using org.ldk.impl; using org.ldk.enums; using org.ldk.util; using System; namespace org { namespace ldk { namespace structs { /** * An abstraction over a bitcoin wallet that can perform coin selection over a set of UTXOs and can * sign for them. The coin selection method aims to mimic Bitcoin Core's `fundrawtransaction` RPC, * which most wallets should be able to satisfy. Otherwise, consider implementing [`WalletSource`], * which can provide a default implementation of this trait when used with [`Wallet`]. */ public class CoinSelectionSource : CommonBase { internal readonly bindings.LDKCoinSelectionSource bindings_instance; internal CoinSelectionSource(object _dummy, long ptr) : base(ptr) { bindings_instance = null; } private CoinSelectionSource(bindings.LDKCoinSelectionSource arg) : base(bindings.LDKCoinSelectionSource_new(arg)) { this.ptrs_to.AddLast(arg); this.bindings_instance = arg; } ~CoinSelectionSource() { if (ptr != 0) { bindings.CoinSelectionSource_free(ptr); } } public interface CoinSelectionSourceInterface { /** * Performs coin selection of a set of UTXOs, with at least 1 confirmation each, that are * available to spend. Implementations are free to pick their coin selection algorithm of * choice, as long as the following requirements are met: * * 1. `must_spend` contains a set of [`Input`]s that must be included in the transaction * throughout coin selection, but must not be returned as part of the result. * 2. `must_pay_to` contains a set of [`TxOut`]s that must be included in the transaction * throughout coin selection. In some cases, like when funding an anchor transaction, this * set is empty. Implementations should ensure they handle this correctly on their end, * e.g., Bitcoin Core's `fundrawtransaction` RPC requires at least one output to be * provided, in which case a zero-value empty OP_RETURN output can be used instead. * 3. Enough inputs must be selected/contributed for the resulting transaction (including the * inputs and outputs noted above) to meet `target_feerate_sat_per_1000_weight`. * * Implementations must take note that [`Input::satisfaction_weight`] only tracks the weight of * the input's `script_sig` and `witness`. Some wallets, like Bitcoin Core's, may require * providing the full input weight. Failing to do so may lead to underestimating fee bumps and * delaying block inclusion. * * The `claim_id` must map to the set of external UTXOs assigned to the claim, such that they * can be re-used within new fee-bumped iterations of the original claiming transaction, * ensuring that claims don't double spend each other. If a specific `claim_id` has never had a * transaction associated with it, and all of the available UTXOs have already been assigned to * other claims, implementations must be willing to double spend their UTXOs. The choice of * which UTXOs to double spend is left to the implementation, but it must strive to keep the * set of other claims being double spent to a minimum. */ Result_CoinSelectionNoneZ select_confirmed_utxos(byte[] _claim_id, Input[] _must_spend, TxOut[] _must_pay_to, int _target_feerate_sat_per_1000_weight); /** * Signs and provides the full witness for all inputs within the transaction known to the * trait (i.e., any provided via [`CoinSelectionSource::select_confirmed_utxos`]). */ Result_TransactionNoneZ sign_tx(byte[] _tx); } private class LDKCoinSelectionSourceHolder { internal CoinSelectionSource held; } private class LDKCoinSelectionSourceImpl : bindings.LDKCoinSelectionSource { internal LDKCoinSelectionSourceImpl(CoinSelectionSourceInterface arg, LDKCoinSelectionSourceHolder impl_holder) { this.arg = arg; this.impl_holder = impl_holder; } private CoinSelectionSourceInterface arg; private LDKCoinSelectionSourceHolder impl_holder; public long select_confirmed_utxos(byte[] _claim_id, long[] _must_spend, long[] _must_pay_to, int _target_feerate_sat_per_1000_weight) { int _must_spend_conv_7_len = _must_spend.Length; Input[] _must_spend_conv_7_arr = new Input[_must_spend_conv_7_len]; for (int h = 0; h < _must_spend_conv_7_len; h++) { long _must_spend_conv_7 = _must_spend[h]; org.ldk.structs.Input _must_spend_conv_7_hu_conv = null; if (_must_spend_conv_7 < 0 || _must_spend_conv_7 > 4096) { _must_spend_conv_7_hu_conv = new org.ldk.structs.Input(null, _must_spend_conv_7); } if (_must_spend_conv_7_hu_conv != null) { _must_spend_conv_7_hu_conv.ptrs_to.AddLast(this); }; _must_spend_conv_7_arr[h] = _must_spend_conv_7_hu_conv; } int _must_pay_to_conv_7_len = _must_pay_to.Length; TxOut[] _must_pay_to_conv_7_arr = new TxOut[_must_pay_to_conv_7_len]; for (int h = 0; h < _must_pay_to_conv_7_len; h++) { long _must_pay_to_conv_7 = _must_pay_to[h]; TxOut _must_pay_to_conv_7_conv = new TxOut(null, _must_pay_to_conv_7); _must_pay_to_conv_7_arr[h] = _must_pay_to_conv_7_conv; } Result_CoinSelectionNoneZ ret = arg.select_confirmed_utxos(_claim_id, _must_spend_conv_7_arr, _must_pay_to_conv_7_arr, _target_feerate_sat_per_1000_weight); GC.KeepAlive(arg); long result = ret == null ? 0 : ret.clone_ptr(); return result; } public long sign_tx(byte[] _tx) { Result_TransactionNoneZ ret = arg.sign_tx(_tx); GC.KeepAlive(arg); long result = ret == null ? 0 : ret.clone_ptr(); return result; } } public static CoinSelectionSource new_impl(CoinSelectionSourceInterface arg) { LDKCoinSelectionSourceHolder impl_holder = new LDKCoinSelectionSourceHolder(); impl_holder.held = new CoinSelectionSource(new LDKCoinSelectionSourceImpl(arg, impl_holder)); return impl_holder.held; } /** * Performs coin selection of a set of UTXOs, with at least 1 confirmation each, that are * available to spend. Implementations are free to pick their coin selection algorithm of * choice, as long as the following requirements are met: * * 1. `must_spend` contains a set of [`Input`]s that must be included in the transaction * throughout coin selection, but must not be returned as part of the result. * 2. `must_pay_to` contains a set of [`TxOut`]s that must be included in the transaction * throughout coin selection. In some cases, like when funding an anchor transaction, this * set is empty. Implementations should ensure they handle this correctly on their end, * e.g., Bitcoin Core's `fundrawtransaction` RPC requires at least one output to be * provided, in which case a zero-value empty OP_RETURN output can be used instead. * 3. Enough inputs must be selected/contributed for the resulting transaction (including the * inputs and outputs noted above) to meet `target_feerate_sat_per_1000_weight`. * * Implementations must take note that [`Input::satisfaction_weight`] only tracks the weight of * the input's `script_sig` and `witness`. Some wallets, like Bitcoin Core's, may require * providing the full input weight. Failing to do so may lead to underestimating fee bumps and * delaying block inclusion. * * The `claim_id` must map to the set of external UTXOs assigned to the claim, such that they * can be re-used within new fee-bumped iterations of the original claiming transaction, * ensuring that claims don't double spend each other. If a specific `claim_id` has never had a * transaction associated with it, and all of the available UTXOs have already been assigned to * other claims, implementations must be willing to double spend their UTXOs. The choice of * which UTXOs to double spend is left to the implementation, but it must strive to keep the * set of other claims being double spent to a minimum. */ public Result_CoinSelectionNoneZ select_confirmed_utxos(byte[] claim_id, Input[] must_spend, TxOut[] must_pay_to, int target_feerate_sat_per_1000_weight) { long ret = bindings.CoinSelectionSource_select_confirmed_utxos(this.ptr, InternalUtils.check_arr_len(claim_id, 32), must_spend != null ? InternalUtils.mapArray(must_spend, must_spend_conv_7 => must_spend_conv_7 == null ? 0 : must_spend_conv_7.ptr) : null, must_pay_to != null ? InternalUtils.mapArray(must_pay_to, must_pay_to_conv_7 => must_pay_to_conv_7.ptr) : null, target_feerate_sat_per_1000_weight); GC.KeepAlive(this); GC.KeepAlive(claim_id); GC.KeepAlive(must_spend); GC.KeepAlive(must_pay_to); GC.KeepAlive(target_feerate_sat_per_1000_weight); if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; } Result_CoinSelectionNoneZ ret_hu_conv = Result_CoinSelectionNoneZ.constr_from_ptr(ret); foreach (Input must_spend_conv_7 in must_spend) { if (this != null) { this.ptrs_to.AddLast(must_spend_conv_7); }; }; return ret_hu_conv; } /** * Signs and provides the full witness for all inputs within the transaction known to the * trait (i.e., any provided via [`CoinSelectionSource::select_confirmed_utxos`]). */ public Result_TransactionNoneZ sign_tx(byte[] tx) { long ret = bindings.CoinSelectionSource_sign_tx(this.ptr, tx); GC.KeepAlive(this); GC.KeepAlive(tx); if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; } Result_TransactionNoneZ ret_hu_conv = Result_TransactionNoneZ.constr_from_ptr(ret); return ret_hu_conv; } } } } }