Provide sources for the EC math and use a faster double algorithm
[dnssec-prover] /
1 #!/bin/sh
2 set -eox
4 RUSTC_MINOR_VERSION=$(rustc --version | awk '{ split($2,a,"."); print a[2] }')
5 if [ "$RUSTC_MINOR_VERSION" = 63 ]; then
6         export RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP=1
7         export RUSTFLAGS=--cfg=rust_1_63
8 fi
10 cargo test --no-default-features
11 cargo test
12 cargo test --no-default-features --features std
13 cargo test --no-default-features --features tokio
14 cargo test --no-default-features --features validation
15 cargo test --features std,tokio,validation
16 cargo test --no-default-features --features build_server
17 cargo build --lib
18 cargo build --lib --features std
19 cargo build --lib --features tokio
20 cargo build --lib --features validation
21 cargo build --lib --features std,tokio,validation
22 cargo build --lib --features std,tokio,validation --release
23 cargo build --bin http_proof_gen --features build_server
24 cargo doc --features std,tokio,validation
25 cd fuzz
26 RUSTFLAGS=--cfg=fuzzing RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP=1 cargo build --features stdin_fuzz
27 cd ../bench
28 RUSTFLAGS="--cfg=dnssec_validate_bench" cargo bench