// special-case 0 to always refer to a full/initial sync
} else {
+ /*
+ We have snapshots for 6-day- and 7-day-intervals, but the next interval is
+ 14 days. So if somebody requests an update with a timestamp that is 10 days old,
+ there is no longer a snapshot for that specific interval.
+ The correct snapshot will be the next highest interval, i. e. for 14 days.
+ The `snapshot_sync_day_factors` array is sorted ascendingly, so find() will
+ return on the first iteration that is at least equal to the requested interval.
+ Note, however, that the last value in the array is u64::max, which means that
+ multiplying it with DAY_SECONDS will overflow. To avoid that, we use
+ saturating_mul.
+ */
// find min(x) in snapshot_sync_day_factors where x >= i
snapshot_sync_day_factors.iter().find(|x| {
+ DAY_SECONDS.saturating_mul(**x) >= i * config::SNAPSHOT_CALCULATION_INTERVAL as u64
+ log_info!(self.logger, "i: {}, referenced day range: {}", i, referenced_day_range);
let snapshot_filename = snapshot_filenames_by_day_range.get(&referenced_day_range).unwrap();
let relative_snapshot_path = format!("{}/{}", relative_symlink_to_snapshot_path, snapshot_filename);