log_info!(self.logger, "Initiating snapshotting service");
let snapshot_sync_day_factors = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 21, u64::MAX];
- let round_day_seconds = config::SNAPSHOT_CALCULATION_INTERVAL as u64;
+ const DAY_SECONDS: u64 = 60 * 60 * 24;
let pending_snapshot_directory = format!("{}/snapshots_pending", cache_path());
let pending_symlink_directory = format!("{}/symlinks_pending", cache_path());
loop {
// 1. get the current timestamp
let snapshot_generation_timestamp = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_secs();
- let reference_timestamp = Self::round_down_to_nearest_multiple(snapshot_generation_timestamp, round_day_seconds);
+ let reference_timestamp = Self::round_down_to_nearest_multiple(snapshot_generation_timestamp, config::SNAPSHOT_CALCULATION_INTERVAL as u64);
log_info!(self.logger, "Capturing snapshots at {} for: {}", snapshot_generation_timestamp, reference_timestamp);
// 2. sleep until the next round 24 hours
let mut snapshot_sync_timestamps: Vec<(u64, u64)> = Vec::new();
for factor in &snapshot_sync_day_factors {
// basically timestamp - day_seconds * factor
- let timestamp = reference_timestamp.saturating_sub(round_day_seconds.saturating_mul(factor.clone()));
+ let timestamp = reference_timestamp.saturating_sub(DAY_SECONDS.saturating_mul(factor.clone()));
snapshot_sync_timestamps.push((factor.clone(), timestamp));
} else {
// find min(x) in snapshot_sync_day_factors where x >= i
snapshot_sync_day_factors.iter().find(|x| {
- x >= &&i
// special-case 0 to always refer to a full/initial sync
} else {
- reference_timestamp.saturating_sub(round_day_seconds.saturating_mul(i))
+ reference_timestamp.saturating_sub((config::SNAPSHOT_CALCULATION_INTERVAL as u64).saturating_mul(i))
let symlink_path = format!("{}/{}.bin", pending_symlink_directory, canonical_last_sync_timestamp);
// constructing the snapshots may have taken a while
let current_time = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_secs();
- let remainder = current_time % round_day_seconds;
- let time_until_next_day = round_day_seconds - remainder;
+ let remainder = current_time % config::SNAPSHOT_CALCULATION_INTERVAL as u64;
+ let time_until_next_day = config::SNAPSHOT_CALCULATION_INTERVAL as u64 - remainder;
log_info!(self.logger, "Sleeping until next snapshot capture: {}s", time_until_next_day);
// add in an extra five seconds to assure the rounding down works correctly