use ln::functional_test_utils::*;
+fn test_insane_channel_opens() {
+ // Stand up a network of 2 nodes
+ let nodes = create_network(2, &[None, None]);
+ // Instantiate channel parameters where we push the maximum msats given our
+ // funding satoshis
+ let channel_value_sat = 31337; // same as funding satoshis
+ let channel_reserve_satoshis = Channel::get_our_channel_reserve_satoshis(channel_value_sat);
+ let push_msat = (channel_value_sat - channel_reserve_satoshis) * 1000;
+ // Have node0 initiate a channel to node1 with aforementioned parameters
+ nodes[0].node.create_channel(nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), channel_value_sat, push_msat, 42).unwrap();
+ // Extract the channel open message from node0 to node1
+ let open_channel_message = get_event_msg!(nodes[0], MessageSendEvent::SendOpenChannel, nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id());
+ // Test helper that asserts we get the correct error string given a mutator
+ // that supposedly makes the channel open message insane
+ let insane_open_helper = |expected_error_str, message_mutator: fn(msgs::OpenChannel) -> msgs::OpenChannel| {
+ match nodes[1].node.handle_open_channel(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), LocalFeatures::new(), &message_mutator(open_channel_message.clone())) {
+ Err(msgs::HandleError{ err: error_str, action: Some(msgs::ErrorAction::SendErrorMessage {..})}) => {
+ assert_eq!(error_str, expected_error_str, "unexpected HandleError string (expected `{}`, actual `{}`)", expected_error_str, error_str)
+ },
+ Err(msgs::HandleError{..}) => {panic!("unexpected HandleError action")},
+ _ => panic!("insane OpenChannel message was somehow Ok"),
+ }
+ };
+ use ln::channel::MAX_FUNDING_SATOSHIS;
+ use ln::channelmanager::MAX_LOCAL_BREAKDOWN_TIMEOUT;
+ // Test all mutations that would make the channel open message insane
+ insane_open_helper("funding value > 2^24", |mut msg| { msg.funding_satoshis = MAX_FUNDING_SATOSHIS; msg });
+ insane_open_helper("Bogus channel_reserve_satoshis", |mut msg| { msg.channel_reserve_satoshis = msg.funding_satoshis + 1; msg });
+ insane_open_helper("push_msat larger than funding value", |mut msg| { msg.push_msat = (msg.funding_satoshis - msg.channel_reserve_satoshis) * 1000 + 1; msg });
+ insane_open_helper("Peer never wants payout outputs?", |mut msg| { msg.dust_limit_satoshis = msg.funding_satoshis + 1 ; msg });
+ insane_open_helper("Bogus; channel reserve is less than dust limit", |mut msg| { msg.dust_limit_satoshis = msg.channel_reserve_satoshis + 1; msg });
+ insane_open_helper("Minimum htlc value is full channel value", |mut msg| { msg.htlc_minimum_msat = (msg.funding_satoshis - msg.channel_reserve_satoshis) * 1000; msg });
+ insane_open_helper("They wanted our payments to be delayed by a needlessly long period", |mut msg| { msg.to_self_delay = MAX_LOCAL_BREAKDOWN_TIMEOUT + 1; msg });
+ insane_open_helper("0 max_accpted_htlcs makes for a useless channel", |mut msg| { msg.max_accepted_htlcs = 0; msg });
+ insane_open_helper("max_accpted_htlcs > 483", |mut msg| { msg.max_accepted_htlcs = 484; msg });
fn test_async_inbound_update_fee() {
let mut nodes = create_network(2, &[None, None]);