Specifically, introduce a new constructor for an anchors-
supporting feature set, as well as methods that will
maintain forwards-compatible deserialization in older
<sealed::ChannelTypeContext as sealed::StaticRemoteKey>::set_required_bit(&mut ret.flags);
+ #[cfg(any(anchors, test))]
+ /// Constructs a ChannelTypeFeatures with anchors support
+ pub(crate) fn anchors_zero_htlc_fee_and_dependencies() -> Self {
+ let mut ret = Self::empty();
+ <sealed::ChannelTypeContext as sealed::StaticRemoteKey>::set_required_bit(&mut ret.flags);
+ <sealed::ChannelTypeContext as sealed::AnchorsZeroFeeHtlcTx>::set_required_bit(&mut ret.flags);
+ ret
+ }
impl ToBase32 for InvoiceFeatures {