struct IrrevocablyResolvedHTLC {
commitment_tx_output_idx: u32,
+ /// The txid of the transaction which resolved the HTLC, this may be a commitment (if the HTLC
+ /// was not present in the confirmed commitment transaction), HTLC-Success, or HTLC-Timeout
+ /// transaction.
+ resolving_txid: Option<Txid>, // Added as optional, but always filled in, in 0.0.110
/// Only set if the HTLC claim was ours using a payment preimage
payment_preimage: Option<PaymentPreimage>,
impl_writeable_tlv_based!(IrrevocablyResolvedHTLC, {
(0, commitment_tx_output_idx, required),
+ (1, resolving_txid, option),
(2, payment_preimage, option),
if let Some(idx) = commitment_tx_output_idx {
- self.htlcs_resolved_on_chain.push(IrrevocablyResolvedHTLC { commitment_tx_output_idx: idx, payment_preimage: None });
+ self.htlcs_resolved_on_chain.push(IrrevocablyResolvedHTLC {
+ commitment_tx_output_idx: idx, resolving_txid: Some(entry.txid),
+ payment_preimage: None,
+ });
OnchainEvent::MaturingOutput { descriptor } => {
OnchainEvent::HTLCSpendConfirmation { commitment_tx_output_idx, preimage, .. } => {
- self.htlcs_resolved_on_chain.push(IrrevocablyResolvedHTLC { commitment_tx_output_idx, payment_preimage: preimage });
+ self.htlcs_resolved_on_chain.push(IrrevocablyResolvedHTLC {
+ commitment_tx_output_idx, resolving_txid: Some(entry.txid),
+ payment_preimage: preimage,
+ });
OnchainEvent::FundingSpendConfirmation { commitment_tx_to_counterparty_output, .. } => {
self.funding_spend_confirmed = Some(entry.txid);