using org.ldk.impl; using org.ldk.enums; using org.ldk.util; using System; namespace org { namespace ldk { namespace structs { /** An implementation of SignerProvider */ public interface SignerProviderInterface { /**Generates a unique `channel_keys_id` that can be used to obtain a [`Self::Signer`] through * [`SignerProvider::derive_channel_signer`]. The `user_channel_id` is provided to allow * implementations of [`SignerProvider`] to maintain a mapping between itself and the generated * `channel_keys_id`. * * This method must return a different value each time it is called. */ byte[] generate_channel_keys_id(bool inbound, long channel_value_satoshis, UInt128 user_channel_id); /**Derives the private key material backing a `Signer`. * * To derive a new `Signer`, a fresh `channel_keys_id` should be obtained through * [`SignerProvider::generate_channel_keys_id`]. Otherwise, an existing `Signer` can be * re-derived from its `channel_keys_id`, which can be obtained through its trait method * [`ChannelSigner::channel_keys_id`]. */ WriteableEcdsaChannelSigner derive_channel_signer(long channel_value_satoshis, byte[] channel_keys_id); /**Reads a [`Signer`] for this [`SignerProvider`] from the given input stream. * This is only called during deserialization of other objects which contain * [`WriteableEcdsaChannelSigner`]-implementing objects (i.e., [`ChannelMonitor`]s and [`ChannelManager`]s). * The bytes are exactly those which `::write()` writes, and * contain no versioning scheme. You may wish to include your own version prefix and ensure * you've read all of the provided bytes to ensure no corruption occurred. * * This method is slowly being phased out -- it will only be called when reading objects * written by LDK versions prior to 0.0.113. * * [`Signer`]: Self::Signer * [`ChannelMonitor`]: crate::chain::channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor * [`ChannelManager`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager */ Result_WriteableEcdsaChannelSignerDecodeErrorZ read_chan_signer(byte[] reader); /**Get a script pubkey which we send funds to when claiming on-chain contestable outputs. * * If this function returns an error, this will result in a channel failing to open. * * This method should return a different value each time it is called, to avoid linking * on-chain funds across channels as controlled to the same user. */ Result_CVec_u8ZNoneZ get_destination_script(); /**Get a script pubkey which we will send funds to when closing a channel. * * If this function returns an error, this will result in a channel failing to open or close. * In the event of a failure when the counterparty is initiating a close, this can result in a * channel force close. * * This method should return a different value each time it is called, to avoid linking * on-chain funds across channels as controlled to the same user. */ Result_ShutdownScriptNoneZ get_shutdown_scriptpubkey(); } /** * A trait that can return signer instances for individual channels. */ public class SignerProvider : CommonBase { internal bindings.LDKSignerProvider bindings_instance; internal long instance_idx; internal SignerProvider(object _dummy, long ptr) : base(ptr) { bindings_instance = null; } ~SignerProvider() { if (ptr != 0) { bindings.SignerProvider_free(ptr); } } private class LDKSignerProviderHolder { internal SignerProvider held; } private class LDKSignerProviderImpl : bindings.LDKSignerProvider { internal LDKSignerProviderImpl(SignerProviderInterface arg, LDKSignerProviderHolder impl_holder) { this.arg = arg; this.impl_holder = impl_holder; } private SignerProviderInterface arg; private LDKSignerProviderHolder impl_holder; public long generate_channel_keys_id(bool _inbound, long _channel_value_satoshis, long _user_channel_id) { org.ldk.util.UInt128 _user_channel_id_conv = new org.ldk.util.UInt128(_user_channel_id); byte[] ret = arg.generate_channel_keys_id(_inbound, _channel_value_satoshis, _user_channel_id_conv); GC.KeepAlive(arg); long result = InternalUtils.encodeUint8Array(InternalUtils.check_arr_len(ret, 32)); return result; } public long derive_channel_signer(long _channel_value_satoshis, long _channel_keys_id) { byte[] _channel_keys_id_conv = InternalUtils.decodeUint8Array(_channel_keys_id); WriteableEcdsaChannelSigner ret = arg.derive_channel_signer(_channel_value_satoshis, _channel_keys_id_conv); GC.KeepAlive(arg); long result = ret.clone_ptr(); if (impl_holder.held != null) { impl_holder.held.ptrs_to.AddLast(ret); }; return result; } public long read_chan_signer(long _reader) { byte[] _reader_conv = InternalUtils.decodeUint8Array(_reader); Result_WriteableEcdsaChannelSignerDecodeErrorZ ret = arg.read_chan_signer(_reader_conv); GC.KeepAlive(arg); long result = ret == null ? 0 : ret.clone_ptr(); return result; } public long get_destination_script() { Result_CVec_u8ZNoneZ ret = arg.get_destination_script(); GC.KeepAlive(arg); long result = ret == null ? 0 : ret.clone_ptr(); return result; } public long get_shutdown_scriptpubkey() { Result_ShutdownScriptNoneZ ret = arg.get_shutdown_scriptpubkey(); GC.KeepAlive(arg); long result = ret == null ? 0 : ret.clone_ptr(); return result; } } /** Creates a new instance of SignerProvider from a given implementation */ public static SignerProvider new_impl(SignerProviderInterface arg) { LDKSignerProviderHolder impl_holder = new LDKSignerProviderHolder(); LDKSignerProviderImpl impl = new LDKSignerProviderImpl(arg, impl_holder); long[] ptr_idx = bindings.LDKSignerProvider_new(impl); impl_holder.held = new SignerProvider(null, ptr_idx[0]); impl_holder.held.instance_idx = ptr_idx[1]; impl_holder.held.bindings_instance = impl; return impl_holder.held; } /** * Generates a unique `channel_keys_id` that can be used to obtain a [`Self::Signer`] through * [`SignerProvider::derive_channel_signer`]. The `user_channel_id` is provided to allow * implementations of [`SignerProvider`] to maintain a mapping between itself and the generated * `channel_keys_id`. * * This method must return a different value each time it is called. */ public byte[] generate_channel_keys_id(bool inbound, long channel_value_satoshis, org.ldk.util.UInt128 user_channel_id) { long ret = bindings.SignerProvider_generate_channel_keys_id(this.ptr, inbound, channel_value_satoshis, InternalUtils.encodeUint8Array(user_channel_id.getLEBytes())); GC.KeepAlive(this); GC.KeepAlive(inbound); GC.KeepAlive(channel_value_satoshis); GC.KeepAlive(user_channel_id); if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; } byte[] ret_conv = InternalUtils.decodeUint8Array(ret); return ret_conv; } /** * Derives the private key material backing a `Signer`. * * To derive a new `Signer`, a fresh `channel_keys_id` should be obtained through * [`SignerProvider::generate_channel_keys_id`]. Otherwise, an existing `Signer` can be * re-derived from its `channel_keys_id`, which can be obtained through its trait method * [`ChannelSigner::channel_keys_id`]. */ public WriteableEcdsaChannelSigner derive_channel_signer(long channel_value_satoshis, byte[] channel_keys_id) { long ret = bindings.SignerProvider_derive_channel_signer(this.ptr, channel_value_satoshis, InternalUtils.encodeUint8Array(InternalUtils.check_arr_len(channel_keys_id, 32))); GC.KeepAlive(this); GC.KeepAlive(channel_value_satoshis); GC.KeepAlive(channel_keys_id); if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; } WriteableEcdsaChannelSigner ret_hu_conv = new WriteableEcdsaChannelSigner(null, ret); if (ret_hu_conv != null) { ret_hu_conv.ptrs_to.AddLast(this); }; return ret_hu_conv; } /** * Reads a [`Signer`] for this [`SignerProvider`] from the given input stream. * This is only called during deserialization of other objects which contain * [`WriteableEcdsaChannelSigner`]-implementing objects (i.e., [`ChannelMonitor`]s and [`ChannelManager`]s). * The bytes are exactly those which `::write()` writes, and * contain no versioning scheme. You may wish to include your own version prefix and ensure * you've read all of the provided bytes to ensure no corruption occurred. * * This method is slowly being phased out -- it will only be called when reading objects * written by LDK versions prior to 0.0.113. * * [`Signer`]: Self::Signer * [`ChannelMonitor`]: crate::chain::channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor * [`ChannelManager`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager */ public Result_WriteableEcdsaChannelSignerDecodeErrorZ read_chan_signer(byte[] reader) { long ret = bindings.SignerProvider_read_chan_signer(this.ptr, InternalUtils.encodeUint8Array(reader)); GC.KeepAlive(this); GC.KeepAlive(reader); if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; } Result_WriteableEcdsaChannelSignerDecodeErrorZ ret_hu_conv = Result_WriteableEcdsaChannelSignerDecodeErrorZ.constr_from_ptr(ret); return ret_hu_conv; } /** * Get a script pubkey which we send funds to when claiming on-chain contestable outputs. * * If this function returns an error, this will result in a channel failing to open. * * This method should return a different value each time it is called, to avoid linking * on-chain funds across channels as controlled to the same user. */ public Result_CVec_u8ZNoneZ get_destination_script() { long ret = bindings.SignerProvider_get_destination_script(this.ptr); GC.KeepAlive(this); if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; } Result_CVec_u8ZNoneZ ret_hu_conv = Result_CVec_u8ZNoneZ.constr_from_ptr(ret); return ret_hu_conv; } /** * Get a script pubkey which we will send funds to when closing a channel. * * If this function returns an error, this will result in a channel failing to open or close. * In the event of a failure when the counterparty is initiating a close, this can result in a * channel force close. * * This method should return a different value each time it is called, to avoid linking * on-chain funds across channels as controlled to the same user. */ public Result_ShutdownScriptNoneZ get_shutdown_scriptpubkey() { long ret = bindings.SignerProvider_get_shutdown_scriptpubkey(this.ptr); GC.KeepAlive(this); if (ret >= 0 && ret <= 4096) { return null; } Result_ShutdownScriptNoneZ ret_hu_conv = Result_ShutdownScriptNoneZ.constr_from_ptr(ret); return ret_hu_conv; } } } } }