// Fetching the LDK versions from C also checks that the header and binaries match
System.err.println("Loaded LDK-Java Bindings " + version.get_ldk_java_bindings_version() + " with LDK " + get_ldk_version() + " and LDK-C-Bindings " + get_ldk_c_bindings_version());
+ public static void run_statics() { /* Useful to force the statics to run */ }
static native void init(java.lang.Class c);
static native void init_class_cache();
static native String get_lib_version_string();
out_c = out_c + "\t\tcase %d: return %s;\n" % (ord_v, var)
ord_v = ord_v + 1
out_java_enum = out_java_enum + "\t; static native void init();\n"
- out_java_enum = out_java_enum + "\tstatic { init(); }\n"
+ out_java_enum = out_java_enum + "\tstatic { org.ldk.impl.bindings.run_statics(); init(); }\n"
out_java_enum = out_java_enum + "}"
out_java = out_java + "\tstatic { " + struct_name + ".values(); /* Force enum statics to run */ }\n"
out_c += "\t}\n"