+ #[test]
+ fn min_criteria_consistency() {
+ // Test that we don't use an inconsistent metric between updating and walking nodes during
+ // our Dijkstra's pass. In the initial version of MPP, the "best source" for a given node
+ // was updated with a different critera from the heap sorting, resulting in loops in
+ // calculated paths. We test for that specific case here.
+ // We construct a network that looks like this:
+ //
+ // node2 -1(3)2- node3
+ // 2 2
+ // (2) (4)
+ // 1 1
+ // node1 -1(5)2- node4 -1(1)2- node6
+ // 2
+ // (6)
+ // 1
+ // our_node
+ //
+ // We create a loop on the side of our real path - our destination is node 6, with a
+ // previous hop of node 4. From 4, the cheapest previous path is channel 2 from node 2,
+ // followed by node 3 over channel 3. Thereafter, the cheapest next-hop is back to node 4
+ // (this time over channel 4). Channel 4 has 0 htlc_minimum_msat whereas channel 1 (the
+ // other channel with a previous-hop of node 4) has a high (but irrelevant to the overall
+ // payment) htlc_minimum_msat. In the original algorithm, this resulted in node4's
+ // "previous hop" being set to node 3, creating a loop in the path.
+ let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
+ let logger = Arc::new(test_utils::TestLogger::new());
+ let net_graph_msg_handler = NetGraphMsgHandler::new(genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(), None, Arc::clone(&logger));
+ let (our_privkey, our_id, privkeys, nodes) = get_nodes(&secp_ctx);
+ add_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, &privkeys[1], ChannelFeatures::from_le_bytes(id_to_feature_flags(6)), 6);
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &our_privkey, UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 6,
+ timestamp: 1,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: (6 << 8) | 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Absent,
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ add_or_update_node(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[1], NodeFeatures::from_le_bytes(id_to_feature_flags(1)), 0);
+ add_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[1], &privkeys[4], ChannelFeatures::from_le_bytes(id_to_feature_flags(5)), 5);
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[1], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 5,
+ timestamp: 1,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: (5 << 8) | 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Absent,
+ fee_base_msat: 100,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ add_or_update_node(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[4], NodeFeatures::from_le_bytes(id_to_feature_flags(4)), 0);
+ add_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[4], &privkeys[3], ChannelFeatures::from_le_bytes(id_to_feature_flags(4)), 4);
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[4], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 4,
+ timestamp: 1,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: (4 << 8) | 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Absent,
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ add_or_update_node(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[3], NodeFeatures::from_le_bytes(id_to_feature_flags(3)), 0);
+ add_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[3], &privkeys[2], ChannelFeatures::from_le_bytes(id_to_feature_flags(3)), 3);
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[3], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 3,
+ timestamp: 1,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: (3 << 8) | 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Absent,
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ add_or_update_node(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[2], NodeFeatures::from_le_bytes(id_to_feature_flags(2)), 0);
+ add_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[2], &privkeys[4], ChannelFeatures::from_le_bytes(id_to_feature_flags(2)), 2);
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[2], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 2,
+ timestamp: 1,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: (2 << 8) | 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 0,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Absent,
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ add_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[4], &privkeys[6], ChannelFeatures::from_le_bytes(id_to_feature_flags(1)), 1);
+ update_channel(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[4], UnsignedChannelUpdate {
+ chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash(),
+ short_channel_id: 1,
+ timestamp: 1,
+ flags: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: (1 << 8) | 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 100,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: OptionalField::Absent,
+ fee_base_msat: 0,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ excess_data: Vec::new()
+ });
+ add_or_update_node(&net_graph_msg_handler, &secp_ctx, &privkeys[6], NodeFeatures::from_le_bytes(id_to_feature_flags(6)), 0);
+ {
+ // Now ensure the route flows simply over nodes 1 and 4 to 6.
+ let route = get_route(&our_id, &net_graph_msg_handler.network_graph.read().unwrap(), &nodes[6], None, None, &Vec::new(), 10_000, 42, Arc::clone(&logger)).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(route.paths.len(), 1);
+ assert_eq!(route.paths[0].len(), 3);
+ assert_eq!(route.paths[0][0].pubkey, nodes[1]);
+ assert_eq!(route.paths[0][0].short_channel_id, 6);
+ assert_eq!(route.paths[0][0].fee_msat, 100);
+ assert_eq!(route.paths[0][0].cltv_expiry_delta, (5 << 8) | 0);
+ assert_eq!(route.paths[0][0].node_features.le_flags(), &id_to_feature_flags(1));
+ assert_eq!(route.paths[0][0].channel_features.le_flags(), &id_to_feature_flags(6));
+ assert_eq!(route.paths[0][1].pubkey, nodes[4]);
+ assert_eq!(route.paths[0][1].short_channel_id, 5);
+ assert_eq!(route.paths[0][1].fee_msat, 0);
+ assert_eq!(route.paths[0][1].cltv_expiry_delta, (1 << 8) | 0);
+ assert_eq!(route.paths[0][1].node_features.le_flags(), &id_to_feature_flags(4));
+ assert_eq!(route.paths[0][1].channel_features.le_flags(), &id_to_feature_flags(5));
+ assert_eq!(route.paths[0][2].pubkey, nodes[6]);
+ assert_eq!(route.paths[0][2].short_channel_id, 1);
+ assert_eq!(route.paths[0][2].fee_msat, 10_000);
+ assert_eq!(route.paths[0][2].cltv_expiry_delta, 42);
+ assert_eq!(route.paths[0][2].node_features.le_flags(), &id_to_feature_flags(6));
+ assert_eq!(route.paths[0][2].channel_features.le_flags(), &id_to_feature_flags(1));
+ }
+ }
fn exact_fee_liquidity_limit() {
// Test that if, while walking the graph, we find a hop that has exactly enough liquidity