using org.ldk.impl; using org.ldk.enums; using org.ldk.util; using System; namespace org { namespace ldk { namespace structs { /** * Fields sent in an [`InvoiceRequest`] message to include in [`PaymentContext::Bolt12Offer`]. * * [`PaymentContext::Bolt12Offer`]: crate::blinded_path::payment::PaymentContext::Bolt12Offer */ public class InvoiceRequestFields : CommonBase { internal InvoiceRequestFields(object _dummy, long ptr) : base(ptr) { } ~InvoiceRequestFields() { if (ptr != 0) { bindings.InvoiceRequestFields_free(ptr); } } /** * A possibly transient pubkey used to sign the invoice request. */ public byte[] get_payer_id() { long ret = bindings.InvoiceRequestFields_get_payer_id(this.ptr); GC.KeepAlive(this); if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; } byte[] ret_conv = InternalUtils.decodeUint8Array(ret); return ret_conv; } /** * A possibly transient pubkey used to sign the invoice request. */ public void set_payer_id(byte[] val) { bindings.InvoiceRequestFields_set_payer_id(this.ptr, InternalUtils.encodeUint8Array(InternalUtils.check_arr_len(val, 33))); GC.KeepAlive(this); GC.KeepAlive(val); } /** * The quantity of the offer's item conforming to [`Offer::is_valid_quantity`]. */ public Option_u64Z get_quantity() { long ret = bindings.InvoiceRequestFields_get_quantity(this.ptr); GC.KeepAlive(this); if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; } org.ldk.structs.Option_u64Z ret_hu_conv = org.ldk.structs.Option_u64Z.constr_from_ptr(ret); if (ret_hu_conv != null) { ret_hu_conv.ptrs_to.AddLast(this); }; return ret_hu_conv; } /** * The quantity of the offer's item conforming to [`Offer::is_valid_quantity`]. */ public void set_quantity(org.ldk.structs.Option_u64Z val) { bindings.InvoiceRequestFields_set_quantity(this.ptr, val.ptr); GC.KeepAlive(this); GC.KeepAlive(val); } /** * A payer-provided note which will be seen by the recipient and reflected back in the invoice * response. Truncated to [`PAYER_NOTE_LIMIT`] characters. * * Note that the return value (or a relevant inner pointer) may be NULL or all-0s to represent None */ public UntrustedString get_payer_note_truncated() { long ret = bindings.InvoiceRequestFields_get_payer_note_truncated(this.ptr); GC.KeepAlive(this); if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; } org.ldk.structs.UntrustedString ret_hu_conv = null; if (ret < 0 || ret > 4096) { ret_hu_conv = new org.ldk.structs.UntrustedString(null, ret); } if (ret_hu_conv != null) { ret_hu_conv.ptrs_to.AddLast(this); }; return ret_hu_conv; } /** * A payer-provided note which will be seen by the recipient and reflected back in the invoice * response. Truncated to [`PAYER_NOTE_LIMIT`] characters. * * Note that val (or a relevant inner pointer) may be NULL or all-0s to represent None */ public void set_payer_note_truncated(org.ldk.structs.UntrustedString val) { bindings.InvoiceRequestFields_set_payer_note_truncated(this.ptr, val == null ? 0 : val.ptr); GC.KeepAlive(this); GC.KeepAlive(val); } /** * Constructs a new InvoiceRequestFields given each field * * Note that payer_note_truncated_arg (or a relevant inner pointer) may be NULL or all-0s to represent None */ public static InvoiceRequestFields of(byte[] payer_id_arg, org.ldk.structs.Option_u64Z quantity_arg, org.ldk.structs.UntrustedString payer_note_truncated_arg) { long ret = bindings.InvoiceRequestFields_new(InternalUtils.encodeUint8Array(InternalUtils.check_arr_len(payer_id_arg, 33)), quantity_arg.ptr, payer_note_truncated_arg == null ? 0 : payer_note_truncated_arg.ptr); GC.KeepAlive(payer_id_arg); GC.KeepAlive(quantity_arg); GC.KeepAlive(payer_note_truncated_arg); if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; } org.ldk.structs.InvoiceRequestFields ret_hu_conv = null; if (ret < 0 || ret > 4096) { ret_hu_conv = new org.ldk.structs.InvoiceRequestFields(null, ret); } if (ret_hu_conv != null) { ret_hu_conv.ptrs_to.AddLast(ret_hu_conv); }; return ret_hu_conv; } internal long clone_ptr() { long ret = bindings.InvoiceRequestFields_clone_ptr(this.ptr); GC.KeepAlive(this); return ret; } /** * Creates a copy of the InvoiceRequestFields */ public InvoiceRequestFields clone() { long ret = bindings.InvoiceRequestFields_clone(this.ptr); GC.KeepAlive(this); if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; } org.ldk.structs.InvoiceRequestFields ret_hu_conv = null; if (ret < 0 || ret > 4096) { ret_hu_conv = new org.ldk.structs.InvoiceRequestFields(null, ret); } if (ret_hu_conv != null) { ret_hu_conv.ptrs_to.AddLast(this); }; return ret_hu_conv; } /** * Checks if two InvoiceRequestFieldss contain equal inner contents. * This ignores pointers and is_owned flags and looks at the values in fields. * Two objects with NULL inner values will be considered "equal" here. */ public bool eq(org.ldk.structs.InvoiceRequestFields b) { bool ret = bindings.InvoiceRequestFields_eq(this.ptr, b.ptr); GC.KeepAlive(this); GC.KeepAlive(b); if (this != null) { this.ptrs_to.AddLast(b); }; return ret; } public override bool Equals(object o) { if (!(o is InvoiceRequestFields)) return false; return this.eq((InvoiceRequestFields)o); } /** * Serialize the InvoiceRequestFields object into a byte array which can be read by InvoiceRequestFields_read */ public byte[] write() { long ret = bindings.InvoiceRequestFields_write(this.ptr); GC.KeepAlive(this); if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; } byte[] ret_conv = InternalUtils.decodeUint8Array(ret); return ret_conv; } /** * Read a InvoiceRequestFields from a byte array, created by InvoiceRequestFields_write */ public static Result_InvoiceRequestFieldsDecodeErrorZ read(byte[] ser) { long ret = bindings.InvoiceRequestFields_read(InternalUtils.encodeUint8Array(ser)); GC.KeepAlive(ser); if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; } Result_InvoiceRequestFieldsDecodeErrorZ ret_hu_conv = Result_InvoiceRequestFieldsDecodeErrorZ.constr_from_ptr(ret); return ret_hu_conv; } } } } }