export function CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
14896         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14897                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14898         }
14899         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
14900         // debug statements here
14901 }
14902         // uint64_t CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
14903 /* @internal */
14904 export function CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
14905         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14906                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14907         }
14908         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
14909         return nativeResponseValue;
14910 }
14911         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
14912 /* @internal */
14913 export function CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
14914         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14915                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14916         }
14917         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
14918         return nativeResponseValue;
14919 }
14920         // struct LDKCResult_InitDecodeErrorZ CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKInit o);
14921 /* @internal */
14922 export function CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
14923         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14924                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14925         }
14926         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
14927         return nativeResponseValue;
14928 }
14929         // struct LDKCResult_InitDecodeErrorZ CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
14930 /* @internal */
14931 export function CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
14932         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14933                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14934         }
14935         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
14936         return nativeResponseValue;
14937 }
14938         // bool CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_InitDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
14939 /* @internal */
14940 export function CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
14941         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14942                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14943         }
14944         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
14945         return nativeResponseValue;
14946 }
14947         // void CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_InitDecodeErrorZ _res);
14948 /* @internal */
14949 export function CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
14950         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14951                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14952         }
14953         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
14954         // debug statements here
14955 }
14956         // uint64_t CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_InitDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
14957 /* @internal */
14958 export function CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
14959         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14960                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14961         }
14962         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
14963         return nativeResponseValue;
14964 }
14965         // struct LDKCResult_InitDecodeErrorZ CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_InitDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
14966 /* @internal */
14967 export function CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
14968         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14969                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14970         }
14971         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InitDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
14972         return nativeResponseValue;
14973 }
14974         // struct LDKCResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKOpenChannel o);
14975 /* @internal */
14976 export function CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
14977         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14978                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14979         }
14980         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
14981         return nativeResponseValue;
14982 }
14983         // struct LDKCResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
14984 /* @internal */
14985 export function CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
14986         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14987                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14988         }
14989         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
14990         return nativeResponseValue;
14991 }
14992         // bool CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
14993 /* @internal */
14994 export function CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
14995         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
14996                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
14997         }
14998         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
14999         return nativeResponseValue;
15000 }
15001         // void CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ _res);
15002 /* @internal */
15003 export function CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
15004         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15005                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15006         }
15007         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
15008         // debug statements here
15009 }
15010         // uint64_t CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
15011 /* @internal */
15012 export function CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
15013         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15014                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15015         }
15016         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
15017         return nativeResponseValue;
15018 }
15019         // struct LDKCResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
15020 /* @internal */
15021 export function CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
15022         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15023                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15024         }
15025         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
15026         return nativeResponseValue;
15027 }
15028         // struct LDKCResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKRevokeAndACK o);
15029 /* @internal */
15030 export function CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
15031         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15032                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15033         }
15034         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
15035         return nativeResponseValue;
15036 }
15037         // struct LDKCResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
15038 /* @internal */
15039 export function CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
15040         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15041                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15042         }
15043         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
15044         return nativeResponseValue;
15045 }
15046         // bool CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
15047 /* @internal */
15048 export function CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
15049         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15050                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15051         }
15052         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
15053         return nativeResponseValue;
15054 }
15055         // void CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ _res);
15056 /* @internal */
15057 export function CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
15058         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15059                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15060         }
15061         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
15062         // debug statements here
15063 }
15064         // uint64_t CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
15065 /* @internal */
15066 export function CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
15067         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15068                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15069         }
15070         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
15071         return nativeResponseValue;
15072 }
15073         // struct LDKCResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
15074 /* @internal */
15075 export function CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
15076         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15077                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15078         }
15079         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
15080         return nativeResponseValue;
15081 }
15082         // struct LDKCResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKShutdown o);
15083 /* @internal */
15084 export function CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
15085         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15086                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15087         }
15088         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
15089         return nativeResponseValue;
15090 }
15091         // struct LDKCResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
15092 /* @internal */
15093 export function CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
15094         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15095                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15096         }
15097         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
15098         return nativeResponseValue;
15099 }
15100         // bool CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
15101 /* @internal */
15102 export function CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
15103         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15104                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15105         }
15106         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
15107         return nativeResponseValue;
15108 }
15109         // void CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ _res);
15110 /* @internal */
15111 export function CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
15112         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15113                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15114         }
15115         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
15116         // debug statements here
15117 }
15118         // uint64_t CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
15119 /* @internal */
15120 export function CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
15121         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15122                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15123         }
15124         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
15125         return nativeResponseValue;
15126 }
15127         // struct LDKCResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
15128 /* @internal */
15129 export function CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
15130         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15131                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15132         }
15133         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
15134         return nativeResponseValue;
15135 }
15136         // struct LDKCResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKUpdateFailHTLC o);
15137 /* @internal */
15138 export function CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
15139         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15140                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15141         }
15142         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
15143         return nativeResponseValue;
15144 }
15145         // struct LDKCResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
15146 /* @internal */
15147 export function CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
15148         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15149                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15150         }
15151         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
15152         return nativeResponseValue;
15153 }
15154         // bool CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
15155 /* @internal */
15156 export function CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
15157         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15158                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15159         }
15160         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
15161         return nativeResponseValue;
15162 }
15163         // void CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ _res);
15164 /* @internal */
15165 export function CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
15166         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15167                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15168         }
15169         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
15170         // debug statements here
15171 }
15172         // uint64_t CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
15173 /* @internal */
15174 export function CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
15175         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15176                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15177         }
15178         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
15179         return nativeResponseValue;
15180 }
15181         // struct LDKCResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
15182 /* @internal */
15183 export function CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
15184         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15185                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15186         }
15187         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
15188         return nativeResponseValue;
15189 }
15190         // struct LDKCResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKUpdateFailMalformedHTLC o);
15191 /* @internal */
15192 export function CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
15193         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15194                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15195         }
15196         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
15197         return nativeResponseValue;
15198 }
15199         // struct LDKCResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
15200 /* @internal */
15201 export function CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
15202         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15203                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15204         }
15205         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
15206         return nativeResponseValue;
15207 }
15208         // bool CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
15209 /* @internal */
15210 export function CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
15211         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15212                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15213         }
15214         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
15215         return nativeResponseValue;
15216 }
15217         // void CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ _res);
15218 /* @internal */
15219 export function CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
15220         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15221                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15222         }
15223         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
15224         // debug statements here
15225 }
15226         // uint64_t CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
15227 /* @internal */
15228 export function CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
15229         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15230                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15231         }
15232         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
15233         return nativeResponseValue;
15234 }
15235         // struct LDKCResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
15236 /* @internal */
15237 export function CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
15238         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15239                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15240         }
15241         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
15242         return nativeResponseValue;
15243 }
15244         // struct LDKCResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKUpdateFee o);
15245 /* @internal */
15246 export function CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
15247         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15248                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15249         }
15250         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
15251         return nativeResponseValue;
15252 }
15253         // struct LDKCResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
15254 /* @internal */
15255 export function CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
15256         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15257                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15258         }
15259         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
15260         return nativeResponseValue;
15261 }
15262         // bool CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
15263 /* @internal */
15264 export function CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
15265         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15266                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15267         }
15268         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
15269         return nativeResponseValue;
15270 }
15271         // void CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ _res);
15272 /* @internal */
15273 export function CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
15274         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15275                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15276         }
15277         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
15278         // debug statements here
15279 }
15280         // uint64_t CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
15281 /* @internal */
15282 export function CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
15283         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15284                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15285         }
15286         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
15287         return nativeResponseValue;
15288 }
15289         // struct LDKCResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
15290 /* @internal */
15291 export function CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
15292         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15293                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15294         }
15295         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
15296         return nativeResponseValue;
15297 }
15298         // struct LDKCResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKUpdateFulfillHTLC o);
15299 /* @internal */
15300 export function CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
15301         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15302                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15303         }
15304         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
15305         return nativeResponseValue;
15306 }
15307         // struct LDKCResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
15308 /* @internal */
15309 export function CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
15310         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15311                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15312         }
15313         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
15314         return nativeResponseValue;
15315 }
15316         // bool CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
15317 /* @internal */
15318 export function CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
15319         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15320                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15321         }
15322         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
15323         return nativeResponseValue;
15324 }
15325         // void CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ _res);
15326 /* @internal */
15327 export function CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
15328         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15329                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15330         }
15331         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
15332         // debug statements here
15333 }
15334         // uint64_t CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
15335 /* @internal */
15336 export function CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
15337         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15338                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15339         }
15340         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
15341         return nativeResponseValue;
15342 }
15343         // struct LDKCResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
15344 /* @internal */
15345 export function CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
15346         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15347                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15348         }
15349         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
15350         return nativeResponseValue;
15351 }
15352         // struct LDKCResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKUpdateAddHTLC o);
15353 /* @internal */
15354 export function CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
15355         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15356                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15357         }
15358         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
15359         return nativeResponseValue;
15360 }
15361         // struct LDKCResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
15362 /* @internal */
15363 export function CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
15364         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15365                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15366         }
15367         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
15368         return nativeResponseValue;
15369 }
15370         // bool CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
15371 /* @internal */
15372 export function CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
15373         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15374                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15375         }
15376         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
15377         return nativeResponseValue;
15378 }
15379         // void CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ _res);
15380 /* @internal */
15381 export function CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
15382         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15383                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15384         }
15385         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
15386         // debug statements here
15387 }
15388         // uint64_t CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
15389 /* @internal */
15390 export function CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
15391         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15392                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15393         }
15394         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
15395         return nativeResponseValue;
15396 }
15397         // struct LDKCResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
15398 /* @internal */
15399 export function CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
15400         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15401                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15402         }
15403         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
15404         return nativeResponseValue;
15405 }
15406         // struct LDKCResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKOnionMessage o);
15407 /* @internal */
15408 export function CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
15409         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15410                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15411         }
15412         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
15413         return nativeResponseValue;
15414 }
15415         // struct LDKCResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
15416 /* @internal */
15417 export function CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
15418         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15419                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15420         }
15421         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
15422         return nativeResponseValue;
15423 }
15424         // bool CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
15425 /* @internal */
15426 export function CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
15427         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15428                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15429         }
15430         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
15431         return nativeResponseValue;
15432 }
15433         // void CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ _res);
15434 /* @internal */
15435 export function CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
15436         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15437                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15438         }
15439         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
15440         // debug statements here
15441 }
15442         // uint64_t CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
15443 /* @internal */
15444 export function CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
15445         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15446                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15447         }
15448         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
15449         return nativeResponseValue;
15450 }
15451         // struct LDKCResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
15452 /* @internal */
15453 export function CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
15454         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15455                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15456         }
15457         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
15458         return nativeResponseValue;
15459 }
15460         // struct LDKCResult_PingDecodeErrorZ CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKPing o);
15461 /* @internal */
15462 export function CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
15463         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15464                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15465         }
15466         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
15467         return nativeResponseValue;
15468 }
15469         // struct LDKCResult_PingDecodeErrorZ CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
15470 /* @internal */
15471 export function CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
15472         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15473                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15474         }
15475         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
15476         return nativeResponseValue;
15477 }
15478         // bool CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_PingDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
15479 /* @internal */
15480 export function CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
15481         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15482                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15483         }
15484         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
15485         return nativeResponseValue;
15486 }
15487         // void CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_PingDecodeErrorZ _res);
15488 /* @internal */
15489 export function CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
15490         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15491                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15492         }
15493         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
15494         // debug statements here
15495 }
15496         // uint64_t CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_PingDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
15497 /* @internal */
15498 export function CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
15499         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15500                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15501         }
15502         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
15503         return nativeResponseValue;
15504 }
15505         // struct LDKCResult_PingDecodeErrorZ CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_PingDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
15506 /* @internal */
15507 export function CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
15508         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15509                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15510         }
15511         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PingDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
15512         return nativeResponseValue;
15513 }
15514         // struct LDKCResult_PongDecodeErrorZ CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKPong o);
15515 /* @internal */
15516 export function CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
15517         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15518                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15519         }
15520         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
15521         return nativeResponseValue;
15522 }
15523         // struct LDKCResult_PongDecodeErrorZ CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
15524 /* @internal */
15525 export function CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
15526         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15527                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15528         }
15529         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
15530         return nativeResponseValue;
15531 }
15532         // bool CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_PongDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
15533 /* @internal */
15534 export function CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
15535         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15536                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15537         }
15538         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
15539         return nativeResponseValue;
15540 }
15541         // void CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_PongDecodeErrorZ _res);
15542 /* @internal */
15543 export function CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
15544         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15545                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15546         }
15547         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
15548         // debug statements here
15549 }
15550         // uint64_t CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_PongDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
15551 /* @internal */
15552 export function CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
15553         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15554                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15555         }
15556         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
15557         return nativeResponseValue;
15558 }
15559         // struct LDKCResult_PongDecodeErrorZ CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_PongDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
15560 /* @internal */
15561 export function CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
15562         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15563                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15564         }
15565         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_PongDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
15566         return nativeResponseValue;
15567 }
15568         // struct LDKCResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement o);
15569 /* @internal */
15570 export function CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
15571         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15572                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15573         }
15574         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
15575         return nativeResponseValue;
15576 }
15577         // struct LDKCResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
15578 /* @internal */
15579 export function CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
15580         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15581                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15582         }
15583         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
15584         return nativeResponseValue;
15585 }
15586         // bool CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
15587 /* @internal */
15588 export function CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
15589         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15590                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15591         }
15592         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
15593         return nativeResponseValue;
15594 }
15595         // void CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ _res);
15596 /* @internal */
15597 export function CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
15598         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15599                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15600         }
15601         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
15602         // debug statements here
15603 }
15604         // uint64_t CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
15605 /* @internal */
15606 export function CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
15607         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15608                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15609         }
15610         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
15611         return nativeResponseValue;
15612 }
15613         // struct LDKCResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
15614 /* @internal */
15615 export function CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
15616         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15617                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15618         }
15619         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
15620         return nativeResponseValue;
15621 }
15622         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKChannelAnnouncement o);
15623 /* @internal */
15624 export function CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
15625         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15626                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15627         }
15628         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
15629         return nativeResponseValue;
15630 }
15631         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
15632 /* @internal */
15633 export function CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
15634         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15635                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15636         }
15637         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
15638         return nativeResponseValue;
15639 }
15640         // bool CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
15641 /* @internal */
15642 export function CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
15643         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15644                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15645         }
15646         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
15647         return nativeResponseValue;
15648 }
15649         // void CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ _res);
15650 /* @internal */
15651 export function CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
15652         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15653                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15654         }
15655         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
15656         // debug statements here
15657 }
15658         // uint64_t CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
15659 /* @internal */
15660 export function CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
15661         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15662                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15663         }
15664         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
15665         return nativeResponseValue;
15666 }
15667         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
15668 /* @internal */
15669 export function CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
15670         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15671                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15672         }
15673         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
15674         return nativeResponseValue;
15675 }
15676         // struct LDKCResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate o);
15677 /* @internal */
15678 export function CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
15679         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15680                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15681         }
15682         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
15683         return nativeResponseValue;
15684 }
15685         // struct LDKCResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
15686 /* @internal */
15687 export function CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
15688         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15689                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15690         }
15691         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
15692         return nativeResponseValue;
15693 }
15694         // bool CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
15695 /* @internal */
15696 export function CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
15697         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15698                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15699         }
15700         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
15701         return nativeResponseValue;
15702 }
15703         // void CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ _res);
15704 /* @internal */
15705 export function CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
15706         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15707                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15708         }
15709         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
15710         // debug statements here
15711 }
15712         // uint64_t CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
15713 /* @internal */
15714 export function CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
15715         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15716                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15717         }
15718         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
15719         return nativeResponseValue;
15720 }
15721         // struct LDKCResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
15722 /* @internal */
15723 export function CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
15724         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15725                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15726         }
15727         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
15728         return nativeResponseValue;
15729 }
15730         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKChannelUpdate o);
15731 /* @internal */
15732 export function CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
15733         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15734                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15735         }
15736         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
15737         return nativeResponseValue;
15738 }
15739         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
15740 /* @internal */
15741 export function CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
15742         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15743                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15744         }
15745         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
15746         return nativeResponseValue;
15747 }
15748         // bool CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
15749 /* @internal */
15750 export function CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
15751         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15752                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15753         }
15754         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
15755         return nativeResponseValue;
15756 }
15757         // void CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ _res);
15758 /* @internal */
15759 export function CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
15760         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15761                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15762         }
15763         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
15764         // debug statements here
15765 }
15766         // uint64_t CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
15767 /* @internal */
15768 export function CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
15769         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15770                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15771         }
15772         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
15773         return nativeResponseValue;
15774 }
15775         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
15776 /* @internal */
15777 export function CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
15778         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15779                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15780         }
15781         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
15782         return nativeResponseValue;
15783 }
15784         // struct LDKCResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKErrorMessage o);
15785 /* @internal */
15786 export function CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
15787         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15788                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15789         }
15790         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
15791         return nativeResponseValue;
15792 }
15793         // struct LDKCResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
15794 /* @internal */
15795 export function CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
15796         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15797                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15798         }
15799         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
15800         return nativeResponseValue;
15801 }
15802         // bool CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
15803 /* @internal */
15804 export function CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
15805         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15806                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15807         }
15808         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
15809         return nativeResponseValue;
15810 }
15811         // void CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ _res);
15812 /* @internal */
15813 export function CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
15814         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15815                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15816         }
15817         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
15818         // debug statements here
15819 }
15820         // uint64_t CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
15821 /* @internal */
15822 export function CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
15823         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15824                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15825         }
15826         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
15827         return nativeResponseValue;
15828 }
15829         // struct LDKCResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
15830 /* @internal */
15831 export function CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
15832         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15833                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15834         }
15835         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
15836         return nativeResponseValue;
15837 }
15838         // struct LDKCResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKWarningMessage o);
15839 /* @internal */
15840 export function CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
15841         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15842                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15843         }
15844         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
15845         return nativeResponseValue;
15846 }
15847         // struct LDKCResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
15848 /* @internal */
15849 export function CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
15850         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15851                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15852         }
15853         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
15854         return nativeResponseValue;
15855 }
15856         // bool CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
15857 /* @internal */
15858 export function CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
15859         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15860                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15861         }
15862         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
15863         return nativeResponseValue;
15864 }
15865         // void CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ _res);
15866 /* @internal */
15867 export function CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
15868         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15869                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15870         }
15871         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
15872         // debug statements here
15873 }
15874         // uint64_t CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
15875 /* @internal */
15876 export function CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
15877         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15878                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15879         }
15880         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
15881         return nativeResponseValue;
15882 }
15883         // struct LDKCResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
15884 /* @internal */
15885 export function CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
15886         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15887                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15888         }
15889         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
15890         return nativeResponseValue;
15891 }
15892         // struct LDKCResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement o);
15893 /* @internal */
15894 export function CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
15895         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15896                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15897         }
15898         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
15899         return nativeResponseValue;
15900 }
15901         // struct LDKCResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
15902 /* @internal */
15903 export function CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
15904         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15905                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15906         }
15907         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
15908         return nativeResponseValue;
15909 }
15910         // bool CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
15911 /* @internal */
15912 export function CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
15913         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15914                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15915         }
15916         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
15917         return nativeResponseValue;
15918 }
15919         // void CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ _res);
15920 /* @internal */
15921 export function CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
15922         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15923                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15924         }
15925         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
15926         // debug statements here
15927 }
15928         // uint64_t CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
15929 /* @internal */
15930 export function CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
15931         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15932                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15933         }
15934         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
15935         return nativeResponseValue;
15936 }
15937         // struct LDKCResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
15938 /* @internal */
15939 export function CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
15940         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15941                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15942         }
15943         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
15944         return nativeResponseValue;
15945 }
15946         // struct LDKCResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKNodeAnnouncement o);
15947 /* @internal */
15948 export function CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
15949         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15950                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15951         }
15952         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
15953         return nativeResponseValue;
15954 }
15955         // struct LDKCResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
15956 /* @internal */
15957 export function CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
15958         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15959                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15960         }
15961         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
15962         return nativeResponseValue;
15963 }
15964         // bool CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
15965 /* @internal */
15966 export function CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
15967         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15968                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15969         }
15970         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
15971         return nativeResponseValue;
15972 }
15973         // void CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ _res);
15974 /* @internal */
15975 export function CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
15976         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15977                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15978         }
15979         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
15980         // debug statements here
15981 }
15982         // uint64_t CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
15983 /* @internal */
15984 export function CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
15985         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15986                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15987         }
15988         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
15989         return nativeResponseValue;
15990 }
15991         // struct LDKCResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
15992 /* @internal */
15993 export function CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
15994         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
15995                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
15996         }
15997         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
15998         return nativeResponseValue;
15999 }
16000         // struct LDKCResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKQueryShortChannelIds o);
16001 /* @internal */
16002 export function CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
16003         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16004                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16005         }
16006         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
16007         return nativeResponseValue;
16008 }
16009         // struct LDKCResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
16010 /* @internal */
16011 export function CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
16012         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16013                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16014         }
16015         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
16016         return nativeResponseValue;
16017 }
16018         // bool CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
16019 /* @internal */
16020 export function CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
16021         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16022                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16023         }
16024         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
16025         return nativeResponseValue;
16026 }
16027         // void CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ _res);
16028 /* @internal */
16029 export function CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
16030         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16031                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16032         }
16033         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
16034         // debug statements here
16035 }
16036         // uint64_t CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
16037 /* @internal */
16038 export function CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
16039         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16040                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16041         }
16042         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
16043         return nativeResponseValue;
16044 }
16045         // struct LDKCResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
16046 /* @internal */
16047 export function CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
16048         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16049                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16050         }
16051         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
16052         return nativeResponseValue;
16053 }
16054         // struct LDKCResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKReplyShortChannelIdsEnd o);
16055 /* @internal */
16056 export function CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
16057         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16058                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16059         }
16060         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
16061         return nativeResponseValue;
16062 }
16063         // struct LDKCResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
16064 /* @internal */
16065 export function CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
16066         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16067                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16068         }
16069         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
16070         return nativeResponseValue;
16071 }
16072         // bool CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
16073 /* @internal */
16074 export function CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
16075         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16076                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16077         }
16078         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
16079         return nativeResponseValue;
16080 }
16081         // void CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ _res);
16082 /* @internal */
16083 export function CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
16084         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16085                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16086         }
16087         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
16088         // debug statements here
16089 }
16090         // uint64_t CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
16091 /* @internal */
16092 export function CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
16093         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16094                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16095         }
16096         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
16097         return nativeResponseValue;
16098 }
16099         // struct LDKCResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
16100 /* @internal */
16101 export function CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
16102         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16103                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16104         }
16105         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
16106         return nativeResponseValue;
16107 }
16108         // struct LDKCResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKQueryChannelRange o);
16109 /* @internal */
16110 export function CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
16111         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16112                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16113         }
16114         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
16115         return nativeResponseValue;
16116 }
16117         // struct LDKCResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
16118 /* @internal */
16119 export function CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
16120         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16121                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16122         }
16123         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
16124         return nativeResponseValue;
16125 }
16126         // bool CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
16127 /* @internal */
16128 export function CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
16129         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16130                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16131         }
16132         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
16133         return nativeResponseValue;
16134 }
16135         // void CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ _res);
16136 /* @internal */
16137 export function CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
16138         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16139                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16140         }
16141         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
16142         // debug statements here
16143 }
16144         // uint64_t CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
16145 /* @internal */
16146 export function CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
16147         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16148                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16149         }
16150         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
16151         return nativeResponseValue;
16152 }
16153         // struct LDKCResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
16154 /* @internal */
16155 export function CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
16156         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16157                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16158         }
16159         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
16160         return nativeResponseValue;
16161 }
16162         // struct LDKCResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKReplyChannelRange o);
16163 /* @internal */
16164 export function CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
16165         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16166                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16167         }
16168         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
16169         return nativeResponseValue;
16170 }
16171         // struct LDKCResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
16172 /* @internal */
16173 export function CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
16174         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16175                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16176         }
16177         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
16178         return nativeResponseValue;
16179 }
16180         // bool CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
16181 /* @internal */
16182 export function CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
16183         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16184                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16185         }
16186         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
16187         return nativeResponseValue;
16188 }
16189         // void CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ _res);
16190 /* @internal */
16191 export function CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
16192         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16193                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16194         }
16195         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
16196         // debug statements here
16197 }
16198         // uint64_t CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
16199 /* @internal */
16200 export function CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
16201         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16202                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16203         }
16204         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
16205         return nativeResponseValue;
16206 }
16207         // struct LDKCResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
16208 /* @internal */
16209 export function CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
16210         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16211                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16212         }
16213         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
16214         return nativeResponseValue;
16215 }
16216         // struct LDKCResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_ok(struct LDKGossipTimestampFilter o);
16217 /* @internal */
16218 export function CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
16219         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16220                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16221         }
16222         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_ok(o);
16223         return nativeResponseValue;
16224 }
16225         // struct LDKCResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_err(struct LDKDecodeError e);
16226 /* @internal */
16227 export function CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
16228         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16229                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16230         }
16231         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_err(e);
16232         return nativeResponseValue;
16233 }
16234         // bool CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
16235 /* @internal */
16236 export function CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
16237         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16238                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16239         }
16240         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_is_ok(o);
16241         return nativeResponseValue;
16242 }
16243         // void CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ _res);
16244 /* @internal */
16245 export function CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
16246         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16247                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16248         }
16249         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_free(_res);
16250         // debug statements here
16251 }
16252         // uint64_t CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
16253 /* @internal */
16254 export function CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
16255         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16256                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16257         }
16258         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
16259         return nativeResponseValue;
16260 }
16261         // struct LDKCResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
16262 /* @internal */
16263 export function CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
16264         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16265                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16266         }
16267         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ_clone(orig);
16268         return nativeResponseValue;
16269 }
16270         // struct LDKCResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_ok(struct LDKInvoice o);
16271 /* @internal */
16272 export function CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
16273         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16274                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16275         }
16276         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_ok(o);
16277         return nativeResponseValue;
16278 }
16279         // struct LDKCResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_err(struct LDKSignOrCreationError e);
16280 /* @internal */
16281 export function CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_err(e: bigint): bigint {
16282         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16283                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16284         }
16285         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_err(e);
16286         return nativeResponseValue;
16287 }
16288         // bool CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
16289 /* @internal */
16290 export function CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
16291         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16292                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16293         }
16294         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_is_ok(o);
16295         return nativeResponseValue;
16296 }
16297         // void CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_free(struct LDKCResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ _res);
16298 /* @internal */
16299 export function CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
16300         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16301                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16302         }
16303         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_free(_res);
16304         // debug statements here
16305 }
16306         // uint64_t CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_clone_ptr(LDKCResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR arg);
16307 /* @internal */
16308 export function CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
16309         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16310                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16311         }
16312         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_clone_ptr(arg);
16313         return nativeResponseValue;
16314 }
16315         // struct LDKCResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_clone(const struct LDKCResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ *NONNULL_PTR orig);
16316 /* @internal */
16317 export function CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
16318         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16319                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16320         }
16321         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ_clone(orig);
16322         return nativeResponseValue;
16323 }
16324         // struct LDKCOption_FilterZ COption_FilterZ_some(struct LDKFilter o);
16325 /* @internal */
16326 export function COption_FilterZ_some(o: bigint): bigint {
16327         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16328                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16329         }
16330         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_FilterZ_some(o);
16331         return nativeResponseValue;
16332 }
16333         // struct LDKCOption_FilterZ COption_FilterZ_none(void);
16334 /* @internal */
16335 export function COption_FilterZ_none(): bigint {
16336         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16337                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16338         }
16339         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_FilterZ_none();
16340         return nativeResponseValue;
16341 }
16342         // void COption_FilterZ_free(struct LDKCOption_FilterZ _res);
16343 /* @internal */
16344 export function COption_FilterZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
16345         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16346                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16347         }
16348         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_COption_FilterZ_free(_res);
16349         // debug statements here
16350 }
16351         // struct LDKCResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ CResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ_ok(struct LDKLockedChannelMonitor o);
16352 /* @internal */
16353 export function CResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ_ok(o: bigint): bigint {
16354         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16355                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16356         }
16357         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ_ok(o);
16358         return nativeResponseValue;
16359 }
16360         // struct LDKCResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ CResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ_err(void);
16361 /* @internal */
16362 export function CResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ_err(): bigint {
16363         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16364                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16365         }
16366         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ_err();
16367         return nativeResponseValue;
16368 }
16369         // bool CResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ_is_ok(const struct LDKCResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ *NONNULL_PTR o);
16370 /* @internal */
16371 export function CResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ_is_ok(o: bigint): boolean {
16372         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16373                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16374         }
16375         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ_is_ok(o);
16376         return nativeResponseValue;
16377 }
16378         // void CResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ_free(struct LDKCResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ _res);
16379 /* @internal */
16380 export function CResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ_free(_res: bigint): void {
16381         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16382                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16383         }
16384         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ_free(_res);
16385         // debug statements here
16386 }
16387         // void CVec_OutPointZ_free(struct LDKCVec_OutPointZ _res);
16388 /* @internal */
16389 export function CVec_OutPointZ_free(_res: number): void {
16390         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16391                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16392         }
16393         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CVec_OutPointZ_free(_res);
16394         // debug statements here
16395 }
16396         // void PaymentPurpose_free(struct LDKPaymentPurpose this_ptr);
16397 /* @internal */
16398 export function PaymentPurpose_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
16399         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16400                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16401         }
16402         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentPurpose_free(this_ptr);
16403         // debug statements here
16404 }
16405         // uint64_t PaymentPurpose_clone_ptr(LDKPaymentPurpose *NONNULL_PTR arg);
16406 /* @internal */
16407 export function PaymentPurpose_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
16408         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16409                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16410         }
16411         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentPurpose_clone_ptr(arg);
16412         return nativeResponseValue;
16413 }
16414         // struct LDKPaymentPurpose PaymentPurpose_clone(const struct LDKPaymentPurpose *NONNULL_PTR orig);
16415 /* @internal */
16416 export function PaymentPurpose_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
16417         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16418                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16419         }
16420         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentPurpose_clone(orig);
16421         return nativeResponseValue;
16422 }
16423         // struct LDKPaymentPurpose PaymentPurpose_invoice_payment(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_preimage, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_secret);
16424 /* @internal */
16425 export function PaymentPurpose_invoice_payment(payment_preimage: number, payment_secret: number): bigint {
16426         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16427                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16428         }
16429         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentPurpose_invoice_payment(payment_preimage, payment_secret);
16430         return nativeResponseValue;
16431 }
16432         // struct LDKPaymentPurpose PaymentPurpose_spontaneous_payment(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes a);
16433 /* @internal */
16434 export function PaymentPurpose_spontaneous_payment(a: number): bigint {
16435         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16436                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16437         }
16438         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentPurpose_spontaneous_payment(a);
16439         return nativeResponseValue;
16440 }
16441         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z PaymentPurpose_write(const struct LDKPaymentPurpose *NONNULL_PTR obj);
16442 /* @internal */
16443 export function PaymentPurpose_write(obj: bigint): number {
16444         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16445                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16446         }
16447         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentPurpose_write(obj);
16448         return nativeResponseValue;
16449 }
16450         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentPurposeDecodeErrorZ PaymentPurpose_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
16451 /* @internal */
16452 export function PaymentPurpose_read(ser: number): bigint {
16453         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16454                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16455         }
16456         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentPurpose_read(ser);
16457         return nativeResponseValue;
16458 }
16459         // void ClosureReason_free(struct LDKClosureReason this_ptr);
16460 /* @internal */
16461 export function ClosureReason_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
16462         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16463                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16464         }
16465         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosureReason_free(this_ptr);
16466         // debug statements here
16467 }
16468         // uint64_t ClosureReason_clone_ptr(LDKClosureReason *NONNULL_PTR arg);
16469 /* @internal */
16470 export function ClosureReason_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
16471         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16472                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16473         }
16474         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosureReason_clone_ptr(arg);
16475         return nativeResponseValue;
16476 }
16477         // struct LDKClosureReason ClosureReason_clone(const struct LDKClosureReason *NONNULL_PTR orig);
16478 /* @internal */
16479 export function ClosureReason_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
16480         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16481                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16482         }
16483         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosureReason_clone(orig);
16484         return nativeResponseValue;
16485 }
16486         // struct LDKClosureReason ClosureReason_counterparty_force_closed(struct LDKStr peer_msg);
16487 /* @internal */
16488 export function ClosureReason_counterparty_force_closed(peer_msg: number): bigint {
16489         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16490                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16491         }
16492         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosureReason_counterparty_force_closed(peer_msg);
16493         return nativeResponseValue;
16494 }
16495         // struct LDKClosureReason ClosureReason_holder_force_closed(void);
16496 /* @internal */
16497 export function ClosureReason_holder_force_closed(): bigint {
16498         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16499                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16500         }
16501         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosureReason_holder_force_closed();
16502         return nativeResponseValue;
16503 }
16504         // struct LDKClosureReason ClosureReason_cooperative_closure(void);
16505 /* @internal */
16506 export function ClosureReason_cooperative_closure(): bigint {
16507         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16508                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16509         }
16510         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosureReason_cooperative_closure();
16511         return nativeResponseValue;
16512 }
16513         // struct LDKClosureReason ClosureReason_commitment_tx_confirmed(void);
16514 /* @internal */
16515 export function ClosureReason_commitment_tx_confirmed(): bigint {
16516         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16517                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16518         }
16519         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosureReason_commitment_tx_confirmed();
16520         return nativeResponseValue;
16521 }
16522         // struct LDKClosureReason ClosureReason_funding_timed_out(void);
16523 /* @internal */
16524 export function ClosureReason_funding_timed_out(): bigint {
16525         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16526                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16527         }
16528         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosureReason_funding_timed_out();
16529         return nativeResponseValue;
16530 }
16531         // struct LDKClosureReason ClosureReason_processing_error(struct LDKStr err);
16532 /* @internal */
16533 export function ClosureReason_processing_error(err: number): bigint {
16534         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16535                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16536         }
16537         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosureReason_processing_error(err);
16538         return nativeResponseValue;
16539 }
16540         // struct LDKClosureReason ClosureReason_disconnected_peer(void);
16541 /* @internal */
16542 export function ClosureReason_disconnected_peer(): bigint {
16543         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16544                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16545         }
16546         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosureReason_disconnected_peer();
16547         return nativeResponseValue;
16548 }
16549         // struct LDKClosureReason ClosureReason_outdated_channel_manager(void);
16550 /* @internal */
16551 export function ClosureReason_outdated_channel_manager(): bigint {
16552         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16553                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16554         }
16555         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosureReason_outdated_channel_manager();
16556         return nativeResponseValue;
16557 }
16558         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ClosureReason_write(const struct LDKClosureReason *NONNULL_PTR obj);
16559 /* @internal */
16560 export function ClosureReason_write(obj: bigint): number {
16561         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16562                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16563         }
16564         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosureReason_write(obj);
16565         return nativeResponseValue;
16566 }
16567         // struct LDKCResult_COption_ClosureReasonZDecodeErrorZ ClosureReason_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
16568 /* @internal */
16569 export function ClosureReason_read(ser: number): bigint {
16570         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16571                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16572         }
16573         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosureReason_read(ser);
16574         return nativeResponseValue;
16575 }
16576         // void HTLCDestination_free(struct LDKHTLCDestination this_ptr);
16577 /* @internal */
16578 export function HTLCDestination_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
16579         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16580                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16581         }
16582         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCDestination_free(this_ptr);
16583         // debug statements here
16584 }
16585         // uint64_t HTLCDestination_clone_ptr(LDKHTLCDestination *NONNULL_PTR arg);
16586 /* @internal */
16587 export function HTLCDestination_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
16588         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16589                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16590         }
16591         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCDestination_clone_ptr(arg);
16592         return nativeResponseValue;
16593 }
16594         // struct LDKHTLCDestination HTLCDestination_clone(const struct LDKHTLCDestination *NONNULL_PTR orig);
16595 /* @internal */
16596 export function HTLCDestination_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
16597         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16598                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16599         }
16600         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCDestination_clone(orig);
16601         return nativeResponseValue;
16602 }
16603         // struct LDKHTLCDestination HTLCDestination_next_hop_channel(struct LDKPublicKey node_id, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes channel_id);
16604 /* @internal */
16605 export function HTLCDestination_next_hop_channel(node_id: number, channel_id: number): bigint {
16606         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16607                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16608         }
16609         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCDestination_next_hop_channel(node_id, channel_id);
16610         return nativeResponseValue;
16611 }
16612         // struct LDKHTLCDestination HTLCDestination_unknown_next_hop(uint64_t requested_forward_scid);
16613 /* @internal */
16614 export function HTLCDestination_unknown_next_hop(requested_forward_scid: bigint): bigint {
16615         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16616                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16617         }
16618         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCDestination_unknown_next_hop(requested_forward_scid);
16619         return nativeResponseValue;
16620 }
16621         // struct LDKHTLCDestination HTLCDestination_failed_payment(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_hash);
16622 /* @internal */
16623 export function HTLCDestination_failed_payment(payment_hash: number): bigint {
16624         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16625                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16626         }
16627         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCDestination_failed_payment(payment_hash);
16628         return nativeResponseValue;
16629 }
16630         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z HTLCDestination_write(const struct LDKHTLCDestination *NONNULL_PTR obj);
16631 /* @internal */
16632 export function HTLCDestination_write(obj: bigint): number {
16633         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16634                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16635         }
16636         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCDestination_write(obj);
16637         return nativeResponseValue;
16638 }
16639         // struct LDKCResult_COption_HTLCDestinationZDecodeErrorZ HTLCDestination_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
16640 /* @internal */
16641 export function HTLCDestination_read(ser: number): bigint {
16642         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16643                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16644         }
16645         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCDestination_read(ser);
16646         return nativeResponseValue;
16647 }
16648         // void Event_free(struct LDKEvent this_ptr);
16649 /* @internal */
16650 export function Event_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
16651         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16652                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16653         }
16654         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Event_free(this_ptr);
16655         // debug statements here
16656 }
16657         // uint64_t Event_clone_ptr(LDKEvent *NONNULL_PTR arg);
16658 /* @internal */
16659 export function Event_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
16660         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16661                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16662         }
16663         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Event_clone_ptr(arg);
16664         return nativeResponseValue;
16665 }
16666         // struct LDKEvent Event_clone(const struct LDKEvent *NONNULL_PTR orig);
16667 /* @internal */
16668 export function Event_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
16669         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16670                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16671         }
16672         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Event_clone(orig);
16673         return nativeResponseValue;
16674 }
16675         // struct LDKEvent Event_funding_generation_ready(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes temporary_channel_id, struct LDKPublicKey counterparty_node_id, uint64_t channel_value_satoshis, struct LDKCVec_u8Z output_script, uint64_t user_channel_id);
16676 /* @internal */
16677 export function Event_funding_generation_ready(temporary_channel_id: number, counterparty_node_id: number, channel_value_satoshis: bigint, output_script: number, user_channel_id: bigint): bigint {
16678         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16679                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16680         }
16681         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Event_funding_generation_ready(temporary_channel_id, counterparty_node_id, channel_value_satoshis, output_script, user_channel_id);
16682         return nativeResponseValue;
16683 }
16684         // struct LDKEvent Event_payment_received(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_hash, uint64_t amount_msat, struct LDKPaymentPurpose purpose);
16685 /* @internal */
16686 export function Event_payment_received(payment_hash: number, amount_msat: bigint, purpose: bigint): bigint {
16687         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16688                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16689         }
16690         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Event_payment_received(payment_hash, amount_msat, purpose);
16691         return nativeResponseValue;
16692 }
16693         // struct LDKEvent Event_payment_claimed(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_hash, uint64_t amount_msat, struct LDKPaymentPurpose purpose);
16694 /* @internal */
16695 export function Event_payment_claimed(payment_hash: number, amount_msat: bigint, purpose: bigint): bigint {
16696         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16697                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16698         }
16699         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Event_payment_claimed(payment_hash, amount_msat, purpose);
16700         return nativeResponseValue;
16701 }
16702         // struct LDKEvent Event_payment_sent(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_id, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_preimage, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_hash, struct LDKCOption_u64Z fee_paid_msat);
16703 /* @internal */
16704 export function Event_payment_sent(payment_id: number, payment_preimage: number, payment_hash: number, fee_paid_msat: bigint): bigint {
16705         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16706                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16707         }
16708         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Event_payment_sent(payment_id, payment_preimage, payment_hash, fee_paid_msat);
16709         return nativeResponseValue;
16710 }
16711         // struct LDKEvent Event_payment_failed(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_id, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_hash);
16712 /* @internal */
16713 export function Event_payment_failed(payment_id: number, payment_hash: number): bigint {
16714         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16715                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16716         }
16717         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Event_payment_failed(payment_id, payment_hash);
16718         return nativeResponseValue;
16719 }
16720         // struct LDKEvent Event_payment_path_successful(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_id, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_hash, struct LDKCVec_RouteHopZ path);
16721 /* @internal */
16722 export function Event_payment_path_successful(payment_id: number, payment_hash: number, path: number): bigint {
16723         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16724                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16725         }
16726         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Event_payment_path_successful(payment_id, payment_hash, path);
16727         return nativeResponseValue;
16728 }
16729         // struct LDKEvent Event_payment_path_failed(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_id, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_hash, bool payment_failed_permanently, struct LDKCOption_NetworkUpdateZ network_update, bool all_paths_failed, struct LDKCVec_RouteHopZ path, struct LDKCOption_u64Z short_channel_id, struct LDKRouteParameters retry);
16730 /* @internal */
16731 export function Event_payment_path_failed(payment_id: number, payment_hash: number, payment_failed_permanently: boolean, network_update: bigint, all_paths_failed: boolean, path: number, short_channel_id: bigint, retry: bigint): bigint {
16732         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16733                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16734         }
16735         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Event_payment_path_failed(payment_id, payment_hash, payment_failed_permanently, network_update, all_paths_failed, path, short_channel_id, retry);
16736         return nativeResponseValue;
16737 }
16738         // struct LDKEvent Event_probe_successful(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_id, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_hash, struct LDKCVec_RouteHopZ path);
16739 /* @internal */
16740 export function Event_probe_successful(payment_id: number, payment_hash: number, path: number): bigint {
16741         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16742                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16743         }
16744         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Event_probe_successful(payment_id, payment_hash, path);
16745         return nativeResponseValue;
16746 }
16747         // struct LDKEvent Event_probe_failed(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_id, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_hash, struct LDKCVec_RouteHopZ path, struct LDKCOption_u64Z short_channel_id);
16748 /* @internal */
16749 export function Event_probe_failed(payment_id: number, payment_hash: number, path: number, short_channel_id: bigint): bigint {
16750         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16751                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16752         }
16753         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Event_probe_failed(payment_id, payment_hash, path, short_channel_id);
16754         return nativeResponseValue;
16755 }
16756         // struct LDKEvent Event_pending_htlcs_forwardable(uint64_t time_forwardable);
16757 /* @internal */
16758 export function Event_pending_htlcs_forwardable(time_forwardable: bigint): bigint {
16759         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16760                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16761         }
16762         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Event_pending_htlcs_forwardable(time_forwardable);
16763         return nativeResponseValue;
16764 }
16765         // struct LDKEvent Event_spendable_outputs(struct LDKCVec_SpendableOutputDescriptorZ outputs);
16766 /* @internal */
16767 export function Event_spendable_outputs(outputs: number): bigint {
16768         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16769                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16770         }
16771         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Event_spendable_outputs(outputs);
16772         return nativeResponseValue;
16773 }
16774         // struct LDKEvent Event_payment_forwarded(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes prev_channel_id, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes next_channel_id, struct LDKCOption_u64Z fee_earned_msat, bool claim_from_onchain_tx);
16775 /* @internal */
16776 export function Event_payment_forwarded(prev_channel_id: number, next_channel_id: number, fee_earned_msat: bigint, claim_from_onchain_tx: boolean): bigint {
16777         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16778                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16779         }
16780         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Event_payment_forwarded(prev_channel_id, next_channel_id, fee_earned_msat, claim_from_onchain_tx);
16781         return nativeResponseValue;
16782 }
16783         // struct LDKEvent Event_channel_closed(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes channel_id, uint64_t user_channel_id, struct LDKClosureReason reason);
16784 /* @internal */
16785 export function Event_channel_closed(channel_id: number, user_channel_id: bigint, reason: bigint): bigint {
16786         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16787                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16788         }
16789         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Event_channel_closed(channel_id, user_channel_id, reason);
16790         return nativeResponseValue;
16791 }
16792         // struct LDKEvent Event_discard_funding(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes channel_id, struct LDKTransaction transaction);
16793 /* @internal */
16794 export function Event_discard_funding(channel_id: number, transaction: number): bigint {
16795         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16796                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16797         }
16798         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Event_discard_funding(channel_id, transaction);
16799         return nativeResponseValue;
16800 }
16801         // struct LDKEvent Event_open_channel_request(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes temporary_channel_id, struct LDKPublicKey counterparty_node_id, uint64_t funding_satoshis, uint64_t push_msat, struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures channel_type);
16802 /* @internal */
16803 export function Event_open_channel_request(temporary_channel_id: number, counterparty_node_id: number, funding_satoshis: bigint, push_msat: bigint, channel_type: bigint): bigint {
16804         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16805                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16806         }
16807         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Event_open_channel_request(temporary_channel_id, counterparty_node_id, funding_satoshis, push_msat, channel_type);
16808         return nativeResponseValue;
16809 }
16810         // struct LDKEvent Event_htlchandling_failed(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes prev_channel_id, struct LDKHTLCDestination failed_next_destination);
16811 /* @internal */
16812 export function Event_htlchandling_failed(prev_channel_id: number, failed_next_destination: bigint): bigint {
16813         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16814                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16815         }
16816         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Event_htlchandling_failed(prev_channel_id, failed_next_destination);
16817         return nativeResponseValue;
16818 }
16819         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z Event_write(const struct LDKEvent *NONNULL_PTR obj);
16820 /* @internal */
16821 export function Event_write(obj: bigint): number {
16822         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16823                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16824         }
16825         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Event_write(obj);
16826         return nativeResponseValue;
16827 }
16828         // struct LDKCResult_COption_EventZDecodeErrorZ Event_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
16829 /* @internal */
16830 export function Event_read(ser: number): bigint {
16831         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16832                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16833         }
16834         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Event_read(ser);
16835         return nativeResponseValue;
16836 }
16837         // void MessageSendEvent_free(struct LDKMessageSendEvent this_ptr);
16838 /* @internal */
16839 export function MessageSendEvent_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
16840         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16841                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16842         }
16843         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_free(this_ptr);
16844         // debug statements here
16845 }
16846         // uint64_t MessageSendEvent_clone_ptr(LDKMessageSendEvent *NONNULL_PTR arg);
16847 /* @internal */
16848 export function MessageSendEvent_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
16849         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16850                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16851         }
16852         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_clone_ptr(arg);
16853         return nativeResponseValue;
16854 }
16855         // struct LDKMessageSendEvent MessageSendEvent_clone(const struct LDKMessageSendEvent *NONNULL_PTR orig);
16856 /* @internal */
16857 export function MessageSendEvent_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
16858         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16859                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16860         }
16861         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_clone(orig);
16862         return nativeResponseValue;
16863 }
16864         // struct LDKMessageSendEvent MessageSendEvent_send_accept_channel(struct LDKPublicKey node_id, struct LDKAcceptChannel msg);
16865 /* @internal */
16866 export function MessageSendEvent_send_accept_channel(node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint {
16867         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16868                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16869         }
16870         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_send_accept_channel(node_id, msg);
16871         return nativeResponseValue;
16872 }
16873         // struct LDKMessageSendEvent MessageSendEvent_send_open_channel(struct LDKPublicKey node_id, struct LDKOpenChannel msg);
16874 /* @internal */
16875 export function MessageSendEvent_send_open_channel(node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint {
16876         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16877                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16878         }
16879         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_send_open_channel(node_id, msg);
16880         return nativeResponseValue;
16881 }
16882         // struct LDKMessageSendEvent MessageSendEvent_send_funding_created(struct LDKPublicKey node_id, struct LDKFundingCreated msg);
16883 /* @internal */
16884 export function MessageSendEvent_send_funding_created(node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint {
16885         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16886                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16887         }
16888         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_send_funding_created(node_id, msg);
16889         return nativeResponseValue;
16890 }
16891         // struct LDKMessageSendEvent MessageSendEvent_send_funding_signed(struct LDKPublicKey node_id, struct LDKFundingSigned msg);
16892 /* @internal */
16893 export function MessageSendEvent_send_funding_signed(node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint {
16894         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16895                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16896         }
16897         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_send_funding_signed(node_id, msg);
16898         return nativeResponseValue;
16899 }
16900         // struct LDKMessageSendEvent MessageSendEvent_send_channel_ready(struct LDKPublicKey node_id, struct LDKChannelReady msg);
16901 /* @internal */
16902 export function MessageSendEvent_send_channel_ready(node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint {
16903         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16904                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16905         }
16906         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_send_channel_ready(node_id, msg);
16907         return nativeResponseValue;
16908 }
16909         // struct LDKMessageSendEvent MessageSendEvent_send_announcement_signatures(struct LDKPublicKey node_id, struct LDKAnnouncementSignatures msg);
16910 /* @internal */
16911 export function MessageSendEvent_send_announcement_signatures(node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint {
16912         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16913                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16914         }
16915         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_send_announcement_signatures(node_id, msg);
16916         return nativeResponseValue;
16917 }
16918         // struct LDKMessageSendEvent MessageSendEvent_update_htlcs(struct LDKPublicKey node_id, struct LDKCommitmentUpdate updates);
16919 /* @internal */
16920 export function MessageSendEvent_update_htlcs(node_id: number, updates: bigint): bigint {
16921         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16922                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16923         }
16924         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_update_htlcs(node_id, updates);
16925         return nativeResponseValue;
16926 }
16927         // struct LDKMessageSendEvent MessageSendEvent_send_revoke_and_ack(struct LDKPublicKey node_id, struct LDKRevokeAndACK msg);
16928 /* @internal */
16929 export function MessageSendEvent_send_revoke_and_ack(node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint {
16930         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16931                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16932         }
16933         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_send_revoke_and_ack(node_id, msg);
16934         return nativeResponseValue;
16935 }
16936         // struct LDKMessageSendEvent MessageSendEvent_send_closing_signed(struct LDKPublicKey node_id, struct LDKClosingSigned msg);
16937 /* @internal */
16938 export function MessageSendEvent_send_closing_signed(node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint {
16939         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16940                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16941         }
16942         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_send_closing_signed(node_id, msg);
16943         return nativeResponseValue;
16944 }
16945         // struct LDKMessageSendEvent MessageSendEvent_send_shutdown(struct LDKPublicKey node_id, struct LDKShutdown msg);
16946 /* @internal */
16947 export function MessageSendEvent_send_shutdown(node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint {
16948         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16949                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16950         }
16951         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_send_shutdown(node_id, msg);
16952         return nativeResponseValue;
16953 }
16954         // struct LDKMessageSendEvent MessageSendEvent_send_channel_reestablish(struct LDKPublicKey node_id, struct LDKChannelReestablish msg);
16955 /* @internal */
16956 export function MessageSendEvent_send_channel_reestablish(node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint {
16957         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16958                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16959         }
16960         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_send_channel_reestablish(node_id, msg);
16961         return nativeResponseValue;
16962 }
16963         // struct LDKMessageSendEvent MessageSendEvent_send_channel_announcement(struct LDKPublicKey node_id, struct LDKChannelAnnouncement msg, struct LDKChannelUpdate update_msg);
16964 /* @internal */
16965 export function MessageSendEvent_send_channel_announcement(node_id: number, msg: bigint, update_msg: bigint): bigint {
16966         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16967                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16968         }
16969         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_send_channel_announcement(node_id, msg, update_msg);
16970         return nativeResponseValue;
16971 }
16972         // struct LDKMessageSendEvent MessageSendEvent_broadcast_channel_announcement(struct LDKChannelAnnouncement msg, struct LDKChannelUpdate update_msg);
16973 /* @internal */
16974 export function MessageSendEvent_broadcast_channel_announcement(msg: bigint, update_msg: bigint): bigint {
16975         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16976                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16977         }
16978         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_broadcast_channel_announcement(msg, update_msg);
16979         return nativeResponseValue;
16980 }
16981         // struct LDKMessageSendEvent MessageSendEvent_broadcast_channel_update(struct LDKChannelUpdate msg);
16982 /* @internal */
16983 export function MessageSendEvent_broadcast_channel_update(msg: bigint): bigint {
16984         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16985                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16986         }
16987         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_broadcast_channel_update(msg);
16988         return nativeResponseValue;
16989 }
16990         // struct LDKMessageSendEvent MessageSendEvent_send_channel_update(struct LDKPublicKey node_id, struct LDKChannelUpdate msg);
16991 /* @internal */
16992 export function MessageSendEvent_send_channel_update(node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint {
16993         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
16994                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
16995         }
16996         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_send_channel_update(node_id, msg);
16997         return nativeResponseValue;
16998 }
16999         // struct LDKMessageSendEvent MessageSendEvent_handle_error(struct LDKPublicKey node_id, struct LDKErrorAction action);
17000 /* @internal */
17001 export function MessageSendEvent_handle_error(node_id: number, action: bigint): bigint {
17002         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17003                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17004         }
17005         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_handle_error(node_id, action);
17006         return nativeResponseValue;
17007 }
17008         // struct LDKMessageSendEvent MessageSendEvent_send_channel_range_query(struct LDKPublicKey node_id, struct LDKQueryChannelRange msg);
17009 /* @internal */
17010 export function MessageSendEvent_send_channel_range_query(node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint {
17011         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17012                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17013         }
17014         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_send_channel_range_query(node_id, msg);
17015         return nativeResponseValue;
17016 }
17017         // struct LDKMessageSendEvent MessageSendEvent_send_short_ids_query(struct LDKPublicKey node_id, struct LDKQueryShortChannelIds msg);
17018 /* @internal */
17019 export function MessageSendEvent_send_short_ids_query(node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint {
17020         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17021                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17022         }
17023         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_send_short_ids_query(node_id, msg);
17024         return nativeResponseValue;
17025 }
17026         // struct LDKMessageSendEvent MessageSendEvent_send_reply_channel_range(struct LDKPublicKey node_id, struct LDKReplyChannelRange msg);
17027 /* @internal */
17028 export function MessageSendEvent_send_reply_channel_range(node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint {
17029         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17030                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17031         }
17032         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_send_reply_channel_range(node_id, msg);
17033         return nativeResponseValue;
17034 }
17035         // struct LDKMessageSendEvent MessageSendEvent_send_gossip_timestamp_filter(struct LDKPublicKey node_id, struct LDKGossipTimestampFilter msg);
17036 /* @internal */
17037 export function MessageSendEvent_send_gossip_timestamp_filter(node_id: number, msg: bigint): bigint {
17038         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17039                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17040         }
17041         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEvent_send_gossip_timestamp_filter(node_id, msg);
17042         return nativeResponseValue;
17043 }
17044         // void MessageSendEventsProvider_free(struct LDKMessageSendEventsProvider this_ptr);
17045 /* @internal */
17046 export function MessageSendEventsProvider_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
17047         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17048                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17049         }
17050         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageSendEventsProvider_free(this_ptr);
17051         // debug statements here
17052 }
17053         // void OnionMessageProvider_free(struct LDKOnionMessageProvider this_ptr);
17054 /* @internal */
17055 export function OnionMessageProvider_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
17056         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17057                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17058         }
17059         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OnionMessageProvider_free(this_ptr);
17060         // debug statements here
17061 }
17062         // void EventsProvider_free(struct LDKEventsProvider this_ptr);
17063 /* @internal */
17064 export function EventsProvider_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
17065         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17066                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17067         }
17068         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_EventsProvider_free(this_ptr);
17069         // debug statements here
17070 }
17071         // void EventHandler_free(struct LDKEventHandler this_ptr);
17072 /* @internal */
17073 export function EventHandler_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
17074         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17075                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17076         }
17077         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_EventHandler_free(this_ptr);
17078         // debug statements here
17079 }
17080         // void APIError_free(struct LDKAPIError this_ptr);
17081 /* @internal */
17082 export function APIError_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
17083         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17084                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17085         }
17086         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_APIError_free(this_ptr);
17087         // debug statements here
17088 }
17089         // uint64_t APIError_clone_ptr(LDKAPIError *NONNULL_PTR arg);
17090 /* @internal */
17091 export function APIError_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
17092         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17093                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17094         }
17095         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_APIError_clone_ptr(arg);
17096         return nativeResponseValue;
17097 }
17098         // struct LDKAPIError APIError_clone(const struct LDKAPIError *NONNULL_PTR orig);
17099 /* @internal */
17100 export function APIError_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
17101         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17102                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17103         }
17104         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_APIError_clone(orig);
17105         return nativeResponseValue;
17106 }
17107         // struct LDKAPIError APIError_apimisuse_error(struct LDKStr err);
17108 /* @internal */
17109 export function APIError_apimisuse_error(err: number): bigint {
17110         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17111                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17112         }
17113         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_APIError_apimisuse_error(err);
17114         return nativeResponseValue;
17115 }
17116         // struct LDKAPIError APIError_fee_rate_too_high(struct LDKStr err, uint32_t feerate);
17117 /* @internal */
17118 export function APIError_fee_rate_too_high(err: number, feerate: number): bigint {
17119         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17120                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17121         }
17122         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_APIError_fee_rate_too_high(err, feerate);
17123         return nativeResponseValue;
17124 }
17125         // struct LDKAPIError APIError_route_error(struct LDKStr err);
17126 /* @internal */
17127 export function APIError_route_error(err: number): bigint {
17128         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17129                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17130         }
17131         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_APIError_route_error(err);
17132         return nativeResponseValue;
17133 }
17134         // struct LDKAPIError APIError_channel_unavailable(struct LDKStr err);
17135 /* @internal */
17136 export function APIError_channel_unavailable(err: number): bigint {
17137         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17138                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17139         }
17140         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_APIError_channel_unavailable(err);
17141         return nativeResponseValue;
17142 }
17143         // struct LDKAPIError APIError_monitor_update_failed(void);
17144 /* @internal */
17145 export function APIError_monitor_update_failed(): bigint {
17146         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17147                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17148         }
17149         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_APIError_monitor_update_failed();
17150         return nativeResponseValue;
17151 }
17152         // struct LDKAPIError APIError_incompatible_shutdown_script(struct LDKShutdownScript script);
17153 /* @internal */
17154 export function APIError_incompatible_shutdown_script(script: bigint): bigint {
17155         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17156                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17157         }
17158         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_APIError_incompatible_shutdown_script(script);
17159         return nativeResponseValue;
17160 }
17161         // void BigSize_free(struct LDKBigSize this_obj);
17162 /* @internal */
17163 export function BigSize_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
17164         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17165                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17166         }
17167         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BigSize_free(this_obj);
17168         // debug statements here
17169 }
17170         // uint64_t BigSize_get_a(const struct LDKBigSize *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17171 /* @internal */
17172 export function BigSize_get_a(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
17173         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17174                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17175         }
17176         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BigSize_get_a(this_ptr);
17177         return nativeResponseValue;
17178 }
17179         // void BigSize_set_a(struct LDKBigSize *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
17180 /* @internal */
17181 export function BigSize_set_a(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
17182         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17183                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17184         }
17185         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BigSize_set_a(this_ptr, val);
17186         // debug statements here
17187 }
17188         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKBigSize BigSize_new(uint64_t a_arg);
17189 /* @internal */
17190 export function BigSize_new(a_arg: bigint): bigint {
17191         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17192                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17193         }
17194         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BigSize_new(a_arg);
17195         return nativeResponseValue;
17196 }
17197         // void Hostname_free(struct LDKHostname this_obj);
17198 /* @internal */
17199 export function Hostname_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
17200         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17201                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17202         }
17203         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Hostname_free(this_obj);
17204         // debug statements here
17205 }
17206         // uint64_t Hostname_clone_ptr(LDKHostname *NONNULL_PTR arg);
17207 /* @internal */
17208 export function Hostname_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
17209         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17210                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17211         }
17212         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Hostname_clone_ptr(arg);
17213         return nativeResponseValue;
17214 }
17215         // struct LDKHostname Hostname_clone(const struct LDKHostname *NONNULL_PTR orig);
17216 /* @internal */
17217 export function Hostname_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
17218         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17219                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17220         }
17221         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Hostname_clone(orig);
17222         return nativeResponseValue;
17223 }
17224         // MUST_USE_RES uint8_t Hostname_len(const struct LDKHostname *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
17225 /* @internal */
17226 export function Hostname_len(this_arg: bigint): number {
17227         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17228                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17229         }
17230         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Hostname_len(this_arg);
17231         return nativeResponseValue;
17232 }
17233         // struct LDKCResult_StringErrorZ sign(struct LDKu8slice msg, const uint8_t (*sk)[32]);
17234 /* @internal */
17235 export function sign(msg: number, sk: number): bigint {
17236         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17237                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17238         }
17239         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_sign(msg, sk);
17240         return nativeResponseValue;
17241 }
17242         // struct LDKCResult_PublicKeyErrorZ recover_pk(struct LDKu8slice msg, struct LDKStr sig);
17243 /* @internal */
17244 export function recover_pk(msg: number, sig: number): bigint {
17245         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17246                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17247         }
17248         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_recover_pk(msg, sig);
17249         return nativeResponseValue;
17250 }
17251         // bool verify(struct LDKu8slice msg, struct LDKStr sig, struct LDKPublicKey pk);
17252 /* @internal */
17253 export function verify(msg: number, sig: number, pk: number): boolean {
17254         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17255                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17256         }
17257         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_verify(msg, sig, pk);
17258         return nativeResponseValue;
17259 }
17260         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z construct_invoice_preimage(struct LDKu8slice hrp_bytes, struct LDKCVec_u5Z data_without_signature);
17261 /* @internal */
17262 export function construct_invoice_preimage(hrp_bytes: number, data_without_signature: number): number {
17263         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17264                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17265         }
17266         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_construct_invoice_preimage(hrp_bytes, data_without_signature);
17267         return nativeResponseValue;
17268 }
17269         // void Persister_free(struct LDKPersister this_ptr);
17270 /* @internal */
17271 export function Persister_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
17272         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17273                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17274         }
17275         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Persister_free(this_ptr);
17276         // debug statements here
17277 }
17278         // void FutureCallback_free(struct LDKFutureCallback this_ptr);
17279 /* @internal */
17280 export function FutureCallback_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
17281         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17282                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17283         }
17284         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FutureCallback_free(this_ptr);
17285         // debug statements here
17286 }
17287         // void Future_free(struct LDKFuture this_obj);
17288 /* @internal */
17289 export function Future_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
17290         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17291                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17292         }
17293         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Future_free(this_obj);
17294         // debug statements here
17295 }
17296         // void Future_register_callback_fn(const struct LDKFuture *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKFutureCallback callback);
17297 /* @internal */
17298 export function Future_register_callback_fn(this_arg: bigint, callback: bigint): void {
17299         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17300                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17301         }
17302         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Future_register_callback_fn(this_arg, callback);
17303         // debug statements here
17304 }
17305         // enum LDKLevel Level_clone(const enum LDKLevel *NONNULL_PTR orig);
17306 /* @internal */
17307 export function Level_clone(orig: bigint): Level {
17308         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17309                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17310         }
17311         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Level_clone(orig);
17312         return nativeResponseValue;
17313 }
17314         // enum LDKLevel Level_gossip(void);
17315 /* @internal */
17316 export function Level_gossip(): Level {
17317         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17318                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17319         }
17320         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Level_gossip();
17321         return nativeResponseValue;
17322 }
17323         // enum LDKLevel Level_trace(void);
17324 /* @internal */
17325 export function Level_trace(): Level {
17326         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17327                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17328         }
17329         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Level_trace();
17330         return nativeResponseValue;
17331 }
17332         // enum LDKLevel Level_debug(void);
17333 /* @internal */
17334 export function Level_debug(): Level {
17335         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17336                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17337         }
17338         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Level_debug();
17339         return nativeResponseValue;
17340 }
17341         // enum LDKLevel Level_info(void);
17342 /* @internal */
17343 export function Level_info(): Level {
17344         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17345                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17346         }
17347         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Level_info();
17348         return nativeResponseValue;
17349 }
17350         // enum LDKLevel Level_warn(void);
17351 /* @internal */
17352 export function Level_warn(): Level {
17353         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17354                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17355         }
17356         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Level_warn();
17357         return nativeResponseValue;
17358 }
17359         // enum LDKLevel Level_error(void);
17360 /* @internal */
17361 export function Level_error(): Level {
17362         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17363                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17364         }
17365         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Level_error();
17366         return nativeResponseValue;
17367 }
17368         // bool Level_eq(const enum LDKLevel *NONNULL_PTR a, const enum LDKLevel *NONNULL_PTR b);
17369 /* @internal */
17370 export function Level_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
17371         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17372                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17373         }
17374         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Level_eq(a, b);
17375         return nativeResponseValue;
17376 }
17377         // uint64_t Level_hash(const enum LDKLevel *NONNULL_PTR o);
17378 /* @internal */
17379 export function Level_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
17380         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17381                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17382         }
17383         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Level_hash(o);
17384         return nativeResponseValue;
17385 }
17386         // MUST_USE_RES enum LDKLevel Level_max(void);
17387 /* @internal */
17388 export function Level_max(): Level {
17389         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17390                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17391         }
17392         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Level_max();
17393         return nativeResponseValue;
17394 }
17395         // void Record_free(struct LDKRecord this_obj);
17396 /* @internal */
17397 export function Record_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
17398         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17399                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17400         }
17401         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Record_free(this_obj);
17402         // debug statements here
17403 }
17404         // enum LDKLevel Record_get_level(const struct LDKRecord *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17405 /* @internal */
17406 export function Record_get_level(this_ptr: bigint): Level {
17407         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17408                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17409         }
17410         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Record_get_level(this_ptr);
17411         return nativeResponseValue;
17412 }
17413         // void Record_set_level(struct LDKRecord *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, enum LDKLevel val);
17414 /* @internal */
17415 export function Record_set_level(this_ptr: bigint, val: Level): void {
17416         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17417                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17418         }
17419         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Record_set_level(this_ptr, val);
17420         // debug statements here
17421 }
17422         // struct LDKStr Record_get_args(const struct LDKRecord *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17423 /* @internal */
17424 export function Record_get_args(this_ptr: bigint): number {
17425         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17426                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17427         }
17428         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Record_get_args(this_ptr);
17429         return nativeResponseValue;
17430 }
17431         // void Record_set_args(struct LDKRecord *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKStr val);
17432 /* @internal */
17433 export function Record_set_args(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
17434         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17435                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17436         }
17437         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Record_set_args(this_ptr, val);
17438         // debug statements here
17439 }
17440         // struct LDKStr Record_get_module_path(const struct LDKRecord *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17441 /* @internal */
17442 export function Record_get_module_path(this_ptr: bigint): number {
17443         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17444                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17445         }
17446         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Record_get_module_path(this_ptr);
17447         return nativeResponseValue;
17448 }
17449         // void Record_set_module_path(struct LDKRecord *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKStr val);
17450 /* @internal */
17451 export function Record_set_module_path(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
17452         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17453                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17454         }
17455         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Record_set_module_path(this_ptr, val);
17456         // debug statements here
17457 }
17458         // struct LDKStr Record_get_file(const struct LDKRecord *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17459 /* @internal */
17460 export function Record_get_file(this_ptr: bigint): number {
17461         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17462                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17463         }
17464         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Record_get_file(this_ptr);
17465         return nativeResponseValue;
17466 }
17467         // void Record_set_file(struct LDKRecord *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKStr val);
17468 /* @internal */
17469 export function Record_set_file(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
17470         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17471                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17472         }
17473         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Record_set_file(this_ptr, val);
17474         // debug statements here
17475 }
17476         // uint32_t Record_get_line(const struct LDKRecord *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17477 /* @internal */
17478 export function Record_get_line(this_ptr: bigint): number {
17479         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17480                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17481         }
17482         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Record_get_line(this_ptr);
17483         return nativeResponseValue;
17484 }
17485         // void Record_set_line(struct LDKRecord *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
17486 /* @internal */
17487 export function Record_set_line(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
17488         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17489                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17490         }
17491         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Record_set_line(this_ptr, val);
17492         // debug statements here
17493 }
17494         // uint64_t Record_clone_ptr(LDKRecord *NONNULL_PTR arg);
17495 /* @internal */
17496 export function Record_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
17497         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17498                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17499         }
17500         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Record_clone_ptr(arg);
17501         return nativeResponseValue;
17502 }
17503         // struct LDKRecord Record_clone(const struct LDKRecord *NONNULL_PTR orig);
17504 /* @internal */
17505 export function Record_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
17506         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17507                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17508         }
17509         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Record_clone(orig);
17510         return nativeResponseValue;
17511 }
17512         // void Logger_free(struct LDKLogger this_ptr);
17513 /* @internal */
17514 export function Logger_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
17515         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17516                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17517         }
17518         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Logger_free(this_ptr);
17519         // debug statements here
17520 }
17521         // void ChannelHandshakeConfig_free(struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig this_obj);
17522 /* @internal */
17523 export function ChannelHandshakeConfig_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
17524         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17525                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17526         }
17527         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeConfig_free(this_obj);
17528         // debug statements here
17529 }
17530         // uint32_t ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_minimum_depth(const struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17531 /* @internal */
17532 export function ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_minimum_depth(this_ptr: bigint): number {
17533         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17534                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17535         }
17536         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_minimum_depth(this_ptr);
17537         return nativeResponseValue;
17538 }
17539         // void ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_minimum_depth(struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
17540 /* @internal */
17541 export function ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_minimum_depth(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
17542         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17543                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17544         }
17545         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_minimum_depth(this_ptr, val);
17546         // debug statements here
17547 }
17548         // uint16_t ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_our_to_self_delay(const struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17549 /* @internal */
17550 export function ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_our_to_self_delay(this_ptr: bigint): number {
17551         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17552                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17553         }
17554         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_our_to_self_delay(this_ptr);
17555         return nativeResponseValue;
17556 }
17557         // void ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_our_to_self_delay(struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint16_t val);
17558 /* @internal */
17559 export function ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_our_to_self_delay(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
17560         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17561                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17562         }
17563         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_our_to_self_delay(this_ptr, val);
17564         // debug statements here
17565 }
17566         // uint64_t ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_our_htlc_minimum_msat(const struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17567 /* @internal */
17568 export function ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_our_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
17569         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17570                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17571         }
17572         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_our_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr);
17573         return nativeResponseValue;
17574 }
17575         // void ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_our_htlc_minimum_msat(struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
17576 /* @internal */
17577 export function ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_our_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
17578         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17579                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17580         }
17581         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_our_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr, val);
17582         // debug statements here
17583 }
17584         // uint8_t ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_max_inbound_htlc_value_in_flight_percent_of_channel(const struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17585 /* @internal */
17586 export function ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_max_inbound_htlc_value_in_flight_percent_of_channel(this_ptr: bigint): number {
17587         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17588                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17589         }
17590         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_max_inbound_htlc_value_in_flight_percent_of_channel(this_ptr);
17591         return nativeResponseValue;
17592 }
17593         // void ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_max_inbound_htlc_value_in_flight_percent_of_channel(struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint8_t val);
17594 /* @internal */
17595 export function ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_max_inbound_htlc_value_in_flight_percent_of_channel(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
17596         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17597                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17598         }
17599         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_max_inbound_htlc_value_in_flight_percent_of_channel(this_ptr, val);
17600         // debug statements here
17601 }
17602         // bool ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_negotiate_scid_privacy(const struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17603 /* @internal */
17604 export function ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_negotiate_scid_privacy(this_ptr: bigint): boolean {
17605         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17606                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17607         }
17608         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_negotiate_scid_privacy(this_ptr);
17609         return nativeResponseValue;
17610 }
17611         // void ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_negotiate_scid_privacy(struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, bool val);
17612 /* @internal */
17613 export function ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_negotiate_scid_privacy(this_ptr: bigint, val: boolean): void {
17614         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17615                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17616         }
17617         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_negotiate_scid_privacy(this_ptr, val);
17618         // debug statements here
17619 }
17620         // bool ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_announced_channel(const struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17621 /* @internal */
17622 export function ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_announced_channel(this_ptr: bigint): boolean {
17623         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17624                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17625         }
17626         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_announced_channel(this_ptr);
17627         return nativeResponseValue;
17628 }
17629         // void ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_announced_channel(struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, bool val);
17630 /* @internal */
17631 export function ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_announced_channel(this_ptr: bigint, val: boolean): void {
17632         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17633                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17634         }
17635         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_announced_channel(this_ptr, val);
17636         // debug statements here
17637 }
17638         // bool ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_commit_upfront_shutdown_pubkey(const struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17639 /* @internal */
17640 export function ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_commit_upfront_shutdown_pubkey(this_ptr: bigint): boolean {
17641         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17642                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17643         }
17644         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_commit_upfront_shutdown_pubkey(this_ptr);
17645         return nativeResponseValue;
17646 }
17647         // void ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_commit_upfront_shutdown_pubkey(struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, bool val);
17648 /* @internal */
17649 export function ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_commit_upfront_shutdown_pubkey(this_ptr: bigint, val: boolean): void {
17650         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17651                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17652         }
17653         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_commit_upfront_shutdown_pubkey(this_ptr, val);
17654         // debug statements here
17655 }
17656         // uint32_t ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_their_channel_reserve_proportional_millionths(const struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17657 /* @internal */
17658 export function ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_their_channel_reserve_proportional_millionths(this_ptr: bigint): number {
17659         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17660                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17661         }
17662         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeConfig_get_their_channel_reserve_proportional_millionths(this_ptr);
17663         return nativeResponseValue;
17664 }
17665         // void ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_their_channel_reserve_proportional_millionths(struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
17666 /* @internal */
17667 export function ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_their_channel_reserve_proportional_millionths(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
17668         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17669                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17670         }
17671         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeConfig_set_their_channel_reserve_proportional_millionths(this_ptr, val);
17672         // debug statements here
17673 }
17674         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig ChannelHandshakeConfig_new(uint32_t minimum_depth_arg, uint16_t our_to_self_delay_arg, uint64_t our_htlc_minimum_msat_arg, uint8_t max_inbound_htlc_value_in_flight_percent_of_channel_arg, bool negotiate_scid_privacy_arg, bool announced_channel_arg, bool commit_upfront_shutdown_pubkey_arg, uint32_t their_channel_reserve_proportional_millionths_arg);
17675 /* @internal */
17676 export function ChannelHandshakeConfig_new(minimum_depth_arg: number, our_to_self_delay_arg: number, our_htlc_minimum_msat_arg: bigint, max_inbound_htlc_value_in_flight_percent_of_channel_arg: number, negotiate_scid_privacy_arg: boolean, announced_channel_arg: boolean, commit_upfront_shutdown_pubkey_arg: boolean, their_channel_reserve_proportional_millionths_arg: number): bigint {
17677         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17678                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17679         }
17680         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeConfig_new(minimum_depth_arg, our_to_self_delay_arg, our_htlc_minimum_msat_arg, max_inbound_htlc_value_in_flight_percent_of_channel_arg, negotiate_scid_privacy_arg, announced_channel_arg, commit_upfront_shutdown_pubkey_arg, their_channel_reserve_proportional_millionths_arg);
17681         return nativeResponseValue;
17682 }
17683         // uint64_t ChannelHandshakeConfig_clone_ptr(LDKChannelHandshakeConfig *NONNULL_PTR arg);
17684 /* @internal */
17685 export function ChannelHandshakeConfig_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
17686         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17687                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17688         }
17689         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeConfig_clone_ptr(arg);
17690         return nativeResponseValue;
17691 }
17692         // struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig ChannelHandshakeConfig_clone(const struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig *NONNULL_PTR orig);
17693 /* @internal */
17694 export function ChannelHandshakeConfig_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
17695         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17696                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17697         }
17698         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeConfig_clone(orig);
17699         return nativeResponseValue;
17700 }
17701         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig ChannelHandshakeConfig_default(void);
17702 /* @internal */
17703 export function ChannelHandshakeConfig_default(): bigint {
17704         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17705                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17706         }
17707         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeConfig_default();
17708         return nativeResponseValue;
17709 }
17710         // void ChannelHandshakeLimits_free(struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits this_obj);
17711 /* @internal */
17712 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
17713         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17714                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17715         }
17716         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_free(this_obj);
17717         // debug statements here
17718 }
17719         // uint64_t ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_min_funding_satoshis(const struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17720 /* @internal */
17721 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_min_funding_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
17722         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17723                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17724         }
17725         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_min_funding_satoshis(this_ptr);
17726         return nativeResponseValue;
17727 }
17728         // void ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_min_funding_satoshis(struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
17729 /* @internal */
17730 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_min_funding_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
17731         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17732                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17733         }
17734         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_min_funding_satoshis(this_ptr, val);
17735         // debug statements here
17736 }
17737         // uint64_t ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_max_funding_satoshis(const struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17738 /* @internal */
17739 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_max_funding_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
17740         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17741                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17742         }
17743         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_max_funding_satoshis(this_ptr);
17744         return nativeResponseValue;
17745 }
17746         // void ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_max_funding_satoshis(struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
17747 /* @internal */
17748 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_max_funding_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
17749         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17750                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17751         }
17752         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_max_funding_satoshis(this_ptr, val);
17753         // debug statements here
17754 }
17755         // uint64_t ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_max_htlc_minimum_msat(const struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17756 /* @internal */
17757 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_max_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
17758         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17759                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17760         }
17761         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_max_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr);
17762         return nativeResponseValue;
17763 }
17764         // void ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_max_htlc_minimum_msat(struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
17765 /* @internal */
17766 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_max_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
17767         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17768                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17769         }
17770         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_max_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr, val);
17771         // debug statements here
17772 }
17773         // uint64_t ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_min_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(const struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17774 /* @internal */
17775 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_min_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
17776         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17777                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17778         }
17779         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_min_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(this_ptr);
17780         return nativeResponseValue;
17781 }
17782         // void ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_min_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
17783 /* @internal */
17784 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_min_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
17785         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17786                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17787         }
17788         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_min_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(this_ptr, val);
17789         // debug statements here
17790 }
17791         // uint64_t ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_max_channel_reserve_satoshis(const struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17792 /* @internal */
17793 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_max_channel_reserve_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
17794         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17795                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17796         }
17797         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_max_channel_reserve_satoshis(this_ptr);
17798         return nativeResponseValue;
17799 }
17800         // void ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_max_channel_reserve_satoshis(struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
17801 /* @internal */
17802 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_max_channel_reserve_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
17803         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17804                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17805         }
17806         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_max_channel_reserve_satoshis(this_ptr, val);
17807         // debug statements here
17808 }
17809         // uint16_t ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_min_max_accepted_htlcs(const struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17810 /* @internal */
17811 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_min_max_accepted_htlcs(this_ptr: bigint): number {
17812         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17813                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17814         }
17815         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_min_max_accepted_htlcs(this_ptr);
17816         return nativeResponseValue;
17817 }
17818         // void ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_min_max_accepted_htlcs(struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint16_t val);
17819 /* @internal */
17820 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_min_max_accepted_htlcs(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
17821         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17822                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17823         }
17824         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_min_max_accepted_htlcs(this_ptr, val);
17825         // debug statements here
17826 }
17827         // uint32_t ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_max_minimum_depth(const struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17828 /* @internal */
17829 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_max_minimum_depth(this_ptr: bigint): number {
17830         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17831                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17832         }
17833         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_max_minimum_depth(this_ptr);
17834         return nativeResponseValue;
17835 }
17836         // void ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_max_minimum_depth(struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
17837 /* @internal */
17838 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_max_minimum_depth(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
17839         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17840                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17841         }
17842         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_max_minimum_depth(this_ptr, val);
17843         // debug statements here
17844 }
17845         // bool ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_trust_own_funding_0conf(const struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17846 /* @internal */
17847 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_trust_own_funding_0conf(this_ptr: bigint): boolean {
17848         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17849                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17850         }
17851         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_trust_own_funding_0conf(this_ptr);
17852         return nativeResponseValue;
17853 }
17854         // void ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_trust_own_funding_0conf(struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, bool val);
17855 /* @internal */
17856 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_trust_own_funding_0conf(this_ptr: bigint, val: boolean): void {
17857         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17858                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17859         }
17860         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_trust_own_funding_0conf(this_ptr, val);
17861         // debug statements here
17862 }
17863         // bool ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_force_announced_channel_preference(const struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17864 /* @internal */
17865 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_force_announced_channel_preference(this_ptr: bigint): boolean {
17866         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17867                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17868         }
17869         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_force_announced_channel_preference(this_ptr);
17870         return nativeResponseValue;
17871 }
17872         // void ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_force_announced_channel_preference(struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, bool val);
17873 /* @internal */
17874 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_force_announced_channel_preference(this_ptr: bigint, val: boolean): void {
17875         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17876                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17877         }
17878         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_force_announced_channel_preference(this_ptr, val);
17879         // debug statements here
17880 }
17881         // uint16_t ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_their_to_self_delay(const struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17882 /* @internal */
17883 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_their_to_self_delay(this_ptr: bigint): number {
17884         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17885                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17886         }
17887         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_get_their_to_self_delay(this_ptr);
17888         return nativeResponseValue;
17889 }
17890         // void ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_their_to_self_delay(struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint16_t val);
17891 /* @internal */
17892 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_their_to_self_delay(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
17893         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17894                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17895         }
17896         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_set_their_to_self_delay(this_ptr, val);
17897         // debug statements here
17898 }
17899         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits ChannelHandshakeLimits_new(uint64_t min_funding_satoshis_arg, uint64_t max_funding_satoshis_arg, uint64_t max_htlc_minimum_msat_arg, uint64_t min_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat_arg, uint64_t max_channel_reserve_satoshis_arg, uint16_t min_max_accepted_htlcs_arg, uint32_t max_minimum_depth_arg, bool trust_own_funding_0conf_arg, bool force_announced_channel_preference_arg, uint16_t their_to_self_delay_arg);
17900 /* @internal */
17901 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_new(min_funding_satoshis_arg: bigint, max_funding_satoshis_arg: bigint, max_htlc_minimum_msat_arg: bigint, min_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat_arg: bigint, max_channel_reserve_satoshis_arg: bigint, min_max_accepted_htlcs_arg: number, max_minimum_depth_arg: number, trust_own_funding_0conf_arg: boolean, force_announced_channel_preference_arg: boolean, their_to_self_delay_arg: number): bigint {
17902         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17903                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17904         }
17905         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_new(min_funding_satoshis_arg, max_funding_satoshis_arg, max_htlc_minimum_msat_arg, min_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat_arg, max_channel_reserve_satoshis_arg, min_max_accepted_htlcs_arg, max_minimum_depth_arg, trust_own_funding_0conf_arg, force_announced_channel_preference_arg, their_to_self_delay_arg);
17906         return nativeResponseValue;
17907 }
17908         // uint64_t ChannelHandshakeLimits_clone_ptr(LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR arg);
17909 /* @internal */
17910 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
17911         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17912                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17913         }
17914         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_clone_ptr(arg);
17915         return nativeResponseValue;
17916 }
17917         // struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits ChannelHandshakeLimits_clone(const struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits *NONNULL_PTR orig);
17918 /* @internal */
17919 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
17920         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17921                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17922         }
17923         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_clone(orig);
17924         return nativeResponseValue;
17925 }
17926         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits ChannelHandshakeLimits_default(void);
17927 /* @internal */
17928 export function ChannelHandshakeLimits_default(): bigint {
17929         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17930                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17931         }
17932         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelHandshakeLimits_default();
17933         return nativeResponseValue;
17934 }
17935         // void ChannelConfig_free(struct LDKChannelConfig this_obj);
17936 /* @internal */
17937 export function ChannelConfig_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
17938         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17939                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17940         }
17941         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelConfig_free(this_obj);
17942         // debug statements here
17943 }
17944         // uint32_t ChannelConfig_get_forwarding_fee_proportional_millionths(const struct LDKChannelConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17945 /* @internal */
17946 export function ChannelConfig_get_forwarding_fee_proportional_millionths(this_ptr: bigint): number {
17947         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17948                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17949         }
17950         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelConfig_get_forwarding_fee_proportional_millionths(this_ptr);
17951         return nativeResponseValue;
17952 }
17953         // void ChannelConfig_set_forwarding_fee_proportional_millionths(struct LDKChannelConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
17954 /* @internal */
17955 export function ChannelConfig_set_forwarding_fee_proportional_millionths(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
17956         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17957                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17958         }
17959         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelConfig_set_forwarding_fee_proportional_millionths(this_ptr, val);
17960         // debug statements here
17961 }
17962         // uint32_t ChannelConfig_get_forwarding_fee_base_msat(const struct LDKChannelConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17963 /* @internal */
17964 export function ChannelConfig_get_forwarding_fee_base_msat(this_ptr: bigint): number {
17965         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17966                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17967         }
17968         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelConfig_get_forwarding_fee_base_msat(this_ptr);
17969         return nativeResponseValue;
17970 }
17971         // void ChannelConfig_set_forwarding_fee_base_msat(struct LDKChannelConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
17972 /* @internal */
17973 export function ChannelConfig_set_forwarding_fee_base_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
17974         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17975                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17976         }
17977         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelConfig_set_forwarding_fee_base_msat(this_ptr, val);
17978         // debug statements here
17979 }
17980         // uint16_t ChannelConfig_get_cltv_expiry_delta(const struct LDKChannelConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17981 /* @internal */
17982 export function ChannelConfig_get_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr: bigint): number {
17983         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17984                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17985         }
17986         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelConfig_get_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr);
17987         return nativeResponseValue;
17988 }
17989         // void ChannelConfig_set_cltv_expiry_delta(struct LDKChannelConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint16_t val);
17990 /* @internal */
17991 export function ChannelConfig_set_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
17992         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
17993                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
17994         }
17995         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelConfig_set_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr, val);
17996         // debug statements here
17997 }
17998         // uint64_t ChannelConfig_get_max_dust_htlc_exposure_msat(const struct LDKChannelConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
17999 /* @internal */
18000 export function ChannelConfig_get_max_dust_htlc_exposure_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
18001         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18002                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18003         }
18004         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelConfig_get_max_dust_htlc_exposure_msat(this_ptr);
18005         return nativeResponseValue;
18006 }
18007         // void ChannelConfig_set_max_dust_htlc_exposure_msat(struct LDKChannelConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
18008 /* @internal */
18009 export function ChannelConfig_set_max_dust_htlc_exposure_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
18010         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18011                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18012         }
18013         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelConfig_set_max_dust_htlc_exposure_msat(this_ptr, val);
18014         // debug statements here
18015 }
18016         // uint64_t ChannelConfig_get_force_close_avoidance_max_fee_satoshis(const struct LDKChannelConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
18017 /* @internal */
18018 export function ChannelConfig_get_force_close_avoidance_max_fee_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
18019         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18020                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18021         }
18022         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelConfig_get_force_close_avoidance_max_fee_satoshis(this_ptr);
18023         return nativeResponseValue;
18024 }
18025         // void ChannelConfig_set_force_close_avoidance_max_fee_satoshis(struct LDKChannelConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
18026 /* @internal */
18027 export function ChannelConfig_set_force_close_avoidance_max_fee_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
18028         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18029                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18030         }
18031         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelConfig_set_force_close_avoidance_max_fee_satoshis(this_ptr, val);
18032         // debug statements here
18033 }
18034         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelConfig ChannelConfig_new(uint32_t forwarding_fee_proportional_millionths_arg, uint32_t forwarding_fee_base_msat_arg, uint16_t cltv_expiry_delta_arg, uint64_t max_dust_htlc_exposure_msat_arg, uint64_t force_close_avoidance_max_fee_satoshis_arg);
18035 /* @internal */
18036 export function ChannelConfig_new(forwarding_fee_proportional_millionths_arg: number, forwarding_fee_base_msat_arg: number, cltv_expiry_delta_arg: number, max_dust_htlc_exposure_msat_arg: bigint, force_close_avoidance_max_fee_satoshis_arg: bigint): bigint {
18037         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18038                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18039         }
18040         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelConfig_new(forwarding_fee_proportional_millionths_arg, forwarding_fee_base_msat_arg, cltv_expiry_delta_arg, max_dust_htlc_exposure_msat_arg, force_close_avoidance_max_fee_satoshis_arg);
18041         return nativeResponseValue;
18042 }
18043         // uint64_t ChannelConfig_clone_ptr(LDKChannelConfig *NONNULL_PTR arg);
18044 /* @internal */
18045 export function ChannelConfig_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
18046         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18047                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18048         }
18049         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelConfig_clone_ptr(arg);
18050         return nativeResponseValue;
18051 }
18052         // struct LDKChannelConfig ChannelConfig_clone(const struct LDKChannelConfig *NONNULL_PTR orig);
18053 /* @internal */
18054 export function ChannelConfig_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
18055         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18056                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18057         }
18058         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelConfig_clone(orig);
18059         return nativeResponseValue;
18060 }
18061         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelConfig ChannelConfig_default(void);
18062 /* @internal */
18063 export function ChannelConfig_default(): bigint {
18064         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18065                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18066         }
18067         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelConfig_default();
18068         return nativeResponseValue;
18069 }
18070         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ChannelConfig_write(const struct LDKChannelConfig *NONNULL_PTR obj);
18071 /* @internal */
18072 export function ChannelConfig_write(obj: bigint): number {
18073         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18074                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18075         }
18076         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelConfig_write(obj);
18077         return nativeResponseValue;
18078 }
18079         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelConfigDecodeErrorZ ChannelConfig_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
18080 /* @internal */
18081 export function ChannelConfig_read(ser: number): bigint {
18082         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18083                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18084         }
18085         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelConfig_read(ser);
18086         return nativeResponseValue;
18087 }
18088         // void UserConfig_free(struct LDKUserConfig this_obj);
18089 /* @internal */
18090 export function UserConfig_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
18091         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18092                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18093         }
18094         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UserConfig_free(this_obj);
18095         // debug statements here
18096 }
18097         // struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig UserConfig_get_channel_handshake_config(const struct LDKUserConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
18098 /* @internal */
18099 export function UserConfig_get_channel_handshake_config(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
18100         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18101                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18102         }
18103         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UserConfig_get_channel_handshake_config(this_ptr);
18104         return nativeResponseValue;
18105 }
18106         // void UserConfig_set_channel_handshake_config(struct LDKUserConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig val);
18107 /* @internal */
18108 export function UserConfig_set_channel_handshake_config(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
18109         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18110                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18111         }
18112         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UserConfig_set_channel_handshake_config(this_ptr, val);
18113         // debug statements here
18114 }
18115         // struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits UserConfig_get_channel_handshake_limits(const struct LDKUserConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
18116 /* @internal */
18117 export function UserConfig_get_channel_handshake_limits(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
18118         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18119                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18120         }
18121         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UserConfig_get_channel_handshake_limits(this_ptr);
18122         return nativeResponseValue;
18123 }
18124         // void UserConfig_set_channel_handshake_limits(struct LDKUserConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits val);
18125 /* @internal */
18126 export function UserConfig_set_channel_handshake_limits(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
18127         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18128                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18129         }
18130         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UserConfig_set_channel_handshake_limits(this_ptr, val);
18131         // debug statements here
18132 }
18133         // struct LDKChannelConfig UserConfig_get_channel_config(const struct LDKUserConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
18134 /* @internal */
18135 export function UserConfig_get_channel_config(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
18136         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18137                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18138         }
18139         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UserConfig_get_channel_config(this_ptr);
18140         return nativeResponseValue;
18141 }
18142         // void UserConfig_set_channel_config(struct LDKUserConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKChannelConfig val);
18143 /* @internal */
18144 export function UserConfig_set_channel_config(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
18145         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18146                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18147         }
18148         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UserConfig_set_channel_config(this_ptr, val);
18149         // debug statements here
18150 }
18151         // bool UserConfig_get_accept_forwards_to_priv_channels(const struct LDKUserConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
18152 /* @internal */
18153 export function UserConfig_get_accept_forwards_to_priv_channels(this_ptr: bigint): boolean {
18154         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18155                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18156         }
18157         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UserConfig_get_accept_forwards_to_priv_channels(this_ptr);
18158         return nativeResponseValue;
18159 }
18160         // void UserConfig_set_accept_forwards_to_priv_channels(struct LDKUserConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, bool val);
18161 /* @internal */
18162 export function UserConfig_set_accept_forwards_to_priv_channels(this_ptr: bigint, val: boolean): void {
18163         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18164                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18165         }
18166         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UserConfig_set_accept_forwards_to_priv_channels(this_ptr, val);
18167         // debug statements here
18168 }
18169         // bool UserConfig_get_accept_inbound_channels(const struct LDKUserConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
18170 /* @internal */
18171 export function UserConfig_get_accept_inbound_channels(this_ptr: bigint): boolean {
18172         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18173                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18174         }
18175         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UserConfig_get_accept_inbound_channels(this_ptr);
18176         return nativeResponseValue;
18177 }
18178         // void UserConfig_set_accept_inbound_channels(struct LDKUserConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, bool val);
18179 /* @internal */
18180 export function UserConfig_set_accept_inbound_channels(this_ptr: bigint, val: boolean): void {
18181         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18182                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18183         }
18184         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UserConfig_set_accept_inbound_channels(this_ptr, val);
18185         // debug statements here
18186 }
18187         // bool UserConfig_get_manually_accept_inbound_channels(const struct LDKUserConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
18188 /* @internal */
18189 export function UserConfig_get_manually_accept_inbound_channels(this_ptr: bigint): boolean {
18190         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18191                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18192         }
18193         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UserConfig_get_manually_accept_inbound_channels(this_ptr);
18194         return nativeResponseValue;
18195 }
18196         // void UserConfig_set_manually_accept_inbound_channels(struct LDKUserConfig *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, bool val);
18197 /* @internal */
18198 export function UserConfig_set_manually_accept_inbound_channels(this_ptr: bigint, val: boolean): void {
18199         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18200                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18201         }
18202         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UserConfig_set_manually_accept_inbound_channels(this_ptr, val);
18203         // debug statements here
18204 }
18205         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKUserConfig UserConfig_new(struct LDKChannelHandshakeConfig channel_handshake_config_arg, struct LDKChannelHandshakeLimits channel_handshake_limits_arg, struct LDKChannelConfig channel_config_arg, bool accept_forwards_to_priv_channels_arg, bool accept_inbound_channels_arg, bool manually_accept_inbound_channels_arg);
18206 /* @internal */
18207 export function UserConfig_new(channel_handshake_config_arg: bigint, channel_handshake_limits_arg: bigint, channel_config_arg: bigint, accept_forwards_to_priv_channels_arg: boolean, accept_inbound_channels_arg: boolean, manually_accept_inbound_channels_arg: boolean): bigint {
18208         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18209                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18210         }
18211         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UserConfig_new(channel_handshake_config_arg, channel_handshake_limits_arg, channel_config_arg, accept_forwards_to_priv_channels_arg, accept_inbound_channels_arg, manually_accept_inbound_channels_arg);
18212         return nativeResponseValue;
18213 }
18214         // uint64_t UserConfig_clone_ptr(LDKUserConfig *NONNULL_PTR arg);
18215 /* @internal */
18216 export function UserConfig_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
18217         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18218                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18219         }
18220         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UserConfig_clone_ptr(arg);
18221         return nativeResponseValue;
18222 }
18223         // struct LDKUserConfig UserConfig_clone(const struct LDKUserConfig *NONNULL_PTR orig);
18224 /* @internal */
18225 export function UserConfig_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
18226         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18227                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18228         }
18229         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UserConfig_clone(orig);
18230         return nativeResponseValue;
18231 }
18232         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKUserConfig UserConfig_default(void);
18233 /* @internal */
18234 export function UserConfig_default(): bigint {
18235         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18236                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18237         }
18238         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UserConfig_default();
18239         return nativeResponseValue;
18240 }
18241         // void BestBlock_free(struct LDKBestBlock this_obj);
18242 /* @internal */
18243 export function BestBlock_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
18244         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18245                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18246         }
18247         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BestBlock_free(this_obj);
18248         // debug statements here
18249 }
18250         // uint64_t BestBlock_clone_ptr(LDKBestBlock *NONNULL_PTR arg);
18251 /* @internal */
18252 export function BestBlock_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
18253         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18254                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18255         }
18256         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BestBlock_clone_ptr(arg);
18257         return nativeResponseValue;
18258 }
18259         // struct LDKBestBlock BestBlock_clone(const struct LDKBestBlock *NONNULL_PTR orig);
18260 /* @internal */
18261 export function BestBlock_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
18262         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18263                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18264         }
18265         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BestBlock_clone(orig);
18266         return nativeResponseValue;
18267 }
18268         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKBestBlock BestBlock_from_genesis(enum LDKNetwork network);
18269 /* @internal */
18270 export function BestBlock_from_genesis(network: Network): bigint {
18271         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18272                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18273         }
18274         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BestBlock_from_genesis(network);
18275         return nativeResponseValue;
18276 }
18277         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKBestBlock BestBlock_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes block_hash, uint32_t height);
18278 /* @internal */
18279 export function BestBlock_new(block_hash: number, height: number): bigint {
18280         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18281                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18282         }
18283         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BestBlock_new(block_hash, height);
18284         return nativeResponseValue;
18285 }
18286         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes BestBlock_block_hash(const struct LDKBestBlock *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
18287 /* @internal */
18288 export function BestBlock_block_hash(this_arg: bigint): number {
18289         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18290                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18291         }
18292         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BestBlock_block_hash(this_arg);
18293         return nativeResponseValue;
18294 }
18295         // MUST_USE_RES uint32_t BestBlock_height(const struct LDKBestBlock *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
18296 /* @internal */
18297 export function BestBlock_height(this_arg: bigint): number {
18298         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18299                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18300         }
18301         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BestBlock_height(this_arg);
18302         return nativeResponseValue;
18303 }
18304         // enum LDKAccessError AccessError_clone(const enum LDKAccessError *NONNULL_PTR orig);
18305 /* @internal */
18306 export function AccessError_clone(orig: bigint): AccessError {
18307         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18308                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18309         }
18310         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AccessError_clone(orig);
18311         return nativeResponseValue;
18312 }
18313         // enum LDKAccessError AccessError_unknown_chain(void);
18314 /* @internal */
18315 export function AccessError_unknown_chain(): AccessError {
18316         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18317                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18318         }
18319         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AccessError_unknown_chain();
18320         return nativeResponseValue;
18321 }
18322         // enum LDKAccessError AccessError_unknown_tx(void);
18323 /* @internal */
18324 export function AccessError_unknown_tx(): AccessError {
18325         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18326                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18327         }
18328         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AccessError_unknown_tx();
18329         return nativeResponseValue;
18330 }
18331         // void Access_free(struct LDKAccess this_ptr);
18332 /* @internal */
18333 export function Access_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
18334         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18335                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18336         }
18337         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Access_free(this_ptr);
18338         // debug statements here
18339 }
18340         // void Listen_free(struct LDKListen this_ptr);
18341 /* @internal */
18342 export function Listen_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
18343         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18344                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18345         }
18346         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Listen_free(this_ptr);
18347         // debug statements here
18348 }
18349         // void Confirm_free(struct LDKConfirm this_ptr);
18350 /* @internal */
18351 export function Confirm_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
18352         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18353                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18354         }
18355         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Confirm_free(this_ptr);
18356         // debug statements here
18357 }
18358         // enum LDKChannelMonitorUpdateErr ChannelMonitorUpdateErr_clone(const enum LDKChannelMonitorUpdateErr *NONNULL_PTR orig);
18359 /* @internal */
18360 export function ChannelMonitorUpdateErr_clone(orig: bigint): ChannelMonitorUpdateErr {
18361         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18362                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18363         }
18364         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitorUpdateErr_clone(orig);
18365         return nativeResponseValue;
18366 }
18367         // enum LDKChannelMonitorUpdateErr ChannelMonitorUpdateErr_temporary_failure(void);
18368 /* @internal */
18369 export function ChannelMonitorUpdateErr_temporary_failure(): ChannelMonitorUpdateErr {
18370         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18371                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18372         }
18373         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitorUpdateErr_temporary_failure();
18374         return nativeResponseValue;
18375 }
18376         // enum LDKChannelMonitorUpdateErr ChannelMonitorUpdateErr_permanent_failure(void);
18377 /* @internal */
18378 export function ChannelMonitorUpdateErr_permanent_failure(): ChannelMonitorUpdateErr {
18379         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18380                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18381         }
18382         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitorUpdateErr_permanent_failure();
18383         return nativeResponseValue;
18384 }
18385         // void Watch_free(struct LDKWatch this_ptr);
18386 /* @internal */
18387 export function Watch_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
18388         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18389                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18390         }
18391         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Watch_free(this_ptr);
18392         // debug statements here
18393 }
18394         // void Filter_free(struct LDKFilter this_ptr);
18395 /* @internal */
18396 export function Filter_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
18397         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18398                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18399         }
18400         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Filter_free(this_ptr);
18401         // debug statements here
18402 }
18403         // void WatchedOutput_free(struct LDKWatchedOutput this_obj);
18404 /* @internal */
18405 export function WatchedOutput_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
18406         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18407                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18408         }
18409         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WatchedOutput_free(this_obj);
18410         // debug statements here
18411 }
18412         // struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes WatchedOutput_get_block_hash(const struct LDKWatchedOutput *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
18413 /* @internal */
18414 export function WatchedOutput_get_block_hash(this_ptr: bigint): number {
18415         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18416                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18417         }
18418         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WatchedOutput_get_block_hash(this_ptr);
18419         return nativeResponseValue;
18420 }
18421         // void WatchedOutput_set_block_hash(struct LDKWatchedOutput *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
18422 /* @internal */
18423 export function WatchedOutput_set_block_hash(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
18424         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18425                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18426         }
18427         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WatchedOutput_set_block_hash(this_ptr, val);
18428         // debug statements here
18429 }
18430         // struct LDKOutPoint WatchedOutput_get_outpoint(const struct LDKWatchedOutput *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
18431 /* @internal */
18432 export function WatchedOutput_get_outpoint(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
18433         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18434                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18435         }
18436         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WatchedOutput_get_outpoint(this_ptr);
18437         return nativeResponseValue;
18438 }
18439         // void WatchedOutput_set_outpoint(struct LDKWatchedOutput *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKOutPoint val);
18440 /* @internal */
18441 export function WatchedOutput_set_outpoint(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
18442         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18443                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18444         }
18445         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WatchedOutput_set_outpoint(this_ptr, val);
18446         // debug statements here
18447 }
18448         // struct LDKu8slice WatchedOutput_get_script_pubkey(const struct LDKWatchedOutput *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
18449 /* @internal */
18450 export function WatchedOutput_get_script_pubkey(this_ptr: bigint): number {
18451         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18452                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18453         }
18454         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WatchedOutput_get_script_pubkey(this_ptr);
18455         return nativeResponseValue;
18456 }
18457         // void WatchedOutput_set_script_pubkey(struct LDKWatchedOutput *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCVec_u8Z val);
18458 /* @internal */
18459 export function WatchedOutput_set_script_pubkey(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
18460         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18461                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18462         }
18463         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WatchedOutput_set_script_pubkey(this_ptr, val);
18464         // debug statements here
18465 }
18466         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKWatchedOutput WatchedOutput_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes block_hash_arg, struct LDKOutPoint outpoint_arg, struct LDKCVec_u8Z script_pubkey_arg);
18467 /* @internal */
18468 export function WatchedOutput_new(block_hash_arg: number, outpoint_arg: bigint, script_pubkey_arg: number): bigint {
18469         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18470                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18471         }
18472         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WatchedOutput_new(block_hash_arg, outpoint_arg, script_pubkey_arg);
18473         return nativeResponseValue;
18474 }
18475         // uint64_t WatchedOutput_clone_ptr(LDKWatchedOutput *NONNULL_PTR arg);
18476 /* @internal */
18477 export function WatchedOutput_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
18478         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18479                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18480         }
18481         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WatchedOutput_clone_ptr(arg);
18482         return nativeResponseValue;
18483 }
18484         // struct LDKWatchedOutput WatchedOutput_clone(const struct LDKWatchedOutput *NONNULL_PTR orig);
18485 /* @internal */
18486 export function WatchedOutput_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
18487         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18488                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18489         }
18490         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WatchedOutput_clone(orig);
18491         return nativeResponseValue;
18492 }
18493         // uint64_t WatchedOutput_hash(const struct LDKWatchedOutput *NONNULL_PTR o);
18494 /* @internal */
18495 export function WatchedOutput_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
18496         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18497                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18498         }
18499         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WatchedOutput_hash(o);
18500         return nativeResponseValue;
18501 }
18502         // void BroadcasterInterface_free(struct LDKBroadcasterInterface this_ptr);
18503 /* @internal */
18504 export function BroadcasterInterface_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
18505         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18506                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18507         }
18508         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BroadcasterInterface_free(this_ptr);
18509         // debug statements here
18510 }
18511         // enum LDKConfirmationTarget ConfirmationTarget_clone(const enum LDKConfirmationTarget *NONNULL_PTR orig);
18512 /* @internal */
18513 export function ConfirmationTarget_clone(orig: bigint): ConfirmationTarget {
18514         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18515                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18516         }
18517         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ConfirmationTarget_clone(orig);
18518         return nativeResponseValue;
18519 }
18520         // enum LDKConfirmationTarget ConfirmationTarget_background(void);
18521 /* @internal */
18522 export function ConfirmationTarget_background(): ConfirmationTarget {
18523         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18524                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18525         }
18526         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ConfirmationTarget_background();
18527         return nativeResponseValue;
18528 }
18529         // enum LDKConfirmationTarget ConfirmationTarget_normal(void);
18530 /* @internal */
18531 export function ConfirmationTarget_normal(): ConfirmationTarget {
18532         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18533                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18534         }
18535         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ConfirmationTarget_normal();
18536         return nativeResponseValue;
18537 }
18538         // enum LDKConfirmationTarget ConfirmationTarget_high_priority(void);
18539 /* @internal */
18540 export function ConfirmationTarget_high_priority(): ConfirmationTarget {
18541         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18542                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18543         }
18544         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ConfirmationTarget_high_priority();
18545         return nativeResponseValue;
18546 }
18547         // bool ConfirmationTarget_eq(const enum LDKConfirmationTarget *NONNULL_PTR a, const enum LDKConfirmationTarget *NONNULL_PTR b);
18548 /* @internal */
18549 export function ConfirmationTarget_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
18550         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18551                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18552         }
18553         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ConfirmationTarget_eq(a, b);
18554         return nativeResponseValue;
18555 }
18556         // void FeeEstimator_free(struct LDKFeeEstimator this_ptr);
18557 /* @internal */
18558 export function FeeEstimator_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
18559         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18560                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18561         }
18562         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FeeEstimator_free(this_ptr);
18563         // debug statements here
18564 }
18565         // void MonitorUpdateId_free(struct LDKMonitorUpdateId this_obj);
18566 /* @internal */
18567 export function MonitorUpdateId_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
18568         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18569                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18570         }
18571         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MonitorUpdateId_free(this_obj);
18572         // debug statements here
18573 }
18574         // uint64_t MonitorUpdateId_clone_ptr(LDKMonitorUpdateId *NONNULL_PTR arg);
18575 /* @internal */
18576 export function MonitorUpdateId_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
18577         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18578                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18579         }
18580         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MonitorUpdateId_clone_ptr(arg);
18581         return nativeResponseValue;
18582 }
18583         // struct LDKMonitorUpdateId MonitorUpdateId_clone(const struct LDKMonitorUpdateId *NONNULL_PTR orig);
18584 /* @internal */
18585 export function MonitorUpdateId_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
18586         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18587                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18588         }
18589         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MonitorUpdateId_clone(orig);
18590         return nativeResponseValue;
18591 }
18592         // uint64_t MonitorUpdateId_hash(const struct LDKMonitorUpdateId *NONNULL_PTR o);
18593 /* @internal */
18594 export function MonitorUpdateId_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
18595         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18596                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18597         }
18598         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MonitorUpdateId_hash(o);
18599         return nativeResponseValue;
18600 }
18601         // bool MonitorUpdateId_eq(const struct LDKMonitorUpdateId *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKMonitorUpdateId *NONNULL_PTR b);
18602 /* @internal */
18603 export function MonitorUpdateId_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
18604         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18605                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18606         }
18607         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MonitorUpdateId_eq(a, b);
18608         return nativeResponseValue;
18609 }
18610         // void Persist_free(struct LDKPersist this_ptr);
18611 /* @internal */
18612 export function Persist_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
18613         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18614                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18615         }
18616         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Persist_free(this_ptr);
18617         // debug statements here
18618 }
18619         // void LockedChannelMonitor_free(struct LDKLockedChannelMonitor this_obj);
18620 /* @internal */
18621 export function LockedChannelMonitor_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
18622         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18623                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18624         }
18625         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LockedChannelMonitor_free(this_obj);
18626         // debug statements here
18627 }
18628         // void ChainMonitor_free(struct LDKChainMonitor this_obj);
18629 /* @internal */
18630 export function ChainMonitor_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
18631         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18632                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18633         }
18634         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChainMonitor_free(this_obj);
18635         // debug statements here
18636 }
18637         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChainMonitor ChainMonitor_new(struct LDKCOption_FilterZ chain_source, struct LDKBroadcasterInterface broadcaster, struct LDKLogger logger, struct LDKFeeEstimator feeest, struct LDKPersist persister);
18638 /* @internal */
18639 export function ChainMonitor_new(chain_source: bigint, broadcaster: bigint, logger: bigint, feeest: bigint, persister: bigint): bigint {
18640         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18641                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18642         }
18643         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChainMonitor_new(chain_source, broadcaster, logger, feeest, persister);
18644         return nativeResponseValue;
18645 }
18646         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCVec_BalanceZ ChainMonitor_get_claimable_balances(const struct LDKChainMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKCVec_ChannelDetailsZ ignored_channels);
18647 /* @internal */
18648 export function ChainMonitor_get_claimable_balances(this_arg: bigint, ignored_channels: number): number {
18649         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18650                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18651         }
18652         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChainMonitor_get_claimable_balances(this_arg, ignored_channels);
18653         return nativeResponseValue;
18654 }
18655         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_LockedChannelMonitorNoneZ ChainMonitor_get_monitor(const struct LDKChainMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKOutPoint funding_txo);
18656 /* @internal */
18657 export function ChainMonitor_get_monitor(this_arg: bigint, funding_txo: bigint): bigint {
18658         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18659                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18660         }
18661         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChainMonitor_get_monitor(this_arg, funding_txo);
18662         return nativeResponseValue;
18663 }
18664         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCVec_OutPointZ ChainMonitor_list_monitors(const struct LDKChainMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
18665 /* @internal */
18666 export function ChainMonitor_list_monitors(this_arg: bigint): number {
18667         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18668                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18669         }
18670         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChainMonitor_list_monitors(this_arg);
18671         return nativeResponseValue;
18672 }
18673         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NoneAPIErrorZ ChainMonitor_channel_monitor_updated(const struct LDKChainMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKOutPoint funding_txo, struct LDKMonitorUpdateId completed_update_id);
18674 /* @internal */
18675 export function ChainMonitor_channel_monitor_updated(this_arg: bigint, funding_txo: bigint, completed_update_id: bigint): bigint {
18676         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18677                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18678         }
18679         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChainMonitor_channel_monitor_updated(this_arg, funding_txo, completed_update_id);
18680         return nativeResponseValue;
18681 }
18682         // struct LDKListen ChainMonitor_as_Listen(const struct LDKChainMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
18683 /* @internal */
18684 export function ChainMonitor_as_Listen(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
18685         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18686                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18687         }
18688         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChainMonitor_as_Listen(this_arg);
18689         return nativeResponseValue;
18690 }
18691         // struct LDKConfirm ChainMonitor_as_Confirm(const struct LDKChainMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
18692 /* @internal */
18693 export function ChainMonitor_as_Confirm(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
18694         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18695                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18696         }
18697         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChainMonitor_as_Confirm(this_arg);
18698         return nativeResponseValue;
18699 }
18700         // struct LDKWatch ChainMonitor_as_Watch(const struct LDKChainMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
18701 /* @internal */
18702 export function ChainMonitor_as_Watch(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
18703         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18704                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18705         }
18706         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChainMonitor_as_Watch(this_arg);
18707         return nativeResponseValue;
18708 }
18709         // struct LDKEventsProvider ChainMonitor_as_EventsProvider(const struct LDKChainMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
18710 /* @internal */
18711 export function ChainMonitor_as_EventsProvider(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
18712         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18713                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18714         }
18715         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChainMonitor_as_EventsProvider(this_arg);
18716         return nativeResponseValue;
18717 }
18718         // void ChannelMonitorUpdate_free(struct LDKChannelMonitorUpdate this_obj);
18719 /* @internal */
18720 export function ChannelMonitorUpdate_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
18721         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18722                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18723         }
18724         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitorUpdate_free(this_obj);
18725         // debug statements here
18726 }
18727         // uint64_t ChannelMonitorUpdate_get_update_id(const struct LDKChannelMonitorUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
18728 /* @internal */
18729 export function ChannelMonitorUpdate_get_update_id(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
18730         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18731                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18732         }
18733         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitorUpdate_get_update_id(this_ptr);
18734         return nativeResponseValue;
18735 }
18736         // void ChannelMonitorUpdate_set_update_id(struct LDKChannelMonitorUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
18737 /* @internal */
18738 export function ChannelMonitorUpdate_set_update_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
18739         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18740                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18741         }
18742         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitorUpdate_set_update_id(this_ptr, val);
18743         // debug statements here
18744 }
18745         // uint64_t ChannelMonitorUpdate_clone_ptr(LDKChannelMonitorUpdate *NONNULL_PTR arg);
18746 /* @internal */
18747 export function ChannelMonitorUpdate_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
18748         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18749                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18750         }
18751         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitorUpdate_clone_ptr(arg);
18752         return nativeResponseValue;
18753 }
18754         // struct LDKChannelMonitorUpdate ChannelMonitorUpdate_clone(const struct LDKChannelMonitorUpdate *NONNULL_PTR orig);
18755 /* @internal */
18756 export function ChannelMonitorUpdate_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
18757         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18758                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18759         }
18760         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitorUpdate_clone(orig);
18761         return nativeResponseValue;
18762 }
18763         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ChannelMonitorUpdate_write(const struct LDKChannelMonitorUpdate *NONNULL_PTR obj);
18764 /* @internal */
18765 export function ChannelMonitorUpdate_write(obj: bigint): number {
18766         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18767                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18768         }
18769         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitorUpdate_write(obj);
18770         return nativeResponseValue;
18771 }
18772         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelMonitorUpdateDecodeErrorZ ChannelMonitorUpdate_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
18773 /* @internal */
18774 export function ChannelMonitorUpdate_read(ser: number): bigint {
18775         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18776                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18777         }
18778         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitorUpdate_read(ser);
18779         return nativeResponseValue;
18780 }
18781         // void MonitorEvent_free(struct LDKMonitorEvent this_ptr);
18782 /* @internal */
18783 export function MonitorEvent_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
18784         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18785                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18786         }
18787         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MonitorEvent_free(this_ptr);
18788         // debug statements here
18789 }
18790         // uint64_t MonitorEvent_clone_ptr(LDKMonitorEvent *NONNULL_PTR arg);
18791 /* @internal */
18792 export function MonitorEvent_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
18793         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18794                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18795         }
18796         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MonitorEvent_clone_ptr(arg);
18797         return nativeResponseValue;
18798 }
18799         // struct LDKMonitorEvent MonitorEvent_clone(const struct LDKMonitorEvent *NONNULL_PTR orig);
18800 /* @internal */
18801 export function MonitorEvent_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
18802         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18803                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18804         }
18805         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MonitorEvent_clone(orig);
18806         return nativeResponseValue;
18807 }
18808         // struct LDKMonitorEvent MonitorEvent_htlcevent(struct LDKHTLCUpdate a);
18809 /* @internal */
18810 export function MonitorEvent_htlcevent(a: bigint): bigint {
18811         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18812                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18813         }
18814         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MonitorEvent_htlcevent(a);
18815         return nativeResponseValue;
18816 }
18817         // struct LDKMonitorEvent MonitorEvent_commitment_tx_confirmed(struct LDKOutPoint a);
18818 /* @internal */
18819 export function MonitorEvent_commitment_tx_confirmed(a: bigint): bigint {
18820         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18821                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18822         }
18823         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MonitorEvent_commitment_tx_confirmed(a);
18824         return nativeResponseValue;
18825 }
18826         // struct LDKMonitorEvent MonitorEvent_update_completed(struct LDKOutPoint funding_txo, uint64_t monitor_update_id);
18827 /* @internal */
18828 export function MonitorEvent_update_completed(funding_txo: bigint, monitor_update_id: bigint): bigint {
18829         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18830                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18831         }
18832         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MonitorEvent_update_completed(funding_txo, monitor_update_id);
18833         return nativeResponseValue;
18834 }
18835         // struct LDKMonitorEvent MonitorEvent_update_failed(struct LDKOutPoint a);
18836 /* @internal */
18837 export function MonitorEvent_update_failed(a: bigint): bigint {
18838         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18839                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18840         }
18841         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MonitorEvent_update_failed(a);
18842         return nativeResponseValue;
18843 }
18844         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z MonitorEvent_write(const struct LDKMonitorEvent *NONNULL_PTR obj);
18845 /* @internal */
18846 export function MonitorEvent_write(obj: bigint): number {
18847         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18848                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18849         }
18850         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MonitorEvent_write(obj);
18851         return nativeResponseValue;
18852 }
18853         // struct LDKCResult_COption_MonitorEventZDecodeErrorZ MonitorEvent_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
18854 /* @internal */
18855 export function MonitorEvent_read(ser: number): bigint {
18856         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18857                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18858         }
18859         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MonitorEvent_read(ser);
18860         return nativeResponseValue;
18861 }
18862         // void HTLCUpdate_free(struct LDKHTLCUpdate this_obj);
18863 /* @internal */
18864 export function HTLCUpdate_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
18865         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18866                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18867         }
18868         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCUpdate_free(this_obj);
18869         // debug statements here
18870 }
18871         // uint64_t HTLCUpdate_clone_ptr(LDKHTLCUpdate *NONNULL_PTR arg);
18872 /* @internal */
18873 export function HTLCUpdate_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
18874         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18875                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18876         }
18877         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCUpdate_clone_ptr(arg);
18878         return nativeResponseValue;
18879 }
18880         // struct LDKHTLCUpdate HTLCUpdate_clone(const struct LDKHTLCUpdate *NONNULL_PTR orig);
18881 /* @internal */
18882 export function HTLCUpdate_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
18883         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18884                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18885         }
18886         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCUpdate_clone(orig);
18887         return nativeResponseValue;
18888 }
18889         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z HTLCUpdate_write(const struct LDKHTLCUpdate *NONNULL_PTR obj);
18890 /* @internal */
18891 export function HTLCUpdate_write(obj: bigint): number {
18892         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18893                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18894         }
18895         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCUpdate_write(obj);
18896         return nativeResponseValue;
18897 }
18898         // struct LDKCResult_HTLCUpdateDecodeErrorZ HTLCUpdate_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
18899 /* @internal */
18900 export function HTLCUpdate_read(ser: number): bigint {
18901         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18902                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18903         }
18904         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCUpdate_read(ser);
18905         return nativeResponseValue;
18906 }
18907         // void Balance_free(struct LDKBalance this_ptr);
18908 /* @internal */
18909 export function Balance_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
18910         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18911                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18912         }
18913         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Balance_free(this_ptr);
18914         // debug statements here
18915 }
18916         // uint64_t Balance_clone_ptr(LDKBalance *NONNULL_PTR arg);
18917 /* @internal */
18918 export function Balance_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
18919         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18920                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18921         }
18922         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Balance_clone_ptr(arg);
18923         return nativeResponseValue;
18924 }
18925         // struct LDKBalance Balance_clone(const struct LDKBalance *NONNULL_PTR orig);
18926 /* @internal */
18927 export function Balance_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
18928         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18929                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18930         }
18931         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Balance_clone(orig);
18932         return nativeResponseValue;
18933 }
18934         // struct LDKBalance Balance_claimable_on_channel_close(uint64_t claimable_amount_satoshis);
18935 /* @internal */
18936 export function Balance_claimable_on_channel_close(claimable_amount_satoshis: bigint): bigint {
18937         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18938                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18939         }
18940         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Balance_claimable_on_channel_close(claimable_amount_satoshis);
18941         return nativeResponseValue;
18942 }
18943         // struct LDKBalance Balance_claimable_awaiting_confirmations(uint64_t claimable_amount_satoshis, uint32_t confirmation_height);
18944 /* @internal */
18945 export function Balance_claimable_awaiting_confirmations(claimable_amount_satoshis: bigint, confirmation_height: number): bigint {
18946         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18947                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18948         }
18949         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Balance_claimable_awaiting_confirmations(claimable_amount_satoshis, confirmation_height);
18950         return nativeResponseValue;
18951 }
18952         // struct LDKBalance Balance_contentious_claimable(uint64_t claimable_amount_satoshis, uint32_t timeout_height);
18953 /* @internal */
18954 export function Balance_contentious_claimable(claimable_amount_satoshis: bigint, timeout_height: number): bigint {
18955         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18956                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18957         }
18958         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Balance_contentious_claimable(claimable_amount_satoshis, timeout_height);
18959         return nativeResponseValue;
18960 }
18961         // struct LDKBalance Balance_maybe_timeout_claimable_htlc(uint64_t claimable_amount_satoshis, uint32_t claimable_height);
18962 /* @internal */
18963 export function Balance_maybe_timeout_claimable_htlc(claimable_amount_satoshis: bigint, claimable_height: number): bigint {
18964         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18965                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18966         }
18967         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Balance_maybe_timeout_claimable_htlc(claimable_amount_satoshis, claimable_height);
18968         return nativeResponseValue;
18969 }
18970         // struct LDKBalance Balance_maybe_preimage_claimable_htlc(uint64_t claimable_amount_satoshis, uint32_t expiry_height);
18971 /* @internal */
18972 export function Balance_maybe_preimage_claimable_htlc(claimable_amount_satoshis: bigint, expiry_height: number): bigint {
18973         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18974                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18975         }
18976         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Balance_maybe_preimage_claimable_htlc(claimable_amount_satoshis, expiry_height);
18977         return nativeResponseValue;
18978 }
18979         // struct LDKBalance Balance_counterparty_revoked_output_claimable(uint64_t claimable_amount_satoshis);
18980 /* @internal */
18981 export function Balance_counterparty_revoked_output_claimable(claimable_amount_satoshis: bigint): bigint {
18982         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18983                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18984         }
18985         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Balance_counterparty_revoked_output_claimable(claimable_amount_satoshis);
18986         return nativeResponseValue;
18987 }
18988         // bool Balance_eq(const struct LDKBalance *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKBalance *NONNULL_PTR b);
18989 /* @internal */
18990 export function Balance_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
18991         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
18992                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
18993         }
18994         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Balance_eq(a, b);
18995         return nativeResponseValue;
18996 }
18997         // void ChannelMonitor_free(struct LDKChannelMonitor this_obj);
18998 /* @internal */
18999 export function ChannelMonitor_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
19000         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19001                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19002         }
19003         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitor_free(this_obj);
19004         // debug statements here
19005 }
19006         // uint64_t ChannelMonitor_clone_ptr(LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR arg);
19007 /* @internal */
19008 export function ChannelMonitor_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
19009         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19010                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19011         }
19012         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitor_clone_ptr(arg);
19013         return nativeResponseValue;
19014 }
19015         // struct LDKChannelMonitor ChannelMonitor_clone(const struct LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR orig);
19016 /* @internal */
19017 export function ChannelMonitor_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
19018         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19019                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19020         }
19021         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitor_clone(orig);
19022         return nativeResponseValue;
19023 }
19024         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ChannelMonitor_write(const struct LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR obj);
19025 /* @internal */
19026 export function ChannelMonitor_write(obj: bigint): number {
19027         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19028                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19029         }
19030         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitor_write(obj);
19031         return nativeResponseValue;
19032 }
19033         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NoneNoneZ ChannelMonitor_update_monitor(const struct LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKChannelMonitorUpdate *NONNULL_PTR updates, const struct LDKBroadcasterInterface *NONNULL_PTR broadcaster, struct LDKFeeEstimator fee_estimator, const struct LDKLogger *NONNULL_PTR logger);
19034 /* @internal */
19035 export function ChannelMonitor_update_monitor(this_arg: bigint, updates: bigint, broadcaster: bigint, fee_estimator: bigint, logger: bigint): bigint {
19036         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19037                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19038         }
19039         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitor_update_monitor(this_arg, updates, broadcaster, fee_estimator, logger);
19040         return nativeResponseValue;
19041 }
19042         // MUST_USE_RES uint64_t ChannelMonitor_get_latest_update_id(const struct LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
19043 /* @internal */
19044 export function ChannelMonitor_get_latest_update_id(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
19045         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19046                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19047         }
19048         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitor_get_latest_update_id(this_arg);
19049         return nativeResponseValue;
19050 }
19051         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKC2Tuple_OutPointScriptZ ChannelMonitor_get_funding_txo(const struct LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
19052 /* @internal */
19053 export function ChannelMonitor_get_funding_txo(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
19054         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19055                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19056         }
19057         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitor_get_funding_txo(this_arg);
19058         return nativeResponseValue;
19059 }
19060         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCVec_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32ScriptZZZZ ChannelMonitor_get_outputs_to_watch(const struct LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
19061 /* @internal */
19062 export function ChannelMonitor_get_outputs_to_watch(this_arg: bigint): number {
19063         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19064                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19065         }
19066         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitor_get_outputs_to_watch(this_arg);
19067         return nativeResponseValue;
19068 }
19069         // void ChannelMonitor_load_outputs_to_watch(const struct LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKFilter *NONNULL_PTR filter);
19070 /* @internal */
19071 export function ChannelMonitor_load_outputs_to_watch(this_arg: bigint, filter: bigint): void {
19072         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19073                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19074         }
19075         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitor_load_outputs_to_watch(this_arg, filter);
19076         // debug statements here
19077 }
19078         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCVec_MonitorEventZ ChannelMonitor_get_and_clear_pending_monitor_events(const struct LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
19079 /* @internal */
19080 export function ChannelMonitor_get_and_clear_pending_monitor_events(this_arg: bigint): number {
19081         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19082                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19083         }
19084         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitor_get_and_clear_pending_monitor_events(this_arg);
19085         return nativeResponseValue;
19086 }
19087         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCVec_EventZ ChannelMonitor_get_and_clear_pending_events(const struct LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
19088 /* @internal */
19089 export function ChannelMonitor_get_and_clear_pending_events(this_arg: bigint): number {
19090         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19091                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19092         }
19093         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitor_get_and_clear_pending_events(this_arg);
19094         return nativeResponseValue;
19095 }
19096         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKPublicKey ChannelMonitor_get_counterparty_node_id(const struct LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
19097 /* @internal */
19098 export function ChannelMonitor_get_counterparty_node_id(this_arg: bigint): number {
19099         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19100                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19101         }
19102         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitor_get_counterparty_node_id(this_arg);
19103         return nativeResponseValue;
19104 }
19105         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCVec_TransactionZ ChannelMonitor_get_latest_holder_commitment_txn(const struct LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKLogger *NONNULL_PTR logger);
19106 /* @internal */
19107 export function ChannelMonitor_get_latest_holder_commitment_txn(this_arg: bigint, logger: bigint): number {
19108         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19109                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19110         }
19111         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitor_get_latest_holder_commitment_txn(this_arg, logger);
19112         return nativeResponseValue;
19113 }
19114         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCVec_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZZ ChannelMonitor_block_connected(const struct LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*header)[80], struct LDKCVec_C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZZ txdata, uint32_t height, struct LDKBroadcasterInterface broadcaster, struct LDKFeeEstimator fee_estimator, struct LDKLogger logger);
19115 /* @internal */
19116 export function ChannelMonitor_block_connected(this_arg: bigint, header: number, txdata: number, height: number, broadcaster: bigint, fee_estimator: bigint, logger: bigint): number {
19117         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19118                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19119         }
19120         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitor_block_connected(this_arg, header, txdata, height, broadcaster, fee_estimator, logger);
19121         return nativeResponseValue;
19122 }
19123         // void ChannelMonitor_block_disconnected(const struct LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*header)[80], uint32_t height, struct LDKBroadcasterInterface broadcaster, struct LDKFeeEstimator fee_estimator, struct LDKLogger logger);
19124 /* @internal */
19125 export function ChannelMonitor_block_disconnected(this_arg: bigint, header: number, height: number, broadcaster: bigint, fee_estimator: bigint, logger: bigint): void {
19126         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19127                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19128         }
19129         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitor_block_disconnected(this_arg, header, height, broadcaster, fee_estimator, logger);
19130         // debug statements here
19131 }
19132         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCVec_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZZ ChannelMonitor_transactions_confirmed(const struct LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*header)[80], struct LDKCVec_C2Tuple_usizeTransactionZZ txdata, uint32_t height, struct LDKBroadcasterInterface broadcaster, struct LDKFeeEstimator fee_estimator, struct LDKLogger logger);
19133 /* @internal */
19134 export function ChannelMonitor_transactions_confirmed(this_arg: bigint, header: number, txdata: number, height: number, broadcaster: bigint, fee_estimator: bigint, logger: bigint): number {
19135         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19136                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19137         }
19138         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitor_transactions_confirmed(this_arg, header, txdata, height, broadcaster, fee_estimator, logger);
19139         return nativeResponseValue;
19140 }
19141         // void ChannelMonitor_transaction_unconfirmed(const struct LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*txid)[32], struct LDKBroadcasterInterface broadcaster, struct LDKFeeEstimator fee_estimator, struct LDKLogger logger);
19142 /* @internal */
19143 export function ChannelMonitor_transaction_unconfirmed(this_arg: bigint, txid: number, broadcaster: bigint, fee_estimator: bigint, logger: bigint): void {
19144         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19145                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19146         }
19147         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitor_transaction_unconfirmed(this_arg, txid, broadcaster, fee_estimator, logger);
19148         // debug statements here
19149 }
19150         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCVec_C2Tuple_TxidCVec_C2Tuple_u32TxOutZZZZ ChannelMonitor_best_block_updated(const struct LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*header)[80], uint32_t height, struct LDKBroadcasterInterface broadcaster, struct LDKFeeEstimator fee_estimator, struct LDKLogger logger);
19151 /* @internal */
19152 export function ChannelMonitor_best_block_updated(this_arg: bigint, header: number, height: number, broadcaster: bigint, fee_estimator: bigint, logger: bigint): number {
19153         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19154                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19155         }
19156         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitor_best_block_updated(this_arg, header, height, broadcaster, fee_estimator, logger);
19157         return nativeResponseValue;
19158 }
19159         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCVec_TxidZ ChannelMonitor_get_relevant_txids(const struct LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
19160 /* @internal */
19161 export function ChannelMonitor_get_relevant_txids(this_arg: bigint): number {
19162         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19163                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19164         }
19165         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitor_get_relevant_txids(this_arg);
19166         return nativeResponseValue;
19167 }
19168         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKBestBlock ChannelMonitor_current_best_block(const struct LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
19169 /* @internal */
19170 export function ChannelMonitor_current_best_block(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
19171         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19172                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19173         }
19174         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitor_current_best_block(this_arg);
19175         return nativeResponseValue;
19176 }
19177         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCVec_BalanceZ ChannelMonitor_get_claimable_balances(const struct LDKChannelMonitor *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
19178 /* @internal */
19179 export function ChannelMonitor_get_claimable_balances(this_arg: bigint): number {
19180         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19181                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19182         }
19183         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMonitor_get_claimable_balances(this_arg);
19184         return nativeResponseValue;
19185 }
19186         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZDecodeErrorZ C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ_read(struct LDKu8slice ser, const struct LDKKeysInterface *NONNULL_PTR arg);
19187 /* @internal */
19188 export function C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ_read(ser: number, arg: bigint): bigint {
19189         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19190                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19191         }
19192         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelMonitorZ_read(ser, arg);
19193         return nativeResponseValue;
19194 }
19195         // void OutPoint_free(struct LDKOutPoint this_obj);
19196 /* @internal */
19197 export function OutPoint_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
19198         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19199                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19200         }
19201         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OutPoint_free(this_obj);
19202         // debug statements here
19203 }
19204         // const uint8_t (*OutPoint_get_txid(const struct LDKOutPoint *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
19205 /* @internal */
19206 export function OutPoint_get_txid(this_ptr: bigint): number {
19207         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19208                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19209         }
19210         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OutPoint_get_txid(this_ptr);
19211         return nativeResponseValue;
19212 }
19213         // void OutPoint_set_txid(struct LDKOutPoint *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
19214 /* @internal */
19215 export function OutPoint_set_txid(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
19216         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19217                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19218         }
19219         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OutPoint_set_txid(this_ptr, val);
19220         // debug statements here
19221 }
19222         // uint16_t OutPoint_get_index(const struct LDKOutPoint *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
19223 /* @internal */
19224 export function OutPoint_get_index(this_ptr: bigint): number {
19225         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19226                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19227         }
19228         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OutPoint_get_index(this_ptr);
19229         return nativeResponseValue;
19230 }
19231         // void OutPoint_set_index(struct LDKOutPoint *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint16_t val);
19232 /* @internal */
19233 export function OutPoint_set_index(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
19234         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19235                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19236         }
19237         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OutPoint_set_index(this_ptr, val);
19238         // debug statements here
19239 }
19240         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKOutPoint OutPoint_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes txid_arg, uint16_t index_arg);
19241 /* @internal */
19242 export function OutPoint_new(txid_arg: number, index_arg: number): bigint {
19243         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19244                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19245         }
19246         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OutPoint_new(txid_arg, index_arg);
19247         return nativeResponseValue;
19248 }
19249         // uint64_t OutPoint_clone_ptr(LDKOutPoint *NONNULL_PTR arg);
19250 /* @internal */
19251 export function OutPoint_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
19252         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19253                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19254         }
19255         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OutPoint_clone_ptr(arg);
19256         return nativeResponseValue;
19257 }
19258         // struct LDKOutPoint OutPoint_clone(const struct LDKOutPoint *NONNULL_PTR orig);
19259 /* @internal */
19260 export function OutPoint_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
19261         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19262                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19263         }
19264         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OutPoint_clone(orig);
19265         return nativeResponseValue;
19266 }
19267         // bool OutPoint_eq(const struct LDKOutPoint *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKOutPoint *NONNULL_PTR b);
19268 /* @internal */
19269 export function OutPoint_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
19270         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19271                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19272         }
19273         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OutPoint_eq(a, b);
19274         return nativeResponseValue;
19275 }
19276         // uint64_t OutPoint_hash(const struct LDKOutPoint *NONNULL_PTR o);
19277 /* @internal */
19278 export function OutPoint_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
19279         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19280                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19281         }
19282         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OutPoint_hash(o);
19283         return nativeResponseValue;
19284 }
19285         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes OutPoint_to_channel_id(const struct LDKOutPoint *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
19286 /* @internal */
19287 export function OutPoint_to_channel_id(this_arg: bigint): number {
19288         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19289                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19290         }
19291         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OutPoint_to_channel_id(this_arg);
19292         return nativeResponseValue;
19293 }
19294         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z OutPoint_write(const struct LDKOutPoint *NONNULL_PTR obj);
19295 /* @internal */
19296 export function OutPoint_write(obj: bigint): number {
19297         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19298                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19299         }
19300         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OutPoint_write(obj);
19301         return nativeResponseValue;
19302 }
19303         // struct LDKCResult_OutPointDecodeErrorZ OutPoint_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
19304 /* @internal */
19305 export function OutPoint_read(ser: number): bigint {
19306         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19307                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19308         }
19309         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OutPoint_read(ser);
19310         return nativeResponseValue;
19311 }
19312         // void DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_free(struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor this_obj);
19313 /* @internal */
19314 export function DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
19315         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19316                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19317         }
19318         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_free(this_obj);
19319         // debug statements here
19320 }
19321         // struct LDKOutPoint DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_outpoint(const struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
19322 /* @internal */
19323 export function DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_outpoint(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
19324         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19325                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19326         }
19327         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_outpoint(this_ptr);
19328         return nativeResponseValue;
19329 }
19330         // void DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_outpoint(struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKOutPoint val);
19331 /* @internal */
19332 export function DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_outpoint(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
19333         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19334                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19335         }
19336         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_outpoint(this_ptr, val);
19337         // debug statements here
19338 }
19339         // struct LDKPublicKey DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_per_commitment_point(const struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
19340 /* @internal */
19341 export function DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_per_commitment_point(this_ptr: bigint): number {
19342         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19343                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19344         }
19345         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_per_commitment_point(this_ptr);
19346         return nativeResponseValue;
19347 }
19348         // void DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_per_commitment_point(struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
19349 /* @internal */
19350 export function DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_per_commitment_point(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
19351         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19352                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19353         }
19354         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_per_commitment_point(this_ptr, val);
19355         // debug statements here
19356 }
19357         // uint16_t DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_to_self_delay(const struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
19358 /* @internal */
19359 export function DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_to_self_delay(this_ptr: bigint): number {
19360         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19361                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19362         }
19363         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_to_self_delay(this_ptr);
19364         return nativeResponseValue;
19365 }
19366         // void DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_to_self_delay(struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint16_t val);
19367 /* @internal */
19368 export function DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_to_self_delay(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
19369         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19370                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19371         }
19372         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_to_self_delay(this_ptr, val);
19373         // debug statements here
19374 }
19375         // struct LDKTxOut DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_output(const struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
19376 /* @internal */
19377 export function DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_output(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
19378         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19379                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19380         }
19381         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_output(this_ptr);
19382         return nativeResponseValue;
19383 }
19384         // void DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_output(struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKTxOut val);
19385 /* @internal */
19386 export function DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_output(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
19387         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19388                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19389         }
19390         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_output(this_ptr, val);
19391         // debug statements here
19392 }
19393         // struct LDKPublicKey DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_revocation_pubkey(const struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
19394 /* @internal */
19395 export function DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_revocation_pubkey(this_ptr: bigint): number {
19396         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19397                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19398         }
19399         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_revocation_pubkey(this_ptr);
19400         return nativeResponseValue;
19401 }
19402         // void DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_revocation_pubkey(struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
19403 /* @internal */
19404 export function DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_revocation_pubkey(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
19405         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19406                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19407         }
19408         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_revocation_pubkey(this_ptr, val);
19409         // debug statements here
19410 }
19411         // const uint8_t (*DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_channel_keys_id(const struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
19412 /* @internal */
19413 export function DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_channel_keys_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
19414         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19415                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19416         }
19417         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_channel_keys_id(this_ptr);
19418         return nativeResponseValue;
19419 }
19420         // void DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_channel_keys_id(struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
19421 /* @internal */
19422 export function DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_channel_keys_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
19423         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19424                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19425         }
19426         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_channel_keys_id(this_ptr, val);
19427         // debug statements here
19428 }
19429         // uint64_t DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_channel_value_satoshis(const struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
19430 /* @internal */
19431 export function DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_channel_value_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
19432         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19433                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19434         }
19435         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_channel_value_satoshis(this_ptr);
19436         return nativeResponseValue;
19437 }
19438         // void DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_channel_value_satoshis(struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
19439 /* @internal */
19440 export function DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_channel_value_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
19441         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19442                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19443         }
19444         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_channel_value_satoshis(this_ptr, val);
19445         // debug statements here
19446 }
19447         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_new(struct LDKOutPoint outpoint_arg, struct LDKPublicKey per_commitment_point_arg, uint16_t to_self_delay_arg, struct LDKTxOut output_arg, struct LDKPublicKey revocation_pubkey_arg, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes channel_keys_id_arg, uint64_t channel_value_satoshis_arg);
19448 /* @internal */
19449 export function DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_new(outpoint_arg: bigint, per_commitment_point_arg: number, to_self_delay_arg: number, output_arg: bigint, revocation_pubkey_arg: number, channel_keys_id_arg: number, channel_value_satoshis_arg: bigint): bigint {
19450         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19451                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19452         }
19453         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_new(outpoint_arg, per_commitment_point_arg, to_self_delay_arg, output_arg, revocation_pubkey_arg, channel_keys_id_arg, channel_value_satoshis_arg);
19454         return nativeResponseValue;
19455 }
19456         // uint64_t DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_clone_ptr(LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR arg);
19457 /* @internal */
19458 export function DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
19459         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19460                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19461         }
19462         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_clone_ptr(arg);
19463         return nativeResponseValue;
19464 }
19465         // struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_clone(const struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR orig);
19466 /* @internal */
19467 export function DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
19468         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19469                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19470         }
19471         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_clone(orig);
19472         return nativeResponseValue;
19473 }
19474         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_write(const struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR obj);
19475 /* @internal */
19476 export function DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_write(obj: bigint): number {
19477         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19478                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19479         }
19480         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_write(obj);
19481         return nativeResponseValue;
19482 }
19483         // struct LDKCResult_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
19484 /* @internal */
19485 export function DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_read(ser: number): bigint {
19486         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19487                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19488         }
19489         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor_read(ser);
19490         return nativeResponseValue;
19491 }
19492         // void StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_free(struct LDKStaticPaymentOutputDescriptor this_obj);
19493 /* @internal */
19494 export function StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
19495         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19496                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19497         }
19498         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_free(this_obj);
19499         // debug statements here
19500 }
19501         // struct LDKOutPoint StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_outpoint(const struct LDKStaticPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
19502 /* @internal */
19503 export function StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_outpoint(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
19504         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19505                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19506         }
19507         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_outpoint(this_ptr);
19508         return nativeResponseValue;
19509 }
19510         // void StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_outpoint(struct LDKStaticPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKOutPoint val);
19511 /* @internal */
19512 export function StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_outpoint(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
19513         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19514                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19515         }
19516         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_outpoint(this_ptr, val);
19517         // debug statements here
19518 }
19519         // struct LDKTxOut StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_output(const struct LDKStaticPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
19520 /* @internal */
19521 export function StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_output(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
19522         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19523                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19524         }
19525         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_output(this_ptr);
19526         return nativeResponseValue;
19527 }
19528         // void StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_output(struct LDKStaticPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKTxOut val);
19529 /* @internal */
19530 export function StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_output(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
19531         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19532                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19533         }
19534         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_output(this_ptr, val);
19535         // debug statements here
19536 }
19537         // const uint8_t (*StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_channel_keys_id(const struct LDKStaticPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
19538 /* @internal */
19539 export function StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_channel_keys_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
19540         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19541                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19542         }
19543         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_channel_keys_id(this_ptr);
19544         return nativeResponseValue;
19545 }
19546         // void StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_channel_keys_id(struct LDKStaticPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
19547 /* @internal */
19548 export function StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_channel_keys_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
19549         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19550                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19551         }
19552         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_channel_keys_id(this_ptr, val);
19553         // debug statements here
19554 }
19555         // uint64_t StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_channel_value_satoshis(const struct LDKStaticPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
19556 /* @internal */
19557 export function StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_channel_value_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
19558         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19559                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19560         }
19561         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_get_channel_value_satoshis(this_ptr);
19562         return nativeResponseValue;
19563 }
19564         // void StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_channel_value_satoshis(struct LDKStaticPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
19565 /* @internal */
19566 export function StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_channel_value_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
19567         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19568                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19569         }
19570         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_set_channel_value_satoshis(this_ptr, val);
19571         // debug statements here
19572 }
19573         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKStaticPaymentOutputDescriptor StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_new(struct LDKOutPoint outpoint_arg, struct LDKTxOut output_arg, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes channel_keys_id_arg, uint64_t channel_value_satoshis_arg);
19574 /* @internal */
19575 export function StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_new(outpoint_arg: bigint, output_arg: bigint, channel_keys_id_arg: number, channel_value_satoshis_arg: bigint): bigint {
19576         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19577                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19578         }
19579         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_new(outpoint_arg, output_arg, channel_keys_id_arg, channel_value_satoshis_arg);
19580         return nativeResponseValue;
19581 }
19582         // uint64_t StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_clone_ptr(LDKStaticPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR arg);
19583 /* @internal */
19584 export function StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
19585         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19586                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19587         }
19588         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_clone_ptr(arg);
19589         return nativeResponseValue;
19590 }
19591         // struct LDKStaticPaymentOutputDescriptor StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_clone(const struct LDKStaticPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR orig);
19592 /* @internal */
19593 export function StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
19594         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19595                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19596         }
19597         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_clone(orig);
19598         return nativeResponseValue;
19599 }
19600         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_write(const struct LDKStaticPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR obj);
19601 /* @internal */
19602 export function StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_write(obj: bigint): number {
19603         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19604                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19605         }
19606         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_write(obj);
19607         return nativeResponseValue;
19608 }
19609         // struct LDKCResult_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
19610 /* @internal */
19611 export function StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_read(ser: number): bigint {
19612         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19613                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19614         }
19615         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_StaticPaymentOutputDescriptor_read(ser);
19616         return nativeResponseValue;
19617 }
19618         // void SpendableOutputDescriptor_free(struct LDKSpendableOutputDescriptor this_ptr);
19619 /* @internal */
19620 export function SpendableOutputDescriptor_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
19621         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19622                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19623         }
19624         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SpendableOutputDescriptor_free(this_ptr);
19625         // debug statements here
19626 }
19627         // uint64_t SpendableOutputDescriptor_clone_ptr(LDKSpendableOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR arg);
19628 /* @internal */
19629 export function SpendableOutputDescriptor_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
19630         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19631                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19632         }
19633         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SpendableOutputDescriptor_clone_ptr(arg);
19634         return nativeResponseValue;
19635 }
19636         // struct LDKSpendableOutputDescriptor SpendableOutputDescriptor_clone(const struct LDKSpendableOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR orig);
19637 /* @internal */
19638 export function SpendableOutputDescriptor_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
19639         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19640                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19641         }
19642         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SpendableOutputDescriptor_clone(orig);
19643         return nativeResponseValue;
19644 }
19645         // struct LDKSpendableOutputDescriptor SpendableOutputDescriptor_static_output(struct LDKOutPoint outpoint, struct LDKTxOut output);
19646 /* @internal */
19647 export function SpendableOutputDescriptor_static_output(outpoint: bigint, output: bigint): bigint {
19648         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19649                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19650         }
19651         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SpendableOutputDescriptor_static_output(outpoint, output);
19652         return nativeResponseValue;
19653 }
19654         // struct LDKSpendableOutputDescriptor SpendableOutputDescriptor_delayed_payment_output(struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor a);
19655 /* @internal */
19656 export function SpendableOutputDescriptor_delayed_payment_output(a: bigint): bigint {
19657         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19658                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19659         }
19660         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SpendableOutputDescriptor_delayed_payment_output(a);
19661         return nativeResponseValue;
19662 }
19663         // struct LDKSpendableOutputDescriptor SpendableOutputDescriptor_static_payment_output(struct LDKStaticPaymentOutputDescriptor a);
19664 /* @internal */
19665 export function SpendableOutputDescriptor_static_payment_output(a: bigint): bigint {
19666         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19667                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19668         }
19669         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SpendableOutputDescriptor_static_payment_output(a);
19670         return nativeResponseValue;
19671 }
19672         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z SpendableOutputDescriptor_write(const struct LDKSpendableOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR obj);
19673 /* @internal */
19674 export function SpendableOutputDescriptor_write(obj: bigint): number {
19675         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19676                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19677         }
19678         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SpendableOutputDescriptor_write(obj);
19679         return nativeResponseValue;
19680 }
19681         // struct LDKCResult_SpendableOutputDescriptorDecodeErrorZ SpendableOutputDescriptor_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
19682 /* @internal */
19683 export function SpendableOutputDescriptor_read(ser: number): bigint {
19684         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19685                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19686         }
19687         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SpendableOutputDescriptor_read(ser);
19688         return nativeResponseValue;
19689 }
19690         // void BaseSign_free(struct LDKBaseSign this_ptr);
19691 /* @internal */
19692 export function BaseSign_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
19693         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19694                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19695         }
19696         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BaseSign_free(this_ptr);
19697         // debug statements here
19698 }
19699         // uint64_t Sign_clone_ptr(LDKSign *NONNULL_PTR arg);
19700 /* @internal */
19701 export function Sign_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
19702         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19703                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19704         }
19705         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Sign_clone_ptr(arg);
19706         return nativeResponseValue;
19707 }
19708         // struct LDKSign Sign_clone(const struct LDKSign *NONNULL_PTR orig);
19709 /* @internal */
19710 export function Sign_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
19711         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19712                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19713         }
19714         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Sign_clone(orig);
19715         return nativeResponseValue;
19716 }
19717         // void Sign_free(struct LDKSign this_ptr);
19718 /* @internal */
19719 export function Sign_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
19720         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19721                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19722         }
19723         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Sign_free(this_ptr);
19724         // debug statements here
19725 }
19726         // enum LDKRecipient Recipient_clone(const enum LDKRecipient *NONNULL_PTR orig);
19727 /* @internal */
19728 export function Recipient_clone(orig: bigint): Recipient {
19729         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19730                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19731         }
19732         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Recipient_clone(orig);
19733         return nativeResponseValue;
19734 }
19735         // enum LDKRecipient Recipient_node(void);
19736 /* @internal */
19737 export function Recipient_node(): Recipient {
19738         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19739                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19740         }
19741         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Recipient_node();
19742         return nativeResponseValue;
19743 }
19744         // enum LDKRecipient Recipient_phantom_node(void);
19745 /* @internal */
19746 export function Recipient_phantom_node(): Recipient {
19747         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19748                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19749         }
19750         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Recipient_phantom_node();
19751         return nativeResponseValue;
19752 }
19753         // void KeysInterface_free(struct LDKKeysInterface this_ptr);
19754 /* @internal */
19755 export function KeysInterface_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
19756         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19757                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19758         }
19759         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_KeysInterface_free(this_ptr);
19760         // debug statements here
19761 }
19762         // void InMemorySigner_free(struct LDKInMemorySigner this_obj);
19763 /* @internal */
19764 export function InMemorySigner_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
19765         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19766                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19767         }
19768         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_free(this_obj);
19769         // debug statements here
19770 }
19771         // const uint8_t (*InMemorySigner_get_funding_key(const struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
19772 /* @internal */
19773 export function InMemorySigner_get_funding_key(this_ptr: bigint): number {
19774         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19775                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19776         }
19777         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_get_funding_key(this_ptr);
19778         return nativeResponseValue;
19779 }
19780         // void InMemorySigner_set_funding_key(struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKSecretKey val);
19781 /* @internal */
19782 export function InMemorySigner_set_funding_key(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
19783         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19784                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19785         }
19786         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_set_funding_key(this_ptr, val);
19787         // debug statements here
19788 }
19789         // const uint8_t (*InMemorySigner_get_revocation_base_key(const struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
19790 /* @internal */
19791 export function InMemorySigner_get_revocation_base_key(this_ptr: bigint): number {
19792         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19793                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19794         }
19795         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_get_revocation_base_key(this_ptr);
19796         return nativeResponseValue;
19797 }
19798         // void InMemorySigner_set_revocation_base_key(struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKSecretKey val);
19799 /* @internal */
19800 export function InMemorySigner_set_revocation_base_key(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
19801         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19802                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19803         }
19804         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_set_revocation_base_key(this_ptr, val);
19805         // debug statements here
19806 }
19807         // const uint8_t (*InMemorySigner_get_payment_key(const struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
19808 /* @internal */
19809 export function InMemorySigner_get_payment_key(this_ptr: bigint): number {
19810         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19811                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19812         }
19813         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_get_payment_key(this_ptr);
19814         return nativeResponseValue;
19815 }
19816         // void InMemorySigner_set_payment_key(struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKSecretKey val);
19817 /* @internal */
19818 export function InMemorySigner_set_payment_key(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
19819         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19820                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19821         }
19822         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_set_payment_key(this_ptr, val);
19823         // debug statements here
19824 }
19825         // const uint8_t (*InMemorySigner_get_delayed_payment_base_key(const struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
19826 /* @internal */
19827 export function InMemorySigner_get_delayed_payment_base_key(this_ptr: bigint): number {
19828         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19829                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19830         }
19831         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_get_delayed_payment_base_key(this_ptr);
19832         return nativeResponseValue;
19833 }
19834         // void InMemorySigner_set_delayed_payment_base_key(struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKSecretKey val);
19835 /* @internal */
19836 export function InMemorySigner_set_delayed_payment_base_key(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
19837         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19838                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19839         }
19840         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_set_delayed_payment_base_key(this_ptr, val);
19841         // debug statements here
19842 }
19843         // const uint8_t (*InMemorySigner_get_htlc_base_key(const struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
19844 /* @internal */
19845 export function InMemorySigner_get_htlc_base_key(this_ptr: bigint): number {
19846         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19847                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19848         }
19849         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_get_htlc_base_key(this_ptr);
19850         return nativeResponseValue;
19851 }
19852         // void InMemorySigner_set_htlc_base_key(struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKSecretKey val);
19853 /* @internal */
19854 export function InMemorySigner_set_htlc_base_key(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
19855         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19856                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19857         }
19858         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_set_htlc_base_key(this_ptr, val);
19859         // debug statements here
19860 }
19861         // const uint8_t (*InMemorySigner_get_commitment_seed(const struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
19862 /* @internal */
19863 export function InMemorySigner_get_commitment_seed(this_ptr: bigint): number {
19864         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19865                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19866         }
19867         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_get_commitment_seed(this_ptr);
19868         return nativeResponseValue;
19869 }
19870         // void InMemorySigner_set_commitment_seed(struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
19871 /* @internal */
19872 export function InMemorySigner_set_commitment_seed(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
19873         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19874                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19875         }
19876         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_set_commitment_seed(this_ptr, val);
19877         // debug statements here
19878 }
19879         // uint64_t InMemorySigner_clone_ptr(LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR arg);
19880 /* @internal */
19881 export function InMemorySigner_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
19882         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19883                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19884         }
19885         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_clone_ptr(arg);
19886         return nativeResponseValue;
19887 }
19888         // struct LDKInMemorySigner InMemorySigner_clone(const struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR orig);
19889 /* @internal */
19890 export function InMemorySigner_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
19891         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19892                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19893         }
19894         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_clone(orig);
19895         return nativeResponseValue;
19896 }
19897         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKInMemorySigner InMemorySigner_new(struct LDKSecretKey node_secret, struct LDKSecretKey funding_key, struct LDKSecretKey revocation_base_key, struct LDKSecretKey payment_key, struct LDKSecretKey delayed_payment_base_key, struct LDKSecretKey htlc_base_key, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes commitment_seed, uint64_t channel_value_satoshis, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes channel_keys_id);
19898 /* @internal */
19899 export function InMemorySigner_new(node_secret: number, funding_key: number, revocation_base_key: number, payment_key: number, delayed_payment_base_key: number, htlc_base_key: number, commitment_seed: number, channel_value_satoshis: bigint, channel_keys_id: number): bigint {
19900         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19901                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19902         }
19903         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_new(node_secret, funding_key, revocation_base_key, payment_key, delayed_payment_base_key, htlc_base_key, commitment_seed, channel_value_satoshis, channel_keys_id);
19904         return nativeResponseValue;
19905 }
19906         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelPublicKeys InMemorySigner_counterparty_pubkeys(const struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
19907 /* @internal */
19908 export function InMemorySigner_counterparty_pubkeys(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
19909         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19910                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19911         }
19912         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_counterparty_pubkeys(this_arg);
19913         return nativeResponseValue;
19914 }
19915         // MUST_USE_RES uint16_t InMemorySigner_counterparty_selected_contest_delay(const struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
19916 /* @internal */
19917 export function InMemorySigner_counterparty_selected_contest_delay(this_arg: bigint): number {
19918         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19919                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19920         }
19921         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_counterparty_selected_contest_delay(this_arg);
19922         return nativeResponseValue;
19923 }
19924         // MUST_USE_RES uint16_t InMemorySigner_holder_selected_contest_delay(const struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
19925 /* @internal */
19926 export function InMemorySigner_holder_selected_contest_delay(this_arg: bigint): number {
19927         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19928                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19929         }
19930         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_holder_selected_contest_delay(this_arg);
19931         return nativeResponseValue;
19932 }
19933         // MUST_USE_RES bool InMemorySigner_is_outbound(const struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
19934 /* @internal */
19935 export function InMemorySigner_is_outbound(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
19936         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19937                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19938         }
19939         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_is_outbound(this_arg);
19940         return nativeResponseValue;
19941 }
19942         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKOutPoint InMemorySigner_funding_outpoint(const struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
19943 /* @internal */
19944 export function InMemorySigner_funding_outpoint(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
19945         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19946                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19947         }
19948         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_funding_outpoint(this_arg);
19949         return nativeResponseValue;
19950 }
19951         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters InMemorySigner_get_channel_parameters(const struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
19952 /* @internal */
19953 export function InMemorySigner_get_channel_parameters(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
19954         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19955                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19956         }
19957         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_get_channel_parameters(this_arg);
19958         return nativeResponseValue;
19959 }
19960         // MUST_USE_RES bool InMemorySigner_opt_anchors(const struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
19961 /* @internal */
19962 export function InMemorySigner_opt_anchors(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
19963         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19964                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19965         }
19966         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_opt_anchors(this_arg);
19967         return nativeResponseValue;
19968 }
19969         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ InMemorySigner_sign_counterparty_payment_input(const struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKTransaction spend_tx, uintptr_t input_idx, const struct LDKStaticPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR descriptor);
19970 /* @internal */
19971 export function InMemorySigner_sign_counterparty_payment_input(this_arg: bigint, spend_tx: number, input_idx: number, descriptor: bigint): bigint {
19972         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19973                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19974         }
19975         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_sign_counterparty_payment_input(this_arg, spend_tx, input_idx, descriptor);
19976         return nativeResponseValue;
19977 }
19978         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_CVec_CVec_u8ZZNoneZ InMemorySigner_sign_dynamic_p2wsh_input(const struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKTransaction spend_tx, uintptr_t input_idx, const struct LDKDelayedPaymentOutputDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR descriptor);
19979 /* @internal */
19980 export function InMemorySigner_sign_dynamic_p2wsh_input(this_arg: bigint, spend_tx: number, input_idx: number, descriptor: bigint): bigint {
19981         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19982                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19983         }
19984         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_sign_dynamic_p2wsh_input(this_arg, spend_tx, input_idx, descriptor);
19985         return nativeResponseValue;
19986 }
19987         // struct LDKBaseSign InMemorySigner_as_BaseSign(const struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
19988 /* @internal */
19989 export function InMemorySigner_as_BaseSign(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
19990         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
19991                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
19992         }
19993         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_as_BaseSign(this_arg);
19994         return nativeResponseValue;
19995 }
19996         // struct LDKSign InMemorySigner_as_Sign(const struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
19997 /* @internal */
19998 export function InMemorySigner_as_Sign(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
19999         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20000                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20001         }
20002         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_as_Sign(this_arg);
20003         return nativeResponseValue;
20004 }
20005         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z InMemorySigner_write(const struct LDKInMemorySigner *NONNULL_PTR obj);
20006 /* @internal */
20007 export function InMemorySigner_write(obj: bigint): number {
20008         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20009                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20010         }
20011         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_write(obj);
20012         return nativeResponseValue;
20013 }
20014         // struct LDKCResult_InMemorySignerDecodeErrorZ InMemorySigner_read(struct LDKu8slice ser, struct LDKSecretKey arg);
20015 /* @internal */
20016 export function InMemorySigner_read(ser: number, arg: number): bigint {
20017         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20018                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20019         }
20020         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InMemorySigner_read(ser, arg);
20021         return nativeResponseValue;
20022 }
20023         // void KeysManager_free(struct LDKKeysManager this_obj);
20024 /* @internal */
20025 export function KeysManager_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
20026         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20027                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20028         }
20029         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_KeysManager_free(this_obj);
20030         // debug statements here
20031 }
20032         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKKeysManager KeysManager_new(const uint8_t (*seed)[32], uint64_t starting_time_secs, uint32_t starting_time_nanos);
20033 /* @internal */
20034 export function KeysManager_new(seed: number, starting_time_secs: bigint, starting_time_nanos: number): bigint {
20035         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20036                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20037         }
20038         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_KeysManager_new(seed, starting_time_secs, starting_time_nanos);
20039         return nativeResponseValue;
20040 }
20041         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKInMemorySigner KeysManager_derive_channel_keys(const struct LDKKeysManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, uint64_t channel_value_satoshis, const uint8_t (*params)[32]);
20042 /* @internal */
20043 export function KeysManager_derive_channel_keys(this_arg: bigint, channel_value_satoshis: bigint, params: number): bigint {
20044         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20045                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20046         }
20047         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_KeysManager_derive_channel_keys(this_arg, channel_value_satoshis, params);
20048         return nativeResponseValue;
20049 }
20050         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_TransactionNoneZ KeysManager_spend_spendable_outputs(const struct LDKKeysManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKCVec_SpendableOutputDescriptorZ descriptors, struct LDKCVec_TxOutZ outputs, struct LDKCVec_u8Z change_destination_script, uint32_t feerate_sat_per_1000_weight);
20051 /* @internal */
20052 export function KeysManager_spend_spendable_outputs(this_arg: bigint, descriptors: number, outputs: number, change_destination_script: number, feerate_sat_per_1000_weight: number): bigint {
20053         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20054                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20055         }
20056         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_KeysManager_spend_spendable_outputs(this_arg, descriptors, outputs, change_destination_script, feerate_sat_per_1000_weight);
20057         return nativeResponseValue;
20058 }
20059         // struct LDKKeysInterface KeysManager_as_KeysInterface(const struct LDKKeysManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
20060 /* @internal */
20061 export function KeysManager_as_KeysInterface(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
20062         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20063                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20064         }
20065         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_KeysManager_as_KeysInterface(this_arg);
20066         return nativeResponseValue;
20067 }
20068         // void PhantomKeysManager_free(struct LDKPhantomKeysManager this_obj);
20069 /* @internal */
20070 export function PhantomKeysManager_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
20071         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20072                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20073         }
20074         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PhantomKeysManager_free(this_obj);
20075         // debug statements here
20076 }
20077         // struct LDKKeysInterface PhantomKeysManager_as_KeysInterface(const struct LDKPhantomKeysManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
20078 /* @internal */
20079 export function PhantomKeysManager_as_KeysInterface(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
20080         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20081                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20082         }
20083         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PhantomKeysManager_as_KeysInterface(this_arg);
20084         return nativeResponseValue;
20085 }
20086         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKPhantomKeysManager PhantomKeysManager_new(const uint8_t (*seed)[32], uint64_t starting_time_secs, uint32_t starting_time_nanos, const uint8_t (*cross_node_seed)[32]);
20087 /* @internal */
20088 export function PhantomKeysManager_new(seed: number, starting_time_secs: bigint, starting_time_nanos: number, cross_node_seed: number): bigint {
20089         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20090                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20091         }
20092         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PhantomKeysManager_new(seed, starting_time_secs, starting_time_nanos, cross_node_seed);
20093         return nativeResponseValue;
20094 }
20095         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_TransactionNoneZ PhantomKeysManager_spend_spendable_outputs(const struct LDKPhantomKeysManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKCVec_SpendableOutputDescriptorZ descriptors, struct LDKCVec_TxOutZ outputs, struct LDKCVec_u8Z change_destination_script, uint32_t feerate_sat_per_1000_weight);
20096 /* @internal */
20097 export function PhantomKeysManager_spend_spendable_outputs(this_arg: bigint, descriptors: number, outputs: number, change_destination_script: number, feerate_sat_per_1000_weight: number): bigint {
20098         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20099                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20100         }
20101         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PhantomKeysManager_spend_spendable_outputs(this_arg, descriptors, outputs, change_destination_script, feerate_sat_per_1000_weight);
20102         return nativeResponseValue;
20103 }
20104         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKInMemorySigner PhantomKeysManager_derive_channel_keys(const struct LDKPhantomKeysManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, uint64_t channel_value_satoshis, const uint8_t (*params)[32]);
20105 /* @internal */
20106 export function PhantomKeysManager_derive_channel_keys(this_arg: bigint, channel_value_satoshis: bigint, params: number): bigint {
20107         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20108                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20109         }
20110         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PhantomKeysManager_derive_channel_keys(this_arg, channel_value_satoshis, params);
20111         return nativeResponseValue;
20112 }
20113         // void ChannelManager_free(struct LDKChannelManager this_obj);
20114 /* @internal */
20115 export function ChannelManager_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
20116         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20117                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20118         }
20119         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_free(this_obj);
20120         // debug statements here
20121 }
20122         // void ChainParameters_free(struct LDKChainParameters this_obj);
20123 /* @internal */
20124 export function ChainParameters_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
20125         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20126                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20127         }
20128         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChainParameters_free(this_obj);
20129         // debug statements here
20130 }
20131         // enum LDKNetwork ChainParameters_get_network(const struct LDKChainParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20132 /* @internal */
20133 export function ChainParameters_get_network(this_ptr: bigint): Network {
20134         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20135                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20136         }
20137         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChainParameters_get_network(this_ptr);
20138         return nativeResponseValue;
20139 }
20140         // void ChainParameters_set_network(struct LDKChainParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, enum LDKNetwork val);
20141 /* @internal */
20142 export function ChainParameters_set_network(this_ptr: bigint, val: Network): void {
20143         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20144                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20145         }
20146         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChainParameters_set_network(this_ptr, val);
20147         // debug statements here
20148 }
20149         // struct LDKBestBlock ChainParameters_get_best_block(const struct LDKChainParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20150 /* @internal */
20151 export function ChainParameters_get_best_block(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20152         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20153                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20154         }
20155         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChainParameters_get_best_block(this_ptr);
20156         return nativeResponseValue;
20157 }
20158         // void ChainParameters_set_best_block(struct LDKChainParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKBestBlock val);
20159 /* @internal */
20160 export function ChainParameters_set_best_block(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20161         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20162                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20163         }
20164         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChainParameters_set_best_block(this_ptr, val);
20165         // debug statements here
20166 }
20167         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChainParameters ChainParameters_new(enum LDKNetwork network_arg, struct LDKBestBlock best_block_arg);
20168 /* @internal */
20169 export function ChainParameters_new(network_arg: Network, best_block_arg: bigint): bigint {
20170         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20171                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20172         }
20173         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChainParameters_new(network_arg, best_block_arg);
20174         return nativeResponseValue;
20175 }
20176         // uint64_t ChainParameters_clone_ptr(LDKChainParameters *NONNULL_PTR arg);
20177 /* @internal */
20178 export function ChainParameters_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
20179         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20180                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20181         }
20182         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChainParameters_clone_ptr(arg);
20183         return nativeResponseValue;
20184 }
20185         // struct LDKChainParameters ChainParameters_clone(const struct LDKChainParameters *NONNULL_PTR orig);
20186 /* @internal */
20187 export function ChainParameters_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
20188         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20189                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20190         }
20191         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChainParameters_clone(orig);
20192         return nativeResponseValue;
20193 }
20194         // void CounterpartyForwardingInfo_free(struct LDKCounterpartyForwardingInfo this_obj);
20195 /* @internal */
20196 export function CounterpartyForwardingInfo_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
20197         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20198                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20199         }
20200         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyForwardingInfo_free(this_obj);
20201         // debug statements here
20202 }
20203         // uint32_t CounterpartyForwardingInfo_get_fee_base_msat(const struct LDKCounterpartyForwardingInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20204 /* @internal */
20205 export function CounterpartyForwardingInfo_get_fee_base_msat(this_ptr: bigint): number {
20206         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20207                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20208         }
20209         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyForwardingInfo_get_fee_base_msat(this_ptr);
20210         return nativeResponseValue;
20211 }
20212         // void CounterpartyForwardingInfo_set_fee_base_msat(struct LDKCounterpartyForwardingInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
20213 /* @internal */
20214 export function CounterpartyForwardingInfo_set_fee_base_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
20215         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20216                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20217         }
20218         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyForwardingInfo_set_fee_base_msat(this_ptr, val);
20219         // debug statements here
20220 }
20221         // uint32_t CounterpartyForwardingInfo_get_fee_proportional_millionths(const struct LDKCounterpartyForwardingInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20222 /* @internal */
20223 export function CounterpartyForwardingInfo_get_fee_proportional_millionths(this_ptr: bigint): number {
20224         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20225                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20226         }
20227         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyForwardingInfo_get_fee_proportional_millionths(this_ptr);
20228         return nativeResponseValue;
20229 }
20230         // void CounterpartyForwardingInfo_set_fee_proportional_millionths(struct LDKCounterpartyForwardingInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
20231 /* @internal */
20232 export function CounterpartyForwardingInfo_set_fee_proportional_millionths(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
20233         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20234                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20235         }
20236         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyForwardingInfo_set_fee_proportional_millionths(this_ptr, val);
20237         // debug statements here
20238 }
20239         // uint16_t CounterpartyForwardingInfo_get_cltv_expiry_delta(const struct LDKCounterpartyForwardingInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20240 /* @internal */
20241 export function CounterpartyForwardingInfo_get_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr: bigint): number {
20242         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20243                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20244         }
20245         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyForwardingInfo_get_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr);
20246         return nativeResponseValue;
20247 }
20248         // void CounterpartyForwardingInfo_set_cltv_expiry_delta(struct LDKCounterpartyForwardingInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint16_t val);
20249 /* @internal */
20250 export function CounterpartyForwardingInfo_set_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
20251         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20252                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20253         }
20254         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyForwardingInfo_set_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr, val);
20255         // debug statements here
20256 }
20257         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCounterpartyForwardingInfo CounterpartyForwardingInfo_new(uint32_t fee_base_msat_arg, uint32_t fee_proportional_millionths_arg, uint16_t cltv_expiry_delta_arg);
20258 /* @internal */
20259 export function CounterpartyForwardingInfo_new(fee_base_msat_arg: number, fee_proportional_millionths_arg: number, cltv_expiry_delta_arg: number): bigint {
20260         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20261                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20262         }
20263         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyForwardingInfo_new(fee_base_msat_arg, fee_proportional_millionths_arg, cltv_expiry_delta_arg);
20264         return nativeResponseValue;
20265 }
20266         // uint64_t CounterpartyForwardingInfo_clone_ptr(LDKCounterpartyForwardingInfo *NONNULL_PTR arg);
20267 /* @internal */
20268 export function CounterpartyForwardingInfo_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
20269         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20270                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20271         }
20272         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyForwardingInfo_clone_ptr(arg);
20273         return nativeResponseValue;
20274 }
20275         // struct LDKCounterpartyForwardingInfo CounterpartyForwardingInfo_clone(const struct LDKCounterpartyForwardingInfo *NONNULL_PTR orig);
20276 /* @internal */
20277 export function CounterpartyForwardingInfo_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
20278         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20279                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20280         }
20281         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyForwardingInfo_clone(orig);
20282         return nativeResponseValue;
20283 }
20284         // void ChannelCounterparty_free(struct LDKChannelCounterparty this_obj);
20285 /* @internal */
20286 export function ChannelCounterparty_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
20287         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20288                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20289         }
20290         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelCounterparty_free(this_obj);
20291         // debug statements here
20292 }
20293         // struct LDKPublicKey ChannelCounterparty_get_node_id(const struct LDKChannelCounterparty *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20294 /* @internal */
20295 export function ChannelCounterparty_get_node_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
20296         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20297                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20298         }
20299         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelCounterparty_get_node_id(this_ptr);
20300         return nativeResponseValue;
20301 }
20302         // void ChannelCounterparty_set_node_id(struct LDKChannelCounterparty *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
20303 /* @internal */
20304 export function ChannelCounterparty_set_node_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
20305         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20306                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20307         }
20308         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelCounterparty_set_node_id(this_ptr, val);
20309         // debug statements here
20310 }
20311         // struct LDKInitFeatures ChannelCounterparty_get_features(const struct LDKChannelCounterparty *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20312 /* @internal */
20313 export function ChannelCounterparty_get_features(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20314         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20315                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20316         }
20317         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelCounterparty_get_features(this_ptr);
20318         return nativeResponseValue;
20319 }
20320         // void ChannelCounterparty_set_features(struct LDKChannelCounterparty *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKInitFeatures val);
20321 /* @internal */
20322 export function ChannelCounterparty_set_features(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20323         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20324                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20325         }
20326         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelCounterparty_set_features(this_ptr, val);
20327         // debug statements here
20328 }
20329         // uint64_t ChannelCounterparty_get_unspendable_punishment_reserve(const struct LDKChannelCounterparty *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20330 /* @internal */
20331 export function ChannelCounterparty_get_unspendable_punishment_reserve(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20332         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20333                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20334         }
20335         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelCounterparty_get_unspendable_punishment_reserve(this_ptr);
20336         return nativeResponseValue;
20337 }
20338         // void ChannelCounterparty_set_unspendable_punishment_reserve(struct LDKChannelCounterparty *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
20339 /* @internal */
20340 export function ChannelCounterparty_set_unspendable_punishment_reserve(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20341         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20342                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20343         }
20344         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelCounterparty_set_unspendable_punishment_reserve(this_ptr, val);
20345         // debug statements here
20346 }
20347         // struct LDKCounterpartyForwardingInfo ChannelCounterparty_get_forwarding_info(const struct LDKChannelCounterparty *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20348 /* @internal */
20349 export function ChannelCounterparty_get_forwarding_info(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20350         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20351                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20352         }
20353         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelCounterparty_get_forwarding_info(this_ptr);
20354         return nativeResponseValue;
20355 }
20356         // void ChannelCounterparty_set_forwarding_info(struct LDKChannelCounterparty *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCounterpartyForwardingInfo val);
20357 /* @internal */
20358 export function ChannelCounterparty_set_forwarding_info(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20359         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20360                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20361         }
20362         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelCounterparty_set_forwarding_info(this_ptr, val);
20363         // debug statements here
20364 }
20365         // struct LDKCOption_u64Z ChannelCounterparty_get_outbound_htlc_minimum_msat(const struct LDKChannelCounterparty *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20366 /* @internal */
20367 export function ChannelCounterparty_get_outbound_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20368         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20369                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20370         }
20371         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelCounterparty_get_outbound_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr);
20372         return nativeResponseValue;
20373 }
20374         // void ChannelCounterparty_set_outbound_htlc_minimum_msat(struct LDKChannelCounterparty *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCOption_u64Z val);
20375 /* @internal */
20376 export function ChannelCounterparty_set_outbound_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20377         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20378                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20379         }
20380         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelCounterparty_set_outbound_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr, val);
20381         // debug statements here
20382 }
20383         // struct LDKCOption_u64Z ChannelCounterparty_get_outbound_htlc_maximum_msat(const struct LDKChannelCounterparty *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20384 /* @internal */
20385 export function ChannelCounterparty_get_outbound_htlc_maximum_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20386         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20387                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20388         }
20389         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelCounterparty_get_outbound_htlc_maximum_msat(this_ptr);
20390         return nativeResponseValue;
20391 }
20392         // void ChannelCounterparty_set_outbound_htlc_maximum_msat(struct LDKChannelCounterparty *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCOption_u64Z val);
20393 /* @internal */
20394 export function ChannelCounterparty_set_outbound_htlc_maximum_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20395         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20396                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20397         }
20398         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelCounterparty_set_outbound_htlc_maximum_msat(this_ptr, val);
20399         // debug statements here
20400 }
20401         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelCounterparty ChannelCounterparty_new(struct LDKPublicKey node_id_arg, struct LDKInitFeatures features_arg, uint64_t unspendable_punishment_reserve_arg, struct LDKCounterpartyForwardingInfo forwarding_info_arg, struct LDKCOption_u64Z outbound_htlc_minimum_msat_arg, struct LDKCOption_u64Z outbound_htlc_maximum_msat_arg);
20402 /* @internal */
20403 export function ChannelCounterparty_new(node_id_arg: number, features_arg: bigint, unspendable_punishment_reserve_arg: bigint, forwarding_info_arg: bigint, outbound_htlc_minimum_msat_arg: bigint, outbound_htlc_maximum_msat_arg: bigint): bigint {
20404         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20405                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20406         }
20407         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelCounterparty_new(node_id_arg, features_arg, unspendable_punishment_reserve_arg, forwarding_info_arg, outbound_htlc_minimum_msat_arg, outbound_htlc_maximum_msat_arg);
20408         return nativeResponseValue;
20409 }
20410         // uint64_t ChannelCounterparty_clone_ptr(LDKChannelCounterparty *NONNULL_PTR arg);
20411 /* @internal */
20412 export function ChannelCounterparty_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
20413         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20414                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20415         }
20416         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelCounterparty_clone_ptr(arg);
20417         return nativeResponseValue;
20418 }
20419         // struct LDKChannelCounterparty ChannelCounterparty_clone(const struct LDKChannelCounterparty *NONNULL_PTR orig);
20420 /* @internal */
20421 export function ChannelCounterparty_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
20422         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20423                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20424         }
20425         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelCounterparty_clone(orig);
20426         return nativeResponseValue;
20427 }
20428         // void ChannelDetails_free(struct LDKChannelDetails this_obj);
20429 /* @internal */
20430 export function ChannelDetails_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
20431         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20432                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20433         }
20434         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_free(this_obj);
20435         // debug statements here
20436 }
20437         // const uint8_t (*ChannelDetails_get_channel_id(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
20438 /* @internal */
20439 export function ChannelDetails_get_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
20440         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20441                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20442         }
20443         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_channel_id(this_ptr);
20444         return nativeResponseValue;
20445 }
20446         // void ChannelDetails_set_channel_id(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
20447 /* @internal */
20448 export function ChannelDetails_set_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
20449         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20450                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20451         }
20452         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
20453         // debug statements here
20454 }
20455         // struct LDKChannelCounterparty ChannelDetails_get_counterparty(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20456 /* @internal */
20457 export function ChannelDetails_get_counterparty(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20458         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20459                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20460         }
20461         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_counterparty(this_ptr);
20462         return nativeResponseValue;
20463 }
20464         // void ChannelDetails_set_counterparty(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKChannelCounterparty val);
20465 /* @internal */
20466 export function ChannelDetails_set_counterparty(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20467         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20468                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20469         }
20470         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_counterparty(this_ptr, val);
20471         // debug statements here
20472 }
20473         // struct LDKOutPoint ChannelDetails_get_funding_txo(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20474 /* @internal */
20475 export function ChannelDetails_get_funding_txo(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20476         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20477                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20478         }
20479         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_funding_txo(this_ptr);
20480         return nativeResponseValue;
20481 }
20482         // void ChannelDetails_set_funding_txo(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKOutPoint val);
20483 /* @internal */
20484 export function ChannelDetails_set_funding_txo(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20485         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20486                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20487         }
20488         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_funding_txo(this_ptr, val);
20489         // debug statements here
20490 }
20491         // struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures ChannelDetails_get_channel_type(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20492 /* @internal */
20493 export function ChannelDetails_get_channel_type(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20494         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20495                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20496         }
20497         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_channel_type(this_ptr);
20498         return nativeResponseValue;
20499 }
20500         // void ChannelDetails_set_channel_type(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures val);
20501 /* @internal */
20502 export function ChannelDetails_set_channel_type(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20503         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20504                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20505         }
20506         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_channel_type(this_ptr, val);
20507         // debug statements here
20508 }
20509         // struct LDKCOption_u64Z ChannelDetails_get_short_channel_id(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20510 /* @internal */
20511 export function ChannelDetails_get_short_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20512         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20513                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20514         }
20515         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_short_channel_id(this_ptr);
20516         return nativeResponseValue;
20517 }
20518         // void ChannelDetails_set_short_channel_id(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCOption_u64Z val);
20519 /* @internal */
20520 export function ChannelDetails_set_short_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20521         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20522                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20523         }
20524         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_short_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
20525         // debug statements here
20526 }
20527         // struct LDKCOption_u64Z ChannelDetails_get_outbound_scid_alias(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20528 /* @internal */
20529 export function ChannelDetails_get_outbound_scid_alias(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20530         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20531                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20532         }
20533         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_outbound_scid_alias(this_ptr);
20534         return nativeResponseValue;
20535 }
20536         // void ChannelDetails_set_outbound_scid_alias(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCOption_u64Z val);
20537 /* @internal */
20538 export function ChannelDetails_set_outbound_scid_alias(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20539         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20540                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20541         }
20542         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_outbound_scid_alias(this_ptr, val);
20543         // debug statements here
20544 }
20545         // struct LDKCOption_u64Z ChannelDetails_get_inbound_scid_alias(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20546 /* @internal */
20547 export function ChannelDetails_get_inbound_scid_alias(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20548         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20549                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20550         }
20551         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_inbound_scid_alias(this_ptr);
20552         return nativeResponseValue;
20553 }
20554         // void ChannelDetails_set_inbound_scid_alias(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCOption_u64Z val);
20555 /* @internal */
20556 export function ChannelDetails_set_inbound_scid_alias(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20557         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20558                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20559         }
20560         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_inbound_scid_alias(this_ptr, val);
20561         // debug statements here
20562 }
20563         // uint64_t ChannelDetails_get_channel_value_satoshis(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20564 /* @internal */
20565 export function ChannelDetails_get_channel_value_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20566         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20567                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20568         }
20569         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_channel_value_satoshis(this_ptr);
20570         return nativeResponseValue;
20571 }
20572         // void ChannelDetails_set_channel_value_satoshis(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
20573 /* @internal */
20574 export function ChannelDetails_set_channel_value_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20575         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20576                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20577         }
20578         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_channel_value_satoshis(this_ptr, val);
20579         // debug statements here
20580 }
20581         // struct LDKCOption_u64Z ChannelDetails_get_unspendable_punishment_reserve(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20582 /* @internal */
20583 export function ChannelDetails_get_unspendable_punishment_reserve(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20584         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20585                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20586         }
20587         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_unspendable_punishment_reserve(this_ptr);
20588         return nativeResponseValue;
20589 }
20590         // void ChannelDetails_set_unspendable_punishment_reserve(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCOption_u64Z val);
20591 /* @internal */
20592 export function ChannelDetails_set_unspendable_punishment_reserve(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20593         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20594                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20595         }
20596         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_unspendable_punishment_reserve(this_ptr, val);
20597         // debug statements here
20598 }
20599         // uint64_t ChannelDetails_get_user_channel_id(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20600 /* @internal */
20601 export function ChannelDetails_get_user_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20602         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20603                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20604         }
20605         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_user_channel_id(this_ptr);
20606         return nativeResponseValue;
20607 }
20608         // void ChannelDetails_set_user_channel_id(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
20609 /* @internal */
20610 export function ChannelDetails_set_user_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20611         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20612                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20613         }
20614         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_user_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
20615         // debug statements here
20616 }
20617         // uint64_t ChannelDetails_get_balance_msat(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20618 /* @internal */
20619 export function ChannelDetails_get_balance_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20620         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20621                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20622         }
20623         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_balance_msat(this_ptr);
20624         return nativeResponseValue;
20625 }
20626         // void ChannelDetails_set_balance_msat(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
20627 /* @internal */
20628 export function ChannelDetails_set_balance_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20629         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20630                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20631         }
20632         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_balance_msat(this_ptr, val);
20633         // debug statements here
20634 }
20635         // uint64_t ChannelDetails_get_outbound_capacity_msat(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20636 /* @internal */
20637 export function ChannelDetails_get_outbound_capacity_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20638         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20639                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20640         }
20641         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_outbound_capacity_msat(this_ptr);
20642         return nativeResponseValue;
20643 }
20644         // void ChannelDetails_set_outbound_capacity_msat(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
20645 /* @internal */
20646 export function ChannelDetails_set_outbound_capacity_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20647         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20648                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20649         }
20650         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_outbound_capacity_msat(this_ptr, val);
20651         // debug statements here
20652 }
20653         // uint64_t ChannelDetails_get_next_outbound_htlc_limit_msat(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20654 /* @internal */
20655 export function ChannelDetails_get_next_outbound_htlc_limit_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20656         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20657                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20658         }
20659         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_next_outbound_htlc_limit_msat(this_ptr);
20660         return nativeResponseValue;
20661 }
20662         // void ChannelDetails_set_next_outbound_htlc_limit_msat(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
20663 /* @internal */
20664 export function ChannelDetails_set_next_outbound_htlc_limit_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20665         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20666                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20667         }
20668         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_next_outbound_htlc_limit_msat(this_ptr, val);
20669         // debug statements here
20670 }
20671         // uint64_t ChannelDetails_get_inbound_capacity_msat(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20672 /* @internal */
20673 export function ChannelDetails_get_inbound_capacity_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20674         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20675                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20676         }
20677         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_inbound_capacity_msat(this_ptr);
20678         return nativeResponseValue;
20679 }
20680         // void ChannelDetails_set_inbound_capacity_msat(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
20681 /* @internal */
20682 export function ChannelDetails_set_inbound_capacity_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20683         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20684                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20685         }
20686         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_inbound_capacity_msat(this_ptr, val);
20687         // debug statements here
20688 }
20689         // struct LDKCOption_u32Z ChannelDetails_get_confirmations_required(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20690 /* @internal */
20691 export function ChannelDetails_get_confirmations_required(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20692         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20693                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20694         }
20695         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_confirmations_required(this_ptr);
20696         return nativeResponseValue;
20697 }
20698         // void ChannelDetails_set_confirmations_required(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCOption_u32Z val);
20699 /* @internal */
20700 export function ChannelDetails_set_confirmations_required(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20701         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20702                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20703         }
20704         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_confirmations_required(this_ptr, val);
20705         // debug statements here
20706 }
20707         // struct LDKCOption_u16Z ChannelDetails_get_force_close_spend_delay(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20708 /* @internal */
20709 export function ChannelDetails_get_force_close_spend_delay(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20710         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20711                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20712         }
20713         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_force_close_spend_delay(this_ptr);
20714         return nativeResponseValue;
20715 }
20716         // void ChannelDetails_set_force_close_spend_delay(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCOption_u16Z val);
20717 /* @internal */
20718 export function ChannelDetails_set_force_close_spend_delay(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20719         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20720                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20721         }
20722         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_force_close_spend_delay(this_ptr, val);
20723         // debug statements here
20724 }
20725         // bool ChannelDetails_get_is_outbound(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20726 /* @internal */
20727 export function ChannelDetails_get_is_outbound(this_ptr: bigint): boolean {
20728         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20729                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20730         }
20731         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_is_outbound(this_ptr);
20732         return nativeResponseValue;
20733 }
20734         // void ChannelDetails_set_is_outbound(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, bool val);
20735 /* @internal */
20736 export function ChannelDetails_set_is_outbound(this_ptr: bigint, val: boolean): void {
20737         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20738                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20739         }
20740         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_is_outbound(this_ptr, val);
20741         // debug statements here
20742 }
20743         // bool ChannelDetails_get_is_channel_ready(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20744 /* @internal */
20745 export function ChannelDetails_get_is_channel_ready(this_ptr: bigint): boolean {
20746         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20747                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20748         }
20749         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_is_channel_ready(this_ptr);
20750         return nativeResponseValue;
20751 }
20752         // void ChannelDetails_set_is_channel_ready(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, bool val);
20753 /* @internal */
20754 export function ChannelDetails_set_is_channel_ready(this_ptr: bigint, val: boolean): void {
20755         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20756                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20757         }
20758         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_is_channel_ready(this_ptr, val);
20759         // debug statements here
20760 }
20761         // bool ChannelDetails_get_is_usable(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20762 /* @internal */
20763 export function ChannelDetails_get_is_usable(this_ptr: bigint): boolean {
20764         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20765                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20766         }
20767         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_is_usable(this_ptr);
20768         return nativeResponseValue;
20769 }
20770         // void ChannelDetails_set_is_usable(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, bool val);
20771 /* @internal */
20772 export function ChannelDetails_set_is_usable(this_ptr: bigint, val: boolean): void {
20773         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20774                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20775         }
20776         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_is_usable(this_ptr, val);
20777         // debug statements here
20778 }
20779         // bool ChannelDetails_get_is_public(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20780 /* @internal */
20781 export function ChannelDetails_get_is_public(this_ptr: bigint): boolean {
20782         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20783                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20784         }
20785         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_is_public(this_ptr);
20786         return nativeResponseValue;
20787 }
20788         // void ChannelDetails_set_is_public(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, bool val);
20789 /* @internal */
20790 export function ChannelDetails_set_is_public(this_ptr: bigint, val: boolean): void {
20791         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20792                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20793         }
20794         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_is_public(this_ptr, val);
20795         // debug statements here
20796 }
20797         // struct LDKCOption_u64Z ChannelDetails_get_inbound_htlc_minimum_msat(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20798 /* @internal */
20799 export function ChannelDetails_get_inbound_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20800         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20801                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20802         }
20803         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_inbound_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr);
20804         return nativeResponseValue;
20805 }
20806         // void ChannelDetails_set_inbound_htlc_minimum_msat(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCOption_u64Z val);
20807 /* @internal */
20808 export function ChannelDetails_set_inbound_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20809         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20810                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20811         }
20812         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_inbound_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr, val);
20813         // debug statements here
20814 }
20815         // struct LDKCOption_u64Z ChannelDetails_get_inbound_htlc_maximum_msat(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20816 /* @internal */
20817 export function ChannelDetails_get_inbound_htlc_maximum_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20818         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20819                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20820         }
20821         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_inbound_htlc_maximum_msat(this_ptr);
20822         return nativeResponseValue;
20823 }
20824         // void ChannelDetails_set_inbound_htlc_maximum_msat(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCOption_u64Z val);
20825 /* @internal */
20826 export function ChannelDetails_set_inbound_htlc_maximum_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20827         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20828                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20829         }
20830         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_inbound_htlc_maximum_msat(this_ptr, val);
20831         // debug statements here
20832 }
20833         // struct LDKChannelConfig ChannelDetails_get_config(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20834 /* @internal */
20835 export function ChannelDetails_get_config(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20836         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20837                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20838         }
20839         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_config(this_ptr);
20840         return nativeResponseValue;
20841 }
20842         // void ChannelDetails_set_config(struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKChannelConfig val);
20843 /* @internal */
20844 export function ChannelDetails_set_config(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20845         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20846                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20847         }
20848         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_set_config(this_ptr, val);
20849         // debug statements here
20850 }
20851         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelDetails ChannelDetails_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes channel_id_arg, struct LDKChannelCounterparty counterparty_arg, struct LDKOutPoint funding_txo_arg, struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures channel_type_arg, struct LDKCOption_u64Z short_channel_id_arg, struct LDKCOption_u64Z outbound_scid_alias_arg, struct LDKCOption_u64Z inbound_scid_alias_arg, uint64_t channel_value_satoshis_arg, struct LDKCOption_u64Z unspendable_punishment_reserve_arg, uint64_t user_channel_id_arg, uint64_t balance_msat_arg, uint64_t outbound_capacity_msat_arg, uint64_t next_outbound_htlc_limit_msat_arg, uint64_t inbound_capacity_msat_arg, struct LDKCOption_u32Z confirmations_required_arg, struct LDKCOption_u16Z force_close_spend_delay_arg, bool is_outbound_arg, bool is_channel_ready_arg, bool is_usable_arg, bool is_public_arg, struct LDKCOption_u64Z inbound_htlc_minimum_msat_arg, struct LDKCOption_u64Z inbound_htlc_maximum_msat_arg, struct LDKChannelConfig config_arg);
20852 /* @internal */
20853 export function ChannelDetails_new(channel_id_arg: number, counterparty_arg: bigint, funding_txo_arg: bigint, channel_type_arg: bigint, short_channel_id_arg: bigint, outbound_scid_alias_arg: bigint, inbound_scid_alias_arg: bigint, channel_value_satoshis_arg: bigint, unspendable_punishment_reserve_arg: bigint, user_channel_id_arg: bigint, balance_msat_arg: bigint, outbound_capacity_msat_arg: bigint, next_outbound_htlc_limit_msat_arg: bigint, inbound_capacity_msat_arg: bigint, confirmations_required_arg: bigint, force_close_spend_delay_arg: bigint, is_outbound_arg: boolean, is_channel_ready_arg: boolean, is_usable_arg: boolean, is_public_arg: boolean, inbound_htlc_minimum_msat_arg: bigint, inbound_htlc_maximum_msat_arg: bigint, config_arg: bigint): bigint {
20854         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20855                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20856         }
20857         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_new(channel_id_arg, counterparty_arg, funding_txo_arg, channel_type_arg, short_channel_id_arg, outbound_scid_alias_arg, inbound_scid_alias_arg, channel_value_satoshis_arg, unspendable_punishment_reserve_arg, user_channel_id_arg, balance_msat_arg, outbound_capacity_msat_arg, next_outbound_htlc_limit_msat_arg, inbound_capacity_msat_arg, confirmations_required_arg, force_close_spend_delay_arg, is_outbound_arg, is_channel_ready_arg, is_usable_arg, is_public_arg, inbound_htlc_minimum_msat_arg, inbound_htlc_maximum_msat_arg, config_arg);
20858         return nativeResponseValue;
20859 }
20860         // uint64_t ChannelDetails_clone_ptr(LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR arg);
20861 /* @internal */
20862 export function ChannelDetails_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
20863         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20864                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20865         }
20866         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_clone_ptr(arg);
20867         return nativeResponseValue;
20868 }
20869         // struct LDKChannelDetails ChannelDetails_clone(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR orig);
20870 /* @internal */
20871 export function ChannelDetails_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
20872         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20873                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20874         }
20875         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_clone(orig);
20876         return nativeResponseValue;
20877 }
20878         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCOption_u64Z ChannelDetails_get_inbound_payment_scid(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
20879 /* @internal */
20880 export function ChannelDetails_get_inbound_payment_scid(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
20881         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20882                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20883         }
20884         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_inbound_payment_scid(this_arg);
20885         return nativeResponseValue;
20886 }
20887         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCOption_u64Z ChannelDetails_get_outbound_payment_scid(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
20888 /* @internal */
20889 export function ChannelDetails_get_outbound_payment_scid(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
20890         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20891                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20892         }
20893         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_get_outbound_payment_scid(this_arg);
20894         return nativeResponseValue;
20895 }
20896         // void PaymentSendFailure_free(struct LDKPaymentSendFailure this_ptr);
20897 /* @internal */
20898 export function PaymentSendFailure_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
20899         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20900                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20901         }
20902         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentSendFailure_free(this_ptr);
20903         // debug statements here
20904 }
20905         // uint64_t PaymentSendFailure_clone_ptr(LDKPaymentSendFailure *NONNULL_PTR arg);
20906 /* @internal */
20907 export function PaymentSendFailure_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
20908         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20909                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20910         }
20911         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentSendFailure_clone_ptr(arg);
20912         return nativeResponseValue;
20913 }
20914         // struct LDKPaymentSendFailure PaymentSendFailure_clone(const struct LDKPaymentSendFailure *NONNULL_PTR orig);
20915 /* @internal */
20916 export function PaymentSendFailure_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
20917         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20918                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20919         }
20920         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentSendFailure_clone(orig);
20921         return nativeResponseValue;
20922 }
20923         // struct LDKPaymentSendFailure PaymentSendFailure_parameter_error(struct LDKAPIError a);
20924 /* @internal */
20925 export function PaymentSendFailure_parameter_error(a: bigint): bigint {
20926         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20927                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20928         }
20929         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentSendFailure_parameter_error(a);
20930         return nativeResponseValue;
20931 }
20932         // struct LDKPaymentSendFailure PaymentSendFailure_path_parameter_error(struct LDKCVec_CResult_NoneAPIErrorZZ a);
20933 /* @internal */
20934 export function PaymentSendFailure_path_parameter_error(a: number): bigint {
20935         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20936                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20937         }
20938         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentSendFailure_path_parameter_error(a);
20939         return nativeResponseValue;
20940 }
20941         // struct LDKPaymentSendFailure PaymentSendFailure_all_failed_retry_safe(struct LDKCVec_APIErrorZ a);
20942 /* @internal */
20943 export function PaymentSendFailure_all_failed_retry_safe(a: number): bigint {
20944         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20945                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20946         }
20947         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentSendFailure_all_failed_retry_safe(a);
20948         return nativeResponseValue;
20949 }
20950         // struct LDKPaymentSendFailure PaymentSendFailure_partial_failure(struct LDKCVec_CResult_NoneAPIErrorZZ results, struct LDKRouteParameters failed_paths_retry, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_id);
20951 /* @internal */
20952 export function PaymentSendFailure_partial_failure(results: number, failed_paths_retry: bigint, payment_id: number): bigint {
20953         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20954                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20955         }
20956         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentSendFailure_partial_failure(results, failed_paths_retry, payment_id);
20957         return nativeResponseValue;
20958 }
20959         // void PhantomRouteHints_free(struct LDKPhantomRouteHints this_obj);
20960 /* @internal */
20961 export function PhantomRouteHints_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
20962         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20963                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20964         }
20965         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PhantomRouteHints_free(this_obj);
20966         // debug statements here
20967 }
20968         // struct LDKCVec_ChannelDetailsZ PhantomRouteHints_get_channels(const struct LDKPhantomRouteHints *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20969 /* @internal */
20970 export function PhantomRouteHints_get_channels(this_ptr: bigint): number {
20971         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20972                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20973         }
20974         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PhantomRouteHints_get_channels(this_ptr);
20975         return nativeResponseValue;
20976 }
20977         // void PhantomRouteHints_set_channels(struct LDKPhantomRouteHints *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCVec_ChannelDetailsZ val);
20978 /* @internal */
20979 export function PhantomRouteHints_set_channels(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
20980         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20981                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20982         }
20983         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PhantomRouteHints_set_channels(this_ptr, val);
20984         // debug statements here
20985 }
20986         // uint64_t PhantomRouteHints_get_phantom_scid(const struct LDKPhantomRouteHints *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
20987 /* @internal */
20988 export function PhantomRouteHints_get_phantom_scid(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
20989         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20990                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
20991         }
20992         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PhantomRouteHints_get_phantom_scid(this_ptr);
20993         return nativeResponseValue;
20994 }
20995         // void PhantomRouteHints_set_phantom_scid(struct LDKPhantomRouteHints *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
20996 /* @internal */
20997 export function PhantomRouteHints_set_phantom_scid(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
20998         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
20999                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21000         }
21001         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PhantomRouteHints_set_phantom_scid(this_ptr, val);
21002         // debug statements here
21003 }
21004         // struct LDKPublicKey PhantomRouteHints_get_real_node_pubkey(const struct LDKPhantomRouteHints *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
21005 /* @internal */
21006 export function PhantomRouteHints_get_real_node_pubkey(this_ptr: bigint): number {
21007         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21008                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21009         }
21010         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PhantomRouteHints_get_real_node_pubkey(this_ptr);
21011         return nativeResponseValue;
21012 }
21013         // void PhantomRouteHints_set_real_node_pubkey(struct LDKPhantomRouteHints *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
21014 /* @internal */
21015 export function PhantomRouteHints_set_real_node_pubkey(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
21016         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21017                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21018         }
21019         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PhantomRouteHints_set_real_node_pubkey(this_ptr, val);
21020         // debug statements here
21021 }
21022         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKPhantomRouteHints PhantomRouteHints_new(struct LDKCVec_ChannelDetailsZ channels_arg, uint64_t phantom_scid_arg, struct LDKPublicKey real_node_pubkey_arg);
21023 /* @internal */
21024 export function PhantomRouteHints_new(channels_arg: number, phantom_scid_arg: bigint, real_node_pubkey_arg: number): bigint {
21025         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21026                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21027         }
21028         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PhantomRouteHints_new(channels_arg, phantom_scid_arg, real_node_pubkey_arg);
21029         return nativeResponseValue;
21030 }
21031         // uint64_t PhantomRouteHints_clone_ptr(LDKPhantomRouteHints *NONNULL_PTR arg);
21032 /* @internal */
21033 export function PhantomRouteHints_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
21034         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21035                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21036         }
21037         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PhantomRouteHints_clone_ptr(arg);
21038         return nativeResponseValue;
21039 }
21040         // struct LDKPhantomRouteHints PhantomRouteHints_clone(const struct LDKPhantomRouteHints *NONNULL_PTR orig);
21041 /* @internal */
21042 export function PhantomRouteHints_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
21043         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21044                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21045         }
21046         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PhantomRouteHints_clone(orig);
21047         return nativeResponseValue;
21048 }
21049         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelManager ChannelManager_new(struct LDKFeeEstimator fee_est, struct LDKWatch chain_monitor, struct LDKBroadcasterInterface tx_broadcaster, struct LDKLogger logger, struct LDKKeysInterface keys_manager, struct LDKUserConfig config, struct LDKChainParameters params);
21050 /* @internal */
21051 export function ChannelManager_new(fee_est: bigint, chain_monitor: bigint, tx_broadcaster: bigint, logger: bigint, keys_manager: bigint, config: bigint, params: bigint): bigint {
21052         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21053                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21054         }
21055         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_new(fee_est, chain_monitor, tx_broadcaster, logger, keys_manager, config, params);
21056         return nativeResponseValue;
21057 }
21058         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKUserConfig ChannelManager_get_current_default_configuration(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
21059 /* @internal */
21060 export function ChannelManager_get_current_default_configuration(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
21061         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21062                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21063         }
21064         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_get_current_default_configuration(this_arg);
21065         return nativeResponseValue;
21066 }
21067         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult__u832APIErrorZ ChannelManager_create_channel(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_network_key, uint64_t channel_value_satoshis, uint64_t push_msat, uint64_t user_channel_id, struct LDKUserConfig override_config);
21068 /* @internal */
21069 export function ChannelManager_create_channel(this_arg: bigint, their_network_key: number, channel_value_satoshis: bigint, push_msat: bigint, user_channel_id: bigint, override_config: bigint): bigint {
21070         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21071                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21072         }
21073         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_create_channel(this_arg, their_network_key, channel_value_satoshis, push_msat, user_channel_id, override_config);
21074         return nativeResponseValue;
21075 }
21076         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCVec_ChannelDetailsZ ChannelManager_list_channels(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
21077 /* @internal */
21078 export function ChannelManager_list_channels(this_arg: bigint): number {
21079         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21080                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21081         }
21082         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_list_channels(this_arg);
21083         return nativeResponseValue;
21084 }
21085         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCVec_ChannelDetailsZ ChannelManager_list_usable_channels(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
21086 /* @internal */
21087 export function ChannelManager_list_usable_channels(this_arg: bigint): number {
21088         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21089                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21090         }
21091         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_list_usable_channels(this_arg);
21092         return nativeResponseValue;
21093 }
21094         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NoneAPIErrorZ ChannelManager_close_channel(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*channel_id)[32], struct LDKPublicKey counterparty_node_id);
21095 /* @internal */
21096 export function ChannelManager_close_channel(this_arg: bigint, channel_id: number, counterparty_node_id: number): bigint {
21097         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21098                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21099         }
21100         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_close_channel(this_arg, channel_id, counterparty_node_id);
21101         return nativeResponseValue;
21102 }
21103         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NoneAPIErrorZ ChannelManager_close_channel_with_target_feerate(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*channel_id)[32], struct LDKPublicKey counterparty_node_id, uint32_t target_feerate_sats_per_1000_weight);
21104 /* @internal */
21105 export function ChannelManager_close_channel_with_target_feerate(this_arg: bigint, channel_id: number, counterparty_node_id: number, target_feerate_sats_per_1000_weight: number): bigint {
21106         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21107                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21108         }
21109         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_close_channel_with_target_feerate(this_arg, channel_id, counterparty_node_id, target_feerate_sats_per_1000_weight);
21110         return nativeResponseValue;
21111 }
21112         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NoneAPIErrorZ ChannelManager_force_close_broadcasting_latest_txn(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*channel_id)[32], struct LDKPublicKey counterparty_node_id);
21113 /* @internal */
21114 export function ChannelManager_force_close_broadcasting_latest_txn(this_arg: bigint, channel_id: number, counterparty_node_id: number): bigint {
21115         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21116                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21117         }
21118         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_force_close_broadcasting_latest_txn(this_arg, channel_id, counterparty_node_id);
21119         return nativeResponseValue;
21120 }
21121         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NoneAPIErrorZ ChannelManager_force_close_without_broadcasting_txn(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*channel_id)[32], struct LDKPublicKey counterparty_node_id);
21122 /* @internal */
21123 export function ChannelManager_force_close_without_broadcasting_txn(this_arg: bigint, channel_id: number, counterparty_node_id: number): bigint {
21124         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21125                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21126         }
21127         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_force_close_without_broadcasting_txn(this_arg, channel_id, counterparty_node_id);
21128         return nativeResponseValue;
21129 }
21130         // void ChannelManager_force_close_all_channels_broadcasting_latest_txn(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
21131 /* @internal */
21132 export function ChannelManager_force_close_all_channels_broadcasting_latest_txn(this_arg: bigint): void {
21133         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21134                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21135         }
21136         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_force_close_all_channels_broadcasting_latest_txn(this_arg);
21137         // debug statements here
21138 }
21139         // void ChannelManager_force_close_all_channels_without_broadcasting_txn(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
21140 /* @internal */
21141 export function ChannelManager_force_close_all_channels_without_broadcasting_txn(this_arg: bigint): void {
21142         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21143                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21144         }
21145         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_force_close_all_channels_without_broadcasting_txn(this_arg);
21146         // debug statements here
21147 }
21148         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentSendFailureZ ChannelManager_send_payment(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKRoute *NONNULL_PTR route, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_hash, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_secret);
21149 /* @internal */
21150 export function ChannelManager_send_payment(this_arg: bigint, route: bigint, payment_hash: number, payment_secret: number): bigint {
21151         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21152                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21153         }
21154         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_send_payment(this_arg, route, payment_hash, payment_secret);
21155         return nativeResponseValue;
21156 }
21157         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NonePaymentSendFailureZ ChannelManager_retry_payment(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKRoute *NONNULL_PTR route, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_id);
21158 /* @internal */
21159 export function ChannelManager_retry_payment(this_arg: bigint, route: bigint, payment_id: number): bigint {
21160         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21161                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21162         }
21163         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_retry_payment(this_arg, route, payment_id);
21164         return nativeResponseValue;
21165 }
21166         // void ChannelManager_abandon_payment(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_id);
21167 /* @internal */
21168 export function ChannelManager_abandon_payment(this_arg: bigint, payment_id: number): void {
21169         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21170                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21171         }
21172         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_abandon_payment(this_arg, payment_id);
21173         // debug statements here
21174 }
21175         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ ChannelManager_send_spontaneous_payment(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKRoute *NONNULL_PTR route, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_preimage);
21176 /* @internal */
21177 export function ChannelManager_send_spontaneous_payment(this_arg: bigint, route: bigint, payment_preimage: number): bigint {
21178         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21179                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21180         }
21181         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_send_spontaneous_payment(this_arg, route, payment_preimage);
21182         return nativeResponseValue;
21183 }
21184         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentIdZPaymentSendFailureZ ChannelManager_send_probe(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKCVec_RouteHopZ hops);
21185 /* @internal */
21186 export function ChannelManager_send_probe(this_arg: bigint, hops: number): bigint {
21187         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21188                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21189         }
21190         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_send_probe(this_arg, hops);
21191         return nativeResponseValue;
21192 }
21193         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NoneAPIErrorZ ChannelManager_funding_transaction_generated(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*temporary_channel_id)[32], struct LDKPublicKey counterparty_node_id, struct LDKTransaction funding_transaction);
21194 /* @internal */
21195 export function ChannelManager_funding_transaction_generated(this_arg: bigint, temporary_channel_id: number, counterparty_node_id: number, funding_transaction: number): bigint {
21196         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21197                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21198         }
21199         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_funding_transaction_generated(this_arg, temporary_channel_id, counterparty_node_id, funding_transaction);
21200         return nativeResponseValue;
21201 }
21202         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NoneAPIErrorZ ChannelManager_update_channel_config(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey counterparty_node_id, struct LDKCVec_ThirtyTwoBytesZ channel_ids, const struct LDKChannelConfig *NONNULL_PTR config);
21203 /* @internal */
21204 export function ChannelManager_update_channel_config(this_arg: bigint, counterparty_node_id: number, channel_ids: number, config: bigint): bigint {
21205         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21206                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21207         }
21208         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_update_channel_config(this_arg, counterparty_node_id, channel_ids, config);
21209         return nativeResponseValue;
21210 }
21211         // void ChannelManager_process_pending_htlc_forwards(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
21212 /* @internal */
21213 export function ChannelManager_process_pending_htlc_forwards(this_arg: bigint): void {
21214         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21215                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21216         }
21217         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_process_pending_htlc_forwards(this_arg);
21218         // debug statements here
21219 }
21220         // void ChannelManager_timer_tick_occurred(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
21221 /* @internal */
21222 export function ChannelManager_timer_tick_occurred(this_arg: bigint): void {
21223         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21224                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21225         }
21226         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_timer_tick_occurred(this_arg);
21227         // debug statements here
21228 }
21229         // void ChannelManager_fail_htlc_backwards(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*payment_hash)[32]);
21230 /* @internal */
21231 export function ChannelManager_fail_htlc_backwards(this_arg: bigint, payment_hash: number): void {
21232         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21233                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21234         }
21235         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_fail_htlc_backwards(this_arg, payment_hash);
21236         // debug statements here
21237 }
21238         // void ChannelManager_claim_funds(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_preimage);
21239 /* @internal */
21240 export function ChannelManager_claim_funds(this_arg: bigint, payment_preimage: number): void {
21241         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21242                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21243         }
21244         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_claim_funds(this_arg, payment_preimage);
21245         // debug statements here
21246 }
21247         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKPublicKey ChannelManager_get_our_node_id(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
21248 /* @internal */
21249 export function ChannelManager_get_our_node_id(this_arg: bigint): number {
21250         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21251                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21252         }
21253         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_get_our_node_id(this_arg);
21254         return nativeResponseValue;
21255 }
21256         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NoneAPIErrorZ ChannelManager_accept_inbound_channel(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*temporary_channel_id)[32], struct LDKPublicKey counterparty_node_id, uint64_t user_channel_id);
21257 /* @internal */
21258 export function ChannelManager_accept_inbound_channel(this_arg: bigint, temporary_channel_id: number, counterparty_node_id: number, user_channel_id: bigint): bigint {
21259         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21260                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21261         }
21262         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_accept_inbound_channel(this_arg, temporary_channel_id, counterparty_node_id, user_channel_id);
21263         return nativeResponseValue;
21264 }
21265         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NoneAPIErrorZ ChannelManager_accept_inbound_channel_from_trusted_peer_0conf(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*temporary_channel_id)[32], struct LDKPublicKey counterparty_node_id, uint64_t user_channel_id);
21266 /* @internal */
21267 export function ChannelManager_accept_inbound_channel_from_trusted_peer_0conf(this_arg: bigint, temporary_channel_id: number, counterparty_node_id: number, user_channel_id: bigint): bigint {
21268         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21269                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21270         }
21271         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_accept_inbound_channel_from_trusted_peer_0conf(this_arg, temporary_channel_id, counterparty_node_id, user_channel_id);
21272         return nativeResponseValue;
21273 }
21274         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ ChannelManager_create_inbound_payment(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKCOption_u64Z min_value_msat, uint32_t invoice_expiry_delta_secs);
21275 /* @internal */
21276 export function ChannelManager_create_inbound_payment(this_arg: bigint, min_value_msat: bigint, invoice_expiry_delta_secs: number): bigint {
21277         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21278                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21279         }
21280         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_create_inbound_payment(this_arg, min_value_msat, invoice_expiry_delta_secs);
21281         return nativeResponseValue;
21282 }
21283         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZAPIErrorZ ChannelManager_create_inbound_payment_legacy(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKCOption_u64Z min_value_msat, uint32_t invoice_expiry_delta_secs);
21284 /* @internal */
21285 export function ChannelManager_create_inbound_payment_legacy(this_arg: bigint, min_value_msat: bigint, invoice_expiry_delta_secs: number): bigint {
21286         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21287                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21288         }
21289         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_create_inbound_payment_legacy(this_arg, min_value_msat, invoice_expiry_delta_secs);
21290         return nativeResponseValue;
21291 }
21292         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ ChannelManager_create_inbound_payment_for_hash(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_hash, struct LDKCOption_u64Z min_value_msat, uint32_t invoice_expiry_delta_secs);
21293 /* @internal */
21294 export function ChannelManager_create_inbound_payment_for_hash(this_arg: bigint, payment_hash: number, min_value_msat: bigint, invoice_expiry_delta_secs: number): bigint {
21295         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21296                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21297         }
21298         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_create_inbound_payment_for_hash(this_arg, payment_hash, min_value_msat, invoice_expiry_delta_secs);
21299         return nativeResponseValue;
21300 }
21301         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_PaymentSecretAPIErrorZ ChannelManager_create_inbound_payment_for_hash_legacy(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_hash, struct LDKCOption_u64Z min_value_msat, uint32_t invoice_expiry_delta_secs);
21302 /* @internal */
21303 export function ChannelManager_create_inbound_payment_for_hash_legacy(this_arg: bigint, payment_hash: number, min_value_msat: bigint, invoice_expiry_delta_secs: number): bigint {
21304         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21305                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21306         }
21307         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_create_inbound_payment_for_hash_legacy(this_arg, payment_hash, min_value_msat, invoice_expiry_delta_secs);
21308         return nativeResponseValue;
21309 }
21310         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_PaymentPreimageAPIErrorZ ChannelManager_get_payment_preimage(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_hash, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_secret);
21311 /* @internal */
21312 export function ChannelManager_get_payment_preimage(this_arg: bigint, payment_hash: number, payment_secret: number): bigint {
21313         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21314                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21315         }
21316         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_get_payment_preimage(this_arg, payment_hash, payment_secret);
21317         return nativeResponseValue;
21318 }
21319         // MUST_USE_RES uint64_t ChannelManager_get_phantom_scid(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
21320 /* @internal */
21321 export function ChannelManager_get_phantom_scid(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
21322         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21323                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21324         }
21325         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_get_phantom_scid(this_arg);
21326         return nativeResponseValue;
21327 }
21328         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKPhantomRouteHints ChannelManager_get_phantom_route_hints(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
21329 /* @internal */
21330 export function ChannelManager_get_phantom_route_hints(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
21331         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21332                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21333         }
21334         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_get_phantom_route_hints(this_arg);
21335         return nativeResponseValue;
21336 }
21337         // struct LDKMessageSendEventsProvider ChannelManager_as_MessageSendEventsProvider(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
21338 /* @internal */
21339 export function ChannelManager_as_MessageSendEventsProvider(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
21340         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21341                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21342         }
21343         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_as_MessageSendEventsProvider(this_arg);
21344         return nativeResponseValue;
21345 }
21346         // struct LDKEventsProvider ChannelManager_as_EventsProvider(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
21347 /* @internal */
21348 export function ChannelManager_as_EventsProvider(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
21349         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21350                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21351         }
21352         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_as_EventsProvider(this_arg);
21353         return nativeResponseValue;
21354 }
21355         // struct LDKListen ChannelManager_as_Listen(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
21356 /* @internal */
21357 export function ChannelManager_as_Listen(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
21358         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21359                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21360         }
21361         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_as_Listen(this_arg);
21362         return nativeResponseValue;
21363 }
21364         // struct LDKConfirm ChannelManager_as_Confirm(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
21365 /* @internal */
21366 export function ChannelManager_as_Confirm(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
21367         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21368                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21369         }
21370         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_as_Confirm(this_arg);
21371         return nativeResponseValue;
21372 }
21373         // void ChannelManager_await_persistable_update(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
21374 /* @internal */
21375 export function ChannelManager_await_persistable_update(this_arg: bigint): void {
21376         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21377                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21378         }
21379         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_await_persistable_update(this_arg);
21380         // debug statements here
21381 }
21382         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKFuture ChannelManager_get_persistable_update_future(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
21383 /* @internal */
21384 export function ChannelManager_get_persistable_update_future(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
21385         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21386                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21387         }
21388         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_get_persistable_update_future(this_arg);
21389         return nativeResponseValue;
21390 }
21391         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKBestBlock ChannelManager_current_best_block(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
21392 /* @internal */
21393 export function ChannelManager_current_best_block(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
21394         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21395                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21396         }
21397         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_current_best_block(this_arg);
21398         return nativeResponseValue;
21399 }
21400         // struct LDKChannelMessageHandler ChannelManager_as_ChannelMessageHandler(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
21401 /* @internal */
21402 export function ChannelManager_as_ChannelMessageHandler(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
21403         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21404                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21405         }
21406         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_as_ChannelMessageHandler(this_arg);
21407         return nativeResponseValue;
21408 }
21409         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z CounterpartyForwardingInfo_write(const struct LDKCounterpartyForwardingInfo *NONNULL_PTR obj);
21410 /* @internal */
21411 export function CounterpartyForwardingInfo_write(obj: bigint): number {
21412         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21413                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21414         }
21415         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyForwardingInfo_write(obj);
21416         return nativeResponseValue;
21417 }
21418         // struct LDKCResult_CounterpartyForwardingInfoDecodeErrorZ CounterpartyForwardingInfo_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
21419 /* @internal */
21420 export function CounterpartyForwardingInfo_read(ser: number): bigint {
21421         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21422                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21423         }
21424         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyForwardingInfo_read(ser);
21425         return nativeResponseValue;
21426 }
21427         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ChannelCounterparty_write(const struct LDKChannelCounterparty *NONNULL_PTR obj);
21428 /* @internal */
21429 export function ChannelCounterparty_write(obj: bigint): number {
21430         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21431                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21432         }
21433         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelCounterparty_write(obj);
21434         return nativeResponseValue;
21435 }
21436         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelCounterpartyDecodeErrorZ ChannelCounterparty_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
21437 /* @internal */
21438 export function ChannelCounterparty_read(ser: number): bigint {
21439         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21440                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21441         }
21442         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelCounterparty_read(ser);
21443         return nativeResponseValue;
21444 }
21445         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ChannelDetails_write(const struct LDKChannelDetails *NONNULL_PTR obj);
21446 /* @internal */
21447 export function ChannelDetails_write(obj: bigint): number {
21448         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21449                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21450         }
21451         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_write(obj);
21452         return nativeResponseValue;
21453 }
21454         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelDetailsDecodeErrorZ ChannelDetails_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
21455 /* @internal */
21456 export function ChannelDetails_read(ser: number): bigint {
21457         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21458                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21459         }
21460         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelDetails_read(ser);
21461         return nativeResponseValue;
21462 }
21463         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z PhantomRouteHints_write(const struct LDKPhantomRouteHints *NONNULL_PTR obj);
21464 /* @internal */
21465 export function PhantomRouteHints_write(obj: bigint): number {
21466         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21467                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21468         }
21469         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PhantomRouteHints_write(obj);
21470         return nativeResponseValue;
21471 }
21472         // struct LDKCResult_PhantomRouteHintsDecodeErrorZ PhantomRouteHints_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
21473 /* @internal */
21474 export function PhantomRouteHints_read(ser: number): bigint {
21475         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21476                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21477         }
21478         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PhantomRouteHints_read(ser);
21479         return nativeResponseValue;
21480 }
21481         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ChannelManager_write(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR obj);
21482 /* @internal */
21483 export function ChannelManager_write(obj: bigint): number {
21484         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21485                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21486         }
21487         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_write(obj);
21488         return nativeResponseValue;
21489 }
21490         // void ChannelManagerReadArgs_free(struct LDKChannelManagerReadArgs this_obj);
21491 /* @internal */
21492 export function ChannelManagerReadArgs_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
21493         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21494                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21495         }
21496         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManagerReadArgs_free(this_obj);
21497         // debug statements here
21498 }
21499         // const struct LDKKeysInterface *ChannelManagerReadArgs_get_keys_manager(const struct LDKChannelManagerReadArgs *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
21500 /* @internal */
21501 export function ChannelManagerReadArgs_get_keys_manager(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
21502         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21503                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21504         }
21505         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManagerReadArgs_get_keys_manager(this_ptr);
21506         return nativeResponseValue;
21507 }
21508         // void ChannelManagerReadArgs_set_keys_manager(struct LDKChannelManagerReadArgs *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKKeysInterface val);
21509 /* @internal */
21510 export function ChannelManagerReadArgs_set_keys_manager(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
21511         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21512                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21513         }
21514         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManagerReadArgs_set_keys_manager(this_ptr, val);
21515         // debug statements here
21516 }
21517         // const struct LDKFeeEstimator *ChannelManagerReadArgs_get_fee_estimator(const struct LDKChannelManagerReadArgs *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
21518 /* @internal */
21519 export function ChannelManagerReadArgs_get_fee_estimator(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
21520         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21521                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21522         }
21523         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManagerReadArgs_get_fee_estimator(this_ptr);
21524         return nativeResponseValue;
21525 }
21526         // void ChannelManagerReadArgs_set_fee_estimator(struct LDKChannelManagerReadArgs *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKFeeEstimator val);
21527 /* @internal */
21528 export function ChannelManagerReadArgs_set_fee_estimator(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
21529         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21530                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21531         }
21532         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManagerReadArgs_set_fee_estimator(this_ptr, val);
21533         // debug statements here
21534 }
21535         // const struct LDKWatch *ChannelManagerReadArgs_get_chain_monitor(const struct LDKChannelManagerReadArgs *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
21536 /* @internal */
21537 export function ChannelManagerReadArgs_get_chain_monitor(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
21538         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21539                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21540         }
21541         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManagerReadArgs_get_chain_monitor(this_ptr);
21542         return nativeResponseValue;
21543 }
21544         // void ChannelManagerReadArgs_set_chain_monitor(struct LDKChannelManagerReadArgs *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKWatch val);
21545 /* @internal */
21546 export function ChannelManagerReadArgs_set_chain_monitor(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
21547         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21548                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21549         }
21550         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManagerReadArgs_set_chain_monitor(this_ptr, val);
21551         // debug statements here
21552 }
21553         // const struct LDKBroadcasterInterface *ChannelManagerReadArgs_get_tx_broadcaster(const struct LDKChannelManagerReadArgs *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
21554 /* @internal */
21555 export function ChannelManagerReadArgs_get_tx_broadcaster(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
21556         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21557                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21558         }
21559         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManagerReadArgs_get_tx_broadcaster(this_ptr);
21560         return nativeResponseValue;
21561 }
21562         // void ChannelManagerReadArgs_set_tx_broadcaster(struct LDKChannelManagerReadArgs *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKBroadcasterInterface val);
21563 /* @internal */
21564 export function ChannelManagerReadArgs_set_tx_broadcaster(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
21565         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21566                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21567         }
21568         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManagerReadArgs_set_tx_broadcaster(this_ptr, val);
21569         // debug statements here
21570 }
21571         // const struct LDKLogger *ChannelManagerReadArgs_get_logger(const struct LDKChannelManagerReadArgs *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
21572 /* @internal */
21573 export function ChannelManagerReadArgs_get_logger(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
21574         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21575                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21576         }
21577         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManagerReadArgs_get_logger(this_ptr);
21578         return nativeResponseValue;
21579 }
21580         // void ChannelManagerReadArgs_set_logger(struct LDKChannelManagerReadArgs *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKLogger val);
21581 /* @internal */
21582 export function ChannelManagerReadArgs_set_logger(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
21583         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21584                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21585         }
21586         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManagerReadArgs_set_logger(this_ptr, val);
21587         // debug statements here
21588 }
21589         // struct LDKUserConfig ChannelManagerReadArgs_get_default_config(const struct LDKChannelManagerReadArgs *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
21590 /* @internal */
21591 export function ChannelManagerReadArgs_get_default_config(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
21592         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21593                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21594         }
21595         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManagerReadArgs_get_default_config(this_ptr);
21596         return nativeResponseValue;
21597 }
21598         // void ChannelManagerReadArgs_set_default_config(struct LDKChannelManagerReadArgs *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKUserConfig val);
21599 /* @internal */
21600 export function ChannelManagerReadArgs_set_default_config(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
21601         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21602                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21603         }
21604         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManagerReadArgs_set_default_config(this_ptr, val);
21605         // debug statements here
21606 }
21607         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelManagerReadArgs ChannelManagerReadArgs_new(struct LDKKeysInterface keys_manager, struct LDKFeeEstimator fee_estimator, struct LDKWatch chain_monitor, struct LDKBroadcasterInterface tx_broadcaster, struct LDKLogger logger, struct LDKUserConfig default_config, struct LDKCVec_ChannelMonitorZ channel_monitors);
21608 /* @internal */
21609 export function ChannelManagerReadArgs_new(keys_manager: bigint, fee_estimator: bigint, chain_monitor: bigint, tx_broadcaster: bigint, logger: bigint, default_config: bigint, channel_monitors: number): bigint {
21610         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21611                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21612         }
21613         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManagerReadArgs_new(keys_manager, fee_estimator, chain_monitor, tx_broadcaster, logger, default_config, channel_monitors);
21614         return nativeResponseValue;
21615 }
21616         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZDecodeErrorZ C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZ_read(struct LDKu8slice ser, struct LDKChannelManagerReadArgs arg);
21617 /* @internal */
21618 export function C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZ_read(ser: number, arg: bigint): bigint {
21619         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21620                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21621         }
21622         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_C2Tuple_BlockHashChannelManagerZ_read(ser, arg);
21623         return nativeResponseValue;
21624 }
21625         // void ExpandedKey_free(struct LDKExpandedKey this_obj);
21626 /* @internal */
21627 export function ExpandedKey_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
21628         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21629                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21630         }
21631         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ExpandedKey_free(this_obj);
21632         // debug statements here
21633 }
21634         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKExpandedKey ExpandedKey_new(const uint8_t (*key_material)[32]);
21635 /* @internal */
21636 export function ExpandedKey_new(key_material: number): bigint {
21637         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21638                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21639         }
21640         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ExpandedKey_new(key_material);
21641         return nativeResponseValue;
21642 }
21643         // struct LDKCResult_C2Tuple_PaymentHashPaymentSecretZNoneZ create(const struct LDKExpandedKey *NONNULL_PTR keys, struct LDKCOption_u64Z min_value_msat, uint32_t invoice_expiry_delta_secs, const struct LDKKeysInterface *NONNULL_PTR keys_manager, uint64_t current_time);
21644 /* @internal */
21645 export function create(keys: bigint, min_value_msat: bigint, invoice_expiry_delta_secs: number, keys_manager: bigint, current_time: bigint): bigint {
21646         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21647                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21648         }
21649         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_create(keys, min_value_msat, invoice_expiry_delta_secs, keys_manager, current_time);
21650         return nativeResponseValue;
21651 }
21652         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentSecretNoneZ create_from_hash(const struct LDKExpandedKey *NONNULL_PTR keys, struct LDKCOption_u64Z min_value_msat, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_hash, uint32_t invoice_expiry_delta_secs, uint64_t current_time);
21653 /* @internal */
21654 export function create_from_hash(keys: bigint, min_value_msat: bigint, payment_hash: number, invoice_expiry_delta_secs: number, current_time: bigint): bigint {
21655         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21656                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21657         }
21658         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_create_from_hash(keys, min_value_msat, payment_hash, invoice_expiry_delta_secs, current_time);
21659         return nativeResponseValue;
21660 }
21661         // void DecodeError_free(struct LDKDecodeError this_obj);
21662 /* @internal */
21663 export function DecodeError_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
21664         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21665                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21666         }
21667         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DecodeError_free(this_obj);
21668         // debug statements here
21669 }
21670         // uint64_t DecodeError_clone_ptr(LDKDecodeError *NONNULL_PTR arg);
21671 /* @internal */
21672 export function DecodeError_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
21673         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21674                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21675         }
21676         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DecodeError_clone_ptr(arg);
21677         return nativeResponseValue;
21678 }
21679         // struct LDKDecodeError DecodeError_clone(const struct LDKDecodeError *NONNULL_PTR orig);
21680 /* @internal */
21681 export function DecodeError_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
21682         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21683                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21684         }
21685         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DecodeError_clone(orig);
21686         return nativeResponseValue;
21687 }
21688         // void Init_free(struct LDKInit this_obj);
21689 /* @internal */
21690 export function Init_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
21691         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21692                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21693         }
21694         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Init_free(this_obj);
21695         // debug statements here
21696 }
21697         // struct LDKInitFeatures Init_get_features(const struct LDKInit *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
21698 /* @internal */
21699 export function Init_get_features(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
21700         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21701                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21702         }
21703         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Init_get_features(this_ptr);
21704         return nativeResponseValue;
21705 }
21706         // void Init_set_features(struct LDKInit *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKInitFeatures val);
21707 /* @internal */
21708 export function Init_set_features(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
21709         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21710                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21711         }
21712         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Init_set_features(this_ptr, val);
21713         // debug statements here
21714 }
21715         // struct LDKCOption_NetAddressZ Init_get_remote_network_address(const struct LDKInit *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
21716 /* @internal */
21717 export function Init_get_remote_network_address(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
21718         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21719                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21720         }
21721         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Init_get_remote_network_address(this_ptr);
21722         return nativeResponseValue;
21723 }
21724         // void Init_set_remote_network_address(struct LDKInit *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCOption_NetAddressZ val);
21725 /* @internal */
21726 export function Init_set_remote_network_address(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
21727         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21728                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21729         }
21730         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Init_set_remote_network_address(this_ptr, val);
21731         // debug statements here
21732 }
21733         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKInit Init_new(struct LDKInitFeatures features_arg, struct LDKCOption_NetAddressZ remote_network_address_arg);
21734 /* @internal */
21735 export function Init_new(features_arg: bigint, remote_network_address_arg: bigint): bigint {
21736         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21737                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21738         }
21739         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Init_new(features_arg, remote_network_address_arg);
21740         return nativeResponseValue;
21741 }
21742         // uint64_t Init_clone_ptr(LDKInit *NONNULL_PTR arg);
21743 /* @internal */
21744 export function Init_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
21745         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21746                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21747         }
21748         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Init_clone_ptr(arg);
21749         return nativeResponseValue;
21750 }
21751         // struct LDKInit Init_clone(const struct LDKInit *NONNULL_PTR orig);
21752 /* @internal */
21753 export function Init_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
21754         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21755                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21756         }
21757         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Init_clone(orig);
21758         return nativeResponseValue;
21759 }
21760         // void ErrorMessage_free(struct LDKErrorMessage this_obj);
21761 /* @internal */
21762 export function ErrorMessage_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
21763         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21764                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21765         }
21766         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErrorMessage_free(this_obj);
21767         // debug statements here
21768 }
21769         // const uint8_t (*ErrorMessage_get_channel_id(const struct LDKErrorMessage *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
21770 /* @internal */
21771 export function ErrorMessage_get_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
21772         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21773                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21774         }
21775         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErrorMessage_get_channel_id(this_ptr);
21776         return nativeResponseValue;
21777 }
21778         // void ErrorMessage_set_channel_id(struct LDKErrorMessage *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
21779 /* @internal */
21780 export function ErrorMessage_set_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
21781         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21782                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21783         }
21784         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErrorMessage_set_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
21785         // debug statements here
21786 }
21787         // struct LDKStr ErrorMessage_get_data(const struct LDKErrorMessage *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
21788 /* @internal */
21789 export function ErrorMessage_get_data(this_ptr: bigint): number {
21790         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21791                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21792         }
21793         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErrorMessage_get_data(this_ptr);
21794         return nativeResponseValue;
21795 }
21796         // void ErrorMessage_set_data(struct LDKErrorMessage *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKStr val);
21797 /* @internal */
21798 export function ErrorMessage_set_data(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
21799         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21800                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21801         }
21802         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErrorMessage_set_data(this_ptr, val);
21803         // debug statements here
21804 }
21805         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKErrorMessage ErrorMessage_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes channel_id_arg, struct LDKStr data_arg);
21806 /* @internal */
21807 export function ErrorMessage_new(channel_id_arg: number, data_arg: number): bigint {
21808         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21809                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21810         }
21811         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErrorMessage_new(channel_id_arg, data_arg);
21812         return nativeResponseValue;
21813 }
21814         // uint64_t ErrorMessage_clone_ptr(LDKErrorMessage *NONNULL_PTR arg);
21815 /* @internal */
21816 export function ErrorMessage_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
21817         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21818                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21819         }
21820         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErrorMessage_clone_ptr(arg);
21821         return nativeResponseValue;
21822 }
21823         // struct LDKErrorMessage ErrorMessage_clone(const struct LDKErrorMessage *NONNULL_PTR orig);
21824 /* @internal */
21825 export function ErrorMessage_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
21826         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21827                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21828         }
21829         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErrorMessage_clone(orig);
21830         return nativeResponseValue;
21831 }
21832         // void WarningMessage_free(struct LDKWarningMessage this_obj);
21833 /* @internal */
21834 export function WarningMessage_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
21835         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21836                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21837         }
21838         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WarningMessage_free(this_obj);
21839         // debug statements here
21840 }
21841         // const uint8_t (*WarningMessage_get_channel_id(const struct LDKWarningMessage *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
21842 /* @internal */
21843 export function WarningMessage_get_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
21844         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21845                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21846         }
21847         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WarningMessage_get_channel_id(this_ptr);
21848         return nativeResponseValue;
21849 }
21850         // void WarningMessage_set_channel_id(struct LDKWarningMessage *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
21851 /* @internal */
21852 export function WarningMessage_set_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
21853         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21854                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21855         }
21856         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WarningMessage_set_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
21857         // debug statements here
21858 }
21859         // struct LDKStr WarningMessage_get_data(const struct LDKWarningMessage *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
21860 /* @internal */
21861 export function WarningMessage_get_data(this_ptr: bigint): number {
21862         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21863                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21864         }
21865         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WarningMessage_get_data(this_ptr);
21866         return nativeResponseValue;
21867 }
21868         // void WarningMessage_set_data(struct LDKWarningMessage *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKStr val);
21869 /* @internal */
21870 export function WarningMessage_set_data(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
21871         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21872                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21873         }
21874         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WarningMessage_set_data(this_ptr, val);
21875         // debug statements here
21876 }
21877         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKWarningMessage WarningMessage_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes channel_id_arg, struct LDKStr data_arg);
21878 /* @internal */
21879 export function WarningMessage_new(channel_id_arg: number, data_arg: number): bigint {
21880         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21881                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21882         }
21883         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WarningMessage_new(channel_id_arg, data_arg);
21884         return nativeResponseValue;
21885 }
21886         // uint64_t WarningMessage_clone_ptr(LDKWarningMessage *NONNULL_PTR arg);
21887 /* @internal */
21888 export function WarningMessage_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
21889         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21890                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21891         }
21892         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WarningMessage_clone_ptr(arg);
21893         return nativeResponseValue;
21894 }
21895         // struct LDKWarningMessage WarningMessage_clone(const struct LDKWarningMessage *NONNULL_PTR orig);
21896 /* @internal */
21897 export function WarningMessage_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
21898         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21899                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21900         }
21901         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WarningMessage_clone(orig);
21902         return nativeResponseValue;
21903 }
21904         // void Ping_free(struct LDKPing this_obj);
21905 /* @internal */
21906 export function Ping_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
21907         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21908                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21909         }
21910         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Ping_free(this_obj);
21911         // debug statements here
21912 }
21913         // uint16_t Ping_get_ponglen(const struct LDKPing *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
21914 /* @internal */
21915 export function Ping_get_ponglen(this_ptr: bigint): number {
21916         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21917                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21918         }
21919         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Ping_get_ponglen(this_ptr);
21920         return nativeResponseValue;
21921 }
21922         // void Ping_set_ponglen(struct LDKPing *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint16_t val);
21923 /* @internal */
21924 export function Ping_set_ponglen(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
21925         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21926                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21927         }
21928         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Ping_set_ponglen(this_ptr, val);
21929         // debug statements here
21930 }
21931         // uint16_t Ping_get_byteslen(const struct LDKPing *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
21932 /* @internal */
21933 export function Ping_get_byteslen(this_ptr: bigint): number {
21934         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21935                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21936         }
21937         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Ping_get_byteslen(this_ptr);
21938         return nativeResponseValue;
21939 }
21940         // void Ping_set_byteslen(struct LDKPing *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint16_t val);
21941 /* @internal */
21942 export function Ping_set_byteslen(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
21943         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21944                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21945         }
21946         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Ping_set_byteslen(this_ptr, val);
21947         // debug statements here
21948 }
21949         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKPing Ping_new(uint16_t ponglen_arg, uint16_t byteslen_arg);
21950 /* @internal */
21951 export function Ping_new(ponglen_arg: number, byteslen_arg: number): bigint {
21952         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21953                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21954         }
21955         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Ping_new(ponglen_arg, byteslen_arg);
21956         return nativeResponseValue;
21957 }
21958         // uint64_t Ping_clone_ptr(LDKPing *NONNULL_PTR arg);
21959 /* @internal */
21960 export function Ping_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
21961         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21962                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21963         }
21964         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Ping_clone_ptr(arg);
21965         return nativeResponseValue;
21966 }
21967         // struct LDKPing Ping_clone(const struct LDKPing *NONNULL_PTR orig);
21968 /* @internal */
21969 export function Ping_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
21970         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21971                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21972         }
21973         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Ping_clone(orig);
21974         return nativeResponseValue;
21975 }
21976         // void Pong_free(struct LDKPong this_obj);
21977 /* @internal */
21978 export function Pong_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
21979         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21980                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21981         }
21982         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Pong_free(this_obj);
21983         // debug statements here
21984 }
21985         // uint16_t Pong_get_byteslen(const struct LDKPong *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
21986 /* @internal */
21987 export function Pong_get_byteslen(this_ptr: bigint): number {
21988         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21989                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21990         }
21991         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Pong_get_byteslen(this_ptr);
21992         return nativeResponseValue;
21993 }
21994         // void Pong_set_byteslen(struct LDKPong *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint16_t val);
21995 /* @internal */
21996 export function Pong_set_byteslen(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
21997         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
21998                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
21999         }
22000         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Pong_set_byteslen(this_ptr, val);
22001         // debug statements here
22002 }
22003         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKPong Pong_new(uint16_t byteslen_arg);
22004 /* @internal */
22005 export function Pong_new(byteslen_arg: number): bigint {
22006         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22007                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22008         }
22009         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Pong_new(byteslen_arg);
22010         return nativeResponseValue;
22011 }
22012         // uint64_t Pong_clone_ptr(LDKPong *NONNULL_PTR arg);
22013 /* @internal */
22014 export function Pong_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
22015         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22016                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22017         }
22018         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Pong_clone_ptr(arg);
22019         return nativeResponseValue;
22020 }
22021         // struct LDKPong Pong_clone(const struct LDKPong *NONNULL_PTR orig);
22022 /* @internal */
22023 export function Pong_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
22024         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22025                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22026         }
22027         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Pong_clone(orig);
22028         return nativeResponseValue;
22029 }
22030         // void OpenChannel_free(struct LDKOpenChannel this_obj);
22031 /* @internal */
22032 export function OpenChannel_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
22033         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22034                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22035         }
22036         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_free(this_obj);
22037         // debug statements here
22038 }
22039         // const uint8_t (*OpenChannel_get_chain_hash(const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
22040 /* @internal */
22041 export function OpenChannel_get_chain_hash(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22042         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22043                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22044         }
22045         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_get_chain_hash(this_ptr);
22046         return nativeResponseValue;
22047 }
22048         // void OpenChannel_set_chain_hash(struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
22049 /* @internal */
22050 export function OpenChannel_set_chain_hash(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22051         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22052                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22053         }
22054         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_set_chain_hash(this_ptr, val);
22055         // debug statements here
22056 }
22057         // const uint8_t (*OpenChannel_get_temporary_channel_id(const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
22058 /* @internal */
22059 export function OpenChannel_get_temporary_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22060         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22061                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22062         }
22063         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_get_temporary_channel_id(this_ptr);
22064         return nativeResponseValue;
22065 }
22066         // void OpenChannel_set_temporary_channel_id(struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
22067 /* @internal */
22068 export function OpenChannel_set_temporary_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22069         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22070                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22071         }
22072         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_set_temporary_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
22073         // debug statements here
22074 }
22075         // uint64_t OpenChannel_get_funding_satoshis(const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22076 /* @internal */
22077 export function OpenChannel_get_funding_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
22078         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22079                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22080         }
22081         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_get_funding_satoshis(this_ptr);
22082         return nativeResponseValue;
22083 }
22084         // void OpenChannel_set_funding_satoshis(struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
22085 /* @internal */
22086 export function OpenChannel_set_funding_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
22087         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22088                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22089         }
22090         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_set_funding_satoshis(this_ptr, val);
22091         // debug statements here
22092 }
22093         // uint64_t OpenChannel_get_push_msat(const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22094 /* @internal */
22095 export function OpenChannel_get_push_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
22096         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22097                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22098         }
22099         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_get_push_msat(this_ptr);
22100         return nativeResponseValue;
22101 }
22102         // void OpenChannel_set_push_msat(struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
22103 /* @internal */
22104 export function OpenChannel_set_push_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
22105         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22106                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22107         }
22108         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_set_push_msat(this_ptr, val);
22109         // debug statements here
22110 }
22111         // uint64_t OpenChannel_get_dust_limit_satoshis(const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22112 /* @internal */
22113 export function OpenChannel_get_dust_limit_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
22114         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22115                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22116         }
22117         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_get_dust_limit_satoshis(this_ptr);
22118         return nativeResponseValue;
22119 }
22120         // void OpenChannel_set_dust_limit_satoshis(struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
22121 /* @internal */
22122 export function OpenChannel_set_dust_limit_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
22123         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22124                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22125         }
22126         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_set_dust_limit_satoshis(this_ptr, val);
22127         // debug statements here
22128 }
22129         // uint64_t OpenChannel_get_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22130 /* @internal */
22131 export function OpenChannel_get_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
22132         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22133                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22134         }
22135         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_get_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(this_ptr);
22136         return nativeResponseValue;
22137 }
22138         // void OpenChannel_set_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
22139 /* @internal */
22140 export function OpenChannel_set_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
22141         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22142                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22143         }
22144         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_set_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(this_ptr, val);
22145         // debug statements here
22146 }
22147         // uint64_t OpenChannel_get_channel_reserve_satoshis(const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22148 /* @internal */
22149 export function OpenChannel_get_channel_reserve_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
22150         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22151                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22152         }
22153         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_get_channel_reserve_satoshis(this_ptr);
22154         return nativeResponseValue;
22155 }
22156         // void OpenChannel_set_channel_reserve_satoshis(struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
22157 /* @internal */
22158 export function OpenChannel_set_channel_reserve_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
22159         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22160                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22161         }
22162         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_set_channel_reserve_satoshis(this_ptr, val);
22163         // debug statements here
22164 }
22165         // uint64_t OpenChannel_get_htlc_minimum_msat(const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22166 /* @internal */
22167 export function OpenChannel_get_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
22168         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22169                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22170         }
22171         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_get_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr);
22172         return nativeResponseValue;
22173 }
22174         // void OpenChannel_set_htlc_minimum_msat(struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
22175 /* @internal */
22176 export function OpenChannel_set_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
22177         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22178                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22179         }
22180         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_set_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr, val);
22181         // debug statements here
22182 }
22183         // uint32_t OpenChannel_get_feerate_per_kw(const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22184 /* @internal */
22185 export function OpenChannel_get_feerate_per_kw(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22186         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22187                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22188         }
22189         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_get_feerate_per_kw(this_ptr);
22190         return nativeResponseValue;
22191 }
22192         // void OpenChannel_set_feerate_per_kw(struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
22193 /* @internal */
22194 export function OpenChannel_set_feerate_per_kw(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22195         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22196                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22197         }
22198         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_set_feerate_per_kw(this_ptr, val);
22199         // debug statements here
22200 }
22201         // uint16_t OpenChannel_get_to_self_delay(const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22202 /* @internal */
22203 export function OpenChannel_get_to_self_delay(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22204         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22205                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22206         }
22207         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_get_to_self_delay(this_ptr);
22208         return nativeResponseValue;
22209 }
22210         // void OpenChannel_set_to_self_delay(struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint16_t val);
22211 /* @internal */
22212 export function OpenChannel_set_to_self_delay(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22213         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22214                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22215         }
22216         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_set_to_self_delay(this_ptr, val);
22217         // debug statements here
22218 }
22219         // uint16_t OpenChannel_get_max_accepted_htlcs(const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22220 /* @internal */
22221 export function OpenChannel_get_max_accepted_htlcs(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22222         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22223                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22224         }
22225         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_get_max_accepted_htlcs(this_ptr);
22226         return nativeResponseValue;
22227 }
22228         // void OpenChannel_set_max_accepted_htlcs(struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint16_t val);
22229 /* @internal */
22230 export function OpenChannel_set_max_accepted_htlcs(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22231         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22232                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22233         }
22234         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_set_max_accepted_htlcs(this_ptr, val);
22235         // debug statements here
22236 }
22237         // struct LDKPublicKey OpenChannel_get_funding_pubkey(const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22238 /* @internal */
22239 export function OpenChannel_get_funding_pubkey(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22240         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22241                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22242         }
22243         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_get_funding_pubkey(this_ptr);
22244         return nativeResponseValue;
22245 }
22246         // void OpenChannel_set_funding_pubkey(struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
22247 /* @internal */
22248 export function OpenChannel_set_funding_pubkey(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22249         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22250                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22251         }
22252         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_set_funding_pubkey(this_ptr, val);
22253         // debug statements here
22254 }
22255         // struct LDKPublicKey OpenChannel_get_revocation_basepoint(const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22256 /* @internal */
22257 export function OpenChannel_get_revocation_basepoint(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22258         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22259                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22260         }
22261         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_get_revocation_basepoint(this_ptr);
22262         return nativeResponseValue;
22263 }
22264         // void OpenChannel_set_revocation_basepoint(struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
22265 /* @internal */
22266 export function OpenChannel_set_revocation_basepoint(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22267         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22268                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22269         }
22270         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_set_revocation_basepoint(this_ptr, val);
22271         // debug statements here
22272 }
22273         // struct LDKPublicKey OpenChannel_get_payment_point(const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22274 /* @internal */
22275 export function OpenChannel_get_payment_point(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22276         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22277                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22278         }
22279         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_get_payment_point(this_ptr);
22280         return nativeResponseValue;
22281 }
22282         // void OpenChannel_set_payment_point(struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
22283 /* @internal */
22284 export function OpenChannel_set_payment_point(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22285         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22286                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22287         }
22288         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_set_payment_point(this_ptr, val);
22289         // debug statements here
22290 }
22291         // struct LDKPublicKey OpenChannel_get_delayed_payment_basepoint(const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22292 /* @internal */
22293 export function OpenChannel_get_delayed_payment_basepoint(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22294         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22295                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22296         }
22297         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_get_delayed_payment_basepoint(this_ptr);
22298         return nativeResponseValue;
22299 }
22300         // void OpenChannel_set_delayed_payment_basepoint(struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
22301 /* @internal */
22302 export function OpenChannel_set_delayed_payment_basepoint(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22303         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22304                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22305         }
22306         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_set_delayed_payment_basepoint(this_ptr, val);
22307         // debug statements here
22308 }
22309         // struct LDKPublicKey OpenChannel_get_htlc_basepoint(const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22310 /* @internal */
22311 export function OpenChannel_get_htlc_basepoint(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22312         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22313                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22314         }
22315         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_get_htlc_basepoint(this_ptr);
22316         return nativeResponseValue;
22317 }
22318         // void OpenChannel_set_htlc_basepoint(struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
22319 /* @internal */
22320 export function OpenChannel_set_htlc_basepoint(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22321         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22322                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22323         }
22324         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_set_htlc_basepoint(this_ptr, val);
22325         // debug statements here
22326 }
22327         // struct LDKPublicKey OpenChannel_get_first_per_commitment_point(const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22328 /* @internal */
22329 export function OpenChannel_get_first_per_commitment_point(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22330         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22331                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22332         }
22333         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_get_first_per_commitment_point(this_ptr);
22334         return nativeResponseValue;
22335 }
22336         // void OpenChannel_set_first_per_commitment_point(struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
22337 /* @internal */
22338 export function OpenChannel_set_first_per_commitment_point(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22339         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22340                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22341         }
22342         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_set_first_per_commitment_point(this_ptr, val);
22343         // debug statements here
22344 }
22345         // uint8_t OpenChannel_get_channel_flags(const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22346 /* @internal */
22347 export function OpenChannel_get_channel_flags(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22348         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22349                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22350         }
22351         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_get_channel_flags(this_ptr);
22352         return nativeResponseValue;
22353 }
22354         // void OpenChannel_set_channel_flags(struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint8_t val);
22355 /* @internal */
22356 export function OpenChannel_set_channel_flags(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22357         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22358                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22359         }
22360         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_set_channel_flags(this_ptr, val);
22361         // debug statements here
22362 }
22363         // struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures OpenChannel_get_channel_type(const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22364 /* @internal */
22365 export function OpenChannel_get_channel_type(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
22366         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22367                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22368         }
22369         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_get_channel_type(this_ptr);
22370         return nativeResponseValue;
22371 }
22372         // void OpenChannel_set_channel_type(struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures val);
22373 /* @internal */
22374 export function OpenChannel_set_channel_type(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
22375         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22376                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22377         }
22378         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_set_channel_type(this_ptr, val);
22379         // debug statements here
22380 }
22381         // uint64_t OpenChannel_clone_ptr(LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR arg);
22382 /* @internal */
22383 export function OpenChannel_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
22384         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22385                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22386         }
22387         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_clone_ptr(arg);
22388         return nativeResponseValue;
22389 }
22390         // struct LDKOpenChannel OpenChannel_clone(const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR orig);
22391 /* @internal */
22392 export function OpenChannel_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
22393         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22394                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22395         }
22396         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_clone(orig);
22397         return nativeResponseValue;
22398 }
22399         // void AcceptChannel_free(struct LDKAcceptChannel this_obj);
22400 /* @internal */
22401 export function AcceptChannel_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
22402         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22403                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22404         }
22405         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_free(this_obj);
22406         // debug statements here
22407 }
22408         // const uint8_t (*AcceptChannel_get_temporary_channel_id(const struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
22409 /* @internal */
22410 export function AcceptChannel_get_temporary_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22411         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22412                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22413         }
22414         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_get_temporary_channel_id(this_ptr);
22415         return nativeResponseValue;
22416 }
22417         // void AcceptChannel_set_temporary_channel_id(struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
22418 /* @internal */
22419 export function AcceptChannel_set_temporary_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22420         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22421                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22422         }
22423         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_set_temporary_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
22424         // debug statements here
22425 }
22426         // uint64_t AcceptChannel_get_dust_limit_satoshis(const struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22427 /* @internal */
22428 export function AcceptChannel_get_dust_limit_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
22429         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22430                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22431         }
22432         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_get_dust_limit_satoshis(this_ptr);
22433         return nativeResponseValue;
22434 }
22435         // void AcceptChannel_set_dust_limit_satoshis(struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
22436 /* @internal */
22437 export function AcceptChannel_set_dust_limit_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
22438         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22439                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22440         }
22441         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_set_dust_limit_satoshis(this_ptr, val);
22442         // debug statements here
22443 }
22444         // uint64_t AcceptChannel_get_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(const struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22445 /* @internal */
22446 export function AcceptChannel_get_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
22447         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22448                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22449         }
22450         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_get_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(this_ptr);
22451         return nativeResponseValue;
22452 }
22453         // void AcceptChannel_set_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
22454 /* @internal */
22455 export function AcceptChannel_set_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
22456         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22457                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22458         }
22459         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_set_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat(this_ptr, val);
22460         // debug statements here
22461 }
22462         // uint64_t AcceptChannel_get_channel_reserve_satoshis(const struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22463 /* @internal */
22464 export function AcceptChannel_get_channel_reserve_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
22465         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22466                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22467         }
22468         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_get_channel_reserve_satoshis(this_ptr);
22469         return nativeResponseValue;
22470 }
22471         // void AcceptChannel_set_channel_reserve_satoshis(struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
22472 /* @internal */
22473 export function AcceptChannel_set_channel_reserve_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
22474         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22475                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22476         }
22477         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_set_channel_reserve_satoshis(this_ptr, val);
22478         // debug statements here
22479 }
22480         // uint64_t AcceptChannel_get_htlc_minimum_msat(const struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22481 /* @internal */
22482 export function AcceptChannel_get_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
22483         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22484                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22485         }
22486         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_get_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr);
22487         return nativeResponseValue;
22488 }
22489         // void AcceptChannel_set_htlc_minimum_msat(struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
22490 /* @internal */
22491 export function AcceptChannel_set_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
22492         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22493                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22494         }
22495         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_set_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr, val);
22496         // debug statements here
22497 }
22498         // uint32_t AcceptChannel_get_minimum_depth(const struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22499 /* @internal */
22500 export function AcceptChannel_get_minimum_depth(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22501         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22502                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22503         }
22504         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_get_minimum_depth(this_ptr);
22505         return nativeResponseValue;
22506 }
22507         // void AcceptChannel_set_minimum_depth(struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
22508 /* @internal */
22509 export function AcceptChannel_set_minimum_depth(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22510         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22511                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22512         }
22513         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_set_minimum_depth(this_ptr, val);
22514         // debug statements here
22515 }
22516         // uint16_t AcceptChannel_get_to_self_delay(const struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22517 /* @internal */
22518 export function AcceptChannel_get_to_self_delay(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22519         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22520                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22521         }
22522         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_get_to_self_delay(this_ptr);
22523         return nativeResponseValue;
22524 }
22525         // void AcceptChannel_set_to_self_delay(struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint16_t val);
22526 /* @internal */
22527 export function AcceptChannel_set_to_self_delay(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22528         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22529                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22530         }
22531         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_set_to_self_delay(this_ptr, val);
22532         // debug statements here
22533 }
22534         // uint16_t AcceptChannel_get_max_accepted_htlcs(const struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22535 /* @internal */
22536 export function AcceptChannel_get_max_accepted_htlcs(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22537         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22538                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22539         }
22540         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_get_max_accepted_htlcs(this_ptr);
22541         return nativeResponseValue;
22542 }
22543         // void AcceptChannel_set_max_accepted_htlcs(struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint16_t val);
22544 /* @internal */
22545 export function AcceptChannel_set_max_accepted_htlcs(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22546         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22547                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22548         }
22549         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_set_max_accepted_htlcs(this_ptr, val);
22550         // debug statements here
22551 }
22552         // struct LDKPublicKey AcceptChannel_get_funding_pubkey(const struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22553 /* @internal */
22554 export function AcceptChannel_get_funding_pubkey(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22555         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22556                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22557         }
22558         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_get_funding_pubkey(this_ptr);
22559         return nativeResponseValue;
22560 }
22561         // void AcceptChannel_set_funding_pubkey(struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
22562 /* @internal */
22563 export function AcceptChannel_set_funding_pubkey(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22564         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22565                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22566         }
22567         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_set_funding_pubkey(this_ptr, val);
22568         // debug statements here
22569 }
22570         // struct LDKPublicKey AcceptChannel_get_revocation_basepoint(const struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22571 /* @internal */
22572 export function AcceptChannel_get_revocation_basepoint(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22573         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22574                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22575         }
22576         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_get_revocation_basepoint(this_ptr);
22577         return nativeResponseValue;
22578 }
22579         // void AcceptChannel_set_revocation_basepoint(struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
22580 /* @internal */
22581 export function AcceptChannel_set_revocation_basepoint(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22582         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22583                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22584         }
22585         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_set_revocation_basepoint(this_ptr, val);
22586         // debug statements here
22587 }
22588         // struct LDKPublicKey AcceptChannel_get_payment_point(const struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22589 /* @internal */
22590 export function AcceptChannel_get_payment_point(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22591         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22592                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22593         }
22594         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_get_payment_point(this_ptr);
22595         return nativeResponseValue;
22596 }
22597         // void AcceptChannel_set_payment_point(struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
22598 /* @internal */
22599 export function AcceptChannel_set_payment_point(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22600         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22601                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22602         }
22603         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_set_payment_point(this_ptr, val);
22604         // debug statements here
22605 }
22606         // struct LDKPublicKey AcceptChannel_get_delayed_payment_basepoint(const struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22607 /* @internal */
22608 export function AcceptChannel_get_delayed_payment_basepoint(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22609         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22610                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22611         }
22612         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_get_delayed_payment_basepoint(this_ptr);
22613         return nativeResponseValue;
22614 }
22615         // void AcceptChannel_set_delayed_payment_basepoint(struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
22616 /* @internal */
22617 export function AcceptChannel_set_delayed_payment_basepoint(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22618         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22619                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22620         }
22621         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_set_delayed_payment_basepoint(this_ptr, val);
22622         // debug statements here
22623 }
22624         // struct LDKPublicKey AcceptChannel_get_htlc_basepoint(const struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22625 /* @internal */
22626 export function AcceptChannel_get_htlc_basepoint(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22627         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22628                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22629         }
22630         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_get_htlc_basepoint(this_ptr);
22631         return nativeResponseValue;
22632 }
22633         // void AcceptChannel_set_htlc_basepoint(struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
22634 /* @internal */
22635 export function AcceptChannel_set_htlc_basepoint(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22636         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22637                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22638         }
22639         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_set_htlc_basepoint(this_ptr, val);
22640         // debug statements here
22641 }
22642         // struct LDKPublicKey AcceptChannel_get_first_per_commitment_point(const struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22643 /* @internal */
22644 export function AcceptChannel_get_first_per_commitment_point(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22645         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22646                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22647         }
22648         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_get_first_per_commitment_point(this_ptr);
22649         return nativeResponseValue;
22650 }
22651         // void AcceptChannel_set_first_per_commitment_point(struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
22652 /* @internal */
22653 export function AcceptChannel_set_first_per_commitment_point(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22654         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22655                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22656         }
22657         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_set_first_per_commitment_point(this_ptr, val);
22658         // debug statements here
22659 }
22660         // struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures AcceptChannel_get_channel_type(const struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22661 /* @internal */
22662 export function AcceptChannel_get_channel_type(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
22663         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22664                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22665         }
22666         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_get_channel_type(this_ptr);
22667         return nativeResponseValue;
22668 }
22669         // void AcceptChannel_set_channel_type(struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures val);
22670 /* @internal */
22671 export function AcceptChannel_set_channel_type(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
22672         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22673                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22674         }
22675         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_set_channel_type(this_ptr, val);
22676         // debug statements here
22677 }
22678         // uint64_t AcceptChannel_clone_ptr(LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR arg);
22679 /* @internal */
22680 export function AcceptChannel_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
22681         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22682                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22683         }
22684         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_clone_ptr(arg);
22685         return nativeResponseValue;
22686 }
22687         // struct LDKAcceptChannel AcceptChannel_clone(const struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR orig);
22688 /* @internal */
22689 export function AcceptChannel_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
22690         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22691                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22692         }
22693         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_clone(orig);
22694         return nativeResponseValue;
22695 }
22696         // void FundingCreated_free(struct LDKFundingCreated this_obj);
22697 /* @internal */
22698 export function FundingCreated_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
22699         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22700                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22701         }
22702         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingCreated_free(this_obj);
22703         // debug statements here
22704 }
22705         // const uint8_t (*FundingCreated_get_temporary_channel_id(const struct LDKFundingCreated *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
22706 /* @internal */
22707 export function FundingCreated_get_temporary_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22708         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22709                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22710         }
22711         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingCreated_get_temporary_channel_id(this_ptr);
22712         return nativeResponseValue;
22713 }
22714         // void FundingCreated_set_temporary_channel_id(struct LDKFundingCreated *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
22715 /* @internal */
22716 export function FundingCreated_set_temporary_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22717         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22718                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22719         }
22720         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingCreated_set_temporary_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
22721         // debug statements here
22722 }
22723         // const uint8_t (*FundingCreated_get_funding_txid(const struct LDKFundingCreated *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
22724 /* @internal */
22725 export function FundingCreated_get_funding_txid(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22726         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22727                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22728         }
22729         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingCreated_get_funding_txid(this_ptr);
22730         return nativeResponseValue;
22731 }
22732         // void FundingCreated_set_funding_txid(struct LDKFundingCreated *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
22733 /* @internal */
22734 export function FundingCreated_set_funding_txid(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22735         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22736                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22737         }
22738         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingCreated_set_funding_txid(this_ptr, val);
22739         // debug statements here
22740 }
22741         // uint16_t FundingCreated_get_funding_output_index(const struct LDKFundingCreated *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22742 /* @internal */
22743 export function FundingCreated_get_funding_output_index(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22744         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22745                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22746         }
22747         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingCreated_get_funding_output_index(this_ptr);
22748         return nativeResponseValue;
22749 }
22750         // void FundingCreated_set_funding_output_index(struct LDKFundingCreated *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint16_t val);
22751 /* @internal */
22752 export function FundingCreated_set_funding_output_index(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22753         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22754                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22755         }
22756         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingCreated_set_funding_output_index(this_ptr, val);
22757         // debug statements here
22758 }
22759         // struct LDKSignature FundingCreated_get_signature(const struct LDKFundingCreated *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22760 /* @internal */
22761 export function FundingCreated_get_signature(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22762         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22763                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22764         }
22765         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingCreated_get_signature(this_ptr);
22766         return nativeResponseValue;
22767 }
22768         // void FundingCreated_set_signature(struct LDKFundingCreated *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKSignature val);
22769 /* @internal */
22770 export function FundingCreated_set_signature(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22771         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22772                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22773         }
22774         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingCreated_set_signature(this_ptr, val);
22775         // debug statements here
22776 }
22777         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKFundingCreated FundingCreated_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes temporary_channel_id_arg, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes funding_txid_arg, uint16_t funding_output_index_arg, struct LDKSignature signature_arg);
22778 /* @internal */
22779 export function FundingCreated_new(temporary_channel_id_arg: number, funding_txid_arg: number, funding_output_index_arg: number, signature_arg: number): bigint {
22780         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22781                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22782         }
22783         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingCreated_new(temporary_channel_id_arg, funding_txid_arg, funding_output_index_arg, signature_arg);
22784         return nativeResponseValue;
22785 }
22786         // uint64_t FundingCreated_clone_ptr(LDKFundingCreated *NONNULL_PTR arg);
22787 /* @internal */
22788 export function FundingCreated_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
22789         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22790                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22791         }
22792         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingCreated_clone_ptr(arg);
22793         return nativeResponseValue;
22794 }
22795         // struct LDKFundingCreated FundingCreated_clone(const struct LDKFundingCreated *NONNULL_PTR orig);
22796 /* @internal */
22797 export function FundingCreated_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
22798         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22799                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22800         }
22801         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingCreated_clone(orig);
22802         return nativeResponseValue;
22803 }
22804         // void FundingSigned_free(struct LDKFundingSigned this_obj);
22805 /* @internal */
22806 export function FundingSigned_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
22807         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22808                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22809         }
22810         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingSigned_free(this_obj);
22811         // debug statements here
22812 }
22813         // const uint8_t (*FundingSigned_get_channel_id(const struct LDKFundingSigned *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
22814 /* @internal */
22815 export function FundingSigned_get_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22816         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22817                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22818         }
22819         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingSigned_get_channel_id(this_ptr);
22820         return nativeResponseValue;
22821 }
22822         // void FundingSigned_set_channel_id(struct LDKFundingSigned *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
22823 /* @internal */
22824 export function FundingSigned_set_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22825         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22826                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22827         }
22828         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingSigned_set_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
22829         // debug statements here
22830 }
22831         // struct LDKSignature FundingSigned_get_signature(const struct LDKFundingSigned *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22832 /* @internal */
22833 export function FundingSigned_get_signature(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22834         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22835                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22836         }
22837         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingSigned_get_signature(this_ptr);
22838         return nativeResponseValue;
22839 }
22840         // void FundingSigned_set_signature(struct LDKFundingSigned *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKSignature val);
22841 /* @internal */
22842 export function FundingSigned_set_signature(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22843         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22844                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22845         }
22846         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingSigned_set_signature(this_ptr, val);
22847         // debug statements here
22848 }
22849         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKFundingSigned FundingSigned_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes channel_id_arg, struct LDKSignature signature_arg);
22850 /* @internal */
22851 export function FundingSigned_new(channel_id_arg: number, signature_arg: number): bigint {
22852         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22853                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22854         }
22855         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingSigned_new(channel_id_arg, signature_arg);
22856         return nativeResponseValue;
22857 }
22858         // uint64_t FundingSigned_clone_ptr(LDKFundingSigned *NONNULL_PTR arg);
22859 /* @internal */
22860 export function FundingSigned_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
22861         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22862                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22863         }
22864         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingSigned_clone_ptr(arg);
22865         return nativeResponseValue;
22866 }
22867         // struct LDKFundingSigned FundingSigned_clone(const struct LDKFundingSigned *NONNULL_PTR orig);
22868 /* @internal */
22869 export function FundingSigned_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
22870         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22871                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22872         }
22873         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingSigned_clone(orig);
22874         return nativeResponseValue;
22875 }
22876         // void ChannelReady_free(struct LDKChannelReady this_obj);
22877 /* @internal */
22878 export function ChannelReady_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
22879         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22880                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22881         }
22882         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReady_free(this_obj);
22883         // debug statements here
22884 }
22885         // const uint8_t (*ChannelReady_get_channel_id(const struct LDKChannelReady *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
22886 /* @internal */
22887 export function ChannelReady_get_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22888         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22889                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22890         }
22891         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReady_get_channel_id(this_ptr);
22892         return nativeResponseValue;
22893 }
22894         // void ChannelReady_set_channel_id(struct LDKChannelReady *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
22895 /* @internal */
22896 export function ChannelReady_set_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22897         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22898                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22899         }
22900         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReady_set_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
22901         // debug statements here
22902 }
22903         // struct LDKPublicKey ChannelReady_get_next_per_commitment_point(const struct LDKChannelReady *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22904 /* @internal */
22905 export function ChannelReady_get_next_per_commitment_point(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22906         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22907                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22908         }
22909         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReady_get_next_per_commitment_point(this_ptr);
22910         return nativeResponseValue;
22911 }
22912         // void ChannelReady_set_next_per_commitment_point(struct LDKChannelReady *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
22913 /* @internal */
22914 export function ChannelReady_set_next_per_commitment_point(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22915         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22916                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22917         }
22918         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReady_set_next_per_commitment_point(this_ptr, val);
22919         // debug statements here
22920 }
22921         // struct LDKCOption_u64Z ChannelReady_get_short_channel_id_alias(const struct LDKChannelReady *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22922 /* @internal */
22923 export function ChannelReady_get_short_channel_id_alias(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
22924         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22925                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22926         }
22927         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReady_get_short_channel_id_alias(this_ptr);
22928         return nativeResponseValue;
22929 }
22930         // void ChannelReady_set_short_channel_id_alias(struct LDKChannelReady *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCOption_u64Z val);
22931 /* @internal */
22932 export function ChannelReady_set_short_channel_id_alias(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
22933         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22934                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22935         }
22936         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReady_set_short_channel_id_alias(this_ptr, val);
22937         // debug statements here
22938 }
22939         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelReady ChannelReady_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes channel_id_arg, struct LDKPublicKey next_per_commitment_point_arg, struct LDKCOption_u64Z short_channel_id_alias_arg);
22940 /* @internal */
22941 export function ChannelReady_new(channel_id_arg: number, next_per_commitment_point_arg: number, short_channel_id_alias_arg: bigint): bigint {
22942         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22943                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22944         }
22945         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReady_new(channel_id_arg, next_per_commitment_point_arg, short_channel_id_alias_arg);
22946         return nativeResponseValue;
22947 }
22948         // uint64_t ChannelReady_clone_ptr(LDKChannelReady *NONNULL_PTR arg);
22949 /* @internal */
22950 export function ChannelReady_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
22951         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22952                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22953         }
22954         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReady_clone_ptr(arg);
22955         return nativeResponseValue;
22956 }
22957         // struct LDKChannelReady ChannelReady_clone(const struct LDKChannelReady *NONNULL_PTR orig);
22958 /* @internal */
22959 export function ChannelReady_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
22960         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22961                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22962         }
22963         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReady_clone(orig);
22964         return nativeResponseValue;
22965 }
22966         // void Shutdown_free(struct LDKShutdown this_obj);
22967 /* @internal */
22968 export function Shutdown_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
22969         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22970                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22971         }
22972         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Shutdown_free(this_obj);
22973         // debug statements here
22974 }
22975         // const uint8_t (*Shutdown_get_channel_id(const struct LDKShutdown *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
22976 /* @internal */
22977 export function Shutdown_get_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22978         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22979                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22980         }
22981         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Shutdown_get_channel_id(this_ptr);
22982         return nativeResponseValue;
22983 }
22984         // void Shutdown_set_channel_id(struct LDKShutdown *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
22985 /* @internal */
22986 export function Shutdown_set_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
22987         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22988                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22989         }
22990         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Shutdown_set_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
22991         // debug statements here
22992 }
22993         // struct LDKu8slice Shutdown_get_scriptpubkey(const struct LDKShutdown *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
22994 /* @internal */
22995 export function Shutdown_get_scriptpubkey(this_ptr: bigint): number {
22996         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
22997                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
22998         }
22999         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Shutdown_get_scriptpubkey(this_ptr);
23000         return nativeResponseValue;
23001 }
23002         // void Shutdown_set_scriptpubkey(struct LDKShutdown *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCVec_u8Z val);
23003 /* @internal */
23004 export function Shutdown_set_scriptpubkey(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23005         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23006                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23007         }
23008         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Shutdown_set_scriptpubkey(this_ptr, val);
23009         // debug statements here
23010 }
23011         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKShutdown Shutdown_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes channel_id_arg, struct LDKCVec_u8Z scriptpubkey_arg);
23012 /* @internal */
23013 export function Shutdown_new(channel_id_arg: number, scriptpubkey_arg: number): bigint {
23014         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23015                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23016         }
23017         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Shutdown_new(channel_id_arg, scriptpubkey_arg);
23018         return nativeResponseValue;
23019 }
23020         // uint64_t Shutdown_clone_ptr(LDKShutdown *NONNULL_PTR arg);
23021 /* @internal */
23022 export function Shutdown_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
23023         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23024                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23025         }
23026         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Shutdown_clone_ptr(arg);
23027         return nativeResponseValue;
23028 }
23029         // struct LDKShutdown Shutdown_clone(const struct LDKShutdown *NONNULL_PTR orig);
23030 /* @internal */
23031 export function Shutdown_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
23032         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23033                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23034         }
23035         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Shutdown_clone(orig);
23036         return nativeResponseValue;
23037 }
23038         // void ClosingSignedFeeRange_free(struct LDKClosingSignedFeeRange this_obj);
23039 /* @internal */
23040 export function ClosingSignedFeeRange_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
23041         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23042                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23043         }
23044         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSignedFeeRange_free(this_obj);
23045         // debug statements here
23046 }
23047         // uint64_t ClosingSignedFeeRange_get_min_fee_satoshis(const struct LDKClosingSignedFeeRange *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
23048 /* @internal */
23049 export function ClosingSignedFeeRange_get_min_fee_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
23050         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23051                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23052         }
23053         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSignedFeeRange_get_min_fee_satoshis(this_ptr);
23054         return nativeResponseValue;
23055 }
23056         // void ClosingSignedFeeRange_set_min_fee_satoshis(struct LDKClosingSignedFeeRange *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
23057 /* @internal */
23058 export function ClosingSignedFeeRange_set_min_fee_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
23059         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23060                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23061         }
23062         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSignedFeeRange_set_min_fee_satoshis(this_ptr, val);
23063         // debug statements here
23064 }
23065         // uint64_t ClosingSignedFeeRange_get_max_fee_satoshis(const struct LDKClosingSignedFeeRange *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
23066 /* @internal */
23067 export function ClosingSignedFeeRange_get_max_fee_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
23068         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23069                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23070         }
23071         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSignedFeeRange_get_max_fee_satoshis(this_ptr);
23072         return nativeResponseValue;
23073 }
23074         // void ClosingSignedFeeRange_set_max_fee_satoshis(struct LDKClosingSignedFeeRange *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
23075 /* @internal */
23076 export function ClosingSignedFeeRange_set_max_fee_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
23077         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23078                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23079         }
23080         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSignedFeeRange_set_max_fee_satoshis(this_ptr, val);
23081         // debug statements here
23082 }
23083         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKClosingSignedFeeRange ClosingSignedFeeRange_new(uint64_t min_fee_satoshis_arg, uint64_t max_fee_satoshis_arg);
23084 /* @internal */
23085 export function ClosingSignedFeeRange_new(min_fee_satoshis_arg: bigint, max_fee_satoshis_arg: bigint): bigint {
23086         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23087                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23088         }
23089         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSignedFeeRange_new(min_fee_satoshis_arg, max_fee_satoshis_arg);
23090         return nativeResponseValue;
23091 }
23092         // uint64_t ClosingSignedFeeRange_clone_ptr(LDKClosingSignedFeeRange *NONNULL_PTR arg);
23093 /* @internal */
23094 export function ClosingSignedFeeRange_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
23095         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23096                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23097         }
23098         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSignedFeeRange_clone_ptr(arg);
23099         return nativeResponseValue;
23100 }
23101         // struct LDKClosingSignedFeeRange ClosingSignedFeeRange_clone(const struct LDKClosingSignedFeeRange *NONNULL_PTR orig);
23102 /* @internal */
23103 export function ClosingSignedFeeRange_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
23104         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23105                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23106         }
23107         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSignedFeeRange_clone(orig);
23108         return nativeResponseValue;
23109 }
23110         // void ClosingSigned_free(struct LDKClosingSigned this_obj);
23111 /* @internal */
23112 export function ClosingSigned_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
23113         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23114                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23115         }
23116         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSigned_free(this_obj);
23117         // debug statements here
23118 }
23119         // const uint8_t (*ClosingSigned_get_channel_id(const struct LDKClosingSigned *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
23120 /* @internal */
23121 export function ClosingSigned_get_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23122         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23123                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23124         }
23125         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSigned_get_channel_id(this_ptr);
23126         return nativeResponseValue;
23127 }
23128         // void ClosingSigned_set_channel_id(struct LDKClosingSigned *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
23129 /* @internal */
23130 export function ClosingSigned_set_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23131         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23132                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23133         }
23134         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSigned_set_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
23135         // debug statements here
23136 }
23137         // uint64_t ClosingSigned_get_fee_satoshis(const struct LDKClosingSigned *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
23138 /* @internal */
23139 export function ClosingSigned_get_fee_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
23140         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23141                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23142         }
23143         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSigned_get_fee_satoshis(this_ptr);
23144         return nativeResponseValue;
23145 }
23146         // void ClosingSigned_set_fee_satoshis(struct LDKClosingSigned *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
23147 /* @internal */
23148 export function ClosingSigned_set_fee_satoshis(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
23149         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23150                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23151         }
23152         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSigned_set_fee_satoshis(this_ptr, val);
23153         // debug statements here
23154 }
23155         // struct LDKSignature ClosingSigned_get_signature(const struct LDKClosingSigned *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
23156 /* @internal */
23157 export function ClosingSigned_get_signature(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23158         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23159                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23160         }
23161         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSigned_get_signature(this_ptr);
23162         return nativeResponseValue;
23163 }
23164         // void ClosingSigned_set_signature(struct LDKClosingSigned *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKSignature val);
23165 /* @internal */
23166 export function ClosingSigned_set_signature(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23167         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23168                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23169         }
23170         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSigned_set_signature(this_ptr, val);
23171         // debug statements here
23172 }
23173         // struct LDKClosingSignedFeeRange ClosingSigned_get_fee_range(const struct LDKClosingSigned *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
23174 /* @internal */
23175 export function ClosingSigned_get_fee_range(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
23176         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23177                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23178         }
23179         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSigned_get_fee_range(this_ptr);
23180         return nativeResponseValue;
23181 }
23182         // void ClosingSigned_set_fee_range(struct LDKClosingSigned *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKClosingSignedFeeRange val);
23183 /* @internal */
23184 export function ClosingSigned_set_fee_range(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
23185         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23186                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23187         }
23188         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSigned_set_fee_range(this_ptr, val);
23189         // debug statements here
23190 }
23191         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKClosingSigned ClosingSigned_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes channel_id_arg, uint64_t fee_satoshis_arg, struct LDKSignature signature_arg, struct LDKClosingSignedFeeRange fee_range_arg);
23192 /* @internal */
23193 export function ClosingSigned_new(channel_id_arg: number, fee_satoshis_arg: bigint, signature_arg: number, fee_range_arg: bigint): bigint {
23194         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23195                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23196         }
23197         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSigned_new(channel_id_arg, fee_satoshis_arg, signature_arg, fee_range_arg);
23198         return nativeResponseValue;
23199 }
23200         // uint64_t ClosingSigned_clone_ptr(LDKClosingSigned *NONNULL_PTR arg);
23201 /* @internal */
23202 export function ClosingSigned_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
23203         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23204                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23205         }
23206         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSigned_clone_ptr(arg);
23207         return nativeResponseValue;
23208 }
23209         // struct LDKClosingSigned ClosingSigned_clone(const struct LDKClosingSigned *NONNULL_PTR orig);
23210 /* @internal */
23211 export function ClosingSigned_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
23212         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23213                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23214         }
23215         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSigned_clone(orig);
23216         return nativeResponseValue;
23217 }
23218         // void UpdateAddHTLC_free(struct LDKUpdateAddHTLC this_obj);
23219 /* @internal */
23220 export function UpdateAddHTLC_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
23221         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23222                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23223         }
23224         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateAddHTLC_free(this_obj);
23225         // debug statements here
23226 }
23227         // const uint8_t (*UpdateAddHTLC_get_channel_id(const struct LDKUpdateAddHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
23228 /* @internal */
23229 export function UpdateAddHTLC_get_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23230         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23231                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23232         }
23233         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateAddHTLC_get_channel_id(this_ptr);
23234         return nativeResponseValue;
23235 }
23236         // void UpdateAddHTLC_set_channel_id(struct LDKUpdateAddHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
23237 /* @internal */
23238 export function UpdateAddHTLC_set_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23239         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23240                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23241         }
23242         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateAddHTLC_set_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
23243         // debug statements here
23244 }
23245         // uint64_t UpdateAddHTLC_get_htlc_id(const struct LDKUpdateAddHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
23246 /* @internal */
23247 export function UpdateAddHTLC_get_htlc_id(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
23248         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23249                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23250         }
23251         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateAddHTLC_get_htlc_id(this_ptr);
23252         return nativeResponseValue;
23253 }
23254         // void UpdateAddHTLC_set_htlc_id(struct LDKUpdateAddHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
23255 /* @internal */
23256 export function UpdateAddHTLC_set_htlc_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
23257         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23258                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23259         }
23260         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateAddHTLC_set_htlc_id(this_ptr, val);
23261         // debug statements here
23262 }
23263         // uint64_t UpdateAddHTLC_get_amount_msat(const struct LDKUpdateAddHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
23264 /* @internal */
23265 export function UpdateAddHTLC_get_amount_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
23266         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23267                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23268         }
23269         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateAddHTLC_get_amount_msat(this_ptr);
23270         return nativeResponseValue;
23271 }
23272         // void UpdateAddHTLC_set_amount_msat(struct LDKUpdateAddHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
23273 /* @internal */
23274 export function UpdateAddHTLC_set_amount_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
23275         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23276                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23277         }
23278         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateAddHTLC_set_amount_msat(this_ptr, val);
23279         // debug statements here
23280 }
23281         // const uint8_t (*UpdateAddHTLC_get_payment_hash(const struct LDKUpdateAddHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
23282 /* @internal */
23283 export function UpdateAddHTLC_get_payment_hash(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23284         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23285                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23286         }
23287         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateAddHTLC_get_payment_hash(this_ptr);
23288         return nativeResponseValue;
23289 }
23290         // void UpdateAddHTLC_set_payment_hash(struct LDKUpdateAddHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
23291 /* @internal */
23292 export function UpdateAddHTLC_set_payment_hash(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23293         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23294                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23295         }
23296         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateAddHTLC_set_payment_hash(this_ptr, val);
23297         // debug statements here
23298 }
23299         // uint32_t UpdateAddHTLC_get_cltv_expiry(const struct LDKUpdateAddHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
23300 /* @internal */
23301 export function UpdateAddHTLC_get_cltv_expiry(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23302         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23303                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23304         }
23305         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateAddHTLC_get_cltv_expiry(this_ptr);
23306         return nativeResponseValue;
23307 }
23308         // void UpdateAddHTLC_set_cltv_expiry(struct LDKUpdateAddHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
23309 /* @internal */
23310 export function UpdateAddHTLC_set_cltv_expiry(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23311         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23312                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23313         }
23314         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateAddHTLC_set_cltv_expiry(this_ptr, val);
23315         // debug statements here
23316 }
23317         // uint64_t UpdateAddHTLC_clone_ptr(LDKUpdateAddHTLC *NONNULL_PTR arg);
23318 /* @internal */
23319 export function UpdateAddHTLC_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
23320         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23321                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23322         }
23323         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateAddHTLC_clone_ptr(arg);
23324         return nativeResponseValue;
23325 }
23326         // struct LDKUpdateAddHTLC UpdateAddHTLC_clone(const struct LDKUpdateAddHTLC *NONNULL_PTR orig);
23327 /* @internal */
23328 export function UpdateAddHTLC_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
23329         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23330                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23331         }
23332         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateAddHTLC_clone(orig);
23333         return nativeResponseValue;
23334 }
23335         // void OnionMessage_free(struct LDKOnionMessage this_obj);
23336 /* @internal */
23337 export function OnionMessage_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
23338         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23339                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23340         }
23341         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OnionMessage_free(this_obj);
23342         // debug statements here
23343 }
23344         // struct LDKPublicKey OnionMessage_get_blinding_point(const struct LDKOnionMessage *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
23345 /* @internal */
23346 export function OnionMessage_get_blinding_point(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23347         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23348                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23349         }
23350         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OnionMessage_get_blinding_point(this_ptr);
23351         return nativeResponseValue;
23352 }
23353         // void OnionMessage_set_blinding_point(struct LDKOnionMessage *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
23354 /* @internal */
23355 export function OnionMessage_set_blinding_point(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23356         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23357                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23358         }
23359         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OnionMessage_set_blinding_point(this_ptr, val);
23360         // debug statements here
23361 }
23362         // uint64_t OnionMessage_clone_ptr(LDKOnionMessage *NONNULL_PTR arg);
23363 /* @internal */
23364 export function OnionMessage_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
23365         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23366                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23367         }
23368         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OnionMessage_clone_ptr(arg);
23369         return nativeResponseValue;
23370 }
23371         // struct LDKOnionMessage OnionMessage_clone(const struct LDKOnionMessage *NONNULL_PTR orig);
23372 /* @internal */
23373 export function OnionMessage_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
23374         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23375                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23376         }
23377         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OnionMessage_clone(orig);
23378         return nativeResponseValue;
23379 }
23380         // void UpdateFulfillHTLC_free(struct LDKUpdateFulfillHTLC this_obj);
23381 /* @internal */
23382 export function UpdateFulfillHTLC_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
23383         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23384                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23385         }
23386         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFulfillHTLC_free(this_obj);
23387         // debug statements here
23388 }
23389         // const uint8_t (*UpdateFulfillHTLC_get_channel_id(const struct LDKUpdateFulfillHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
23390 /* @internal */
23391 export function UpdateFulfillHTLC_get_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23392         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23393                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23394         }
23395         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFulfillHTLC_get_channel_id(this_ptr);
23396         return nativeResponseValue;
23397 }
23398         // void UpdateFulfillHTLC_set_channel_id(struct LDKUpdateFulfillHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
23399 /* @internal */
23400 export function UpdateFulfillHTLC_set_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23401         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23402                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23403         }
23404         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFulfillHTLC_set_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
23405         // debug statements here
23406 }
23407         // uint64_t UpdateFulfillHTLC_get_htlc_id(const struct LDKUpdateFulfillHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
23408 /* @internal */
23409 export function UpdateFulfillHTLC_get_htlc_id(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
23410         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23411                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23412         }
23413         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFulfillHTLC_get_htlc_id(this_ptr);
23414         return nativeResponseValue;
23415 }
23416         // void UpdateFulfillHTLC_set_htlc_id(struct LDKUpdateFulfillHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
23417 /* @internal */
23418 export function UpdateFulfillHTLC_set_htlc_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
23419         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23420                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23421         }
23422         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFulfillHTLC_set_htlc_id(this_ptr, val);
23423         // debug statements here
23424 }
23425         // const uint8_t (*UpdateFulfillHTLC_get_payment_preimage(const struct LDKUpdateFulfillHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
23426 /* @internal */
23427 export function UpdateFulfillHTLC_get_payment_preimage(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23428         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23429                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23430         }
23431         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFulfillHTLC_get_payment_preimage(this_ptr);
23432         return nativeResponseValue;
23433 }
23434         // void UpdateFulfillHTLC_set_payment_preimage(struct LDKUpdateFulfillHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
23435 /* @internal */
23436 export function UpdateFulfillHTLC_set_payment_preimage(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23437         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23438                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23439         }
23440         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFulfillHTLC_set_payment_preimage(this_ptr, val);
23441         // debug statements here
23442 }
23443         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKUpdateFulfillHTLC UpdateFulfillHTLC_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes channel_id_arg, uint64_t htlc_id_arg, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_preimage_arg);
23444 /* @internal */
23445 export function UpdateFulfillHTLC_new(channel_id_arg: number, htlc_id_arg: bigint, payment_preimage_arg: number): bigint {
23446         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23447                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23448         }
23449         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFulfillHTLC_new(channel_id_arg, htlc_id_arg, payment_preimage_arg);
23450         return nativeResponseValue;
23451 }
23452         // uint64_t UpdateFulfillHTLC_clone_ptr(LDKUpdateFulfillHTLC *NONNULL_PTR arg);
23453 /* @internal */
23454 export function UpdateFulfillHTLC_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
23455         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23456                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23457         }
23458         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFulfillHTLC_clone_ptr(arg);
23459         return nativeResponseValue;
23460 }
23461         // struct LDKUpdateFulfillHTLC UpdateFulfillHTLC_clone(const struct LDKUpdateFulfillHTLC *NONNULL_PTR orig);
23462 /* @internal */
23463 export function UpdateFulfillHTLC_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
23464         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23465                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23466         }
23467         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFulfillHTLC_clone(orig);
23468         return nativeResponseValue;
23469 }
23470         // void UpdateFailHTLC_free(struct LDKUpdateFailHTLC this_obj);
23471 /* @internal */
23472 export function UpdateFailHTLC_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
23473         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23474                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23475         }
23476         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFailHTLC_free(this_obj);
23477         // debug statements here
23478 }
23479         // const uint8_t (*UpdateFailHTLC_get_channel_id(const struct LDKUpdateFailHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
23480 /* @internal */
23481 export function UpdateFailHTLC_get_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23482         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23483                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23484         }
23485         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFailHTLC_get_channel_id(this_ptr);
23486         return nativeResponseValue;
23487 }
23488         // void UpdateFailHTLC_set_channel_id(struct LDKUpdateFailHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
23489 /* @internal */
23490 export function UpdateFailHTLC_set_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23491         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23492                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23493         }
23494         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFailHTLC_set_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
23495         // debug statements here
23496 }
23497         // uint64_t UpdateFailHTLC_get_htlc_id(const struct LDKUpdateFailHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
23498 /* @internal */
23499 export function UpdateFailHTLC_get_htlc_id(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
23500         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23501                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23502         }
23503         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFailHTLC_get_htlc_id(this_ptr);
23504         return nativeResponseValue;
23505 }
23506         // void UpdateFailHTLC_set_htlc_id(struct LDKUpdateFailHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
23507 /* @internal */
23508 export function UpdateFailHTLC_set_htlc_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
23509         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23510                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23511         }
23512         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFailHTLC_set_htlc_id(this_ptr, val);
23513         // debug statements here
23514 }
23515         // uint64_t UpdateFailHTLC_clone_ptr(LDKUpdateFailHTLC *NONNULL_PTR arg);
23516 /* @internal */
23517 export function UpdateFailHTLC_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
23518         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23519                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23520         }
23521         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFailHTLC_clone_ptr(arg);
23522         return nativeResponseValue;
23523 }
23524         // struct LDKUpdateFailHTLC UpdateFailHTLC_clone(const struct LDKUpdateFailHTLC *NONNULL_PTR orig);
23525 /* @internal */
23526 export function UpdateFailHTLC_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
23527         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23528                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23529         }
23530         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFailHTLC_clone(orig);
23531         return nativeResponseValue;
23532 }
23533         // void UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_free(struct LDKUpdateFailMalformedHTLC this_obj);
23534 /* @internal */
23535 export function UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
23536         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23537                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23538         }
23539         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_free(this_obj);
23540         // debug statements here
23541 }
23542         // const uint8_t (*UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_get_channel_id(const struct LDKUpdateFailMalformedHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
23543 /* @internal */
23544 export function UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_get_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23545         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23546                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23547         }
23548         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_get_channel_id(this_ptr);
23549         return nativeResponseValue;
23550 }
23551         // void UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_set_channel_id(struct LDKUpdateFailMalformedHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
23552 /* @internal */
23553 export function UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_set_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23554         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23555                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23556         }
23557         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_set_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
23558         // debug statements here
23559 }
23560         // uint64_t UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_get_htlc_id(const struct LDKUpdateFailMalformedHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
23561 /* @internal */
23562 export function UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_get_htlc_id(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
23563         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23564                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23565         }
23566         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_get_htlc_id(this_ptr);
23567         return nativeResponseValue;
23568 }
23569         // void UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_set_htlc_id(struct LDKUpdateFailMalformedHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
23570 /* @internal */
23571 export function UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_set_htlc_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
23572         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23573                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23574         }
23575         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_set_htlc_id(this_ptr, val);
23576         // debug statements here
23577 }
23578         // uint16_t UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_get_failure_code(const struct LDKUpdateFailMalformedHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
23579 /* @internal */
23580 export function UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_get_failure_code(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23581         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23582                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23583         }
23584         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_get_failure_code(this_ptr);
23585         return nativeResponseValue;
23586 }
23587         // void UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_set_failure_code(struct LDKUpdateFailMalformedHTLC *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint16_t val);
23588 /* @internal */
23589 export function UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_set_failure_code(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23590         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23591                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23592         }
23593         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_set_failure_code(this_ptr, val);
23594         // debug statements here
23595 }
23596         // uint64_t UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_clone_ptr(LDKUpdateFailMalformedHTLC *NONNULL_PTR arg);
23597 /* @internal */
23598 export function UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
23599         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23600                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23601         }
23602         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_clone_ptr(arg);
23603         return nativeResponseValue;
23604 }
23605         // struct LDKUpdateFailMalformedHTLC UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_clone(const struct LDKUpdateFailMalformedHTLC *NONNULL_PTR orig);
23606 /* @internal */
23607 export function UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
23608         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23609                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23610         }
23611         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_clone(orig);
23612         return nativeResponseValue;
23613 }
23614         // void CommitmentSigned_free(struct LDKCommitmentSigned this_obj);
23615 /* @internal */
23616 export function CommitmentSigned_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
23617         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23618                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23619         }
23620         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentSigned_free(this_obj);
23621         // debug statements here
23622 }
23623         // const uint8_t (*CommitmentSigned_get_channel_id(const struct LDKCommitmentSigned *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
23624 /* @internal */
23625 export function CommitmentSigned_get_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23626         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23627                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23628         }
23629         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentSigned_get_channel_id(this_ptr);
23630         return nativeResponseValue;
23631 }
23632         // void CommitmentSigned_set_channel_id(struct LDKCommitmentSigned *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
23633 /* @internal */
23634 export function CommitmentSigned_set_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23635         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23636                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23637         }
23638         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentSigned_set_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
23639         // debug statements here
23640 }
23641         // struct LDKSignature CommitmentSigned_get_signature(const struct LDKCommitmentSigned *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
23642 /* @internal */
23643 export function CommitmentSigned_get_signature(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23644         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23645                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23646         }
23647         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentSigned_get_signature(this_ptr);
23648         return nativeResponseValue;
23649 }
23650         // void CommitmentSigned_set_signature(struct LDKCommitmentSigned *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKSignature val);
23651 /* @internal */
23652 export function CommitmentSigned_set_signature(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23653         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23654                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23655         }
23656         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentSigned_set_signature(this_ptr, val);
23657         // debug statements here
23658 }
23659         // struct LDKCVec_SignatureZ CommitmentSigned_get_htlc_signatures(const struct LDKCommitmentSigned *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
23660 /* @internal */
23661 export function CommitmentSigned_get_htlc_signatures(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23662         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23663                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23664         }
23665         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentSigned_get_htlc_signatures(this_ptr);
23666         return nativeResponseValue;
23667 }
23668         // void CommitmentSigned_set_htlc_signatures(struct LDKCommitmentSigned *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCVec_SignatureZ val);
23669 /* @internal */
23670 export function CommitmentSigned_set_htlc_signatures(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23671         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23672                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23673         }
23674         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentSigned_set_htlc_signatures(this_ptr, val);
23675         // debug statements here
23676 }
23677         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCommitmentSigned CommitmentSigned_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes channel_id_arg, struct LDKSignature signature_arg, struct LDKCVec_SignatureZ htlc_signatures_arg);
23678 /* @internal */
23679 export function CommitmentSigned_new(channel_id_arg: number, signature_arg: number, htlc_signatures_arg: number): bigint {
23680         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23681                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23682         }
23683         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentSigned_new(channel_id_arg, signature_arg, htlc_signatures_arg);
23684         return nativeResponseValue;
23685 }
23686         // uint64_t CommitmentSigned_clone_ptr(LDKCommitmentSigned *NONNULL_PTR arg);
23687 /* @internal */
23688 export function CommitmentSigned_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
23689         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23690                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23691         }
23692         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentSigned_clone_ptr(arg);
23693         return nativeResponseValue;
23694 }
23695         // struct LDKCommitmentSigned CommitmentSigned_clone(const struct LDKCommitmentSigned *NONNULL_PTR orig);
23696 /* @internal */
23697 export function CommitmentSigned_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
23698         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23699                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23700         }
23701         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentSigned_clone(orig);
23702         return nativeResponseValue;
23703 }
23704         // void RevokeAndACK_free(struct LDKRevokeAndACK this_obj);
23705 /* @internal */
23706 export function RevokeAndACK_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
23707         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23708                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23709         }
23710         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RevokeAndACK_free(this_obj);
23711         // debug statements here
23712 }
23713         // const uint8_t (*RevokeAndACK_get_channel_id(const struct LDKRevokeAndACK *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
23714 /* @internal */
23715 export function RevokeAndACK_get_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23716         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23717                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23718         }
23719         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RevokeAndACK_get_channel_id(this_ptr);
23720         return nativeResponseValue;
23721 }
23722         // void RevokeAndACK_set_channel_id(struct LDKRevokeAndACK *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
23723 /* @internal */
23724 export function RevokeAndACK_set_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23725         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23726                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23727         }
23728         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RevokeAndACK_set_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
23729         // debug statements here
23730 }
23731         // const uint8_t (*RevokeAndACK_get_per_commitment_secret(const struct LDKRevokeAndACK *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
23732 /* @internal */
23733 export function RevokeAndACK_get_per_commitment_secret(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23734         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23735                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23736         }
23737         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RevokeAndACK_get_per_commitment_secret(this_ptr);
23738         return nativeResponseValue;
23739 }
23740         // void RevokeAndACK_set_per_commitment_secret(struct LDKRevokeAndACK *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
23741 /* @internal */
23742 export function RevokeAndACK_set_per_commitment_secret(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23743         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23744                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23745         }
23746         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RevokeAndACK_set_per_commitment_secret(this_ptr, val);
23747         // debug statements here
23748 }
23749         // struct LDKPublicKey RevokeAndACK_get_next_per_commitment_point(const struct LDKRevokeAndACK *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
23750 /* @internal */
23751 export function RevokeAndACK_get_next_per_commitment_point(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23752         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23753                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23754         }
23755         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RevokeAndACK_get_next_per_commitment_point(this_ptr);
23756         return nativeResponseValue;
23757 }
23758         // void RevokeAndACK_set_next_per_commitment_point(struct LDKRevokeAndACK *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
23759 /* @internal */
23760 export function RevokeAndACK_set_next_per_commitment_point(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23761         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23762                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23763         }
23764         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RevokeAndACK_set_next_per_commitment_point(this_ptr, val);
23765         // debug statements here
23766 }
23767         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKRevokeAndACK RevokeAndACK_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes channel_id_arg, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes per_commitment_secret_arg, struct LDKPublicKey next_per_commitment_point_arg);
23768 /* @internal */
23769 export function RevokeAndACK_new(channel_id_arg: number, per_commitment_secret_arg: number, next_per_commitment_point_arg: number): bigint {
23770         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23771                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23772         }
23773         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RevokeAndACK_new(channel_id_arg, per_commitment_secret_arg, next_per_commitment_point_arg);
23774         return nativeResponseValue;
23775 }
23776         // uint64_t RevokeAndACK_clone_ptr(LDKRevokeAndACK *NONNULL_PTR arg);
23777 /* @internal */
23778 export function RevokeAndACK_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
23779         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23780                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23781         }
23782         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RevokeAndACK_clone_ptr(arg);
23783         return nativeResponseValue;
23784 }
23785         // struct LDKRevokeAndACK RevokeAndACK_clone(const struct LDKRevokeAndACK *NONNULL_PTR orig);
23786 /* @internal */
23787 export function RevokeAndACK_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
23788         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23789                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23790         }
23791         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RevokeAndACK_clone(orig);
23792         return nativeResponseValue;
23793 }
23794         // void UpdateFee_free(struct LDKUpdateFee this_obj);
23795 /* @internal */
23796 export function UpdateFee_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
23797         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23798                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23799         }
23800         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFee_free(this_obj);
23801         // debug statements here
23802 }
23803         // const uint8_t (*UpdateFee_get_channel_id(const struct LDKUpdateFee *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
23804 /* @internal */
23805 export function UpdateFee_get_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23806         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23807                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23808         }
23809         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFee_get_channel_id(this_ptr);
23810         return nativeResponseValue;
23811 }
23812         // void UpdateFee_set_channel_id(struct LDKUpdateFee *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
23813 /* @internal */
23814 export function UpdateFee_set_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23815         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23816                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23817         }
23818         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFee_set_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
23819         // debug statements here
23820 }
23821         // uint32_t UpdateFee_get_feerate_per_kw(const struct LDKUpdateFee *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
23822 /* @internal */
23823 export function UpdateFee_get_feerate_per_kw(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23824         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23825                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23826         }
23827         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFee_get_feerate_per_kw(this_ptr);
23828         return nativeResponseValue;
23829 }
23830         // void UpdateFee_set_feerate_per_kw(struct LDKUpdateFee *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
23831 /* @internal */
23832 export function UpdateFee_set_feerate_per_kw(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23833         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23834                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23835         }
23836         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFee_set_feerate_per_kw(this_ptr, val);
23837         // debug statements here
23838 }
23839         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKUpdateFee UpdateFee_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes channel_id_arg, uint32_t feerate_per_kw_arg);
23840 /* @internal */
23841 export function UpdateFee_new(channel_id_arg: number, feerate_per_kw_arg: number): bigint {
23842         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23843                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23844         }
23845         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFee_new(channel_id_arg, feerate_per_kw_arg);
23846         return nativeResponseValue;
23847 }
23848         // uint64_t UpdateFee_clone_ptr(LDKUpdateFee *NONNULL_PTR arg);
23849 /* @internal */
23850 export function UpdateFee_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
23851         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23852                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23853         }
23854         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFee_clone_ptr(arg);
23855         return nativeResponseValue;
23856 }
23857         // struct LDKUpdateFee UpdateFee_clone(const struct LDKUpdateFee *NONNULL_PTR orig);
23858 /* @internal */
23859 export function UpdateFee_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
23860         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23861                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23862         }
23863         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFee_clone(orig);
23864         return nativeResponseValue;
23865 }
23866         // void DataLossProtect_free(struct LDKDataLossProtect this_obj);
23867 /* @internal */
23868 export function DataLossProtect_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
23869         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23870                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23871         }
23872         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DataLossProtect_free(this_obj);
23873         // debug statements here
23874 }
23875         // const uint8_t (*DataLossProtect_get_your_last_per_commitment_secret(const struct LDKDataLossProtect *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
23876 /* @internal */
23877 export function DataLossProtect_get_your_last_per_commitment_secret(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23878         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23879                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23880         }
23881         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DataLossProtect_get_your_last_per_commitment_secret(this_ptr);
23882         return nativeResponseValue;
23883 }
23884         // void DataLossProtect_set_your_last_per_commitment_secret(struct LDKDataLossProtect *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
23885 /* @internal */
23886 export function DataLossProtect_set_your_last_per_commitment_secret(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23887         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23888                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23889         }
23890         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DataLossProtect_set_your_last_per_commitment_secret(this_ptr, val);
23891         // debug statements here
23892 }
23893         // struct LDKPublicKey DataLossProtect_get_my_current_per_commitment_point(const struct LDKDataLossProtect *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
23894 /* @internal */
23895 export function DataLossProtect_get_my_current_per_commitment_point(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23896         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23897                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23898         }
23899         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DataLossProtect_get_my_current_per_commitment_point(this_ptr);
23900         return nativeResponseValue;
23901 }
23902         // void DataLossProtect_set_my_current_per_commitment_point(struct LDKDataLossProtect *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
23903 /* @internal */
23904 export function DataLossProtect_set_my_current_per_commitment_point(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23905         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23906                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23907         }
23908         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DataLossProtect_set_my_current_per_commitment_point(this_ptr, val);
23909         // debug statements here
23910 }
23911         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKDataLossProtect DataLossProtect_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes your_last_per_commitment_secret_arg, struct LDKPublicKey my_current_per_commitment_point_arg);
23912 /* @internal */
23913 export function DataLossProtect_new(your_last_per_commitment_secret_arg: number, my_current_per_commitment_point_arg: number): bigint {
23914         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23915                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23916         }
23917         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DataLossProtect_new(your_last_per_commitment_secret_arg, my_current_per_commitment_point_arg);
23918         return nativeResponseValue;
23919 }
23920         // uint64_t DataLossProtect_clone_ptr(LDKDataLossProtect *NONNULL_PTR arg);
23921 /* @internal */
23922 export function DataLossProtect_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
23923         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23924                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23925         }
23926         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DataLossProtect_clone_ptr(arg);
23927         return nativeResponseValue;
23928 }
23929         // struct LDKDataLossProtect DataLossProtect_clone(const struct LDKDataLossProtect *NONNULL_PTR orig);
23930 /* @internal */
23931 export function DataLossProtect_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
23932         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23933                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23934         }
23935         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DataLossProtect_clone(orig);
23936         return nativeResponseValue;
23937 }
23938         // void ChannelReestablish_free(struct LDKChannelReestablish this_obj);
23939 /* @internal */
23940 export function ChannelReestablish_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
23941         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23942                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23943         }
23944         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReestablish_free(this_obj);
23945         // debug statements here
23946 }
23947         // const uint8_t (*ChannelReestablish_get_channel_id(const struct LDKChannelReestablish *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
23948 /* @internal */
23949 export function ChannelReestablish_get_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
23950         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23951                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23952         }
23953         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReestablish_get_channel_id(this_ptr);
23954         return nativeResponseValue;
23955 }
23956         // void ChannelReestablish_set_channel_id(struct LDKChannelReestablish *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
23957 /* @internal */
23958 export function ChannelReestablish_set_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
23959         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23960                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23961         }
23962         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReestablish_set_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
23963         // debug statements here
23964 }
23965         // uint64_t ChannelReestablish_get_next_local_commitment_number(const struct LDKChannelReestablish *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
23966 /* @internal */
23967 export function ChannelReestablish_get_next_local_commitment_number(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
23968         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23969                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23970         }
23971         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReestablish_get_next_local_commitment_number(this_ptr);
23972         return nativeResponseValue;
23973 }
23974         // void ChannelReestablish_set_next_local_commitment_number(struct LDKChannelReestablish *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
23975 /* @internal */
23976 export function ChannelReestablish_set_next_local_commitment_number(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
23977         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23978                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23979         }
23980         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReestablish_set_next_local_commitment_number(this_ptr, val);
23981         // debug statements here
23982 }
23983         // uint64_t ChannelReestablish_get_next_remote_commitment_number(const struct LDKChannelReestablish *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
23984 /* @internal */
23985 export function ChannelReestablish_get_next_remote_commitment_number(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
23986         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23987                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23988         }
23989         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReestablish_get_next_remote_commitment_number(this_ptr);
23990         return nativeResponseValue;
23991 }
23992         // void ChannelReestablish_set_next_remote_commitment_number(struct LDKChannelReestablish *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
23993 /* @internal */
23994 export function ChannelReestablish_set_next_remote_commitment_number(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
23995         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
23996                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
23997         }
23998         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReestablish_set_next_remote_commitment_number(this_ptr, val);
23999         // debug statements here
24000 }
24001         // uint64_t ChannelReestablish_clone_ptr(LDKChannelReestablish *NONNULL_PTR arg);
24002 /* @internal */
24003 export function ChannelReestablish_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
24004         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24005                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24006         }
24007         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReestablish_clone_ptr(arg);
24008         return nativeResponseValue;
24009 }
24010         // struct LDKChannelReestablish ChannelReestablish_clone(const struct LDKChannelReestablish *NONNULL_PTR orig);
24011 /* @internal */
24012 export function ChannelReestablish_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
24013         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24014                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24015         }
24016         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReestablish_clone(orig);
24017         return nativeResponseValue;
24018 }
24019         // void AnnouncementSignatures_free(struct LDKAnnouncementSignatures this_obj);
24020 /* @internal */
24021 export function AnnouncementSignatures_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
24022         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24023                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24024         }
24025         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AnnouncementSignatures_free(this_obj);
24026         // debug statements here
24027 }
24028         // const uint8_t (*AnnouncementSignatures_get_channel_id(const struct LDKAnnouncementSignatures *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
24029 /* @internal */
24030 export function AnnouncementSignatures_get_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24031         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24032                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24033         }
24034         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AnnouncementSignatures_get_channel_id(this_ptr);
24035         return nativeResponseValue;
24036 }
24037         // void AnnouncementSignatures_set_channel_id(struct LDKAnnouncementSignatures *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
24038 /* @internal */
24039 export function AnnouncementSignatures_set_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24040         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24041                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24042         }
24043         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AnnouncementSignatures_set_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
24044         // debug statements here
24045 }
24046         // uint64_t AnnouncementSignatures_get_short_channel_id(const struct LDKAnnouncementSignatures *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24047 /* @internal */
24048 export function AnnouncementSignatures_get_short_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
24049         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24050                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24051         }
24052         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AnnouncementSignatures_get_short_channel_id(this_ptr);
24053         return nativeResponseValue;
24054 }
24055         // void AnnouncementSignatures_set_short_channel_id(struct LDKAnnouncementSignatures *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
24056 /* @internal */
24057 export function AnnouncementSignatures_set_short_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
24058         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24059                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24060         }
24061         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AnnouncementSignatures_set_short_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
24062         // debug statements here
24063 }
24064         // struct LDKSignature AnnouncementSignatures_get_node_signature(const struct LDKAnnouncementSignatures *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24065 /* @internal */
24066 export function AnnouncementSignatures_get_node_signature(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24067         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24068                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24069         }
24070         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AnnouncementSignatures_get_node_signature(this_ptr);
24071         return nativeResponseValue;
24072 }
24073         // void AnnouncementSignatures_set_node_signature(struct LDKAnnouncementSignatures *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKSignature val);
24074 /* @internal */
24075 export function AnnouncementSignatures_set_node_signature(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24076         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24077                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24078         }
24079         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AnnouncementSignatures_set_node_signature(this_ptr, val);
24080         // debug statements here
24081 }
24082         // struct LDKSignature AnnouncementSignatures_get_bitcoin_signature(const struct LDKAnnouncementSignatures *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24083 /* @internal */
24084 export function AnnouncementSignatures_get_bitcoin_signature(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24085         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24086                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24087         }
24088         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AnnouncementSignatures_get_bitcoin_signature(this_ptr);
24089         return nativeResponseValue;
24090 }
24091         // void AnnouncementSignatures_set_bitcoin_signature(struct LDKAnnouncementSignatures *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKSignature val);
24092 /* @internal */
24093 export function AnnouncementSignatures_set_bitcoin_signature(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24094         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24095                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24096         }
24097         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AnnouncementSignatures_set_bitcoin_signature(this_ptr, val);
24098         // debug statements here
24099 }
24100         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKAnnouncementSignatures AnnouncementSignatures_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes channel_id_arg, uint64_t short_channel_id_arg, struct LDKSignature node_signature_arg, struct LDKSignature bitcoin_signature_arg);
24101 /* @internal */
24102 export function AnnouncementSignatures_new(channel_id_arg: number, short_channel_id_arg: bigint, node_signature_arg: number, bitcoin_signature_arg: number): bigint {
24103         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24104                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24105         }
24106         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AnnouncementSignatures_new(channel_id_arg, short_channel_id_arg, node_signature_arg, bitcoin_signature_arg);
24107         return nativeResponseValue;
24108 }
24109         // uint64_t AnnouncementSignatures_clone_ptr(LDKAnnouncementSignatures *NONNULL_PTR arg);
24110 /* @internal */
24111 export function AnnouncementSignatures_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
24112         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24113                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24114         }
24115         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AnnouncementSignatures_clone_ptr(arg);
24116         return nativeResponseValue;
24117 }
24118         // struct LDKAnnouncementSignatures AnnouncementSignatures_clone(const struct LDKAnnouncementSignatures *NONNULL_PTR orig);
24119 /* @internal */
24120 export function AnnouncementSignatures_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
24121         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24122                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24123         }
24124         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AnnouncementSignatures_clone(orig);
24125         return nativeResponseValue;
24126 }
24127         // void NetAddress_free(struct LDKNetAddress this_ptr);
24128 /* @internal */
24129 export function NetAddress_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
24130         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24131                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24132         }
24133         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetAddress_free(this_ptr);
24134         // debug statements here
24135 }
24136         // uint64_t NetAddress_clone_ptr(LDKNetAddress *NONNULL_PTR arg);
24137 /* @internal */
24138 export function NetAddress_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
24139         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24140                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24141         }
24142         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetAddress_clone_ptr(arg);
24143         return nativeResponseValue;
24144 }
24145         // struct LDKNetAddress NetAddress_clone(const struct LDKNetAddress *NONNULL_PTR orig);
24146 /* @internal */
24147 export function NetAddress_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
24148         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24149                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24150         }
24151         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetAddress_clone(orig);
24152         return nativeResponseValue;
24153 }
24154         // struct LDKNetAddress NetAddress_ipv4(struct LDKFourBytes addr, uint16_t port);
24155 /* @internal */
24156 export function NetAddress_ipv4(addr: number, port: number): bigint {
24157         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24158                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24159         }
24160         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetAddress_ipv4(addr, port);
24161         return nativeResponseValue;
24162 }
24163         // struct LDKNetAddress NetAddress_ipv6(struct LDKSixteenBytes addr, uint16_t port);
24164 /* @internal */
24165 export function NetAddress_ipv6(addr: number, port: number): bigint {
24166         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24167                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24168         }
24169         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetAddress_ipv6(addr, port);
24170         return nativeResponseValue;
24171 }
24172         // struct LDKNetAddress NetAddress_onion_v2(struct LDKTwelveBytes a);
24173 /* @internal */
24174 export function NetAddress_onion_v2(a: number): bigint {
24175         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24176                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24177         }
24178         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetAddress_onion_v2(a);
24179         return nativeResponseValue;
24180 }
24181         // struct LDKNetAddress NetAddress_onion_v3(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes ed25519_pubkey, uint16_t checksum, uint8_t version, uint16_t port);
24182 /* @internal */
24183 export function NetAddress_onion_v3(ed25519_pubkey: number, checksum: number, version: number, port: number): bigint {
24184         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24185                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24186         }
24187         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetAddress_onion_v3(ed25519_pubkey, checksum, version, port);
24188         return nativeResponseValue;
24189 }
24190         // struct LDKNetAddress NetAddress_hostname(struct LDKHostname hostname, uint16_t port);
24191 /* @internal */
24192 export function NetAddress_hostname(hostname: bigint, port: number): bigint {
24193         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24194                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24195         }
24196         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetAddress_hostname(hostname, port);
24197         return nativeResponseValue;
24198 }
24199         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z NetAddress_write(const struct LDKNetAddress *NONNULL_PTR obj);
24200 /* @internal */
24201 export function NetAddress_write(obj: bigint): number {
24202         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24203                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24204         }
24205         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetAddress_write(obj);
24206         return nativeResponseValue;
24207 }
24208         // struct LDKCResult_NetAddressDecodeErrorZ NetAddress_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
24209 /* @internal */
24210 export function NetAddress_read(ser: number): bigint {
24211         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24212                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24213         }
24214         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetAddress_read(ser);
24215         return nativeResponseValue;
24216 }
24217         // void UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_free(struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement this_obj);
24218 /* @internal */
24219 export function UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
24220         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24221                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24222         }
24223         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_free(this_obj);
24224         // debug statements here
24225 }
24226         // struct LDKNodeFeatures UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_get_features(const struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24227 /* @internal */
24228 export function UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_get_features(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
24229         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24230                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24231         }
24232         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_get_features(this_ptr);
24233         return nativeResponseValue;
24234 }
24235         // void UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_set_features(struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKNodeFeatures val);
24236 /* @internal */
24237 export function UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_set_features(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
24238         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24239                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24240         }
24241         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_set_features(this_ptr, val);
24242         // debug statements here
24243 }
24244         // uint32_t UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_get_timestamp(const struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24245 /* @internal */
24246 export function UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_get_timestamp(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24247         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24248                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24249         }
24250         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_get_timestamp(this_ptr);
24251         return nativeResponseValue;
24252 }
24253         // void UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_set_timestamp(struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
24254 /* @internal */
24255 export function UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_set_timestamp(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24256         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24257                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24258         }
24259         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_set_timestamp(this_ptr, val);
24260         // debug statements here
24261 }
24262         // struct LDKPublicKey UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_get_node_id(const struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24263 /* @internal */
24264 export function UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_get_node_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24265         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24266                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24267         }
24268         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_get_node_id(this_ptr);
24269         return nativeResponseValue;
24270 }
24271         // void UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_set_node_id(struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
24272 /* @internal */
24273 export function UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_set_node_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24274         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24275                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24276         }
24277         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_set_node_id(this_ptr, val);
24278         // debug statements here
24279 }
24280         // const uint8_t (*UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_get_rgb(const struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[3];
24281 /* @internal */
24282 export function UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_get_rgb(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24283         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24284                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24285         }
24286         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_get_rgb(this_ptr);
24287         return nativeResponseValue;
24288 }
24289         // void UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_set_rgb(struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThreeBytes val);
24290 /* @internal */
24291 export function UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_set_rgb(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24292         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24293                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24294         }
24295         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_set_rgb(this_ptr, val);
24296         // debug statements here
24297 }
24298         // const uint8_t (*UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_get_alias(const struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
24299 /* @internal */
24300 export function UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_get_alias(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24301         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24302                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24303         }
24304         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_get_alias(this_ptr);
24305         return nativeResponseValue;
24306 }
24307         // void UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_set_alias(struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
24308 /* @internal */
24309 export function UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_set_alias(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24310         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24311                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24312         }
24313         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_set_alias(this_ptr, val);
24314         // debug statements here
24315 }
24316         // struct LDKCVec_NetAddressZ UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_get_addresses(const struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24317 /* @internal */
24318 export function UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_get_addresses(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24319         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24320                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24321         }
24322         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_get_addresses(this_ptr);
24323         return nativeResponseValue;
24324 }
24325         // void UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_set_addresses(struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCVec_NetAddressZ val);
24326 /* @internal */
24327 export function UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_set_addresses(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24328         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24329                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24330         }
24331         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_set_addresses(this_ptr, val);
24332         // debug statements here
24333 }
24334         // uint64_t UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_clone_ptr(LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR arg);
24335 /* @internal */
24336 export function UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
24337         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24338                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24339         }
24340         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_clone_ptr(arg);
24341         return nativeResponseValue;
24342 }
24343         // struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_clone(const struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR orig);
24344 /* @internal */
24345 export function UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
24346         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24347                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24348         }
24349         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_clone(orig);
24350         return nativeResponseValue;
24351 }
24352         // void NodeAnnouncement_free(struct LDKNodeAnnouncement this_obj);
24353 /* @internal */
24354 export function NodeAnnouncement_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
24355         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24356                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24357         }
24358         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncement_free(this_obj);
24359         // debug statements here
24360 }
24361         // struct LDKSignature NodeAnnouncement_get_signature(const struct LDKNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24362 /* @internal */
24363 export function NodeAnnouncement_get_signature(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24364         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24365                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24366         }
24367         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncement_get_signature(this_ptr);
24368         return nativeResponseValue;
24369 }
24370         // void NodeAnnouncement_set_signature(struct LDKNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKSignature val);
24371 /* @internal */
24372 export function NodeAnnouncement_set_signature(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24373         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24374                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24375         }
24376         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncement_set_signature(this_ptr, val);
24377         // debug statements here
24378 }
24379         // struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement NodeAnnouncement_get_contents(const struct LDKNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24380 /* @internal */
24381 export function NodeAnnouncement_get_contents(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
24382         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24383                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24384         }
24385         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncement_get_contents(this_ptr);
24386         return nativeResponseValue;
24387 }
24388         // void NodeAnnouncement_set_contents(struct LDKNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement val);
24389 /* @internal */
24390 export function NodeAnnouncement_set_contents(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
24391         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24392                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24393         }
24394         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncement_set_contents(this_ptr, val);
24395         // debug statements here
24396 }
24397         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKNodeAnnouncement NodeAnnouncement_new(struct LDKSignature signature_arg, struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement contents_arg);
24398 /* @internal */
24399 export function NodeAnnouncement_new(signature_arg: number, contents_arg: bigint): bigint {
24400         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24401                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24402         }
24403         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncement_new(signature_arg, contents_arg);
24404         return nativeResponseValue;
24405 }
24406         // uint64_t NodeAnnouncement_clone_ptr(LDKNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR arg);
24407 /* @internal */
24408 export function NodeAnnouncement_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
24409         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24410                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24411         }
24412         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncement_clone_ptr(arg);
24413         return nativeResponseValue;
24414 }
24415         // struct LDKNodeAnnouncement NodeAnnouncement_clone(const struct LDKNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR orig);
24416 /* @internal */
24417 export function NodeAnnouncement_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
24418         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24419                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24420         }
24421         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncement_clone(orig);
24422         return nativeResponseValue;
24423 }
24424         // void UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_free(struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement this_obj);
24425 /* @internal */
24426 export function UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
24427         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24428                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24429         }
24430         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_free(this_obj);
24431         // debug statements here
24432 }
24433         // struct LDKChannelFeatures UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_get_features(const struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24434 /* @internal */
24435 export function UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_get_features(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
24436         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24437                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24438         }
24439         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_get_features(this_ptr);
24440         return nativeResponseValue;
24441 }
24442         // void UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_set_features(struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKChannelFeatures val);
24443 /* @internal */
24444 export function UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_set_features(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
24445         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24446                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24447         }
24448         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_set_features(this_ptr, val);
24449         // debug statements here
24450 }
24451         // const uint8_t (*UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_get_chain_hash(const struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
24452 /* @internal */
24453 export function UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_get_chain_hash(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24454         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24455                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24456         }
24457         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_get_chain_hash(this_ptr);
24458         return nativeResponseValue;
24459 }
24460         // void UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_set_chain_hash(struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
24461 /* @internal */
24462 export function UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_set_chain_hash(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24463         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24464                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24465         }
24466         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_set_chain_hash(this_ptr, val);
24467         // debug statements here
24468 }
24469         // uint64_t UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_get_short_channel_id(const struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24470 /* @internal */
24471 export function UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_get_short_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
24472         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24473                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24474         }
24475         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_get_short_channel_id(this_ptr);
24476         return nativeResponseValue;
24477 }
24478         // void UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_set_short_channel_id(struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
24479 /* @internal */
24480 export function UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_set_short_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
24481         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24482                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24483         }
24484         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_set_short_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
24485         // debug statements here
24486 }
24487         // struct LDKPublicKey UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_get_node_id_1(const struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24488 /* @internal */
24489 export function UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_get_node_id_1(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24490         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24491                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24492         }
24493         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_get_node_id_1(this_ptr);
24494         return nativeResponseValue;
24495 }
24496         // void UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_set_node_id_1(struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
24497 /* @internal */
24498 export function UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_set_node_id_1(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24499         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24500                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24501         }
24502         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_set_node_id_1(this_ptr, val);
24503         // debug statements here
24504 }
24505         // struct LDKPublicKey UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_get_node_id_2(const struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24506 /* @internal */
24507 export function UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_get_node_id_2(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24508         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24509                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24510         }
24511         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_get_node_id_2(this_ptr);
24512         return nativeResponseValue;
24513 }
24514         // void UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_set_node_id_2(struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
24515 /* @internal */
24516 export function UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_set_node_id_2(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24517         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24518                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24519         }
24520         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_set_node_id_2(this_ptr, val);
24521         // debug statements here
24522 }
24523         // struct LDKPublicKey UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_get_bitcoin_key_1(const struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24524 /* @internal */
24525 export function UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_get_bitcoin_key_1(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24526         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24527                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24528         }
24529         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_get_bitcoin_key_1(this_ptr);
24530         return nativeResponseValue;
24531 }
24532         // void UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_set_bitcoin_key_1(struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
24533 /* @internal */
24534 export function UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_set_bitcoin_key_1(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24535         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24536                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24537         }
24538         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_set_bitcoin_key_1(this_ptr, val);
24539         // debug statements here
24540 }
24541         // struct LDKPublicKey UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_get_bitcoin_key_2(const struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24542 /* @internal */
24543 export function UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_get_bitcoin_key_2(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24544         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24545                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24546         }
24547         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_get_bitcoin_key_2(this_ptr);
24548         return nativeResponseValue;
24549 }
24550         // void UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_set_bitcoin_key_2(struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
24551 /* @internal */
24552 export function UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_set_bitcoin_key_2(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24553         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24554                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24555         }
24556         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_set_bitcoin_key_2(this_ptr, val);
24557         // debug statements here
24558 }
24559         // uint64_t UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_clone_ptr(LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR arg);
24560 /* @internal */
24561 export function UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
24562         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24563                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24564         }
24565         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_clone_ptr(arg);
24566         return nativeResponseValue;
24567 }
24568         // struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_clone(const struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR orig);
24569 /* @internal */
24570 export function UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
24571         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24572                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24573         }
24574         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_clone(orig);
24575         return nativeResponseValue;
24576 }
24577         // void ChannelAnnouncement_free(struct LDKChannelAnnouncement this_obj);
24578 /* @internal */
24579 export function ChannelAnnouncement_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
24580         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24581                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24582         }
24583         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelAnnouncement_free(this_obj);
24584         // debug statements here
24585 }
24586         // struct LDKSignature ChannelAnnouncement_get_node_signature_1(const struct LDKChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24587 /* @internal */
24588 export function ChannelAnnouncement_get_node_signature_1(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24589         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24590                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24591         }
24592         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelAnnouncement_get_node_signature_1(this_ptr);
24593         return nativeResponseValue;
24594 }
24595         // void ChannelAnnouncement_set_node_signature_1(struct LDKChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKSignature val);
24596 /* @internal */
24597 export function ChannelAnnouncement_set_node_signature_1(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24598         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24599                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24600         }
24601         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelAnnouncement_set_node_signature_1(this_ptr, val);
24602         // debug statements here
24603 }
24604         // struct LDKSignature ChannelAnnouncement_get_node_signature_2(const struct LDKChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24605 /* @internal */
24606 export function ChannelAnnouncement_get_node_signature_2(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24607         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24608                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24609         }
24610         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelAnnouncement_get_node_signature_2(this_ptr);
24611         return nativeResponseValue;
24612 }
24613         // void ChannelAnnouncement_set_node_signature_2(struct LDKChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKSignature val);
24614 /* @internal */
24615 export function ChannelAnnouncement_set_node_signature_2(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24616         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24617                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24618         }
24619         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelAnnouncement_set_node_signature_2(this_ptr, val);
24620         // debug statements here
24621 }
24622         // struct LDKSignature ChannelAnnouncement_get_bitcoin_signature_1(const struct LDKChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24623 /* @internal */
24624 export function ChannelAnnouncement_get_bitcoin_signature_1(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24625         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24626                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24627         }
24628         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelAnnouncement_get_bitcoin_signature_1(this_ptr);
24629         return nativeResponseValue;
24630 }
24631         // void ChannelAnnouncement_set_bitcoin_signature_1(struct LDKChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKSignature val);
24632 /* @internal */
24633 export function ChannelAnnouncement_set_bitcoin_signature_1(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24634         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24635                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24636         }
24637         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelAnnouncement_set_bitcoin_signature_1(this_ptr, val);
24638         // debug statements here
24639 }
24640         // struct LDKSignature ChannelAnnouncement_get_bitcoin_signature_2(const struct LDKChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24641 /* @internal */
24642 export function ChannelAnnouncement_get_bitcoin_signature_2(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24643         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24644                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24645         }
24646         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelAnnouncement_get_bitcoin_signature_2(this_ptr);
24647         return nativeResponseValue;
24648 }
24649         // void ChannelAnnouncement_set_bitcoin_signature_2(struct LDKChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKSignature val);
24650 /* @internal */
24651 export function ChannelAnnouncement_set_bitcoin_signature_2(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24652         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24653                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24654         }
24655         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelAnnouncement_set_bitcoin_signature_2(this_ptr, val);
24656         // debug statements here
24657 }
24658         // struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement ChannelAnnouncement_get_contents(const struct LDKChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24659 /* @internal */
24660 export function ChannelAnnouncement_get_contents(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
24661         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24662                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24663         }
24664         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelAnnouncement_get_contents(this_ptr);
24665         return nativeResponseValue;
24666 }
24667         // void ChannelAnnouncement_set_contents(struct LDKChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement val);
24668 /* @internal */
24669 export function ChannelAnnouncement_set_contents(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
24670         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24671                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24672         }
24673         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelAnnouncement_set_contents(this_ptr, val);
24674         // debug statements here
24675 }
24676         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelAnnouncement ChannelAnnouncement_new(struct LDKSignature node_signature_1_arg, struct LDKSignature node_signature_2_arg, struct LDKSignature bitcoin_signature_1_arg, struct LDKSignature bitcoin_signature_2_arg, struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement contents_arg);
24677 /* @internal */
24678 export function ChannelAnnouncement_new(node_signature_1_arg: number, node_signature_2_arg: number, bitcoin_signature_1_arg: number, bitcoin_signature_2_arg: number, contents_arg: bigint): bigint {
24679         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24680                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24681         }
24682         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelAnnouncement_new(node_signature_1_arg, node_signature_2_arg, bitcoin_signature_1_arg, bitcoin_signature_2_arg, contents_arg);
24683         return nativeResponseValue;
24684 }
24685         // uint64_t ChannelAnnouncement_clone_ptr(LDKChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR arg);
24686 /* @internal */
24687 export function ChannelAnnouncement_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
24688         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24689                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24690         }
24691         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelAnnouncement_clone_ptr(arg);
24692         return nativeResponseValue;
24693 }
24694         // struct LDKChannelAnnouncement ChannelAnnouncement_clone(const struct LDKChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR orig);
24695 /* @internal */
24696 export function ChannelAnnouncement_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
24697         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24698                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24699         }
24700         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelAnnouncement_clone(orig);
24701         return nativeResponseValue;
24702 }
24703         // void UnsignedChannelUpdate_free(struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate this_obj);
24704 /* @internal */
24705 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
24706         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24707                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24708         }
24709         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_free(this_obj);
24710         // debug statements here
24711 }
24712         // const uint8_t (*UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_chain_hash(const struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
24713 /* @internal */
24714 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_chain_hash(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24715         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24716                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24717         }
24718         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_chain_hash(this_ptr);
24719         return nativeResponseValue;
24720 }
24721         // void UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_chain_hash(struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
24722 /* @internal */
24723 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_chain_hash(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24724         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24725                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24726         }
24727         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_chain_hash(this_ptr, val);
24728         // debug statements here
24729 }
24730         // uint64_t UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_short_channel_id(const struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24731 /* @internal */
24732 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_short_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
24733         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24734                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24735         }
24736         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_short_channel_id(this_ptr);
24737         return nativeResponseValue;
24738 }
24739         // void UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_short_channel_id(struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
24740 /* @internal */
24741 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_short_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
24742         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24743                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24744         }
24745         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_short_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
24746         // debug statements here
24747 }
24748         // uint32_t UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_timestamp(const struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24749 /* @internal */
24750 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_timestamp(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24751         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24752                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24753         }
24754         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_timestamp(this_ptr);
24755         return nativeResponseValue;
24756 }
24757         // void UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_timestamp(struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
24758 /* @internal */
24759 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_timestamp(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24760         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24761                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24762         }
24763         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_timestamp(this_ptr, val);
24764         // debug statements here
24765 }
24766         // uint8_t UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_flags(const struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24767 /* @internal */
24768 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_flags(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24769         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24770                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24771         }
24772         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_flags(this_ptr);
24773         return nativeResponseValue;
24774 }
24775         // void UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_flags(struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint8_t val);
24776 /* @internal */
24777 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_flags(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24778         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24779                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24780         }
24781         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_flags(this_ptr, val);
24782         // debug statements here
24783 }
24784         // uint16_t UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_cltv_expiry_delta(const struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24785 /* @internal */
24786 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24787         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24788                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24789         }
24790         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr);
24791         return nativeResponseValue;
24792 }
24793         // void UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_cltv_expiry_delta(struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint16_t val);
24794 /* @internal */
24795 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24796         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24797                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24798         }
24799         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr, val);
24800         // debug statements here
24801 }
24802         // uint64_t UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_htlc_minimum_msat(const struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24803 /* @internal */
24804 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
24805         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24806                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24807         }
24808         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr);
24809         return nativeResponseValue;
24810 }
24811         // void UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_htlc_minimum_msat(struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
24812 /* @internal */
24813 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
24814         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24815                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24816         }
24817         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr, val);
24818         // debug statements here
24819 }
24820         // uint64_t UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_htlc_maximum_msat(const struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24821 /* @internal */
24822 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_htlc_maximum_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
24823         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24824                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24825         }
24826         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_htlc_maximum_msat(this_ptr);
24827         return nativeResponseValue;
24828 }
24829         // void UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_htlc_maximum_msat(struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
24830 /* @internal */
24831 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_htlc_maximum_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
24832         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24833                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24834         }
24835         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_htlc_maximum_msat(this_ptr, val);
24836         // debug statements here
24837 }
24838         // uint32_t UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_fee_base_msat(const struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24839 /* @internal */
24840 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_fee_base_msat(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24841         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24842                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24843         }
24844         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_fee_base_msat(this_ptr);
24845         return nativeResponseValue;
24846 }
24847         // void UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_fee_base_msat(struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
24848 /* @internal */
24849 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_fee_base_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24850         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24851                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24852         }
24853         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_fee_base_msat(this_ptr, val);
24854         // debug statements here
24855 }
24856         // uint32_t UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_fee_proportional_millionths(const struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24857 /* @internal */
24858 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_fee_proportional_millionths(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24859         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24860                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24861         }
24862         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_fee_proportional_millionths(this_ptr);
24863         return nativeResponseValue;
24864 }
24865         // void UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_fee_proportional_millionths(struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
24866 /* @internal */
24867 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_fee_proportional_millionths(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24868         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24869                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24870         }
24871         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_fee_proportional_millionths(this_ptr, val);
24872         // debug statements here
24873 }
24874         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_excess_data(const struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24875 /* @internal */
24876 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_excess_data(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24877         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24878                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24879         }
24880         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_get_excess_data(this_ptr);
24881         return nativeResponseValue;
24882 }
24883         // void UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_excess_data(struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCVec_u8Z val);
24884 /* @internal */
24885 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_excess_data(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24886         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24887                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24888         }
24889         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_set_excess_data(this_ptr, val);
24890         // debug statements here
24891 }
24892         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate UnsignedChannelUpdate_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes chain_hash_arg, uint64_t short_channel_id_arg, uint32_t timestamp_arg, uint8_t flags_arg, uint16_t cltv_expiry_delta_arg, uint64_t htlc_minimum_msat_arg, uint64_t htlc_maximum_msat_arg, uint32_t fee_base_msat_arg, uint32_t fee_proportional_millionths_arg, struct LDKCVec_u8Z excess_data_arg);
24893 /* @internal */
24894 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_new(chain_hash_arg: number, short_channel_id_arg: bigint, timestamp_arg: number, flags_arg: number, cltv_expiry_delta_arg: number, htlc_minimum_msat_arg: bigint, htlc_maximum_msat_arg: bigint, fee_base_msat_arg: number, fee_proportional_millionths_arg: number, excess_data_arg: number): bigint {
24895         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24896                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24897         }
24898         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_new(chain_hash_arg, short_channel_id_arg, timestamp_arg, flags_arg, cltv_expiry_delta_arg, htlc_minimum_msat_arg, htlc_maximum_msat_arg, fee_base_msat_arg, fee_proportional_millionths_arg, excess_data_arg);
24899         return nativeResponseValue;
24900 }
24901         // uint64_t UnsignedChannelUpdate_clone_ptr(LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR arg);
24902 /* @internal */
24903 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
24904         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24905                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24906         }
24907         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_clone_ptr(arg);
24908         return nativeResponseValue;
24909 }
24910         // struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate UnsignedChannelUpdate_clone(const struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR orig);
24911 /* @internal */
24912 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
24913         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24914                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24915         }
24916         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_clone(orig);
24917         return nativeResponseValue;
24918 }
24919         // void ChannelUpdate_free(struct LDKChannelUpdate this_obj);
24920 /* @internal */
24921 export function ChannelUpdate_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
24922         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24923                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24924         }
24925         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdate_free(this_obj);
24926         // debug statements here
24927 }
24928         // struct LDKSignature ChannelUpdate_get_signature(const struct LDKChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24929 /* @internal */
24930 export function ChannelUpdate_get_signature(this_ptr: bigint): number {
24931         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24932                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24933         }
24934         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdate_get_signature(this_ptr);
24935         return nativeResponseValue;
24936 }
24937         // void ChannelUpdate_set_signature(struct LDKChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKSignature val);
24938 /* @internal */
24939 export function ChannelUpdate_set_signature(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
24940         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24941                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24942         }
24943         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdate_set_signature(this_ptr, val);
24944         // debug statements here
24945 }
24946         // struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate ChannelUpdate_get_contents(const struct LDKChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
24947 /* @internal */
24948 export function ChannelUpdate_get_contents(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
24949         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24950                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24951         }
24952         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdate_get_contents(this_ptr);
24953         return nativeResponseValue;
24954 }
24955         // void ChannelUpdate_set_contents(struct LDKChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate val);
24956 /* @internal */
24957 export function ChannelUpdate_set_contents(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
24958         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24959                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24960         }
24961         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdate_set_contents(this_ptr, val);
24962         // debug statements here
24963 }
24964         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelUpdate ChannelUpdate_new(struct LDKSignature signature_arg, struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate contents_arg);
24965 /* @internal */
24966 export function ChannelUpdate_new(signature_arg: number, contents_arg: bigint): bigint {
24967         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24968                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24969         }
24970         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdate_new(signature_arg, contents_arg);
24971         return nativeResponseValue;
24972 }
24973         // uint64_t ChannelUpdate_clone_ptr(LDKChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR arg);
24974 /* @internal */
24975 export function ChannelUpdate_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
24976         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24977                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24978         }
24979         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdate_clone_ptr(arg);
24980         return nativeResponseValue;
24981 }
24982         // struct LDKChannelUpdate ChannelUpdate_clone(const struct LDKChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR orig);
24983 /* @internal */
24984 export function ChannelUpdate_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
24985         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24986                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24987         }
24988         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdate_clone(orig);
24989         return nativeResponseValue;
24990 }
24991         // void QueryChannelRange_free(struct LDKQueryChannelRange this_obj);
24992 /* @internal */
24993 export function QueryChannelRange_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
24994         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
24995                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
24996         }
24997         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryChannelRange_free(this_obj);
24998         // debug statements here
24999 }
25000         // const uint8_t (*QueryChannelRange_get_chain_hash(const struct LDKQueryChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
25001 /* @internal */
25002 export function QueryChannelRange_get_chain_hash(this_ptr: bigint): number {
25003         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25004                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25005         }
25006         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryChannelRange_get_chain_hash(this_ptr);
25007         return nativeResponseValue;
25008 }
25009         // void QueryChannelRange_set_chain_hash(struct LDKQueryChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
25010 /* @internal */
25011 export function QueryChannelRange_set_chain_hash(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
25012         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25013                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25014         }
25015         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryChannelRange_set_chain_hash(this_ptr, val);
25016         // debug statements here
25017 }
25018         // uint32_t QueryChannelRange_get_first_blocknum(const struct LDKQueryChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
25019 /* @internal */
25020 export function QueryChannelRange_get_first_blocknum(this_ptr: bigint): number {
25021         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25022                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25023         }
25024         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryChannelRange_get_first_blocknum(this_ptr);
25025         return nativeResponseValue;
25026 }
25027         // void QueryChannelRange_set_first_blocknum(struct LDKQueryChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
25028 /* @internal */
25029 export function QueryChannelRange_set_first_blocknum(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
25030         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25031                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25032         }
25033         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryChannelRange_set_first_blocknum(this_ptr, val);
25034         // debug statements here
25035 }
25036         // uint32_t QueryChannelRange_get_number_of_blocks(const struct LDKQueryChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
25037 /* @internal */
25038 export function QueryChannelRange_get_number_of_blocks(this_ptr: bigint): number {
25039         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25040                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25041         }
25042         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryChannelRange_get_number_of_blocks(this_ptr);
25043         return nativeResponseValue;
25044 }
25045         // void QueryChannelRange_set_number_of_blocks(struct LDKQueryChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
25046 /* @internal */
25047 export function QueryChannelRange_set_number_of_blocks(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
25048         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25049                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25050         }
25051         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryChannelRange_set_number_of_blocks(this_ptr, val);
25052         // debug statements here
25053 }
25054         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKQueryChannelRange QueryChannelRange_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes chain_hash_arg, uint32_t first_blocknum_arg, uint32_t number_of_blocks_arg);
25055 /* @internal */
25056 export function QueryChannelRange_new(chain_hash_arg: number, first_blocknum_arg: number, number_of_blocks_arg: number): bigint {
25057         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25058                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25059         }
25060         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryChannelRange_new(chain_hash_arg, first_blocknum_arg, number_of_blocks_arg);
25061         return nativeResponseValue;
25062 }
25063         // uint64_t QueryChannelRange_clone_ptr(LDKQueryChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR arg);
25064 /* @internal */
25065 export function QueryChannelRange_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
25066         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25067                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25068         }
25069         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryChannelRange_clone_ptr(arg);
25070         return nativeResponseValue;
25071 }
25072         // struct LDKQueryChannelRange QueryChannelRange_clone(const struct LDKQueryChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR orig);
25073 /* @internal */
25074 export function QueryChannelRange_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
25075         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25076                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25077         }
25078         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryChannelRange_clone(orig);
25079         return nativeResponseValue;
25080 }
25081         // void ReplyChannelRange_free(struct LDKReplyChannelRange this_obj);
25082 /* @internal */
25083 export function ReplyChannelRange_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
25084         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25085                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25086         }
25087         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyChannelRange_free(this_obj);
25088         // debug statements here
25089 }
25090         // const uint8_t (*ReplyChannelRange_get_chain_hash(const struct LDKReplyChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
25091 /* @internal */
25092 export function ReplyChannelRange_get_chain_hash(this_ptr: bigint): number {
25093         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25094                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25095         }
25096         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyChannelRange_get_chain_hash(this_ptr);
25097         return nativeResponseValue;
25098 }
25099         // void ReplyChannelRange_set_chain_hash(struct LDKReplyChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
25100 /* @internal */
25101 export function ReplyChannelRange_set_chain_hash(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
25102         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25103                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25104         }
25105         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyChannelRange_set_chain_hash(this_ptr, val);
25106         // debug statements here
25107 }
25108         // uint32_t ReplyChannelRange_get_first_blocknum(const struct LDKReplyChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
25109 /* @internal */
25110 export function ReplyChannelRange_get_first_blocknum(this_ptr: bigint): number {
25111         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25112                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25113         }
25114         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyChannelRange_get_first_blocknum(this_ptr);
25115         return nativeResponseValue;
25116 }
25117         // void ReplyChannelRange_set_first_blocknum(struct LDKReplyChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
25118 /* @internal */
25119 export function ReplyChannelRange_set_first_blocknum(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
25120         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25121                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25122         }
25123         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyChannelRange_set_first_blocknum(this_ptr, val);
25124         // debug statements here
25125 }
25126         // uint32_t ReplyChannelRange_get_number_of_blocks(const struct LDKReplyChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
25127 /* @internal */
25128 export function ReplyChannelRange_get_number_of_blocks(this_ptr: bigint): number {
25129         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25130                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25131         }
25132         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyChannelRange_get_number_of_blocks(this_ptr);
25133         return nativeResponseValue;
25134 }
25135         // void ReplyChannelRange_set_number_of_blocks(struct LDKReplyChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
25136 /* @internal */
25137 export function ReplyChannelRange_set_number_of_blocks(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
25138         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25139                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25140         }
25141         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyChannelRange_set_number_of_blocks(this_ptr, val);
25142         // debug statements here
25143 }
25144         // bool ReplyChannelRange_get_sync_complete(const struct LDKReplyChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
25145 /* @internal */
25146 export function ReplyChannelRange_get_sync_complete(this_ptr: bigint): boolean {
25147         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25148                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25149         }
25150         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyChannelRange_get_sync_complete(this_ptr);
25151         return nativeResponseValue;
25152 }
25153         // void ReplyChannelRange_set_sync_complete(struct LDKReplyChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, bool val);
25154 /* @internal */
25155 export function ReplyChannelRange_set_sync_complete(this_ptr: bigint, val: boolean): void {
25156         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25157                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25158         }
25159         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyChannelRange_set_sync_complete(this_ptr, val);
25160         // debug statements here
25161 }
25162         // struct LDKCVec_u64Z ReplyChannelRange_get_short_channel_ids(const struct LDKReplyChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
25163 /* @internal */
25164 export function ReplyChannelRange_get_short_channel_ids(this_ptr: bigint): number {
25165         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25166                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25167         }
25168         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyChannelRange_get_short_channel_ids(this_ptr);
25169         return nativeResponseValue;
25170 }
25171         // void ReplyChannelRange_set_short_channel_ids(struct LDKReplyChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCVec_u64Z val);
25172 /* @internal */
25173 export function ReplyChannelRange_set_short_channel_ids(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
25174         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25175                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25176         }
25177         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyChannelRange_set_short_channel_ids(this_ptr, val);
25178         // debug statements here
25179 }
25180         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKReplyChannelRange ReplyChannelRange_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes chain_hash_arg, uint32_t first_blocknum_arg, uint32_t number_of_blocks_arg, bool sync_complete_arg, struct LDKCVec_u64Z short_channel_ids_arg);
25181 /* @internal */
25182 export function ReplyChannelRange_new(chain_hash_arg: number, first_blocknum_arg: number, number_of_blocks_arg: number, sync_complete_arg: boolean, short_channel_ids_arg: number): bigint {
25183         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25184                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25185         }
25186         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyChannelRange_new(chain_hash_arg, first_blocknum_arg, number_of_blocks_arg, sync_complete_arg, short_channel_ids_arg);
25187         return nativeResponseValue;
25188 }
25189         // uint64_t ReplyChannelRange_clone_ptr(LDKReplyChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR arg);
25190 /* @internal */
25191 export function ReplyChannelRange_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
25192         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25193                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25194         }
25195         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyChannelRange_clone_ptr(arg);
25196         return nativeResponseValue;
25197 }
25198         // struct LDKReplyChannelRange ReplyChannelRange_clone(const struct LDKReplyChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR orig);
25199 /* @internal */
25200 export function ReplyChannelRange_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
25201         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25202                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25203         }
25204         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyChannelRange_clone(orig);
25205         return nativeResponseValue;
25206 }
25207         // void QueryShortChannelIds_free(struct LDKQueryShortChannelIds this_obj);
25208 /* @internal */
25209 export function QueryShortChannelIds_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
25210         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25211                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25212         }
25213         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryShortChannelIds_free(this_obj);
25214         // debug statements here
25215 }
25216         // const uint8_t (*QueryShortChannelIds_get_chain_hash(const struct LDKQueryShortChannelIds *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
25217 /* @internal */
25218 export function QueryShortChannelIds_get_chain_hash(this_ptr: bigint): number {
25219         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25220                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25221         }
25222         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryShortChannelIds_get_chain_hash(this_ptr);
25223         return nativeResponseValue;
25224 }
25225         // void QueryShortChannelIds_set_chain_hash(struct LDKQueryShortChannelIds *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
25226 /* @internal */
25227 export function QueryShortChannelIds_set_chain_hash(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
25228         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25229                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25230         }
25231         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryShortChannelIds_set_chain_hash(this_ptr, val);
25232         // debug statements here
25233 }
25234         // struct LDKCVec_u64Z QueryShortChannelIds_get_short_channel_ids(const struct LDKQueryShortChannelIds *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
25235 /* @internal */
25236 export function QueryShortChannelIds_get_short_channel_ids(this_ptr: bigint): number {
25237         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25238                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25239         }
25240         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryShortChannelIds_get_short_channel_ids(this_ptr);
25241         return nativeResponseValue;
25242 }
25243         // void QueryShortChannelIds_set_short_channel_ids(struct LDKQueryShortChannelIds *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCVec_u64Z val);
25244 /* @internal */
25245 export function QueryShortChannelIds_set_short_channel_ids(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
25246         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25247                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25248         }
25249         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryShortChannelIds_set_short_channel_ids(this_ptr, val);
25250         // debug statements here
25251 }
25252         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKQueryShortChannelIds QueryShortChannelIds_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes chain_hash_arg, struct LDKCVec_u64Z short_channel_ids_arg);
25253 /* @internal */
25254 export function QueryShortChannelIds_new(chain_hash_arg: number, short_channel_ids_arg: number): bigint {
25255         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25256                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25257         }
25258         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryShortChannelIds_new(chain_hash_arg, short_channel_ids_arg);
25259         return nativeResponseValue;
25260 }
25261         // uint64_t QueryShortChannelIds_clone_ptr(LDKQueryShortChannelIds *NONNULL_PTR arg);
25262 /* @internal */
25263 export function QueryShortChannelIds_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
25264         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25265                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25266         }
25267         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryShortChannelIds_clone_ptr(arg);
25268         return nativeResponseValue;
25269 }
25270         // struct LDKQueryShortChannelIds QueryShortChannelIds_clone(const struct LDKQueryShortChannelIds *NONNULL_PTR orig);
25271 /* @internal */
25272 export function QueryShortChannelIds_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
25273         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25274                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25275         }
25276         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryShortChannelIds_clone(orig);
25277         return nativeResponseValue;
25278 }
25279         // void ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_free(struct LDKReplyShortChannelIdsEnd this_obj);
25280 /* @internal */
25281 export function ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
25282         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25283                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25284         }
25285         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_free(this_obj);
25286         // debug statements here
25287 }
25288         // const uint8_t (*ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_get_chain_hash(const struct LDKReplyShortChannelIdsEnd *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
25289 /* @internal */
25290 export function ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_get_chain_hash(this_ptr: bigint): number {
25291         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25292                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25293         }
25294         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_get_chain_hash(this_ptr);
25295         return nativeResponseValue;
25296 }
25297         // void ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_set_chain_hash(struct LDKReplyShortChannelIdsEnd *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
25298 /* @internal */
25299 export function ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_set_chain_hash(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
25300         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25301                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25302         }
25303         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_set_chain_hash(this_ptr, val);
25304         // debug statements here
25305 }
25306         // bool ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_get_full_information(const struct LDKReplyShortChannelIdsEnd *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
25307 /* @internal */
25308 export function ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_get_full_information(this_ptr: bigint): boolean {
25309         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25310                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25311         }
25312         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_get_full_information(this_ptr);
25313         return nativeResponseValue;
25314 }
25315         // void ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_set_full_information(struct LDKReplyShortChannelIdsEnd *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, bool val);
25316 /* @internal */
25317 export function ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_set_full_information(this_ptr: bigint, val: boolean): void {
25318         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25319                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25320         }
25321         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_set_full_information(this_ptr, val);
25322         // debug statements here
25323 }
25324         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKReplyShortChannelIdsEnd ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes chain_hash_arg, bool full_information_arg);
25325 /* @internal */
25326 export function ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_new(chain_hash_arg: number, full_information_arg: boolean): bigint {
25327         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25328                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25329         }
25330         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_new(chain_hash_arg, full_information_arg);
25331         return nativeResponseValue;
25332 }
25333         // uint64_t ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_clone_ptr(LDKReplyShortChannelIdsEnd *NONNULL_PTR arg);
25334 /* @internal */
25335 export function ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
25336         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25337                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25338         }
25339         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_clone_ptr(arg);
25340         return nativeResponseValue;
25341 }
25342         // struct LDKReplyShortChannelIdsEnd ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_clone(const struct LDKReplyShortChannelIdsEnd *NONNULL_PTR orig);
25343 /* @internal */
25344 export function ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
25345         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25346                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25347         }
25348         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_clone(orig);
25349         return nativeResponseValue;
25350 }
25351         // void GossipTimestampFilter_free(struct LDKGossipTimestampFilter this_obj);
25352 /* @internal */
25353 export function GossipTimestampFilter_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
25354         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25355                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25356         }
25357         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_GossipTimestampFilter_free(this_obj);
25358         // debug statements here
25359 }
25360         // const uint8_t (*GossipTimestampFilter_get_chain_hash(const struct LDKGossipTimestampFilter *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
25361 /* @internal */
25362 export function GossipTimestampFilter_get_chain_hash(this_ptr: bigint): number {
25363         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25364                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25365         }
25366         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_GossipTimestampFilter_get_chain_hash(this_ptr);
25367         return nativeResponseValue;
25368 }
25369         // void GossipTimestampFilter_set_chain_hash(struct LDKGossipTimestampFilter *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
25370 /* @internal */
25371 export function GossipTimestampFilter_set_chain_hash(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
25372         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25373                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25374         }
25375         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_GossipTimestampFilter_set_chain_hash(this_ptr, val);
25376         // debug statements here
25377 }
25378         // uint32_t GossipTimestampFilter_get_first_timestamp(const struct LDKGossipTimestampFilter *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
25379 /* @internal */
25380 export function GossipTimestampFilter_get_first_timestamp(this_ptr: bigint): number {
25381         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25382                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25383         }
25384         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_GossipTimestampFilter_get_first_timestamp(this_ptr);
25385         return nativeResponseValue;
25386 }
25387         // void GossipTimestampFilter_set_first_timestamp(struct LDKGossipTimestampFilter *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
25388 /* @internal */
25389 export function GossipTimestampFilter_set_first_timestamp(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
25390         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25391                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25392         }
25393         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_GossipTimestampFilter_set_first_timestamp(this_ptr, val);
25394         // debug statements here
25395 }
25396         // uint32_t GossipTimestampFilter_get_timestamp_range(const struct LDKGossipTimestampFilter *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
25397 /* @internal */
25398 export function GossipTimestampFilter_get_timestamp_range(this_ptr: bigint): number {
25399         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25400                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25401         }
25402         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_GossipTimestampFilter_get_timestamp_range(this_ptr);
25403         return nativeResponseValue;
25404 }
25405         // void GossipTimestampFilter_set_timestamp_range(struct LDKGossipTimestampFilter *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
25406 /* @internal */
25407 export function GossipTimestampFilter_set_timestamp_range(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
25408         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25409                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25410         }
25411         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_GossipTimestampFilter_set_timestamp_range(this_ptr, val);
25412         // debug statements here
25413 }
25414         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKGossipTimestampFilter GossipTimestampFilter_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes chain_hash_arg, uint32_t first_timestamp_arg, uint32_t timestamp_range_arg);
25415 /* @internal */
25416 export function GossipTimestampFilter_new(chain_hash_arg: number, first_timestamp_arg: number, timestamp_range_arg: number): bigint {
25417         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25418                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25419         }
25420         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_GossipTimestampFilter_new(chain_hash_arg, first_timestamp_arg, timestamp_range_arg);
25421         return nativeResponseValue;
25422 }
25423         // uint64_t GossipTimestampFilter_clone_ptr(LDKGossipTimestampFilter *NONNULL_PTR arg);
25424 /* @internal */
25425 export function GossipTimestampFilter_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
25426         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25427                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25428         }
25429         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_GossipTimestampFilter_clone_ptr(arg);
25430         return nativeResponseValue;
25431 }
25432         // struct LDKGossipTimestampFilter GossipTimestampFilter_clone(const struct LDKGossipTimestampFilter *NONNULL_PTR orig);
25433 /* @internal */
25434 export function GossipTimestampFilter_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
25435         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25436                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25437         }
25438         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_GossipTimestampFilter_clone(orig);
25439         return nativeResponseValue;
25440 }
25441         // void ErrorAction_free(struct LDKErrorAction this_ptr);
25442 /* @internal */
25443 export function ErrorAction_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
25444         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25445                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25446         }
25447         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErrorAction_free(this_ptr);
25448         // debug statements here
25449 }
25450         // uint64_t ErrorAction_clone_ptr(LDKErrorAction *NONNULL_PTR arg);
25451 /* @internal */
25452 export function ErrorAction_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
25453         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25454                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25455         }
25456         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErrorAction_clone_ptr(arg);
25457         return nativeResponseValue;
25458 }
25459         // struct LDKErrorAction ErrorAction_clone(const struct LDKErrorAction *NONNULL_PTR orig);
25460 /* @internal */
25461 export function ErrorAction_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
25462         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25463                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25464         }
25465         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErrorAction_clone(orig);
25466         return nativeResponseValue;
25467 }
25468         // struct LDKErrorAction ErrorAction_disconnect_peer(struct LDKErrorMessage msg);
25469 /* @internal */
25470 export function ErrorAction_disconnect_peer(msg: bigint): bigint {
25471         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25472                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25473         }
25474         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErrorAction_disconnect_peer(msg);
25475         return nativeResponseValue;
25476 }
25477         // struct LDKErrorAction ErrorAction_ignore_error(void);
25478 /* @internal */
25479 export function ErrorAction_ignore_error(): bigint {
25480         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25481                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25482         }
25483         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErrorAction_ignore_error();
25484         return nativeResponseValue;
25485 }
25486         // struct LDKErrorAction ErrorAction_ignore_and_log(enum LDKLevel a);
25487 /* @internal */
25488 export function ErrorAction_ignore_and_log(a: Level): bigint {
25489         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25490                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25491         }
25492         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErrorAction_ignore_and_log(a);
25493         return nativeResponseValue;
25494 }
25495         // struct LDKErrorAction ErrorAction_ignore_duplicate_gossip(void);
25496 /* @internal */
25497 export function ErrorAction_ignore_duplicate_gossip(): bigint {
25498         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25499                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25500         }
25501         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErrorAction_ignore_duplicate_gossip();
25502         return nativeResponseValue;
25503 }
25504         // struct LDKErrorAction ErrorAction_send_error_message(struct LDKErrorMessage msg);
25505 /* @internal */
25506 export function ErrorAction_send_error_message(msg: bigint): bigint {
25507         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25508                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25509         }
25510         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErrorAction_send_error_message(msg);
25511         return nativeResponseValue;
25512 }
25513         // struct LDKErrorAction ErrorAction_send_warning_message(struct LDKWarningMessage msg, enum LDKLevel log_level);
25514 /* @internal */
25515 export function ErrorAction_send_warning_message(msg: bigint, log_level: Level): bigint {
25516         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25517                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25518         }
25519         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErrorAction_send_warning_message(msg, log_level);
25520         return nativeResponseValue;
25521 }
25522         // void LightningError_free(struct LDKLightningError this_obj);
25523 /* @internal */
25524 export function LightningError_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
25525         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25526                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25527         }
25528         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LightningError_free(this_obj);
25529         // debug statements here
25530 }
25531         // struct LDKStr LightningError_get_err(const struct LDKLightningError *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
25532 /* @internal */
25533 export function LightningError_get_err(this_ptr: bigint): number {
25534         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25535                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25536         }
25537         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LightningError_get_err(this_ptr);
25538         return nativeResponseValue;
25539 }
25540         // void LightningError_set_err(struct LDKLightningError *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKStr val);
25541 /* @internal */
25542 export function LightningError_set_err(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
25543         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25544                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25545         }
25546         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LightningError_set_err(this_ptr, val);
25547         // debug statements here
25548 }
25549         // struct LDKErrorAction LightningError_get_action(const struct LDKLightningError *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
25550 /* @internal */
25551 export function LightningError_get_action(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
25552         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25553                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25554         }
25555         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LightningError_get_action(this_ptr);
25556         return nativeResponseValue;
25557 }
25558         // void LightningError_set_action(struct LDKLightningError *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKErrorAction val);
25559 /* @internal */
25560 export function LightningError_set_action(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
25561         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25562                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25563         }
25564         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LightningError_set_action(this_ptr, val);
25565         // debug statements here
25566 }
25567         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKLightningError LightningError_new(struct LDKStr err_arg, struct LDKErrorAction action_arg);
25568 /* @internal */
25569 export function LightningError_new(err_arg: number, action_arg: bigint): bigint {
25570         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25571                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25572         }
25573         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LightningError_new(err_arg, action_arg);
25574         return nativeResponseValue;
25575 }
25576         // uint64_t LightningError_clone_ptr(LDKLightningError *NONNULL_PTR arg);
25577 /* @internal */
25578 export function LightningError_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
25579         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25580                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25581         }
25582         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LightningError_clone_ptr(arg);
25583         return nativeResponseValue;
25584 }
25585         // struct LDKLightningError LightningError_clone(const struct LDKLightningError *NONNULL_PTR orig);
25586 /* @internal */
25587 export function LightningError_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
25588         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25589                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25590         }
25591         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LightningError_clone(orig);
25592         return nativeResponseValue;
25593 }
25594         // void CommitmentUpdate_free(struct LDKCommitmentUpdate this_obj);
25595 /* @internal */
25596 export function CommitmentUpdate_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
25597         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25598                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25599         }
25600         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentUpdate_free(this_obj);
25601         // debug statements here
25602 }
25603         // struct LDKCVec_UpdateAddHTLCZ CommitmentUpdate_get_update_add_htlcs(const struct LDKCommitmentUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
25604 /* @internal */
25605 export function CommitmentUpdate_get_update_add_htlcs(this_ptr: bigint): number {
25606         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25607                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25608         }
25609         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentUpdate_get_update_add_htlcs(this_ptr);
25610         return nativeResponseValue;
25611 }
25612         // void CommitmentUpdate_set_update_add_htlcs(struct LDKCommitmentUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCVec_UpdateAddHTLCZ val);
25613 /* @internal */
25614 export function CommitmentUpdate_set_update_add_htlcs(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
25615         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25616                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25617         }
25618         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentUpdate_set_update_add_htlcs(this_ptr, val);
25619         // debug statements here
25620 }
25621         // struct LDKCVec_UpdateFulfillHTLCZ CommitmentUpdate_get_update_fulfill_htlcs(const struct LDKCommitmentUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
25622 /* @internal */
25623 export function CommitmentUpdate_get_update_fulfill_htlcs(this_ptr: bigint): number {
25624         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25625                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25626         }
25627         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentUpdate_get_update_fulfill_htlcs(this_ptr);
25628         return nativeResponseValue;
25629 }
25630         // void CommitmentUpdate_set_update_fulfill_htlcs(struct LDKCommitmentUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCVec_UpdateFulfillHTLCZ val);
25631 /* @internal */
25632 export function CommitmentUpdate_set_update_fulfill_htlcs(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
25633         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25634                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25635         }
25636         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentUpdate_set_update_fulfill_htlcs(this_ptr, val);
25637         // debug statements here
25638 }
25639         // struct LDKCVec_UpdateFailHTLCZ CommitmentUpdate_get_update_fail_htlcs(const struct LDKCommitmentUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
25640 /* @internal */
25641 export function CommitmentUpdate_get_update_fail_htlcs(this_ptr: bigint): number {
25642         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25643                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25644         }
25645         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentUpdate_get_update_fail_htlcs(this_ptr);
25646         return nativeResponseValue;
25647 }
25648         // void CommitmentUpdate_set_update_fail_htlcs(struct LDKCommitmentUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCVec_UpdateFailHTLCZ val);
25649 /* @internal */
25650 export function CommitmentUpdate_set_update_fail_htlcs(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
25651         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25652                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25653         }
25654         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentUpdate_set_update_fail_htlcs(this_ptr, val);
25655         // debug statements here
25656 }
25657         // struct LDKCVec_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCZ CommitmentUpdate_get_update_fail_malformed_htlcs(const struct LDKCommitmentUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
25658 /* @internal */
25659 export function CommitmentUpdate_get_update_fail_malformed_htlcs(this_ptr: bigint): number {
25660         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25661                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25662         }
25663         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentUpdate_get_update_fail_malformed_htlcs(this_ptr);
25664         return nativeResponseValue;
25665 }
25666         // void CommitmentUpdate_set_update_fail_malformed_htlcs(struct LDKCommitmentUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCVec_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCZ val);
25667 /* @internal */
25668 export function CommitmentUpdate_set_update_fail_malformed_htlcs(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
25669         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25670                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25671         }
25672         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentUpdate_set_update_fail_malformed_htlcs(this_ptr, val);
25673         // debug statements here
25674 }
25675         // struct LDKUpdateFee CommitmentUpdate_get_update_fee(const struct LDKCommitmentUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
25676 /* @internal */
25677 export function CommitmentUpdate_get_update_fee(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
25678         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25679                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25680         }
25681         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentUpdate_get_update_fee(this_ptr);
25682         return nativeResponseValue;
25683 }
25684         // void CommitmentUpdate_set_update_fee(struct LDKCommitmentUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKUpdateFee val);
25685 /* @internal */
25686 export function CommitmentUpdate_set_update_fee(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
25687         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25688                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25689         }
25690         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentUpdate_set_update_fee(this_ptr, val);
25691         // debug statements here
25692 }
25693         // struct LDKCommitmentSigned CommitmentUpdate_get_commitment_signed(const struct LDKCommitmentUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
25694 /* @internal */
25695 export function CommitmentUpdate_get_commitment_signed(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
25696         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25697                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25698         }
25699         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentUpdate_get_commitment_signed(this_ptr);
25700         return nativeResponseValue;
25701 }
25702         // void CommitmentUpdate_set_commitment_signed(struct LDKCommitmentUpdate *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCommitmentSigned val);
25703 /* @internal */
25704 export function CommitmentUpdate_set_commitment_signed(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
25705         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25706                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25707         }
25708         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentUpdate_set_commitment_signed(this_ptr, val);
25709         // debug statements here
25710 }
25711         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCommitmentUpdate CommitmentUpdate_new(struct LDKCVec_UpdateAddHTLCZ update_add_htlcs_arg, struct LDKCVec_UpdateFulfillHTLCZ update_fulfill_htlcs_arg, struct LDKCVec_UpdateFailHTLCZ update_fail_htlcs_arg, struct LDKCVec_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCZ update_fail_malformed_htlcs_arg, struct LDKUpdateFee update_fee_arg, struct LDKCommitmentSigned commitment_signed_arg);
25712 /* @internal */
25713 export function CommitmentUpdate_new(update_add_htlcs_arg: number, update_fulfill_htlcs_arg: number, update_fail_htlcs_arg: number, update_fail_malformed_htlcs_arg: number, update_fee_arg: bigint, commitment_signed_arg: bigint): bigint {
25714         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25715                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25716         }
25717         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentUpdate_new(update_add_htlcs_arg, update_fulfill_htlcs_arg, update_fail_htlcs_arg, update_fail_malformed_htlcs_arg, update_fee_arg, commitment_signed_arg);
25718         return nativeResponseValue;
25719 }
25720         // uint64_t CommitmentUpdate_clone_ptr(LDKCommitmentUpdate *NONNULL_PTR arg);
25721 /* @internal */
25722 export function CommitmentUpdate_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
25723         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25724                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25725         }
25726         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentUpdate_clone_ptr(arg);
25727         return nativeResponseValue;
25728 }
25729         // struct LDKCommitmentUpdate CommitmentUpdate_clone(const struct LDKCommitmentUpdate *NONNULL_PTR orig);
25730 /* @internal */
25731 export function CommitmentUpdate_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
25732         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25733                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25734         }
25735         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentUpdate_clone(orig);
25736         return nativeResponseValue;
25737 }
25738         // void ChannelMessageHandler_free(struct LDKChannelMessageHandler this_ptr);
25739 /* @internal */
25740 export function ChannelMessageHandler_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
25741         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25742                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25743         }
25744         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelMessageHandler_free(this_ptr);
25745         // debug statements here
25746 }
25747         // void RoutingMessageHandler_free(struct LDKRoutingMessageHandler this_ptr);
25748 /* @internal */
25749 export function RoutingMessageHandler_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
25750         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25751                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25752         }
25753         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingMessageHandler_free(this_ptr);
25754         // debug statements here
25755 }
25756         // void OnionMessageHandler_free(struct LDKOnionMessageHandler this_ptr);
25757 /* @internal */
25758 export function OnionMessageHandler_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
25759         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25760                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25761         }
25762         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OnionMessageHandler_free(this_ptr);
25763         // debug statements here
25764 }
25765         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z AcceptChannel_write(const struct LDKAcceptChannel *NONNULL_PTR obj);
25766 /* @internal */
25767 export function AcceptChannel_write(obj: bigint): number {
25768         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25769                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25770         }
25771         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_write(obj);
25772         return nativeResponseValue;
25773 }
25774         // struct LDKCResult_AcceptChannelDecodeErrorZ AcceptChannel_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
25775 /* @internal */
25776 export function AcceptChannel_read(ser: number): bigint {
25777         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25778                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25779         }
25780         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AcceptChannel_read(ser);
25781         return nativeResponseValue;
25782 }
25783         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z AnnouncementSignatures_write(const struct LDKAnnouncementSignatures *NONNULL_PTR obj);
25784 /* @internal */
25785 export function AnnouncementSignatures_write(obj: bigint): number {
25786         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25787                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25788         }
25789         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AnnouncementSignatures_write(obj);
25790         return nativeResponseValue;
25791 }
25792         // struct LDKCResult_AnnouncementSignaturesDecodeErrorZ AnnouncementSignatures_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
25793 /* @internal */
25794 export function AnnouncementSignatures_read(ser: number): bigint {
25795         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25796                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25797         }
25798         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_AnnouncementSignatures_read(ser);
25799         return nativeResponseValue;
25800 }
25801         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ChannelReestablish_write(const struct LDKChannelReestablish *NONNULL_PTR obj);
25802 /* @internal */
25803 export function ChannelReestablish_write(obj: bigint): number {
25804         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25805                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25806         }
25807         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReestablish_write(obj);
25808         return nativeResponseValue;
25809 }
25810         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelReestablishDecodeErrorZ ChannelReestablish_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
25811 /* @internal */
25812 export function ChannelReestablish_read(ser: number): bigint {
25813         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25814                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25815         }
25816         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReestablish_read(ser);
25817         return nativeResponseValue;
25818 }
25819         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ClosingSigned_write(const struct LDKClosingSigned *NONNULL_PTR obj);
25820 /* @internal */
25821 export function ClosingSigned_write(obj: bigint): number {
25822         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25823                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25824         }
25825         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSigned_write(obj);
25826         return nativeResponseValue;
25827 }
25828         // struct LDKCResult_ClosingSignedDecodeErrorZ ClosingSigned_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
25829 /* @internal */
25830 export function ClosingSigned_read(ser: number): bigint {
25831         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25832                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25833         }
25834         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSigned_read(ser);
25835         return nativeResponseValue;
25836 }
25837         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ClosingSignedFeeRange_write(const struct LDKClosingSignedFeeRange *NONNULL_PTR obj);
25838 /* @internal */
25839 export function ClosingSignedFeeRange_write(obj: bigint): number {
25840         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25841                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25842         }
25843         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSignedFeeRange_write(obj);
25844         return nativeResponseValue;
25845 }
25846         // struct LDKCResult_ClosingSignedFeeRangeDecodeErrorZ ClosingSignedFeeRange_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
25847 /* @internal */
25848 export function ClosingSignedFeeRange_read(ser: number): bigint {
25849         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25850                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25851         }
25852         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingSignedFeeRange_read(ser);
25853         return nativeResponseValue;
25854 }
25855         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z CommitmentSigned_write(const struct LDKCommitmentSigned *NONNULL_PTR obj);
25856 /* @internal */
25857 export function CommitmentSigned_write(obj: bigint): number {
25858         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25859                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25860         }
25861         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentSigned_write(obj);
25862         return nativeResponseValue;
25863 }
25864         // struct LDKCResult_CommitmentSignedDecodeErrorZ CommitmentSigned_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
25865 /* @internal */
25866 export function CommitmentSigned_read(ser: number): bigint {
25867         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25868                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25869         }
25870         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentSigned_read(ser);
25871         return nativeResponseValue;
25872 }
25873         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z FundingCreated_write(const struct LDKFundingCreated *NONNULL_PTR obj);
25874 /* @internal */
25875 export function FundingCreated_write(obj: bigint): number {
25876         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25877                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25878         }
25879         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingCreated_write(obj);
25880         return nativeResponseValue;
25881 }
25882         // struct LDKCResult_FundingCreatedDecodeErrorZ FundingCreated_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
25883 /* @internal */
25884 export function FundingCreated_read(ser: number): bigint {
25885         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25886                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25887         }
25888         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingCreated_read(ser);
25889         return nativeResponseValue;
25890 }
25891         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z FundingSigned_write(const struct LDKFundingSigned *NONNULL_PTR obj);
25892 /* @internal */
25893 export function FundingSigned_write(obj: bigint): number {
25894         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25895                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25896         }
25897         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingSigned_write(obj);
25898         return nativeResponseValue;
25899 }
25900         // struct LDKCResult_FundingSignedDecodeErrorZ FundingSigned_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
25901 /* @internal */
25902 export function FundingSigned_read(ser: number): bigint {
25903         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25904                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25905         }
25906         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FundingSigned_read(ser);
25907         return nativeResponseValue;
25908 }
25909         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ChannelReady_write(const struct LDKChannelReady *NONNULL_PTR obj);
25910 /* @internal */
25911 export function ChannelReady_write(obj: bigint): number {
25912         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25913                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25914         }
25915         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReady_write(obj);
25916         return nativeResponseValue;
25917 }
25918         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelReadyDecodeErrorZ ChannelReady_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
25919 /* @internal */
25920 export function ChannelReady_read(ser: number): bigint {
25921         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25922                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25923         }
25924         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelReady_read(ser);
25925         return nativeResponseValue;
25926 }
25927         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z Init_write(const struct LDKInit *NONNULL_PTR obj);
25928 /* @internal */
25929 export function Init_write(obj: bigint): number {
25930         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25931                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25932         }
25933         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Init_write(obj);
25934         return nativeResponseValue;
25935 }
25936         // struct LDKCResult_InitDecodeErrorZ Init_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
25937 /* @internal */
25938 export function Init_read(ser: number): bigint {
25939         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25940                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25941         }
25942         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Init_read(ser);
25943         return nativeResponseValue;
25944 }
25945         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z OpenChannel_write(const struct LDKOpenChannel *NONNULL_PTR obj);
25946 /* @internal */
25947 export function OpenChannel_write(obj: bigint): number {
25948         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25949                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25950         }
25951         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_write(obj);
25952         return nativeResponseValue;
25953 }
25954         // struct LDKCResult_OpenChannelDecodeErrorZ OpenChannel_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
25955 /* @internal */
25956 export function OpenChannel_read(ser: number): bigint {
25957         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25958                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25959         }
25960         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OpenChannel_read(ser);
25961         return nativeResponseValue;
25962 }
25963         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z RevokeAndACK_write(const struct LDKRevokeAndACK *NONNULL_PTR obj);
25964 /* @internal */
25965 export function RevokeAndACK_write(obj: bigint): number {
25966         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25967                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25968         }
25969         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RevokeAndACK_write(obj);
25970         return nativeResponseValue;
25971 }
25972         // struct LDKCResult_RevokeAndACKDecodeErrorZ RevokeAndACK_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
25973 /* @internal */
25974 export function RevokeAndACK_read(ser: number): bigint {
25975         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25976                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25977         }
25978         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RevokeAndACK_read(ser);
25979         return nativeResponseValue;
25980 }
25981         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z Shutdown_write(const struct LDKShutdown *NONNULL_PTR obj);
25982 /* @internal */
25983 export function Shutdown_write(obj: bigint): number {
25984         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25985                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25986         }
25987         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Shutdown_write(obj);
25988         return nativeResponseValue;
25989 }
25990         // struct LDKCResult_ShutdownDecodeErrorZ Shutdown_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
25991 /* @internal */
25992 export function Shutdown_read(ser: number): bigint {
25993         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
25994                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
25995         }
25996         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Shutdown_read(ser);
25997         return nativeResponseValue;
25998 }
25999         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z UpdateFailHTLC_write(const struct LDKUpdateFailHTLC *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26000 /* @internal */
26001 export function UpdateFailHTLC_write(obj: bigint): number {
26002         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26003                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26004         }
26005         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFailHTLC_write(obj);
26006         return nativeResponseValue;
26007 }
26008         // struct LDKCResult_UpdateFailHTLCDecodeErrorZ UpdateFailHTLC_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26009 /* @internal */
26010 export function UpdateFailHTLC_read(ser: number): bigint {
26011         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26012                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26013         }
26014         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFailHTLC_read(ser);
26015         return nativeResponseValue;
26016 }
26017         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_write(const struct LDKUpdateFailMalformedHTLC *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26018 /* @internal */
26019 export function UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_write(obj: bigint): number {
26020         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26021                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26022         }
26023         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_write(obj);
26024         return nativeResponseValue;
26025 }
26026         // struct LDKCResult_UpdateFailMalformedHTLCDecodeErrorZ UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26027 /* @internal */
26028 export function UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_read(ser: number): bigint {
26029         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26030                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26031         }
26032         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFailMalformedHTLC_read(ser);
26033         return nativeResponseValue;
26034 }
26035         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z UpdateFee_write(const struct LDKUpdateFee *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26036 /* @internal */
26037 export function UpdateFee_write(obj: bigint): number {
26038         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26039                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26040         }
26041         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFee_write(obj);
26042         return nativeResponseValue;
26043 }
26044         // struct LDKCResult_UpdateFeeDecodeErrorZ UpdateFee_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26045 /* @internal */
26046 export function UpdateFee_read(ser: number): bigint {
26047         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26048                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26049         }
26050         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFee_read(ser);
26051         return nativeResponseValue;
26052 }
26053         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z UpdateFulfillHTLC_write(const struct LDKUpdateFulfillHTLC *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26054 /* @internal */
26055 export function UpdateFulfillHTLC_write(obj: bigint): number {
26056         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26057                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26058         }
26059         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFulfillHTLC_write(obj);
26060         return nativeResponseValue;
26061 }
26062         // struct LDKCResult_UpdateFulfillHTLCDecodeErrorZ UpdateFulfillHTLC_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26063 /* @internal */
26064 export function UpdateFulfillHTLC_read(ser: number): bigint {
26065         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26066                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26067         }
26068         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateFulfillHTLC_read(ser);
26069         return nativeResponseValue;
26070 }
26071         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z UpdateAddHTLC_write(const struct LDKUpdateAddHTLC *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26072 /* @internal */
26073 export function UpdateAddHTLC_write(obj: bigint): number {
26074         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26075                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26076         }
26077         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateAddHTLC_write(obj);
26078         return nativeResponseValue;
26079 }
26080         // struct LDKCResult_UpdateAddHTLCDecodeErrorZ UpdateAddHTLC_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26081 /* @internal */
26082 export function UpdateAddHTLC_read(ser: number): bigint {
26083         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26084                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26085         }
26086         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UpdateAddHTLC_read(ser);
26087         return nativeResponseValue;
26088 }
26089         // struct LDKCResult_OnionMessageDecodeErrorZ OnionMessage_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26090 /* @internal */
26091 export function OnionMessage_read(ser: number): bigint {
26092         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26093                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26094         }
26095         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OnionMessage_read(ser);
26096         return nativeResponseValue;
26097 }
26098         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z OnionMessage_write(const struct LDKOnionMessage *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26099 /* @internal */
26100 export function OnionMessage_write(obj: bigint): number {
26101         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26102                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26103         }
26104         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OnionMessage_write(obj);
26105         return nativeResponseValue;
26106 }
26107         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z Ping_write(const struct LDKPing *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26108 /* @internal */
26109 export function Ping_write(obj: bigint): number {
26110         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26111                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26112         }
26113         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Ping_write(obj);
26114         return nativeResponseValue;
26115 }
26116         // struct LDKCResult_PingDecodeErrorZ Ping_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26117 /* @internal */
26118 export function Ping_read(ser: number): bigint {
26119         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26120                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26121         }
26122         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Ping_read(ser);
26123         return nativeResponseValue;
26124 }
26125         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z Pong_write(const struct LDKPong *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26126 /* @internal */
26127 export function Pong_write(obj: bigint): number {
26128         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26129                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26130         }
26131         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Pong_write(obj);
26132         return nativeResponseValue;
26133 }
26134         // struct LDKCResult_PongDecodeErrorZ Pong_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26135 /* @internal */
26136 export function Pong_read(ser: number): bigint {
26137         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26138                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26139         }
26140         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Pong_read(ser);
26141         return nativeResponseValue;
26142 }
26143         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_write(const struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26144 /* @internal */
26145 export function UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_write(obj: bigint): number {
26146         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26147                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26148         }
26149         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_write(obj);
26150         return nativeResponseValue;
26151 }
26152         // struct LDKCResult_UnsignedChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26153 /* @internal */
26154 export function UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_read(ser: number): bigint {
26155         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26156                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26157         }
26158         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelAnnouncement_read(ser);
26159         return nativeResponseValue;
26160 }
26161         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ChannelAnnouncement_write(const struct LDKChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26162 /* @internal */
26163 export function ChannelAnnouncement_write(obj: bigint): number {
26164         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26165                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26166         }
26167         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelAnnouncement_write(obj);
26168         return nativeResponseValue;
26169 }
26170         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ ChannelAnnouncement_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26171 /* @internal */
26172 export function ChannelAnnouncement_read(ser: number): bigint {
26173         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26174                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26175         }
26176         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelAnnouncement_read(ser);
26177         return nativeResponseValue;
26178 }
26179         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z UnsignedChannelUpdate_write(const struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26180 /* @internal */
26181 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_write(obj: bigint): number {
26182         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26183                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26184         }
26185         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_write(obj);
26186         return nativeResponseValue;
26187 }
26188         // struct LDKCResult_UnsignedChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ UnsignedChannelUpdate_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26189 /* @internal */
26190 export function UnsignedChannelUpdate_read(ser: number): bigint {
26191         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26192                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26193         }
26194         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedChannelUpdate_read(ser);
26195         return nativeResponseValue;
26196 }
26197         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ChannelUpdate_write(const struct LDKChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26198 /* @internal */
26199 export function ChannelUpdate_write(obj: bigint): number {
26200         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26201                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26202         }
26203         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdate_write(obj);
26204         return nativeResponseValue;
26205 }
26206         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelUpdateDecodeErrorZ ChannelUpdate_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26207 /* @internal */
26208 export function ChannelUpdate_read(ser: number): bigint {
26209         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26210                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26211         }
26212         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdate_read(ser);
26213         return nativeResponseValue;
26214 }
26215         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ErrorMessage_write(const struct LDKErrorMessage *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26216 /* @internal */
26217 export function ErrorMessage_write(obj: bigint): number {
26218         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26219                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26220         }
26221         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErrorMessage_write(obj);
26222         return nativeResponseValue;
26223 }
26224         // struct LDKCResult_ErrorMessageDecodeErrorZ ErrorMessage_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26225 /* @internal */
26226 export function ErrorMessage_read(ser: number): bigint {
26227         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26228                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26229         }
26230         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErrorMessage_read(ser);
26231         return nativeResponseValue;
26232 }
26233         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z WarningMessage_write(const struct LDKWarningMessage *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26234 /* @internal */
26235 export function WarningMessage_write(obj: bigint): number {
26236         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26237                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26238         }
26239         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WarningMessage_write(obj);
26240         return nativeResponseValue;
26241 }
26242         // struct LDKCResult_WarningMessageDecodeErrorZ WarningMessage_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26243 /* @internal */
26244 export function WarningMessage_read(ser: number): bigint {
26245         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26246                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26247         }
26248         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WarningMessage_read(ser);
26249         return nativeResponseValue;
26250 }
26251         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_write(const struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26252 /* @internal */
26253 export function UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_write(obj: bigint): number {
26254         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26255                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26256         }
26257         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_write(obj);
26258         return nativeResponseValue;
26259 }
26260         // struct LDKCResult_UnsignedNodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26261 /* @internal */
26262 export function UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_read(ser: number): bigint {
26263         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26264                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26265         }
26266         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_UnsignedNodeAnnouncement_read(ser);
26267         return nativeResponseValue;
26268 }
26269         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z NodeAnnouncement_write(const struct LDKNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26270 /* @internal */
26271 export function NodeAnnouncement_write(obj: bigint): number {
26272         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26273                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26274         }
26275         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncement_write(obj);
26276         return nativeResponseValue;
26277 }
26278         // struct LDKCResult_NodeAnnouncementDecodeErrorZ NodeAnnouncement_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26279 /* @internal */
26280 export function NodeAnnouncement_read(ser: number): bigint {
26281         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26282                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26283         }
26284         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncement_read(ser);
26285         return nativeResponseValue;
26286 }
26287         // struct LDKCResult_QueryShortChannelIdsDecodeErrorZ QueryShortChannelIds_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26288 /* @internal */
26289 export function QueryShortChannelIds_read(ser: number): bigint {
26290         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26291                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26292         }
26293         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryShortChannelIds_read(ser);
26294         return nativeResponseValue;
26295 }
26296         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z QueryShortChannelIds_write(const struct LDKQueryShortChannelIds *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26297 /* @internal */
26298 export function QueryShortChannelIds_write(obj: bigint): number {
26299         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26300                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26301         }
26302         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryShortChannelIds_write(obj);
26303         return nativeResponseValue;
26304 }
26305         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_write(const struct LDKReplyShortChannelIdsEnd *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26306 /* @internal */
26307 export function ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_write(obj: bigint): number {
26308         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26309                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26310         }
26311         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_write(obj);
26312         return nativeResponseValue;
26313 }
26314         // struct LDKCResult_ReplyShortChannelIdsEndDecodeErrorZ ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26315 /* @internal */
26316 export function ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_read(ser: number): bigint {
26317         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26318                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26319         }
26320         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd_read(ser);
26321         return nativeResponseValue;
26322 }
26323         // MUST_USE_RES uint32_t QueryChannelRange_end_blocknum(const struct LDKQueryChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
26324 /* @internal */
26325 export function QueryChannelRange_end_blocknum(this_arg: bigint): number {
26326         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26327                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26328         }
26329         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryChannelRange_end_blocknum(this_arg);
26330         return nativeResponseValue;
26331 }
26332         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z QueryChannelRange_write(const struct LDKQueryChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26333 /* @internal */
26334 export function QueryChannelRange_write(obj: bigint): number {
26335         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26336                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26337         }
26338         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryChannelRange_write(obj);
26339         return nativeResponseValue;
26340 }
26341         // struct LDKCResult_QueryChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ QueryChannelRange_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26342 /* @internal */
26343 export function QueryChannelRange_read(ser: number): bigint {
26344         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26345                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26346         }
26347         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_QueryChannelRange_read(ser);
26348         return nativeResponseValue;
26349 }
26350         // struct LDKCResult_ReplyChannelRangeDecodeErrorZ ReplyChannelRange_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26351 /* @internal */
26352 export function ReplyChannelRange_read(ser: number): bigint {
26353         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26354                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26355         }
26356         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyChannelRange_read(ser);
26357         return nativeResponseValue;
26358 }
26359         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ReplyChannelRange_write(const struct LDKReplyChannelRange *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26360 /* @internal */
26361 export function ReplyChannelRange_write(obj: bigint): number {
26362         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26363                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26364         }
26365         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReplyChannelRange_write(obj);
26366         return nativeResponseValue;
26367 }
26368         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z GossipTimestampFilter_write(const struct LDKGossipTimestampFilter *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26369 /* @internal */
26370 export function GossipTimestampFilter_write(obj: bigint): number {
26371         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26372                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26373         }
26374         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_GossipTimestampFilter_write(obj);
26375         return nativeResponseValue;
26376 }
26377         // struct LDKCResult_GossipTimestampFilterDecodeErrorZ GossipTimestampFilter_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26378 /* @internal */
26379 export function GossipTimestampFilter_read(ser: number): bigint {
26380         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26381                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26382         }
26383         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_GossipTimestampFilter_read(ser);
26384         return nativeResponseValue;
26385 }
26386         // void CustomMessageHandler_free(struct LDKCustomMessageHandler this_ptr);
26387 /* @internal */
26388 export function CustomMessageHandler_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
26389         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26390                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26391         }
26392         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CustomMessageHandler_free(this_ptr);
26393         // debug statements here
26394 }
26395         // void IgnoringMessageHandler_free(struct LDKIgnoringMessageHandler this_obj);
26396 /* @internal */
26397 export function IgnoringMessageHandler_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
26398         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26399                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26400         }
26401         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_IgnoringMessageHandler_free(this_obj);
26402         // debug statements here
26403 }
26404         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKIgnoringMessageHandler IgnoringMessageHandler_new(void);
26405 /* @internal */
26406 export function IgnoringMessageHandler_new(): bigint {
26407         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26408                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26409         }
26410         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_IgnoringMessageHandler_new();
26411         return nativeResponseValue;
26412 }
26413         // struct LDKMessageSendEventsProvider IgnoringMessageHandler_as_MessageSendEventsProvider(const struct LDKIgnoringMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
26414 /* @internal */
26415 export function IgnoringMessageHandler_as_MessageSendEventsProvider(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
26416         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26417                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26418         }
26419         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_IgnoringMessageHandler_as_MessageSendEventsProvider(this_arg);
26420         return nativeResponseValue;
26421 }
26422         // struct LDKRoutingMessageHandler IgnoringMessageHandler_as_RoutingMessageHandler(const struct LDKIgnoringMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
26423 /* @internal */
26424 export function IgnoringMessageHandler_as_RoutingMessageHandler(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
26425         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26426                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26427         }
26428         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_IgnoringMessageHandler_as_RoutingMessageHandler(this_arg);
26429         return nativeResponseValue;
26430 }
26431         // struct LDKOnionMessageProvider IgnoringMessageHandler_as_OnionMessageProvider(const struct LDKIgnoringMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
26432 /* @internal */
26433 export function IgnoringMessageHandler_as_OnionMessageProvider(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
26434         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26435                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26436         }
26437         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_IgnoringMessageHandler_as_OnionMessageProvider(this_arg);
26438         return nativeResponseValue;
26439 }
26440         // struct LDKOnionMessageHandler IgnoringMessageHandler_as_OnionMessageHandler(const struct LDKIgnoringMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
26441 /* @internal */
26442 export function IgnoringMessageHandler_as_OnionMessageHandler(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
26443         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26444                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26445         }
26446         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_IgnoringMessageHandler_as_OnionMessageHandler(this_arg);
26447         return nativeResponseValue;
26448 }
26449         // struct LDKCustomMessageReader IgnoringMessageHandler_as_CustomMessageReader(const struct LDKIgnoringMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
26450 /* @internal */
26451 export function IgnoringMessageHandler_as_CustomMessageReader(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
26452         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26453                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26454         }
26455         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_IgnoringMessageHandler_as_CustomMessageReader(this_arg);
26456         return nativeResponseValue;
26457 }
26458         // struct LDKCustomMessageHandler IgnoringMessageHandler_as_CustomMessageHandler(const struct LDKIgnoringMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
26459 /* @internal */
26460 export function IgnoringMessageHandler_as_CustomMessageHandler(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
26461         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26462                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26463         }
26464         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_IgnoringMessageHandler_as_CustomMessageHandler(this_arg);
26465         return nativeResponseValue;
26466 }
26467         // void ErroringMessageHandler_free(struct LDKErroringMessageHandler this_obj);
26468 /* @internal */
26469 export function ErroringMessageHandler_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
26470         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26471                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26472         }
26473         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErroringMessageHandler_free(this_obj);
26474         // debug statements here
26475 }
26476         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKErroringMessageHandler ErroringMessageHandler_new(void);
26477 /* @internal */
26478 export function ErroringMessageHandler_new(): bigint {
26479         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26480                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26481         }
26482         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErroringMessageHandler_new();
26483         return nativeResponseValue;
26484 }
26485         // struct LDKMessageSendEventsProvider ErroringMessageHandler_as_MessageSendEventsProvider(const struct LDKErroringMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
26486 /* @internal */
26487 export function ErroringMessageHandler_as_MessageSendEventsProvider(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
26488         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26489                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26490         }
26491         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErroringMessageHandler_as_MessageSendEventsProvider(this_arg);
26492         return nativeResponseValue;
26493 }
26494         // struct LDKChannelMessageHandler ErroringMessageHandler_as_ChannelMessageHandler(const struct LDKErroringMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
26495 /* @internal */
26496 export function ErroringMessageHandler_as_ChannelMessageHandler(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
26497         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26498                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26499         }
26500         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ErroringMessageHandler_as_ChannelMessageHandler(this_arg);
26501         return nativeResponseValue;
26502 }
26503         // void MessageHandler_free(struct LDKMessageHandler this_obj);
26504 /* @internal */
26505 export function MessageHandler_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
26506         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26507                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26508         }
26509         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageHandler_free(this_obj);
26510         // debug statements here
26511 }
26512         // const struct LDKChannelMessageHandler *MessageHandler_get_chan_handler(const struct LDKMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
26513 /* @internal */
26514 export function MessageHandler_get_chan_handler(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
26515         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26516                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26517         }
26518         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageHandler_get_chan_handler(this_ptr);
26519         return nativeResponseValue;
26520 }
26521         // void MessageHandler_set_chan_handler(struct LDKMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKChannelMessageHandler val);
26522 /* @internal */
26523 export function MessageHandler_set_chan_handler(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
26524         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26525                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26526         }
26527         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageHandler_set_chan_handler(this_ptr, val);
26528         // debug statements here
26529 }
26530         // const struct LDKRoutingMessageHandler *MessageHandler_get_route_handler(const struct LDKMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
26531 /* @internal */
26532 export function MessageHandler_get_route_handler(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
26533         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26534                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26535         }
26536         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageHandler_get_route_handler(this_ptr);
26537         return nativeResponseValue;
26538 }
26539         // void MessageHandler_set_route_handler(struct LDKMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKRoutingMessageHandler val);
26540 /* @internal */
26541 export function MessageHandler_set_route_handler(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
26542         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26543                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26544         }
26545         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageHandler_set_route_handler(this_ptr, val);
26546         // debug statements here
26547 }
26548         // const struct LDKOnionMessageHandler *MessageHandler_get_onion_message_handler(const struct LDKMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
26549 /* @internal */
26550 export function MessageHandler_get_onion_message_handler(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
26551         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26552                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26553         }
26554         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageHandler_get_onion_message_handler(this_ptr);
26555         return nativeResponseValue;
26556 }
26557         // void MessageHandler_set_onion_message_handler(struct LDKMessageHandler *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKOnionMessageHandler val);
26558 /* @internal */
26559 export function MessageHandler_set_onion_message_handler(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
26560         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26561                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26562         }
26563         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageHandler_set_onion_message_handler(this_ptr, val);
26564         // debug statements here
26565 }
26566         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKMessageHandler MessageHandler_new(struct LDKChannelMessageHandler chan_handler_arg, struct LDKRoutingMessageHandler route_handler_arg, struct LDKOnionMessageHandler onion_message_handler_arg);
26567 /* @internal */
26568 export function MessageHandler_new(chan_handler_arg: bigint, route_handler_arg: bigint, onion_message_handler_arg: bigint): bigint {
26569         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26570                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26571         }
26572         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MessageHandler_new(chan_handler_arg, route_handler_arg, onion_message_handler_arg);
26573         return nativeResponseValue;
26574 }
26575         // uint64_t SocketDescriptor_clone_ptr(LDKSocketDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR arg);
26576 /* @internal */
26577 export function SocketDescriptor_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
26578         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26579                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26580         }
26581         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SocketDescriptor_clone_ptr(arg);
26582         return nativeResponseValue;
26583 }
26584         // struct LDKSocketDescriptor SocketDescriptor_clone(const struct LDKSocketDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR orig);
26585 /* @internal */
26586 export function SocketDescriptor_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
26587         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26588                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26589         }
26590         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SocketDescriptor_clone(orig);
26591         return nativeResponseValue;
26592 }
26593         // void SocketDescriptor_free(struct LDKSocketDescriptor this_ptr);
26594 /* @internal */
26595 export function SocketDescriptor_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
26596         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26597                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26598         }
26599         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SocketDescriptor_free(this_ptr);
26600         // debug statements here
26601 }
26602         // void PeerHandleError_free(struct LDKPeerHandleError this_obj);
26603 /* @internal */
26604 export function PeerHandleError_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
26605         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26606                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26607         }
26608         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PeerHandleError_free(this_obj);
26609         // debug statements here
26610 }
26611         // bool PeerHandleError_get_no_connection_possible(const struct LDKPeerHandleError *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
26612 /* @internal */
26613 export function PeerHandleError_get_no_connection_possible(this_ptr: bigint): boolean {
26614         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26615                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26616         }
26617         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PeerHandleError_get_no_connection_possible(this_ptr);
26618         return nativeResponseValue;
26619 }
26620         // void PeerHandleError_set_no_connection_possible(struct LDKPeerHandleError *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, bool val);
26621 /* @internal */
26622 export function PeerHandleError_set_no_connection_possible(this_ptr: bigint, val: boolean): void {
26623         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26624                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26625         }
26626         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PeerHandleError_set_no_connection_possible(this_ptr, val);
26627         // debug statements here
26628 }
26629         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKPeerHandleError PeerHandleError_new(bool no_connection_possible_arg);
26630 /* @internal */
26631 export function PeerHandleError_new(no_connection_possible_arg: boolean): bigint {
26632         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26633                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26634         }
26635         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PeerHandleError_new(no_connection_possible_arg);
26636         return nativeResponseValue;
26637 }
26638         // uint64_t PeerHandleError_clone_ptr(LDKPeerHandleError *NONNULL_PTR arg);
26639 /* @internal */
26640 export function PeerHandleError_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
26641         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26642                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26643         }
26644         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PeerHandleError_clone_ptr(arg);
26645         return nativeResponseValue;
26646 }
26647         // struct LDKPeerHandleError PeerHandleError_clone(const struct LDKPeerHandleError *NONNULL_PTR orig);
26648 /* @internal */
26649 export function PeerHandleError_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
26650         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26651                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26652         }
26653         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PeerHandleError_clone(orig);
26654         return nativeResponseValue;
26655 }
26656         // void PeerManager_free(struct LDKPeerManager this_obj);
26657 /* @internal */
26658 export function PeerManager_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
26659         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26660                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26661         }
26662         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PeerManager_free(this_obj);
26663         // debug statements here
26664 }
26665         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKPeerManager PeerManager_new(struct LDKMessageHandler message_handler, struct LDKSecretKey our_node_secret, uint64_t current_time, const uint8_t (*ephemeral_random_data)[32], struct LDKLogger logger, struct LDKCustomMessageHandler custom_message_handler);
26666 /* @internal */
26667 export function PeerManager_new(message_handler: bigint, our_node_secret: number, current_time: bigint, ephemeral_random_data: number, logger: bigint, custom_message_handler: bigint): bigint {
26668         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26669                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26670         }
26671         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PeerManager_new(message_handler, our_node_secret, current_time, ephemeral_random_data, logger, custom_message_handler);
26672         return nativeResponseValue;
26673 }
26674         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCVec_PublicKeyZ PeerManager_get_peer_node_ids(const struct LDKPeerManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
26675 /* @internal */
26676 export function PeerManager_get_peer_node_ids(this_arg: bigint): number {
26677         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26678                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26679         }
26680         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PeerManager_get_peer_node_ids(this_arg);
26681         return nativeResponseValue;
26682 }
26683         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_CVec_u8ZPeerHandleErrorZ PeerManager_new_outbound_connection(const struct LDKPeerManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey their_node_id, struct LDKSocketDescriptor descriptor, struct LDKCOption_NetAddressZ remote_network_address);
26684 /* @internal */
26685 export function PeerManager_new_outbound_connection(this_arg: bigint, their_node_id: number, descriptor: bigint, remote_network_address: bigint): bigint {
26686         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26687                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26688         }
26689         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PeerManager_new_outbound_connection(this_arg, their_node_id, descriptor, remote_network_address);
26690         return nativeResponseValue;
26691 }
26692         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ PeerManager_new_inbound_connection(const struct LDKPeerManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKSocketDescriptor descriptor, struct LDKCOption_NetAddressZ remote_network_address);
26693 /* @internal */
26694 export function PeerManager_new_inbound_connection(this_arg: bigint, descriptor: bigint, remote_network_address: bigint): bigint {
26695         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26696                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26697         }
26698         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PeerManager_new_inbound_connection(this_arg, descriptor, remote_network_address);
26699         return nativeResponseValue;
26700 }
26701         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NonePeerHandleErrorZ PeerManager_write_buffer_space_avail(const struct LDKPeerManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKSocketDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR descriptor);
26702 /* @internal */
26703 export function PeerManager_write_buffer_space_avail(this_arg: bigint, descriptor: bigint): bigint {
26704         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26705                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26706         }
26707         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PeerManager_write_buffer_space_avail(this_arg, descriptor);
26708         return nativeResponseValue;
26709 }
26710         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_boolPeerHandleErrorZ PeerManager_read_event(const struct LDKPeerManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKSocketDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR peer_descriptor, struct LDKu8slice data);
26711 /* @internal */
26712 export function PeerManager_read_event(this_arg: bigint, peer_descriptor: bigint, data: number): bigint {
26713         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26714                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26715         }
26716         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PeerManager_read_event(this_arg, peer_descriptor, data);
26717         return nativeResponseValue;
26718 }
26719         // void PeerManager_process_events(const struct LDKPeerManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
26720 /* @internal */
26721 export function PeerManager_process_events(this_arg: bigint): void {
26722         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26723                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26724         }
26725         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PeerManager_process_events(this_arg);
26726         // debug statements here
26727 }
26728         // void PeerManager_socket_disconnected(const struct LDKPeerManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKSocketDescriptor *NONNULL_PTR descriptor);
26729 /* @internal */
26730 export function PeerManager_socket_disconnected(this_arg: bigint, descriptor: bigint): void {
26731         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26732                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26733         }
26734         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PeerManager_socket_disconnected(this_arg, descriptor);
26735         // debug statements here
26736 }
26737         // void PeerManager_disconnect_by_node_id(const struct LDKPeerManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey node_id, bool no_connection_possible);
26738 /* @internal */
26739 export function PeerManager_disconnect_by_node_id(this_arg: bigint, node_id: number, no_connection_possible: boolean): void {
26740         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26741                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26742         }
26743         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PeerManager_disconnect_by_node_id(this_arg, node_id, no_connection_possible);
26744         // debug statements here
26745 }
26746         // void PeerManager_disconnect_all_peers(const struct LDKPeerManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
26747 /* @internal */
26748 export function PeerManager_disconnect_all_peers(this_arg: bigint): void {
26749         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26750                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26751         }
26752         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PeerManager_disconnect_all_peers(this_arg);
26753         // debug statements here
26754 }
26755         // void PeerManager_timer_tick_occurred(const struct LDKPeerManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
26756 /* @internal */
26757 export function PeerManager_timer_tick_occurred(this_arg: bigint): void {
26758         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26759                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26760         }
26761         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PeerManager_timer_tick_occurred(this_arg);
26762         // debug statements here
26763 }
26764         // void PeerManager_broadcast_node_announcement(const struct LDKPeerManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKThreeBytes rgb, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes alias, struct LDKCVec_NetAddressZ addresses);
26765 /* @internal */
26766 export function PeerManager_broadcast_node_announcement(this_arg: bigint, rgb: number, alias: number, addresses: number): void {
26767         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26768                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26769         }
26770         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PeerManager_broadcast_node_announcement(this_arg, rgb, alias, addresses);
26771         // debug statements here
26772 }
26773         // uint64_t htlc_success_tx_weight(bool opt_anchors);
26774 /* @internal */
26775 export function htlc_success_tx_weight(opt_anchors: boolean): bigint {
26776         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26777                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26778         }
26779         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_htlc_success_tx_weight(opt_anchors);
26780         return nativeResponseValue;
26781 }
26782         // uint64_t htlc_timeout_tx_weight(bool opt_anchors);
26783 /* @internal */
26784 export function htlc_timeout_tx_weight(opt_anchors: boolean): bigint {
26785         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26786                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26787         }
26788         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_htlc_timeout_tx_weight(opt_anchors);
26789         return nativeResponseValue;
26790 }
26791         // struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes build_commitment_secret(const uint8_t (*commitment_seed)[32], uint64_t idx);
26792 /* @internal */
26793 export function build_commitment_secret(commitment_seed: number, idx: bigint): number {
26794         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26795                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26796         }
26797         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_build_commitment_secret(commitment_seed, idx);
26798         return nativeResponseValue;
26799 }
26800         // struct LDKTransaction build_closing_transaction(uint64_t to_holder_value_sat, uint64_t to_counterparty_value_sat, struct LDKCVec_u8Z to_holder_script, struct LDKCVec_u8Z to_counterparty_script, struct LDKOutPoint funding_outpoint);
26801 /* @internal */
26802 export function build_closing_transaction(to_holder_value_sat: bigint, to_counterparty_value_sat: bigint, to_holder_script: number, to_counterparty_script: number, funding_outpoint: bigint): number {
26803         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26804                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26805         }
26806         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_build_closing_transaction(to_holder_value_sat, to_counterparty_value_sat, to_holder_script, to_counterparty_script, funding_outpoint);
26807         return nativeResponseValue;
26808 }
26809         // void CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_free(struct LDKCounterpartyCommitmentSecrets this_obj);
26810 /* @internal */
26811 export function CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
26812         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26813                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26814         }
26815         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_free(this_obj);
26816         // debug statements here
26817 }
26818         // uint64_t CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_clone_ptr(LDKCounterpartyCommitmentSecrets *NONNULL_PTR arg);
26819 /* @internal */
26820 export function CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
26821         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26822                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26823         }
26824         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_clone_ptr(arg);
26825         return nativeResponseValue;
26826 }
26827         // struct LDKCounterpartyCommitmentSecrets CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_clone(const struct LDKCounterpartyCommitmentSecrets *NONNULL_PTR orig);
26828 /* @internal */
26829 export function CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
26830         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26831                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26832         }
26833         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_clone(orig);
26834         return nativeResponseValue;
26835 }
26836         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCounterpartyCommitmentSecrets CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_new(void);
26837 /* @internal */
26838 export function CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_new(): bigint {
26839         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26840                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26841         }
26842         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_new();
26843         return nativeResponseValue;
26844 }
26845         // MUST_USE_RES uint64_t CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_get_min_seen_secret(const struct LDKCounterpartyCommitmentSecrets *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
26846 /* @internal */
26847 export function CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_get_min_seen_secret(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
26848         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26849                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26850         }
26851         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_get_min_seen_secret(this_arg);
26852         return nativeResponseValue;
26853 }
26854         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NoneNoneZ CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_provide_secret(struct LDKCounterpartyCommitmentSecrets *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, uint64_t idx, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes secret);
26855 /* @internal */
26856 export function CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_provide_secret(this_arg: bigint, idx: bigint, secret: number): bigint {
26857         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26858                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26859         }
26860         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_provide_secret(this_arg, idx, secret);
26861         return nativeResponseValue;
26862 }
26863         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_get_secret(const struct LDKCounterpartyCommitmentSecrets *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, uint64_t idx);
26864 /* @internal */
26865 export function CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_get_secret(this_arg: bigint, idx: bigint): number {
26866         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26867                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26868         }
26869         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_get_secret(this_arg, idx);
26870         return nativeResponseValue;
26871 }
26872         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_write(const struct LDKCounterpartyCommitmentSecrets *NONNULL_PTR obj);
26873 /* @internal */
26874 export function CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_write(obj: bigint): number {
26875         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26876                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26877         }
26878         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_write(obj);
26879         return nativeResponseValue;
26880 }
26881         // struct LDKCResult_CounterpartyCommitmentSecretsDecodeErrorZ CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
26882 /* @internal */
26883 export function CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_read(ser: number): bigint {
26884         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26885                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26886         }
26887         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets_read(ser);
26888         return nativeResponseValue;
26889 }
26890         // struct LDKCResult_SecretKeyErrorZ derive_private_key(struct LDKPublicKey per_commitment_point, const uint8_t (*base_secret)[32]);
26891 /* @internal */
26892 export function derive_private_key(per_commitment_point: number, base_secret: number): bigint {
26893         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26894                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26895         }
26896         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_derive_private_key(per_commitment_point, base_secret);
26897         return nativeResponseValue;
26898 }
26899         // struct LDKCResult_PublicKeyErrorZ derive_public_key(struct LDKPublicKey per_commitment_point, struct LDKPublicKey base_point);
26900 /* @internal */
26901 export function derive_public_key(per_commitment_point: number, base_point: number): bigint {
26902         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26903                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26904         }
26905         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_derive_public_key(per_commitment_point, base_point);
26906         return nativeResponseValue;
26907 }
26908         // struct LDKCResult_SecretKeyErrorZ derive_private_revocation_key(const uint8_t (*per_commitment_secret)[32], const uint8_t (*countersignatory_revocation_base_secret)[32]);
26909 /* @internal */
26910 export function derive_private_revocation_key(per_commitment_secret: number, countersignatory_revocation_base_secret: number): bigint {
26911         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26912                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26913         }
26914         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_derive_private_revocation_key(per_commitment_secret, countersignatory_revocation_base_secret);
26915         return nativeResponseValue;
26916 }
26917         // struct LDKCResult_PublicKeyErrorZ derive_public_revocation_key(struct LDKPublicKey per_commitment_point, struct LDKPublicKey countersignatory_revocation_base_point);
26918 /* @internal */
26919 export function derive_public_revocation_key(per_commitment_point: number, countersignatory_revocation_base_point: number): bigint {
26920         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26921                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26922         }
26923         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_derive_public_revocation_key(per_commitment_point, countersignatory_revocation_base_point);
26924         return nativeResponseValue;
26925 }
26926         // void TxCreationKeys_free(struct LDKTxCreationKeys this_obj);
26927 /* @internal */
26928 export function TxCreationKeys_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
26929         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26930                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26931         }
26932         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxCreationKeys_free(this_obj);
26933         // debug statements here
26934 }
26935         // struct LDKPublicKey TxCreationKeys_get_per_commitment_point(const struct LDKTxCreationKeys *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
26936 /* @internal */
26937 export function TxCreationKeys_get_per_commitment_point(this_ptr: bigint): number {
26938         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26939                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26940         }
26941         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxCreationKeys_get_per_commitment_point(this_ptr);
26942         return nativeResponseValue;
26943 }
26944         // void TxCreationKeys_set_per_commitment_point(struct LDKTxCreationKeys *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
26945 /* @internal */
26946 export function TxCreationKeys_set_per_commitment_point(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
26947         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26948                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26949         }
26950         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxCreationKeys_set_per_commitment_point(this_ptr, val);
26951         // debug statements here
26952 }
26953         // struct LDKPublicKey TxCreationKeys_get_revocation_key(const struct LDKTxCreationKeys *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
26954 /* @internal */
26955 export function TxCreationKeys_get_revocation_key(this_ptr: bigint): number {
26956         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26957                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26958         }
26959         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxCreationKeys_get_revocation_key(this_ptr);
26960         return nativeResponseValue;
26961 }
26962         // void TxCreationKeys_set_revocation_key(struct LDKTxCreationKeys *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
26963 /* @internal */
26964 export function TxCreationKeys_set_revocation_key(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
26965         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26966                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26967         }
26968         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxCreationKeys_set_revocation_key(this_ptr, val);
26969         // debug statements here
26970 }
26971         // struct LDKPublicKey TxCreationKeys_get_broadcaster_htlc_key(const struct LDKTxCreationKeys *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
26972 /* @internal */
26973 export function TxCreationKeys_get_broadcaster_htlc_key(this_ptr: bigint): number {
26974         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26975                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26976         }
26977         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxCreationKeys_get_broadcaster_htlc_key(this_ptr);
26978         return nativeResponseValue;
26979 }
26980         // void TxCreationKeys_set_broadcaster_htlc_key(struct LDKTxCreationKeys *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
26981 /* @internal */
26982 export function TxCreationKeys_set_broadcaster_htlc_key(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
26983         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26984                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26985         }
26986         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxCreationKeys_set_broadcaster_htlc_key(this_ptr, val);
26987         // debug statements here
26988 }
26989         // struct LDKPublicKey TxCreationKeys_get_countersignatory_htlc_key(const struct LDKTxCreationKeys *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
26990 /* @internal */
26991 export function TxCreationKeys_get_countersignatory_htlc_key(this_ptr: bigint): number {
26992         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
26993                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
26994         }
26995         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxCreationKeys_get_countersignatory_htlc_key(this_ptr);
26996         return nativeResponseValue;
26997 }
26998         // void TxCreationKeys_set_countersignatory_htlc_key(struct LDKTxCreationKeys *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
26999 /* @internal */
27000 export function TxCreationKeys_set_countersignatory_htlc_key(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
27001         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27002                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27003         }
27004         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxCreationKeys_set_countersignatory_htlc_key(this_ptr, val);
27005         // debug statements here
27006 }
27007         // struct LDKPublicKey TxCreationKeys_get_broadcaster_delayed_payment_key(const struct LDKTxCreationKeys *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
27008 /* @internal */
27009 export function TxCreationKeys_get_broadcaster_delayed_payment_key(this_ptr: bigint): number {
27010         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27011                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27012         }
27013         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxCreationKeys_get_broadcaster_delayed_payment_key(this_ptr);
27014         return nativeResponseValue;
27015 }
27016         // void TxCreationKeys_set_broadcaster_delayed_payment_key(struct LDKTxCreationKeys *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
27017 /* @internal */
27018 export function TxCreationKeys_set_broadcaster_delayed_payment_key(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
27019         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27020                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27021         }
27022         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxCreationKeys_set_broadcaster_delayed_payment_key(this_ptr, val);
27023         // debug statements here
27024 }
27025         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKTxCreationKeys TxCreationKeys_new(struct LDKPublicKey per_commitment_point_arg, struct LDKPublicKey revocation_key_arg, struct LDKPublicKey broadcaster_htlc_key_arg, struct LDKPublicKey countersignatory_htlc_key_arg, struct LDKPublicKey broadcaster_delayed_payment_key_arg);
27026 /* @internal */
27027 export function TxCreationKeys_new(per_commitment_point_arg: number, revocation_key_arg: number, broadcaster_htlc_key_arg: number, countersignatory_htlc_key_arg: number, broadcaster_delayed_payment_key_arg: number): bigint {
27028         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27029                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27030         }
27031         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxCreationKeys_new(per_commitment_point_arg, revocation_key_arg, broadcaster_htlc_key_arg, countersignatory_htlc_key_arg, broadcaster_delayed_payment_key_arg);
27032         return nativeResponseValue;
27033 }
27034         // uint64_t TxCreationKeys_clone_ptr(LDKTxCreationKeys *NONNULL_PTR arg);
27035 /* @internal */
27036 export function TxCreationKeys_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
27037         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27038                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27039         }
27040         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxCreationKeys_clone_ptr(arg);
27041         return nativeResponseValue;
27042 }
27043         // struct LDKTxCreationKeys TxCreationKeys_clone(const struct LDKTxCreationKeys *NONNULL_PTR orig);
27044 /* @internal */
27045 export function TxCreationKeys_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
27046         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27047                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27048         }
27049         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxCreationKeys_clone(orig);
27050         return nativeResponseValue;
27051 }
27052         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z TxCreationKeys_write(const struct LDKTxCreationKeys *NONNULL_PTR obj);
27053 /* @internal */
27054 export function TxCreationKeys_write(obj: bigint): number {
27055         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27056                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27057         }
27058         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxCreationKeys_write(obj);
27059         return nativeResponseValue;
27060 }
27061         // struct LDKCResult_TxCreationKeysDecodeErrorZ TxCreationKeys_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
27062 /* @internal */
27063 export function TxCreationKeys_read(ser: number): bigint {
27064         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27065                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27066         }
27067         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxCreationKeys_read(ser);
27068         return nativeResponseValue;
27069 }
27070         // void ChannelPublicKeys_free(struct LDKChannelPublicKeys this_obj);
27071 /* @internal */
27072 export function ChannelPublicKeys_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
27073         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27074                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27075         }
27076         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelPublicKeys_free(this_obj);
27077         // debug statements here
27078 }
27079         // struct LDKPublicKey ChannelPublicKeys_get_funding_pubkey(const struct LDKChannelPublicKeys *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
27080 /* @internal */
27081 export function ChannelPublicKeys_get_funding_pubkey(this_ptr: bigint): number {
27082         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27083                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27084         }
27085         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelPublicKeys_get_funding_pubkey(this_ptr);
27086         return nativeResponseValue;
27087 }
27088         // void ChannelPublicKeys_set_funding_pubkey(struct LDKChannelPublicKeys *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
27089 /* @internal */
27090 export function ChannelPublicKeys_set_funding_pubkey(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
27091         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27092                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27093         }
27094         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelPublicKeys_set_funding_pubkey(this_ptr, val);
27095         // debug statements here
27096 }
27097         // struct LDKPublicKey ChannelPublicKeys_get_revocation_basepoint(const struct LDKChannelPublicKeys *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
27098 /* @internal */
27099 export function ChannelPublicKeys_get_revocation_basepoint(this_ptr: bigint): number {
27100         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27101                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27102         }
27103         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelPublicKeys_get_revocation_basepoint(this_ptr);
27104         return nativeResponseValue;
27105 }
27106         // void ChannelPublicKeys_set_revocation_basepoint(struct LDKChannelPublicKeys *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
27107 /* @internal */
27108 export function ChannelPublicKeys_set_revocation_basepoint(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
27109         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27110                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27111         }
27112         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelPublicKeys_set_revocation_basepoint(this_ptr, val);
27113         // debug statements here
27114 }
27115         // struct LDKPublicKey ChannelPublicKeys_get_payment_point(const struct LDKChannelPublicKeys *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
27116 /* @internal */
27117 export function ChannelPublicKeys_get_payment_point(this_ptr: bigint): number {
27118         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27119                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27120         }
27121         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelPublicKeys_get_payment_point(this_ptr);
27122         return nativeResponseValue;
27123 }
27124         // void ChannelPublicKeys_set_payment_point(struct LDKChannelPublicKeys *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
27125 /* @internal */
27126 export function ChannelPublicKeys_set_payment_point(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
27127         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27128                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27129         }
27130         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelPublicKeys_set_payment_point(this_ptr, val);
27131         // debug statements here
27132 }
27133         // struct LDKPublicKey ChannelPublicKeys_get_delayed_payment_basepoint(const struct LDKChannelPublicKeys *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
27134 /* @internal */
27135 export function ChannelPublicKeys_get_delayed_payment_basepoint(this_ptr: bigint): number {
27136         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27137                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27138         }
27139         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelPublicKeys_get_delayed_payment_basepoint(this_ptr);
27140         return nativeResponseValue;
27141 }
27142         // void ChannelPublicKeys_set_delayed_payment_basepoint(struct LDKChannelPublicKeys *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
27143 /* @internal */
27144 export function ChannelPublicKeys_set_delayed_payment_basepoint(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
27145         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27146                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27147         }
27148         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelPublicKeys_set_delayed_payment_basepoint(this_ptr, val);
27149         // debug statements here
27150 }
27151         // struct LDKPublicKey ChannelPublicKeys_get_htlc_basepoint(const struct LDKChannelPublicKeys *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
27152 /* @internal */
27153 export function ChannelPublicKeys_get_htlc_basepoint(this_ptr: bigint): number {
27154         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27155                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27156         }
27157         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelPublicKeys_get_htlc_basepoint(this_ptr);
27158         return nativeResponseValue;
27159 }
27160         // void ChannelPublicKeys_set_htlc_basepoint(struct LDKChannelPublicKeys *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
27161 /* @internal */
27162 export function ChannelPublicKeys_set_htlc_basepoint(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
27163         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27164                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27165         }
27166         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelPublicKeys_set_htlc_basepoint(this_ptr, val);
27167         // debug statements here
27168 }
27169         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelPublicKeys ChannelPublicKeys_new(struct LDKPublicKey funding_pubkey_arg, struct LDKPublicKey revocation_basepoint_arg, struct LDKPublicKey payment_point_arg, struct LDKPublicKey delayed_payment_basepoint_arg, struct LDKPublicKey htlc_basepoint_arg);
27170 /* @internal */
27171 export function ChannelPublicKeys_new(funding_pubkey_arg: number, revocation_basepoint_arg: number, payment_point_arg: number, delayed_payment_basepoint_arg: number, htlc_basepoint_arg: number): bigint {
27172         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27173                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27174         }
27175         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelPublicKeys_new(funding_pubkey_arg, revocation_basepoint_arg, payment_point_arg, delayed_payment_basepoint_arg, htlc_basepoint_arg);
27176         return nativeResponseValue;
27177 }
27178         // uint64_t ChannelPublicKeys_clone_ptr(LDKChannelPublicKeys *NONNULL_PTR arg);
27179 /* @internal */
27180 export function ChannelPublicKeys_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
27181         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27182                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27183         }
27184         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelPublicKeys_clone_ptr(arg);
27185         return nativeResponseValue;
27186 }
27187         // struct LDKChannelPublicKeys ChannelPublicKeys_clone(const struct LDKChannelPublicKeys *NONNULL_PTR orig);
27188 /* @internal */
27189 export function ChannelPublicKeys_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
27190         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27191                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27192         }
27193         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelPublicKeys_clone(orig);
27194         return nativeResponseValue;
27195 }
27196         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ChannelPublicKeys_write(const struct LDKChannelPublicKeys *NONNULL_PTR obj);
27197 /* @internal */
27198 export function ChannelPublicKeys_write(obj: bigint): number {
27199         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27200                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27201         }
27202         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelPublicKeys_write(obj);
27203         return nativeResponseValue;
27204 }
27205         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelPublicKeysDecodeErrorZ ChannelPublicKeys_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
27206 /* @internal */
27207 export function ChannelPublicKeys_read(ser: number): bigint {
27208         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27209                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27210         }
27211         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelPublicKeys_read(ser);
27212         return nativeResponseValue;
27213 }
27214         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ TxCreationKeys_derive_new(struct LDKPublicKey per_commitment_point, struct LDKPublicKey broadcaster_delayed_payment_base, struct LDKPublicKey broadcaster_htlc_base, struct LDKPublicKey countersignatory_revocation_base, struct LDKPublicKey countersignatory_htlc_base);
27215 /* @internal */
27216 export function TxCreationKeys_derive_new(per_commitment_point: number, broadcaster_delayed_payment_base: number, broadcaster_htlc_base: number, countersignatory_revocation_base: number, countersignatory_htlc_base: number): bigint {
27217         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27218                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27219         }
27220         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxCreationKeys_derive_new(per_commitment_point, broadcaster_delayed_payment_base, broadcaster_htlc_base, countersignatory_revocation_base, countersignatory_htlc_base);
27221         return nativeResponseValue;
27222 }
27223         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_TxCreationKeysErrorZ TxCreationKeys_from_channel_static_keys(struct LDKPublicKey per_commitment_point, const struct LDKChannelPublicKeys *NONNULL_PTR broadcaster_keys, const struct LDKChannelPublicKeys *NONNULL_PTR countersignatory_keys);
27224 /* @internal */
27225 export function TxCreationKeys_from_channel_static_keys(per_commitment_point: number, broadcaster_keys: bigint, countersignatory_keys: bigint): bigint {
27226         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27227                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27228         }
27229         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TxCreationKeys_from_channel_static_keys(per_commitment_point, broadcaster_keys, countersignatory_keys);
27230         return nativeResponseValue;
27231 }
27232         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z get_revokeable_redeemscript(struct LDKPublicKey revocation_key, uint16_t contest_delay, struct LDKPublicKey broadcaster_delayed_payment_key);
27233 /* @internal */
27234 export function get_revokeable_redeemscript(revocation_key: number, contest_delay: number, broadcaster_delayed_payment_key: number): number {
27235         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27236                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27237         }
27238         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_get_revokeable_redeemscript(revocation_key, contest_delay, broadcaster_delayed_payment_key);
27239         return nativeResponseValue;
27240 }
27241         // void HTLCOutputInCommitment_free(struct LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment this_obj);
27242 /* @internal */
27243 export function HTLCOutputInCommitment_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
27244         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27245                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27246         }
27247         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCOutputInCommitment_free(this_obj);
27248         // debug statements here
27249 }
27250         // bool HTLCOutputInCommitment_get_offered(const struct LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
27251 /* @internal */
27252 export function HTLCOutputInCommitment_get_offered(this_ptr: bigint): boolean {
27253         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27254                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27255         }
27256         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCOutputInCommitment_get_offered(this_ptr);
27257         return nativeResponseValue;
27258 }
27259         // void HTLCOutputInCommitment_set_offered(struct LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, bool val);
27260 /* @internal */
27261 export function HTLCOutputInCommitment_set_offered(this_ptr: bigint, val: boolean): void {
27262         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27263                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27264         }
27265         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCOutputInCommitment_set_offered(this_ptr, val);
27266         // debug statements here
27267 }
27268         // uint64_t HTLCOutputInCommitment_get_amount_msat(const struct LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
27269 /* @internal */
27270 export function HTLCOutputInCommitment_get_amount_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
27271         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27272                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27273         }
27274         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCOutputInCommitment_get_amount_msat(this_ptr);
27275         return nativeResponseValue;
27276 }
27277         // void HTLCOutputInCommitment_set_amount_msat(struct LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
27278 /* @internal */
27279 export function HTLCOutputInCommitment_set_amount_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
27280         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27281                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27282         }
27283         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCOutputInCommitment_set_amount_msat(this_ptr, val);
27284         // debug statements here
27285 }
27286         // uint32_t HTLCOutputInCommitment_get_cltv_expiry(const struct LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
27287 /* @internal */
27288 export function HTLCOutputInCommitment_get_cltv_expiry(this_ptr: bigint): number {
27289         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27290                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27291         }
27292         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCOutputInCommitment_get_cltv_expiry(this_ptr);
27293         return nativeResponseValue;
27294 }
27295         // void HTLCOutputInCommitment_set_cltv_expiry(struct LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
27296 /* @internal */
27297 export function HTLCOutputInCommitment_set_cltv_expiry(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
27298         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27299                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27300         }
27301         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCOutputInCommitment_set_cltv_expiry(this_ptr, val);
27302         // debug statements here
27303 }
27304         // const uint8_t (*HTLCOutputInCommitment_get_payment_hash(const struct LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
27305 /* @internal */
27306 export function HTLCOutputInCommitment_get_payment_hash(this_ptr: bigint): number {
27307         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27308                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27309         }
27310         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCOutputInCommitment_get_payment_hash(this_ptr);
27311         return nativeResponseValue;
27312 }
27313         // void HTLCOutputInCommitment_set_payment_hash(struct LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
27314 /* @internal */
27315 export function HTLCOutputInCommitment_set_payment_hash(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
27316         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27317                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27318         }
27319         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCOutputInCommitment_set_payment_hash(this_ptr, val);
27320         // debug statements here
27321 }
27322         // struct LDKCOption_u32Z HTLCOutputInCommitment_get_transaction_output_index(const struct LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
27323 /* @internal */
27324 export function HTLCOutputInCommitment_get_transaction_output_index(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
27325         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27326                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27327         }
27328         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCOutputInCommitment_get_transaction_output_index(this_ptr);
27329         return nativeResponseValue;
27330 }
27331         // void HTLCOutputInCommitment_set_transaction_output_index(struct LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCOption_u32Z val);
27332 /* @internal */
27333 export function HTLCOutputInCommitment_set_transaction_output_index(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
27334         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27335                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27336         }
27337         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCOutputInCommitment_set_transaction_output_index(this_ptr, val);
27338         // debug statements here
27339 }
27340         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment HTLCOutputInCommitment_new(bool offered_arg, uint64_t amount_msat_arg, uint32_t cltv_expiry_arg, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_hash_arg, struct LDKCOption_u32Z transaction_output_index_arg);
27341 /* @internal */
27342 export function HTLCOutputInCommitment_new(offered_arg: boolean, amount_msat_arg: bigint, cltv_expiry_arg: number, payment_hash_arg: number, transaction_output_index_arg: bigint): bigint {
27343         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27344                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27345         }
27346         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCOutputInCommitment_new(offered_arg, amount_msat_arg, cltv_expiry_arg, payment_hash_arg, transaction_output_index_arg);
27347         return nativeResponseValue;
27348 }
27349         // uint64_t HTLCOutputInCommitment_clone_ptr(LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment *NONNULL_PTR arg);
27350 /* @internal */
27351 export function HTLCOutputInCommitment_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
27352         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27353                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27354         }
27355         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCOutputInCommitment_clone_ptr(arg);
27356         return nativeResponseValue;
27357 }
27358         // struct LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment HTLCOutputInCommitment_clone(const struct LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment *NONNULL_PTR orig);
27359 /* @internal */
27360 export function HTLCOutputInCommitment_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
27361         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27362                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27363         }
27364         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCOutputInCommitment_clone(orig);
27365         return nativeResponseValue;
27366 }
27367         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z HTLCOutputInCommitment_write(const struct LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment *NONNULL_PTR obj);
27368 /* @internal */
27369 export function HTLCOutputInCommitment_write(obj: bigint): number {
27370         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27371                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27372         }
27373         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCOutputInCommitment_write(obj);
27374         return nativeResponseValue;
27375 }
27376         // struct LDKCResult_HTLCOutputInCommitmentDecodeErrorZ HTLCOutputInCommitment_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
27377 /* @internal */
27378 export function HTLCOutputInCommitment_read(ser: number): bigint {
27379         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27380                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27381         }
27382         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HTLCOutputInCommitment_read(ser);
27383         return nativeResponseValue;
27384 }
27385         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z get_htlc_redeemscript(const struct LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment *NONNULL_PTR htlc, bool opt_anchors, const struct LDKTxCreationKeys *NONNULL_PTR keys);
27386 /* @internal */
27387 export function get_htlc_redeemscript(htlc: bigint, opt_anchors: boolean, keys: bigint): number {
27388         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27389                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27390         }
27391         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_get_htlc_redeemscript(htlc, opt_anchors, keys);
27392         return nativeResponseValue;
27393 }
27394         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z make_funding_redeemscript(struct LDKPublicKey broadcaster, struct LDKPublicKey countersignatory);
27395 /* @internal */
27396 export function make_funding_redeemscript(broadcaster: number, countersignatory: number): number {
27397         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27398                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27399         }
27400         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_make_funding_redeemscript(broadcaster, countersignatory);
27401         return nativeResponseValue;
27402 }
27403         // struct LDKTransaction build_htlc_transaction(const uint8_t (*commitment_txid)[32], uint32_t feerate_per_kw, uint16_t contest_delay, const struct LDKHTLCOutputInCommitment *NONNULL_PTR htlc, bool opt_anchors, struct LDKPublicKey broadcaster_delayed_payment_key, struct LDKPublicKey revocation_key);
27404 /* @internal */
27405 export function build_htlc_transaction(commitment_txid: number, feerate_per_kw: number, contest_delay: number, htlc: bigint, opt_anchors: boolean, broadcaster_delayed_payment_key: number, revocation_key: number): number {
27406         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27407                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27408         }
27409         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_build_htlc_transaction(commitment_txid, feerate_per_kw, contest_delay, htlc, opt_anchors, broadcaster_delayed_payment_key, revocation_key);
27410         return nativeResponseValue;
27411 }
27412         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z get_anchor_redeemscript(struct LDKPublicKey funding_pubkey);
27413 /* @internal */
27414 export function get_anchor_redeemscript(funding_pubkey: number): number {
27415         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27416                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27417         }
27418         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_get_anchor_redeemscript(funding_pubkey);
27419         return nativeResponseValue;
27420 }
27421         // void ChannelTransactionParameters_free(struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters this_obj);
27422 /* @internal */
27423 export function ChannelTransactionParameters_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
27424         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27425                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27426         }
27427         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTransactionParameters_free(this_obj);
27428         // debug statements here
27429 }
27430         // struct LDKChannelPublicKeys ChannelTransactionParameters_get_holder_pubkeys(const struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
27431 /* @internal */
27432 export function ChannelTransactionParameters_get_holder_pubkeys(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
27433         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27434                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27435         }
27436         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTransactionParameters_get_holder_pubkeys(this_ptr);
27437         return nativeResponseValue;
27438 }
27439         // void ChannelTransactionParameters_set_holder_pubkeys(struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKChannelPublicKeys val);
27440 /* @internal */
27441 export function ChannelTransactionParameters_set_holder_pubkeys(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
27442         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27443                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27444         }
27445         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTransactionParameters_set_holder_pubkeys(this_ptr, val);
27446         // debug statements here
27447 }
27448         // uint16_t ChannelTransactionParameters_get_holder_selected_contest_delay(const struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
27449 /* @internal */
27450 export function ChannelTransactionParameters_get_holder_selected_contest_delay(this_ptr: bigint): number {
27451         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27452                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27453         }
27454         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTransactionParameters_get_holder_selected_contest_delay(this_ptr);
27455         return nativeResponseValue;
27456 }
27457         // void ChannelTransactionParameters_set_holder_selected_contest_delay(struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint16_t val);
27458 /* @internal */
27459 export function ChannelTransactionParameters_set_holder_selected_contest_delay(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
27460         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27461                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27462         }
27463         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTransactionParameters_set_holder_selected_contest_delay(this_ptr, val);
27464         // debug statements here
27465 }
27466         // bool ChannelTransactionParameters_get_is_outbound_from_holder(const struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
27467 /* @internal */
27468 export function ChannelTransactionParameters_get_is_outbound_from_holder(this_ptr: bigint): boolean {
27469         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27470                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27471         }
27472         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTransactionParameters_get_is_outbound_from_holder(this_ptr);
27473         return nativeResponseValue;
27474 }
27475         // void ChannelTransactionParameters_set_is_outbound_from_holder(struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, bool val);
27476 /* @internal */
27477 export function ChannelTransactionParameters_set_is_outbound_from_holder(this_ptr: bigint, val: boolean): void {
27478         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27479                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27480         }
27481         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTransactionParameters_set_is_outbound_from_holder(this_ptr, val);
27482         // debug statements here
27483 }
27484         // struct LDKCounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters ChannelTransactionParameters_get_counterparty_parameters(const struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
27485 /* @internal */
27486 export function ChannelTransactionParameters_get_counterparty_parameters(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
27487         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27488                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27489         }
27490         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTransactionParameters_get_counterparty_parameters(this_ptr);
27491         return nativeResponseValue;
27492 }
27493         // void ChannelTransactionParameters_set_counterparty_parameters(struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters val);
27494 /* @internal */
27495 export function ChannelTransactionParameters_set_counterparty_parameters(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
27496         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27497                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27498         }
27499         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTransactionParameters_set_counterparty_parameters(this_ptr, val);
27500         // debug statements here
27501 }
27502         // struct LDKOutPoint ChannelTransactionParameters_get_funding_outpoint(const struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
27503 /* @internal */
27504 export function ChannelTransactionParameters_get_funding_outpoint(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
27505         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27506                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27507         }
27508         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTransactionParameters_get_funding_outpoint(this_ptr);
27509         return nativeResponseValue;
27510 }
27511         // void ChannelTransactionParameters_set_funding_outpoint(struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKOutPoint val);
27512 /* @internal */
27513 export function ChannelTransactionParameters_set_funding_outpoint(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
27514         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27515                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27516         }
27517         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTransactionParameters_set_funding_outpoint(this_ptr, val);
27518         // debug statements here
27519 }
27520         // enum LDKCOption_NoneZ ChannelTransactionParameters_get_opt_anchors(const struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
27521 /* @internal */
27522 export function ChannelTransactionParameters_get_opt_anchors(this_ptr: bigint): COption_NoneZ {
27523         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27524                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27525         }
27526         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTransactionParameters_get_opt_anchors(this_ptr);
27527         return nativeResponseValue;
27528 }
27529         // void ChannelTransactionParameters_set_opt_anchors(struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, enum LDKCOption_NoneZ val);
27530 /* @internal */
27531 export function ChannelTransactionParameters_set_opt_anchors(this_ptr: bigint, val: COption_NoneZ): void {
27532         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27533                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27534         }
27535         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTransactionParameters_set_opt_anchors(this_ptr, val);
27536         // debug statements here
27537 }
27538         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters ChannelTransactionParameters_new(struct LDKChannelPublicKeys holder_pubkeys_arg, uint16_t holder_selected_contest_delay_arg, bool is_outbound_from_holder_arg, struct LDKCounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters counterparty_parameters_arg, struct LDKOutPoint funding_outpoint_arg, enum LDKCOption_NoneZ opt_anchors_arg);
27539 /* @internal */
27540 export function ChannelTransactionParameters_new(holder_pubkeys_arg: bigint, holder_selected_contest_delay_arg: number, is_outbound_from_holder_arg: boolean, counterparty_parameters_arg: bigint, funding_outpoint_arg: bigint, opt_anchors_arg: COption_NoneZ): bigint {
27541         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27542                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27543         }
27544         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTransactionParameters_new(holder_pubkeys_arg, holder_selected_contest_delay_arg, is_outbound_from_holder_arg, counterparty_parameters_arg, funding_outpoint_arg, opt_anchors_arg);
27545         return nativeResponseValue;
27546 }
27547         // uint64_t ChannelTransactionParameters_clone_ptr(LDKChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR arg);
27548 /* @internal */
27549 export function ChannelTransactionParameters_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
27550         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27551                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27552         }
27553         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTransactionParameters_clone_ptr(arg);
27554         return nativeResponseValue;
27555 }
27556         // struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters ChannelTransactionParameters_clone(const struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR orig);
27557 /* @internal */
27558 export function ChannelTransactionParameters_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
27559         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27560                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27561         }
27562         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTransactionParameters_clone(orig);
27563         return nativeResponseValue;
27564 }
27565         // void CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_free(struct LDKCounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters this_obj);
27566 /* @internal */
27567 export function CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
27568         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27569                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27570         }
27571         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_free(this_obj);
27572         // debug statements here
27573 }
27574         // struct LDKChannelPublicKeys CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_get_pubkeys(const struct LDKCounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
27575 /* @internal */
27576 export function CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_get_pubkeys(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
27577         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27578                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27579         }
27580         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_get_pubkeys(this_ptr);
27581         return nativeResponseValue;
27582 }
27583         // void CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_set_pubkeys(struct LDKCounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKChannelPublicKeys val);
27584 /* @internal */
27585 export function CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_set_pubkeys(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
27586         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27587                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27588         }
27589         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_set_pubkeys(this_ptr, val);
27590         // debug statements here
27591 }
27592         // uint16_t CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_get_selected_contest_delay(const struct LDKCounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
27593 /* @internal */
27594 export function CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_get_selected_contest_delay(this_ptr: bigint): number {
27595         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27596                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27597         }
27598         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_get_selected_contest_delay(this_ptr);
27599         return nativeResponseValue;
27600 }
27601         // void CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_set_selected_contest_delay(struct LDKCounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint16_t val);
27602 /* @internal */
27603 export function CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_set_selected_contest_delay(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
27604         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27605                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27606         }
27607         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_set_selected_contest_delay(this_ptr, val);
27608         // debug statements here
27609 }
27610         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_new(struct LDKChannelPublicKeys pubkeys_arg, uint16_t selected_contest_delay_arg);
27611 /* @internal */
27612 export function CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_new(pubkeys_arg: bigint, selected_contest_delay_arg: number): bigint {
27613         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27614                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27615         }
27616         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_new(pubkeys_arg, selected_contest_delay_arg);
27617         return nativeResponseValue;
27618 }
27619         // uint64_t CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_clone_ptr(LDKCounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR arg);
27620 /* @internal */
27621 export function CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
27622         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27623                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27624         }
27625         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_clone_ptr(arg);
27626         return nativeResponseValue;
27627 }
27628         // struct LDKCounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_clone(const struct LDKCounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR orig);
27629 /* @internal */
27630 export function CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
27631         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27632                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27633         }
27634         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_clone(orig);
27635         return nativeResponseValue;
27636 }
27637         // MUST_USE_RES bool ChannelTransactionParameters_is_populated(const struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
27638 /* @internal */
27639 export function ChannelTransactionParameters_is_populated(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
27640         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27641                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27642         }
27643         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTransactionParameters_is_populated(this_arg);
27644         return nativeResponseValue;
27645 }
27646         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKDirectedChannelTransactionParameters ChannelTransactionParameters_as_holder_broadcastable(const struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
27647 /* @internal */
27648 export function ChannelTransactionParameters_as_holder_broadcastable(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
27649         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27650                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27651         }
27652         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTransactionParameters_as_holder_broadcastable(this_arg);
27653         return nativeResponseValue;
27654 }
27655         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKDirectedChannelTransactionParameters ChannelTransactionParameters_as_counterparty_broadcastable(const struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
27656 /* @internal */
27657 export function ChannelTransactionParameters_as_counterparty_broadcastable(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
27658         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27659                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27660         }
27661         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTransactionParameters_as_counterparty_broadcastable(this_arg);
27662         return nativeResponseValue;
27663 }
27664         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_write(const struct LDKCounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR obj);
27665 /* @internal */
27666 export function CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_write(obj: bigint): number {
27667         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27668                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27669         }
27670         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_write(obj);
27671         return nativeResponseValue;
27672 }
27673         // struct LDKCResult_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
27674 /* @internal */
27675 export function CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_read(ser: number): bigint {
27676         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27677                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27678         }
27679         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters_read(ser);
27680         return nativeResponseValue;
27681 }
27682         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ChannelTransactionParameters_write(const struct LDKChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR obj);
27683 /* @internal */
27684 export function ChannelTransactionParameters_write(obj: bigint): number {
27685         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27686                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27687         }
27688         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTransactionParameters_write(obj);
27689         return nativeResponseValue;
27690 }
27691         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelTransactionParametersDecodeErrorZ ChannelTransactionParameters_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
27692 /* @internal */
27693 export function ChannelTransactionParameters_read(ser: number): bigint {
27694         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27695                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27696         }
27697         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTransactionParameters_read(ser);
27698         return nativeResponseValue;
27699 }
27700         // void DirectedChannelTransactionParameters_free(struct LDKDirectedChannelTransactionParameters this_obj);
27701 /* @internal */
27702 export function DirectedChannelTransactionParameters_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
27703         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27704                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27705         }
27706         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DirectedChannelTransactionParameters_free(this_obj);
27707         // debug statements here
27708 }
27709         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelPublicKeys DirectedChannelTransactionParameters_broadcaster_pubkeys(const struct LDKDirectedChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
27710 /* @internal */
27711 export function DirectedChannelTransactionParameters_broadcaster_pubkeys(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
27712         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27713                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27714         }
27715         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DirectedChannelTransactionParameters_broadcaster_pubkeys(this_arg);
27716         return nativeResponseValue;
27717 }
27718         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelPublicKeys DirectedChannelTransactionParameters_countersignatory_pubkeys(const struct LDKDirectedChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
27719 /* @internal */
27720 export function DirectedChannelTransactionParameters_countersignatory_pubkeys(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
27721         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27722                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27723         }
27724         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DirectedChannelTransactionParameters_countersignatory_pubkeys(this_arg);
27725         return nativeResponseValue;
27726 }
27727         // MUST_USE_RES uint16_t DirectedChannelTransactionParameters_contest_delay(const struct LDKDirectedChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
27728 /* @internal */
27729 export function DirectedChannelTransactionParameters_contest_delay(this_arg: bigint): number {
27730         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27731                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27732         }
27733         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DirectedChannelTransactionParameters_contest_delay(this_arg);
27734         return nativeResponseValue;
27735 }
27736         // MUST_USE_RES bool DirectedChannelTransactionParameters_is_outbound(const struct LDKDirectedChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
27737 /* @internal */
27738 export function DirectedChannelTransactionParameters_is_outbound(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
27739         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27740                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27741         }
27742         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DirectedChannelTransactionParameters_is_outbound(this_arg);
27743         return nativeResponseValue;
27744 }
27745         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKOutPoint DirectedChannelTransactionParameters_funding_outpoint(const struct LDKDirectedChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
27746 /* @internal */
27747 export function DirectedChannelTransactionParameters_funding_outpoint(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
27748         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27749                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27750         }
27751         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DirectedChannelTransactionParameters_funding_outpoint(this_arg);
27752         return nativeResponseValue;
27753 }
27754         // MUST_USE_RES bool DirectedChannelTransactionParameters_opt_anchors(const struct LDKDirectedChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
27755 /* @internal */
27756 export function DirectedChannelTransactionParameters_opt_anchors(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
27757         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27758                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27759         }
27760         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DirectedChannelTransactionParameters_opt_anchors(this_arg);
27761         return nativeResponseValue;
27762 }
27763         // void HolderCommitmentTransaction_free(struct LDKHolderCommitmentTransaction this_obj);
27764 /* @internal */
27765 export function HolderCommitmentTransaction_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
27766         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27767                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27768         }
27769         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HolderCommitmentTransaction_free(this_obj);
27770         // debug statements here
27771 }
27772         // struct LDKSignature HolderCommitmentTransaction_get_counterparty_sig(const struct LDKHolderCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
27773 /* @internal */
27774 export function HolderCommitmentTransaction_get_counterparty_sig(this_ptr: bigint): number {
27775         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27776                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27777         }
27778         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HolderCommitmentTransaction_get_counterparty_sig(this_ptr);
27779         return nativeResponseValue;
27780 }
27781         // void HolderCommitmentTransaction_set_counterparty_sig(struct LDKHolderCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKSignature val);
27782 /* @internal */
27783 export function HolderCommitmentTransaction_set_counterparty_sig(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
27784         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27785                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27786         }
27787         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HolderCommitmentTransaction_set_counterparty_sig(this_ptr, val);
27788         // debug statements here
27789 }
27790         // struct LDKCVec_SignatureZ HolderCommitmentTransaction_get_counterparty_htlc_sigs(const struct LDKHolderCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
27791 /* @internal */
27792 export function HolderCommitmentTransaction_get_counterparty_htlc_sigs(this_ptr: bigint): number {
27793         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27794                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27795         }
27796         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HolderCommitmentTransaction_get_counterparty_htlc_sigs(this_ptr);
27797         return nativeResponseValue;
27798 }
27799         // void HolderCommitmentTransaction_set_counterparty_htlc_sigs(struct LDKHolderCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCVec_SignatureZ val);
27800 /* @internal */
27801 export function HolderCommitmentTransaction_set_counterparty_htlc_sigs(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
27802         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27803                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27804         }
27805         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HolderCommitmentTransaction_set_counterparty_htlc_sigs(this_ptr, val);
27806         // debug statements here
27807 }
27808         // uint64_t HolderCommitmentTransaction_clone_ptr(LDKHolderCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR arg);
27809 /* @internal */
27810 export function HolderCommitmentTransaction_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
27811         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27812                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27813         }
27814         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HolderCommitmentTransaction_clone_ptr(arg);
27815         return nativeResponseValue;
27816 }
27817         // struct LDKHolderCommitmentTransaction HolderCommitmentTransaction_clone(const struct LDKHolderCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR orig);
27818 /* @internal */
27819 export function HolderCommitmentTransaction_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
27820         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27821                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27822         }
27823         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HolderCommitmentTransaction_clone(orig);
27824         return nativeResponseValue;
27825 }
27826         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z HolderCommitmentTransaction_write(const struct LDKHolderCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR obj);
27827 /* @internal */
27828 export function HolderCommitmentTransaction_write(obj: bigint): number {
27829         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27830                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27831         }
27832         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HolderCommitmentTransaction_write(obj);
27833         return nativeResponseValue;
27834 }
27835         // struct LDKCResult_HolderCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ HolderCommitmentTransaction_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
27836 /* @internal */
27837 export function HolderCommitmentTransaction_read(ser: number): bigint {
27838         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27839                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27840         }
27841         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HolderCommitmentTransaction_read(ser);
27842         return nativeResponseValue;
27843 }
27844         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKHolderCommitmentTransaction HolderCommitmentTransaction_new(struct LDKCommitmentTransaction commitment_tx, struct LDKSignature counterparty_sig, struct LDKCVec_SignatureZ counterparty_htlc_sigs, struct LDKPublicKey holder_funding_key, struct LDKPublicKey counterparty_funding_key);
27845 /* @internal */
27846 export function HolderCommitmentTransaction_new(commitment_tx: bigint, counterparty_sig: number, counterparty_htlc_sigs: number, holder_funding_key: number, counterparty_funding_key: number): bigint {
27847         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27848                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27849         }
27850         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_HolderCommitmentTransaction_new(commitment_tx, counterparty_sig, counterparty_htlc_sigs, holder_funding_key, counterparty_funding_key);
27851         return nativeResponseValue;
27852 }
27853         // void BuiltCommitmentTransaction_free(struct LDKBuiltCommitmentTransaction this_obj);
27854 /* @internal */
27855 export function BuiltCommitmentTransaction_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
27856         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27857                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27858         }
27859         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BuiltCommitmentTransaction_free(this_obj);
27860         // debug statements here
27861 }
27862         // struct LDKTransaction BuiltCommitmentTransaction_get_transaction(const struct LDKBuiltCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
27863 /* @internal */
27864 export function BuiltCommitmentTransaction_get_transaction(this_ptr: bigint): number {
27865         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27866                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27867         }
27868         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BuiltCommitmentTransaction_get_transaction(this_ptr);
27869         return nativeResponseValue;
27870 }
27871         // void BuiltCommitmentTransaction_set_transaction(struct LDKBuiltCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKTransaction val);
27872 /* @internal */
27873 export function BuiltCommitmentTransaction_set_transaction(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
27874         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27875                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27876         }
27877         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BuiltCommitmentTransaction_set_transaction(this_ptr, val);
27878         // debug statements here
27879 }
27880         // const uint8_t (*BuiltCommitmentTransaction_get_txid(const struct LDKBuiltCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
27881 /* @internal */
27882 export function BuiltCommitmentTransaction_get_txid(this_ptr: bigint): number {
27883         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27884                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27885         }
27886         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BuiltCommitmentTransaction_get_txid(this_ptr);
27887         return nativeResponseValue;
27888 }
27889         // void BuiltCommitmentTransaction_set_txid(struct LDKBuiltCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
27890 /* @internal */
27891 export function BuiltCommitmentTransaction_set_txid(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
27892         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27893                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27894         }
27895         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BuiltCommitmentTransaction_set_txid(this_ptr, val);
27896         // debug statements here
27897 }
27898         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKBuiltCommitmentTransaction BuiltCommitmentTransaction_new(struct LDKTransaction transaction_arg, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes txid_arg);
27899 /* @internal */
27900 export function BuiltCommitmentTransaction_new(transaction_arg: number, txid_arg: number): bigint {
27901         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27902                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27903         }
27904         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BuiltCommitmentTransaction_new(transaction_arg, txid_arg);
27905         return nativeResponseValue;
27906 }
27907         // uint64_t BuiltCommitmentTransaction_clone_ptr(LDKBuiltCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR arg);
27908 /* @internal */
27909 export function BuiltCommitmentTransaction_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
27910         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27911                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27912         }
27913         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BuiltCommitmentTransaction_clone_ptr(arg);
27914         return nativeResponseValue;
27915 }
27916         // struct LDKBuiltCommitmentTransaction BuiltCommitmentTransaction_clone(const struct LDKBuiltCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR orig);
27917 /* @internal */
27918 export function BuiltCommitmentTransaction_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
27919         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27920                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27921         }
27922         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BuiltCommitmentTransaction_clone(orig);
27923         return nativeResponseValue;
27924 }
27925         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z BuiltCommitmentTransaction_write(const struct LDKBuiltCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR obj);
27926 /* @internal */
27927 export function BuiltCommitmentTransaction_write(obj: bigint): number {
27928         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27929                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27930         }
27931         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BuiltCommitmentTransaction_write(obj);
27932         return nativeResponseValue;
27933 }
27934         // struct LDKCResult_BuiltCommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ BuiltCommitmentTransaction_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
27935 /* @internal */
27936 export function BuiltCommitmentTransaction_read(ser: number): bigint {
27937         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27938                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27939         }
27940         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BuiltCommitmentTransaction_read(ser);
27941         return nativeResponseValue;
27942 }
27943         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes BuiltCommitmentTransaction_get_sighash_all(const struct LDKBuiltCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKu8slice funding_redeemscript, uint64_t channel_value_satoshis);
27944 /* @internal */
27945 export function BuiltCommitmentTransaction_get_sighash_all(this_arg: bigint, funding_redeemscript: number, channel_value_satoshis: bigint): number {
27946         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27947                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27948         }
27949         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BuiltCommitmentTransaction_get_sighash_all(this_arg, funding_redeemscript, channel_value_satoshis);
27950         return nativeResponseValue;
27951 }
27952         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKSignature BuiltCommitmentTransaction_sign(const struct LDKBuiltCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*funding_key)[32], struct LDKu8slice funding_redeemscript, uint64_t channel_value_satoshis);
27953 /* @internal */
27954 export function BuiltCommitmentTransaction_sign(this_arg: bigint, funding_key: number, funding_redeemscript: number, channel_value_satoshis: bigint): number {
27955         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27956                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27957         }
27958         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BuiltCommitmentTransaction_sign(this_arg, funding_key, funding_redeemscript, channel_value_satoshis);
27959         return nativeResponseValue;
27960 }
27961         // void ClosingTransaction_free(struct LDKClosingTransaction this_obj);
27962 /* @internal */
27963 export function ClosingTransaction_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
27964         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27965                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27966         }
27967         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingTransaction_free(this_obj);
27968         // debug statements here
27969 }
27970         // uint64_t ClosingTransaction_clone_ptr(LDKClosingTransaction *NONNULL_PTR arg);
27971 /* @internal */
27972 export function ClosingTransaction_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
27973         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27974                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27975         }
27976         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingTransaction_clone_ptr(arg);
27977         return nativeResponseValue;
27978 }
27979         // struct LDKClosingTransaction ClosingTransaction_clone(const struct LDKClosingTransaction *NONNULL_PTR orig);
27980 /* @internal */
27981 export function ClosingTransaction_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
27982         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27983                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27984         }
27985         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingTransaction_clone(orig);
27986         return nativeResponseValue;
27987 }
27988         // uint64_t ClosingTransaction_hash(const struct LDKClosingTransaction *NONNULL_PTR o);
27989 /* @internal */
27990 export function ClosingTransaction_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
27991         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
27992                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
27993         }
27994         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingTransaction_hash(o);
27995         return nativeResponseValue;
27996 }
27997         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKClosingTransaction ClosingTransaction_new(uint64_t to_holder_value_sat, uint64_t to_counterparty_value_sat, struct LDKCVec_u8Z to_holder_script, struct LDKCVec_u8Z to_counterparty_script, struct LDKOutPoint funding_outpoint);
27998 /* @internal */
27999 export function ClosingTransaction_new(to_holder_value_sat: bigint, to_counterparty_value_sat: bigint, to_holder_script: number, to_counterparty_script: number, funding_outpoint: bigint): bigint {
28000         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28001                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28002         }
28003         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingTransaction_new(to_holder_value_sat, to_counterparty_value_sat, to_holder_script, to_counterparty_script, funding_outpoint);
28004         return nativeResponseValue;
28005 }
28006         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKTrustedClosingTransaction ClosingTransaction_trust(const struct LDKClosingTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28007 /* @internal */
28008 export function ClosingTransaction_trust(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
28009         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28010                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28011         }
28012         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingTransaction_trust(this_arg);
28013         return nativeResponseValue;
28014 }
28015         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_TrustedClosingTransactionNoneZ ClosingTransaction_verify(const struct LDKClosingTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKOutPoint funding_outpoint);
28016 /* @internal */
28017 export function ClosingTransaction_verify(this_arg: bigint, funding_outpoint: bigint): bigint {
28018         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28019                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28020         }
28021         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingTransaction_verify(this_arg, funding_outpoint);
28022         return nativeResponseValue;
28023 }
28024         // MUST_USE_RES uint64_t ClosingTransaction_to_holder_value_sat(const struct LDKClosingTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28025 /* @internal */
28026 export function ClosingTransaction_to_holder_value_sat(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
28027         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28028                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28029         }
28030         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingTransaction_to_holder_value_sat(this_arg);
28031         return nativeResponseValue;
28032 }
28033         // MUST_USE_RES uint64_t ClosingTransaction_to_counterparty_value_sat(const struct LDKClosingTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28034 /* @internal */
28035 export function ClosingTransaction_to_counterparty_value_sat(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
28036         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28037                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28038         }
28039         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingTransaction_to_counterparty_value_sat(this_arg);
28040         return nativeResponseValue;
28041 }
28042         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKu8slice ClosingTransaction_to_holder_script(const struct LDKClosingTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28043 /* @internal */
28044 export function ClosingTransaction_to_holder_script(this_arg: bigint): number {
28045         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28046                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28047         }
28048         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingTransaction_to_holder_script(this_arg);
28049         return nativeResponseValue;
28050 }
28051         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKu8slice ClosingTransaction_to_counterparty_script(const struct LDKClosingTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28052 /* @internal */
28053 export function ClosingTransaction_to_counterparty_script(this_arg: bigint): number {
28054         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28055                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28056         }
28057         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ClosingTransaction_to_counterparty_script(this_arg);
28058         return nativeResponseValue;
28059 }
28060         // void TrustedClosingTransaction_free(struct LDKTrustedClosingTransaction this_obj);
28061 /* @internal */
28062 export function TrustedClosingTransaction_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
28063         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28064                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28065         }
28066         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TrustedClosingTransaction_free(this_obj);
28067         // debug statements here
28068 }
28069         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKTransaction TrustedClosingTransaction_built_transaction(const struct LDKTrustedClosingTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28070 /* @internal */
28071 export function TrustedClosingTransaction_built_transaction(this_arg: bigint): number {
28072         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28073                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28074         }
28075         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TrustedClosingTransaction_built_transaction(this_arg);
28076         return nativeResponseValue;
28077 }
28078         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes TrustedClosingTransaction_get_sighash_all(const struct LDKTrustedClosingTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKu8slice funding_redeemscript, uint64_t channel_value_satoshis);
28079 /* @internal */
28080 export function TrustedClosingTransaction_get_sighash_all(this_arg: bigint, funding_redeemscript: number, channel_value_satoshis: bigint): number {
28081         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28082                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28083         }
28084         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TrustedClosingTransaction_get_sighash_all(this_arg, funding_redeemscript, channel_value_satoshis);
28085         return nativeResponseValue;
28086 }
28087         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKSignature TrustedClosingTransaction_sign(const struct LDKTrustedClosingTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*funding_key)[32], struct LDKu8slice funding_redeemscript, uint64_t channel_value_satoshis);
28088 /* @internal */
28089 export function TrustedClosingTransaction_sign(this_arg: bigint, funding_key: number, funding_redeemscript: number, channel_value_satoshis: bigint): number {
28090         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28091                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28092         }
28093         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TrustedClosingTransaction_sign(this_arg, funding_key, funding_redeemscript, channel_value_satoshis);
28094         return nativeResponseValue;
28095 }
28096         // void CommitmentTransaction_free(struct LDKCommitmentTransaction this_obj);
28097 /* @internal */
28098 export function CommitmentTransaction_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
28099         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28100                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28101         }
28102         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentTransaction_free(this_obj);
28103         // debug statements here
28104 }
28105         // uint64_t CommitmentTransaction_clone_ptr(LDKCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR arg);
28106 /* @internal */
28107 export function CommitmentTransaction_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
28108         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28109                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28110         }
28111         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentTransaction_clone_ptr(arg);
28112         return nativeResponseValue;
28113 }
28114         // struct LDKCommitmentTransaction CommitmentTransaction_clone(const struct LDKCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR orig);
28115 /* @internal */
28116 export function CommitmentTransaction_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
28117         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28118                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28119         }
28120         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentTransaction_clone(orig);
28121         return nativeResponseValue;
28122 }
28123         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z CommitmentTransaction_write(const struct LDKCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR obj);
28124 /* @internal */
28125 export function CommitmentTransaction_write(obj: bigint): number {
28126         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28127                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28128         }
28129         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentTransaction_write(obj);
28130         return nativeResponseValue;
28131 }
28132         // struct LDKCResult_CommitmentTransactionDecodeErrorZ CommitmentTransaction_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
28133 /* @internal */
28134 export function CommitmentTransaction_read(ser: number): bigint {
28135         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28136                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28137         }
28138         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentTransaction_read(ser);
28139         return nativeResponseValue;
28140 }
28141         // MUST_USE_RES uint64_t CommitmentTransaction_commitment_number(const struct LDKCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28142 /* @internal */
28143 export function CommitmentTransaction_commitment_number(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
28144         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28145                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28146         }
28147         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentTransaction_commitment_number(this_arg);
28148         return nativeResponseValue;
28149 }
28150         // MUST_USE_RES uint64_t CommitmentTransaction_to_broadcaster_value_sat(const struct LDKCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28151 /* @internal */
28152 export function CommitmentTransaction_to_broadcaster_value_sat(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
28153         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28154                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28155         }
28156         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentTransaction_to_broadcaster_value_sat(this_arg);
28157         return nativeResponseValue;
28158 }
28159         // MUST_USE_RES uint64_t CommitmentTransaction_to_countersignatory_value_sat(const struct LDKCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28160 /* @internal */
28161 export function CommitmentTransaction_to_countersignatory_value_sat(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
28162         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28163                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28164         }
28165         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentTransaction_to_countersignatory_value_sat(this_arg);
28166         return nativeResponseValue;
28167 }
28168         // MUST_USE_RES uint32_t CommitmentTransaction_feerate_per_kw(const struct LDKCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28169 /* @internal */
28170 export function CommitmentTransaction_feerate_per_kw(this_arg: bigint): number {
28171         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28172                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28173         }
28174         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentTransaction_feerate_per_kw(this_arg);
28175         return nativeResponseValue;
28176 }
28177         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKTrustedCommitmentTransaction CommitmentTransaction_trust(const struct LDKCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28178 /* @internal */
28179 export function CommitmentTransaction_trust(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
28180         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28181                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28182         }
28183         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentTransaction_trust(this_arg);
28184         return nativeResponseValue;
28185 }
28186         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_TrustedCommitmentTransactionNoneZ CommitmentTransaction_verify(const struct LDKCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKDirectedChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR channel_parameters, const struct LDKChannelPublicKeys *NONNULL_PTR broadcaster_keys, const struct LDKChannelPublicKeys *NONNULL_PTR countersignatory_keys);
28187 /* @internal */
28188 export function CommitmentTransaction_verify(this_arg: bigint, channel_parameters: bigint, broadcaster_keys: bigint, countersignatory_keys: bigint): bigint {
28189         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28190                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28191         }
28192         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CommitmentTransaction_verify(this_arg, channel_parameters, broadcaster_keys, countersignatory_keys);
28193         return nativeResponseValue;
28194 }
28195         // void TrustedCommitmentTransaction_free(struct LDKTrustedCommitmentTransaction this_obj);
28196 /* @internal */
28197 export function TrustedCommitmentTransaction_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
28198         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28199                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28200         }
28201         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TrustedCommitmentTransaction_free(this_obj);
28202         // debug statements here
28203 }
28204         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes TrustedCommitmentTransaction_txid(const struct LDKTrustedCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28205 /* @internal */
28206 export function TrustedCommitmentTransaction_txid(this_arg: bigint): number {
28207         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28208                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28209         }
28210         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TrustedCommitmentTransaction_txid(this_arg);
28211         return nativeResponseValue;
28212 }
28213         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKBuiltCommitmentTransaction TrustedCommitmentTransaction_built_transaction(const struct LDKTrustedCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28214 /* @internal */
28215 export function TrustedCommitmentTransaction_built_transaction(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
28216         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28217                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28218         }
28219         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TrustedCommitmentTransaction_built_transaction(this_arg);
28220         return nativeResponseValue;
28221 }
28222         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKTxCreationKeys TrustedCommitmentTransaction_keys(const struct LDKTrustedCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28223 /* @internal */
28224 export function TrustedCommitmentTransaction_keys(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
28225         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28226                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28227         }
28228         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TrustedCommitmentTransaction_keys(this_arg);
28229         return nativeResponseValue;
28230 }
28231         // MUST_USE_RES bool TrustedCommitmentTransaction_opt_anchors(const struct LDKTrustedCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28232 /* @internal */
28233 export function TrustedCommitmentTransaction_opt_anchors(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28234         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28235                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28236         }
28237         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TrustedCommitmentTransaction_opt_anchors(this_arg);
28238         return nativeResponseValue;
28239 }
28240         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_CVec_SignatureZNoneZ TrustedCommitmentTransaction_get_htlc_sigs(const struct LDKTrustedCommitmentTransaction *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*htlc_base_key)[32], const struct LDKDirectedChannelTransactionParameters *NONNULL_PTR channel_parameters);
28241 /* @internal */
28242 export function TrustedCommitmentTransaction_get_htlc_sigs(this_arg: bigint, htlc_base_key: number, channel_parameters: bigint): bigint {
28243         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28244                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28245         }
28246         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_TrustedCommitmentTransaction_get_htlc_sigs(this_arg, htlc_base_key, channel_parameters);
28247         return nativeResponseValue;
28248 }
28249         // uint64_t get_commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor(struct LDKPublicKey broadcaster_payment_basepoint, struct LDKPublicKey countersignatory_payment_basepoint, bool outbound_from_broadcaster);
28250 /* @internal */
28251 export function get_commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor(broadcaster_payment_basepoint: number, countersignatory_payment_basepoint: number, outbound_from_broadcaster: boolean): bigint {
28252         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28253                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28254         }
28255         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_get_commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor(broadcaster_payment_basepoint, countersignatory_payment_basepoint, outbound_from_broadcaster);
28256         return nativeResponseValue;
28257 }
28258         // bool InitFeatures_eq(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR b);
28259 /* @internal */
28260 export function InitFeatures_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
28261         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28262                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28263         }
28264         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_eq(a, b);
28265         return nativeResponseValue;
28266 }
28267         // bool NodeFeatures_eq(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR b);
28268 /* @internal */
28269 export function NodeFeatures_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
28270         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28271                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28272         }
28273         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_eq(a, b);
28274         return nativeResponseValue;
28275 }
28276         // bool ChannelFeatures_eq(const struct LDKChannelFeatures *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKChannelFeatures *NONNULL_PTR b);
28277 /* @internal */
28278 export function ChannelFeatures_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
28279         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28280                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28281         }
28282         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelFeatures_eq(a, b);
28283         return nativeResponseValue;
28284 }
28285         // bool InvoiceFeatures_eq(const struct LDKInvoiceFeatures *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKInvoiceFeatures *NONNULL_PTR b);
28286 /* @internal */
28287 export function InvoiceFeatures_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
28288         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28289                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28290         }
28291         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceFeatures_eq(a, b);
28292         return nativeResponseValue;
28293 }
28294         // bool ChannelTypeFeatures_eq(const struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR b);
28295 /* @internal */
28296 export function ChannelTypeFeatures_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
28297         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28298                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28299         }
28300         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTypeFeatures_eq(a, b);
28301         return nativeResponseValue;
28302 }
28303         // uint64_t InitFeatures_clone_ptr(LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR arg);
28304 /* @internal */
28305 export function InitFeatures_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
28306         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28307                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28308         }
28309         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_clone_ptr(arg);
28310         return nativeResponseValue;
28311 }
28312         // struct LDKInitFeatures InitFeatures_clone(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR orig);
28313 /* @internal */
28314 export function InitFeatures_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
28315         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28316                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28317         }
28318         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_clone(orig);
28319         return nativeResponseValue;
28320 }
28321         // uint64_t NodeFeatures_clone_ptr(LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR arg);
28322 /* @internal */
28323 export function NodeFeatures_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
28324         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28325                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28326         }
28327         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_clone_ptr(arg);
28328         return nativeResponseValue;
28329 }
28330         // struct LDKNodeFeatures NodeFeatures_clone(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR orig);
28331 /* @internal */
28332 export function NodeFeatures_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
28333         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28334                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28335         }
28336         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_clone(orig);
28337         return nativeResponseValue;
28338 }
28339         // uint64_t ChannelFeatures_clone_ptr(LDKChannelFeatures *NONNULL_PTR arg);
28340 /* @internal */
28341 export function ChannelFeatures_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
28342         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28343                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28344         }
28345         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelFeatures_clone_ptr(arg);
28346         return nativeResponseValue;
28347 }
28348         // struct LDKChannelFeatures ChannelFeatures_clone(const struct LDKChannelFeatures *NONNULL_PTR orig);
28349 /* @internal */
28350 export function ChannelFeatures_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
28351         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28352                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28353         }
28354         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelFeatures_clone(orig);
28355         return nativeResponseValue;
28356 }
28357         // uint64_t InvoiceFeatures_clone_ptr(LDKInvoiceFeatures *NONNULL_PTR arg);
28358 /* @internal */
28359 export function InvoiceFeatures_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
28360         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28361                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28362         }
28363         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceFeatures_clone_ptr(arg);
28364         return nativeResponseValue;
28365 }
28366         // struct LDKInvoiceFeatures InvoiceFeatures_clone(const struct LDKInvoiceFeatures *NONNULL_PTR orig);
28367 /* @internal */
28368 export function InvoiceFeatures_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
28369         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28370                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28371         }
28372         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceFeatures_clone(orig);
28373         return nativeResponseValue;
28374 }
28375         // uint64_t ChannelTypeFeatures_clone_ptr(LDKChannelTypeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR arg);
28376 /* @internal */
28377 export function ChannelTypeFeatures_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
28378         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28379                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28380         }
28381         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTypeFeatures_clone_ptr(arg);
28382         return nativeResponseValue;
28383 }
28384         // struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures ChannelTypeFeatures_clone(const struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR orig);
28385 /* @internal */
28386 export function ChannelTypeFeatures_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
28387         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28388                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28389         }
28390         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTypeFeatures_clone(orig);
28391         return nativeResponseValue;
28392 }
28393         // void InitFeatures_free(struct LDKInitFeatures this_obj);
28394 /* @internal */
28395 export function InitFeatures_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
28396         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28397                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28398         }
28399         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_free(this_obj);
28400         // debug statements here
28401 }
28402         // void NodeFeatures_free(struct LDKNodeFeatures this_obj);
28403 /* @internal */
28404 export function NodeFeatures_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
28405         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28406                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28407         }
28408         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_free(this_obj);
28409         // debug statements here
28410 }
28411         // void ChannelFeatures_free(struct LDKChannelFeatures this_obj);
28412 /* @internal */
28413 export function ChannelFeatures_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
28414         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28415                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28416         }
28417         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelFeatures_free(this_obj);
28418         // debug statements here
28419 }
28420         // void InvoiceFeatures_free(struct LDKInvoiceFeatures this_obj);
28421 /* @internal */
28422 export function InvoiceFeatures_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
28423         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28424                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28425         }
28426         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceFeatures_free(this_obj);
28427         // debug statements here
28428 }
28429         // void ChannelTypeFeatures_free(struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures this_obj);
28430 /* @internal */
28431 export function ChannelTypeFeatures_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
28432         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28433                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28434         }
28435         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTypeFeatures_free(this_obj);
28436         // debug statements here
28437 }
28438         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKInitFeatures InitFeatures_known_channel_features(void);
28439 /* @internal */
28440 export function InitFeatures_known_channel_features(): bigint {
28441         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28442                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28443         }
28444         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_known_channel_features();
28445         return nativeResponseValue;
28446 }
28447         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKNodeFeatures NodeFeatures_known_channel_features(void);
28448 /* @internal */
28449 export function NodeFeatures_known_channel_features(): bigint {
28450         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28451                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28452         }
28453         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_known_channel_features();
28454         return nativeResponseValue;
28455 }
28456         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKInitFeatures InitFeatures_empty(void);
28457 /* @internal */
28458 export function InitFeatures_empty(): bigint {
28459         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28460                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28461         }
28462         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_empty();
28463         return nativeResponseValue;
28464 }
28465         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKInitFeatures InitFeatures_known(void);
28466 /* @internal */
28467 export function InitFeatures_known(): bigint {
28468         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28469                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28470         }
28471         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_known();
28472         return nativeResponseValue;
28473 }
28474         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_requires_unknown_bits(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28475 /* @internal */
28476 export function InitFeatures_requires_unknown_bits(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28477         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28478                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28479         }
28480         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_requires_unknown_bits(this_arg);
28481         return nativeResponseValue;
28482 }
28483         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKNodeFeatures NodeFeatures_empty(void);
28484 /* @internal */
28485 export function NodeFeatures_empty(): bigint {
28486         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28487                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28488         }
28489         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_empty();
28490         return nativeResponseValue;
28491 }
28492         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKNodeFeatures NodeFeatures_known(void);
28493 /* @internal */
28494 export function NodeFeatures_known(): bigint {
28495         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28496                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28497         }
28498         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_known();
28499         return nativeResponseValue;
28500 }
28501         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_requires_unknown_bits(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28502 /* @internal */
28503 export function NodeFeatures_requires_unknown_bits(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28504         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28505                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28506         }
28507         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_requires_unknown_bits(this_arg);
28508         return nativeResponseValue;
28509 }
28510         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelFeatures ChannelFeatures_empty(void);
28511 /* @internal */
28512 export function ChannelFeatures_empty(): bigint {
28513         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28514                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28515         }
28516         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelFeatures_empty();
28517         return nativeResponseValue;
28518 }
28519         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelFeatures ChannelFeatures_known(void);
28520 /* @internal */
28521 export function ChannelFeatures_known(): bigint {
28522         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28523                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28524         }
28525         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelFeatures_known();
28526         return nativeResponseValue;
28527 }
28528         // MUST_USE_RES bool ChannelFeatures_requires_unknown_bits(const struct LDKChannelFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28529 /* @internal */
28530 export function ChannelFeatures_requires_unknown_bits(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28531         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28532                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28533         }
28534         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelFeatures_requires_unknown_bits(this_arg);
28535         return nativeResponseValue;
28536 }
28537         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKInvoiceFeatures InvoiceFeatures_empty(void);
28538 /* @internal */
28539 export function InvoiceFeatures_empty(): bigint {
28540         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28541                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28542         }
28543         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceFeatures_empty();
28544         return nativeResponseValue;
28545 }
28546         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKInvoiceFeatures InvoiceFeatures_known(void);
28547 /* @internal */
28548 export function InvoiceFeatures_known(): bigint {
28549         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28550                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28551         }
28552         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceFeatures_known();
28553         return nativeResponseValue;
28554 }
28555         // MUST_USE_RES bool InvoiceFeatures_requires_unknown_bits(const struct LDKInvoiceFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28556 /* @internal */
28557 export function InvoiceFeatures_requires_unknown_bits(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28558         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28559                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28560         }
28561         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceFeatures_requires_unknown_bits(this_arg);
28562         return nativeResponseValue;
28563 }
28564         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures ChannelTypeFeatures_empty(void);
28565 /* @internal */
28566 export function ChannelTypeFeatures_empty(): bigint {
28567         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28568                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28569         }
28570         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTypeFeatures_empty();
28571         return nativeResponseValue;
28572 }
28573         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures ChannelTypeFeatures_known(void);
28574 /* @internal */
28575 export function ChannelTypeFeatures_known(): bigint {
28576         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28577                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28578         }
28579         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTypeFeatures_known();
28580         return nativeResponseValue;
28581 }
28582         // MUST_USE_RES bool ChannelTypeFeatures_requires_unknown_bits(const struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28583 /* @internal */
28584 export function ChannelTypeFeatures_requires_unknown_bits(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28585         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28586                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28587         }
28588         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTypeFeatures_requires_unknown_bits(this_arg);
28589         return nativeResponseValue;
28590 }
28591         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z InitFeatures_write(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR obj);
28592 /* @internal */
28593 export function InitFeatures_write(obj: bigint): number {
28594         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28595                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28596         }
28597         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_write(obj);
28598         return nativeResponseValue;
28599 }
28600         // struct LDKCResult_InitFeaturesDecodeErrorZ InitFeatures_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
28601 /* @internal */
28602 export function InitFeatures_read(ser: number): bigint {
28603         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28604                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28605         }
28606         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_read(ser);
28607         return nativeResponseValue;
28608 }
28609         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ChannelFeatures_write(const struct LDKChannelFeatures *NONNULL_PTR obj);
28610 /* @internal */
28611 export function ChannelFeatures_write(obj: bigint): number {
28612         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28613                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28614         }
28615         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelFeatures_write(obj);
28616         return nativeResponseValue;
28617 }
28618         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelFeaturesDecodeErrorZ ChannelFeatures_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
28619 /* @internal */
28620 export function ChannelFeatures_read(ser: number): bigint {
28621         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28622                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28623         }
28624         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelFeatures_read(ser);
28625         return nativeResponseValue;
28626 }
28627         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z NodeFeatures_write(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR obj);
28628 /* @internal */
28629 export function NodeFeatures_write(obj: bigint): number {
28630         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28631                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28632         }
28633         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_write(obj);
28634         return nativeResponseValue;
28635 }
28636         // struct LDKCResult_NodeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ NodeFeatures_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
28637 /* @internal */
28638 export function NodeFeatures_read(ser: number): bigint {
28639         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28640                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28641         }
28642         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_read(ser);
28643         return nativeResponseValue;
28644 }
28645         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z InvoiceFeatures_write(const struct LDKInvoiceFeatures *NONNULL_PTR obj);
28646 /* @internal */
28647 export function InvoiceFeatures_write(obj: bigint): number {
28648         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28649                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28650         }
28651         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceFeatures_write(obj);
28652         return nativeResponseValue;
28653 }
28654         // struct LDKCResult_InvoiceFeaturesDecodeErrorZ InvoiceFeatures_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
28655 /* @internal */
28656 export function InvoiceFeatures_read(ser: number): bigint {
28657         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28658                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28659         }
28660         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceFeatures_read(ser);
28661         return nativeResponseValue;
28662 }
28663         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ChannelTypeFeatures_write(const struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR obj);
28664 /* @internal */
28665 export function ChannelTypeFeatures_write(obj: bigint): number {
28666         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28667                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28668         }
28669         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTypeFeatures_write(obj);
28670         return nativeResponseValue;
28671 }
28672         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelTypeFeaturesDecodeErrorZ ChannelTypeFeatures_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
28673 /* @internal */
28674 export function ChannelTypeFeatures_read(ser: number): bigint {
28675         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28676                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28677         }
28678         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTypeFeatures_read(ser);
28679         return nativeResponseValue;
28680 }
28681         // void InitFeatures_set_data_loss_protect_optional(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28682 /* @internal */
28683 export function InitFeatures_set_data_loss_protect_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
28684         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28685                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28686         }
28687         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_data_loss_protect_optional(this_arg);
28688         // debug statements here
28689 }
28690         // void InitFeatures_set_data_loss_protect_required(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28691 /* @internal */
28692 export function InitFeatures_set_data_loss_protect_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
28693         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28694                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28695         }
28696         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_data_loss_protect_required(this_arg);
28697         // debug statements here
28698 }
28699         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_supports_data_loss_protect(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28700 /* @internal */
28701 export function InitFeatures_supports_data_loss_protect(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28702         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28703                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28704         }
28705         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_supports_data_loss_protect(this_arg);
28706         return nativeResponseValue;
28707 }
28708         // void NodeFeatures_set_data_loss_protect_optional(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28709 /* @internal */
28710 export function NodeFeatures_set_data_loss_protect_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
28711         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28712                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28713         }
28714         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_data_loss_protect_optional(this_arg);
28715         // debug statements here
28716 }
28717         // void NodeFeatures_set_data_loss_protect_required(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28718 /* @internal */
28719 export function NodeFeatures_set_data_loss_protect_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
28720         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28721                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28722         }
28723         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_data_loss_protect_required(this_arg);
28724         // debug statements here
28725 }
28726         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_supports_data_loss_protect(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28727 /* @internal */
28728 export function NodeFeatures_supports_data_loss_protect(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28729         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28730                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28731         }
28732         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_supports_data_loss_protect(this_arg);
28733         return nativeResponseValue;
28734 }
28735         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_requires_data_loss_protect(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28736 /* @internal */
28737 export function InitFeatures_requires_data_loss_protect(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28738         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28739                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28740         }
28741         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_requires_data_loss_protect(this_arg);
28742         return nativeResponseValue;
28743 }
28744         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_requires_data_loss_protect(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28745 /* @internal */
28746 export function NodeFeatures_requires_data_loss_protect(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28747         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28748                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28749         }
28750         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_requires_data_loss_protect(this_arg);
28751         return nativeResponseValue;
28752 }
28753         // void InitFeatures_set_initial_routing_sync_optional(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28754 /* @internal */
28755 export function InitFeatures_set_initial_routing_sync_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
28756         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28757                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28758         }
28759         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_initial_routing_sync_optional(this_arg);
28760         // debug statements here
28761 }
28762         // void InitFeatures_set_initial_routing_sync_required(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28763 /* @internal */
28764 export function InitFeatures_set_initial_routing_sync_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
28765         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28766                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28767         }
28768         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_initial_routing_sync_required(this_arg);
28769         // debug statements here
28770 }
28771         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_initial_routing_sync(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28772 /* @internal */
28773 export function InitFeatures_initial_routing_sync(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28774         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28775                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28776         }
28777         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_initial_routing_sync(this_arg);
28778         return nativeResponseValue;
28779 }
28780         // void InitFeatures_set_upfront_shutdown_script_optional(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28781 /* @internal */
28782 export function InitFeatures_set_upfront_shutdown_script_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
28783         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28784                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28785         }
28786         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_upfront_shutdown_script_optional(this_arg);
28787         // debug statements here
28788 }
28789         // void InitFeatures_set_upfront_shutdown_script_required(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28790 /* @internal */
28791 export function InitFeatures_set_upfront_shutdown_script_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
28792         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28793                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28794         }
28795         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_upfront_shutdown_script_required(this_arg);
28796         // debug statements here
28797 }
28798         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_supports_upfront_shutdown_script(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28799 /* @internal */
28800 export function InitFeatures_supports_upfront_shutdown_script(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28801         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28802                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28803         }
28804         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_supports_upfront_shutdown_script(this_arg);
28805         return nativeResponseValue;
28806 }
28807         // void NodeFeatures_set_upfront_shutdown_script_optional(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28808 /* @internal */
28809 export function NodeFeatures_set_upfront_shutdown_script_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
28810         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28811                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28812         }
28813         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_upfront_shutdown_script_optional(this_arg);
28814         // debug statements here
28815 }
28816         // void NodeFeatures_set_upfront_shutdown_script_required(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28817 /* @internal */
28818 export function NodeFeatures_set_upfront_shutdown_script_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
28819         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28820                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28821         }
28822         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_upfront_shutdown_script_required(this_arg);
28823         // debug statements here
28824 }
28825         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_supports_upfront_shutdown_script(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28826 /* @internal */
28827 export function NodeFeatures_supports_upfront_shutdown_script(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28828         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28829                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28830         }
28831         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_supports_upfront_shutdown_script(this_arg);
28832         return nativeResponseValue;
28833 }
28834         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_requires_upfront_shutdown_script(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28835 /* @internal */
28836 export function InitFeatures_requires_upfront_shutdown_script(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28837         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28838                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28839         }
28840         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_requires_upfront_shutdown_script(this_arg);
28841         return nativeResponseValue;
28842 }
28843         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_requires_upfront_shutdown_script(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28844 /* @internal */
28845 export function NodeFeatures_requires_upfront_shutdown_script(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28846         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28847                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28848         }
28849         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_requires_upfront_shutdown_script(this_arg);
28850         return nativeResponseValue;
28851 }
28852         // void InitFeatures_set_gossip_queries_optional(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28853 /* @internal */
28854 export function InitFeatures_set_gossip_queries_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
28855         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28856                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28857         }
28858         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_gossip_queries_optional(this_arg);
28859         // debug statements here
28860 }
28861         // void InitFeatures_set_gossip_queries_required(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28862 /* @internal */
28863 export function InitFeatures_set_gossip_queries_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
28864         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28865                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28866         }
28867         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_gossip_queries_required(this_arg);
28868         // debug statements here
28869 }
28870         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_supports_gossip_queries(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28871 /* @internal */
28872 export function InitFeatures_supports_gossip_queries(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28873         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28874                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28875         }
28876         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_supports_gossip_queries(this_arg);
28877         return nativeResponseValue;
28878 }
28879         // void NodeFeatures_set_gossip_queries_optional(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28880 /* @internal */
28881 export function NodeFeatures_set_gossip_queries_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
28882         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28883                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28884         }
28885         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_gossip_queries_optional(this_arg);
28886         // debug statements here
28887 }
28888         // void NodeFeatures_set_gossip_queries_required(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28889 /* @internal */
28890 export function NodeFeatures_set_gossip_queries_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
28891         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28892                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28893         }
28894         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_gossip_queries_required(this_arg);
28895         // debug statements here
28896 }
28897         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_supports_gossip_queries(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28898 /* @internal */
28899 export function NodeFeatures_supports_gossip_queries(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28900         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28901                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28902         }
28903         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_supports_gossip_queries(this_arg);
28904         return nativeResponseValue;
28905 }
28906         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_requires_gossip_queries(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28907 /* @internal */
28908 export function InitFeatures_requires_gossip_queries(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28909         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28910                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28911         }
28912         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_requires_gossip_queries(this_arg);
28913         return nativeResponseValue;
28914 }
28915         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_requires_gossip_queries(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28916 /* @internal */
28917 export function NodeFeatures_requires_gossip_queries(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28918         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28919                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28920         }
28921         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_requires_gossip_queries(this_arg);
28922         return nativeResponseValue;
28923 }
28924         // void InitFeatures_set_variable_length_onion_optional(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28925 /* @internal */
28926 export function InitFeatures_set_variable_length_onion_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
28927         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28928                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28929         }
28930         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_variable_length_onion_optional(this_arg);
28931         // debug statements here
28932 }
28933         // void InitFeatures_set_variable_length_onion_required(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28934 /* @internal */
28935 export function InitFeatures_set_variable_length_onion_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
28936         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28937                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28938         }
28939         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_variable_length_onion_required(this_arg);
28940         // debug statements here
28941 }
28942         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_supports_variable_length_onion(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28943 /* @internal */
28944 export function InitFeatures_supports_variable_length_onion(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28945         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28946                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28947         }
28948         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_supports_variable_length_onion(this_arg);
28949         return nativeResponseValue;
28950 }
28951         // void NodeFeatures_set_variable_length_onion_optional(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28952 /* @internal */
28953 export function NodeFeatures_set_variable_length_onion_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
28954         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28955                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28956         }
28957         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_variable_length_onion_optional(this_arg);
28958         // debug statements here
28959 }
28960         // void NodeFeatures_set_variable_length_onion_required(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28961 /* @internal */
28962 export function NodeFeatures_set_variable_length_onion_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
28963         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28964                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28965         }
28966         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_variable_length_onion_required(this_arg);
28967         // debug statements here
28968 }
28969         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_supports_variable_length_onion(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28970 /* @internal */
28971 export function NodeFeatures_supports_variable_length_onion(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28972         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28973                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28974         }
28975         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_supports_variable_length_onion(this_arg);
28976         return nativeResponseValue;
28977 }
28978         // void InvoiceFeatures_set_variable_length_onion_optional(struct LDKInvoiceFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28979 /* @internal */
28980 export function InvoiceFeatures_set_variable_length_onion_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
28981         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28982                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28983         }
28984         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceFeatures_set_variable_length_onion_optional(this_arg);
28985         // debug statements here
28986 }
28987         // void InvoiceFeatures_set_variable_length_onion_required(struct LDKInvoiceFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28988 /* @internal */
28989 export function InvoiceFeatures_set_variable_length_onion_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
28990         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
28991                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
28992         }
28993         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceFeatures_set_variable_length_onion_required(this_arg);
28994         // debug statements here
28995 }
28996         // MUST_USE_RES bool InvoiceFeatures_supports_variable_length_onion(const struct LDKInvoiceFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
28997 /* @internal */
28998 export function InvoiceFeatures_supports_variable_length_onion(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
28999         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29000                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29001         }
29002         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceFeatures_supports_variable_length_onion(this_arg);
29003         return nativeResponseValue;
29004 }
29005         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_requires_variable_length_onion(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29006 /* @internal */
29007 export function InitFeatures_requires_variable_length_onion(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29008         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29009                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29010         }
29011         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_requires_variable_length_onion(this_arg);
29012         return nativeResponseValue;
29013 }
29014         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_requires_variable_length_onion(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29015 /* @internal */
29016 export function NodeFeatures_requires_variable_length_onion(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29017         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29018                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29019         }
29020         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_requires_variable_length_onion(this_arg);
29021         return nativeResponseValue;
29022 }
29023         // MUST_USE_RES bool InvoiceFeatures_requires_variable_length_onion(const struct LDKInvoiceFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29024 /* @internal */
29025 export function InvoiceFeatures_requires_variable_length_onion(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29026         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29027                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29028         }
29029         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceFeatures_requires_variable_length_onion(this_arg);
29030         return nativeResponseValue;
29031 }
29032         // void InitFeatures_set_static_remote_key_optional(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29033 /* @internal */
29034 export function InitFeatures_set_static_remote_key_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29035         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29036                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29037         }
29038         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_static_remote_key_optional(this_arg);
29039         // debug statements here
29040 }
29041         // void InitFeatures_set_static_remote_key_required(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29042 /* @internal */
29043 export function InitFeatures_set_static_remote_key_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29044         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29045                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29046         }
29047         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_static_remote_key_required(this_arg);
29048         // debug statements here
29049 }
29050         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_supports_static_remote_key(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29051 /* @internal */
29052 export function InitFeatures_supports_static_remote_key(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29053         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29054                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29055         }
29056         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_supports_static_remote_key(this_arg);
29057         return nativeResponseValue;
29058 }
29059         // void NodeFeatures_set_static_remote_key_optional(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29060 /* @internal */
29061 export function NodeFeatures_set_static_remote_key_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29062         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29063                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29064         }
29065         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_static_remote_key_optional(this_arg);
29066         // debug statements here
29067 }
29068         // void NodeFeatures_set_static_remote_key_required(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29069 /* @internal */
29070 export function NodeFeatures_set_static_remote_key_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29071         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29072                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29073         }
29074         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_static_remote_key_required(this_arg);
29075         // debug statements here
29076 }
29077         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_supports_static_remote_key(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29078 /* @internal */
29079 export function NodeFeatures_supports_static_remote_key(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29080         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29081                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29082         }
29083         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_supports_static_remote_key(this_arg);
29084         return nativeResponseValue;
29085 }
29086         // void ChannelTypeFeatures_set_static_remote_key_optional(struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29087 /* @internal */
29088 export function ChannelTypeFeatures_set_static_remote_key_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29089         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29090                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29091         }
29092         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTypeFeatures_set_static_remote_key_optional(this_arg);
29093         // debug statements here
29094 }
29095         // void ChannelTypeFeatures_set_static_remote_key_required(struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29096 /* @internal */
29097 export function ChannelTypeFeatures_set_static_remote_key_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29098         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29099                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29100         }
29101         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTypeFeatures_set_static_remote_key_required(this_arg);
29102         // debug statements here
29103 }
29104         // MUST_USE_RES bool ChannelTypeFeatures_supports_static_remote_key(const struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29105 /* @internal */
29106 export function ChannelTypeFeatures_supports_static_remote_key(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29107         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29108                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29109         }
29110         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTypeFeatures_supports_static_remote_key(this_arg);
29111         return nativeResponseValue;
29112 }
29113         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_requires_static_remote_key(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29114 /* @internal */
29115 export function InitFeatures_requires_static_remote_key(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29116         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29117                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29118         }
29119         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_requires_static_remote_key(this_arg);
29120         return nativeResponseValue;
29121 }
29122         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_requires_static_remote_key(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29123 /* @internal */
29124 export function NodeFeatures_requires_static_remote_key(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29125         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29126                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29127         }
29128         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_requires_static_remote_key(this_arg);
29129         return nativeResponseValue;
29130 }
29131         // MUST_USE_RES bool ChannelTypeFeatures_requires_static_remote_key(const struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29132 /* @internal */
29133 export function ChannelTypeFeatures_requires_static_remote_key(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29134         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29135                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29136         }
29137         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTypeFeatures_requires_static_remote_key(this_arg);
29138         return nativeResponseValue;
29139 }
29140         // void InitFeatures_set_payment_secret_optional(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29141 /* @internal */
29142 export function InitFeatures_set_payment_secret_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29143         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29144                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29145         }
29146         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_payment_secret_optional(this_arg);
29147         // debug statements here
29148 }
29149         // void InitFeatures_set_payment_secret_required(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29150 /* @internal */
29151 export function InitFeatures_set_payment_secret_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29152         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29153                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29154         }
29155         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_payment_secret_required(this_arg);
29156         // debug statements here
29157 }
29158         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_supports_payment_secret(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29159 /* @internal */
29160 export function InitFeatures_supports_payment_secret(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29161         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29162                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29163         }
29164         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_supports_payment_secret(this_arg);
29165         return nativeResponseValue;
29166 }
29167         // void NodeFeatures_set_payment_secret_optional(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29168 /* @internal */
29169 export function NodeFeatures_set_payment_secret_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29170         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29171                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29172         }
29173         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_payment_secret_optional(this_arg);
29174         // debug statements here
29175 }
29176         // void NodeFeatures_set_payment_secret_required(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29177 /* @internal */
29178 export function NodeFeatures_set_payment_secret_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29179         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29180                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29181         }
29182         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_payment_secret_required(this_arg);
29183         // debug statements here
29184 }
29185         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_supports_payment_secret(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29186 /* @internal */
29187 export function NodeFeatures_supports_payment_secret(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29188         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29189                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29190         }
29191         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_supports_payment_secret(this_arg);
29192         return nativeResponseValue;
29193 }
29194         // void InvoiceFeatures_set_payment_secret_optional(struct LDKInvoiceFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29195 /* @internal */
29196 export function InvoiceFeatures_set_payment_secret_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29197         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29198                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29199         }
29200         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceFeatures_set_payment_secret_optional(this_arg);
29201         // debug statements here
29202 }
29203         // void InvoiceFeatures_set_payment_secret_required(struct LDKInvoiceFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29204 /* @internal */
29205 export function InvoiceFeatures_set_payment_secret_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29206         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29207                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29208         }
29209         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceFeatures_set_payment_secret_required(this_arg);
29210         // debug statements here
29211 }
29212         // MUST_USE_RES bool InvoiceFeatures_supports_payment_secret(const struct LDKInvoiceFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29213 /* @internal */
29214 export function InvoiceFeatures_supports_payment_secret(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29215         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29216                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29217         }
29218         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceFeatures_supports_payment_secret(this_arg);
29219         return nativeResponseValue;
29220 }
29221         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_requires_payment_secret(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29222 /* @internal */
29223 export function InitFeatures_requires_payment_secret(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29224         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29225                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29226         }
29227         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_requires_payment_secret(this_arg);
29228         return nativeResponseValue;
29229 }
29230         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_requires_payment_secret(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29231 /* @internal */
29232 export function NodeFeatures_requires_payment_secret(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29233         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29234                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29235         }
29236         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_requires_payment_secret(this_arg);
29237         return nativeResponseValue;
29238 }
29239         // MUST_USE_RES bool InvoiceFeatures_requires_payment_secret(const struct LDKInvoiceFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29240 /* @internal */
29241 export function InvoiceFeatures_requires_payment_secret(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29242         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29243                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29244         }
29245         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceFeatures_requires_payment_secret(this_arg);
29246         return nativeResponseValue;
29247 }
29248         // void InitFeatures_set_basic_mpp_optional(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29249 /* @internal */
29250 export function InitFeatures_set_basic_mpp_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29251         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29252                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29253         }
29254         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_basic_mpp_optional(this_arg);
29255         // debug statements here
29256 }
29257         // void InitFeatures_set_basic_mpp_required(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29258 /* @internal */
29259 export function InitFeatures_set_basic_mpp_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29260         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29261                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29262         }
29263         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_basic_mpp_required(this_arg);
29264         // debug statements here
29265 }
29266         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_supports_basic_mpp(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29267 /* @internal */
29268 export function InitFeatures_supports_basic_mpp(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29269         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29270                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29271         }
29272         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_supports_basic_mpp(this_arg);
29273         return nativeResponseValue;
29274 }
29275         // void NodeFeatures_set_basic_mpp_optional(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29276 /* @internal */
29277 export function NodeFeatures_set_basic_mpp_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29278         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29279                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29280         }
29281         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_basic_mpp_optional(this_arg);
29282         // debug statements here
29283 }
29284         // void NodeFeatures_set_basic_mpp_required(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29285 /* @internal */
29286 export function NodeFeatures_set_basic_mpp_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29287         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29288                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29289         }
29290         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_basic_mpp_required(this_arg);
29291         // debug statements here
29292 }
29293         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_supports_basic_mpp(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29294 /* @internal */
29295 export function NodeFeatures_supports_basic_mpp(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29296         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29297                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29298         }
29299         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_supports_basic_mpp(this_arg);
29300         return nativeResponseValue;
29301 }
29302         // void InvoiceFeatures_set_basic_mpp_optional(struct LDKInvoiceFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29303 /* @internal */
29304 export function InvoiceFeatures_set_basic_mpp_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29305         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29306                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29307         }
29308         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceFeatures_set_basic_mpp_optional(this_arg);
29309         // debug statements here
29310 }
29311         // void InvoiceFeatures_set_basic_mpp_required(struct LDKInvoiceFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29312 /* @internal */
29313 export function InvoiceFeatures_set_basic_mpp_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29314         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29315                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29316         }
29317         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceFeatures_set_basic_mpp_required(this_arg);
29318         // debug statements here
29319 }
29320         // MUST_USE_RES bool InvoiceFeatures_supports_basic_mpp(const struct LDKInvoiceFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29321 /* @internal */
29322 export function InvoiceFeatures_supports_basic_mpp(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29323         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29324                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29325         }
29326         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceFeatures_supports_basic_mpp(this_arg);
29327         return nativeResponseValue;
29328 }
29329         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_requires_basic_mpp(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29330 /* @internal */
29331 export function InitFeatures_requires_basic_mpp(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29332         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29333                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29334         }
29335         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_requires_basic_mpp(this_arg);
29336         return nativeResponseValue;
29337 }
29338         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_requires_basic_mpp(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29339 /* @internal */
29340 export function NodeFeatures_requires_basic_mpp(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29341         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29342                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29343         }
29344         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_requires_basic_mpp(this_arg);
29345         return nativeResponseValue;
29346 }
29347         // MUST_USE_RES bool InvoiceFeatures_requires_basic_mpp(const struct LDKInvoiceFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29348 /* @internal */
29349 export function InvoiceFeatures_requires_basic_mpp(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29350         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29351                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29352         }
29353         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceFeatures_requires_basic_mpp(this_arg);
29354         return nativeResponseValue;
29355 }
29356         // void InitFeatures_set_wumbo_optional(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29357 /* @internal */
29358 export function InitFeatures_set_wumbo_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29359         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29360                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29361         }
29362         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_wumbo_optional(this_arg);
29363         // debug statements here
29364 }
29365         // void InitFeatures_set_wumbo_required(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29366 /* @internal */
29367 export function InitFeatures_set_wumbo_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29368         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29369                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29370         }
29371         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_wumbo_required(this_arg);
29372         // debug statements here
29373 }
29374         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_supports_wumbo(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29375 /* @internal */
29376 export function InitFeatures_supports_wumbo(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29377         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29378                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29379         }
29380         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_supports_wumbo(this_arg);
29381         return nativeResponseValue;
29382 }
29383         // void NodeFeatures_set_wumbo_optional(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29384 /* @internal */
29385 export function NodeFeatures_set_wumbo_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29386         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29387                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29388         }
29389         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_wumbo_optional(this_arg);
29390         // debug statements here
29391 }
29392         // void NodeFeatures_set_wumbo_required(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29393 /* @internal */
29394 export function NodeFeatures_set_wumbo_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29395         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29396                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29397         }
29398         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_wumbo_required(this_arg);
29399         // debug statements here
29400 }
29401         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_supports_wumbo(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29402 /* @internal */
29403 export function NodeFeatures_supports_wumbo(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29404         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29405                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29406         }
29407         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_supports_wumbo(this_arg);
29408         return nativeResponseValue;
29409 }
29410         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_requires_wumbo(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29411 /* @internal */
29412 export function InitFeatures_requires_wumbo(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29413         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29414                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29415         }
29416         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_requires_wumbo(this_arg);
29417         return nativeResponseValue;
29418 }
29419         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_requires_wumbo(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29420 /* @internal */
29421 export function NodeFeatures_requires_wumbo(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29422         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29423                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29424         }
29425         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_requires_wumbo(this_arg);
29426         return nativeResponseValue;
29427 }
29428         // void InitFeatures_set_shutdown_any_segwit_optional(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29429 /* @internal */
29430 export function InitFeatures_set_shutdown_any_segwit_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29431         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29432                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29433         }
29434         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_shutdown_any_segwit_optional(this_arg);
29435         // debug statements here
29436 }
29437         // void InitFeatures_set_shutdown_any_segwit_required(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29438 /* @internal */
29439 export function InitFeatures_set_shutdown_any_segwit_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29440         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29441                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29442         }
29443         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_shutdown_any_segwit_required(this_arg);
29444         // debug statements here
29445 }
29446         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_supports_shutdown_anysegwit(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29447 /* @internal */
29448 export function InitFeatures_supports_shutdown_anysegwit(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29449         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29450                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29451         }
29452         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_supports_shutdown_anysegwit(this_arg);
29453         return nativeResponseValue;
29454 }
29455         // void NodeFeatures_set_shutdown_any_segwit_optional(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29456 /* @internal */
29457 export function NodeFeatures_set_shutdown_any_segwit_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29458         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29459                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29460         }
29461         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_shutdown_any_segwit_optional(this_arg);
29462         // debug statements here
29463 }
29464         // void NodeFeatures_set_shutdown_any_segwit_required(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29465 /* @internal */
29466 export function NodeFeatures_set_shutdown_any_segwit_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29467         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29468                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29469         }
29470         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_shutdown_any_segwit_required(this_arg);
29471         // debug statements here
29472 }
29473         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_supports_shutdown_anysegwit(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29474 /* @internal */
29475 export function NodeFeatures_supports_shutdown_anysegwit(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29476         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29477                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29478         }
29479         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_supports_shutdown_anysegwit(this_arg);
29480         return nativeResponseValue;
29481 }
29482         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_requires_shutdown_anysegwit(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29483 /* @internal */
29484 export function InitFeatures_requires_shutdown_anysegwit(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29485         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29486                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29487         }
29488         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_requires_shutdown_anysegwit(this_arg);
29489         return nativeResponseValue;
29490 }
29491         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_requires_shutdown_anysegwit(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29492 /* @internal */
29493 export function NodeFeatures_requires_shutdown_anysegwit(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29494         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29495                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29496         }
29497         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_requires_shutdown_anysegwit(this_arg);
29498         return nativeResponseValue;
29499 }
29500         // void InitFeatures_set_onion_messages_optional(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29501 /* @internal */
29502 export function InitFeatures_set_onion_messages_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29503         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29504                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29505         }
29506         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_onion_messages_optional(this_arg);
29507         // debug statements here
29508 }
29509         // void InitFeatures_set_onion_messages_required(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29510 /* @internal */
29511 export function InitFeatures_set_onion_messages_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29512         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29513                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29514         }
29515         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_onion_messages_required(this_arg);
29516         // debug statements here
29517 }
29518         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_supports_onion_messages(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29519 /* @internal */
29520 export function InitFeatures_supports_onion_messages(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29521         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29522                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29523         }
29524         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_supports_onion_messages(this_arg);
29525         return nativeResponseValue;
29526 }
29527         // void NodeFeatures_set_onion_messages_optional(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29528 /* @internal */
29529 export function NodeFeatures_set_onion_messages_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29530         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29531                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29532         }
29533         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_onion_messages_optional(this_arg);
29534         // debug statements here
29535 }
29536         // void NodeFeatures_set_onion_messages_required(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29537 /* @internal */
29538 export function NodeFeatures_set_onion_messages_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29539         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29540                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29541         }
29542         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_onion_messages_required(this_arg);
29543         // debug statements here
29544 }
29545         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_supports_onion_messages(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29546 /* @internal */
29547 export function NodeFeatures_supports_onion_messages(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29548         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29549                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29550         }
29551         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_supports_onion_messages(this_arg);
29552         return nativeResponseValue;
29553 }
29554         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_requires_onion_messages(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29555 /* @internal */
29556 export function InitFeatures_requires_onion_messages(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29557         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29558                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29559         }
29560         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_requires_onion_messages(this_arg);
29561         return nativeResponseValue;
29562 }
29563         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_requires_onion_messages(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29564 /* @internal */
29565 export function NodeFeatures_requires_onion_messages(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29566         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29567                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29568         }
29569         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_requires_onion_messages(this_arg);
29570         return nativeResponseValue;
29571 }
29572         // void InitFeatures_set_channel_type_optional(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29573 /* @internal */
29574 export function InitFeatures_set_channel_type_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29575         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29576                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29577         }
29578         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_channel_type_optional(this_arg);
29579         // debug statements here
29580 }
29581         // void InitFeatures_set_channel_type_required(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29582 /* @internal */
29583 export function InitFeatures_set_channel_type_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29584         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29585                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29586         }
29587         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_channel_type_required(this_arg);
29588         // debug statements here
29589 }
29590         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_supports_channel_type(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29591 /* @internal */
29592 export function InitFeatures_supports_channel_type(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29593         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29594                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29595         }
29596         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_supports_channel_type(this_arg);
29597         return nativeResponseValue;
29598 }
29599         // void NodeFeatures_set_channel_type_optional(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29600 /* @internal */
29601 export function NodeFeatures_set_channel_type_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29602         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29603                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29604         }
29605         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_channel_type_optional(this_arg);
29606         // debug statements here
29607 }
29608         // void NodeFeatures_set_channel_type_required(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29609 /* @internal */
29610 export function NodeFeatures_set_channel_type_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29611         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29612                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29613         }
29614         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_channel_type_required(this_arg);
29615         // debug statements here
29616 }
29617         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_supports_channel_type(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29618 /* @internal */
29619 export function NodeFeatures_supports_channel_type(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29620         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29621                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29622         }
29623         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_supports_channel_type(this_arg);
29624         return nativeResponseValue;
29625 }
29626         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_requires_channel_type(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29627 /* @internal */
29628 export function InitFeatures_requires_channel_type(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29629         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29630                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29631         }
29632         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_requires_channel_type(this_arg);
29633         return nativeResponseValue;
29634 }
29635         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_requires_channel_type(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29636 /* @internal */
29637 export function NodeFeatures_requires_channel_type(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29638         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29639                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29640         }
29641         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_requires_channel_type(this_arg);
29642         return nativeResponseValue;
29643 }
29644         // void InitFeatures_set_scid_privacy_optional(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29645 /* @internal */
29646 export function InitFeatures_set_scid_privacy_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29647         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29648                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29649         }
29650         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_scid_privacy_optional(this_arg);
29651         // debug statements here
29652 }
29653         // void InitFeatures_set_scid_privacy_required(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29654 /* @internal */
29655 export function InitFeatures_set_scid_privacy_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29656         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29657                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29658         }
29659         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_scid_privacy_required(this_arg);
29660         // debug statements here
29661 }
29662         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_supports_scid_privacy(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29663 /* @internal */
29664 export function InitFeatures_supports_scid_privacy(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29665         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29666                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29667         }
29668         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_supports_scid_privacy(this_arg);
29669         return nativeResponseValue;
29670 }
29671         // void NodeFeatures_set_scid_privacy_optional(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29672 /* @internal */
29673 export function NodeFeatures_set_scid_privacy_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29674         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29675                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29676         }
29677         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_scid_privacy_optional(this_arg);
29678         // debug statements here
29679 }
29680         // void NodeFeatures_set_scid_privacy_required(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29681 /* @internal */
29682 export function NodeFeatures_set_scid_privacy_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29683         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29684                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29685         }
29686         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_scid_privacy_required(this_arg);
29687         // debug statements here
29688 }
29689         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_supports_scid_privacy(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29690 /* @internal */
29691 export function NodeFeatures_supports_scid_privacy(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29692         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29693                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29694         }
29695         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_supports_scid_privacy(this_arg);
29696         return nativeResponseValue;
29697 }
29698         // void ChannelTypeFeatures_set_scid_privacy_optional(struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29699 /* @internal */
29700 export function ChannelTypeFeatures_set_scid_privacy_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29701         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29702                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29703         }
29704         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTypeFeatures_set_scid_privacy_optional(this_arg);
29705         // debug statements here
29706 }
29707         // void ChannelTypeFeatures_set_scid_privacy_required(struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29708 /* @internal */
29709 export function ChannelTypeFeatures_set_scid_privacy_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29710         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29711                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29712         }
29713         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTypeFeatures_set_scid_privacy_required(this_arg);
29714         // debug statements here
29715 }
29716         // MUST_USE_RES bool ChannelTypeFeatures_supports_scid_privacy(const struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29717 /* @internal */
29718 export function ChannelTypeFeatures_supports_scid_privacy(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29719         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29720                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29721         }
29722         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTypeFeatures_supports_scid_privacy(this_arg);
29723         return nativeResponseValue;
29724 }
29725         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_requires_scid_privacy(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29726 /* @internal */
29727 export function InitFeatures_requires_scid_privacy(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29728         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29729                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29730         }
29731         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_requires_scid_privacy(this_arg);
29732         return nativeResponseValue;
29733 }
29734         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_requires_scid_privacy(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29735 /* @internal */
29736 export function NodeFeatures_requires_scid_privacy(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29737         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29738                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29739         }
29740         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_requires_scid_privacy(this_arg);
29741         return nativeResponseValue;
29742 }
29743         // MUST_USE_RES bool ChannelTypeFeatures_requires_scid_privacy(const struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29744 /* @internal */
29745 export function ChannelTypeFeatures_requires_scid_privacy(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29746         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29747                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29748         }
29749         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTypeFeatures_requires_scid_privacy(this_arg);
29750         return nativeResponseValue;
29751 }
29752         // void InitFeatures_set_zero_conf_optional(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29753 /* @internal */
29754 export function InitFeatures_set_zero_conf_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29755         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29756                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29757         }
29758         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_zero_conf_optional(this_arg);
29759         // debug statements here
29760 }
29761         // void InitFeatures_set_zero_conf_required(struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29762 /* @internal */
29763 export function InitFeatures_set_zero_conf_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29764         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29765                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29766         }
29767         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_set_zero_conf_required(this_arg);
29768         // debug statements here
29769 }
29770         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_supports_zero_conf(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29771 /* @internal */
29772 export function InitFeatures_supports_zero_conf(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29773         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29774                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29775         }
29776         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_supports_zero_conf(this_arg);
29777         return nativeResponseValue;
29778 }
29779         // void NodeFeatures_set_zero_conf_optional(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29780 /* @internal */
29781 export function NodeFeatures_set_zero_conf_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29782         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29783                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29784         }
29785         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_zero_conf_optional(this_arg);
29786         // debug statements here
29787 }
29788         // void NodeFeatures_set_zero_conf_required(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29789 /* @internal */
29790 export function NodeFeatures_set_zero_conf_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29791         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29792                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29793         }
29794         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_zero_conf_required(this_arg);
29795         // debug statements here
29796 }
29797         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_supports_zero_conf(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29798 /* @internal */
29799 export function NodeFeatures_supports_zero_conf(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29800         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29801                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29802         }
29803         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_supports_zero_conf(this_arg);
29804         return nativeResponseValue;
29805 }
29806         // void ChannelTypeFeatures_set_zero_conf_optional(struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29807 /* @internal */
29808 export function ChannelTypeFeatures_set_zero_conf_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29809         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29810                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29811         }
29812         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTypeFeatures_set_zero_conf_optional(this_arg);
29813         // debug statements here
29814 }
29815         // void ChannelTypeFeatures_set_zero_conf_required(struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29816 /* @internal */
29817 export function ChannelTypeFeatures_set_zero_conf_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29818         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29819                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29820         }
29821         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTypeFeatures_set_zero_conf_required(this_arg);
29822         // debug statements here
29823 }
29824         // MUST_USE_RES bool ChannelTypeFeatures_supports_zero_conf(const struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29825 /* @internal */
29826 export function ChannelTypeFeatures_supports_zero_conf(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29827         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29828                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29829         }
29830         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTypeFeatures_supports_zero_conf(this_arg);
29831         return nativeResponseValue;
29832 }
29833         // MUST_USE_RES bool InitFeatures_requires_zero_conf(const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29834 /* @internal */
29835 export function InitFeatures_requires_zero_conf(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29836         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29837                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29838         }
29839         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InitFeatures_requires_zero_conf(this_arg);
29840         return nativeResponseValue;
29841 }
29842         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_requires_zero_conf(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29843 /* @internal */
29844 export function NodeFeatures_requires_zero_conf(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29845         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29846                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29847         }
29848         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_requires_zero_conf(this_arg);
29849         return nativeResponseValue;
29850 }
29851         // MUST_USE_RES bool ChannelTypeFeatures_requires_zero_conf(const struct LDKChannelTypeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29852 /* @internal */
29853 export function ChannelTypeFeatures_requires_zero_conf(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29854         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29855                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29856         }
29857         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelTypeFeatures_requires_zero_conf(this_arg);
29858         return nativeResponseValue;
29859 }
29860         // void NodeFeatures_set_keysend_optional(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29861 /* @internal */
29862 export function NodeFeatures_set_keysend_optional(this_arg: bigint): void {
29863         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29864                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29865         }
29866         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_keysend_optional(this_arg);
29867         // debug statements here
29868 }
29869         // void NodeFeatures_set_keysend_required(struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29870 /* @internal */
29871 export function NodeFeatures_set_keysend_required(this_arg: bigint): void {
29872         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29873                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29874         }
29875         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_set_keysend_required(this_arg);
29876         // debug statements here
29877 }
29878         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_supports_keysend(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29879 /* @internal */
29880 export function NodeFeatures_supports_keysend(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29881         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29882                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29883         }
29884         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_supports_keysend(this_arg);
29885         return nativeResponseValue;
29886 }
29887         // MUST_USE_RES bool NodeFeatures_requires_keysend(const struct LDKNodeFeatures *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
29888 /* @internal */
29889 export function NodeFeatures_requires_keysend(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
29890         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29891                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29892         }
29893         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeFeatures_requires_keysend(this_arg);
29894         return nativeResponseValue;
29895 }
29896         // void ShutdownScript_free(struct LDKShutdownScript this_obj);
29897 /* @internal */
29898 export function ShutdownScript_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
29899         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29900                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29901         }
29902         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ShutdownScript_free(this_obj);
29903         // debug statements here
29904 }
29905         // uint64_t ShutdownScript_clone_ptr(LDKShutdownScript *NONNULL_PTR arg);
29906 /* @internal */
29907 export function ShutdownScript_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
29908         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29909                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29910         }
29911         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ShutdownScript_clone_ptr(arg);
29912         return nativeResponseValue;
29913 }
29914         // struct LDKShutdownScript ShutdownScript_clone(const struct LDKShutdownScript *NONNULL_PTR orig);
29915 /* @internal */
29916 export function ShutdownScript_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
29917         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29918                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29919         }
29920         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ShutdownScript_clone(orig);
29921         return nativeResponseValue;
29922 }
29923         // void InvalidShutdownScript_free(struct LDKInvalidShutdownScript this_obj);
29924 /* @internal */
29925 export function InvalidShutdownScript_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
29926         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29927                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29928         }
29929         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvalidShutdownScript_free(this_obj);
29930         // debug statements here
29931 }
29932         // struct LDKu8slice InvalidShutdownScript_get_script(const struct LDKInvalidShutdownScript *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
29933 /* @internal */
29934 export function InvalidShutdownScript_get_script(this_ptr: bigint): number {
29935         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29936                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29937         }
29938         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvalidShutdownScript_get_script(this_ptr);
29939         return nativeResponseValue;
29940 }
29941         // void InvalidShutdownScript_set_script(struct LDKInvalidShutdownScript *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCVec_u8Z val);
29942 /* @internal */
29943 export function InvalidShutdownScript_set_script(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
29944         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29945                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29946         }
29947         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvalidShutdownScript_set_script(this_ptr, val);
29948         // debug statements here
29949 }
29950         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKInvalidShutdownScript InvalidShutdownScript_new(struct LDKCVec_u8Z script_arg);
29951 /* @internal */
29952 export function InvalidShutdownScript_new(script_arg: number): bigint {
29953         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29954                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29955         }
29956         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvalidShutdownScript_new(script_arg);
29957         return nativeResponseValue;
29958 }
29959         // uint64_t InvalidShutdownScript_clone_ptr(LDKInvalidShutdownScript *NONNULL_PTR arg);
29960 /* @internal */
29961 export function InvalidShutdownScript_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
29962         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29963                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29964         }
29965         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvalidShutdownScript_clone_ptr(arg);
29966         return nativeResponseValue;
29967 }
29968         // struct LDKInvalidShutdownScript InvalidShutdownScript_clone(const struct LDKInvalidShutdownScript *NONNULL_PTR orig);
29969 /* @internal */
29970 export function InvalidShutdownScript_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
29971         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29972                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29973         }
29974         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvalidShutdownScript_clone(orig);
29975         return nativeResponseValue;
29976 }
29977         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ShutdownScript_write(const struct LDKShutdownScript *NONNULL_PTR obj);
29978 /* @internal */
29979 export function ShutdownScript_write(obj: bigint): number {
29980         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29981                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29982         }
29983         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ShutdownScript_write(obj);
29984         return nativeResponseValue;
29985 }
29986         // struct LDKCResult_ShutdownScriptDecodeErrorZ ShutdownScript_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
29987 /* @internal */
29988 export function ShutdownScript_read(ser: number): bigint {
29989         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29990                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
29991         }
29992         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ShutdownScript_read(ser);
29993         return nativeResponseValue;
29994 }
29995         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKShutdownScript ShutdownScript_new_p2wpkh(const uint8_t (*pubkey_hash)[20]);
29996 /* @internal */
29997 export function ShutdownScript_new_p2wpkh(pubkey_hash: number): bigint {
29998         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
29999                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30000         }
30001         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ShutdownScript_new_p2wpkh(pubkey_hash);
30002         return nativeResponseValue;
30003 }
30004         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKShutdownScript ShutdownScript_new_p2wsh(const uint8_t (*script_hash)[32]);
30005 /* @internal */
30006 export function ShutdownScript_new_p2wsh(script_hash: number): bigint {
30007         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30008                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30009         }
30010         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ShutdownScript_new_p2wsh(script_hash);
30011         return nativeResponseValue;
30012 }
30013         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_ShutdownScriptInvalidShutdownScriptZ ShutdownScript_new_witness_program(struct LDKWitnessVersion version, struct LDKu8slice program);
30014 /* @internal */
30015 export function ShutdownScript_new_witness_program(version: number, program: number): bigint {
30016         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30017                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30018         }
30019         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ShutdownScript_new_witness_program(version, program);
30020         return nativeResponseValue;
30021 }
30022         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCVec_u8Z ShutdownScript_into_inner(struct LDKShutdownScript this_arg);
30023 /* @internal */
30024 export function ShutdownScript_into_inner(this_arg: bigint): number {
30025         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30026                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30027         }
30028         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ShutdownScript_into_inner(this_arg);
30029         return nativeResponseValue;
30030 }
30031         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKPublicKey ShutdownScript_as_legacy_pubkey(const struct LDKShutdownScript *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
30032 /* @internal */
30033 export function ShutdownScript_as_legacy_pubkey(this_arg: bigint): number {
30034         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30035                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30036         }
30037         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ShutdownScript_as_legacy_pubkey(this_arg);
30038         return nativeResponseValue;
30039 }
30040         // MUST_USE_RES bool ShutdownScript_is_compatible(const struct LDKShutdownScript *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKInitFeatures *NONNULL_PTR features);
30041 /* @internal */
30042 export function ShutdownScript_is_compatible(this_arg: bigint, features: bigint): boolean {
30043         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30044                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30045         }
30046         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ShutdownScript_is_compatible(this_arg, features);
30047         return nativeResponseValue;
30048 }
30049         // void CustomMessageReader_free(struct LDKCustomMessageReader this_ptr);
30050 /* @internal */
30051 export function CustomMessageReader_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
30052         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30053                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30054         }
30055         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CustomMessageReader_free(this_ptr);
30056         // debug statements here
30057 }
30058         // uint64_t Type_clone_ptr(LDKType *NONNULL_PTR arg);
30059 /* @internal */
30060 export function Type_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
30061         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30062                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30063         }
30064         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Type_clone_ptr(arg);
30065         return nativeResponseValue;
30066 }
30067         // struct LDKType Type_clone(const struct LDKType *NONNULL_PTR orig);
30068 /* @internal */
30069 export function Type_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
30070         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30071                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30072         }
30073         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Type_clone(orig);
30074         return nativeResponseValue;
30075 }
30076         // void Type_free(struct LDKType this_ptr);
30077 /* @internal */
30078 export function Type_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
30079         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30080                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30081         }
30082         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Type_free(this_ptr);
30083         // debug statements here
30084 }
30085         // void NodeId_free(struct LDKNodeId this_obj);
30086 /* @internal */
30087 export function NodeId_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
30088         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30089                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30090         }
30091         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeId_free(this_obj);
30092         // debug statements here
30093 }
30094         // uint64_t NodeId_clone_ptr(LDKNodeId *NONNULL_PTR arg);
30095 /* @internal */
30096 export function NodeId_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
30097         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30098                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30099         }
30100         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeId_clone_ptr(arg);
30101         return nativeResponseValue;
30102 }
30103         // struct LDKNodeId NodeId_clone(const struct LDKNodeId *NONNULL_PTR orig);
30104 /* @internal */
30105 export function NodeId_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
30106         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30107                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30108         }
30109         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeId_clone(orig);
30110         return nativeResponseValue;
30111 }
30112         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKNodeId NodeId_from_pubkey(struct LDKPublicKey pubkey);
30113 /* @internal */
30114 export function NodeId_from_pubkey(pubkey: number): bigint {
30115         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30116                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30117         }
30118         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeId_from_pubkey(pubkey);
30119         return nativeResponseValue;
30120 }
30121         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKu8slice NodeId_as_slice(const struct LDKNodeId *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
30122 /* @internal */
30123 export function NodeId_as_slice(this_arg: bigint): number {
30124         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30125                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30126         }
30127         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeId_as_slice(this_arg);
30128         return nativeResponseValue;
30129 }
30130         // uint64_t NodeId_hash(const struct LDKNodeId *NONNULL_PTR o);
30131 /* @internal */
30132 export function NodeId_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
30133         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30134                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30135         }
30136         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeId_hash(o);
30137         return nativeResponseValue;
30138 }
30139         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z NodeId_write(const struct LDKNodeId *NONNULL_PTR obj);
30140 /* @internal */
30141 export function NodeId_write(obj: bigint): number {
30142         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30143                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30144         }
30145         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeId_write(obj);
30146         return nativeResponseValue;
30147 }
30148         // struct LDKCResult_NodeIdDecodeErrorZ NodeId_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
30149 /* @internal */
30150 export function NodeId_read(ser: number): bigint {
30151         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30152                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30153         }
30154         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeId_read(ser);
30155         return nativeResponseValue;
30156 }
30157         // void NetworkGraph_free(struct LDKNetworkGraph this_obj);
30158 /* @internal */
30159 export function NetworkGraph_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
30160         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30161                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30162         }
30163         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkGraph_free(this_obj);
30164         // debug statements here
30165 }
30166         // void ReadOnlyNetworkGraph_free(struct LDKReadOnlyNetworkGraph this_obj);
30167 /* @internal */
30168 export function ReadOnlyNetworkGraph_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
30169         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30170                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30171         }
30172         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReadOnlyNetworkGraph_free(this_obj);
30173         // debug statements here
30174 }
30175         // void NetworkUpdate_free(struct LDKNetworkUpdate this_ptr);
30176 /* @internal */
30177 export function NetworkUpdate_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
30178         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30179                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30180         }
30181         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkUpdate_free(this_ptr);
30182         // debug statements here
30183 }
30184         // uint64_t NetworkUpdate_clone_ptr(LDKNetworkUpdate *NONNULL_PTR arg);
30185 /* @internal */
30186 export function NetworkUpdate_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
30187         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30188                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30189         }
30190         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkUpdate_clone_ptr(arg);
30191         return nativeResponseValue;
30192 }
30193         // struct LDKNetworkUpdate NetworkUpdate_clone(const struct LDKNetworkUpdate *NONNULL_PTR orig);
30194 /* @internal */
30195 export function NetworkUpdate_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
30196         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30197                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30198         }
30199         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkUpdate_clone(orig);
30200         return nativeResponseValue;
30201 }
30202         // struct LDKNetworkUpdate NetworkUpdate_channel_update_message(struct LDKChannelUpdate msg);
30203 /* @internal */
30204 export function NetworkUpdate_channel_update_message(msg: bigint): bigint {
30205         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30206                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30207         }
30208         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkUpdate_channel_update_message(msg);
30209         return nativeResponseValue;
30210 }
30211         // struct LDKNetworkUpdate NetworkUpdate_channel_failure(uint64_t short_channel_id, bool is_permanent);
30212 /* @internal */
30213 export function NetworkUpdate_channel_failure(short_channel_id: bigint, is_permanent: boolean): bigint {
30214         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30215                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30216         }
30217         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkUpdate_channel_failure(short_channel_id, is_permanent);
30218         return nativeResponseValue;
30219 }
30220         // struct LDKNetworkUpdate NetworkUpdate_node_failure(struct LDKPublicKey node_id, bool is_permanent);
30221 /* @internal */
30222 export function NetworkUpdate_node_failure(node_id: number, is_permanent: boolean): bigint {
30223         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30224                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30225         }
30226         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkUpdate_node_failure(node_id, is_permanent);
30227         return nativeResponseValue;
30228 }
30229         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z NetworkUpdate_write(const struct LDKNetworkUpdate *NONNULL_PTR obj);
30230 /* @internal */
30231 export function NetworkUpdate_write(obj: bigint): number {
30232         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30233                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30234         }
30235         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkUpdate_write(obj);
30236         return nativeResponseValue;
30237 }
30238         // struct LDKCResult_COption_NetworkUpdateZDecodeErrorZ NetworkUpdate_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
30239 /* @internal */
30240 export function NetworkUpdate_read(ser: number): bigint {
30241         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30242                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30243         }
30244         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkUpdate_read(ser);
30245         return nativeResponseValue;
30246 }
30247         // void P2PGossipSync_free(struct LDKP2PGossipSync this_obj);
30248 /* @internal */
30249 export function P2PGossipSync_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
30250         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30251                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30252         }
30253         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_P2PGossipSync_free(this_obj);
30254         // debug statements here
30255 }
30256         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKP2PGossipSync P2PGossipSync_new(const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR network_graph, struct LDKCOption_AccessZ chain_access, struct LDKLogger logger);
30257 /* @internal */
30258 export function P2PGossipSync_new(network_graph: bigint, chain_access: bigint, logger: bigint): bigint {
30259         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30260                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30261         }
30262         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_P2PGossipSync_new(network_graph, chain_access, logger);
30263         return nativeResponseValue;
30264 }
30265         // void P2PGossipSync_add_chain_access(struct LDKP2PGossipSync *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKCOption_AccessZ chain_access);
30266 /* @internal */
30267 export function P2PGossipSync_add_chain_access(this_arg: bigint, chain_access: bigint): void {
30268         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30269                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30270         }
30271         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_P2PGossipSync_add_chain_access(this_arg, chain_access);
30272         // debug statements here
30273 }
30274         // struct LDKEventHandler NetworkGraph_as_EventHandler(const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
30275 /* @internal */
30276 export function NetworkGraph_as_EventHandler(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
30277         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30278                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30279         }
30280         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkGraph_as_EventHandler(this_arg);
30281         return nativeResponseValue;
30282 }
30283         // struct LDKRoutingMessageHandler P2PGossipSync_as_RoutingMessageHandler(const struct LDKP2PGossipSync *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
30284 /* @internal */
30285 export function P2PGossipSync_as_RoutingMessageHandler(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
30286         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30287                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30288         }
30289         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_P2PGossipSync_as_RoutingMessageHandler(this_arg);
30290         return nativeResponseValue;
30291 }
30292         // struct LDKMessageSendEventsProvider P2PGossipSync_as_MessageSendEventsProvider(const struct LDKP2PGossipSync *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
30293 /* @internal */
30294 export function P2PGossipSync_as_MessageSendEventsProvider(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
30295         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30296                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30297         }
30298         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_P2PGossipSync_as_MessageSendEventsProvider(this_arg);
30299         return nativeResponseValue;
30300 }
30301         // void ChannelUpdateInfo_free(struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo this_obj);
30302 /* @internal */
30303 export function ChannelUpdateInfo_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
30304         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30305                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30306         }
30307         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdateInfo_free(this_obj);
30308         // debug statements here
30309 }
30310         // uint32_t ChannelUpdateInfo_get_last_update(const struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
30311 /* @internal */
30312 export function ChannelUpdateInfo_get_last_update(this_ptr: bigint): number {
30313         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30314                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30315         }
30316         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdateInfo_get_last_update(this_ptr);
30317         return nativeResponseValue;
30318 }
30319         // void ChannelUpdateInfo_set_last_update(struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
30320 /* @internal */
30321 export function ChannelUpdateInfo_set_last_update(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
30322         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30323                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30324         }
30325         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdateInfo_set_last_update(this_ptr, val);
30326         // debug statements here
30327 }
30328         // bool ChannelUpdateInfo_get_enabled(const struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
30329 /* @internal */
30330 export function ChannelUpdateInfo_get_enabled(this_ptr: bigint): boolean {
30331         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30332                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30333         }
30334         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdateInfo_get_enabled(this_ptr);
30335         return nativeResponseValue;
30336 }
30337         // void ChannelUpdateInfo_set_enabled(struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, bool val);
30338 /* @internal */
30339 export function ChannelUpdateInfo_set_enabled(this_ptr: bigint, val: boolean): void {
30340         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30341                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30342         }
30343         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdateInfo_set_enabled(this_ptr, val);
30344         // debug statements here
30345 }
30346         // uint16_t ChannelUpdateInfo_get_cltv_expiry_delta(const struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
30347 /* @internal */
30348 export function ChannelUpdateInfo_get_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr: bigint): number {
30349         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30350                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30351         }
30352         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdateInfo_get_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr);
30353         return nativeResponseValue;
30354 }
30355         // void ChannelUpdateInfo_set_cltv_expiry_delta(struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint16_t val);
30356 /* @internal */
30357 export function ChannelUpdateInfo_set_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
30358         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30359                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30360         }
30361         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdateInfo_set_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr, val);
30362         // debug statements here
30363 }
30364         // uint64_t ChannelUpdateInfo_get_htlc_minimum_msat(const struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
30365 /* @internal */
30366 export function ChannelUpdateInfo_get_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
30367         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30368                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30369         }
30370         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdateInfo_get_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr);
30371         return nativeResponseValue;
30372 }
30373         // void ChannelUpdateInfo_set_htlc_minimum_msat(struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
30374 /* @internal */
30375 export function ChannelUpdateInfo_set_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
30376         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30377                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30378         }
30379         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdateInfo_set_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr, val);
30380         // debug statements here
30381 }
30382         // uint64_t ChannelUpdateInfo_get_htlc_maximum_msat(const struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
30383 /* @internal */
30384 export function ChannelUpdateInfo_get_htlc_maximum_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
30385         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30386                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30387         }
30388         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdateInfo_get_htlc_maximum_msat(this_ptr);
30389         return nativeResponseValue;
30390 }
30391         // void ChannelUpdateInfo_set_htlc_maximum_msat(struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
30392 /* @internal */
30393 export function ChannelUpdateInfo_set_htlc_maximum_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
30394         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30395                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30396         }
30397         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdateInfo_set_htlc_maximum_msat(this_ptr, val);
30398         // debug statements here
30399 }
30400         // struct LDKRoutingFees ChannelUpdateInfo_get_fees(const struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
30401 /* @internal */
30402 export function ChannelUpdateInfo_get_fees(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
30403         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30404                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30405         }
30406         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdateInfo_get_fees(this_ptr);
30407         return nativeResponseValue;
30408 }
30409         // void ChannelUpdateInfo_set_fees(struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKRoutingFees val);
30410 /* @internal */
30411 export function ChannelUpdateInfo_set_fees(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
30412         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30413                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30414         }
30415         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdateInfo_set_fees(this_ptr, val);
30416         // debug statements here
30417 }
30418         // struct LDKChannelUpdate ChannelUpdateInfo_get_last_update_message(const struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
30419 /* @internal */
30420 export function ChannelUpdateInfo_get_last_update_message(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
30421         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30422                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30423         }
30424         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdateInfo_get_last_update_message(this_ptr);
30425         return nativeResponseValue;
30426 }
30427         // void ChannelUpdateInfo_set_last_update_message(struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKChannelUpdate val);
30428 /* @internal */
30429 export function ChannelUpdateInfo_set_last_update_message(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
30430         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30431                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30432         }
30433         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdateInfo_set_last_update_message(this_ptr, val);
30434         // debug statements here
30435 }
30436         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo ChannelUpdateInfo_new(uint32_t last_update_arg, bool enabled_arg, uint16_t cltv_expiry_delta_arg, uint64_t htlc_minimum_msat_arg, uint64_t htlc_maximum_msat_arg, struct LDKRoutingFees fees_arg, struct LDKChannelUpdate last_update_message_arg);
30437 /* @internal */
30438 export function ChannelUpdateInfo_new(last_update_arg: number, enabled_arg: boolean, cltv_expiry_delta_arg: number, htlc_minimum_msat_arg: bigint, htlc_maximum_msat_arg: bigint, fees_arg: bigint, last_update_message_arg: bigint): bigint {
30439         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30440                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30441         }
30442         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdateInfo_new(last_update_arg, enabled_arg, cltv_expiry_delta_arg, htlc_minimum_msat_arg, htlc_maximum_msat_arg, fees_arg, last_update_message_arg);
30443         return nativeResponseValue;
30444 }
30445         // uint64_t ChannelUpdateInfo_clone_ptr(LDKChannelUpdateInfo *NONNULL_PTR arg);
30446 /* @internal */
30447 export function ChannelUpdateInfo_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
30448         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30449                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30450         }
30451         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdateInfo_clone_ptr(arg);
30452         return nativeResponseValue;
30453 }
30454         // struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo ChannelUpdateInfo_clone(const struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo *NONNULL_PTR orig);
30455 /* @internal */
30456 export function ChannelUpdateInfo_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
30457         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30458                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30459         }
30460         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdateInfo_clone(orig);
30461         return nativeResponseValue;
30462 }
30463         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ChannelUpdateInfo_write(const struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo *NONNULL_PTR obj);
30464 /* @internal */
30465 export function ChannelUpdateInfo_write(obj: bigint): number {
30466         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30467                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30468         }
30469         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdateInfo_write(obj);
30470         return nativeResponseValue;
30471 }
30472         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelUpdateInfoDecodeErrorZ ChannelUpdateInfo_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
30473 /* @internal */
30474 export function ChannelUpdateInfo_read(ser: number): bigint {
30475         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30476                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30477         }
30478         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUpdateInfo_read(ser);
30479         return nativeResponseValue;
30480 }
30481         // void ChannelInfo_free(struct LDKChannelInfo this_obj);
30482 /* @internal */
30483 export function ChannelInfo_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
30484         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30485                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30486         }
30487         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelInfo_free(this_obj);
30488         // debug statements here
30489 }
30490         // struct LDKChannelFeatures ChannelInfo_get_features(const struct LDKChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
30491 /* @internal */
30492 export function ChannelInfo_get_features(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
30493         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30494                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30495         }
30496         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelInfo_get_features(this_ptr);
30497         return nativeResponseValue;
30498 }
30499         // void ChannelInfo_set_features(struct LDKChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKChannelFeatures val);
30500 /* @internal */
30501 export function ChannelInfo_set_features(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
30502         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30503                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30504         }
30505         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelInfo_set_features(this_ptr, val);
30506         // debug statements here
30507 }
30508         // struct LDKNodeId ChannelInfo_get_node_one(const struct LDKChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
30509 /* @internal */
30510 export function ChannelInfo_get_node_one(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
30511         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30512                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30513         }
30514         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelInfo_get_node_one(this_ptr);
30515         return nativeResponseValue;
30516 }
30517         // void ChannelInfo_set_node_one(struct LDKChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKNodeId val);
30518 /* @internal */
30519 export function ChannelInfo_set_node_one(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
30520         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30521                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30522         }
30523         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelInfo_set_node_one(this_ptr, val);
30524         // debug statements here
30525 }
30526         // struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo ChannelInfo_get_one_to_two(const struct LDKChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
30527 /* @internal */
30528 export function ChannelInfo_get_one_to_two(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
30529         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30530                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30531         }
30532         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelInfo_get_one_to_two(this_ptr);
30533         return nativeResponseValue;
30534 }
30535         // void ChannelInfo_set_one_to_two(struct LDKChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo val);
30536 /* @internal */
30537 export function ChannelInfo_set_one_to_two(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
30538         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30539                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30540         }
30541         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelInfo_set_one_to_two(this_ptr, val);
30542         // debug statements here
30543 }
30544         // struct LDKNodeId ChannelInfo_get_node_two(const struct LDKChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
30545 /* @internal */
30546 export function ChannelInfo_get_node_two(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
30547         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30548                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30549         }
30550         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelInfo_get_node_two(this_ptr);
30551         return nativeResponseValue;
30552 }
30553         // void ChannelInfo_set_node_two(struct LDKChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKNodeId val);
30554 /* @internal */
30555 export function ChannelInfo_set_node_two(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
30556         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30557                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30558         }
30559         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelInfo_set_node_two(this_ptr, val);
30560         // debug statements here
30561 }
30562         // struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo ChannelInfo_get_two_to_one(const struct LDKChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
30563 /* @internal */
30564 export function ChannelInfo_get_two_to_one(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
30565         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30566                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30567         }
30568         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelInfo_get_two_to_one(this_ptr);
30569         return nativeResponseValue;
30570 }
30571         // void ChannelInfo_set_two_to_one(struct LDKChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo val);
30572 /* @internal */
30573 export function ChannelInfo_set_two_to_one(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
30574         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30575                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30576         }
30577         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelInfo_set_two_to_one(this_ptr, val);
30578         // debug statements here
30579 }
30580         // struct LDKCOption_u64Z ChannelInfo_get_capacity_sats(const struct LDKChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
30581 /* @internal */
30582 export function ChannelInfo_get_capacity_sats(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
30583         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30584                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30585         }
30586         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelInfo_get_capacity_sats(this_ptr);
30587         return nativeResponseValue;
30588 }
30589         // void ChannelInfo_set_capacity_sats(struct LDKChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCOption_u64Z val);
30590 /* @internal */
30591 export function ChannelInfo_set_capacity_sats(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
30592         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30593                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30594         }
30595         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelInfo_set_capacity_sats(this_ptr, val);
30596         // debug statements here
30597 }
30598         // struct LDKChannelAnnouncement ChannelInfo_get_announcement_message(const struct LDKChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
30599 /* @internal */
30600 export function ChannelInfo_get_announcement_message(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
30601         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30602                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30603         }
30604         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelInfo_get_announcement_message(this_ptr);
30605         return nativeResponseValue;
30606 }
30607         // void ChannelInfo_set_announcement_message(struct LDKChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKChannelAnnouncement val);
30608 /* @internal */
30609 export function ChannelInfo_set_announcement_message(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
30610         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30611                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30612         }
30613         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelInfo_set_announcement_message(this_ptr, val);
30614         // debug statements here
30615 }
30616         // uint64_t ChannelInfo_clone_ptr(LDKChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR arg);
30617 /* @internal */
30618 export function ChannelInfo_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
30619         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30620                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30621         }
30622         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelInfo_clone_ptr(arg);
30623         return nativeResponseValue;
30624 }
30625         // struct LDKChannelInfo ChannelInfo_clone(const struct LDKChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR orig);
30626 /* @internal */
30627 export function ChannelInfo_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
30628         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30629                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30630         }
30631         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelInfo_clone(orig);
30632         return nativeResponseValue;
30633 }
30634         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo ChannelInfo_get_directional_info(const struct LDKChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, uint8_t channel_flags);
30635 /* @internal */
30636 export function ChannelInfo_get_directional_info(this_arg: bigint, channel_flags: number): bigint {
30637         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30638                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30639         }
30640         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelInfo_get_directional_info(this_arg, channel_flags);
30641         return nativeResponseValue;
30642 }
30643         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ChannelInfo_write(const struct LDKChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR obj);
30644 /* @internal */
30645 export function ChannelInfo_write(obj: bigint): number {
30646         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30647                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30648         }
30649         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelInfo_write(obj);
30650         return nativeResponseValue;
30651 }
30652         // struct LDKCResult_ChannelInfoDecodeErrorZ ChannelInfo_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
30653 /* @internal */
30654 export function ChannelInfo_read(ser: number): bigint {
30655         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30656                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30657         }
30658         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelInfo_read(ser);
30659         return nativeResponseValue;
30660 }
30661         // void DirectedChannelInfo_free(struct LDKDirectedChannelInfo this_obj);
30662 /* @internal */
30663 export function DirectedChannelInfo_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
30664         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30665                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30666         }
30667         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DirectedChannelInfo_free(this_obj);
30668         // debug statements here
30669 }
30670         // uint64_t DirectedChannelInfo_clone_ptr(LDKDirectedChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR arg);
30671 /* @internal */
30672 export function DirectedChannelInfo_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
30673         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30674                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30675         }
30676         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DirectedChannelInfo_clone_ptr(arg);
30677         return nativeResponseValue;
30678 }
30679         // struct LDKDirectedChannelInfo DirectedChannelInfo_clone(const struct LDKDirectedChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR orig);
30680 /* @internal */
30681 export function DirectedChannelInfo_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
30682         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30683                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30684         }
30685         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DirectedChannelInfo_clone(orig);
30686         return nativeResponseValue;
30687 }
30688         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelInfo DirectedChannelInfo_channel(const struct LDKDirectedChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
30689 /* @internal */
30690 export function DirectedChannelInfo_channel(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
30691         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30692                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30693         }
30694         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DirectedChannelInfo_channel(this_arg);
30695         return nativeResponseValue;
30696 }
30697         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelUpdateInfo DirectedChannelInfo_direction(const struct LDKDirectedChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
30698 /* @internal */
30699 export function DirectedChannelInfo_direction(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
30700         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30701                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30702         }
30703         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DirectedChannelInfo_direction(this_arg);
30704         return nativeResponseValue;
30705 }
30706         // MUST_USE_RES uint64_t DirectedChannelInfo_htlc_maximum_msat(const struct LDKDirectedChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
30707 /* @internal */
30708 export function DirectedChannelInfo_htlc_maximum_msat(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
30709         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30710                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30711         }
30712         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DirectedChannelInfo_htlc_maximum_msat(this_arg);
30713         return nativeResponseValue;
30714 }
30715         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKEffectiveCapacity DirectedChannelInfo_effective_capacity(const struct LDKDirectedChannelInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
30716 /* @internal */
30717 export function DirectedChannelInfo_effective_capacity(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
30718         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30719                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30720         }
30721         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DirectedChannelInfo_effective_capacity(this_arg);
30722         return nativeResponseValue;
30723 }
30724         // void EffectiveCapacity_free(struct LDKEffectiveCapacity this_ptr);
30725 /* @internal */
30726 export function EffectiveCapacity_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
30727         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30728                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30729         }
30730         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_EffectiveCapacity_free(this_ptr);
30731         // debug statements here
30732 }
30733         // uint64_t EffectiveCapacity_clone_ptr(LDKEffectiveCapacity *NONNULL_PTR arg);
30734 /* @internal */
30735 export function EffectiveCapacity_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
30736         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30737                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30738         }
30739         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_EffectiveCapacity_clone_ptr(arg);
30740         return nativeResponseValue;
30741 }
30742         // struct LDKEffectiveCapacity EffectiveCapacity_clone(const struct LDKEffectiveCapacity *NONNULL_PTR orig);
30743 /* @internal */
30744 export function EffectiveCapacity_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
30745         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30746                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30747         }
30748         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_EffectiveCapacity_clone(orig);
30749         return nativeResponseValue;
30750 }
30751         // struct LDKEffectiveCapacity EffectiveCapacity_exact_liquidity(uint64_t liquidity_msat);
30752 /* @internal */
30753 export function EffectiveCapacity_exact_liquidity(liquidity_msat: bigint): bigint {
30754         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30755                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30756         }
30757         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_EffectiveCapacity_exact_liquidity(liquidity_msat);
30758         return nativeResponseValue;
30759 }
30760         // struct LDKEffectiveCapacity EffectiveCapacity_maximum_htlc(uint64_t amount_msat);
30761 /* @internal */
30762 export function EffectiveCapacity_maximum_htlc(amount_msat: bigint): bigint {
30763         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30764                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30765         }
30766         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_EffectiveCapacity_maximum_htlc(amount_msat);
30767         return nativeResponseValue;
30768 }
30769         // struct LDKEffectiveCapacity EffectiveCapacity_total(uint64_t capacity_msat, struct LDKCOption_u64Z htlc_maximum_msat);
30770 /* @internal */
30771 export function EffectiveCapacity_total(capacity_msat: bigint, htlc_maximum_msat: bigint): bigint {
30772         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30773                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30774         }
30775         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_EffectiveCapacity_total(capacity_msat, htlc_maximum_msat);
30776         return nativeResponseValue;
30777 }
30778         // struct LDKEffectiveCapacity EffectiveCapacity_infinite(void);
30779 /* @internal */
30780 export function EffectiveCapacity_infinite(): bigint {
30781         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30782                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30783         }
30784         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_EffectiveCapacity_infinite();
30785         return nativeResponseValue;
30786 }
30787         // struct LDKEffectiveCapacity EffectiveCapacity_unknown(void);
30788 /* @internal */
30789 export function EffectiveCapacity_unknown(): bigint {
30790         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30791                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30792         }
30793         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_EffectiveCapacity_unknown();
30794         return nativeResponseValue;
30795 }
30796         // MUST_USE_RES uint64_t EffectiveCapacity_as_msat(const struct LDKEffectiveCapacity *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
30797 /* @internal */
30798 export function EffectiveCapacity_as_msat(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
30799         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30800                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30801         }
30802         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_EffectiveCapacity_as_msat(this_arg);
30803         return nativeResponseValue;
30804 }
30805         // void RoutingFees_free(struct LDKRoutingFees this_obj);
30806 /* @internal */
30807 export function RoutingFees_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
30808         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30809                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30810         }
30811         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingFees_free(this_obj);
30812         // debug statements here
30813 }
30814         // uint32_t RoutingFees_get_base_msat(const struct LDKRoutingFees *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
30815 /* @internal */
30816 export function RoutingFees_get_base_msat(this_ptr: bigint): number {
30817         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30818                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30819         }
30820         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingFees_get_base_msat(this_ptr);
30821         return nativeResponseValue;
30822 }
30823         // void RoutingFees_set_base_msat(struct LDKRoutingFees *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
30824 /* @internal */
30825 export function RoutingFees_set_base_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
30826         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30827                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30828         }
30829         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingFees_set_base_msat(this_ptr, val);
30830         // debug statements here
30831 }
30832         // uint32_t RoutingFees_get_proportional_millionths(const struct LDKRoutingFees *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
30833 /* @internal */
30834 export function RoutingFees_get_proportional_millionths(this_ptr: bigint): number {
30835         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30836                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30837         }
30838         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingFees_get_proportional_millionths(this_ptr);
30839         return nativeResponseValue;
30840 }
30841         // void RoutingFees_set_proportional_millionths(struct LDKRoutingFees *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
30842 /* @internal */
30843 export function RoutingFees_set_proportional_millionths(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
30844         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30845                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30846         }
30847         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingFees_set_proportional_millionths(this_ptr, val);
30848         // debug statements here
30849 }
30850         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKRoutingFees RoutingFees_new(uint32_t base_msat_arg, uint32_t proportional_millionths_arg);
30851 /* @internal */
30852 export function RoutingFees_new(base_msat_arg: number, proportional_millionths_arg: number): bigint {
30853         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30854                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30855         }
30856         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingFees_new(base_msat_arg, proportional_millionths_arg);
30857         return nativeResponseValue;
30858 }
30859         // bool RoutingFees_eq(const struct LDKRoutingFees *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKRoutingFees *NONNULL_PTR b);
30860 /* @internal */
30861 export function RoutingFees_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
30862         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30863                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30864         }
30865         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingFees_eq(a, b);
30866         return nativeResponseValue;
30867 }
30868         // uint64_t RoutingFees_clone_ptr(LDKRoutingFees *NONNULL_PTR arg);
30869 /* @internal */
30870 export function RoutingFees_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
30871         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30872                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30873         }
30874         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingFees_clone_ptr(arg);
30875         return nativeResponseValue;
30876 }
30877         // struct LDKRoutingFees RoutingFees_clone(const struct LDKRoutingFees *NONNULL_PTR orig);
30878 /* @internal */
30879 export function RoutingFees_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
30880         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30881                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30882         }
30883         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingFees_clone(orig);
30884         return nativeResponseValue;
30885 }
30886         // uint64_t RoutingFees_hash(const struct LDKRoutingFees *NONNULL_PTR o);
30887 /* @internal */
30888 export function RoutingFees_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
30889         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30890                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30891         }
30892         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingFees_hash(o);
30893         return nativeResponseValue;
30894 }
30895         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z RoutingFees_write(const struct LDKRoutingFees *NONNULL_PTR obj);
30896 /* @internal */
30897 export function RoutingFees_write(obj: bigint): number {
30898         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30899                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30900         }
30901         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingFees_write(obj);
30902         return nativeResponseValue;
30903 }
30904         // struct LDKCResult_RoutingFeesDecodeErrorZ RoutingFees_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
30905 /* @internal */
30906 export function RoutingFees_read(ser: number): bigint {
30907         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30908                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30909         }
30910         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RoutingFees_read(ser);
30911         return nativeResponseValue;
30912 }
30913         // void NodeAnnouncementInfo_free(struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo this_obj);
30914 /* @internal */
30915 export function NodeAnnouncementInfo_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
30916         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30917                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30918         }
30919         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncementInfo_free(this_obj);
30920         // debug statements here
30921 }
30922         // struct LDKNodeFeatures NodeAnnouncementInfo_get_features(const struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
30923 /* @internal */
30924 export function NodeAnnouncementInfo_get_features(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
30925         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30926                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30927         }
30928         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncementInfo_get_features(this_ptr);
30929         return nativeResponseValue;
30930 }
30931         // void NodeAnnouncementInfo_set_features(struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKNodeFeatures val);
30932 /* @internal */
30933 export function NodeAnnouncementInfo_set_features(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
30934         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30935                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30936         }
30937         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncementInfo_set_features(this_ptr, val);
30938         // debug statements here
30939 }
30940         // uint32_t NodeAnnouncementInfo_get_last_update(const struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
30941 /* @internal */
30942 export function NodeAnnouncementInfo_get_last_update(this_ptr: bigint): number {
30943         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30944                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30945         }
30946         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncementInfo_get_last_update(this_ptr);
30947         return nativeResponseValue;
30948 }
30949         // void NodeAnnouncementInfo_set_last_update(struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
30950 /* @internal */
30951 export function NodeAnnouncementInfo_set_last_update(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
30952         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30953                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30954         }
30955         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncementInfo_set_last_update(this_ptr, val);
30956         // debug statements here
30957 }
30958         // const uint8_t (*NodeAnnouncementInfo_get_rgb(const struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[3];
30959 /* @internal */
30960 export function NodeAnnouncementInfo_get_rgb(this_ptr: bigint): number {
30961         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30962                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30963         }
30964         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncementInfo_get_rgb(this_ptr);
30965         return nativeResponseValue;
30966 }
30967         // void NodeAnnouncementInfo_set_rgb(struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThreeBytes val);
30968 /* @internal */
30969 export function NodeAnnouncementInfo_set_rgb(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
30970         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30971                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30972         }
30973         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncementInfo_set_rgb(this_ptr, val);
30974         // debug statements here
30975 }
30976         // struct LDKNodeAlias NodeAnnouncementInfo_get_alias(const struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
30977 /* @internal */
30978 export function NodeAnnouncementInfo_get_alias(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
30979         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30980                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30981         }
30982         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncementInfo_get_alias(this_ptr);
30983         return nativeResponseValue;
30984 }
30985         // void NodeAnnouncementInfo_set_alias(struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKNodeAlias val);
30986 /* @internal */
30987 export function NodeAnnouncementInfo_set_alias(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
30988         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30989                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30990         }
30991         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncementInfo_set_alias(this_ptr, val);
30992         // debug statements here
30993 }
30994         // struct LDKCVec_NetAddressZ NodeAnnouncementInfo_get_addresses(const struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
30995 /* @internal */
30996 export function NodeAnnouncementInfo_get_addresses(this_ptr: bigint): number {
30997         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
30998                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
30999         }
31000         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncementInfo_get_addresses(this_ptr);
31001         return nativeResponseValue;
31002 }
31003         // void NodeAnnouncementInfo_set_addresses(struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCVec_NetAddressZ val);
31004 /* @internal */
31005 export function NodeAnnouncementInfo_set_addresses(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
31006         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31007                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31008         }
31009         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncementInfo_set_addresses(this_ptr, val);
31010         // debug statements here
31011 }
31012         // struct LDKNodeAnnouncement NodeAnnouncementInfo_get_announcement_message(const struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31013 /* @internal */
31014 export function NodeAnnouncementInfo_get_announcement_message(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
31015         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31016                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31017         }
31018         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncementInfo_get_announcement_message(this_ptr);
31019         return nativeResponseValue;
31020 }
31021         // void NodeAnnouncementInfo_set_announcement_message(struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKNodeAnnouncement val);
31022 /* @internal */
31023 export function NodeAnnouncementInfo_set_announcement_message(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
31024         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31025                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31026         }
31027         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncementInfo_set_announcement_message(this_ptr, val);
31028         // debug statements here
31029 }
31030         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo NodeAnnouncementInfo_new(struct LDKNodeFeatures features_arg, uint32_t last_update_arg, struct LDKThreeBytes rgb_arg, struct LDKNodeAlias alias_arg, struct LDKCVec_NetAddressZ addresses_arg, struct LDKNodeAnnouncement announcement_message_arg);
31031 /* @internal */
31032 export function NodeAnnouncementInfo_new(features_arg: bigint, last_update_arg: number, rgb_arg: number, alias_arg: bigint, addresses_arg: number, announcement_message_arg: bigint): bigint {
31033         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31034                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31035         }
31036         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncementInfo_new(features_arg, last_update_arg, rgb_arg, alias_arg, addresses_arg, announcement_message_arg);
31037         return nativeResponseValue;
31038 }
31039         // uint64_t NodeAnnouncementInfo_clone_ptr(LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo *NONNULL_PTR arg);
31040 /* @internal */
31041 export function NodeAnnouncementInfo_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
31042         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31043                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31044         }
31045         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncementInfo_clone_ptr(arg);
31046         return nativeResponseValue;
31047 }
31048         // struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo NodeAnnouncementInfo_clone(const struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo *NONNULL_PTR orig);
31049 /* @internal */
31050 export function NodeAnnouncementInfo_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
31051         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31052                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31053         }
31054         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncementInfo_clone(orig);
31055         return nativeResponseValue;
31056 }
31057         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z NodeAnnouncementInfo_write(const struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo *NONNULL_PTR obj);
31058 /* @internal */
31059 export function NodeAnnouncementInfo_write(obj: bigint): number {
31060         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31061                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31062         }
31063         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncementInfo_write(obj);
31064         return nativeResponseValue;
31065 }
31066         // struct LDKCResult_NodeAnnouncementInfoDecodeErrorZ NodeAnnouncementInfo_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
31067 /* @internal */
31068 export function NodeAnnouncementInfo_read(ser: number): bigint {
31069         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31070                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31071         }
31072         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAnnouncementInfo_read(ser);
31073         return nativeResponseValue;
31074 }
31075         // void NodeAlias_free(struct LDKNodeAlias this_obj);
31076 /* @internal */
31077 export function NodeAlias_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
31078         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31079                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31080         }
31081         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAlias_free(this_obj);
31082         // debug statements here
31083 }
31084         // const uint8_t (*NodeAlias_get_a(const struct LDKNodeAlias *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr))[32];
31085 /* @internal */
31086 export function NodeAlias_get_a(this_ptr: bigint): number {
31087         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31088                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31089         }
31090         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAlias_get_a(this_ptr);
31091         return nativeResponseValue;
31092 }
31093         // void NodeAlias_set_a(struct LDKNodeAlias *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes val);
31094 /* @internal */
31095 export function NodeAlias_set_a(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
31096         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31097                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31098         }
31099         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAlias_set_a(this_ptr, val);
31100         // debug statements here
31101 }
31102         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKNodeAlias NodeAlias_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes a_arg);
31103 /* @internal */
31104 export function NodeAlias_new(a_arg: number): bigint {
31105         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31106                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31107         }
31108         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAlias_new(a_arg);
31109         return nativeResponseValue;
31110 }
31111         // uint64_t NodeAlias_clone_ptr(LDKNodeAlias *NONNULL_PTR arg);
31112 /* @internal */
31113 export function NodeAlias_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
31114         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31115                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31116         }
31117         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAlias_clone_ptr(arg);
31118         return nativeResponseValue;
31119 }
31120         // struct LDKNodeAlias NodeAlias_clone(const struct LDKNodeAlias *NONNULL_PTR orig);
31121 /* @internal */
31122 export function NodeAlias_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
31123         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31124                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31125         }
31126         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAlias_clone(orig);
31127         return nativeResponseValue;
31128 }
31129         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z NodeAlias_write(const struct LDKNodeAlias *NONNULL_PTR obj);
31130 /* @internal */
31131 export function NodeAlias_write(obj: bigint): number {
31132         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31133                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31134         }
31135         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAlias_write(obj);
31136         return nativeResponseValue;
31137 }
31138         // struct LDKCResult_NodeAliasDecodeErrorZ NodeAlias_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
31139 /* @internal */
31140 export function NodeAlias_read(ser: number): bigint {
31141         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31142                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31143         }
31144         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeAlias_read(ser);
31145         return nativeResponseValue;
31146 }
31147         // void NodeInfo_free(struct LDKNodeInfo this_obj);
31148 /* @internal */
31149 export function NodeInfo_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
31150         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31151                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31152         }
31153         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeInfo_free(this_obj);
31154         // debug statements here
31155 }
31156         // struct LDKCVec_u64Z NodeInfo_get_channels(const struct LDKNodeInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31157 /* @internal */
31158 export function NodeInfo_get_channels(this_ptr: bigint): number {
31159         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31160                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31161         }
31162         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeInfo_get_channels(this_ptr);
31163         return nativeResponseValue;
31164 }
31165         // void NodeInfo_set_channels(struct LDKNodeInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCVec_u64Z val);
31166 /* @internal */
31167 export function NodeInfo_set_channels(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
31168         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31169                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31170         }
31171         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeInfo_set_channels(this_ptr, val);
31172         // debug statements here
31173 }
31174         // struct LDKRoutingFees NodeInfo_get_lowest_inbound_channel_fees(const struct LDKNodeInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31175 /* @internal */
31176 export function NodeInfo_get_lowest_inbound_channel_fees(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
31177         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31178                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31179         }
31180         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeInfo_get_lowest_inbound_channel_fees(this_ptr);
31181         return nativeResponseValue;
31182 }
31183         // void NodeInfo_set_lowest_inbound_channel_fees(struct LDKNodeInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKRoutingFees val);
31184 /* @internal */
31185 export function NodeInfo_set_lowest_inbound_channel_fees(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
31186         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31187                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31188         }
31189         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeInfo_set_lowest_inbound_channel_fees(this_ptr, val);
31190         // debug statements here
31191 }
31192         // struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo NodeInfo_get_announcement_info(const struct LDKNodeInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31193 /* @internal */
31194 export function NodeInfo_get_announcement_info(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
31195         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31196                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31197         }
31198         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeInfo_get_announcement_info(this_ptr);
31199         return nativeResponseValue;
31200 }
31201         // void NodeInfo_set_announcement_info(struct LDKNodeInfo *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo val);
31202 /* @internal */
31203 export function NodeInfo_set_announcement_info(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
31204         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31205                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31206         }
31207         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeInfo_set_announcement_info(this_ptr, val);
31208         // debug statements here
31209 }
31210         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKNodeInfo NodeInfo_new(struct LDKCVec_u64Z channels_arg, struct LDKRoutingFees lowest_inbound_channel_fees_arg, struct LDKNodeAnnouncementInfo announcement_info_arg);
31211 /* @internal */
31212 export function NodeInfo_new(channels_arg: number, lowest_inbound_channel_fees_arg: bigint, announcement_info_arg: bigint): bigint {
31213         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31214                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31215         }
31216         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeInfo_new(channels_arg, lowest_inbound_channel_fees_arg, announcement_info_arg);
31217         return nativeResponseValue;
31218 }
31219         // uint64_t NodeInfo_clone_ptr(LDKNodeInfo *NONNULL_PTR arg);
31220 /* @internal */
31221 export function NodeInfo_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
31222         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31223                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31224         }
31225         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeInfo_clone_ptr(arg);
31226         return nativeResponseValue;
31227 }
31228         // struct LDKNodeInfo NodeInfo_clone(const struct LDKNodeInfo *NONNULL_PTR orig);
31229 /* @internal */
31230 export function NodeInfo_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
31231         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31232                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31233         }
31234         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeInfo_clone(orig);
31235         return nativeResponseValue;
31236 }
31237         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z NodeInfo_write(const struct LDKNodeInfo *NONNULL_PTR obj);
31238 /* @internal */
31239 export function NodeInfo_write(obj: bigint): number {
31240         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31241                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31242         }
31243         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeInfo_write(obj);
31244         return nativeResponseValue;
31245 }
31246         // struct LDKCResult_NodeInfoDecodeErrorZ NodeInfo_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
31247 /* @internal */
31248 export function NodeInfo_read(ser: number): bigint {
31249         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31250                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31251         }
31252         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NodeInfo_read(ser);
31253         return nativeResponseValue;
31254 }
31255         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z NetworkGraph_write(const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR obj);
31256 /* @internal */
31257 export function NetworkGraph_write(obj: bigint): number {
31258         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31259                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31260         }
31261         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkGraph_write(obj);
31262         return nativeResponseValue;
31263 }
31264         // struct LDKCResult_NetworkGraphDecodeErrorZ NetworkGraph_read(struct LDKu8slice ser, struct LDKLogger arg);
31265 /* @internal */
31266 export function NetworkGraph_read(ser: number, arg: bigint): bigint {
31267         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31268                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31269         }
31270         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkGraph_read(ser, arg);
31271         return nativeResponseValue;
31272 }
31273         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKNetworkGraph NetworkGraph_new(struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes genesis_hash, struct LDKLogger logger);
31274 /* @internal */
31275 export function NetworkGraph_new(genesis_hash: number, logger: bigint): bigint {
31276         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31277                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31278         }
31279         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkGraph_new(genesis_hash, logger);
31280         return nativeResponseValue;
31281 }
31282         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKReadOnlyNetworkGraph NetworkGraph_read_only(const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
31283 /* @internal */
31284 export function NetworkGraph_read_only(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
31285         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31286                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31287         }
31288         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkGraph_read_only(this_arg);
31289         return nativeResponseValue;
31290 }
31291         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCOption_u32Z NetworkGraph_get_last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp(const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
31292 /* @internal */
31293 export function NetworkGraph_get_last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
31294         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31295                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31296         }
31297         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkGraph_get_last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp(this_arg);
31298         return nativeResponseValue;
31299 }
31300         // void NetworkGraph_set_last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp(const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, uint32_t last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp);
31301 /* @internal */
31302 export function NetworkGraph_set_last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp(this_arg: bigint, last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp: number): void {
31303         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31304                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31305         }
31306         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkGraph_set_last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp(this_arg, last_rapid_gossip_sync_timestamp);
31307         // debug statements here
31308 }
31309         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NoneLightningErrorZ NetworkGraph_update_node_from_announcement(const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR msg);
31310 /* @internal */
31311 export function NetworkGraph_update_node_from_announcement(this_arg: bigint, msg: bigint): bigint {
31312         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31313                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31314         }
31315         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkGraph_update_node_from_announcement(this_arg, msg);
31316         return nativeResponseValue;
31317 }
31318         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NoneLightningErrorZ NetworkGraph_update_node_from_unsigned_announcement(const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKUnsignedNodeAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR msg);
31319 /* @internal */
31320 export function NetworkGraph_update_node_from_unsigned_announcement(this_arg: bigint, msg: bigint): bigint {
31321         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31322                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31323         }
31324         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkGraph_update_node_from_unsigned_announcement(this_arg, msg);
31325         return nativeResponseValue;
31326 }
31327         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NoneLightningErrorZ NetworkGraph_update_channel_from_announcement(const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR msg, struct LDKCOption_AccessZ chain_access);
31328 /* @internal */
31329 export function NetworkGraph_update_channel_from_announcement(this_arg: bigint, msg: bigint, chain_access: bigint): bigint {
31330         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31331                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31332         }
31333         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkGraph_update_channel_from_announcement(this_arg, msg, chain_access);
31334         return nativeResponseValue;
31335 }
31336         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NoneLightningErrorZ NetworkGraph_update_channel_from_unsigned_announcement(const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKUnsignedChannelAnnouncement *NONNULL_PTR msg, struct LDKCOption_AccessZ chain_access);
31337 /* @internal */
31338 export function NetworkGraph_update_channel_from_unsigned_announcement(this_arg: bigint, msg: bigint, chain_access: bigint): bigint {
31339         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31340                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31341         }
31342         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkGraph_update_channel_from_unsigned_announcement(this_arg, msg, chain_access);
31343         return nativeResponseValue;
31344 }
31345         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NoneLightningErrorZ NetworkGraph_add_channel_from_partial_announcement(const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, uint64_t short_channel_id, uint64_t timestamp, struct LDKChannelFeatures features, struct LDKPublicKey node_id_1, struct LDKPublicKey node_id_2);
31346 /* @internal */
31347 export function NetworkGraph_add_channel_from_partial_announcement(this_arg: bigint, short_channel_id: bigint, timestamp: bigint, features: bigint, node_id_1: number, node_id_2: number): bigint {
31348         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31349                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31350         }
31351         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkGraph_add_channel_from_partial_announcement(this_arg, short_channel_id, timestamp, features, node_id_1, node_id_2);
31352         return nativeResponseValue;
31353 }
31354         // void NetworkGraph_channel_failed(const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, uint64_t short_channel_id, bool is_permanent);
31355 /* @internal */
31356 export function NetworkGraph_channel_failed(this_arg: bigint, short_channel_id: bigint, is_permanent: boolean): void {
31357         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31358                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31359         }
31360         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkGraph_channel_failed(this_arg, short_channel_id, is_permanent);
31361         // debug statements here
31362 }
31363         // void NetworkGraph_node_failed(const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey _node_id, bool is_permanent);
31364 /* @internal */
31365 export function NetworkGraph_node_failed(this_arg: bigint, _node_id: number, is_permanent: boolean): void {
31366         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31367                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31368         }
31369         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkGraph_node_failed(this_arg, _node_id, is_permanent);
31370         // debug statements here
31371 }
31372         // void NetworkGraph_remove_stale_channels_with_time(const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, uint64_t current_time_unix);
31373 /* @internal */
31374 export function NetworkGraph_remove_stale_channels_with_time(this_arg: bigint, current_time_unix: bigint): void {
31375         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31376                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31377         }
31378         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkGraph_remove_stale_channels_with_time(this_arg, current_time_unix);
31379         // debug statements here
31380 }
31381         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NoneLightningErrorZ NetworkGraph_update_channel(const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR msg);
31382 /* @internal */
31383 export function NetworkGraph_update_channel(this_arg: bigint, msg: bigint): bigint {
31384         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31385                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31386         }
31387         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkGraph_update_channel(this_arg, msg);
31388         return nativeResponseValue;
31389 }
31390         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NoneLightningErrorZ NetworkGraph_update_channel_unsigned(const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKUnsignedChannelUpdate *NONNULL_PTR msg);
31391 /* @internal */
31392 export function NetworkGraph_update_channel_unsigned(this_arg: bigint, msg: bigint): bigint {
31393         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31394                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31395         }
31396         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_NetworkGraph_update_channel_unsigned(this_arg, msg);
31397         return nativeResponseValue;
31398 }
31399         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelInfo ReadOnlyNetworkGraph_channel(const struct LDKReadOnlyNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, uint64_t short_channel_id);
31400 /* @internal */
31401 export function ReadOnlyNetworkGraph_channel(this_arg: bigint, short_channel_id: bigint): bigint {
31402         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31403                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31404         }
31405         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReadOnlyNetworkGraph_channel(this_arg, short_channel_id);
31406         return nativeResponseValue;
31407 }
31408         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCVec_u64Z ReadOnlyNetworkGraph_list_channels(const struct LDKReadOnlyNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
31409 /* @internal */
31410 export function ReadOnlyNetworkGraph_list_channels(this_arg: bigint): number {
31411         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31412                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31413         }
31414         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReadOnlyNetworkGraph_list_channels(this_arg);
31415         return nativeResponseValue;
31416 }
31417         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKNodeInfo ReadOnlyNetworkGraph_node(const struct LDKReadOnlyNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKNodeId *NONNULL_PTR node_id);
31418 /* @internal */
31419 export function ReadOnlyNetworkGraph_node(this_arg: bigint, node_id: bigint): bigint {
31420         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31421                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31422         }
31423         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReadOnlyNetworkGraph_node(this_arg, node_id);
31424         return nativeResponseValue;
31425 }
31426         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCVec_NodeIdZ ReadOnlyNetworkGraph_list_nodes(const struct LDKReadOnlyNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
31427 /* @internal */
31428 export function ReadOnlyNetworkGraph_list_nodes(this_arg: bigint): number {
31429         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31430                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31431         }
31432         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReadOnlyNetworkGraph_list_nodes(this_arg);
31433         return nativeResponseValue;
31434 }
31435         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCOption_CVec_NetAddressZZ ReadOnlyNetworkGraph_get_addresses(const struct LDKReadOnlyNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey pubkey);
31436 /* @internal */
31437 export function ReadOnlyNetworkGraph_get_addresses(this_arg: bigint, pubkey: number): bigint {
31438         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31439                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31440         }
31441         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ReadOnlyNetworkGraph_get_addresses(this_arg, pubkey);
31442         return nativeResponseValue;
31443 }
31444         // void RouteHop_free(struct LDKRouteHop this_obj);
31445 /* @internal */
31446 export function RouteHop_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
31447         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31448                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31449         }
31450         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHop_free(this_obj);
31451         // debug statements here
31452 }
31453         // struct LDKPublicKey RouteHop_get_pubkey(const struct LDKRouteHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31454 /* @internal */
31455 export function RouteHop_get_pubkey(this_ptr: bigint): number {
31456         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31457                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31458         }
31459         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHop_get_pubkey(this_ptr);
31460         return nativeResponseValue;
31461 }
31462         // void RouteHop_set_pubkey(struct LDKRouteHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
31463 /* @internal */
31464 export function RouteHop_set_pubkey(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
31465         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31466                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31467         }
31468         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHop_set_pubkey(this_ptr, val);
31469         // debug statements here
31470 }
31471         // struct LDKNodeFeatures RouteHop_get_node_features(const struct LDKRouteHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31472 /* @internal */
31473 export function RouteHop_get_node_features(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
31474         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31475                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31476         }
31477         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHop_get_node_features(this_ptr);
31478         return nativeResponseValue;
31479 }
31480         // void RouteHop_set_node_features(struct LDKRouteHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKNodeFeatures val);
31481 /* @internal */
31482 export function RouteHop_set_node_features(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
31483         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31484                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31485         }
31486         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHop_set_node_features(this_ptr, val);
31487         // debug statements here
31488 }
31489         // uint64_t RouteHop_get_short_channel_id(const struct LDKRouteHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31490 /* @internal */
31491 export function RouteHop_get_short_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
31492         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31493                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31494         }
31495         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHop_get_short_channel_id(this_ptr);
31496         return nativeResponseValue;
31497 }
31498         // void RouteHop_set_short_channel_id(struct LDKRouteHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
31499 /* @internal */
31500 export function RouteHop_set_short_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
31501         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31502                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31503         }
31504         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHop_set_short_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
31505         // debug statements here
31506 }
31507         // struct LDKChannelFeatures RouteHop_get_channel_features(const struct LDKRouteHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31508 /* @internal */
31509 export function RouteHop_get_channel_features(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
31510         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31511                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31512         }
31513         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHop_get_channel_features(this_ptr);
31514         return nativeResponseValue;
31515 }
31516         // void RouteHop_set_channel_features(struct LDKRouteHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKChannelFeatures val);
31517 /* @internal */
31518 export function RouteHop_set_channel_features(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
31519         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31520                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31521         }
31522         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHop_set_channel_features(this_ptr, val);
31523         // debug statements here
31524 }
31525         // uint64_t RouteHop_get_fee_msat(const struct LDKRouteHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31526 /* @internal */
31527 export function RouteHop_get_fee_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
31528         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31529                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31530         }
31531         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHop_get_fee_msat(this_ptr);
31532         return nativeResponseValue;
31533 }
31534         // void RouteHop_set_fee_msat(struct LDKRouteHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
31535 /* @internal */
31536 export function RouteHop_set_fee_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
31537         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31538                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31539         }
31540         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHop_set_fee_msat(this_ptr, val);
31541         // debug statements here
31542 }
31543         // uint32_t RouteHop_get_cltv_expiry_delta(const struct LDKRouteHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31544 /* @internal */
31545 export function RouteHop_get_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr: bigint): number {
31546         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31547                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31548         }
31549         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHop_get_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr);
31550         return nativeResponseValue;
31551 }
31552         // void RouteHop_set_cltv_expiry_delta(struct LDKRouteHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
31553 /* @internal */
31554 export function RouteHop_set_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
31555         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31556                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31557         }
31558         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHop_set_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr, val);
31559         // debug statements here
31560 }
31561         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKRouteHop RouteHop_new(struct LDKPublicKey pubkey_arg, struct LDKNodeFeatures node_features_arg, uint64_t short_channel_id_arg, struct LDKChannelFeatures channel_features_arg, uint64_t fee_msat_arg, uint32_t cltv_expiry_delta_arg);
31562 /* @internal */
31563 export function RouteHop_new(pubkey_arg: number, node_features_arg: bigint, short_channel_id_arg: bigint, channel_features_arg: bigint, fee_msat_arg: bigint, cltv_expiry_delta_arg: number): bigint {
31564         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31565                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31566         }
31567         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHop_new(pubkey_arg, node_features_arg, short_channel_id_arg, channel_features_arg, fee_msat_arg, cltv_expiry_delta_arg);
31568         return nativeResponseValue;
31569 }
31570         // uint64_t RouteHop_clone_ptr(LDKRouteHop *NONNULL_PTR arg);
31571 /* @internal */
31572 export function RouteHop_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
31573         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31574                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31575         }
31576         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHop_clone_ptr(arg);
31577         return nativeResponseValue;
31578 }
31579         // struct LDKRouteHop RouteHop_clone(const struct LDKRouteHop *NONNULL_PTR orig);
31580 /* @internal */
31581 export function RouteHop_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
31582         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31583                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31584         }
31585         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHop_clone(orig);
31586         return nativeResponseValue;
31587 }
31588         // uint64_t RouteHop_hash(const struct LDKRouteHop *NONNULL_PTR o);
31589 /* @internal */
31590 export function RouteHop_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
31591         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31592                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31593         }
31594         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHop_hash(o);
31595         return nativeResponseValue;
31596 }
31597         // bool RouteHop_eq(const struct LDKRouteHop *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKRouteHop *NONNULL_PTR b);
31598 /* @internal */
31599 export function RouteHop_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
31600         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31601                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31602         }
31603         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHop_eq(a, b);
31604         return nativeResponseValue;
31605 }
31606         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z RouteHop_write(const struct LDKRouteHop *NONNULL_PTR obj);
31607 /* @internal */
31608 export function RouteHop_write(obj: bigint): number {
31609         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31610                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31611         }
31612         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHop_write(obj);
31613         return nativeResponseValue;
31614 }
31615         // struct LDKCResult_RouteHopDecodeErrorZ RouteHop_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
31616 /* @internal */
31617 export function RouteHop_read(ser: number): bigint {
31618         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31619                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31620         }
31621         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHop_read(ser);
31622         return nativeResponseValue;
31623 }
31624         // void Route_free(struct LDKRoute this_obj);
31625 /* @internal */
31626 export function Route_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
31627         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31628                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31629         }
31630         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Route_free(this_obj);
31631         // debug statements here
31632 }
31633         // struct LDKCVec_CVec_RouteHopZZ Route_get_paths(const struct LDKRoute *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31634 /* @internal */
31635 export function Route_get_paths(this_ptr: bigint): number {
31636         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31637                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31638         }
31639         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Route_get_paths(this_ptr);
31640         return nativeResponseValue;
31641 }
31642         // void Route_set_paths(struct LDKRoute *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCVec_CVec_RouteHopZZ val);
31643 /* @internal */
31644 export function Route_set_paths(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
31645         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31646                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31647         }
31648         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Route_set_paths(this_ptr, val);
31649         // debug statements here
31650 }
31651         // struct LDKPaymentParameters Route_get_payment_params(const struct LDKRoute *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31652 /* @internal */
31653 export function Route_get_payment_params(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
31654         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31655                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31656         }
31657         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Route_get_payment_params(this_ptr);
31658         return nativeResponseValue;
31659 }
31660         // void Route_set_payment_params(struct LDKRoute *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPaymentParameters val);
31661 /* @internal */
31662 export function Route_set_payment_params(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
31663         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31664                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31665         }
31666         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Route_set_payment_params(this_ptr, val);
31667         // debug statements here
31668 }
31669         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKRoute Route_new(struct LDKCVec_CVec_RouteHopZZ paths_arg, struct LDKPaymentParameters payment_params_arg);
31670 /* @internal */
31671 export function Route_new(paths_arg: number, payment_params_arg: bigint): bigint {
31672         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31673                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31674         }
31675         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Route_new(paths_arg, payment_params_arg);
31676         return nativeResponseValue;
31677 }
31678         // uint64_t Route_clone_ptr(LDKRoute *NONNULL_PTR arg);
31679 /* @internal */
31680 export function Route_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
31681         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31682                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31683         }
31684         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Route_clone_ptr(arg);
31685         return nativeResponseValue;
31686 }
31687         // struct LDKRoute Route_clone(const struct LDKRoute *NONNULL_PTR orig);
31688 /* @internal */
31689 export function Route_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
31690         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31691                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31692         }
31693         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Route_clone(orig);
31694         return nativeResponseValue;
31695 }
31696         // uint64_t Route_hash(const struct LDKRoute *NONNULL_PTR o);
31697 /* @internal */
31698 export function Route_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
31699         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31700                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31701         }
31702         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Route_hash(o);
31703         return nativeResponseValue;
31704 }
31705         // bool Route_eq(const struct LDKRoute *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKRoute *NONNULL_PTR b);
31706 /* @internal */
31707 export function Route_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
31708         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31709                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31710         }
31711         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Route_eq(a, b);
31712         return nativeResponseValue;
31713 }
31714         // MUST_USE_RES uint64_t Route_get_total_fees(const struct LDKRoute *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
31715 /* @internal */
31716 export function Route_get_total_fees(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
31717         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31718                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31719         }
31720         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Route_get_total_fees(this_arg);
31721         return nativeResponseValue;
31722 }
31723         // MUST_USE_RES uint64_t Route_get_total_amount(const struct LDKRoute *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
31724 /* @internal */
31725 export function Route_get_total_amount(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
31726         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31727                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31728         }
31729         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Route_get_total_amount(this_arg);
31730         return nativeResponseValue;
31731 }
31732         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z Route_write(const struct LDKRoute *NONNULL_PTR obj);
31733 /* @internal */
31734 export function Route_write(obj: bigint): number {
31735         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31736                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31737         }
31738         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Route_write(obj);
31739         return nativeResponseValue;
31740 }
31741         // struct LDKCResult_RouteDecodeErrorZ Route_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
31742 /* @internal */
31743 export function Route_read(ser: number): bigint {
31744         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31745                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31746         }
31747         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Route_read(ser);
31748         return nativeResponseValue;
31749 }
31750         // void RouteParameters_free(struct LDKRouteParameters this_obj);
31751 /* @internal */
31752 export function RouteParameters_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
31753         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31754                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31755         }
31756         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteParameters_free(this_obj);
31757         // debug statements here
31758 }
31759         // struct LDKPaymentParameters RouteParameters_get_payment_params(const struct LDKRouteParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31760 /* @internal */
31761 export function RouteParameters_get_payment_params(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
31762         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31763                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31764         }
31765         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteParameters_get_payment_params(this_ptr);
31766         return nativeResponseValue;
31767 }
31768         // void RouteParameters_set_payment_params(struct LDKRouteParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPaymentParameters val);
31769 /* @internal */
31770 export function RouteParameters_set_payment_params(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
31771         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31772                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31773         }
31774         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteParameters_set_payment_params(this_ptr, val);
31775         // debug statements here
31776 }
31777         // uint64_t RouteParameters_get_final_value_msat(const struct LDKRouteParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31778 /* @internal */
31779 export function RouteParameters_get_final_value_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
31780         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31781                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31782         }
31783         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteParameters_get_final_value_msat(this_ptr);
31784         return nativeResponseValue;
31785 }
31786         // void RouteParameters_set_final_value_msat(struct LDKRouteParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
31787 /* @internal */
31788 export function RouteParameters_set_final_value_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
31789         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31790                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31791         }
31792         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteParameters_set_final_value_msat(this_ptr, val);
31793         // debug statements here
31794 }
31795         // uint32_t RouteParameters_get_final_cltv_expiry_delta(const struct LDKRouteParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31796 /* @internal */
31797 export function RouteParameters_get_final_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr: bigint): number {
31798         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31799                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31800         }
31801         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteParameters_get_final_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr);
31802         return nativeResponseValue;
31803 }
31804         // void RouteParameters_set_final_cltv_expiry_delta(struct LDKRouteParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
31805 /* @internal */
31806 export function RouteParameters_set_final_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
31807         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31808                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31809         }
31810         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteParameters_set_final_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr, val);
31811         // debug statements here
31812 }
31813         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKRouteParameters RouteParameters_new(struct LDKPaymentParameters payment_params_arg, uint64_t final_value_msat_arg, uint32_t final_cltv_expiry_delta_arg);
31814 /* @internal */
31815 export function RouteParameters_new(payment_params_arg: bigint, final_value_msat_arg: bigint, final_cltv_expiry_delta_arg: number): bigint {
31816         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31817                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31818         }
31819         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteParameters_new(payment_params_arg, final_value_msat_arg, final_cltv_expiry_delta_arg);
31820         return nativeResponseValue;
31821 }
31822         // uint64_t RouteParameters_clone_ptr(LDKRouteParameters *NONNULL_PTR arg);
31823 /* @internal */
31824 export function RouteParameters_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
31825         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31826                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31827         }
31828         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteParameters_clone_ptr(arg);
31829         return nativeResponseValue;
31830 }
31831         // struct LDKRouteParameters RouteParameters_clone(const struct LDKRouteParameters *NONNULL_PTR orig);
31832 /* @internal */
31833 export function RouteParameters_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
31834         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31835                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31836         }
31837         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteParameters_clone(orig);
31838         return nativeResponseValue;
31839 }
31840         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z RouteParameters_write(const struct LDKRouteParameters *NONNULL_PTR obj);
31841 /* @internal */
31842 export function RouteParameters_write(obj: bigint): number {
31843         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31844                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31845         }
31846         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteParameters_write(obj);
31847         return nativeResponseValue;
31848 }
31849         // struct LDKCResult_RouteParametersDecodeErrorZ RouteParameters_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
31850 /* @internal */
31851 export function RouteParameters_read(ser: number): bigint {
31852         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31853                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31854         }
31855         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteParameters_read(ser);
31856         return nativeResponseValue;
31857 }
31858         // void PaymentParameters_free(struct LDKPaymentParameters this_obj);
31859 /* @internal */
31860 export function PaymentParameters_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
31861         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31862                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31863         }
31864         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_free(this_obj);
31865         // debug statements here
31866 }
31867         // struct LDKPublicKey PaymentParameters_get_payee_pubkey(const struct LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31868 /* @internal */
31869 export function PaymentParameters_get_payee_pubkey(this_ptr: bigint): number {
31870         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31871                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31872         }
31873         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_get_payee_pubkey(this_ptr);
31874         return nativeResponseValue;
31875 }
31876         // void PaymentParameters_set_payee_pubkey(struct LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
31877 /* @internal */
31878 export function PaymentParameters_set_payee_pubkey(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
31879         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31880                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31881         }
31882         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_set_payee_pubkey(this_ptr, val);
31883         // debug statements here
31884 }
31885         // struct LDKInvoiceFeatures PaymentParameters_get_features(const struct LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31886 /* @internal */
31887 export function PaymentParameters_get_features(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
31888         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31889                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31890         }
31891         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_get_features(this_ptr);
31892         return nativeResponseValue;
31893 }
31894         // void PaymentParameters_set_features(struct LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKInvoiceFeatures val);
31895 /* @internal */
31896 export function PaymentParameters_set_features(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
31897         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31898                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31899         }
31900         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_set_features(this_ptr, val);
31901         // debug statements here
31902 }
31903         // struct LDKCVec_RouteHintZ PaymentParameters_get_route_hints(const struct LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31904 /* @internal */
31905 export function PaymentParameters_get_route_hints(this_ptr: bigint): number {
31906         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31907                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31908         }
31909         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_get_route_hints(this_ptr);
31910         return nativeResponseValue;
31911 }
31912         // void PaymentParameters_set_route_hints(struct LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCVec_RouteHintZ val);
31913 /* @internal */
31914 export function PaymentParameters_set_route_hints(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
31915         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31916                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31917         }
31918         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_set_route_hints(this_ptr, val);
31919         // debug statements here
31920 }
31921         // struct LDKCOption_u64Z PaymentParameters_get_expiry_time(const struct LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31922 /* @internal */
31923 export function PaymentParameters_get_expiry_time(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
31924         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31925                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31926         }
31927         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_get_expiry_time(this_ptr);
31928         return nativeResponseValue;
31929 }
31930         // void PaymentParameters_set_expiry_time(struct LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCOption_u64Z val);
31931 /* @internal */
31932 export function PaymentParameters_set_expiry_time(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
31933         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31934                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31935         }
31936         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_set_expiry_time(this_ptr, val);
31937         // debug statements here
31938 }
31939         // uint32_t PaymentParameters_get_max_total_cltv_expiry_delta(const struct LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31940 /* @internal */
31941 export function PaymentParameters_get_max_total_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr: bigint): number {
31942         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31943                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31944         }
31945         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_get_max_total_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr);
31946         return nativeResponseValue;
31947 }
31948         // void PaymentParameters_set_max_total_cltv_expiry_delta(struct LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint32_t val);
31949 /* @internal */
31950 export function PaymentParameters_set_max_total_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
31951         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31952                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31953         }
31954         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_set_max_total_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr, val);
31955         // debug statements here
31956 }
31957         // uint8_t PaymentParameters_get_max_path_count(const struct LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31958 /* @internal */
31959 export function PaymentParameters_get_max_path_count(this_ptr: bigint): number {
31960         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31961                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31962         }
31963         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_get_max_path_count(this_ptr);
31964         return nativeResponseValue;
31965 }
31966         // void PaymentParameters_set_max_path_count(struct LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint8_t val);
31967 /* @internal */
31968 export function PaymentParameters_set_max_path_count(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
31969         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31970                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31971         }
31972         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_set_max_path_count(this_ptr, val);
31973         // debug statements here
31974 }
31975         // uint8_t PaymentParameters_get_max_channel_saturation_power_of_half(const struct LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31976 /* @internal */
31977 export function PaymentParameters_get_max_channel_saturation_power_of_half(this_ptr: bigint): number {
31978         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31979                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31980         }
31981         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_get_max_channel_saturation_power_of_half(this_ptr);
31982         return nativeResponseValue;
31983 }
31984         // void PaymentParameters_set_max_channel_saturation_power_of_half(struct LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint8_t val);
31985 /* @internal */
31986 export function PaymentParameters_set_max_channel_saturation_power_of_half(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
31987         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31988                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31989         }
31990         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_set_max_channel_saturation_power_of_half(this_ptr, val);
31991         // debug statements here
31992 }
31993         // struct LDKCVec_u64Z PaymentParameters_get_previously_failed_channels(const struct LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
31994 /* @internal */
31995 export function PaymentParameters_get_previously_failed_channels(this_ptr: bigint): number {
31996         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
31997                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
31998         }
31999         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_get_previously_failed_channels(this_ptr);
32000         return nativeResponseValue;
32001 }
32002         // void PaymentParameters_set_previously_failed_channels(struct LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCVec_u64Z val);
32003 /* @internal */
32004 export function PaymentParameters_set_previously_failed_channels(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
32005         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32006                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32007         }
32008         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_set_previously_failed_channels(this_ptr, val);
32009         // debug statements here
32010 }
32011         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKPaymentParameters PaymentParameters_new(struct LDKPublicKey payee_pubkey_arg, struct LDKInvoiceFeatures features_arg, struct LDKCVec_RouteHintZ route_hints_arg, struct LDKCOption_u64Z expiry_time_arg, uint32_t max_total_cltv_expiry_delta_arg, uint8_t max_path_count_arg, uint8_t max_channel_saturation_power_of_half_arg, struct LDKCVec_u64Z previously_failed_channels_arg);
32012 /* @internal */
32013 export function PaymentParameters_new(payee_pubkey_arg: number, features_arg: bigint, route_hints_arg: number, expiry_time_arg: bigint, max_total_cltv_expiry_delta_arg: number, max_path_count_arg: number, max_channel_saturation_power_of_half_arg: number, previously_failed_channels_arg: number): bigint {
32014         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32015                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32016         }
32017         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_new(payee_pubkey_arg, features_arg, route_hints_arg, expiry_time_arg, max_total_cltv_expiry_delta_arg, max_path_count_arg, max_channel_saturation_power_of_half_arg, previously_failed_channels_arg);
32018         return nativeResponseValue;
32019 }
32020         // uint64_t PaymentParameters_clone_ptr(LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR arg);
32021 /* @internal */
32022 export function PaymentParameters_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
32023         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32024                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32025         }
32026         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_clone_ptr(arg);
32027         return nativeResponseValue;
32028 }
32029         // struct LDKPaymentParameters PaymentParameters_clone(const struct LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR orig);
32030 /* @internal */
32031 export function PaymentParameters_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
32032         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32033                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32034         }
32035         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_clone(orig);
32036         return nativeResponseValue;
32037 }
32038         // uint64_t PaymentParameters_hash(const struct LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR o);
32039 /* @internal */
32040 export function PaymentParameters_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
32041         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32042                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32043         }
32044         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_hash(o);
32045         return nativeResponseValue;
32046 }
32047         // bool PaymentParameters_eq(const struct LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR b);
32048 /* @internal */
32049 export function PaymentParameters_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
32050         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32051                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32052         }
32053         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_eq(a, b);
32054         return nativeResponseValue;
32055 }
32056         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z PaymentParameters_write(const struct LDKPaymentParameters *NONNULL_PTR obj);
32057 /* @internal */
32058 export function PaymentParameters_write(obj: bigint): number {
32059         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32060                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32061         }
32062         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_write(obj);
32063         return nativeResponseValue;
32064 }
32065         // struct LDKCResult_PaymentParametersDecodeErrorZ PaymentParameters_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
32066 /* @internal */
32067 export function PaymentParameters_read(ser: number): bigint {
32068         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32069                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32070         }
32071         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_read(ser);
32072         return nativeResponseValue;
32073 }
32074         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKPaymentParameters PaymentParameters_from_node_id(struct LDKPublicKey payee_pubkey);
32075 /* @internal */
32076 export function PaymentParameters_from_node_id(payee_pubkey: number): bigint {
32077         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32078                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32079         }
32080         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_from_node_id(payee_pubkey);
32081         return nativeResponseValue;
32082 }
32083         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKPaymentParameters PaymentParameters_for_keysend(struct LDKPublicKey payee_pubkey);
32084 /* @internal */
32085 export function PaymentParameters_for_keysend(payee_pubkey: number): bigint {
32086         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32087                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32088         }
32089         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentParameters_for_keysend(payee_pubkey);
32090         return nativeResponseValue;
32091 }
32092         // void RouteHint_free(struct LDKRouteHint this_obj);
32093 /* @internal */
32094 export function RouteHint_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
32095         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32096                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32097         }
32098         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHint_free(this_obj);
32099         // debug statements here
32100 }
32101         // struct LDKCVec_RouteHintHopZ RouteHint_get_a(const struct LDKRouteHint *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
32102 /* @internal */
32103 export function RouteHint_get_a(this_ptr: bigint): number {
32104         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32105                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32106         }
32107         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHint_get_a(this_ptr);
32108         return nativeResponseValue;
32109 }
32110         // void RouteHint_set_a(struct LDKRouteHint *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCVec_RouteHintHopZ val);
32111 /* @internal */
32112 export function RouteHint_set_a(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
32113         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32114                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32115         }
32116         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHint_set_a(this_ptr, val);
32117         // debug statements here
32118 }
32119         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKRouteHint RouteHint_new(struct LDKCVec_RouteHintHopZ a_arg);
32120 /* @internal */
32121 export function RouteHint_new(a_arg: number): bigint {
32122         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32123                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32124         }
32125         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHint_new(a_arg);
32126         return nativeResponseValue;
32127 }
32128         // uint64_t RouteHint_clone_ptr(LDKRouteHint *NONNULL_PTR arg);
32129 /* @internal */
32130 export function RouteHint_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
32131         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32132                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32133         }
32134         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHint_clone_ptr(arg);
32135         return nativeResponseValue;
32136 }
32137         // struct LDKRouteHint RouteHint_clone(const struct LDKRouteHint *NONNULL_PTR orig);
32138 /* @internal */
32139 export function RouteHint_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
32140         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32141                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32142         }
32143         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHint_clone(orig);
32144         return nativeResponseValue;
32145 }
32146         // uint64_t RouteHint_hash(const struct LDKRouteHint *NONNULL_PTR o);
32147 /* @internal */
32148 export function RouteHint_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
32149         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32150                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32151         }
32152         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHint_hash(o);
32153         return nativeResponseValue;
32154 }
32155         // bool RouteHint_eq(const struct LDKRouteHint *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKRouteHint *NONNULL_PTR b);
32156 /* @internal */
32157 export function RouteHint_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
32158         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32159                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32160         }
32161         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHint_eq(a, b);
32162         return nativeResponseValue;
32163 }
32164         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z RouteHint_write(const struct LDKRouteHint *NONNULL_PTR obj);
32165 /* @internal */
32166 export function RouteHint_write(obj: bigint): number {
32167         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32168                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32169         }
32170         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHint_write(obj);
32171         return nativeResponseValue;
32172 }
32173         // struct LDKCResult_RouteHintDecodeErrorZ RouteHint_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
32174 /* @internal */
32175 export function RouteHint_read(ser: number): bigint {
32176         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32177                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32178         }
32179         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHint_read(ser);
32180         return nativeResponseValue;
32181 }
32182         // void RouteHintHop_free(struct LDKRouteHintHop this_obj);
32183 /* @internal */
32184 export function RouteHintHop_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
32185         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32186                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32187         }
32188         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHintHop_free(this_obj);
32189         // debug statements here
32190 }
32191         // struct LDKPublicKey RouteHintHop_get_src_node_id(const struct LDKRouteHintHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
32192 /* @internal */
32193 export function RouteHintHop_get_src_node_id(this_ptr: bigint): number {
32194         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32195                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32196         }
32197         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHintHop_get_src_node_id(this_ptr);
32198         return nativeResponseValue;
32199 }
32200         // void RouteHintHop_set_src_node_id(struct LDKRouteHintHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
32201 /* @internal */
32202 export function RouteHintHop_set_src_node_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
32203         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32204                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32205         }
32206         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHintHop_set_src_node_id(this_ptr, val);
32207         // debug statements here
32208 }
32209         // uint64_t RouteHintHop_get_short_channel_id(const struct LDKRouteHintHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
32210 /* @internal */
32211 export function RouteHintHop_get_short_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
32212         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32213                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32214         }
32215         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHintHop_get_short_channel_id(this_ptr);
32216         return nativeResponseValue;
32217 }
32218         // void RouteHintHop_set_short_channel_id(struct LDKRouteHintHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
32219 /* @internal */
32220 export function RouteHintHop_set_short_channel_id(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
32221         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32222                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32223         }
32224         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHintHop_set_short_channel_id(this_ptr, val);
32225         // debug statements here
32226 }
32227         // struct LDKRoutingFees RouteHintHop_get_fees(const struct LDKRouteHintHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
32228 /* @internal */
32229 export function RouteHintHop_get_fees(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
32230         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32231                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32232         }
32233         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHintHop_get_fees(this_ptr);
32234         return nativeResponseValue;
32235 }
32236         // void RouteHintHop_set_fees(struct LDKRouteHintHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKRoutingFees val);
32237 /* @internal */
32238 export function RouteHintHop_set_fees(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
32239         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32240                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32241         }
32242         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHintHop_set_fees(this_ptr, val);
32243         // debug statements here
32244 }
32245         // uint16_t RouteHintHop_get_cltv_expiry_delta(const struct LDKRouteHintHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
32246 /* @internal */
32247 export function RouteHintHop_get_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr: bigint): number {
32248         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32249                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32250         }
32251         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHintHop_get_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr);
32252         return nativeResponseValue;
32253 }
32254         // void RouteHintHop_set_cltv_expiry_delta(struct LDKRouteHintHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint16_t val);
32255 /* @internal */
32256 export function RouteHintHop_set_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
32257         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32258                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32259         }
32260         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHintHop_set_cltv_expiry_delta(this_ptr, val);
32261         // debug statements here
32262 }
32263         // struct LDKCOption_u64Z RouteHintHop_get_htlc_minimum_msat(const struct LDKRouteHintHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
32264 /* @internal */
32265 export function RouteHintHop_get_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
32266         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32267                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32268         }
32269         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHintHop_get_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr);
32270         return nativeResponseValue;
32271 }
32272         // void RouteHintHop_set_htlc_minimum_msat(struct LDKRouteHintHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCOption_u64Z val);
32273 /* @internal */
32274 export function RouteHintHop_set_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
32275         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32276                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32277         }
32278         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHintHop_set_htlc_minimum_msat(this_ptr, val);
32279         // debug statements here
32280 }
32281         // struct LDKCOption_u64Z RouteHintHop_get_htlc_maximum_msat(const struct LDKRouteHintHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
32282 /* @internal */
32283 export function RouteHintHop_get_htlc_maximum_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
32284         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32285                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32286         }
32287         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHintHop_get_htlc_maximum_msat(this_ptr);
32288         return nativeResponseValue;
32289 }
32290         // void RouteHintHop_set_htlc_maximum_msat(struct LDKRouteHintHop *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKCOption_u64Z val);
32291 /* @internal */
32292 export function RouteHintHop_set_htlc_maximum_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
32293         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32294                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32295         }
32296         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHintHop_set_htlc_maximum_msat(this_ptr, val);
32297         // debug statements here
32298 }
32299         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKRouteHintHop RouteHintHop_new(struct LDKPublicKey src_node_id_arg, uint64_t short_channel_id_arg, struct LDKRoutingFees fees_arg, uint16_t cltv_expiry_delta_arg, struct LDKCOption_u64Z htlc_minimum_msat_arg, struct LDKCOption_u64Z htlc_maximum_msat_arg);
32300 /* @internal */
32301 export function RouteHintHop_new(src_node_id_arg: number, short_channel_id_arg: bigint, fees_arg: bigint, cltv_expiry_delta_arg: number, htlc_minimum_msat_arg: bigint, htlc_maximum_msat_arg: bigint): bigint {
32302         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32303                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32304         }
32305         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHintHop_new(src_node_id_arg, short_channel_id_arg, fees_arg, cltv_expiry_delta_arg, htlc_minimum_msat_arg, htlc_maximum_msat_arg);
32306         return nativeResponseValue;
32307 }
32308         // uint64_t RouteHintHop_clone_ptr(LDKRouteHintHop *NONNULL_PTR arg);
32309 /* @internal */
32310 export function RouteHintHop_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
32311         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32312                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32313         }
32314         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHintHop_clone_ptr(arg);
32315         return nativeResponseValue;
32316 }
32317         // struct LDKRouteHintHop RouteHintHop_clone(const struct LDKRouteHintHop *NONNULL_PTR orig);
32318 /* @internal */
32319 export function RouteHintHop_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
32320         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32321                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32322         }
32323         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHintHop_clone(orig);
32324         return nativeResponseValue;
32325 }
32326         // uint64_t RouteHintHop_hash(const struct LDKRouteHintHop *NONNULL_PTR o);
32327 /* @internal */
32328 export function RouteHintHop_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
32329         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32330                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32331         }
32332         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHintHop_hash(o);
32333         return nativeResponseValue;
32334 }
32335         // bool RouteHintHop_eq(const struct LDKRouteHintHop *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKRouteHintHop *NONNULL_PTR b);
32336 /* @internal */
32337 export function RouteHintHop_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
32338         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32339                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32340         }
32341         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHintHop_eq(a, b);
32342         return nativeResponseValue;
32343 }
32344         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z RouteHintHop_write(const struct LDKRouteHintHop *NONNULL_PTR obj);
32345 /* @internal */
32346 export function RouteHintHop_write(obj: bigint): number {
32347         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32348                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32349         }
32350         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHintHop_write(obj);
32351         return nativeResponseValue;
32352 }
32353         // struct LDKCResult_RouteHintHopDecodeErrorZ RouteHintHop_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
32354 /* @internal */
32355 export function RouteHintHop_read(ser: number): bigint {
32356         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32357                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32358         }
32359         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RouteHintHop_read(ser);
32360         return nativeResponseValue;
32361 }
32362         // struct LDKCResult_RouteLightningErrorZ find_route(struct LDKPublicKey our_node_pubkey, const struct LDKRouteParameters *NONNULL_PTR route_params, const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR network_graph, struct LDKCVec_ChannelDetailsZ *first_hops, struct LDKLogger logger, const struct LDKScore *NONNULL_PTR scorer, const uint8_t (*random_seed_bytes)[32]);
32363 /* @internal */
32364 export function find_route(our_node_pubkey: number, route_params: bigint, network_graph: bigint, first_hops: number, logger: bigint, scorer: bigint, random_seed_bytes: number): bigint {
32365         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32366                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32367         }
32368         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_find_route(our_node_pubkey, route_params, network_graph, first_hops, logger, scorer, random_seed_bytes);
32369         return nativeResponseValue;
32370 }
32371         // struct LDKCResult_RouteLightningErrorZ build_route_from_hops(struct LDKPublicKey our_node_pubkey, struct LDKCVec_PublicKeyZ hops, const struct LDKRouteParameters *NONNULL_PTR route_params, const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR network_graph, struct LDKLogger logger, const uint8_t (*random_seed_bytes)[32]);
32372 /* @internal */
32373 export function build_route_from_hops(our_node_pubkey: number, hops: number, route_params: bigint, network_graph: bigint, logger: bigint, random_seed_bytes: number): bigint {
32374         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32375                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32376         }
32377         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_build_route_from_hops(our_node_pubkey, hops, route_params, network_graph, logger, random_seed_bytes);
32378         return nativeResponseValue;
32379 }
32380         // void Score_free(struct LDKScore this_ptr);
32381 /* @internal */
32382 export function Score_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
32383         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32384                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32385         }
32386         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Score_free(this_ptr);
32387         // debug statements here
32388 }
32389         // void LockableScore_free(struct LDKLockableScore this_ptr);
32390 /* @internal */
32391 export function LockableScore_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
32392         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32393                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32394         }
32395         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_LockableScore_free(this_ptr);
32396         // debug statements here
32397 }
32398         // void WriteableScore_free(struct LDKWriteableScore this_ptr);
32399 /* @internal */
32400 export function WriteableScore_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
32401         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32402                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32403         }
32404         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_WriteableScore_free(this_ptr);
32405         // debug statements here
32406 }
32407         // void MultiThreadedLockableScore_free(struct LDKMultiThreadedLockableScore this_obj);
32408 /* @internal */
32409 export function MultiThreadedLockableScore_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
32410         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32411                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32412         }
32413         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MultiThreadedLockableScore_free(this_obj);
32414         // debug statements here
32415 }
32416         // void MultiThreadedScoreLock_free(struct LDKMultiThreadedScoreLock this_obj);
32417 /* @internal */
32418 export function MultiThreadedScoreLock_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
32419         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32420                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32421         }
32422         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MultiThreadedScoreLock_free(this_obj);
32423         // debug statements here
32424 }
32425         // struct LDKScore MultiThreadedScoreLock_as_Score(const struct LDKMultiThreadedScoreLock *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
32426 /* @internal */
32427 export function MultiThreadedScoreLock_as_Score(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
32428         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32429                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32430         }
32431         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MultiThreadedScoreLock_as_Score(this_arg);
32432         return nativeResponseValue;
32433 }
32434         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z MultiThreadedScoreLock_write(const struct LDKMultiThreadedScoreLock *NONNULL_PTR obj);
32435 /* @internal */
32436 export function MultiThreadedScoreLock_write(obj: bigint): number {
32437         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32438                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32439         }
32440         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MultiThreadedScoreLock_write(obj);
32441         return nativeResponseValue;
32442 }
32443         // struct LDKLockableScore MultiThreadedLockableScore_as_LockableScore(const struct LDKMultiThreadedLockableScore *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
32444 /* @internal */
32445 export function MultiThreadedLockableScore_as_LockableScore(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
32446         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32447                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32448         }
32449         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MultiThreadedLockableScore_as_LockableScore(this_arg);
32450         return nativeResponseValue;
32451 }
32452         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z MultiThreadedLockableScore_write(const struct LDKMultiThreadedLockableScore *NONNULL_PTR obj);
32453 /* @internal */
32454 export function MultiThreadedLockableScore_write(obj: bigint): number {
32455         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32456                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32457         }
32458         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MultiThreadedLockableScore_write(obj);
32459         return nativeResponseValue;
32460 }
32461         // struct LDKWriteableScore MultiThreadedLockableScore_as_WriteableScore(const struct LDKMultiThreadedLockableScore *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
32462 /* @internal */
32463 export function MultiThreadedLockableScore_as_WriteableScore(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
32464         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32465                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32466         }
32467         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MultiThreadedLockableScore_as_WriteableScore(this_arg);
32468         return nativeResponseValue;
32469 }
32470         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKMultiThreadedLockableScore MultiThreadedLockableScore_new(struct LDKScore score);
32471 /* @internal */
32472 export function MultiThreadedLockableScore_new(score: bigint): bigint {
32473         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32474                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32475         }
32476         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MultiThreadedLockableScore_new(score);
32477         return nativeResponseValue;
32478 }
32479         // void ChannelUsage_free(struct LDKChannelUsage this_obj);
32480 /* @internal */
32481 export function ChannelUsage_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
32482         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32483                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32484         }
32485         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUsage_free(this_obj);
32486         // debug statements here
32487 }
32488         // uint64_t ChannelUsage_get_amount_msat(const struct LDKChannelUsage *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
32489 /* @internal */
32490 export function ChannelUsage_get_amount_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
32491         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32492                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32493         }
32494         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUsage_get_amount_msat(this_ptr);
32495         return nativeResponseValue;
32496 }
32497         // void ChannelUsage_set_amount_msat(struct LDKChannelUsage *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
32498 /* @internal */
32499 export function ChannelUsage_set_amount_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
32500         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32501                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32502         }
32503         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUsage_set_amount_msat(this_ptr, val);
32504         // debug statements here
32505 }
32506         // uint64_t ChannelUsage_get_inflight_htlc_msat(const struct LDKChannelUsage *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
32507 /* @internal */
32508 export function ChannelUsage_get_inflight_htlc_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
32509         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32510                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32511         }
32512         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUsage_get_inflight_htlc_msat(this_ptr);
32513         return nativeResponseValue;
32514 }
32515         // void ChannelUsage_set_inflight_htlc_msat(struct LDKChannelUsage *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
32516 /* @internal */
32517 export function ChannelUsage_set_inflight_htlc_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
32518         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32519                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32520         }
32521         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUsage_set_inflight_htlc_msat(this_ptr, val);
32522         // debug statements here
32523 }
32524         // struct LDKEffectiveCapacity ChannelUsage_get_effective_capacity(const struct LDKChannelUsage *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
32525 /* @internal */
32526 export function ChannelUsage_get_effective_capacity(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
32527         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32528                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32529         }
32530         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUsage_get_effective_capacity(this_ptr);
32531         return nativeResponseValue;
32532 }
32533         // void ChannelUsage_set_effective_capacity(struct LDKChannelUsage *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKEffectiveCapacity val);
32534 /* @internal */
32535 export function ChannelUsage_set_effective_capacity(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
32536         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32537                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32538         }
32539         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUsage_set_effective_capacity(this_ptr, val);
32540         // debug statements here
32541 }
32542         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKChannelUsage ChannelUsage_new(uint64_t amount_msat_arg, uint64_t inflight_htlc_msat_arg, struct LDKEffectiveCapacity effective_capacity_arg);
32543 /* @internal */
32544 export function ChannelUsage_new(amount_msat_arg: bigint, inflight_htlc_msat_arg: bigint, effective_capacity_arg: bigint): bigint {
32545         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32546                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32547         }
32548         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUsage_new(amount_msat_arg, inflight_htlc_msat_arg, effective_capacity_arg);
32549         return nativeResponseValue;
32550 }
32551         // uint64_t ChannelUsage_clone_ptr(LDKChannelUsage *NONNULL_PTR arg);
32552 /* @internal */
32553 export function ChannelUsage_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
32554         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32555                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32556         }
32557         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUsage_clone_ptr(arg);
32558         return nativeResponseValue;
32559 }
32560         // struct LDKChannelUsage ChannelUsage_clone(const struct LDKChannelUsage *NONNULL_PTR orig);
32561 /* @internal */
32562 export function ChannelUsage_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
32563         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32564                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32565         }
32566         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelUsage_clone(orig);
32567         return nativeResponseValue;
32568 }
32569         // void FixedPenaltyScorer_free(struct LDKFixedPenaltyScorer this_obj);
32570 /* @internal */
32571 export function FixedPenaltyScorer_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
32572         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32573                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32574         }
32575         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FixedPenaltyScorer_free(this_obj);
32576         // debug statements here
32577 }
32578         // uint64_t FixedPenaltyScorer_clone_ptr(LDKFixedPenaltyScorer *NONNULL_PTR arg);
32579 /* @internal */
32580 export function FixedPenaltyScorer_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
32581         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32582                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32583         }
32584         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FixedPenaltyScorer_clone_ptr(arg);
32585         return nativeResponseValue;
32586 }
32587         // struct LDKFixedPenaltyScorer FixedPenaltyScorer_clone(const struct LDKFixedPenaltyScorer *NONNULL_PTR orig);
32588 /* @internal */
32589 export function FixedPenaltyScorer_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
32590         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32591                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32592         }
32593         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FixedPenaltyScorer_clone(orig);
32594         return nativeResponseValue;
32595 }
32596         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKFixedPenaltyScorer FixedPenaltyScorer_with_penalty(uint64_t penalty_msat);
32597 /* @internal */
32598 export function FixedPenaltyScorer_with_penalty(penalty_msat: bigint): bigint {
32599         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32600                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32601         }
32602         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FixedPenaltyScorer_with_penalty(penalty_msat);
32603         return nativeResponseValue;
32604 }
32605         // struct LDKScore FixedPenaltyScorer_as_Score(const struct LDKFixedPenaltyScorer *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
32606 /* @internal */
32607 export function FixedPenaltyScorer_as_Score(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
32608         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32609                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32610         }
32611         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FixedPenaltyScorer_as_Score(this_arg);
32612         return nativeResponseValue;
32613 }
32614         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z FixedPenaltyScorer_write(const struct LDKFixedPenaltyScorer *NONNULL_PTR obj);
32615 /* @internal */
32616 export function FixedPenaltyScorer_write(obj: bigint): number {
32617         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32618                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32619         }
32620         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FixedPenaltyScorer_write(obj);
32621         return nativeResponseValue;
32622 }
32623         // struct LDKCResult_FixedPenaltyScorerDecodeErrorZ FixedPenaltyScorer_read(struct LDKu8slice ser, uint64_t arg);
32624 /* @internal */
32625 export function FixedPenaltyScorer_read(ser: number, arg: bigint): bigint {
32626         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32627                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32628         }
32629         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_FixedPenaltyScorer_read(ser, arg);
32630         return nativeResponseValue;
32631 }
32632         // void ProbabilisticScorer_free(struct LDKProbabilisticScorer this_obj);
32633 /* @internal */
32634 export function ProbabilisticScorer_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
32635         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32636                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32637         }
32638         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScorer_free(this_obj);
32639         // debug statements here
32640 }
32641         // void ProbabilisticScoringParameters_free(struct LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters this_obj);
32642 /* @internal */
32643 export function ProbabilisticScoringParameters_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
32644         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32645                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32646         }
32647         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScoringParameters_free(this_obj);
32648         // debug statements here
32649 }
32650         // uint64_t ProbabilisticScoringParameters_get_base_penalty_msat(const struct LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
32651 /* @internal */
32652 export function ProbabilisticScoringParameters_get_base_penalty_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
32653         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32654                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32655         }
32656         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScoringParameters_get_base_penalty_msat(this_ptr);
32657         return nativeResponseValue;
32658 }
32659         // void ProbabilisticScoringParameters_set_base_penalty_msat(struct LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
32660 /* @internal */
32661 export function ProbabilisticScoringParameters_set_base_penalty_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
32662         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32663                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32664         }
32665         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScoringParameters_set_base_penalty_msat(this_ptr, val);
32666         // debug statements here
32667 }
32668         // uint64_t ProbabilisticScoringParameters_get_base_penalty_amount_multiplier_msat(const struct LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
32669 /* @internal */
32670 export function ProbabilisticScoringParameters_get_base_penalty_amount_multiplier_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
32671         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32672                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32673         }
32674         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScoringParameters_get_base_penalty_amount_multiplier_msat(this_ptr);
32675         return nativeResponseValue;
32676 }
32677         // void ProbabilisticScoringParameters_set_base_penalty_amount_multiplier_msat(struct LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
32678 /* @internal */
32679 export function ProbabilisticScoringParameters_set_base_penalty_amount_multiplier_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
32680         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32681                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32682         }
32683         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScoringParameters_set_base_penalty_amount_multiplier_msat(this_ptr, val);
32684         // debug statements here
32685 }
32686         // uint64_t ProbabilisticScoringParameters_get_liquidity_penalty_multiplier_msat(const struct LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
32687 /* @internal */
32688 export function ProbabilisticScoringParameters_get_liquidity_penalty_multiplier_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
32689         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32690                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32691         }
32692         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScoringParameters_get_liquidity_penalty_multiplier_msat(this_ptr);
32693         return nativeResponseValue;
32694 }
32695         // void ProbabilisticScoringParameters_set_liquidity_penalty_multiplier_msat(struct LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
32696 /* @internal */
32697 export function ProbabilisticScoringParameters_set_liquidity_penalty_multiplier_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
32698         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32699                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32700         }
32701         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScoringParameters_set_liquidity_penalty_multiplier_msat(this_ptr, val);
32702         // debug statements here
32703 }
32704         // uint64_t ProbabilisticScoringParameters_get_liquidity_offset_half_life(const struct LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
32705 /* @internal */
32706 export function ProbabilisticScoringParameters_get_liquidity_offset_half_life(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
32707         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32708                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32709         }
32710         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScoringParameters_get_liquidity_offset_half_life(this_ptr);
32711         return nativeResponseValue;
32712 }
32713         // void ProbabilisticScoringParameters_set_liquidity_offset_half_life(struct LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
32714 /* @internal */
32715 export function ProbabilisticScoringParameters_set_liquidity_offset_half_life(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
32716         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32717                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32718         }
32719         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScoringParameters_set_liquidity_offset_half_life(this_ptr, val);
32720         // debug statements here
32721 }
32722         // uint64_t ProbabilisticScoringParameters_get_liquidity_penalty_amount_multiplier_msat(const struct LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
32723 /* @internal */
32724 export function ProbabilisticScoringParameters_get_liquidity_penalty_amount_multiplier_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
32725         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32726                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32727         }
32728         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScoringParameters_get_liquidity_penalty_amount_multiplier_msat(this_ptr);
32729         return nativeResponseValue;
32730 }
32731         // void ProbabilisticScoringParameters_set_liquidity_penalty_amount_multiplier_msat(struct LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
32732 /* @internal */
32733 export function ProbabilisticScoringParameters_set_liquidity_penalty_amount_multiplier_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
32734         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32735                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32736         }
32737         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScoringParameters_set_liquidity_penalty_amount_multiplier_msat(this_ptr, val);
32738         // debug statements here
32739 }
32740         // uint64_t ProbabilisticScoringParameters_get_anti_probing_penalty_msat(const struct LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
32741 /* @internal */
32742 export function ProbabilisticScoringParameters_get_anti_probing_penalty_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
32743         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32744                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32745         }
32746         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScoringParameters_get_anti_probing_penalty_msat(this_ptr);
32747         return nativeResponseValue;
32748 }
32749         // void ProbabilisticScoringParameters_set_anti_probing_penalty_msat(struct LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
32750 /* @internal */
32751 export function ProbabilisticScoringParameters_set_anti_probing_penalty_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
32752         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32753                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32754         }
32755         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScoringParameters_set_anti_probing_penalty_msat(this_ptr, val);
32756         // debug statements here
32757 }
32758         // uint64_t ProbabilisticScoringParameters_get_considered_impossible_penalty_msat(const struct LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
32759 /* @internal */
32760 export function ProbabilisticScoringParameters_get_considered_impossible_penalty_msat(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
32761         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32762                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32763         }
32764         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScoringParameters_get_considered_impossible_penalty_msat(this_ptr);
32765         return nativeResponseValue;
32766 }
32767         // void ProbabilisticScoringParameters_set_considered_impossible_penalty_msat(struct LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
32768 /* @internal */
32769 export function ProbabilisticScoringParameters_set_considered_impossible_penalty_msat(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
32770         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32771                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32772         }
32773         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScoringParameters_set_considered_impossible_penalty_msat(this_ptr, val);
32774         // debug statements here
32775 }
32776         // uint64_t ProbabilisticScoringParameters_clone_ptr(LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters *NONNULL_PTR arg);
32777 /* @internal */
32778 export function ProbabilisticScoringParameters_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
32779         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32780                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32781         }
32782         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScoringParameters_clone_ptr(arg);
32783         return nativeResponseValue;
32784 }
32785         // struct LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters ProbabilisticScoringParameters_clone(const struct LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters *NONNULL_PTR orig);
32786 /* @internal */
32787 export function ProbabilisticScoringParameters_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
32788         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32789                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32790         }
32791         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScoringParameters_clone(orig);
32792         return nativeResponseValue;
32793 }
32794         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKProbabilisticScorer ProbabilisticScorer_new(struct LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters params, const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR network_graph, struct LDKLogger logger);
32795 /* @internal */
32796 export function ProbabilisticScorer_new(params: bigint, network_graph: bigint, logger: bigint): bigint {
32797         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32798                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32799         }
32800         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScorer_new(params, network_graph, logger);
32801         return nativeResponseValue;
32802 }
32803         // void ProbabilisticScorer_debug_log_liquidity_stats(const struct LDKProbabilisticScorer *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
32804 /* @internal */
32805 export function ProbabilisticScorer_debug_log_liquidity_stats(this_arg: bigint): void {
32806         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32807                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32808         }
32809         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScorer_debug_log_liquidity_stats(this_arg);
32810         // debug statements here
32811 }
32812         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCOption_C2Tuple_u64u64ZZ ProbabilisticScorer_estimated_channel_liquidity_range(const struct LDKProbabilisticScorer *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, uint64_t scid, const struct LDKNodeId *NONNULL_PTR target);
32813 /* @internal */
32814 export function ProbabilisticScorer_estimated_channel_liquidity_range(this_arg: bigint, scid: bigint, target: bigint): bigint {
32815         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32816                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32817         }
32818         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScorer_estimated_channel_liquidity_range(this_arg, scid, target);
32819         return nativeResponseValue;
32820 }
32821         // void ProbabilisticScorer_add_banned(struct LDKProbabilisticScorer *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKNodeId *NONNULL_PTR node_id);
32822 /* @internal */
32823 export function ProbabilisticScorer_add_banned(this_arg: bigint, node_id: bigint): void {
32824         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32825                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32826         }
32827         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScorer_add_banned(this_arg, node_id);
32828         // debug statements here
32829 }
32830         // void ProbabilisticScorer_remove_banned(struct LDKProbabilisticScorer *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKNodeId *NONNULL_PTR node_id);
32831 /* @internal */
32832 export function ProbabilisticScorer_remove_banned(this_arg: bigint, node_id: bigint): void {
32833         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32834                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32835         }
32836         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScorer_remove_banned(this_arg, node_id);
32837         // debug statements here
32838 }
32839         // void ProbabilisticScorer_set_manual_penalty(struct LDKProbabilisticScorer *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKNodeId *NONNULL_PTR node_id, uint64_t penalty);
32840 /* @internal */
32841 export function ProbabilisticScorer_set_manual_penalty(this_arg: bigint, node_id: bigint, penalty: bigint): void {
32842         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32843                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32844         }
32845         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScorer_set_manual_penalty(this_arg, node_id, penalty);
32846         // debug statements here
32847 }
32848         // void ProbabilisticScorer_remove_manual_penalty(struct LDKProbabilisticScorer *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKNodeId *NONNULL_PTR node_id);
32849 /* @internal */
32850 export function ProbabilisticScorer_remove_manual_penalty(this_arg: bigint, node_id: bigint): void {
32851         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32852                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32853         }
32854         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScorer_remove_manual_penalty(this_arg, node_id);
32855         // debug statements here
32856 }
32857         // void ProbabilisticScorer_clear_manual_penalties(struct LDKProbabilisticScorer *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
32858 /* @internal */
32859 export function ProbabilisticScorer_clear_manual_penalties(this_arg: bigint): void {
32860         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32861                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32862         }
32863         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScorer_clear_manual_penalties(this_arg);
32864         // debug statements here
32865 }
32866         // void ProbabilisticScoringParameters_add_banned_from_list(struct LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKCVec_NodeIdZ node_ids);
32867 /* @internal */
32868 export function ProbabilisticScoringParameters_add_banned_from_list(this_arg: bigint, node_ids: number): void {
32869         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32870                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32871         }
32872         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScoringParameters_add_banned_from_list(this_arg, node_ids);
32873         // debug statements here
32874 }
32875         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters ProbabilisticScoringParameters_default(void);
32876 /* @internal */
32877 export function ProbabilisticScoringParameters_default(): bigint {
32878         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32879                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32880         }
32881         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScoringParameters_default();
32882         return nativeResponseValue;
32883 }
32884         // struct LDKScore ProbabilisticScorer_as_Score(const struct LDKProbabilisticScorer *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
32885 /* @internal */
32886 export function ProbabilisticScorer_as_Score(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
32887         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32888                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32889         }
32890         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScorer_as_Score(this_arg);
32891         return nativeResponseValue;
32892 }
32893         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z ProbabilisticScorer_write(const struct LDKProbabilisticScorer *NONNULL_PTR obj);
32894 /* @internal */
32895 export function ProbabilisticScorer_write(obj: bigint): number {
32896         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32897                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32898         }
32899         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScorer_write(obj);
32900         return nativeResponseValue;
32901 }
32902         // struct LDKCResult_ProbabilisticScorerDecodeErrorZ ProbabilisticScorer_read(struct LDKu8slice ser, struct LDKProbabilisticScoringParameters arg_a, const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR arg_b, struct LDKLogger arg_c);
32903 /* @internal */
32904 export function ProbabilisticScorer_read(ser: number, arg_a: bigint, arg_b: bigint, arg_c: bigint): bigint {
32905         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32906                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32907         }
32908         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ProbabilisticScorer_read(ser, arg_a, arg_b, arg_c);
32909         return nativeResponseValue;
32910 }
32911         // void BlindedRoute_free(struct LDKBlindedRoute this_obj);
32912 /* @internal */
32913 export function BlindedRoute_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
32914         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32915                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32916         }
32917         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BlindedRoute_free(this_obj);
32918         // debug statements here
32919 }
32920         // void BlindedHop_free(struct LDKBlindedHop this_obj);
32921 /* @internal */
32922 export function BlindedHop_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
32923         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32924                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32925         }
32926         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BlindedHop_free(this_obj);
32927         // debug statements here
32928 }
32929         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_BlindedRouteNoneZ BlindedRoute_new(struct LDKCVec_PublicKeyZ node_pks, const struct LDKKeysInterface *NONNULL_PTR keys_manager);
32930 /* @internal */
32931 export function BlindedRoute_new(node_pks: number, keys_manager: bigint): bigint {
32932         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32933                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32934         }
32935         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BlindedRoute_new(node_pks, keys_manager);
32936         return nativeResponseValue;
32937 }
32938         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z BlindedRoute_write(const struct LDKBlindedRoute *NONNULL_PTR obj);
32939 /* @internal */
32940 export function BlindedRoute_write(obj: bigint): number {
32941         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32942                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32943         }
32944         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BlindedRoute_write(obj);
32945         return nativeResponseValue;
32946 }
32947         // struct LDKCResult_BlindedRouteDecodeErrorZ BlindedRoute_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
32948 /* @internal */
32949 export function BlindedRoute_read(ser: number): bigint {
32950         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32951                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32952         }
32953         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BlindedRoute_read(ser);
32954         return nativeResponseValue;
32955 }
32956         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z BlindedHop_write(const struct LDKBlindedHop *NONNULL_PTR obj);
32957 /* @internal */
32958 export function BlindedHop_write(obj: bigint): number {
32959         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32960                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32961         }
32962         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BlindedHop_write(obj);
32963         return nativeResponseValue;
32964 }
32965         // struct LDKCResult_BlindedHopDecodeErrorZ BlindedHop_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
32966 /* @internal */
32967 export function BlindedHop_read(ser: number): bigint {
32968         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32969                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32970         }
32971         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_BlindedHop_read(ser);
32972         return nativeResponseValue;
32973 }
32974         // void OnionMessenger_free(struct LDKOnionMessenger this_obj);
32975 /* @internal */
32976 export function OnionMessenger_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
32977         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32978                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32979         }
32980         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OnionMessenger_free(this_obj);
32981         // debug statements here
32982 }
32983         // void Destination_free(struct LDKDestination this_ptr);
32984 /* @internal */
32985 export function Destination_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
32986         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32987                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32988         }
32989         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Destination_free(this_ptr);
32990         // debug statements here
32991 }
32992         // struct LDKDestination Destination_node(struct LDKPublicKey a);
32993 /* @internal */
32994 export function Destination_node(a: number): bigint {
32995         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
32996                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
32997         }
32998         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Destination_node(a);
32999         return nativeResponseValue;
33000 }
33001         // struct LDKDestination Destination_blinded_route(struct LDKBlindedRoute a);
33002 /* @internal */
33003 export function Destination_blinded_route(a: bigint): bigint {
33004         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33005                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33006         }
33007         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Destination_blinded_route(a);
33008         return nativeResponseValue;
33009 }
33010         // void SendError_free(struct LDKSendError this_ptr);
33011 /* @internal */
33012 export function SendError_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
33013         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33014                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33015         }
33016         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SendError_free(this_ptr);
33017         // debug statements here
33018 }
33019         // uint64_t SendError_clone_ptr(LDKSendError *NONNULL_PTR arg);
33020 /* @internal */
33021 export function SendError_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
33022         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33023                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33024         }
33025         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SendError_clone_ptr(arg);
33026         return nativeResponseValue;
33027 }
33028         // struct LDKSendError SendError_clone(const struct LDKSendError *NONNULL_PTR orig);
33029 /* @internal */
33030 export function SendError_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
33031         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33032                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33033         }
33034         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SendError_clone(orig);
33035         return nativeResponseValue;
33036 }
33037         // struct LDKSendError SendError_secp256k1(enum LDKSecp256k1Error a);
33038 /* @internal */
33039 export function SendError_secp256k1(a: Secp256k1Error): bigint {
33040         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33041                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33042         }
33043         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SendError_secp256k1(a);
33044         return nativeResponseValue;
33045 }
33046         // struct LDKSendError SendError_too_big_packet(void);
33047 /* @internal */
33048 export function SendError_too_big_packet(): bigint {
33049         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33050                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33051         }
33052         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SendError_too_big_packet();
33053         return nativeResponseValue;
33054 }
33055         // struct LDKSendError SendError_too_few_blinded_hops(void);
33056 /* @internal */
33057 export function SendError_too_few_blinded_hops(): bigint {
33058         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33059                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33060         }
33061         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SendError_too_few_blinded_hops();
33062         return nativeResponseValue;
33063 }
33064         // struct LDKSendError SendError_invalid_first_hop(void);
33065 /* @internal */
33066 export function SendError_invalid_first_hop(): bigint {
33067         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33068                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33069         }
33070         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SendError_invalid_first_hop();
33071         return nativeResponseValue;
33072 }
33073         // struct LDKSendError SendError_buffer_full(void);
33074 /* @internal */
33075 export function SendError_buffer_full(): bigint {
33076         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33077                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33078         }
33079         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SendError_buffer_full();
33080         return nativeResponseValue;
33081 }
33082         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKOnionMessenger OnionMessenger_new(struct LDKKeysInterface keys_manager, struct LDKLogger logger);
33083 /* @internal */
33084 export function OnionMessenger_new(keys_manager: bigint, logger: bigint): bigint {
33085         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33086                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33087         }
33088         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OnionMessenger_new(keys_manager, logger);
33089         return nativeResponseValue;
33090 }
33091         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NoneSendErrorZ OnionMessenger_send_onion_message(const struct LDKOnionMessenger *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKCVec_PublicKeyZ intermediate_nodes, struct LDKDestination destination, struct LDKBlindedRoute reply_path);
33092 /* @internal */
33093 export function OnionMessenger_send_onion_message(this_arg: bigint, intermediate_nodes: number, destination: bigint, reply_path: bigint): bigint {
33094         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33095                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33096         }
33097         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OnionMessenger_send_onion_message(this_arg, intermediate_nodes, destination, reply_path);
33098         return nativeResponseValue;
33099 }
33100         // struct LDKOnionMessageHandler OnionMessenger_as_OnionMessageHandler(const struct LDKOnionMessenger *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
33101 /* @internal */
33102 export function OnionMessenger_as_OnionMessageHandler(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
33103         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33104                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33105         }
33106         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OnionMessenger_as_OnionMessageHandler(this_arg);
33107         return nativeResponseValue;
33108 }
33109         // struct LDKOnionMessageProvider OnionMessenger_as_OnionMessageProvider(const struct LDKOnionMessenger *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
33110 /* @internal */
33111 export function OnionMessenger_as_OnionMessageProvider(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
33112         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33113                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33114         }
33115         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_OnionMessenger_as_OnionMessageProvider(this_arg);
33116         return nativeResponseValue;
33117 }
33118         // void ParseError_free(struct LDKParseError this_ptr);
33119 /* @internal */
33120 export function ParseError_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
33121         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33122                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33123         }
33124         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_free(this_ptr);
33125         // debug statements here
33126 }
33127         // uint64_t ParseError_clone_ptr(LDKParseError *NONNULL_PTR arg);
33128 /* @internal */
33129 export function ParseError_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
33130         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33131                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33132         }
33133         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_clone_ptr(arg);
33134         return nativeResponseValue;
33135 }
33136         // struct LDKParseError ParseError_clone(const struct LDKParseError *NONNULL_PTR orig);
33137 /* @internal */
33138 export function ParseError_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
33139         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33140                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33141         }
33142         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_clone(orig);
33143         return nativeResponseValue;
33144 }
33145         // struct LDKParseError ParseError_bech32_error(struct LDKBech32Error a);
33146 /* @internal */
33147 export function ParseError_bech32_error(a: bigint): bigint {
33148         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33149                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33150         }
33151         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_bech32_error(a);
33152         return nativeResponseValue;
33153 }
33154         // struct LDKParseError ParseError_parse_amount_error(struct LDKError a);
33155 /* @internal */
33156 export function ParseError_parse_amount_error(a: number): bigint {
33157         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33158                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33159         }
33160         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_parse_amount_error(a);
33161         return nativeResponseValue;
33162 }
33163         // struct LDKParseError ParseError_malformed_signature(enum LDKSecp256k1Error a);
33164 /* @internal */
33165 export function ParseError_malformed_signature(a: Secp256k1Error): bigint {
33166         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33167                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33168         }
33169         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_malformed_signature(a);
33170         return nativeResponseValue;
33171 }
33172         // struct LDKParseError ParseError_bad_prefix(void);
33173 /* @internal */
33174 export function ParseError_bad_prefix(): bigint {
33175         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33176                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33177         }
33178         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_bad_prefix();
33179         return nativeResponseValue;
33180 }
33181         // struct LDKParseError ParseError_unknown_currency(void);
33182 /* @internal */
33183 export function ParseError_unknown_currency(): bigint {
33184         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33185                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33186         }
33187         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_unknown_currency();
33188         return nativeResponseValue;
33189 }
33190         // struct LDKParseError ParseError_unknown_si_prefix(void);
33191 /* @internal */
33192 export function ParseError_unknown_si_prefix(): bigint {
33193         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33194                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33195         }
33196         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_unknown_si_prefix();
33197         return nativeResponseValue;
33198 }
33199         // struct LDKParseError ParseError_malformed_hrp(void);
33200 /* @internal */
33201 export function ParseError_malformed_hrp(): bigint {
33202         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33203                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33204         }
33205         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_malformed_hrp();
33206         return nativeResponseValue;
33207 }
33208         // struct LDKParseError ParseError_too_short_data_part(void);
33209 /* @internal */
33210 export function ParseError_too_short_data_part(): bigint {
33211         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33212                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33213         }
33214         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_too_short_data_part();
33215         return nativeResponseValue;
33216 }
33217         // struct LDKParseError ParseError_unexpected_end_of_tagged_fields(void);
33218 /* @internal */
33219 export function ParseError_unexpected_end_of_tagged_fields(): bigint {
33220         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33221                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33222         }
33223         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_unexpected_end_of_tagged_fields();
33224         return nativeResponseValue;
33225 }
33226         // struct LDKParseError ParseError_description_decode_error(struct LDKError a);
33227 /* @internal */
33228 export function ParseError_description_decode_error(a: number): bigint {
33229         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33230                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33231         }
33232         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_description_decode_error(a);
33233         return nativeResponseValue;
33234 }
33235         // struct LDKParseError ParseError_padding_error(void);
33236 /* @internal */
33237 export function ParseError_padding_error(): bigint {
33238         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33239                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33240         }
33241         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_padding_error();
33242         return nativeResponseValue;
33243 }
33244         // struct LDKParseError ParseError_integer_overflow_error(void);
33245 /* @internal */
33246 export function ParseError_integer_overflow_error(): bigint {
33247         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33248                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33249         }
33250         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_integer_overflow_error();
33251         return nativeResponseValue;
33252 }
33253         // struct LDKParseError ParseError_invalid_seg_wit_program_length(void);
33254 /* @internal */
33255 export function ParseError_invalid_seg_wit_program_length(): bigint {
33256         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33257                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33258         }
33259         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_invalid_seg_wit_program_length();
33260         return nativeResponseValue;
33261 }
33262         // struct LDKParseError ParseError_invalid_pub_key_hash_length(void);
33263 /* @internal */
33264 export function ParseError_invalid_pub_key_hash_length(): bigint {
33265         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33266                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33267         }
33268         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_invalid_pub_key_hash_length();
33269         return nativeResponseValue;
33270 }
33271         // struct LDKParseError ParseError_invalid_script_hash_length(void);
33272 /* @internal */
33273 export function ParseError_invalid_script_hash_length(): bigint {
33274         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33275                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33276         }
33277         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_invalid_script_hash_length();
33278         return nativeResponseValue;
33279 }
33280         // struct LDKParseError ParseError_invalid_recovery_id(void);
33281 /* @internal */
33282 export function ParseError_invalid_recovery_id(): bigint {
33283         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33284                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33285         }
33286         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_invalid_recovery_id();
33287         return nativeResponseValue;
33288 }
33289         // struct LDKParseError ParseError_invalid_slice_length(struct LDKStr a);
33290 /* @internal */
33291 export function ParseError_invalid_slice_length(a: number): bigint {
33292         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33293                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33294         }
33295         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_invalid_slice_length(a);
33296         return nativeResponseValue;
33297 }
33298         // struct LDKParseError ParseError_skip(void);
33299 /* @internal */
33300 export function ParseError_skip(): bigint {
33301         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33302                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33303         }
33304         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_skip();
33305         return nativeResponseValue;
33306 }
33307         // void ParseOrSemanticError_free(struct LDKParseOrSemanticError this_ptr);
33308 /* @internal */
33309 export function ParseOrSemanticError_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
33310         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33311                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33312         }
33313         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseOrSemanticError_free(this_ptr);
33314         // debug statements here
33315 }
33316         // uint64_t ParseOrSemanticError_clone_ptr(LDKParseOrSemanticError *NONNULL_PTR arg);
33317 /* @internal */
33318 export function ParseOrSemanticError_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
33319         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33320                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33321         }
33322         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseOrSemanticError_clone_ptr(arg);
33323         return nativeResponseValue;
33324 }
33325         // struct LDKParseOrSemanticError ParseOrSemanticError_clone(const struct LDKParseOrSemanticError *NONNULL_PTR orig);
33326 /* @internal */
33327 export function ParseOrSemanticError_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
33328         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33329                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33330         }
33331         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseOrSemanticError_clone(orig);
33332         return nativeResponseValue;
33333 }
33334         // struct LDKParseOrSemanticError ParseOrSemanticError_parse_error(struct LDKParseError a);
33335 /* @internal */
33336 export function ParseOrSemanticError_parse_error(a: bigint): bigint {
33337         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33338                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33339         }
33340         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseOrSemanticError_parse_error(a);
33341         return nativeResponseValue;
33342 }
33343         // struct LDKParseOrSemanticError ParseOrSemanticError_semantic_error(enum LDKSemanticError a);
33344 /* @internal */
33345 export function ParseOrSemanticError_semantic_error(a: SemanticError): bigint {
33346         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33347                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33348         }
33349         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseOrSemanticError_semantic_error(a);
33350         return nativeResponseValue;
33351 }
33352         // void Invoice_free(struct LDKInvoice this_obj);
33353 /* @internal */
33354 export function Invoice_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
33355         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33356                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33357         }
33358         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_free(this_obj);
33359         // debug statements here
33360 }
33361         // bool Invoice_eq(const struct LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR b);
33362 /* @internal */
33363 export function Invoice_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
33364         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33365                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33366         }
33367         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_eq(a, b);
33368         return nativeResponseValue;
33369 }
33370         // uint64_t Invoice_clone_ptr(LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR arg);
33371 /* @internal */
33372 export function Invoice_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
33373         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33374                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33375         }
33376         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_clone_ptr(arg);
33377         return nativeResponseValue;
33378 }
33379         // struct LDKInvoice Invoice_clone(const struct LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR orig);
33380 /* @internal */
33381 export function Invoice_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
33382         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33383                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33384         }
33385         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_clone(orig);
33386         return nativeResponseValue;
33387 }
33388         // uint64_t Invoice_hash(const struct LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR o);
33389 /* @internal */
33390 export function Invoice_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
33391         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33392                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33393         }
33394         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_hash(o);
33395         return nativeResponseValue;
33396 }
33397         // void SignedRawInvoice_free(struct LDKSignedRawInvoice this_obj);
33398 /* @internal */
33399 export function SignedRawInvoice_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
33400         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33401                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33402         }
33403         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SignedRawInvoice_free(this_obj);
33404         // debug statements here
33405 }
33406         // bool SignedRawInvoice_eq(const struct LDKSignedRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKSignedRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR b);
33407 /* @internal */
33408 export function SignedRawInvoice_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
33409         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33410                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33411         }
33412         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SignedRawInvoice_eq(a, b);
33413         return nativeResponseValue;
33414 }
33415         // uint64_t SignedRawInvoice_clone_ptr(LDKSignedRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR arg);
33416 /* @internal */
33417 export function SignedRawInvoice_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
33418         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33419                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33420         }
33421         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SignedRawInvoice_clone_ptr(arg);
33422         return nativeResponseValue;
33423 }
33424         // struct LDKSignedRawInvoice SignedRawInvoice_clone(const struct LDKSignedRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR orig);
33425 /* @internal */
33426 export function SignedRawInvoice_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
33427         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33428                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33429         }
33430         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SignedRawInvoice_clone(orig);
33431         return nativeResponseValue;
33432 }
33433         // uint64_t SignedRawInvoice_hash(const struct LDKSignedRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR o);
33434 /* @internal */
33435 export function SignedRawInvoice_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
33436         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33437                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33438         }
33439         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SignedRawInvoice_hash(o);
33440         return nativeResponseValue;
33441 }
33442         // void RawInvoice_free(struct LDKRawInvoice this_obj);
33443 /* @internal */
33444 export function RawInvoice_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
33445         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33446                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33447         }
33448         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawInvoice_free(this_obj);
33449         // debug statements here
33450 }
33451         // struct LDKRawDataPart RawInvoice_get_data(const struct LDKRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
33452 /* @internal */
33453 export function RawInvoice_get_data(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
33454         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33455                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33456         }
33457         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawInvoice_get_data(this_ptr);
33458         return nativeResponseValue;
33459 }
33460         // void RawInvoice_set_data(struct LDKRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKRawDataPart val);
33461 /* @internal */
33462 export function RawInvoice_set_data(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
33463         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33464                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33465         }
33466         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawInvoice_set_data(this_ptr, val);
33467         // debug statements here
33468 }
33469         // bool RawInvoice_eq(const struct LDKRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR b);
33470 /* @internal */
33471 export function RawInvoice_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
33472         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33473                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33474         }
33475         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawInvoice_eq(a, b);
33476         return nativeResponseValue;
33477 }
33478         // uint64_t RawInvoice_clone_ptr(LDKRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR arg);
33479 /* @internal */
33480 export function RawInvoice_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
33481         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33482                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33483         }
33484         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawInvoice_clone_ptr(arg);
33485         return nativeResponseValue;
33486 }
33487         // struct LDKRawInvoice RawInvoice_clone(const struct LDKRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR orig);
33488 /* @internal */
33489 export function RawInvoice_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
33490         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33491                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33492         }
33493         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawInvoice_clone(orig);
33494         return nativeResponseValue;
33495 }
33496         // uint64_t RawInvoice_hash(const struct LDKRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR o);
33497 /* @internal */
33498 export function RawInvoice_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
33499         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33500                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33501         }
33502         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawInvoice_hash(o);
33503         return nativeResponseValue;
33504 }
33505         // void RawDataPart_free(struct LDKRawDataPart this_obj);
33506 /* @internal */
33507 export function RawDataPart_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
33508         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33509                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33510         }
33511         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawDataPart_free(this_obj);
33512         // debug statements here
33513 }
33514         // struct LDKPositiveTimestamp RawDataPart_get_timestamp(const struct LDKRawDataPart *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
33515 /* @internal */
33516 export function RawDataPart_get_timestamp(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
33517         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33518                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33519         }
33520         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawDataPart_get_timestamp(this_ptr);
33521         return nativeResponseValue;
33522 }
33523         // void RawDataPart_set_timestamp(struct LDKRawDataPart *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPositiveTimestamp val);
33524 /* @internal */
33525 export function RawDataPart_set_timestamp(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
33526         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33527                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33528         }
33529         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawDataPart_set_timestamp(this_ptr, val);
33530         // debug statements here
33531 }
33532         // bool RawDataPart_eq(const struct LDKRawDataPart *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKRawDataPart *NONNULL_PTR b);
33533 /* @internal */
33534 export function RawDataPart_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
33535         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33536                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33537         }
33538         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawDataPart_eq(a, b);
33539         return nativeResponseValue;
33540 }
33541         // uint64_t RawDataPart_clone_ptr(LDKRawDataPart *NONNULL_PTR arg);
33542 /* @internal */
33543 export function RawDataPart_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
33544         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33545                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33546         }
33547         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawDataPart_clone_ptr(arg);
33548         return nativeResponseValue;
33549 }
33550         // struct LDKRawDataPart RawDataPart_clone(const struct LDKRawDataPart *NONNULL_PTR orig);
33551 /* @internal */
33552 export function RawDataPart_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
33553         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33554                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33555         }
33556         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawDataPart_clone(orig);
33557         return nativeResponseValue;
33558 }
33559         // uint64_t RawDataPart_hash(const struct LDKRawDataPart *NONNULL_PTR o);
33560 /* @internal */
33561 export function RawDataPart_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
33562         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33563                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33564         }
33565         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawDataPart_hash(o);
33566         return nativeResponseValue;
33567 }
33568         // void PositiveTimestamp_free(struct LDKPositiveTimestamp this_obj);
33569 /* @internal */
33570 export function PositiveTimestamp_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
33571         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33572                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33573         }
33574         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PositiveTimestamp_free(this_obj);
33575         // debug statements here
33576 }
33577         // bool PositiveTimestamp_eq(const struct LDKPositiveTimestamp *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKPositiveTimestamp *NONNULL_PTR b);
33578 /* @internal */
33579 export function PositiveTimestamp_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
33580         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33581                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33582         }
33583         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PositiveTimestamp_eq(a, b);
33584         return nativeResponseValue;
33585 }
33586         // uint64_t PositiveTimestamp_clone_ptr(LDKPositiveTimestamp *NONNULL_PTR arg);
33587 /* @internal */
33588 export function PositiveTimestamp_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
33589         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33590                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33591         }
33592         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PositiveTimestamp_clone_ptr(arg);
33593         return nativeResponseValue;
33594 }
33595         // struct LDKPositiveTimestamp PositiveTimestamp_clone(const struct LDKPositiveTimestamp *NONNULL_PTR orig);
33596 /* @internal */
33597 export function PositiveTimestamp_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
33598         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33599                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33600         }
33601         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PositiveTimestamp_clone(orig);
33602         return nativeResponseValue;
33603 }
33604         // uint64_t PositiveTimestamp_hash(const struct LDKPositiveTimestamp *NONNULL_PTR o);
33605 /* @internal */
33606 export function PositiveTimestamp_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
33607         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33608                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33609         }
33610         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PositiveTimestamp_hash(o);
33611         return nativeResponseValue;
33612 }
33613         // enum LDKSiPrefix SiPrefix_clone(const enum LDKSiPrefix *NONNULL_PTR orig);
33614 /* @internal */
33615 export function SiPrefix_clone(orig: bigint): SiPrefix {
33616         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33617                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33618         }
33619         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SiPrefix_clone(orig);
33620         return nativeResponseValue;
33621 }
33622         // enum LDKSiPrefix SiPrefix_milli(void);
33623 /* @internal */
33624 export function SiPrefix_milli(): SiPrefix {
33625         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33626                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33627         }
33628         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SiPrefix_milli();
33629         return nativeResponseValue;
33630 }
33631         // enum LDKSiPrefix SiPrefix_micro(void);
33632 /* @internal */
33633 export function SiPrefix_micro(): SiPrefix {
33634         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33635                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33636         }
33637         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SiPrefix_micro();
33638         return nativeResponseValue;
33639 }
33640         // enum LDKSiPrefix SiPrefix_nano(void);
33641 /* @internal */
33642 export function SiPrefix_nano(): SiPrefix {
33643         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33644                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33645         }
33646         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SiPrefix_nano();
33647         return nativeResponseValue;
33648 }
33649         // enum LDKSiPrefix SiPrefix_pico(void);
33650 /* @internal */
33651 export function SiPrefix_pico(): SiPrefix {
33652         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33653                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33654         }
33655         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SiPrefix_pico();
33656         return nativeResponseValue;
33657 }
33658         // bool SiPrefix_eq(const enum LDKSiPrefix *NONNULL_PTR a, const enum LDKSiPrefix *NONNULL_PTR b);
33659 /* @internal */
33660 export function SiPrefix_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
33661         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33662                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33663         }
33664         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SiPrefix_eq(a, b);
33665         return nativeResponseValue;
33666 }
33667         // uint64_t SiPrefix_hash(const enum LDKSiPrefix *NONNULL_PTR o);
33668 /* @internal */
33669 export function SiPrefix_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
33670         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33671                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33672         }
33673         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SiPrefix_hash(o);
33674         return nativeResponseValue;
33675 }
33676         // MUST_USE_RES uint64_t SiPrefix_multiplier(const enum LDKSiPrefix *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
33677 /* @internal */
33678 export function SiPrefix_multiplier(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
33679         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33680                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33681         }
33682         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SiPrefix_multiplier(this_arg);
33683         return nativeResponseValue;
33684 }
33685         // enum LDKCurrency Currency_clone(const enum LDKCurrency *NONNULL_PTR orig);
33686 /* @internal */
33687 export function Currency_clone(orig: bigint): Currency {
33688         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33689                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33690         }
33691         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Currency_clone(orig);
33692         return nativeResponseValue;
33693 }
33694         // enum LDKCurrency Currency_bitcoin(void);
33695 /* @internal */
33696 export function Currency_bitcoin(): Currency {
33697         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33698                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33699         }
33700         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Currency_bitcoin();
33701         return nativeResponseValue;
33702 }
33703         // enum LDKCurrency Currency_bitcoin_testnet(void);
33704 /* @internal */
33705 export function Currency_bitcoin_testnet(): Currency {
33706         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33707                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33708         }
33709         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Currency_bitcoin_testnet();
33710         return nativeResponseValue;
33711 }
33712         // enum LDKCurrency Currency_regtest(void);
33713 /* @internal */
33714 export function Currency_regtest(): Currency {
33715         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33716                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33717         }
33718         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Currency_regtest();
33719         return nativeResponseValue;
33720 }
33721         // enum LDKCurrency Currency_simnet(void);
33722 /* @internal */
33723 export function Currency_simnet(): Currency {
33724         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33725                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33726         }
33727         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Currency_simnet();
33728         return nativeResponseValue;
33729 }
33730         // enum LDKCurrency Currency_signet(void);
33731 /* @internal */
33732 export function Currency_signet(): Currency {
33733         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33734                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33735         }
33736         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Currency_signet();
33737         return nativeResponseValue;
33738 }
33739         // uint64_t Currency_hash(const enum LDKCurrency *NONNULL_PTR o);
33740 /* @internal */
33741 export function Currency_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
33742         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33743                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33744         }
33745         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Currency_hash(o);
33746         return nativeResponseValue;
33747 }
33748         // bool Currency_eq(const enum LDKCurrency *NONNULL_PTR a, const enum LDKCurrency *NONNULL_PTR b);
33749 /* @internal */
33750 export function Currency_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
33751         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33752                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33753         }
33754         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Currency_eq(a, b);
33755         return nativeResponseValue;
33756 }
33757         // void Sha256_free(struct LDKSha256 this_obj);
33758 /* @internal */
33759 export function Sha256_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
33760         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33761                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33762         }
33763         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Sha256_free(this_obj);
33764         // debug statements here
33765 }
33766         // uint64_t Sha256_clone_ptr(LDKSha256 *NONNULL_PTR arg);
33767 /* @internal */
33768 export function Sha256_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
33769         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33770                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33771         }
33772         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Sha256_clone_ptr(arg);
33773         return nativeResponseValue;
33774 }
33775         // struct LDKSha256 Sha256_clone(const struct LDKSha256 *NONNULL_PTR orig);
33776 /* @internal */
33777 export function Sha256_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
33778         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33779                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33780         }
33781         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Sha256_clone(orig);
33782         return nativeResponseValue;
33783 }
33784         // uint64_t Sha256_hash(const struct LDKSha256 *NONNULL_PTR o);
33785 /* @internal */
33786 export function Sha256_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
33787         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33788                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33789         }
33790         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Sha256_hash(o);
33791         return nativeResponseValue;
33792 }
33793         // bool Sha256_eq(const struct LDKSha256 *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKSha256 *NONNULL_PTR b);
33794 /* @internal */
33795 export function Sha256_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
33796         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33797                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33798         }
33799         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Sha256_eq(a, b);
33800         return nativeResponseValue;
33801 }
33802         // void Description_free(struct LDKDescription this_obj);
33803 /* @internal */
33804 export function Description_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
33805         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33806                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33807         }
33808         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Description_free(this_obj);
33809         // debug statements here
33810 }
33811         // uint64_t Description_clone_ptr(LDKDescription *NONNULL_PTR arg);
33812 /* @internal */
33813 export function Description_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
33814         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33815                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33816         }
33817         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Description_clone_ptr(arg);
33818         return nativeResponseValue;
33819 }
33820         // struct LDKDescription Description_clone(const struct LDKDescription *NONNULL_PTR orig);
33821 /* @internal */
33822 export function Description_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
33823         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33824                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33825         }
33826         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Description_clone(orig);
33827         return nativeResponseValue;
33828 }
33829         // uint64_t Description_hash(const struct LDKDescription *NONNULL_PTR o);
33830 /* @internal */
33831 export function Description_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
33832         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33833                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33834         }
33835         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Description_hash(o);
33836         return nativeResponseValue;
33837 }
33838         // bool Description_eq(const struct LDKDescription *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKDescription *NONNULL_PTR b);
33839 /* @internal */
33840 export function Description_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
33841         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33842                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33843         }
33844         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Description_eq(a, b);
33845         return nativeResponseValue;
33846 }
33847         // void PayeePubKey_free(struct LDKPayeePubKey this_obj);
33848 /* @internal */
33849 export function PayeePubKey_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
33850         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33851                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33852         }
33853         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PayeePubKey_free(this_obj);
33854         // debug statements here
33855 }
33856         // struct LDKPublicKey PayeePubKey_get_a(const struct LDKPayeePubKey *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
33857 /* @internal */
33858 export function PayeePubKey_get_a(this_ptr: bigint): number {
33859         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33860                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33861         }
33862         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PayeePubKey_get_a(this_ptr);
33863         return nativeResponseValue;
33864 }
33865         // void PayeePubKey_set_a(struct LDKPayeePubKey *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, struct LDKPublicKey val);
33866 /* @internal */
33867 export function PayeePubKey_set_a(this_ptr: bigint, val: number): void {
33868         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33869                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33870         }
33871         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PayeePubKey_set_a(this_ptr, val);
33872         // debug statements here
33873 }
33874         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKPayeePubKey PayeePubKey_new(struct LDKPublicKey a_arg);
33875 /* @internal */
33876 export function PayeePubKey_new(a_arg: number): bigint {
33877         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33878                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33879         }
33880         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PayeePubKey_new(a_arg);
33881         return nativeResponseValue;
33882 }
33883         // uint64_t PayeePubKey_clone_ptr(LDKPayeePubKey *NONNULL_PTR arg);
33884 /* @internal */
33885 export function PayeePubKey_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
33886         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33887                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33888         }
33889         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PayeePubKey_clone_ptr(arg);
33890         return nativeResponseValue;
33891 }
33892         // struct LDKPayeePubKey PayeePubKey_clone(const struct LDKPayeePubKey *NONNULL_PTR orig);
33893 /* @internal */
33894 export function PayeePubKey_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
33895         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33896                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33897         }
33898         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PayeePubKey_clone(orig);
33899         return nativeResponseValue;
33900 }
33901         // uint64_t PayeePubKey_hash(const struct LDKPayeePubKey *NONNULL_PTR o);
33902 /* @internal */
33903 export function PayeePubKey_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
33904         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33905                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33906         }
33907         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PayeePubKey_hash(o);
33908         return nativeResponseValue;
33909 }
33910         // bool PayeePubKey_eq(const struct LDKPayeePubKey *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKPayeePubKey *NONNULL_PTR b);
33911 /* @internal */
33912 export function PayeePubKey_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
33913         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33914                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33915         }
33916         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PayeePubKey_eq(a, b);
33917         return nativeResponseValue;
33918 }
33919         // void ExpiryTime_free(struct LDKExpiryTime this_obj);
33920 /* @internal */
33921 export function ExpiryTime_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
33922         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33923                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33924         }
33925         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ExpiryTime_free(this_obj);
33926         // debug statements here
33927 }
33928         // uint64_t ExpiryTime_clone_ptr(LDKExpiryTime *NONNULL_PTR arg);
33929 /* @internal */
33930 export function ExpiryTime_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
33931         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33932                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33933         }
33934         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ExpiryTime_clone_ptr(arg);
33935         return nativeResponseValue;
33936 }
33937         // struct LDKExpiryTime ExpiryTime_clone(const struct LDKExpiryTime *NONNULL_PTR orig);
33938 /* @internal */
33939 export function ExpiryTime_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
33940         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33941                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33942         }
33943         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ExpiryTime_clone(orig);
33944         return nativeResponseValue;
33945 }
33946         // uint64_t ExpiryTime_hash(const struct LDKExpiryTime *NONNULL_PTR o);
33947 /* @internal */
33948 export function ExpiryTime_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
33949         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33950                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33951         }
33952         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ExpiryTime_hash(o);
33953         return nativeResponseValue;
33954 }
33955         // bool ExpiryTime_eq(const struct LDKExpiryTime *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKExpiryTime *NONNULL_PTR b);
33956 /* @internal */
33957 export function ExpiryTime_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
33958         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33959                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33960         }
33961         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ExpiryTime_eq(a, b);
33962         return nativeResponseValue;
33963 }
33964         // void MinFinalCltvExpiry_free(struct LDKMinFinalCltvExpiry this_obj);
33965 /* @internal */
33966 export function MinFinalCltvExpiry_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
33967         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33968                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33969         }
33970         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MinFinalCltvExpiry_free(this_obj);
33971         // debug statements here
33972 }
33973         // uint64_t MinFinalCltvExpiry_get_a(const struct LDKMinFinalCltvExpiry *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr);
33974 /* @internal */
33975 export function MinFinalCltvExpiry_get_a(this_ptr: bigint): bigint {
33976         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33977                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33978         }
33979         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MinFinalCltvExpiry_get_a(this_ptr);
33980         return nativeResponseValue;
33981 }
33982         // void MinFinalCltvExpiry_set_a(struct LDKMinFinalCltvExpiry *NONNULL_PTR this_ptr, uint64_t val);
33983 /* @internal */
33984 export function MinFinalCltvExpiry_set_a(this_ptr: bigint, val: bigint): void {
33985         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33986                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33987         }
33988         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MinFinalCltvExpiry_set_a(this_ptr, val);
33989         // debug statements here
33990 }
33991         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKMinFinalCltvExpiry MinFinalCltvExpiry_new(uint64_t a_arg);
33992 /* @internal */
33993 export function MinFinalCltvExpiry_new(a_arg: bigint): bigint {
33994         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
33995                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
33996         }
33997         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MinFinalCltvExpiry_new(a_arg);
33998         return nativeResponseValue;
33999 }
34000         // uint64_t MinFinalCltvExpiry_clone_ptr(LDKMinFinalCltvExpiry *NONNULL_PTR arg);
34001 /* @internal */
34002 export function MinFinalCltvExpiry_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
34003         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34004                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34005         }
34006         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MinFinalCltvExpiry_clone_ptr(arg);
34007         return nativeResponseValue;
34008 }
34009         // struct LDKMinFinalCltvExpiry MinFinalCltvExpiry_clone(const struct LDKMinFinalCltvExpiry *NONNULL_PTR orig);
34010 /* @internal */
34011 export function MinFinalCltvExpiry_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
34012         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34013                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34014         }
34015         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MinFinalCltvExpiry_clone(orig);
34016         return nativeResponseValue;
34017 }
34018         // uint64_t MinFinalCltvExpiry_hash(const struct LDKMinFinalCltvExpiry *NONNULL_PTR o);
34019 /* @internal */
34020 export function MinFinalCltvExpiry_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
34021         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34022                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34023         }
34024         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MinFinalCltvExpiry_hash(o);
34025         return nativeResponseValue;
34026 }
34027         // bool MinFinalCltvExpiry_eq(const struct LDKMinFinalCltvExpiry *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKMinFinalCltvExpiry *NONNULL_PTR b);
34028 /* @internal */
34029 export function MinFinalCltvExpiry_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
34030         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34031                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34032         }
34033         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_MinFinalCltvExpiry_eq(a, b);
34034         return nativeResponseValue;
34035 }
34036         // void Fallback_free(struct LDKFallback this_ptr);
34037 /* @internal */
34038 export function Fallback_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
34039         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34040                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34041         }
34042         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Fallback_free(this_ptr);
34043         // debug statements here
34044 }
34045         // uint64_t Fallback_clone_ptr(LDKFallback *NONNULL_PTR arg);
34046 /* @internal */
34047 export function Fallback_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
34048         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34049                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34050         }
34051         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Fallback_clone_ptr(arg);
34052         return nativeResponseValue;
34053 }
34054         // struct LDKFallback Fallback_clone(const struct LDKFallback *NONNULL_PTR orig);
34055 /* @internal */
34056 export function Fallback_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
34057         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34058                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34059         }
34060         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Fallback_clone(orig);
34061         return nativeResponseValue;
34062 }
34063         // struct LDKFallback Fallback_seg_wit_program(struct LDKu5 version, struct LDKCVec_u8Z program);
34064 /* @internal */
34065 export function Fallback_seg_wit_program(version: number, program: number): bigint {
34066         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34067                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34068         }
34069         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Fallback_seg_wit_program(version, program);
34070         return nativeResponseValue;
34071 }
34072         // struct LDKFallback Fallback_pub_key_hash(struct LDKTwentyBytes a);
34073 /* @internal */
34074 export function Fallback_pub_key_hash(a: number): bigint {
34075         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34076                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34077         }
34078         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Fallback_pub_key_hash(a);
34079         return nativeResponseValue;
34080 }
34081         // struct LDKFallback Fallback_script_hash(struct LDKTwentyBytes a);
34082 /* @internal */
34083 export function Fallback_script_hash(a: number): bigint {
34084         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34085                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34086         }
34087         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Fallback_script_hash(a);
34088         return nativeResponseValue;
34089 }
34090         // uint64_t Fallback_hash(const struct LDKFallback *NONNULL_PTR o);
34091 /* @internal */
34092 export function Fallback_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
34093         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34094                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34095         }
34096         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Fallback_hash(o);
34097         return nativeResponseValue;
34098 }
34099         // bool Fallback_eq(const struct LDKFallback *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKFallback *NONNULL_PTR b);
34100 /* @internal */
34101 export function Fallback_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
34102         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34103                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34104         }
34105         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Fallback_eq(a, b);
34106         return nativeResponseValue;
34107 }
34108         // void InvoiceSignature_free(struct LDKInvoiceSignature this_obj);
34109 /* @internal */
34110 export function InvoiceSignature_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
34111         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34112                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34113         }
34114         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceSignature_free(this_obj);
34115         // debug statements here
34116 }
34117         // uint64_t InvoiceSignature_clone_ptr(LDKInvoiceSignature *NONNULL_PTR arg);
34118 /* @internal */
34119 export function InvoiceSignature_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
34120         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34121                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34122         }
34123         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceSignature_clone_ptr(arg);
34124         return nativeResponseValue;
34125 }
34126         // struct LDKInvoiceSignature InvoiceSignature_clone(const struct LDKInvoiceSignature *NONNULL_PTR orig);
34127 /* @internal */
34128 export function InvoiceSignature_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
34129         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34130                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34131         }
34132         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceSignature_clone(orig);
34133         return nativeResponseValue;
34134 }
34135         // uint64_t InvoiceSignature_hash(const struct LDKInvoiceSignature *NONNULL_PTR o);
34136 /* @internal */
34137 export function InvoiceSignature_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
34138         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34139                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34140         }
34141         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceSignature_hash(o);
34142         return nativeResponseValue;
34143 }
34144         // bool InvoiceSignature_eq(const struct LDKInvoiceSignature *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKInvoiceSignature *NONNULL_PTR b);
34145 /* @internal */
34146 export function InvoiceSignature_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
34147         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34148                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34149         }
34150         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoiceSignature_eq(a, b);
34151         return nativeResponseValue;
34152 }
34153         // void PrivateRoute_free(struct LDKPrivateRoute this_obj);
34154 /* @internal */
34155 export function PrivateRoute_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
34156         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34157                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34158         }
34159         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PrivateRoute_free(this_obj);
34160         // debug statements here
34161 }
34162         // uint64_t PrivateRoute_clone_ptr(LDKPrivateRoute *NONNULL_PTR arg);
34163 /* @internal */
34164 export function PrivateRoute_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
34165         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34166                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34167         }
34168         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PrivateRoute_clone_ptr(arg);
34169         return nativeResponseValue;
34170 }
34171         // struct LDKPrivateRoute PrivateRoute_clone(const struct LDKPrivateRoute *NONNULL_PTR orig);
34172 /* @internal */
34173 export function PrivateRoute_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
34174         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34175                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34176         }
34177         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PrivateRoute_clone(orig);
34178         return nativeResponseValue;
34179 }
34180         // uint64_t PrivateRoute_hash(const struct LDKPrivateRoute *NONNULL_PTR o);
34181 /* @internal */
34182 export function PrivateRoute_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
34183         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34184                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34185         }
34186         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PrivateRoute_hash(o);
34187         return nativeResponseValue;
34188 }
34189         // bool PrivateRoute_eq(const struct LDKPrivateRoute *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKPrivateRoute *NONNULL_PTR b);
34190 /* @internal */
34191 export function PrivateRoute_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
34192         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34193                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34194         }
34195         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PrivateRoute_eq(a, b);
34196         return nativeResponseValue;
34197 }
34198         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKC3Tuple_RawInvoice_u832InvoiceSignatureZ SignedRawInvoice_into_parts(struct LDKSignedRawInvoice this_arg);
34199 /* @internal */
34200 export function SignedRawInvoice_into_parts(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34201         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34202                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34203         }
34204         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SignedRawInvoice_into_parts(this_arg);
34205         return nativeResponseValue;
34206 }
34207         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKRawInvoice SignedRawInvoice_raw_invoice(const struct LDKSignedRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34208 /* @internal */
34209 export function SignedRawInvoice_raw_invoice(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34210         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34211                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34212         }
34213         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SignedRawInvoice_raw_invoice(this_arg);
34214         return nativeResponseValue;
34215 }
34216         // MUST_USE_RES const uint8_t (*SignedRawInvoice_signable_hash(const struct LDKSignedRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg))[32];
34217 /* @internal */
34218 export function SignedRawInvoice_signable_hash(this_arg: bigint): number {
34219         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34220                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34221         }
34222         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SignedRawInvoice_signable_hash(this_arg);
34223         return nativeResponseValue;
34224 }
34225         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKInvoiceSignature SignedRawInvoice_signature(const struct LDKSignedRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34226 /* @internal */
34227 export function SignedRawInvoice_signature(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34228         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34229                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34230         }
34231         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SignedRawInvoice_signature(this_arg);
34232         return nativeResponseValue;
34233 }
34234         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_PayeePubKeyErrorZ SignedRawInvoice_recover_payee_pub_key(const struct LDKSignedRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34235 /* @internal */
34236 export function SignedRawInvoice_recover_payee_pub_key(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34237         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34238                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34239         }
34240         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SignedRawInvoice_recover_payee_pub_key(this_arg);
34241         return nativeResponseValue;
34242 }
34243         // MUST_USE_RES bool SignedRawInvoice_check_signature(const struct LDKSignedRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34244 /* @internal */
34245 export function SignedRawInvoice_check_signature(this_arg: bigint): boolean {
34246         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34247                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34248         }
34249         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SignedRawInvoice_check_signature(this_arg);
34250         return nativeResponseValue;
34251 }
34252         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes RawInvoice_signable_hash(const struct LDKRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34253 /* @internal */
34254 export function RawInvoice_signable_hash(this_arg: bigint): number {
34255         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34256                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34257         }
34258         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawInvoice_signable_hash(this_arg);
34259         return nativeResponseValue;
34260 }
34261         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKSha256 RawInvoice_payment_hash(const struct LDKRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34262 /* @internal */
34263 export function RawInvoice_payment_hash(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34264         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34265                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34266         }
34267         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawInvoice_payment_hash(this_arg);
34268         return nativeResponseValue;
34269 }
34270         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKDescription RawInvoice_description(const struct LDKRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34271 /* @internal */
34272 export function RawInvoice_description(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34273         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34274                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34275         }
34276         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawInvoice_description(this_arg);
34277         return nativeResponseValue;
34278 }
34279         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKPayeePubKey RawInvoice_payee_pub_key(const struct LDKRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34280 /* @internal */
34281 export function RawInvoice_payee_pub_key(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34282         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34283                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34284         }
34285         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawInvoice_payee_pub_key(this_arg);
34286         return nativeResponseValue;
34287 }
34288         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKSha256 RawInvoice_description_hash(const struct LDKRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34289 /* @internal */
34290 export function RawInvoice_description_hash(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34291         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34292                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34293         }
34294         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawInvoice_description_hash(this_arg);
34295         return nativeResponseValue;
34296 }
34297         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKExpiryTime RawInvoice_expiry_time(const struct LDKRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34298 /* @internal */
34299 export function RawInvoice_expiry_time(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34300         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34301                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34302         }
34303         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawInvoice_expiry_time(this_arg);
34304         return nativeResponseValue;
34305 }
34306         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKMinFinalCltvExpiry RawInvoice_min_final_cltv_expiry(const struct LDKRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34307 /* @internal */
34308 export function RawInvoice_min_final_cltv_expiry(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34309         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34310                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34311         }
34312         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawInvoice_min_final_cltv_expiry(this_arg);
34313         return nativeResponseValue;
34314 }
34315         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes RawInvoice_payment_secret(const struct LDKRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34316 /* @internal */
34317 export function RawInvoice_payment_secret(this_arg: bigint): number {
34318         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34319                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34320         }
34321         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawInvoice_payment_secret(this_arg);
34322         return nativeResponseValue;
34323 }
34324         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKInvoiceFeatures RawInvoice_features(const struct LDKRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34325 /* @internal */
34326 export function RawInvoice_features(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34327         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34328                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34329         }
34330         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawInvoice_features(this_arg);
34331         return nativeResponseValue;
34332 }
34333         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCVec_PrivateRouteZ RawInvoice_private_routes(const struct LDKRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34334 /* @internal */
34335 export function RawInvoice_private_routes(this_arg: bigint): number {
34336         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34337                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34338         }
34339         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawInvoice_private_routes(this_arg);
34340         return nativeResponseValue;
34341 }
34342         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCOption_u64Z RawInvoice_amount_pico_btc(const struct LDKRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34343 /* @internal */
34344 export function RawInvoice_amount_pico_btc(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34345         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34346                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34347         }
34348         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawInvoice_amount_pico_btc(this_arg);
34349         return nativeResponseValue;
34350 }
34351         // MUST_USE_RES enum LDKCurrency RawInvoice_currency(const struct LDKRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34352 /* @internal */
34353 export function RawInvoice_currency(this_arg: bigint): Currency {
34354         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34355                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34356         }
34357         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_RawInvoice_currency(this_arg);
34358         return nativeResponseValue;
34359 }
34360         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ PositiveTimestamp_from_unix_timestamp(uint64_t unix_seconds);
34361 /* @internal */
34362 export function PositiveTimestamp_from_unix_timestamp(unix_seconds: bigint): bigint {
34363         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34364                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34365         }
34366         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PositiveTimestamp_from_unix_timestamp(unix_seconds);
34367         return nativeResponseValue;
34368 }
34369         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_PositiveTimestampCreationErrorZ PositiveTimestamp_from_duration_since_epoch(uint64_t duration);
34370 /* @internal */
34371 export function PositiveTimestamp_from_duration_since_epoch(duration: bigint): bigint {
34372         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34373                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34374         }
34375         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PositiveTimestamp_from_duration_since_epoch(duration);
34376         return nativeResponseValue;
34377 }
34378         // MUST_USE_RES uint64_t PositiveTimestamp_as_unix_timestamp(const struct LDKPositiveTimestamp *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34379 /* @internal */
34380 export function PositiveTimestamp_as_unix_timestamp(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34381         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34382                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34383         }
34384         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PositiveTimestamp_as_unix_timestamp(this_arg);
34385         return nativeResponseValue;
34386 }
34387         // MUST_USE_RES uint64_t PositiveTimestamp_as_duration_since_epoch(const struct LDKPositiveTimestamp *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34388 /* @internal */
34389 export function PositiveTimestamp_as_duration_since_epoch(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34390         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34391                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34392         }
34393         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PositiveTimestamp_as_duration_since_epoch(this_arg);
34394         return nativeResponseValue;
34395 }
34396         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKSignedRawInvoice Invoice_into_signed_raw(struct LDKInvoice this_arg);
34397 /* @internal */
34398 export function Invoice_into_signed_raw(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34399         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34400                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34401         }
34402         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_into_signed_raw(this_arg);
34403         return nativeResponseValue;
34404 }
34405         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_NoneSemanticErrorZ Invoice_check_signature(const struct LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34406 /* @internal */
34407 export function Invoice_check_signature(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34408         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34409                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34410         }
34411         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_check_signature(this_arg);
34412         return nativeResponseValue;
34413 }
34414         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_InvoiceSemanticErrorZ Invoice_from_signed(struct LDKSignedRawInvoice signed_invoice);
34415 /* @internal */
34416 export function Invoice_from_signed(signed_invoice: bigint): bigint {
34417         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34418                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34419         }
34420         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_from_signed(signed_invoice);
34421         return nativeResponseValue;
34422 }
34423         // MUST_USE_RES uint64_t Invoice_duration_since_epoch(const struct LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34424 /* @internal */
34425 export function Invoice_duration_since_epoch(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34426         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34427                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34428         }
34429         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_duration_since_epoch(this_arg);
34430         return nativeResponseValue;
34431 }
34432         // MUST_USE_RES const uint8_t (*Invoice_payment_hash(const struct LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg))[32];
34433 /* @internal */
34434 export function Invoice_payment_hash(this_arg: bigint): number {
34435         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34436                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34437         }
34438         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_payment_hash(this_arg);
34439         return nativeResponseValue;
34440 }
34441         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKPublicKey Invoice_payee_pub_key(const struct LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34442 /* @internal */
34443 export function Invoice_payee_pub_key(this_arg: bigint): number {
34444         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34445                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34446         }
34447         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_payee_pub_key(this_arg);
34448         return nativeResponseValue;
34449 }
34450         // MUST_USE_RES const uint8_t (*Invoice_payment_secret(const struct LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg))[32];
34451 /* @internal */
34452 export function Invoice_payment_secret(this_arg: bigint): number {
34453         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34454                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34455         }
34456         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_payment_secret(this_arg);
34457         return nativeResponseValue;
34458 }
34459         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKInvoiceFeatures Invoice_features(const struct LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34460 /* @internal */
34461 export function Invoice_features(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34462         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34463                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34464         }
34465         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_features(this_arg);
34466         return nativeResponseValue;
34467 }
34468         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKPublicKey Invoice_recover_payee_pub_key(const struct LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34469 /* @internal */
34470 export function Invoice_recover_payee_pub_key(this_arg: bigint): number {
34471         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34472                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34473         }
34474         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_recover_payee_pub_key(this_arg);
34475         return nativeResponseValue;
34476 }
34477         // MUST_USE_RES uint64_t Invoice_expiry_time(const struct LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34478 /* @internal */
34479 export function Invoice_expiry_time(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34480         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34481                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34482         }
34483         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_expiry_time(this_arg);
34484         return nativeResponseValue;
34485 }
34486         // MUST_USE_RES bool Invoice_would_expire(const struct LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, uint64_t at_time);
34487 /* @internal */
34488 export function Invoice_would_expire(this_arg: bigint, at_time: bigint): boolean {
34489         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34490                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34491         }
34492         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_would_expire(this_arg, at_time);
34493         return nativeResponseValue;
34494 }
34495         // MUST_USE_RES uint64_t Invoice_min_final_cltv_expiry(const struct LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34496 /* @internal */
34497 export function Invoice_min_final_cltv_expiry(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34498         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34499                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34500         }
34501         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_min_final_cltv_expiry(this_arg);
34502         return nativeResponseValue;
34503 }
34504         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCVec_PrivateRouteZ Invoice_private_routes(const struct LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34505 /* @internal */
34506 export function Invoice_private_routes(this_arg: bigint): number {
34507         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34508                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34509         }
34510         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_private_routes(this_arg);
34511         return nativeResponseValue;
34512 }
34513         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCVec_RouteHintZ Invoice_route_hints(const struct LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34514 /* @internal */
34515 export function Invoice_route_hints(this_arg: bigint): number {
34516         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34517                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34518         }
34519         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_route_hints(this_arg);
34520         return nativeResponseValue;
34521 }
34522         // MUST_USE_RES enum LDKCurrency Invoice_currency(const struct LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34523 /* @internal */
34524 export function Invoice_currency(this_arg: bigint): Currency {
34525         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34526                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34527         }
34528         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_currency(this_arg);
34529         return nativeResponseValue;
34530 }
34531         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCOption_u64Z Invoice_amount_milli_satoshis(const struct LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34532 /* @internal */
34533 export function Invoice_amount_milli_satoshis(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34534         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34535                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34536         }
34537         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_amount_milli_satoshis(this_arg);
34538         return nativeResponseValue;
34539 }
34540         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_DescriptionCreationErrorZ Description_new(struct LDKStr description);
34541 /* @internal */
34542 export function Description_new(description: number): bigint {
34543         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34544                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34545         }
34546         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Description_new(description);
34547         return nativeResponseValue;
34548 }
34549         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKStr Description_into_inner(struct LDKDescription this_arg);
34550 /* @internal */
34551 export function Description_into_inner(this_arg: bigint): number {
34552         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34553                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34554         }
34555         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Description_into_inner(this_arg);
34556         return nativeResponseValue;
34557 }
34558         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKExpiryTime ExpiryTime_from_seconds(uint64_t seconds);
34559 /* @internal */
34560 export function ExpiryTime_from_seconds(seconds: bigint): bigint {
34561         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34562                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34563         }
34564         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ExpiryTime_from_seconds(seconds);
34565         return nativeResponseValue;
34566 }
34567         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKExpiryTime ExpiryTime_from_duration(uint64_t duration);
34568 /* @internal */
34569 export function ExpiryTime_from_duration(duration: bigint): bigint {
34570         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34571                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34572         }
34573         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ExpiryTime_from_duration(duration);
34574         return nativeResponseValue;
34575 }
34576         // MUST_USE_RES uint64_t ExpiryTime_as_seconds(const struct LDKExpiryTime *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34577 /* @internal */
34578 export function ExpiryTime_as_seconds(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34579         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34580                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34581         }
34582         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ExpiryTime_as_seconds(this_arg);
34583         return nativeResponseValue;
34584 }
34585         // MUST_USE_RES uint64_t ExpiryTime_as_duration(const struct LDKExpiryTime *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
34586 /* @internal */
34587 export function ExpiryTime_as_duration(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34588         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34589                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34590         }
34591         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ExpiryTime_as_duration(this_arg);
34592         return nativeResponseValue;
34593 }
34594         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_PrivateRouteCreationErrorZ PrivateRoute_new(struct LDKRouteHint hops);
34595 /* @internal */
34596 export function PrivateRoute_new(hops: bigint): bigint {
34597         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34598                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34599         }
34600         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PrivateRoute_new(hops);
34601         return nativeResponseValue;
34602 }
34603         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKRouteHint PrivateRoute_into_inner(struct LDKPrivateRoute this_arg);
34604 /* @internal */
34605 export function PrivateRoute_into_inner(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
34606         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34607                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34608         }
34609         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PrivateRoute_into_inner(this_arg);
34610         return nativeResponseValue;
34611 }
34612         // enum LDKCreationError CreationError_clone(const enum LDKCreationError *NONNULL_PTR orig);
34613 /* @internal */
34614 export function CreationError_clone(orig: bigint): CreationError {
34615         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34616                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34617         }
34618         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CreationError_clone(orig);
34619         return nativeResponseValue;
34620 }
34621         // enum LDKCreationError CreationError_description_too_long(void);
34622 /* @internal */
34623 export function CreationError_description_too_long(): CreationError {
34624         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34625                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34626         }
34627         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CreationError_description_too_long();
34628         return nativeResponseValue;
34629 }
34630         // enum LDKCreationError CreationError_route_too_long(void);
34631 /* @internal */
34632 export function CreationError_route_too_long(): CreationError {
34633         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34634                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34635         }
34636         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CreationError_route_too_long();
34637         return nativeResponseValue;
34638 }
34639         // enum LDKCreationError CreationError_timestamp_out_of_bounds(void);
34640 /* @internal */
34641 export function CreationError_timestamp_out_of_bounds(): CreationError {
34642         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34643                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34644         }
34645         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CreationError_timestamp_out_of_bounds();
34646         return nativeResponseValue;
34647 }
34648         // enum LDKCreationError CreationError_invalid_amount(void);
34649 /* @internal */
34650 export function CreationError_invalid_amount(): CreationError {
34651         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34652                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34653         }
34654         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CreationError_invalid_amount();
34655         return nativeResponseValue;
34656 }
34657         // enum LDKCreationError CreationError_missing_route_hints(void);
34658 /* @internal */
34659 export function CreationError_missing_route_hints(): CreationError {
34660         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34661                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34662         }
34663         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CreationError_missing_route_hints();
34664         return nativeResponseValue;
34665 }
34666         // bool CreationError_eq(const enum LDKCreationError *NONNULL_PTR a, const enum LDKCreationError *NONNULL_PTR b);
34667 /* @internal */
34668 export function CreationError_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
34669         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34670                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34671         }
34672         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CreationError_eq(a, b);
34673         return nativeResponseValue;
34674 }
34675         // struct LDKStr CreationError_to_str(const enum LDKCreationError *NONNULL_PTR o);
34676 /* @internal */
34677 export function CreationError_to_str(o: bigint): number {
34678         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34679                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34680         }
34681         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_CreationError_to_str(o);
34682         return nativeResponseValue;
34683 }
34684         // enum LDKSemanticError SemanticError_clone(const enum LDKSemanticError *NONNULL_PTR orig);
34685 /* @internal */
34686 export function SemanticError_clone(orig: bigint): SemanticError {
34687         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34688                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34689         }
34690         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SemanticError_clone(orig);
34691         return nativeResponseValue;
34692 }
34693         // enum LDKSemanticError SemanticError_no_payment_hash(void);
34694 /* @internal */
34695 export function SemanticError_no_payment_hash(): SemanticError {
34696         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34697                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34698         }
34699         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SemanticError_no_payment_hash();
34700         return nativeResponseValue;
34701 }
34702         // enum LDKSemanticError SemanticError_multiple_payment_hashes(void);
34703 /* @internal */
34704 export function SemanticError_multiple_payment_hashes(): SemanticError {
34705         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34706                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34707         }
34708         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SemanticError_multiple_payment_hashes();
34709         return nativeResponseValue;
34710 }
34711         // enum LDKSemanticError SemanticError_no_description(void);
34712 /* @internal */
34713 export function SemanticError_no_description(): SemanticError {
34714         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34715                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34716         }
34717         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SemanticError_no_description();
34718         return nativeResponseValue;
34719 }
34720         // enum LDKSemanticError SemanticError_multiple_descriptions(void);
34721 /* @internal */
34722 export function SemanticError_multiple_descriptions(): SemanticError {
34723         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34724                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34725         }
34726         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SemanticError_multiple_descriptions();
34727         return nativeResponseValue;
34728 }
34729         // enum LDKSemanticError SemanticError_no_payment_secret(void);
34730 /* @internal */
34731 export function SemanticError_no_payment_secret(): SemanticError {
34732         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34733                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34734         }
34735         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SemanticError_no_payment_secret();
34736         return nativeResponseValue;
34737 }
34738         // enum LDKSemanticError SemanticError_multiple_payment_secrets(void);
34739 /* @internal */
34740 export function SemanticError_multiple_payment_secrets(): SemanticError {
34741         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34742                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34743         }
34744         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SemanticError_multiple_payment_secrets();
34745         return nativeResponseValue;
34746 }
34747         // enum LDKSemanticError SemanticError_invalid_features(void);
34748 /* @internal */
34749 export function SemanticError_invalid_features(): SemanticError {
34750         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34751                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34752         }
34753         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SemanticError_invalid_features();
34754         return nativeResponseValue;
34755 }
34756         // enum LDKSemanticError SemanticError_invalid_recovery_id(void);
34757 /* @internal */
34758 export function SemanticError_invalid_recovery_id(): SemanticError {
34759         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34760                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34761         }
34762         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SemanticError_invalid_recovery_id();
34763         return nativeResponseValue;
34764 }
34765         // enum LDKSemanticError SemanticError_invalid_signature(void);
34766 /* @internal */
34767 export function SemanticError_invalid_signature(): SemanticError {
34768         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34769                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34770         }
34771         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SemanticError_invalid_signature();
34772         return nativeResponseValue;
34773 }
34774         // enum LDKSemanticError SemanticError_imprecise_amount(void);
34775 /* @internal */
34776 export function SemanticError_imprecise_amount(): SemanticError {
34777         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34778                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34779         }
34780         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SemanticError_imprecise_amount();
34781         return nativeResponseValue;
34782 }
34783         // bool SemanticError_eq(const enum LDKSemanticError *NONNULL_PTR a, const enum LDKSemanticError *NONNULL_PTR b);
34784 /* @internal */
34785 export function SemanticError_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
34786         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34787                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34788         }
34789         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SemanticError_eq(a, b);
34790         return nativeResponseValue;
34791 }
34792         // struct LDKStr SemanticError_to_str(const enum LDKSemanticError *NONNULL_PTR o);
34793 /* @internal */
34794 export function SemanticError_to_str(o: bigint): number {
34795         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34796                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34797         }
34798         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SemanticError_to_str(o);
34799         return nativeResponseValue;
34800 }
34801         // void SignOrCreationError_free(struct LDKSignOrCreationError this_ptr);
34802 /* @internal */
34803 export function SignOrCreationError_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
34804         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34805                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34806         }
34807         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SignOrCreationError_free(this_ptr);
34808         // debug statements here
34809 }
34810         // uint64_t SignOrCreationError_clone_ptr(LDKSignOrCreationError *NONNULL_PTR arg);
34811 /* @internal */
34812 export function SignOrCreationError_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
34813         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34814                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34815         }
34816         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SignOrCreationError_clone_ptr(arg);
34817         return nativeResponseValue;
34818 }
34819         // struct LDKSignOrCreationError SignOrCreationError_clone(const struct LDKSignOrCreationError *NONNULL_PTR orig);
34820 /* @internal */
34821 export function SignOrCreationError_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
34822         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34823                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34824         }
34825         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SignOrCreationError_clone(orig);
34826         return nativeResponseValue;
34827 }
34828         // struct LDKSignOrCreationError SignOrCreationError_sign_error(void);
34829 /* @internal */
34830 export function SignOrCreationError_sign_error(): bigint {
34831         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34832                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34833         }
34834         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SignOrCreationError_sign_error();
34835         return nativeResponseValue;
34836 }
34837         // struct LDKSignOrCreationError SignOrCreationError_creation_error(enum LDKCreationError a);
34838 /* @internal */
34839 export function SignOrCreationError_creation_error(a: CreationError): bigint {
34840         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34841                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34842         }
34843         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SignOrCreationError_creation_error(a);
34844         return nativeResponseValue;
34845 }
34846         // bool SignOrCreationError_eq(const struct LDKSignOrCreationError *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKSignOrCreationError *NONNULL_PTR b);
34847 /* @internal */
34848 export function SignOrCreationError_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
34849         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34850                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34851         }
34852         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SignOrCreationError_eq(a, b);
34853         return nativeResponseValue;
34854 }
34855         // struct LDKStr SignOrCreationError_to_str(const struct LDKSignOrCreationError *NONNULL_PTR o);
34856 /* @internal */
34857 export function SignOrCreationError_to_str(o: bigint): number {
34858         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34859                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34860         }
34861         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SignOrCreationError_to_str(o);
34862         return nativeResponseValue;
34863 }
34864         // void InvoicePayer_free(struct LDKInvoicePayer this_obj);
34865 /* @internal */
34866 export function InvoicePayer_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
34867         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34868                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34869         }
34870         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoicePayer_free(this_obj);
34871         // debug statements here
34872 }
34873         // void Payer_free(struct LDKPayer this_ptr);
34874 /* @internal */
34875 export function Payer_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
34876         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34877                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34878         }
34879         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Payer_free(this_ptr);
34880         // debug statements here
34881 }
34882         // void Router_free(struct LDKRouter this_ptr);
34883 /* @internal */
34884 export function Router_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
34885         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34886                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34887         }
34888         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Router_free(this_ptr);
34889         // debug statements here
34890 }
34891         // void Retry_free(struct LDKRetry this_ptr);
34892 /* @internal */
34893 export function Retry_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
34894         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34895                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34896         }
34897         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Retry_free(this_ptr);
34898         // debug statements here
34899 }
34900         // uint64_t Retry_clone_ptr(LDKRetry *NONNULL_PTR arg);
34901 /* @internal */
34902 export function Retry_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
34903         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34904                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34905         }
34906         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Retry_clone_ptr(arg);
34907         return nativeResponseValue;
34908 }
34909         // struct LDKRetry Retry_clone(const struct LDKRetry *NONNULL_PTR orig);
34910 /* @internal */
34911 export function Retry_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
34912         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34913                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34914         }
34915         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Retry_clone(orig);
34916         return nativeResponseValue;
34917 }
34918         // struct LDKRetry Retry_attempts(uintptr_t a);
34919 /* @internal */
34920 export function Retry_attempts(a: number): bigint {
34921         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34922                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34923         }
34924         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Retry_attempts(a);
34925         return nativeResponseValue;
34926 }
34927         // bool Retry_eq(const struct LDKRetry *NONNULL_PTR a, const struct LDKRetry *NONNULL_PTR b);
34928 /* @internal */
34929 export function Retry_eq(a: bigint, b: bigint): boolean {
34930         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34931                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34932         }
34933         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Retry_eq(a, b);
34934         return nativeResponseValue;
34935 }
34936         // uint64_t Retry_hash(const struct LDKRetry *NONNULL_PTR o);
34937 /* @internal */
34938 export function Retry_hash(o: bigint): bigint {
34939         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34940                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34941         }
34942         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Retry_hash(o);
34943         return nativeResponseValue;
34944 }
34945         // void PaymentError_free(struct LDKPaymentError this_ptr);
34946 /* @internal */
34947 export function PaymentError_free(this_ptr: bigint): void {
34948         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34949                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34950         }
34951         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentError_free(this_ptr);
34952         // debug statements here
34953 }
34954         // uint64_t PaymentError_clone_ptr(LDKPaymentError *NONNULL_PTR arg);
34955 /* @internal */
34956 export function PaymentError_clone_ptr(arg: bigint): bigint {
34957         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34958                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34959         }
34960         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentError_clone_ptr(arg);
34961         return nativeResponseValue;
34962 }
34963         // struct LDKPaymentError PaymentError_clone(const struct LDKPaymentError *NONNULL_PTR orig);
34964 /* @internal */
34965 export function PaymentError_clone(orig: bigint): bigint {
34966         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34967                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34968         }
34969         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentError_clone(orig);
34970         return nativeResponseValue;
34971 }
34972         // struct LDKPaymentError PaymentError_invoice(struct LDKStr a);
34973 /* @internal */
34974 export function PaymentError_invoice(a: number): bigint {
34975         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34976                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34977         }
34978         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentError_invoice(a);
34979         return nativeResponseValue;
34980 }
34981         // struct LDKPaymentError PaymentError_routing(struct LDKLightningError a);
34982 /* @internal */
34983 export function PaymentError_routing(a: bigint): bigint {
34984         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34985                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34986         }
34987         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentError_routing(a);
34988         return nativeResponseValue;
34989 }
34990         // struct LDKPaymentError PaymentError_sending(struct LDKPaymentSendFailure a);
34991 /* @internal */
34992 export function PaymentError_sending(a: bigint): bigint {
34993         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
34994                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
34995         }
34996         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_PaymentError_sending(a);
34997         return nativeResponseValue;
34998 }
34999         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKInvoicePayer InvoicePayer_new(struct LDKPayer payer, struct LDKRouter router, struct LDKLogger logger, struct LDKEventHandler event_handler, struct LDKRetry retry);
35000 /* @internal */
35001 export function InvoicePayer_new(payer: bigint, router: bigint, logger: bigint, event_handler: bigint, retry: bigint): bigint {
35002         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35003                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35004         }
35005         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoicePayer_new(payer, router, logger, event_handler, retry);
35006         return nativeResponseValue;
35007 }
35008         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ InvoicePayer_pay_invoice(const struct LDKInvoicePayer *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR invoice);
35009 /* @internal */
35010 export function InvoicePayer_pay_invoice(this_arg: bigint, invoice: bigint): bigint {
35011         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35012                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35013         }
35014         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoicePayer_pay_invoice(this_arg, invoice);
35015         return nativeResponseValue;
35016 }
35017         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ InvoicePayer_pay_zero_value_invoice(const struct LDKInvoicePayer *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR invoice, uint64_t amount_msats);
35018 /* @internal */
35019 export function InvoicePayer_pay_zero_value_invoice(this_arg: bigint, invoice: bigint, amount_msats: bigint): bigint {
35020         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35021                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35022         }
35023         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoicePayer_pay_zero_value_invoice(this_arg, invoice, amount_msats);
35024         return nativeResponseValue;
35025 }
35026         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCResult_PaymentIdPaymentErrorZ InvoicePayer_pay_pubkey(const struct LDKInvoicePayer *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, struct LDKPublicKey pubkey, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes payment_preimage, uint64_t amount_msats, uint32_t final_cltv_expiry_delta);
35027 /* @internal */
35028 export function InvoicePayer_pay_pubkey(this_arg: bigint, pubkey: number, payment_preimage: number, amount_msats: bigint, final_cltv_expiry_delta: number): bigint {
35029         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35030                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35031         }
35032         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoicePayer_pay_pubkey(this_arg, pubkey, payment_preimage, amount_msats, final_cltv_expiry_delta);
35033         return nativeResponseValue;
35034 }
35035         // void InvoicePayer_remove_cached_payment(const struct LDKInvoicePayer *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const uint8_t (*payment_hash)[32]);
35036 /* @internal */
35037 export function InvoicePayer_remove_cached_payment(this_arg: bigint, payment_hash: number): void {
35038         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35039                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35040         }
35041         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoicePayer_remove_cached_payment(this_arg, payment_hash);
35042         // debug statements here
35043 }
35044         // struct LDKEventHandler InvoicePayer_as_EventHandler(const struct LDKInvoicePayer *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
35045 /* @internal */
35046 export function InvoicePayer_as_EventHandler(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
35047         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35048                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35049         }
35050         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InvoicePayer_as_EventHandler(this_arg);
35051         return nativeResponseValue;
35052 }
35053         // void InFlightHtlcs_free(struct LDKInFlightHtlcs this_obj);
35054 /* @internal */
35055 export function InFlightHtlcs_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
35056         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35057                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35058         }
35059         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InFlightHtlcs_free(this_obj);
35060         // debug statements here
35061 }
35062         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKCOption_u64Z InFlightHtlcs_used_liquidity_msat(const struct LDKInFlightHtlcs *NONNULL_PTR this_arg, const struct LDKNodeId *NONNULL_PTR source, const struct LDKNodeId *NONNULL_PTR target, uint64_t channel_scid);
35063 /* @internal */
35064 export function InFlightHtlcs_used_liquidity_msat(this_arg: bigint, source: bigint, target: bigint, channel_scid: bigint): bigint {
35065         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35066                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35067         }
35068         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InFlightHtlcs_used_liquidity_msat(this_arg, source, target, channel_scid);
35069         return nativeResponseValue;
35070 }
35071         // struct LDKCVec_u8Z InFlightHtlcs_write(const struct LDKInFlightHtlcs *NONNULL_PTR obj);
35072 /* @internal */
35073 export function InFlightHtlcs_write(obj: bigint): number {
35074         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35075                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35076         }
35077         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InFlightHtlcs_write(obj);
35078         return nativeResponseValue;
35079 }
35080         // struct LDKCResult_InFlightHtlcsDecodeErrorZ InFlightHtlcs_read(struct LDKu8slice ser);
35081 /* @internal */
35082 export function InFlightHtlcs_read(ser: number): bigint {
35083         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35084                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35085         }
35086         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_InFlightHtlcs_read(ser);
35087         return nativeResponseValue;
35088 }
35089         // struct LDKCResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ create_invoice_from_channelmanager_with_description_hash_and_duration_since_epoch(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR channelmanager, struct LDKKeysInterface keys_manager, enum LDKCurrency network, struct LDKCOption_u64Z amt_msat, struct LDKSha256 description_hash, uint64_t duration_since_epoch, uint32_t invoice_expiry_delta_secs);
35090 /* @internal */
35091 export function create_invoice_from_channelmanager_with_description_hash_and_duration_since_epoch(channelmanager: bigint, keys_manager: bigint, network: Currency, amt_msat: bigint, description_hash: bigint, duration_since_epoch: bigint, invoice_expiry_delta_secs: number): bigint {
35092         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35093                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35094         }
35095         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_create_invoice_from_channelmanager_with_description_hash_and_duration_since_epoch(channelmanager, keys_manager, network, amt_msat, description_hash, duration_since_epoch, invoice_expiry_delta_secs);
35096         return nativeResponseValue;
35097 }
35098         // struct LDKCResult_InvoiceSignOrCreationErrorZ create_invoice_from_channelmanager_and_duration_since_epoch(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR channelmanager, struct LDKKeysInterface keys_manager, enum LDKCurrency network, struct LDKCOption_u64Z amt_msat, struct LDKStr description, uint64_t duration_since_epoch, uint32_t invoice_expiry_delta_secs);
35099 /* @internal */
35100 export function create_invoice_from_channelmanager_and_duration_since_epoch(channelmanager: bigint, keys_manager: bigint, network: Currency, amt_msat: bigint, description: number, duration_since_epoch: bigint, invoice_expiry_delta_secs: number): bigint {
35101         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35102                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35103         }
35104         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_create_invoice_from_channelmanager_and_duration_since_epoch(channelmanager, keys_manager, network, amt_msat, description, duration_since_epoch, invoice_expiry_delta_secs);
35105         return nativeResponseValue;
35106 }
35107         // void DefaultRouter_free(struct LDKDefaultRouter this_obj);
35108 /* @internal */
35109 export function DefaultRouter_free(this_obj: bigint): void {
35110         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35111                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35112         }
35113         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DefaultRouter_free(this_obj);
35114         // debug statements here
35115 }
35116         // MUST_USE_RES struct LDKDefaultRouter DefaultRouter_new(const struct LDKNetworkGraph *NONNULL_PTR network_graph, struct LDKLogger logger, struct LDKThirtyTwoBytes random_seed_bytes, struct LDKLockableScore scorer);
35117 /* @internal */
35118 export function DefaultRouter_new(network_graph: bigint, logger: bigint, random_seed_bytes: number, scorer: bigint): bigint {
35119         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35120                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35121         }
35122         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DefaultRouter_new(network_graph, logger, random_seed_bytes, scorer);
35123         return nativeResponseValue;
35124 }
35125         // struct LDKRouter DefaultRouter_as_Router(const struct LDKDefaultRouter *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
35126 /* @internal */
35127 export function DefaultRouter_as_Router(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
35128         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35129                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35130         }
35131         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_DefaultRouter_as_Router(this_arg);
35132         return nativeResponseValue;
35133 }
35134         // struct LDKPayer ChannelManager_as_Payer(const struct LDKChannelManager *NONNULL_PTR this_arg);
35135 /* @internal */
35136 export function ChannelManager_as_Payer(this_arg: bigint): bigint {
35137         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35138                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35139         }
35140         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ChannelManager_as_Payer(this_arg);
35141         return nativeResponseValue;
35142 }
35143         // struct LDKCResult_SiPrefixParseErrorZ SiPrefix_from_str(struct LDKStr s);
35144 /* @internal */
35145 export function SiPrefix_from_str(s: number): bigint {
35146         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35147                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35148         }
35149         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SiPrefix_from_str(s);
35150         return nativeResponseValue;
35151 }
35152         // struct LDKCResult_InvoiceParseOrSemanticErrorZ Invoice_from_str(struct LDKStr s);
35153 /* @internal */
35154 export function Invoice_from_str(s: number): bigint {
35155         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35156                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35157         }
35158         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_from_str(s);
35159         return nativeResponseValue;
35160 }
35161         // struct LDKCResult_SignedRawInvoiceParseErrorZ SignedRawInvoice_from_str(struct LDKStr s);
35162 /* @internal */
35163 export function SignedRawInvoice_from_str(s: number): bigint {
35164         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35165                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35166         }
35167         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SignedRawInvoice_from_str(s);
35168         return nativeResponseValue;
35169 }
35170         // struct LDKStr ParseError_to_str(const struct LDKParseError *NONNULL_PTR o);
35171 /* @internal */
35172 export function ParseError_to_str(o: bigint): number {
35173         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35174                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35175         }
35176         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseError_to_str(o);
35177         return nativeResponseValue;
35178 }
35179         // struct LDKStr ParseOrSemanticError_to_str(const struct LDKParseOrSemanticError *NONNULL_PTR o);
35180 /* @internal */
35181 export function ParseOrSemanticError_to_str(o: bigint): number {
35182         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35183                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35184         }
35185         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_ParseOrSemanticError_to_str(o);
35186         return nativeResponseValue;
35187 }
35188         // struct LDKStr Invoice_to_str(const struct LDKInvoice *NONNULL_PTR o);
35189 /* @internal */
35190 export function Invoice_to_str(o: bigint): number {
35191         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35192                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35193         }
35194         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Invoice_to_str(o);
35195         return nativeResponseValue;
35196 }
35197         // struct LDKStr SignedRawInvoice_to_str(const struct LDKSignedRawInvoice *NONNULL_PTR o);
35198 /* @internal */
35199 export function SignedRawInvoice_to_str(o: bigint): number {
35200         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35201                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35202         }
35203         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SignedRawInvoice_to_str(o);
35204         return nativeResponseValue;
35205 }
35206         // struct LDKStr Currency_to_str(const enum LDKCurrency *NONNULL_PTR o);
35207 /* @internal */
35208 export function Currency_to_str(o: bigint): number {
35209         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35210                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35211         }
35212         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_Currency_to_str(o);
35213         return nativeResponseValue;
35214 }
35215         // struct LDKStr SiPrefix_to_str(const enum LDKSiPrefix *NONNULL_PTR o);
35216 /* @internal */
35217 export function SiPrefix_to_str(o: bigint): number {
35218         if(!isWasmInitialized) {
35219                 throw new Error("initializeWasm() must be awaited first!");
35220         }
35221         const nativeResponseValue = wasm.TS_SiPrefix_to_str(o);
35222         return nativeResponseValue;
35223 }
35226 js_invoke = function(obj_ptr: number, fn_id: number, arg1: bigint|number, arg2: bigint|number, arg3: bigint|number, arg4: bigint|number, arg5: bigint|number, arg6: bigint|number, arg7: bigint|number, arg8: bigint|number, arg9: bigint|number, arg10: bigint|number) {
35227         const weak: WeakRef<object> = js_objs[obj_ptr];
35228         if (weak == null || weak == undefined) {
35229                 console.error("Got function call on unknown/free'd JS object!");
35230                 throw new Error("Got function call on unknown/free'd JS object!");
35231         }
35232         const obj: object = weak.deref();
35233         if (obj == null || obj == undefined) {
35234                 console.error("Got function call on GC'd JS object!");
35235                 throw new Error("Got function call on GC'd JS object!");
35236         }
35237         var fn;
35238         switch (fn_id) {
35239                 case 0: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "log"); break;
35240                 case 1: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "get_utxo"); break;
35241                 case 2: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "get_per_commitment_point"); break;
35242                 case 3: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "release_commitment_secret"); break;
35243                 case 4: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "validate_holder_commitment"); break;
35244                 case 5: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "channel_keys_id"); break;
35245                 case 6: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "sign_counterparty_commitment"); break;
35246                 case 7: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "validate_counterparty_revocation"); break;
35247                 case 8: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "sign_holder_commitment_and_htlcs"); break;
35248                 case 9: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "sign_justice_revoked_output"); break;
35249                 case 10: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "sign_justice_revoked_htlc"); break;
35250                 case 11: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "sign_counterparty_htlc_transaction"); break;
35251                 case 12: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "sign_closing_transaction"); break;
35252                 case 13: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "sign_channel_announcement"); break;
35253                 case 14: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "ready_channel"); break;
35254                 case 15: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "write"); break;
35255                 case 16: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "watch_channel"); break;
35256                 case 17: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "update_channel"); break;
35257                 case 18: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "release_pending_monitor_events"); break;
35258                 case 19: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "broadcast_transaction"); break;
35259                 case 20: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "get_node_secret"); break;
35260                 case 21: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "ecdh"); break;
35261                 case 22: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "get_destination_script"); break;
35262                 case 23: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "get_shutdown_scriptpubkey"); break;
35263                 case 24: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "get_channel_signer"); break;
35264                 case 25: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "get_secure_random_bytes"); break;
35265                 case 26: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "read_chan_signer"); break;
35266                 case 27: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "sign_invoice"); break;
35267                 case 28: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "get_inbound_payment_key_material"); break;
35268                 case 29: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "get_est_sat_per_1000_weight"); break;
35269                 case 30: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "type_id"); break;
35270                 case 31: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "debug_str"); break;
35271                 case 32: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "write"); break;
35272                 case 33: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "register_tx"); break;
35273                 case 34: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "register_output"); break;
35274                 case 35: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "get_and_clear_pending_msg_events"); break;
35275                 case 36: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "next_onion_message_for_peer"); break;
35276                 case 37: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_event"); break;
35277                 case 38: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "process_pending_events"); break;
35278                 case 39: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "channel_penalty_msat"); break;
35279                 case 40: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "payment_path_failed"); break;
35280                 case 41: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "payment_path_successful"); break;
35281                 case 42: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "probe_failed"); break;
35282                 case 43: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "probe_successful"); break;
35283                 case 44: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "write"); break;
35284                 case 45: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "lock"); break;
35285                 case 46: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "write"); break;
35286                 case 47: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "persist_manager"); break;
35287                 case 48: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "persist_graph"); break;
35288                 case 49: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "persist_scorer"); break;
35289                 case 50: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "call"); break;
35290                 case 51: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "filtered_block_connected"); break;
35291                 case 52: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "block_connected"); break;
35292                 case 53: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "block_disconnected"); break;
35293                 case 54: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "transactions_confirmed"); break;
35294                 case 55: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "transaction_unconfirmed"); break;
35295                 case 56: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "best_block_updated"); break;
35296                 case 57: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "get_relevant_txids"); break;
35297                 case 58: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "persist_new_channel"); break;
35298                 case 59: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "update_persisted_channel"); break;
35299                 case 60: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_open_channel"); break;
35300                 case 61: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_accept_channel"); break;
35301                 case 62: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_funding_created"); break;
35302                 case 63: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_funding_signed"); break;
35303                 case 64: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_channel_ready"); break;
35304                 case 65: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_shutdown"); break;
35305                 case 66: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_closing_signed"); break;
35306                 case 67: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_update_add_htlc"); break;
35307                 case 68: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_update_fulfill_htlc"); break;
35308                 case 69: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_update_fail_htlc"); break;
35309                 case 70: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_update_fail_malformed_htlc"); break;
35310                 case 71: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_commitment_signed"); break;
35311                 case 72: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_revoke_and_ack"); break;
35312                 case 73: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_update_fee"); break;
35313                 case 74: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_announcement_signatures"); break;
35314                 case 75: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "peer_disconnected"); break;
35315                 case 76: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "peer_connected"); break;
35316                 case 77: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_channel_reestablish"); break;
35317                 case 78: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_channel_update"); break;
35318                 case 79: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_error"); break;
35319                 case 80: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "provided_node_features"); break;
35320                 case 81: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "provided_init_features"); break;
35321                 case 82: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_node_announcement"); break;
35322                 case 83: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_channel_announcement"); break;
35323                 case 84: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_channel_update"); break;
35324                 case 85: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "get_next_channel_announcement"); break;
35325                 case 86: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "get_next_node_announcement"); break;
35326                 case 87: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "peer_connected"); break;
35327                 case 88: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_reply_channel_range"); break;
35328                 case 89: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_reply_short_channel_ids_end"); break;
35329                 case 90: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_query_channel_range"); break;
35330                 case 91: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_query_short_channel_ids"); break;
35331                 case 92: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "provided_node_features"); break;
35332                 case 93: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "provided_init_features"); break;
35333                 case 94: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_onion_message"); break;
35334                 case 95: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "peer_connected"); break;
35335                 case 96: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "peer_disconnected"); break;
35336                 case 97: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "provided_node_features"); break;
35337                 case 98: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "provided_init_features"); break;
35338                 case 99: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "read"); break;
35339                 case 100: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "handle_custom_message"); break;
35340                 case 101: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "get_and_clear_pending_msg"); break;
35341                 case 102: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "send_data"); break;
35342                 case 103: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "disconnect_socket"); break;
35343                 case 104: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "eq"); break;
35344                 case 105: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "hash"); break;
35345                 case 106: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "node_id"); break;
35346                 case 107: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "first_hops"); break;
35347                 case 108: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "send_payment"); break;
35348                 case 109: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "send_spontaneous_payment"); break;
35349                 case 110: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "retry_payment"); break;
35350                 case 111: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "abandon_payment"); break;
35351                 case 112: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "find_route"); break;
35352                 case 113: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "notify_payment_path_failed"); break;
35353                 case 114: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "notify_payment_path_successful"); break;
35354                 case 115: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "notify_payment_probe_successful"); break;
35355                 case 116: fn = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, "notify_payment_probe_failed"); break;
35356                 default:
35357                         console.error("Got unknown function call from C!");
35358                         throw new Error("Got unknown function call from C!");
35359         }
35360         if (fn == null || fn == undefined) {
35361                 console.error("Got function call on incorrect JS object!");
35362                 throw new Error("Got function call on incorrect JS object!");
35363         }
35364         const ret = fn.value.bind(obj)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10);
35365         if (ret === undefined || ret === null) return BigInt(0);
35366         return BigInt(ret);
35367 }