# Dependencies
-markdown: redcarpet
-highlighter: pygments
+markdown: redcarpet
+highlighter: pygments
# Permalinks
-permalink: pretty
-relative_permalinks: true
+# Use of `relative_permalinks` ensures post links from the index work properly.
+permalink: pretty
# Setup
-title: Poole
-tagline: The Jekyll Butler
-url: http://getpoole.com
-paginate: 1
-baseurl: /
+title: Poole
+tagline: The Jekyll Butler
+url: http://getpoole.com
+paginate: 1
+baseurl: /
+# About/contact
- name: Mark Otto
- url: https://twitter.com/mdo
- email: markdotto@gmail.com
+ name: Mark Otto
+ url: https://twitter.com/mdo
+ email: markdotto@gmail.com
# Custom vars
-version: 1.0.0
+version: 1.0.0
- repo: https://github.com/poole/poole
+ repo: https://github.com/poole/poole