]> git.bitcoin.ninja Git - rust-lightning/blob - lightning-invoice/src/utils.rs
Add utility to create an invoice using the ChannelManager
[rust-lightning] / lightning-invoice / src / utils.rs
1 //! Convenient utilities to create an invoice.
2 use {Currency, Invoice, InvoiceBuilder, SignOrCreationError, RawInvoice};
3 use bech32::ToBase32;
4 use bitcoin_hashes::Hash;
5 use lightning::chain;
6 use lightning::chain::chaininterface::{BroadcasterInterface, FeeEstimator};
7 use lightning::chain::keysinterface::{Sign, KeysInterface};
8 use lightning::ln::channelmanager::{ChannelManager, MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY};
9 use lightning::ln::features::InvoiceFeatures;
10 use lightning::routing::network_graph::RoutingFees;
11 use lightning::routing::router::RouteHintHop;
12 use lightning::util::logger::Logger;
13 use std::ops::Deref;
15 /// Utility to construct an invoice. Generally, unless you want to do something like a custom
16 /// cltv_expiry, this is what you should be using to create an invoice. The reason being, this
17 /// method stores the invoice's payment secret and preimage in `ChannelManager`, so (a) the user
18 /// doesn't have to store preimage/payment secret information and (b) `ChannelManager` can verify
19 /// that the payment secret is valid when the invoice is paid.
20 pub fn create_invoice_from_channelmanager<Signer: Sign, M: Deref, T: Deref, K: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref>(
21         channelmanager: &ChannelManager<Signer, M, T, K, F, L>, keys_manager: K, network: Currency,
22         amt_msat: Option<u64>, description: String
23 ) -> Result<Invoice, SignOrCreationError<()>>
24 where
25         M::Target: chain::Watch<Signer>,
26         T::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
27         K::Target: KeysInterface<Signer = Signer>,
28         F::Target: FeeEstimator,
29         L::Target: Logger,
30 {
31         // Marshall route hints.
32         let our_channels = channelmanager.list_usable_channels();
33         let mut route_hints = vec![];
34         for channel in our_channels {
35                 let short_channel_id = match channel.short_channel_id {
36                         Some(id) => id,
37                         None => continue,
38                 };
39                 let forwarding_info = match channel.counterparty_forwarding_info {
40                         Some(info) => info,
41                         None => continue,
42                 };
43                 route_hints.push(vec![RouteHintHop {
44                         src_node_id: channel.remote_network_id,
45                         short_channel_id,
46                         fees: RoutingFees {
47                                 base_msat: forwarding_info.fee_base_msat,
48                                 proportional_millionths: forwarding_info.fee_proportional_millionths,
49                         },
50                         cltv_expiry_delta: forwarding_info.cltv_expiry_delta,
51                         htlc_minimum_msat: None,
52                         htlc_maximum_msat: None,
53                 }]);
54         }
56         let (payment_hash, payment_secret) = channelmanager.create_inbound_payment(
57                 amt_msat,
58                 7200, // default invoice expiry is 2 hours
59                 0,
60         );
61         let our_node_pubkey = channelmanager.get_our_node_id();
62         let mut invoice = InvoiceBuilder::new(network)
63                 .description(description)
64                 .current_timestamp()
65                 .payee_pub_key(our_node_pubkey)
66                 .payment_hash(Hash::from_slice(&payment_hash.0).unwrap())
67                 .payment_secret(payment_secret)
68                 .features(InvoiceFeatures::known())
69                 .min_final_cltv_expiry(MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY.into());
70         if let Some(amt) = amt_msat {
71                 invoice = invoice.amount_pico_btc(amt * 10);
72         }
73         for hint in route_hints.drain(..) {
74                 invoice = invoice.route(hint);
75         }
77         let raw_invoice = match invoice.build_raw() {
78                 Ok(inv) => inv,
79                 Err(e) => return Err(SignOrCreationError::CreationError(e))
80         };
81         let hrp_str = raw_invoice.hrp.to_string();
82         let hrp_bytes = hrp_str.as_bytes();
83         let data_without_signature = raw_invoice.data.to_base32();
84         let invoice_preimage = RawInvoice::construct_invoice_preimage(hrp_bytes, &data_without_signature);
85         let signed_raw_invoice = raw_invoice.sign(|_| keys_manager.sign_invoice(invoice_preimage));
86         match signed_raw_invoice {
87                 Ok(inv) => Ok(Invoice::from_signed(inv).unwrap()),
88                 Err(e) => Err(SignOrCreationError::SignError(e))
89         }
90 }
92 #[cfg(test)]
93 mod test {
94         use {Currency, Description, InvoiceDescription};
95         use lightning::ln::PaymentHash;
96         use lightning::ln::functional_test_utils::*;
97         use lightning::ln::features::InitFeatures;
98         use lightning::ln::msgs::ChannelMessageHandler;
99         use lightning::routing::router;
100         use lightning::util::events::MessageSendEventsProvider;
101         use lightning::util::test_utils;
102         #[test]
103         fn test_from_channelmanager() {
104                 let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
105                 let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
106                 let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(2, &node_cfgs, &[None, None]);
107                 let nodes = create_network(2, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
108                 let _chan = create_announced_chan_between_nodes(&nodes, 0, 1, InitFeatures::known(), InitFeatures::known());
109                 let invoice = ::utils::create_invoice_from_channelmanager(&nodes[1].node, nodes[1].keys_manager, Currency::BitcoinTestnet, Some(10_000), "test".to_string()).unwrap();
110                 assert_eq!(invoice.amount_pico_btc(), Some(100_000));
111                 assert_eq!(invoice.min_final_cltv_expiry(), Some(9));
112                 assert_eq!(invoice.description(), InvoiceDescription::Direct(&Description("test".to_string())));
114                 let mut route_hints = invoice.routes().clone();
115                 let mut last_hops = Vec::new();
116                 for hint in route_hints.drain(..) {
117                         last_hops.push(hint[hint.len() - 1].clone());
118                 }
119                 let amt_msat = invoice.amount_pico_btc().unwrap() / 10;
121                 let first_hops = nodes[0].node.list_usable_channels();
122                 let network_graph = nodes[0].net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap();
123                 let logger = test_utils::TestLogger::new();
124                 let route = router::get_route(
125                         &nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(),
126                         &network_graph,
127                         &invoice.recover_payee_pub_key(),
128                         Some(invoice.features().unwrap().clone()),
129                         Some(&first_hops.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>()),
130                         &last_hops.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
131                         amt_msat,
132                         invoice.min_final_cltv_expiry().unwrap() as u32,
133                         &logger,
134                 ).unwrap();
136                 let payment_event = {
137                         let mut payment_hash = PaymentHash([0; 32]);
138                         payment_hash.0.copy_from_slice(&invoice.payment_hash().as_ref()[0..32]);
139                         nodes[0].node.send_payment(&route, payment_hash, &Some(invoice.payment_secret().unwrap().clone())).unwrap();
140                         let mut added_monitors = nodes[0].chain_monitor.added_monitors.lock().unwrap();
141                         assert_eq!(added_monitors.len(), 1);
142                         added_monitors.clear();
144                         let mut events = nodes[0].node.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
145                         assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);
146                         SendEvent::from_event(events.remove(0))
148                 };
149                 nodes[1].node.handle_update_add_htlc(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &payment_event.msgs[0]);
150                 nodes[1].node.handle_commitment_signed(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &payment_event.commitment_msg);
151                 let mut added_monitors = nodes[1].chain_monitor.added_monitors.lock().unwrap();
152                 assert_eq!(added_monitors.len(), 1);
153                 added_monitors.clear();
154                 let events = nodes[1].node.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
155                 assert_eq!(events.len(), 2);
156         }
157 }