- let mut private_hop_key_cache = hash_map_with_capacity(
- payment_params.payee.unblinded_route_hints().iter().map(|path| path.0.len()).sum()
- );
- // Because we store references to private hop node_ids in `dist`, below, we need them to exist
- // (as `NodeId`, not `PublicKey`) for the lifetime of `dist`. Thus, we calculate all the keys
- // we'll need here and simply fetch them when routing.
- private_hop_key_cache.insert(maybe_dummy_payee_pk, NodeId::from_pubkey(&maybe_dummy_payee_pk));
- for route in payment_params.payee.unblinded_route_hints().iter() {
- for hop in route.0.iter() {
- private_hop_key_cache.insert(hop.src_node_id, NodeId::from_pubkey(&hop.src_node_id));
- }
- }
let node_counters = node_counter_builder.build();
// The main heap containing all candidate next-hops sorted by their score (max(fee,
let mut aggregate_path_contribution_msat = path_value_msat;
for (idx, (hop, prev_hop_id)) in hop_iter.zip(prev_hop_iter).enumerate() {
- let target = private_hop_key_cache.get(prev_hop_id).unwrap();
+ let (target, _private_target_node_counter) =
+ node_counters.private_node_counter_from_pubkey(&prev_hop_id)
+ .expect("node_counter_from_pubkey is called on all unblinded_route_hints keys during setup, so is always Some here");
if let Some(first_channels) = first_hop_targets.get(target) {
if first_channels.iter().any(|d| d.outbound_scid_alias == Some(hop.short_channel_id)) {