--- /dev/null
all: youtube-dl README.md README.txt youtube-dl.1 youtube-dl.bash-completion
- rm -rf youtube-dl youtube-dl.exe youtube-dl.1 youtube-dl.bash-completion README.txt MANIFEST build/ dist/
+ rm -rf youtube-dl youtube-dl.exe youtube-dl.1 youtube-dl.bash-completion README.txt MANIFEST build/ dist/ .coverage cover/
python devscripts/bash-completion.py
youtube-dl.tar.gz: all
- tar -czf youtube-dl.tar.gz -s "|^./|./youtube-dl/|" --exclude="updates_key.pem" \
- --exclude="*.pyc" --exclude="*.pyo" --exclude="*~" --exclude="youtube-dl.exe" \
- --exclude="wine-py2exe/" --exclude="py2exe.log" --exclude="*.kate-swp" \
- --exclude="build/" --exclude="dist/" --exclude="MANIFEST" --exclude=".git/" .
+ tar -cvzf youtube-dl.tar.gz -s "|^./|./youtube-dl/|" \
+ --exclude-from=".tarignore" -- .
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import json
+import sys
+import hashlib
+import urllib.request
+if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
+ print('Specify the version number as parameter')
+ sys.exit()
+version = sys.argv[1]
+with open('update/LATEST_VERSION', 'w') as f:
+ f.write(version)
+versions_info = json.load(open('update/versions.json'))
+if 'signature' in versions_info:
+ del versions_info['signature']
+new_version = {}
+filenames = {'bin': 'youtube-dl', 'exe': 'youtube-dl.exe', 'tar': 'youtube-dl-%s.tar.gz' % version}
+for key, filename in filenames.items():
+ print('Downloading and checksumming %s...' %filename)
+ url = 'http://youtube-dl.org/downloads/%s/%s' % (version, filename)
+ data = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
+ sha256sum = hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest()
+ new_version[key] = (url, sha256sum)
+versions_info['versions'][version] = new_version
+versions_info['latest'] = version
+json.dump(versions_info, open('update/versions.json', 'w'), indent=4, sort_keys=True)
\ No newline at end of file
import subprocess
import tempfile
import urllib.request
+import json
-URL = 'https://github.com/downloads/rg3/youtube-dl/youtube-dl'
+versions_info = json.load(open('update/versions.json'))
+version = versions_info['latest']
+URL = versions_info['versions'][version]['bin'][0]
-with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='youtube-dl', delete=True) as ytdl_file:
- with urllib.request.urlopen(URL) as dl:
- shutil.copyfileobj(dl, ytdl_file)
- ytdl_file.seek(0)
- data = ytdl_file.read()
- ytdl_file.flush()
- version = subprocess.check_output(['python3', ytdl_file.name, '--version']).decode('ascii').strip()
+data = urllib.request.urlopen(URL).read()
# Read template page
with open('download.html.in', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as tmplf:
template = template.replace('@PROGRAM_MD5SUM@', md5sum)
template = template.replace('@PROGRAM_SHA1SUM@', sha1sum)
template = template.replace('@PROGRAM_SHA256SUM@', sha256sum)
+template = template.replace('@EXE_URL@', versions_info['versions'][version]['exe'][0])
+template = template.replace('@EXE_SHA256SUM@', versions_info['versions'][version]['exe'][1])
+template = template.replace('@TAR_URL@', versions_info['versions'][version]['tar'][0])
+template = template.replace('@TAR_SHA256SUM@', versions_info['versions'][version]['tar'][1])
with open('download.html', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as dlf:
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import rsa
+import json
+from binascii import hexlify
+versions_info = json.load(open('update/versions.json'))
+if 'signature' in versions_info:
+ del versions_info['signature']
+print('Enter the PKCS1 private key, followed by a blank line:')
+privkey = ''
+while True:
+ try:
+ line = input()
+ except EOFError:
+ break
+ if line == '':
+ break
+ privkey += line + '\n'
+privkey = bytes(privkey, 'ascii')
+privkey = rsa.PrivateKey.load_pkcs1(privkey)
+signature = hexlify(rsa.pkcs1.sign(json.dumps(versions_info, sort_keys=True).encode('utf-8'), privkey, 'SHA-256')).decode()
+print('signature: ' + signature)
+versions_info['signature'] = signature
+json.dump(versions_info, open('update/versions.json', 'w'), indent=4, sort_keys=True)
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-#! /usr/bin/env python3
-import rsa
-import json
-from binascii import hexlify
-# TODO path discovery
-versions_info = json.load(open('update/versions.json'))
-if 'signature' in versions_info:
- del versions_info['signature']
-print('Enter the PKCS1 private key, followed by a blank line:')
-privkey = ''
-while True:
- try:
- line = input()
- except EOFError:
- break
- if line == '':
- break
- privkey += line + '\n'
-privkey = bytes(privkey, 'ascii')
-privkey = rsa.PrivateKey.load_pkcs1(privkey)
-signature = hexlify(rsa.pkcs1.sign(json.dumps(versions_info, sort_keys=True).encode('utf-8'), privkey, 'SHA-256')).decode()
-print('signature: ' + signature)
-versions_info['signature'] = signature
-json.dump(versions_info, open('update/versions.json', 'w'), indent=4, sort_keys=True)
\ No newline at end of file
+# IMPORTANT: the following assumptions are made
+# * you did --set-upstream
+# * the gh-pages branch is named so locally
+# * the git config user.signingkey is properly set
+# You will need
+# pip install coverage nose rsa
+set -e
if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "ERROR: specify version number like this: $0 1994.09.06"; exit 1; fi
if [ ! -z "`git tag | grep "$version"`" ]; then echo 'ERROR: version already present'; exit 1; fi
-if [ ! -z "`git status --porcelain`" ]; then echo 'ERROR: the working directory is not clean; commit or stash changes'; exit 1; fi
-sed -i "s/__version__ = '.*'/__version__ = '$version'/" youtube_dl/__init__.py
-make all
-git add -A
+if [ ! -z "`git status --porcelain | grep -v CHANGELOG`" ]; then echo 'ERROR: the working directory is not clean; commit or stash changes'; exit 1; fi
+if [ ! -f "updates_key.pem" ]; then echo 'ERROR: updates_key.pem missing'; exit 1; fi
+echo "\n### First of all, testing..."
+make clean
+nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=youtube_dl --cover-html test || exit 1
+echo "\n### Changing version in version.py..."
+sed -i~ "s/__version__ = '.*'/__version__ = '$version'/" youtube_dl/version.py
+echo "\n### Committing CHANGELOG README.md and youtube_dl/version.py..."
+make README.md
+git add CHANGELOG README.md youtube_dl/version.py
git commit -m "release $version"
-git tag -m "Release $version" "$version"
\ No newline at end of file
+echo "\n### Now tagging, signing and pushing..."
+git tag -s -m "Release $version" "$version"
+git show "$version"
+read -p "Is it good, can I push? (y/n) " -n 1
+if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then exit 1; fi
+git push
+echo "\n### OK, now it is time to build the binaries..."
+REV=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
+make youtube-dl youtube-dl.tar.gz
+wget "http://jeromelaheurte.net:8142/download/rg3/youtube-dl/youtube-dl.exe?rev=$REV" -O youtube-dl.exe || \
+ wget "http://jeromelaheurte.net:8142/build/rg3/youtube-dl/youtube-dl.exe?rev=$REV" -O youtube-dl.exe
+mkdir -p "update_staging/$version"
+mv youtube-dl youtube-dl.exe "update_staging/$version"
+mv youtube-dl.tar.gz "update_staging/$version/youtube-dl-$version.tar.gz"
+git checkout HEAD -- youtube-dl youtube-dl.exe
+echo "\n### Signing and uploading the new binaries to youtube-dl.org..."
+for f in update_staging/$version/*; do gpg --detach-sig "$f"; done
+scp -r "update_staging/$version" ytdl@youtube-dl.org:html/downloads/
+rm -r update_staging
+echo "\n### Now switching to gh-pages..."
+MASTER=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
+git checkout gh-pages
+git checkout "$MASTER" -- devscripts/gh-pages/
+git reset devscripts/gh-pages/
+devscripts/gh-pages/add-version.py $version
+devscripts/gh-pages/sign-versions.py < updates_key.pem
+rm -r test_coverage
+mv cover test_coverage
+git add *.html *.html.in update test_coverage
+git commit -m "release $version"
+git show HEAD
+read -p "Is it good, can I push? (y/n) " -n 1
+if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then exit 1; fi
+git push
+echo "\n### DONE!"
+git checkout $MASTER