version: "3" services: rgs_server: build: context: '$PWD' dockerfile: '$PWD/docker/Dockerfile.rgs' volumes: - '$PWD:/usr/src/app:cached' links: - postgres - bitcoin-core depends_on: - postgres environment: - RAPID_GOSSIP_SYNC_SERVER_DB_HOST=postgres - RAPID_GOSSIP_SYNC_SERVER_DB_USER=lightning-rgs - RAPID_GOSSIP_SYNC_SERVER_DB_PASSWORD=docker - RAPID_GOSSIP_SYNC_SERVER_DB_NAME=ln_graph_sync - BITCOIN_REST_DOMAIN=bitcoin-core - BITCOIN_REST_PORT=8332 - BITCOIN_REST_PATH=/rest/ command: 'cargo run' postgres: image: 'postgres:12-alpine' ports: - 5432:5432 volumes: - postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data environment: - POSTGRES_USER=lightning-rgs - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=docker - POSTGRES_DB=ln_graph_sync bitcoin-core: container_name: bitcoin-core image: ruimarinho/bitcoin-core:alpine restart: always ports: - "" - "" volumes: - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro - .bitcoin:/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin command: - "-printtoconsole" - "-rpcallowip=" - "-rpcbind=" - "-rpcuser=vault" - "-rpcpassword=vault" - "-rpcport=8332" - "-rest" # Comment Out Below for Testnet. You'll also need to change BITCOIN_REST_PORT to 18332 # bitcoin-core: # container_name: bitcoin-core # image: ruimarinho/bitcoin-core:alpine # restart: always # ports: # - "" # - "" # volumes: # - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro # - .bitcoin:/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin # command: # - "-printtoconsole" # - "-testnet" # - "-rpcallowip=" # - "-rpcbind=" # - "-rpcuser=vault" # - "-rpcpassword=vault" # - "-rpcport=18332" # - "-rest" volumes: postgres: null