using org.ldk.impl; using org.ldk.enums; using org.ldk.util; using System; namespace org { namespace ldk { namespace structs { /** * Onion messages can be sent and received to blinded paths, which serve to hide the identity of * the recipient. */ public class BlindedPath : CommonBase { internal BlindedPath(object _dummy, long ptr) : base(ptr) { } ~BlindedPath() { if (ptr != 0) { bindings.BlindedPath_free(ptr); } } internal long clone_ptr() { long ret = bindings.BlindedPath_clone_ptr(this.ptr); GC.KeepAlive(this); return ret; } /** * Creates a copy of the BlindedPath */ public BlindedPath clone() { long ret = bindings.BlindedPath_clone(this.ptr); GC.KeepAlive(this); if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; } org.ldk.structs.BlindedPath ret_hu_conv = null; if (ret < 0 || ret > 4096) { ret_hu_conv = new org.ldk.structs.BlindedPath(null, ret); } if (ret_hu_conv != null) { ret_hu_conv.ptrs_to.AddLast(this); }; return ret_hu_conv; } /** * Create a blinded path to be forwarded along `node_pks`. The last node pubkey in `node_pks` * will be the destination node. * * Errors if less than two hops are provided or if `node_pk`(s) are invalid. */ public static Result_BlindedPathNoneZ of(byte[][] node_pks, org.ldk.structs.KeysInterface keys_manager) { long ret = bindings.BlindedPath_new(node_pks != null ? InternalUtils.mapArray(node_pks, node_pks_conv_8 => InternalUtils.check_arr_len(node_pks_conv_8, 33)) : null, keys_manager == null ? 0 : keys_manager.ptr); GC.KeepAlive(node_pks); GC.KeepAlive(keys_manager); if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; } Result_BlindedPathNoneZ ret_hu_conv = Result_BlindedPathNoneZ.constr_from_ptr(ret); if (ret_hu_conv != null) { ret_hu_conv.ptrs_to.AddLast(keys_manager); }; return ret_hu_conv; } /** * Serialize the BlindedPath object into a byte array which can be read by BlindedPath_read */ public byte[] write() { byte[] ret = bindings.BlindedPath_write(this.ptr); GC.KeepAlive(this); return ret; } /** * Read a BlindedPath from a byte array, created by BlindedPath_write */ public static Result_BlindedPathDecodeErrorZ read(byte[] ser) { long ret = bindings.BlindedPath_read(ser); GC.KeepAlive(ser); if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; } Result_BlindedPathDecodeErrorZ ret_hu_conv = Result_BlindedPathDecodeErrorZ.constr_from_ptr(ret); return ret_hu_conv; } } } } }