using org.ldk.impl; using org.ldk.enums; using org.ldk.util; using System; namespace org { namespace ldk { namespace structs { /** An implementation of Logger */ public interface LoggerInterface { /**Logs the `Record` */ void log(Record record); } /** * A trait encapsulating the operations required of a logger */ public class Logger : CommonBase { internal bindings.LDKLogger bindings_instance; internal long instance_idx; internal Logger(object _dummy, long ptr) : base(ptr) { bindings_instance = null; } ~Logger() { if (ptr != 0) { bindings.Logger_free(ptr); } } private class LDKLoggerHolder { internal Logger held; } private class LDKLoggerImpl : bindings.LDKLogger { internal LDKLoggerImpl(LoggerInterface arg, LDKLoggerHolder impl_holder) { this.arg = arg; this.impl_holder = impl_holder; } private LoggerInterface arg; private LDKLoggerHolder impl_holder; public void log(long _record) { org.ldk.structs.Record _record_hu_conv = null; if (_record < 0 || _record > 4096) { _record_hu_conv = new org.ldk.structs.Record(null, _record); } arg.log(_record_hu_conv); GC.KeepAlive(arg); } } /** Creates a new instance of Logger from a given implementation */ public static Logger new_impl(LoggerInterface arg) { LDKLoggerHolder impl_holder = new LDKLoggerHolder(); LDKLoggerImpl impl = new LDKLoggerImpl(arg, impl_holder); long[] ptr_idx = bindings.LDKLogger_new(impl); impl_holder.held = new Logger(null, ptr_idx[0]); impl_holder.held.instance_idx = ptr_idx[1]; impl_holder.held.bindings_instance = impl; return impl_holder.held; } } } } }