language = "C" include_guard = "LDK_C_BINDINGS_H" autogen_warning = "/* Warning, this file is autogenerated by cbindgen. Don't modify this manually. */" include_version = true namespace = "LDK" line_length = 80 tab_width = 3 [export] prefix = "LDK" [fn] args = "horizontal" must_use = "MUST_USE_RES" [struct] must_use = "MUST_USE_STRUCT" [enum] # We use the sentinel as a flag to indicate memory freeing is not necessary. add_sentinel = true # Whether enum variant names should be prefixed with the name of the enum. # default: false prefix_with_name = true must_use = "MUST_USE_ENUM" [ptr] non_null_attribute = "NONNULL_PTR"