[package] name = "lightning-c-bindings" version = "0.0.1" authors = ["Matt Corallo"] license = "Apache-2.0" edition = "2018" description = """ Utilities to fetch the chain from Bitcoin Core REST/RPC Interfaces and feed them into Rust Lightning. """ [lib] name = "ldk" crate-type = ["staticlib" # Note that the following line is matched exactly by genbindings to turn off dylib creation ,"cdylib"] [features] no-std = ["bitcoin/no-std", "lightning/no-std", "lightning-invoice/no-std", "core2"] std = ["bitcoin/std", "lightning/std", "lightning-invoice/std", "lightning-background-processor/std"] [dependencies] bitcoin = { version = "0.29", default-features = false } secp256k1 = { version = "0.24", features = ["global-context", "recovery"] } # Note that the following line is matched by genbindings to update the path lightning = { git = "https://github.com/lightningdevkit/rust-lightning", branch = "0.0.114-bindings", default-features = false } lightning-persister = { git = "https://github.com/lightningdevkit/rust-lightning", branch = "0.0.114-bindings", default-features = false } lightning-invoice = { git = "https://github.com/lightningdevkit/rust-lightning", branch = "0.0.114-bindings", default-features = false } lightning-background-processor = { git = "https://github.com/lightningdevkit/rust-lightning", branch = "0.0.114-bindings", default-features = false } lightning-rapid-gossip-sync = { git = "https://github.com/lightningdevkit/rust-lightning", branch = "0.0.114-bindings", default-features = false } core2 = { version = "0.3.0", optional = true, default-features = false } # Always force panic=abort, further options are set in the genbindings.sh build script [profile.dev] panic = "abort" [profile.release] panic = "abort"