+ #[test]
+ fn available_amount_while_routing_test() {
+ // Tests whether we choose the correct available channel amount while routing.
+ let (secp_ctx, mut net_graph_msg_handler, chain_monitor, logger) = build_graph();
+ let (our_privkey, our_id, privkeys, nodes) = get_nodes(&secp_ctx);
+ // We will use a simple single-path route from
+ // our node to node2 via node0: channels {1, 3}.
+ // First disable all other paths.
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 2,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 2,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 12,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 2,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ // Make the first channel (#1) very permissive,
+ // and we will be testing all limits on the second channel.
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 1,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(1_000_000_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ // First, let's see if routing works if we have absolutely no idea about the available amount.
+ // In this case, it should be set to 250_000 sats.
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[0], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 3,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Absent,
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ {
+ // Attempt to route more than available results in a failure.
+ if let Err(LightningError{err, action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError}) = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[2], None, &Vec::new(), 250_000_001, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)) {
+ assert_eq!(err, "Failed to find a sufficient route to the given destination");
+ } else { panic!(); }
+ }
+ {
+ // Now, attempt to route an exact amount we have should be fine.
+ let route = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[2], None, &Vec::new(), 250_000_000, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(route.paths.len(), 1);
+ let path = route.paths.last().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(path.len(), 2);
+ assert_eq!(path.last().unwrap().pubkey, nodes[2]);
+ assert_eq!(path.last().unwrap().fee_msat, 250_000_000);
+ }
+ // Now let's see if routing works if we know only htlc_maximum_msat.
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[0], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 3,
+ timestamp: 3,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(15_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ {
+ // Attempt to route more than available results in a failure.
+ if let Err(LightningError{err, action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError}) = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[2], None, &Vec::new(), 15_001, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)) {
+ assert_eq!(err, "Failed to find a sufficient route to the given destination");
+ } else { panic!(); }
+ }
+ {
+ // Now, attempt to route an exact amount we have should be fine.
+ let route = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[2], None, &Vec::new(), 15_000, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(route.paths.len(), 1);
+ let path = route.paths.last().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(path.len(), 2);
+ assert_eq!(path.last().unwrap().pubkey, nodes[2]);
+ assert_eq!(path.last().unwrap().fee_msat, 15_000);
+ }
+ // Now let's see if routing works if we know only capacity from the UTXO.
+ // We can't change UTXO capacity on the fly, so we'll disable
+ // the existing channel and add another one with the capacity we need.
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[0], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 3,
+ timestamp: 4,
+ flags: 2,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Absent,
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ let good_script = Builder::new().push_opcode(opcodes::all::OP_PUSHNUM_2)
+ .push_slice(&PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &privkeys[0]).serialize())
+ .push_slice(&PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &privkeys[2]).serialize())
+ .push_opcode(opcodes::all::OP_PUSHNUM_2)
+ .push_opcode(opcodes::all::OP_CHECKMULTISIG).into_script().to_v0_p2wsh();
+ *chain_monitor.utxo_ret.lock().unwrap() = Ok(TxOut { value: 15, script_pubkey: good_script.clone() });
+ net_graph_msg_handler.add_chain_access(Some(chain_monitor));
+ add_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[0], &privkeys[2], ChannelFeatures::from_le_bytes(id_to_feature_flags(3)), 333);
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[0], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 333,
+ timestamp: 1,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: (3 << 8) | 1,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Absent,
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[2], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 333,
+ timestamp: 1,
+ flags: 1,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: (3 << 8) | 2,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Absent,
+ fee_base_msat: 100,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ {
+ // Attempt to route more than available results in a failure.
+ if let Err(LightningError{err, action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError}) = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[2], None, &Vec::new(), 15_001, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)) {
+ assert_eq!(err, "Failed to find a sufficient route to the given destination");
+ } else { panic!(); }
+ }
+ {
+ // Now, attempt to route an exact amount we have should be fine.
+ let route = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[2], None, &Vec::new(), 15_000, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(route.paths.len(), 1);
+ let path = route.paths.last().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(path.len(), 2);
+ assert_eq!(path.last().unwrap().pubkey, nodes[2]);
+ assert_eq!(path.last().unwrap().fee_msat, 15_000);
+ }
+ // Now let's see if routing chooses htlc_maximum_msat over UTXO capacity.
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[0], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 333,
+ timestamp: 6,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(10_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ {
+ // Attempt to route more than available results in a failure.
+ if let Err(LightningError{err, action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError}) = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[2], None, &Vec::new(), 10_001, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)) {
+ assert_eq!(err, "Failed to find a sufficient route to the given destination");
+ } else { panic!(); }
+ }
+ {
+ // Now, attempt to route an exact amount we have should be fine.
+ let route = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[2], None, &Vec::new(), 10_000, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(route.paths.len(), 1);
+ let path = route.paths.last().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(path.len(), 2);
+ assert_eq!(path.last().unwrap().pubkey, nodes[2]);
+ assert_eq!(path.last().unwrap().fee_msat, 10_000);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn available_liquidity_last_hop_test() {
+ // Check that available liquidity properly limits the path even when only
+ // one of the latter hops is limited.
+ let (secp_ctx, net_graph_msg_handler, _, logger) = build_graph();
+ let (our_privkey, our_id, privkeys, nodes) = get_nodes(&secp_ctx);
+ // Path via {node7, node2, node4} is channels {12, 13, 6, 11}.
+ // {12, 13, 11} have the capacities of 100, {6} has a capacity of 50.
+ // Total capacity: 50 sats.
+ // Disable other potential paths.
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 2,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 2,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[2], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 7,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 2,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ // Limit capacities
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 12,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[7], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 13,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[2], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 6,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(50_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[4], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 11,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ {
+ // Attempt to route more than available results in a failure.
+ if let Err(LightningError{err, action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError}) = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[3], None, &Vec::new(), 60_000, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)) {
+ assert_eq!(err, "Failed to find a sufficient route to the given destination");
+ } else { panic!(); }
+ }
+ {
+ // Now, attempt to route 49 sats (just a bit below the capacity).
+ let route = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[3], None, &Vec::new(), 49_000, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(route.paths.len(), 1);
+ let mut total_amount_paid_msat = 0;
+ for path in &route.paths {
+ assert_eq!(path.len(), 4);
+ assert_eq!(path.last().unwrap().pubkey, nodes[3]);
+ total_amount_paid_msat += path.last().unwrap().fee_msat;
+ }
+ assert_eq!(total_amount_paid_msat, 49_000);
+ }
+ {
+ // Attempt to route an exact amount is also fine
+ let route = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[3], None, &Vec::new(), 50_000, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(route.paths.len(), 1);
+ let mut total_amount_paid_msat = 0;
+ for path in &route.paths {
+ assert_eq!(path.len(), 4);
+ assert_eq!(path.last().unwrap().pubkey, nodes[3]);
+ total_amount_paid_msat += path.last().unwrap().fee_msat;
+ }
+ assert_eq!(total_amount_paid_msat, 50_000);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn ignore_fee_first_hop_test() {
+ let (secp_ctx, net_graph_msg_handler, _, logger) = build_graph();
+ let (our_privkey, our_id, privkeys, nodes) = get_nodes(&secp_ctx);
+ // Path via node0 is channels {1, 3}. Limit them to 100 and 50 sats (total limit 50).
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 1,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 1_000_000,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[0], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 3,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(50_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ {
+ let route = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[2], None, &Vec::new(), 50_000, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(route.paths.len(), 1);
+ let mut total_amount_paid_msat = 0;
+ for path in &route.paths {
+ assert_eq!(path.len(), 2);
+ assert_eq!(path.last().unwrap().pubkey, nodes[2]);
+ total_amount_paid_msat += path.last().unwrap().fee_msat;
+ }
+ assert_eq!(total_amount_paid_msat, 50_000);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn simple_mpp_route_test() {
+ let (secp_ctx, net_graph_msg_handler, _, logger) = build_graph();
+ let (our_privkey, our_id, privkeys, nodes) = get_nodes(&secp_ctx);
+ // We need a route consisting of 3 paths:
+ // From our node to node2 via node0, node7, node1 (three paths one hop each).
+ // To achieve this, the amount being transferred should be around
+ // the total capacity of these 3 paths.
+ // First, we set limits on these (previously unlimited) channels.
+ // Their aggregate capacity will be 50 + 60 + 180 = 290 sats.
+ // Path via node0 is channels {1, 3}. Limit them to 100 and 50 sats (total limit 50).
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 1,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[0], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 3,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(50_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ // Path via node7 is channels {12, 13}. Limit them to 60 and 60 sats
+ // (total limit 60).
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 12,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(60_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[7], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 13,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(60_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ // Path via node1 is channels {2, 4}. Limit them to 200 and 180 sats
+ // (total capacity 180 sats).
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 2,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(200_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[1], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 4,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(180_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ {
+ // Attempt to route more than available results in a failure.
+ if let Err(LightningError{err, action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError}) = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[2], None, &Vec::new(), 300_000, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)) {
+ assert_eq!(err, "Failed to find a sufficient route to the given destination");
+ } else { panic!(); }
+ }
+ {
+ // Now, attempt to route 250 sats (just a bit below the capacity).
+ // Our algorithm should provide us with these 3 paths.
+ let route = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[2], None, &Vec::new(), 250_000, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(route.paths.len(), 3);
+ let mut total_amount_paid_msat = 0;
+ for path in &route.paths {
+ assert_eq!(path.len(), 2);
+ assert_eq!(path.last().unwrap().pubkey, nodes[2]);
+ total_amount_paid_msat += path.last().unwrap().fee_msat;
+ }
+ assert_eq!(total_amount_paid_msat, 250_000);
+ }
+ {
+ // Attempt to route an exact amount is also fine
+ let route = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[2], None, &Vec::new(), 290_000, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(route.paths.len(), 3);
+ let mut total_amount_paid_msat = 0;
+ for path in &route.paths {
+ assert_eq!(path.len(), 2);
+ assert_eq!(path.last().unwrap().pubkey, nodes[2]);
+ total_amount_paid_msat += path.last().unwrap().fee_msat;
+ }
+ assert_eq!(total_amount_paid_msat, 290_000);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn long_mpp_route_test() {
+ let (secp_ctx, net_graph_msg_handler, _, logger) = build_graph();
+ let (our_privkey, our_id, privkeys, nodes) = get_nodes(&secp_ctx);
+ // We need a route consisting of 3 paths:
+ // From our node to node3 via {node0, node2}, {node7, node2, node4} and {node7, node2}.
+ // Note that these paths overlap (channels 5, 12, 13).
+ // We will route 300 sats.
+ // Each path will have 100 sats capacity, those channels which
+ // are used twice will have 200 sats capacity.
+ // Disable other potential paths.
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 2,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 2,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[2], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 7,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 2,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ // Path via {node0, node2} is channels {1, 3, 5}.
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 1,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[0], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 3,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ // Capacity of 200 sats because this channel will be used by 3rd path as well.
+ add_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[2], &privkeys[3], ChannelFeatures::from_le_bytes(id_to_feature_flags(5)), 5);
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[2], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 5,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(200_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ // Path via {node7, node2, node4} is channels {12, 13, 6, 11}.
+ // Add 100 sats to the capacities of {12, 13}, because these channels
+ // are also used for 3rd path. 100 sats for the rest. Total capacity: 100 sats.
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 12,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(200_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[7], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 13,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(200_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[2], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 6,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[4], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 11,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ // Path via {node7, node2} is channels {12, 13, 5}.
+ // We already limited them to 200 sats (they are used twice for 100 sats).
+ // Nothing to do here.
+ {
+ // Attempt to route more than available results in a failure.
+ if let Err(LightningError{err, action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError}) = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[3], None, &Vec::new(), 350_000, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)) {
+ assert_eq!(err, "Failed to find a sufficient route to the given destination");
+ } else { panic!(); }
+ }
+ {
+ // Now, attempt to route 300 sats (exact amount we can route).
+ // Our algorithm should provide us with these 3 paths, 100 sats each.
+ let route = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[3], None, &Vec::new(), 300_000, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(route.paths.len(), 3);
+ let mut total_amount_paid_msat = 0;
+ for path in &route.paths {
+ assert_eq!(path.last().unwrap().pubkey, nodes[3]);
+ total_amount_paid_msat += path.last().unwrap().fee_msat;
+ }
+ assert_eq!(total_amount_paid_msat, 300_000);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn mpp_cheaper_route_test() {
+ let (secp_ctx, net_graph_msg_handler, _, logger) = build_graph();
+ let (our_privkey, our_id, privkeys, nodes) = get_nodes(&secp_ctx);
+ // This test checks that if we have two cheaper paths and one more expensive path,
+ // so that liquidity-wise any 2 of 3 combination is sufficient,
+ // two cheaper paths will be taken.
+ // These paths have equal available liquidity.
+ // We need a combination of 3 paths:
+ // From our node to node3 via {node0, node2}, {node7, node2, node4} and {node7, node2}.
+ // Note that these paths overlap (channels 5, 12, 13).
+ // Each path will have 100 sats capacity, those channels which
+ // are used twice will have 200 sats capacity.
+ // Disable other potential paths.
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 2,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 2,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[2], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 7,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 2,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ // Path via {node0, node2} is channels {1, 3, 5}.
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 1,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[0], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 3,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ // Capacity of 200 sats because this channel will be used by 3rd path as well.
+ add_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[2], &privkeys[3], ChannelFeatures::from_le_bytes(id_to_feature_flags(5)), 5);
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[2], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 5,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(200_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ // Path via {node7, node2, node4} is channels {12, 13, 6, 11}.
+ // Add 100 sats to the capacities of {12, 13}, because these channels
+ // are also used for 3rd path. 100 sats for the rest. Total capacity: 100 sats.
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 12,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(200_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[7], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 13,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(200_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[2], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 6,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 1_000,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[4], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 11,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ // Path via {node7, node2} is channels {12, 13, 5}.
+ // We already limited them to 200 sats (they are used twice for 100 sats).
+ // Nothing to do here.
+ {
+ // Now, attempt to route 180 sats.
+ // Our algorithm should provide us with these 2 paths.
+ let route = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[3], None, &Vec::new(), 180_000, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(route.paths.len(), 2);
+ let mut total_value_transferred_msat = 0;
+ let mut total_paid_msat = 0;
+ for path in &route.paths {
+ assert_eq!(path.last().unwrap().pubkey, nodes[3]);
+ total_value_transferred_msat += path.last().unwrap().fee_msat;
+ for hop in path {
+ total_paid_msat += hop.fee_msat;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we paid fee, this would be higher.
+ assert_eq!(total_value_transferred_msat, 180_000);
+ let total_fees_paid = total_paid_msat - total_value_transferred_msat;
+ assert_eq!(total_fees_paid, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn fees_on_mpp_route_test() {
+ // This test makes sure that MPP algorithm properly takes into account
+ // fees charged on the channels, by making the fees impactful:
+ // if the fee is not properly accounted for, the behavior is different.
+ let (secp_ctx, net_graph_msg_handler, _, logger) = build_graph();
+ let (our_privkey, our_id, privkeys, nodes) = get_nodes(&secp_ctx);
+ // We need a route consisting of 2 paths:
+ // From our node to node3 via {node0, node2} and {node7, node2, node4}.
+ // We will route 200 sats, Each path will have 100 sats capacity.
+ // This test is not particularly stable: e.g.,
+ // there's a way to route via {node0, node2, node4}.
+ // It works while pathfinding is deterministic, but can be broken otherwise.
+ // It's fine to ignore this concern for now.
+ // Disable other potential paths.
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 2,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 2,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[2], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 7,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 2,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ // Path via {node0, node2} is channels {1, 3, 5}.
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 1,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[0], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 3,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ add_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[2], &privkeys[3], ChannelFeatures::from_le_bytes(id_to_feature_flags(5)), 5);
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[2], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 5,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ // Path via {node7, node2, node4} is channels {12, 13, 6, 11}.
+ // All channels should be 100 sats capacity. But for the fee experiment,
+ // we'll add absolute fee of 150 sats paid for the use channel 6 (paid to node2 on channel 13).
+ // Since channel 12 allows to deliver only 250 sats to channel 13, channel 13 can transfer only
+ // 100 sats (and pay 150 sats in fees for the use of channel 6),
+ // so no matter how large are other channels,
+ // the whole path will be limited by 100 sats with just these 2 conditions:
+ // - channel 12 capacity is 250 sats
+ // - fee for channel 6 is 150 sats
+ // Let's test this by enforcing these 2 conditions and removing other limits.
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 12,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(250_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[7], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 13,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Absent,
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[2], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 6,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Absent,
+ fee_base_msat: 150_000,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[4], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 11,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Absent,
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ {
+ // Attempt to route more than available results in a failure.
+ if let Err(LightningError{err, action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError}) = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[3], None, &Vec::new(), 210_000, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)) {
+ assert_eq!(err, "Failed to find a sufficient route to the given destination");
+ } else { panic!(); }
+ }
+ {
+ // Now, attempt to route 200 sats (exact amount we can route).
+ let route = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[3], None, &Vec::new(), 200_000, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(route.paths.len(), 2);
+ let mut total_amount_paid_msat = 0;
+ for path in &route.paths {
+ assert_eq!(path.last().unwrap().pubkey, nodes[3]);
+ total_amount_paid_msat += path.last().unwrap().fee_msat;
+ }
+ assert_eq!(total_amount_paid_msat, 200_000);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn drop_lowest_channel_mpp_route_test() {
+ // This test checks that low-capacity channel is dropped when after
+ // path finding we realize that we found more capacity than we need.
+ let (secp_ctx, net_graph_msg_handler, _, logger) = build_graph();
+ let (our_privkey, our_id, privkeys, nodes) = get_nodes(&secp_ctx);
+ // We need a route consisting of 3 paths:
+ // From our node to node2 via node0, node7, node1 (three paths one hop each).
+ // The first and the second paths should be sufficient, but the third should be
+ // cheaper, so that we select it but drop later.
+ // First, we set limits on these (previously unlimited) channels.
+ // Their aggregate capacity will be 50 + 60 + 20 = 130 sats.
+ // Path via node0 is channels {1, 3}. Limit them to 100 and 50 sats (total limit 50);
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 1,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(100_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[0], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 3,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(50_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 100,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ // Path via node7 is channels {12, 13}. Limit them to 60 and 60 sats (total limit 60);
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 12,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(60_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 100,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[7], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 13,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(60_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ // Path via node1 is channels {2, 4}. Limit them to 20 and 20 sats (total capacity 20 sats).
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 2,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(20_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[1], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 4,
+ timestamp: 2,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Present(20_000),
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ {
+ // Attempt to route more than available results in a failure.
+ if let Err(LightningError{err, action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError}) = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[2], None, &Vec::new(), 150_000, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)) {
+ assert_eq!(err, "Failed to find a sufficient route to the given destination");
+ } else { panic!(); }
+ }
+ {
+ // Now, attempt to route 125 sats (just a bit below the capacity of 3 channels).
+ // Our algorithm should provide us with these 3 paths.
+ let route = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[2], None, &Vec::new(), 125_000, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(route.paths.len(), 3);
+ let mut total_amount_paid_msat = 0;
+ for path in &route.paths {
+ assert_eq!(path.len(), 2);
+ assert_eq!(path.last().unwrap().pubkey, nodes[2]);
+ total_amount_paid_msat += path.last().unwrap().fee_msat;
+ }
+ assert_eq!(total_amount_paid_msat, 125_000);
+ }
+ {
+ // Attempt to route without the last small cheap channel
+ let route = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[2], None, &Vec::new(), 90_000, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(route.paths.len(), 2);
+ let mut total_amount_paid_msat = 0;
+ for path in &route.paths {
+ assert_eq!(path.len(), 2);
+ assert_eq!(path.last().unwrap().pubkey, nodes[2]);
+ total_amount_paid_msat += path.last().unwrap().fee_msat;
+ }
+ assert_eq!(total_amount_paid_msat, 90_000);
+ }
+ }