hu_name = struct_name.replace("LDKC2Tuple", "TwoTuple").replace("LDKC3Tuple", "ThreeTuple").replace("LDK", "")
out_opaque_struct_human = f"{self.hu_struct_file_prefix}"
+ constructor_body = "super(ptr, bindings." + struct_name.replace("LDK","") + "_free);"
+ extra_docs = ""
+ extra_body = ""
if struct_name.startswith("LDKLocked") or struct_name.startswith("LDKReadOnly"):
- out_opaque_struct_human += "/** XXX: DO NOT USE THIS - it remains locked until the GC runs (if that ever happens */"
+ extra_docs = "\n * This type represents a lock and MUST BE MANUALLY FREE'd!"
+ constructor_body = 'super(ptr, () => { throw new Error("Locks must be manually freed with free()"); });'
+ extra_body = f"""
+ /** Releases this lock */
+ public free() {{
+ bindings.{struct_name.replace("LDK","")}_free(this.ptr);
+ CommonBase.set_null_skip_free(this);
+ }}"""
formatted_doc_comment = struct_doc_comment.replace("\n", "\n * ")
out_opaque_struct_human += f"""
* {formatted_doc_comment}
export class {hu_name} extends CommonBase {implementations}{{
/* @internal */
public constructor(_dummy: object, ptr: number) {{
- super(ptr, bindings.{struct_name.replace("LDK","")}_free);
- }}
+ {constructor_body}
+ }}{extra_body}
self.obj_defined([hu_name], "structs")