--- /dev/null
+//! UniFFI-compatible verification wrappers
+use dnssec_prover::ser::parse_rr_stream;
+use dnssec_prover::validation::{verify_rr_stream, ValidationError};
+use dnssec_prover::rr::Name;
+use dnssec_prover::query::ProofBuilder as NativeProofBuilder;
+use dnssec_prover::query::{QueryBuf};
+use std::collections::VecDeque;
+use std::fmt::Write;
+use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
+pub struct ProofBuilder(Mutex<(NativeProofBuilder, VecDeque<QueryBuf>)>);
+/// Builds a proof builder which can generate a proof for records of the given `ty`pe at the given
+/// `name`.
+/// After calling this [`get_next_query`] should be called to fetch the initial query.
+pub fn init_proof_builder(mut name: String, ty: u16) -> Option<Arc<ProofBuilder>> {
+ if !name.ends_with('.') { name.push('.'); }
+ if let Ok(qname) = name.try_into() {
+ let (builder, initial_query) = NativeProofBuilder::new(&qname, ty);
+ let mut queries = VecDeque::with_capacity(4);
+ queries.push_back(initial_query);
+ Some(Arc::new(ProofBuilder(Mutex::new((builder, queries)))))
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+impl ProofBuilder {
+ /// Processes a response to a query previously fetched from [`get_next_query`].
+ ///
+ /// After calling this, [`get_next_query`] should be called until pending queries are exhausted and
+ /// no more pending queries exist, at which point [`get_unverified_proof`] should be called.
+ pub fn process_query_response(&self, response: Vec<u8>) {
+ if response.len() < u16::MAX as usize {
+ let mut answer = QueryBuf::new_zeroed(response.len() as u16);
+ answer.copy_from_slice(&response);
+ let mut us = self.0.lock().unwrap();
+ if let Ok(queries) = us.0.process_response(&answer) {
+ for query in queries {
+ us.1.push_back(query);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Gets the next query (if any) that should be sent to the resolver for the given proof builder.
+ ///
+ /// Once the resolver responds [`process_query_response`] should be called with the response.
+ pub fn get_next_query(&self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
+ if let Some(query) = self.0.lock().unwrap().1.pop_front() {
+ Some(query.into_vec())
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Gets the final, unverified, proof once all queries fetched via [`get_next_query`] have
+ /// completed and their responses passed to [`process_query_response`].
+ pub fn get_unverified_proof(&self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
+ self.0.lock().unwrap().0.clone().finish_proof().ok().map(|(proof, _ttl)| proof)
+ }
+/// Verifies an RFC 9102-formatted proof and returns verified records matching the given name
+/// (resolving any C/DNAMEs as required).
+pub fn verify_byte_stream(stream: Vec<u8>, name_to_resolve: String) -> String {
+ let name = match Name::try_from(name_to_resolve) {
+ Ok(name) => name,
+ Err(()) => return "{\"error\":\"Bad name to resolve\"}".to_string(),
+ };
+ match do_verify_byte_stream(stream, name) {
+ Ok(r) => r,
+ Err(e) => format!("{{\"error\":\"{:?}\"}}", e),
+ }
+fn do_verify_byte_stream(stream: Vec<u8>, name_to_resolve: Name) -> Result<String, ValidationError> {
+ let rrs = parse_rr_stream(&stream).map_err(|()| ValidationError::Invalid)?;
+ let verified_rrs = verify_rr_stream(&rrs)?;
+ let resolved_rrs = verified_rrs.resolve_name(&name_to_resolve);
+ let mut resp = String::new();
+ write!(&mut resp, "{}",
+ format_args!("{{\"valid_from\": {}, \"expires\": {}, \"max_cache_ttl\": {}, \"verified_rrs\": [",
+ verified_rrs.valid_from, verified_rrs.expires, verified_rrs.max_cache_ttl)
+ ).expect("Write to a String shouldn't fail");
+ for (idx, rr) in resolved_rrs.iter().enumerate() {
+ write!(&mut resp, "{}{}", if idx != 0 { ", " } else { "" }, rr.json())
+ .expect("Write to a String shouldn't fail");
+ }
+ resp += "]}";
+ Ok(resp)