&[0; WORD_COUNT_4096 * 2][..WORD_COUNT_4096 * 2 - word_count * 2]);
// Do a montgomery reduction of `mu`
+ // The definition of REDC (with some names changed):
+ // v = ((mu % R) * N') mod R
+ // t = (mu + v*N) / R
+ // if t >= N { t - N } else { t }
// mu % R is just the bottom word_count bytes of mu
let mut mu_mod_r = [0; WORD_COUNT_4096];
mu_mod_r[WORD_COUNT_4096 - word_count..].copy_from_slice(&mu[WORD_COUNT_4096 * 2 - word_count..]);
*r2_limb &= !(0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffffu64 << (64 - clear_bits));
if *m_limb != 0 { break; }
debug_assert!(r2_mod_m < m.0);
+ #[cfg(debug_assertions)] {
+ debug_assert_eq!(r2_mod_m, U4096(r_mod_m).mulmod_naive(&U4096(r_mod_m), &m).unwrap().0);
+ }
// Finally, actually do the exponentiation...
// Calculate t * R and a * R as mont multiplications by R^2 mod m
+ // (i.e. t * R^2 / R and 1 * R^2 / R)
let mut tr = mont_reduction(mul(&r2_mod_m, &t));
let mut ar = mont_reduction(mul(&r2_mod_m, &self.0));
#[cfg(debug_assertions)] {
- debug_assert_eq!(r2_mod_m, U4096(r_mod_m).mulmod_naive(&U4096(r_mod_m), &m).unwrap().0);
+ // Check that tr/ar match naive multiplication
debug_assert_eq!(&tr, &U4096(t).mulmod_naive(&U4096(r_mod_m), &m).unwrap().0);
debug_assert_eq!(&ar, &self.mulmod_naive(&U4096(r_mod_m), &m).unwrap().0);
assert!(slice_equal(const_subslice(&r_squared_mod_prime, 4, 8), &M::R_SQUARED_MOD_PRIME.0));
+ // The definition of REDC (with some names changed):
+ // v = ((mu % R) * N') mod R
+ // t = (mu + v*N) / R
+ // if t >= N { t - N } else { t }
// mu % R is just the bottom 4 bytes of mu
let mu_mod_r = const_subslice(&mu, 4, 8);
// v = ((mu % R) * negative_modulus_inverse) % R
assert!(slice_equal(const_subslice(&r_squared_mod_prime, 6, 12), &M::R_SQUARED_MOD_PRIME.0));
+ // The definition of REDC (with some names changed):
+ // v = ((mu % R) * N') mod R
+ // t = (mu + v*N) / R
+ // if t >= N { t - N } else { t }
// mu % R is just the bottom 4 bytes of mu
let mu_mod_r = const_subslice(&mu, 6, 12);
// v = ((mu % R) * negative_modulus_inverse) % R