## API Updates - `Event::PaymentPathFailed::network_update` has been replaced by a new `Failure` enum, which may contain the `network_update` within it. See `Event::PaymentPathFailed::failure` and `Failure` docs for more - `Event::PaymentPathFailed::all_paths_failed` has been removed, as we've dropped support for manual payment retries. ## Backwards Compatibility - If downgrading from 0.0.114 to a previous version, `Event::PaymentPathFailed::network_update` will always be `None`. - If downgrading from 0.0.114 to a previous version, `Event::PaymentPathFailed::all_paths_failed` will always be set to `false`. Users who wish to support downgrading and currently rely on the field should should first migrate to always calling `ChannelManager::abandon_payment` and awaiting `PaymentFailed` events before retrying (see the field docs for more info on this approach: ), and then migrate to 0.0.114.