X-Git-Url: http://git.bitcoin.ninja/index.cgi?a=blobdiff_plain;f=gen_type_mapping.py;h=c291b82d346ced994ad92c4f4e0b47aa1a09803d;hb=f477813d9dfeb6ab6a78fb7324cee5dc05656c77;hp=8e54cc12bdab47981435c67cd72558a78cb03aba;hpb=6d094e745feaf94c1059555cd1c997965a34bc36;p=ldk-java diff --git a/gen_type_mapping.py b/gen_type_mapping.py index 8e54cc12..c291b82d 100644 --- a/gen_type_mapping.py +++ b/gen_type_mapping.py @@ -184,12 +184,12 @@ class TypeMappingGenerator: to_hu_conv_name = None if subty.to_hu_conv is not None: base_ty = ty_info.subty.java_hu_ty.split("[")[0].split("<")[0] - to_hu_conv = ty_info.java_hu_ty + " " + conv_name + "_arr = new " + base_ty + "[" + arr_name + ".length]" + to_hu_conv = self.consts.var_decl_statement(ty_info.java_hu_ty, conv_name + "_arr", "new " + base_ty + "[" + arr_name + ".length]") if "[" in ty_info.subty.java_hu_ty.split("<")[0]: # Do a bit of a dance to move any excess [] to the end to_hu_conv += "[" + ty_info.subty.java_hu_ty.split("<")[0].split("[")[1] to_hu_conv += ";\nfor (int " + idxc + " = 0; " + idxc + " < " + arr_name + ".length; " + idxc + "++) {\n" - to_hu_conv += "\t" + subty.java_ty + " " + conv_name + " = " + arr_name + "[" + idxc + "];\n" + to_hu_conv += "\t" + self.consts.var_decl_statement(subty.java_ty, conv_name, arr_name + "[" + idxc + "]") + ";\n" to_hu_conv += "\t" + subty.to_hu_conv.replace("\n", "\n\t") + "\n" to_hu_conv += "\t" + conv_name + "_arr[" + idxc + "] = " + subty.to_hu_conv_name + ";\n}" to_hu_conv_name = conv_name + "_arr" @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ class TypeMappingGenerator: ty_info.var_name = "ret" if ty_info.rust_obj in self.opaque_structs: - from_hu_conv = (ty_info.var_name + " == null ? 0 : " + ty_info.var_name + ".ptr & ~1", "this.ptrs_to.add(" + ty_info.var_name + ")") + from_hu_conv = (ty_info.var_name + " == null ? 0 : " + ty_info.var_name + ".ptr & ~1", self.consts.add_ref("this", ty_info.var_name)) opaque_arg_conv = ty_info.rust_obj + " " + ty_info.var_name + "_conv;\n" opaque_arg_conv = opaque_arg_conv + ty_info.var_name + "_conv.inner = (void*)(" + ty_info.var_name + " & (~1));\n" if ty_info.is_ptr and holds_ref: @@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ class TypeMappingGenerator: to_hu_conv_sfx = "" if not ty_info.is_ptr or holds_ref: - to_hu_conv_sfx = "\n" + ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv.ptrs_to.add(this);" + to_hu_conv_sfx = "\n" + self.consts.add_ref(ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv", "this") + ";" if ty_info.is_ptr: return ConvInfo(ty_info = ty_info, arg_name = ty_info.var_name, arg_conv = opaque_arg_conv, arg_conv_name = "&" + ty_info.var_name + "_conv", arg_conv_cleanup = None, @@ -376,11 +376,11 @@ class TypeMappingGenerator: base_conv = base_conv + "\n" + "FREE((void*)" + ty_info.var_name + ");" if from_hu_conv is None: from_hu_conv = (ty_info.var_name + " == null ? 0 : " + ty_info.var_name + ".ptr", "") - from_hu_conv = (from_hu_conv[0], "this.ptrs_to.add(" + ty_info.var_name + ")") + from_hu_conv = (from_hu_conv[0], self.consts.add_ref("this", ty_info.var_name)) return ConvInfo(ty_info = ty_info, arg_name = ty_info.var_name, arg_conv = base_conv, arg_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_conv", arg_conv_cleanup = None, ret_conv = ret_conv, ret_conv_name = "(uint64_t)" + ty_info.var_name + "_ret", - to_hu_conv = ty_info.java_hu_ty + " ret_hu_conv = new " + ty_info.java_hu_ty + "(null, " + ty_info.var_name + ");\nret_hu_conv.ptrs_to.add(this);", + to_hu_conv = self.consts.var_decl_statement(ty_info.java_hu_ty, "ret_hu_conv", "new " + ty_info.java_hu_ty + "(null, " + ty_info.var_name + ")") + ";\n" + self.consts.add_ref("ret_hu_conv", "this") + ";", to_hu_conv_name = "ret_hu_conv", from_hu_conv = from_hu_conv) needs_full_clone = not is_free and (not ty_info.is_ptr or ty_info.requires_clone == True) and ty_info.requires_clone != False if needs_full_clone: @@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ class TypeMappingGenerator: assert ty_info.rust_obj.startswith("LDKCOption") # We don't support contained traits for anything else yet optional_ty = ty_info.rust_obj[11:-1] assert "LDK" + optional_ty in self.trait_structs # We don't support contained traits for anything else yet - to_hu_conv_sfx = "this.ptrs_to.add(" + ty_info.var_name + ")" + to_hu_conv_sfx = self.consts.add_ref("this", ty_info.var_name) base_conv += "\nif (" + ty_info.var_name + "_conv.tag == " + ty_info.rust_obj + "_Some) {" base_conv += "\n\t// Manually implement clone for Java trait instances" optional_ty_info = self.java_c_types("LDK" + optional_ty + " " + ty_info.var_name, None) @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ class TypeMappingGenerator: return ConvInfo(ty_info = ty_info, arg_name = ty_info.var_name, arg_conv = base_conv, arg_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_conv", arg_conv_cleanup = None, ret_conv = ret_conv, ret_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_ref", - to_hu_conv = ty_info.java_hu_ty + " " + ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv = " + ty_info.java_hu_ty + ".constr_from_ptr(" + ty_info.var_name + ");\n" + ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv.ptrs_to.add(this);", + to_hu_conv = self.consts.var_decl_statement(ty_info.java_hu_ty, ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv", ty_info.java_hu_ty + ".constr_from_ptr(" + ty_info.var_name + ")") + ";\n" + self.consts.add_ref(ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv", "this") + ";", to_hu_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv", from_hu_conv = from_hu_conv) if ty_info.rust_obj in self.result_types: if holds_ref: @@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ class TypeMappingGenerator: return ConvInfo(ty_info = ty_info, arg_name = ty_info.var_name, arg_conv = base_conv, arg_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_conv", arg_conv_cleanup = None, ret_conv = ret_conv, ret_conv_name = "(uint64_t)" + ty_info.var_name + "_conv", - to_hu_conv = ty_info.java_hu_ty + " " + ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv = " + ty_info.java_hu_ty + ".constr_from_ptr(" + ty_info.var_name + ");", + to_hu_conv = self.consts.var_decl_statement(ty_info.java_hu_ty, ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv", ty_info.java_hu_ty + ".constr_from_ptr(" + ty_info.var_name + ")") + ";", to_hu_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv", from_hu_conv = from_hu_conv) if ty_info.rust_obj in self.tuple_types: ret_conv_name = "((uint64_t)" + ty_info.var_name + "_conv)" @@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ class TypeMappingGenerator: else: ret_conv = (ty_info.rust_obj + "* " + ty_info.var_name + "_conv = MALLOC(sizeof(" + ty_info.rust_obj + "), \"" + ty_info.rust_obj + "\");\n*" + ty_info.var_name + "_conv = ", ";") if not ty_info.is_ptr or holds_ref: - to_hu_conv_sfx = "\n" + ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv.ptrs_to.add(this);" + to_hu_conv_sfx = "\n" + self.consts.add_ref(ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv", "this") + ";" else: to_hu_conv_sfx = "" if from_hu_conv is None: @@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ class TypeMappingGenerator: return ConvInfo(ty_info = ty_info, arg_name = ty_info.var_name, arg_conv = base_conv, arg_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_conv", arg_conv_cleanup = None, ret_conv = ret_conv, ret_conv_name = ret_conv_name, - to_hu_conv = ty_info.java_hu_ty + " " + ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv = new " + ty_info.java_hu_ty + "(null, " + ty_info.var_name + ");" + to_hu_conv_sfx, + to_hu_conv = self.consts.var_decl_statement(ty_info.java_hu_ty, ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv", "new " + ty_info.java_hu_ty + "(null, " + ty_info.var_name + ")") + ";" + to_hu_conv_sfx, to_hu_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv", from_hu_conv = from_hu_conv) # The manually-defined types - TxOut and u5 @@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ class TypeMappingGenerator: return ConvInfo(ty_info = ty_info, arg_name = ty_info.var_name, arg_conv = "", arg_conv_name = "(LDKu5){ ._0 = " + ty_info.var_name + " }", arg_conv_cleanup = None, ret_conv = ("uint8_t " + ty_info.var_name + "_val = ", "._0;"), ret_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_val", - to_hu_conv = ty_info.java_hu_ty + " " + ty_info.var_name + "_conv = new " + ty_info.java_hu_ty + "(" + ty_info.var_name + ");", + to_hu_conv = self.consts.var_decl_statement(ty_info.java_hu_ty, ty_info.var_name + "_conv", "new " + ty_info.java_hu_ty + "(" + ty_info.var_name + ")") + ";", to_hu_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_conv", from_hu_conv = (ty_info.var_name + ".getVal()", "")) assert ty_info.rust_obj == "LDKTxOut" @@ -488,13 +488,13 @@ class TypeMappingGenerator: return ConvInfo(ty_info = ty_info, arg_name = ty_info.var_name, arg_conv = base_conv, arg_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_conv", arg_conv_cleanup = None, ret_conv = ret_conv, ret_conv_name = "(uint64_t)" + ty_info.var_name + "_ref", - to_hu_conv = ty_info.java_hu_ty + " " + ty_info.var_name + "_conv = new " +ty_info.java_hu_ty + "(null, " + ty_info.var_name + ");", + to_hu_conv = self.consts.var_decl_statement(ty_info.java_hu_ty, ty_info.var_name + "_conv", "new " +ty_info.java_hu_ty + "(null, " + ty_info.var_name + ")") + ";", to_hu_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_conv", from_hu_conv = (ty_info.var_name + ".ptr", "")) elif ty_info.is_ptr: assert(not is_free) if ty_info.rust_obj in self.complex_enums: ret_conv = ("uint64_t ret_" + ty_info.var_name + " = (uint64_t)", " | 1; // Warning: We should clone here!") - from_hu_sfx = "this.ptrs_to.add(" + ty_info.var_name + ")" + from_hu_sfx = self.consts.add_ref("this", ty_info.var_name) if ty_info.rust_obj.replace("LDK", "") + "_clone" in self.clone_fns: ret_conv_pfx = ty_info.rust_obj + " *ret_" + ty_info.var_name + " = MALLOC(sizeof(" + ty_info.rust_obj + "), \"" + ty_info.rust_obj + " ret conversion\");\n" ret_conv_pfx += "*ret_" + ty_info.var_name + " = " + ty_info.rust_obj.replace("LDK", "") + "_clone(" @@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ class TypeMappingGenerator: arg_conv = ty_info.rust_obj + "* " + ty_info.var_name + "_conv = (" + ty_info.rust_obj + "*)" + ty_info.var_name + ";", arg_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_conv", arg_conv_cleanup = None, ret_conv = ret_conv, ret_conv_name = "(uint64_t)ret_" + ty_info.var_name, - to_hu_conv = ty_info.java_hu_ty + " " + ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv = " + ty_info.java_hu_ty + ".constr_from_ptr(" + ty_info.var_name + ");", + to_hu_conv = self.consts.var_decl_statement(ty_info.java_hu_ty, ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv", ty_info.java_hu_ty + ".constr_from_ptr(" + ty_info.var_name + ")") + ";", to_hu_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_hu_conv", from_hu_conv = (ty_info.var_name + " == null ? 0 : " + ty_info.var_name + ".ptr & ~1", from_hu_sfx)) elif ty_info.rust_obj in self.trait_structs: @@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ class TypeMappingGenerator: ret_conv = (ty_info.rust_obj + " *" + ty_info.var_name + "_clone = MALLOC(sizeof(" + ty_info.rust_obj + "), \"" + ty_info.rust_obj + "\");\n" + "*" + ty_info.var_name + "_clone = " + ty_info.rust_obj.replace("LDK", "") + "_clone(", ");"), ret_conv_name = "(uint64_t)" + ty_info.var_name + "_clone", - to_hu_conv = ty_info.java_hu_ty + " ret_hu_conv = new " + ty_info.java_hu_ty + "(null, " + ty_info.var_name + ");\nret_hu_conv.ptrs_to.add(this);", + to_hu_conv = self.consts.var_decl_statement(ty_info.java_hu_ty, "ret_hu_conv", "new " + ty_info.java_hu_ty + "(null, " + ty_info.var_name + ")") + ";\n" + self.consts.add_ref("ret_hu_conv", "this") + ";", to_hu_conv_name = "ret_hu_conv", from_hu_conv = (ty_info.var_name + " == null ? 0 : " + ty_info.var_name + ".ptr", "")) else: @@ -541,9 +541,9 @@ class TypeMappingGenerator: arg_conv = arg_conv, arg_conv_name = arg_conv_name, arg_conv_cleanup = None, ret_conv = ("// WARNING: This object doesn't live past this scope, needs clone!\nuint64_t ret_" + ty_info.var_name + " = ((uint64_t)", ") | 1;"), ret_conv_name = "ret_" + ty_info.var_name, - to_hu_conv = ty_info.java_hu_ty + " ret_hu_conv = new " + ty_info.java_hu_ty + "(null, " + ty_info.var_name + ");\nret_hu_conv.ptrs_to.add(this);", + to_hu_conv = self.consts.var_decl_statement(ty_info.java_hu_ty, "ret_hu_conv", "new " + ty_info.java_hu_ty + "(null, " + ty_info.var_name + ")") + ";\n" + self.consts.add_ref("ret_hu_conv", "this") + ";", to_hu_conv_name = "ret_hu_conv", - from_hu_conv = (ty_info.var_name + " == null ? 0 : " + ty_info.var_name + ".ptr", "this.ptrs_to.add(" + ty_info.var_name + ")")) + from_hu_conv = (ty_info.var_name + " == null ? 0 : " + ty_info.var_name + ".ptr", self.consts.add_ref("this", ty_info.var_name))) return ConvInfo(ty_info = ty_info, arg_name = ty_info.var_name, arg_conv = ty_info.rust_obj + "* " + ty_info.var_name + "_conv = (" + ty_info.rust_obj + "*)(" + ty_info.var_name + " & ~1);", arg_conv_name = ty_info.var_name + "_conv", arg_conv_cleanup = None,