use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::collections::btree_map::Entry as BtreeEntry;
-use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ops::Deref;
use bitcoin::hashes::hex::ToHex;
-/// Maximum number of short_channel_id values that can be encoded in a
-/// single reply_channel_range or query_short_channel_ids messages when
-/// using raw encoding. The maximum value ensures that the 8-byte SCIDs
-/// fit inside the maximum size of the Lightning message, 65535-bytes.
-const MAX_SHORT_CHANNEL_ID_BATCH_SIZE: usize = 8000;
-/// Maximum number of reply_channel_range messages we will allow in
-/// reply to a query_channel_range. This value creates an upper-limit
-/// on the number of SCIDs we process in reply to a single query.
/// Represents the network as nodes and channels between them
pub struct NetworkGraph {
chain_access: Option<C>,
full_syncs_requested: AtomicUsize,
pending_events: Mutex<Vec<events::MessageSendEvent>>,
- chan_range_query_tasks: Mutex<HashMap<PublicKey, ChanRangeQueryTask>>,
- scid_query_tasks: Mutex<HashMap<PublicKey, ScidQueryTask>>,
logger: L,
full_syncs_requested: AtomicUsize::new(0),
pending_events: Mutex::new(vec![]),
- chan_range_query_tasks: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
- scid_query_tasks: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
full_syncs_requested: AtomicUsize::new(0),
pending_events: Mutex::new(vec![]),
- chan_range_query_tasks: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
- scid_query_tasks: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
pub fn read_locked_graph<'a>(&'a self) -> LockedNetworkGraph<'a> {
- /// Enqueues a message send event for a batch of short_channel_ids
- /// in a task.
- fn finalize_query_short_ids(&self, task: &mut ScidQueryTask) {
- let scid_size = std::cmp::min(task.short_channel_ids.len(), MAX_SHORT_CHANNEL_ID_BATCH_SIZE);
- let mut short_channel_ids: Vec<u64> = Vec::with_capacity(scid_size);
- for scid in task.short_channel_ids.drain(..scid_size) {
- short_channel_ids.push(scid);
- }
- log_debug!(self.logger, "Sending query_short_channel_ids peer={}, batch_size={}", log_pubkey!(task.node_id), scid_size);
- // enqueue the message to the peer
- let mut pending_events = self.pending_events.lock().unwrap();
- pending_events.push(events::MessageSendEvent::SendShortIdsQuery {
- node_id: task.node_id.clone(),
- msg: QueryShortChannelIds {
- chain_hash: task.chain_hash.clone(),
- short_channel_ids,
- }
- });
- }
impl<'a> LockedNetworkGraph<'a> {
- fn query_channel_range(&self, their_node_id: &PublicKey, chain_hash: BlockHash, first_blocknum: u32, number_of_blocks: u32) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
- // We must ensure that we only have a single in-flight query
- // to the remote peer. If we already have a query, then we fail
- let mut query_range_tasks_lock = self.chan_range_query_tasks.lock().unwrap();
- let query_range_tasks = &mut *query_range_tasks_lock;
- if query_range_tasks.contains_key(their_node_id) {
- return Err(LightningError {
- err: String::from("query_channel_range already in-flight"),
- action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError,
- });
- }
- // Construct a new task to keep track of the query until the full
- // range query has been completed
- let task = ChanRangeQueryTask::new(their_node_id, chain_hash, first_blocknum, number_of_blocks);
- query_range_tasks.insert(their_node_id.clone(), task);
- // Enqueue the message send event
+ /// Initiates a stateless sync of routing gossip information with a peer
+ /// by calling query_channel_range. The default strategy used by this
+ /// implementation is to sync for the full block range with several peers.
+ /// We should expect one or more reply_channel_range messages in response
+ /// to our query. Each reply will enqueue a query_scid message to request
+ /// gossip messages for each channel. The sync is considered complete when
+ /// the final reply_scids_end message is received, though we are not
+ /// tracking this directly.
+ fn sync_routing_table(&self, their_node_id: &PublicKey) {
+ let first_blocknum = 0;
+ let number_of_blocks = 0xffffffff;
log_debug!(self.logger, "Sending query_channel_range peer={}, first_blocknum={}, number_of_blocks={}", log_pubkey!(their_node_id), first_blocknum, number_of_blocks);
let mut pending_events = self.pending_events.lock().unwrap();
pending_events.push(events::MessageSendEvent::SendChannelRangeQuery {
node_id: their_node_id.clone(),
msg: QueryChannelRange {
- chain_hash,
+ chain_hash:,
- Ok(())
- }
- /// A query should only request channels referring to unspent outputs.
- /// This method does not validate this requirement and expects the
- /// caller to ensure SCIDs are unspent.
- fn query_short_channel_ids(&self, their_node_id: &PublicKey, chain_hash: BlockHash, short_channel_ids: Vec<u64>) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
- // Create a new task or add to the existing task
- let mut query_scids_tasks_lock = self.scid_query_tasks.lock().unwrap();
- let query_scids_tasks = &mut *query_scids_tasks_lock;
- // For an existing task we append the short_channel_ids which will be sent when the
- // current in-flight batch completes.
- if let Some(task) = query_scids_tasks.get_mut(their_node_id) {
- task.add(short_channel_ids);
- return Ok(());
- }
- // For a new task we create the task with short_channel_ids and send the first
- // batch immediately.
- query_scids_tasks.insert(their_node_id.clone(), ScidQueryTask::new(
- their_node_id,
- chain_hash.clone(),
- short_channel_ids,
- ));
- let task = query_scids_tasks.get_mut(their_node_id).unwrap();
- self.finalize_query_short_ids(task);
- return Ok(());
+ /// Statelessly processes a reply to a channel range query by immediately
+ /// sending an SCID query with SCIDs in the reply. To keep this handler
+ /// stateless, it does not validate the sequencing of replies for multi-
+ /// reply ranges. It does not validate whether the reply(ies) cover the
+ /// queried range. It also does not filter SCIDs to only those in the
+ /// original query range. In the event of a failure, we may have received
+ /// some channel information. Before trying with another peer, the
+ /// caller should update its set of SCIDs that need to be queried.
fn handle_reply_channel_range(&self, their_node_id: &PublicKey, msg: &ReplyChannelRange) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
log_debug!(self.logger, "Handling reply_channel_range peer={}, first_blocknum={}, number_of_blocks={}, full_information={}, scids={}", log_pubkey!(their_node_id), msg.first_blocknum, msg.number_of_blocks, msg.full_information, msg.short_channel_ids.len(),);
- // First we obtain a lock on the task hashmap. In order to avoid borrowing issues
- // we will access the task as needed.
- let mut query_range_tasks = self.chan_range_query_tasks.lock().unwrap();
- // If there is no currently executing task then we have received
- // an invalid message and will return an error
- if query_range_tasks.get(their_node_id).is_none() {
- return Err(LightningError {
- err: String::from("Received unknown reply_channel_range message"),
- action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError,
- });
- }
- // Now that we know we have a task, we can extract a few values for use
- // in validations without having to access the task repeatedly
- let (task_chain_hash, task_first_blocknum, task_number_of_blocks, task_received_first_block, task_received_last_block, task_number_of_replies) = {
- let task = query_range_tasks.get(their_node_id).unwrap();
- (task.chain_hash, task.first_blocknum, task.number_of_blocks, task.received_first_block, task.received_last_block, task.number_of_replies)
- };
- // Validate the chain_hash matches the chain_hash we used in the query.
- // If it does not, then the message is malformed and we return an error
- if msg.chain_hash != task_chain_hash {
- query_range_tasks.remove(their_node_id);
- return Err(LightningError {
- err: String::from("Received reply_channel_range with invalid chain_hash"),
- action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError,
- });
- }
// Validate that the remote node maintains up-to-date channel
// information for chain_hash. Some nodes use the full_information
// flag to indicate multi-part messages so we must check whether
- // we received information as well.
+ // we received SCIDs as well.
if !msg.full_information && msg.short_channel_ids.len() == 0 {
- query_range_tasks.remove(their_node_id);
return Err(LightningError {
err: String::from("Received reply_channel_range with no information available"),
action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError,
- // Calculate the last block for the message and the task
- let msg_last_block = last_blocknum(msg.first_blocknum, msg.number_of_blocks);
- let task_last_block = last_blocknum(task_first_blocknum, task_number_of_blocks);
- // On the first message...
- if task_received_first_block.is_none() {
- // The replies can be a superset of the queried block range, but the
- // replies must include our requested query range. We check if the
- // start of the replies is greater than the start of our query. If
- // so, the start of our query is excluded and the message is malformed.
- if msg.first_blocknum > task_first_blocknum {
- query_range_tasks.remove(their_node_id);
- return Err(LightningError {
- err: String::from("Failing reply_channel_range with invalid first_blocknum"),
- action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError,
- });
- }
- // Next, we ensure the reply has at least some information matching
- // our query. If the received last_blocknum is less than our query's
- // first_blocknum then the reply does not encompass the query range
- // and the message is malformed.
- if msg_last_block < task_first_blocknum {
- query_range_tasks.remove(their_node_id);
- return Err(LightningError {
- err: String::from("Failing reply_channel_range with non-overlapping first reply"),
- action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError,
- });
- }
- // Capture the first block and last block so that subsequent messages
- // can be validated.
- let task = query_range_tasks.get_mut(their_node_id).unwrap();
- task.received_first_block = Some(msg.first_blocknum);
- task.received_last_block = Some(msg_last_block);
- }
- // On subsequent message(s)...
- else {
- // We need to validate the sequence of the reply message is expected.
- // Subsequent messages must set the first_blocknum to the previous
- // message's first_blocknum plus number_of_blocks. There is discrepancy
- // in implementation where some resume on the last sent block. We will
- // loosen the restriction and accept either, and otherwise consider the
- // message malformed and return an error.
- let task_received_last_block = task_received_last_block.unwrap();
- if msg.first_blocknum != task_received_last_block && msg.first_blocknum != task_received_last_block + 1 {
- query_range_tasks.remove(their_node_id);
- return Err(LightningError {
- err: String::from("Failing reply_channel_range with invalid sequence"),
- action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError,
- });
- }
- // Next we check to see that we have received a realistic number of
- // reply messages for a query. This caps the allocation exposure
- // for short_channel_ids that will be batched and sent in query channels.
- if task_number_of_replies + 1 > MAX_REPLY_CHANNEL_RANGE_PER_QUERY {
- query_range_tasks.remove(their_node_id);
- return Err(LightningError {
- err: String::from("Failing reply_channel_range due to excessive messages"),
- action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError,
- });
- }
- // Capture the last_block in our task so that subsequent messages
- // can be validated.
- let task = query_range_tasks.get_mut(their_node_id).unwrap();
- task.number_of_replies += 1;
- task.received_last_block = Some(msg_last_block);
- }
- // We filter the short_channel_ids to those inside the query range.
- // The most significant 3-bytes of the short_channel_id are the block.
- {
- let mut filtered_short_channel_ids: Vec<u64> = msg.short_channel_ids.clone().into_iter().filter(|short_channel_id| {
- let block = short_channel_id >> 40;
- return block >= query_range_tasks.get(their_node_id).unwrap().first_blocknum as u64 && block <= task_last_block as u64;
- }).collect();
- let task = query_range_tasks.get_mut(their_node_id).unwrap();
- task.short_channel_ids.append(&mut filtered_short_channel_ids);
+ // Copy the SCIDs into a new vector to be sent in the SCID query
+ let scid_size = msg.short_channel_ids.len();
+ let mut short_channel_ids: Vec<u64> = Vec::with_capacity(scid_size);
+ for scid in msg.short_channel_ids.iter() {
+ short_channel_ids.push(scid.clone());
- // The final message is indicated by a last_blocknum that is equal to
- // or greater than the query's last_blocknum.
- if msg_last_block >= task_last_block {
- log_debug!(self.logger, "Completed query_channel_range: peer={}, first_blocknum={}, number_of_blocks={}", log_pubkey!(their_node_id), task_first_blocknum, task_number_of_blocks);
- // We can now fire off a query to obtain routing messages for the
- // accumulated short_channel_ids.
- {
- let task = query_range_tasks.get_mut(their_node_id).unwrap();
- let mut short_channel_ids = Vec::new();
- std::mem::swap(&mut short_channel_ids, &mut task.short_channel_ids);
- self.query_short_channel_ids(their_node_id, task.chain_hash, short_channel_ids)?;
+ log_debug!(self.logger, "Sending query_short_channel_ids peer={}, batch_size={}", log_pubkey!(their_node_id), scid_size);
+ let mut pending_events = self.pending_events.lock().unwrap();
+ pending_events.push(events::MessageSendEvent::SendShortIdsQuery {
+ node_id: their_node_id.clone(),
+ msg: QueryShortChannelIds {
+ chain_hash: msg.chain_hash.clone(),
+ short_channel_ids,
+ });
- // We can remove the query range task now that the query is complete.
- query_range_tasks.remove(their_node_id);
- }
- /// When a query is initiated the remote peer will begin streaming
+ /// When an SCID query is initiated the remote peer will begin streaming
/// gossip messages. In the event of a failure, we may have received
/// some channel information. Before trying with another peer, the
/// caller should update its set of SCIDs that need to be queried.
fn handle_reply_short_channel_ids_end(&self, their_node_id: &PublicKey, msg: &ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd) -> Result<(), LightningError> {
log_debug!(self.logger, "Handling reply_short_channel_ids_end peer={}, full_information={}", log_pubkey!(their_node_id), msg.full_information);
- // First we obtain a lock on the task hashmap. In order to avoid borrowing issues
- // we will access the task as needed.
- let mut query_short_channel_ids_tasks = self.scid_query_tasks.lock().unwrap();
- // If there is no existing task then we have received an unknown
- // message and should return an error.
- if query_short_channel_ids_tasks.get(their_node_id).is_none() {
- return Err(LightningError {
- err: String::from("Unknown reply_short_channel_ids_end message"),
- action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError,
- });
- }
- // If the reply's chain_hash does not match the task's chain_hash then
- // the reply is malformed and we should return an error.
- if msg.chain_hash != query_short_channel_ids_tasks.get(their_node_id).unwrap().chain_hash {
- query_short_channel_ids_tasks.remove(their_node_id);
- return Err(LightningError {
- err: String::from("Received reply_short_channel_ids_end with incorrect chain_hash"),
- action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError
- });
- }
// If the remote node does not have up-to-date information for the
// chain_hash they will set full_information=false. We can fail
// the result and try again with a different peer.
if !msg.full_information {
- query_short_channel_ids_tasks.remove(their_node_id);
return Err(LightningError {
err: String::from("Received reply_short_channel_ids_end with no information"),
action: ErrorAction::IgnoreError
- // If we have more scids to process we send the next batch in the task
- {
- let task = query_short_channel_ids_tasks.get_mut(their_node_id).unwrap();
- if task.short_channel_ids.len() > 0 {
- self.finalize_query_short_ids(task);
- return Ok(());
- }
- }
- // Otherwise the task is complete and we can remove it
- log_debug!(self.logger, "Completed query_short_channel_ids peer={}", log_pubkey!(their_node_id));
- query_short_channel_ids_tasks.remove(their_node_id);
-/// Safely calculates the last_blocknum given a first_blocknum and
-/// number_of_blocks by returning the u32::MAX-1 if there is an overflow
-fn last_blocknum(first_blocknum: u32, number_of_blocks: u32) -> u32 {
- match first_blocknum.checked_add(number_of_blocks) {
- Some(val) => val - 1,
- None => 0xffff_ffff - 1,
- }
-/// Maintains state for a channel range query that we initiated.
-/// The query may result in one or more reply_channel_range messages
-/// being received. This struct helps determine the status of the query
-/// when there are multiple replies. It also collects results for initiating
-/// SCID queries.
-/// The task is complete and can be cleaned up when a reply meets or
-/// exceeds the last block in the query. The collected SCIDs in the task
-/// can be used to generate an ScidQueryTask.
-/// A query may fail if the recipient does not maintain up-to-date
-/// information for the chain or if the recipient fails to reply within
-/// a reasonable amount of time. In either event, the query can be
-/// re-initiated with a different peer.
-pub struct ChanRangeQueryTask {
- /// The public key of the node we will be sending queries to
- pub node_id: PublicKey,
- /// The genesis hash of the blockchain being queried
- pub chain_hash: BlockHash,
- /// The height of the first block for the channel UTXOs being queried
- pub first_blocknum: u32,
- /// The number of blocks to include in the query results
- pub number_of_blocks: u32,
- /// Tracks the number of reply messages we have received
- pub number_of_replies: usize,
- /// The height of the first block received in a reply. This value
- /// should be less than or equal to the first_blocknum requested in
- /// the query_channel_range. This allows the range of the replies to
- /// contain, but not necessarily strictly, the queried range.
- pub received_first_block: Option<u32>,
- /// The height of the last block received in a reply. This value
- /// will get incrementally closer to the target of
- /// first_blocknum plus number_of_blocks from the query_channel_range.
- pub received_last_block: Option<u32>,
- /// Contains short_channel_ids received in one or more reply messages.
- /// These will be sent in one ore more query_short_channel_ids messages
- /// when the task is complete.
- pub short_channel_ids: Vec<u64>,
-impl ChanRangeQueryTask {
- /// Constructs a new GossipQueryRangeTask
- pub fn new(their_node_id: &PublicKey, chain_hash: BlockHash, first_blocknum: u32, number_of_blocks: u32) -> Self {
- ChanRangeQueryTask {
- node_id: their_node_id.clone(),
- chain_hash,
- first_blocknum,
- number_of_blocks,
- number_of_replies: 0,
- received_first_block: None,
- received_last_block: None,
- short_channel_ids: vec![],
- }
- }
-/// Maintains state when sending one or more short_channel_ids messages
-/// to a peer. Only a single SCID query can be in-flight with a peer. The
-/// number of SCIDs per query is limited by the size of a Lightning message
-/// payload. When querying a large number of SCIDs (results of a large
-/// channel range query for instance), multiple query_short_channel_ids
-/// messages need to be sent. This task maintains the list of awaiting
-/// SCIDs to be queried.
-/// When a successful reply_short_channel_ids_end message is received, the
-/// next batch of SCIDs can be sent. When no remaining SCIDs exist in the
-/// task, the task is complete and can be cleaned up.
-/// The recipient may reply indicating that up-to-date information for the
-/// chain is not maintained. A query may also fail to complete within a
-/// reasonable amount of time. In either event, the short_channel_ids
-/// can be queried from a different peer after validating the set of
-/// SCIDs that still need to be queried.
-pub struct ScidQueryTask {
- /// The public key of the node we will be sending queries to
- pub node_id: PublicKey,
- /// The genesis hash of the blockchain being queried
- pub chain_hash: BlockHash,
- /// A vector of short_channel_ids that we would like routing gossip
- /// information for. This list will be chunked and sent to the peer
- /// in one or more query_short_channel_ids messages.
- pub short_channel_ids: Vec<u64>,
-impl ScidQueryTask {
- /// Constructs a new GossipQueryShortChannelIdsTask
- pub fn new(their_node_id: &PublicKey, chain_hash: BlockHash, short_channel_ids: Vec<u64>) -> Self {
- ScidQueryTask {
- node_id: their_node_id.clone(),
- chain_hash,
- short_channel_ids,
- }
- }
- /// Adds short_channel_ids to the pending list of short_channel_ids
- /// to be sent in the next request. You can add additional values
- /// while a query is in-flight. These new values will be sent once
- /// the active query has completed.
- pub fn add(&mut self, mut short_channel_ids: Vec<u64>) {
- self.short_channel_ids.append(&mut short_channel_ids);
- }
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
/// Details about one direction of a channel. Received
/// within a channel update.
- fn sending_query_channel_range() {
+ fn calling_sync_routing_table() {
let (secp_ctx, net_graph_msg_handler) = create_net_graph_msg_handler();
let node_privkey_1 = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
- let node_privkey_2 = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[41; 32]).unwrap();
let node_id_1 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_privkey_1);
- let node_id_2 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_privkey_2);
let chain_hash = genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash();
let first_blocknum = 0;
let number_of_blocks = 0xffff_ffff;
- // When no active query exists for the node, it should send a query message and generate a task
- {
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_channel_range(&node_id_1, chain_hash, first_blocknum, number_of_blocks);
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // It should create a task for the query
- assert!(net_graph_msg_handler.chan_range_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().contains_key(&node_id_1));
- // It should send a query_channel_range message with the correct information
- let events = net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
- assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);
- match &events[0] {
- MessageSendEvent::SendChannelRangeQuery{ node_id, msg } => {
- assert_eq!(node_id, &node_id_1);
- assert_eq!(msg.chain_hash, chain_hash);
- assert_eq!(msg.first_blocknum, first_blocknum);
- assert_eq!(msg.number_of_blocks, number_of_blocks);
- },
- _ => panic!("Expected MessageSendEvent::SendChannelRangeQuery")
- };
- }
- // When an active query exists for the node, when there is a subsequent query request, it
- // should fail to initiate a new query
- {
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_channel_range(&node_id_1, chain_hash, first_blocknum, number_of_blocks);
- assert_eq!(result.is_err(), true);
- }
- // When no active query exists for a different node, it should send a query message
- {
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_channel_range(&node_id_2, chain_hash, first_blocknum, number_of_blocks);
- assert_eq!(result.is_ok(), true);
- // It should create a task for the query
- assert!(net_graph_msg_handler.chan_range_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().contains_key(&node_id_2));
- // It should send a query_channel_message with the correct information
- let events = net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
- assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);
- match &events[0] {
- MessageSendEvent::SendChannelRangeQuery{ node_id, msg } => {
- assert_eq!(node_id, &node_id_2);
- assert_eq!(msg.chain_hash, chain_hash);
- assert_eq!(msg.first_blocknum, first_blocknum);
- assert_eq!(msg.number_of_blocks, number_of_blocks);
- },
- _ => panic!("Expected MessageSendEvent::SendChannelRangeQuery")
- };
- }
- }
- #[test]
- fn sending_query_short_channel_ids() {
- let (secp_ctx, net_graph_msg_handler) = create_net_graph_msg_handler();
- let node_privkey_1 = &SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
- let node_id_1 = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, node_privkey_1);
- let chain_hash = genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash();
- // The first query should send the batch of scids to the peer
- {
- let short_channel_ids: Vec<u64> = vec![0, 1, 2];
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_short_channel_ids(&node_id_1, chain_hash, short_channel_ids.clone());
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // Validate that we have enqueued a send message event and that it contains the correct information
- let events = net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
- assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);
- match &events[0] {
- MessageSendEvent::SendShortIdsQuery{ node_id, msg } => {
- assert_eq!(node_id, &node_id_1);
- assert_eq!(msg.chain_hash, chain_hash);
- assert_eq!(msg.short_channel_ids, short_channel_ids);
- },
- _ => panic!("Expected MessageSendEvent::SendShortIdsQuery")
- };
- }
- // Subsequent queries for scids should enqueue them to be sent in the next batch which will
- // be sent when a reply_short_channel_ids_end message is handled.
- {
- let short_channel_ids: Vec<u64> = vec![3, 4, 5];
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_short_channel_ids(&node_id_1, chain_hash, short_channel_ids.clone());
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // Validate that we have not enqueued another send message event yet
- let events = net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
- assert_eq!(events.len(), 0);
- // Validate the task has the queued scids
- assert_eq!(
- net_graph_msg_handler.scid_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().get(&node_id_1).unwrap().short_channel_ids,
- short_channel_ids
- );
- }
+ net_graph_msg_handler.sync_routing_table(&node_id_1);
+ // It should send a query_channel_message with the correct information
+ let events = net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
+ assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);
+ match &events[0] {
+ MessageSendEvent::SendChannelRangeQuery{ node_id, msg } => {
+ assert_eq!(node_id, &node_id_1);
+ assert_eq!(msg.chain_hash, chain_hash);
+ assert_eq!(msg.first_blocknum, first_blocknum);
+ assert_eq!(msg.number_of_blocks, number_of_blocks);
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Expected MessageSendEvent::SendChannelRangeQuery")
+ };
let chain_hash = genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash();
- // Test receipt of an unknown reply message. We expect an error
- {
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_channel_range(&node_id_1, &ReplyChannelRange {
- chain_hash,
- full_information: true,
- first_blocknum: 1000,
- number_of_blocks: 1050,
- short_channel_ids: vec![
- 0x0003e8_000000_0000, // 1000x0x0
- 0x0003e9_000000_0000, // 1001x0x0
- 0x0003f0_000000_0000 // 1008x0x0
- ],
- });
- assert!(result.is_err());
- }
- // Test receipt of a single reply_channel_range that exactly matches the queried range.
- // It sends a query_short_channel_ids with the returned scids and removes the pending task
+ // Test receipt of a single reply that should enqueue an SCID query
+ // matching the SCIDs in the reply
- // Initiate a channel range query to create a query task
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_channel_range(&node_id_1, chain_hash, 1000, 100);
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // Clear the SendRangeQuery event
- net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
- // Handle a single successful reply that matches the queried channel range
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_channel_range(&node_id_1, &ReplyChannelRange {
- chain_hash,
- full_information: true,
- first_blocknum: 1000,
- number_of_blocks: 100,
- short_channel_ids: vec![
- 0x0003e8_000000_0000, // 1000x0x0
- 0x0003e9_000000_0000, // 1001x0x0
- 0x0003f0_000000_0000 // 1008x0x0
- ],
- });
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // The query is now complete, so we expect the task to be removed
- assert!(net_graph_msg_handler.chan_range_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().is_empty());
- // We expect to emit a query_short_channel_ids message with scids in our query range
- let events = net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
- assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);
- match &events[0] {
- MessageSendEvent::SendShortIdsQuery { node_id, msg } => {
- assert_eq!(node_id, &node_id_1);
- assert_eq!(msg.chain_hash, chain_hash);
- assert_eq!(msg.short_channel_ids, vec![0x0003e8_000000_0000,0x0003e9_000000_0000,0x0003f0_000000_0000]);
- },
- _ => panic!("expected MessageSendEvent::SendShortIdsQuery"),
- }
- // Clean up scid_task
- net_graph_msg_handler.scid_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().clear();
- }
- // Test receipt of a single reply_channel_range for a query that has a u32 overflow. We expect
- // it sends a query_short_channel_ids with the returned scids and removes the pending task.
- {
- // Initiate a channel range query to create a query task
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_channel_range(&node_id_1, chain_hash, 1000, 0xffff_ffff);
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // Clear the SendRangeQuery event
- net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
- // Handle a single successful reply that matches the queried channel range
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_channel_range(&node_id_1, &ReplyChannelRange {
- chain_hash,
- full_information: true,
- first_blocknum: 1000,
- number_of_blocks: 0xffff_ffff,
- short_channel_ids: vec![
- 0x0003e8_000000_0000, // 1000x0x0
- 0x0003e9_000000_0000, // 1001x0x0
- 0x0003f0_000000_0000 // 1008x0x0
- ],
- });
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // The query is now complete, so we expect the task to be removed
- assert!(net_graph_msg_handler.chan_range_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().is_empty());
- // We expect to emit a query_short_channel_ids message with scids in our query range
- let events = net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
- assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);
- match &events[0] {
- MessageSendEvent::SendShortIdsQuery { node_id, msg } => {
- assert_eq!(node_id, &node_id_1);
- assert_eq!(msg.chain_hash, chain_hash);
- assert_eq!(msg.short_channel_ids, vec![0x0003e8_000000_0000,0x0003e9_000000_0000,0x0003f0_000000_0000]);
- },
- _ => panic!("expected MessageSendEvent::SendShortIdsQuery"),
- }
- // Clean up scid_task
- net_graph_msg_handler.scid_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().clear();
- }
- // Test receipt of a single reply that encompasses the queried channel range. This is allowed
- // since a reply must contain at least part of the query range. Receipt of the reply should
- // send a query_short_channel_ids message with scids filtered to the query range and remove
- // the pending task.
- {
- // Initiate a channel range query to create a query task
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_channel_range(&node_id_1, chain_hash, 1000, 100);
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // Clear the SendRangeQuery event
- net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
// Handle a single successful reply that encompasses the queried channel range
let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_channel_range(&node_id_1, &ReplyChannelRange {
- // The query is now complete, so we expect the task to be removed
- assert!(net_graph_msg_handler.chan_range_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().is_empty());
- // We expect to emit a query_short_channel_ids message with scids filtered to those
- // within the original query range.
- let events = net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
- assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);
- match &events[0] {
- MessageSendEvent::SendShortIdsQuery { node_id, msg } => {
- assert_eq!(node_id, &node_id_1);
- assert_eq!(msg.chain_hash, chain_hash);
- assert_eq!(msg.short_channel_ids, vec![0x0003e8_000000_0000,0x0003e9_000000_0000,0x0003f0_000000_0000]);
- },
- _ => panic!("expected MessageSendEvent::SendShortIdsQuery"),
- }
- // Clean up scid_task
- net_graph_msg_handler.scid_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().clear();
- }
- // Test receipt of multiple reply messages for a single query. This happens when the number
- // of scids in the query range exceeds the size limits of a single reply message. We expect
- // to initiate a query_short_channel_ids for the first batch of scids and we enqueue the
- // remaining scids for later processing. We remove the range query task after receipt of all
- // reply messages.
- {
- // Initiate a channel range query to create a query task
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_channel_range(&node_id_1, chain_hash, 1000, 100);
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // Clear the SendRangeQuery event
- net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
- // Handle the first reply message
- let reply_1_scids = vec![
- 0x0003e8_000000_0000, // 1000x0x0
- 0x0003e9_000000_0000, // 1001x0x0
- 0x000419_000000_0000, // 1049x0x0
- ];
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_channel_range(&node_id_1, &ReplyChannelRange {
- chain_hash,
- full_information: true,
- first_blocknum: 1000,
- number_of_blocks: 50,
- short_channel_ids: reply_1_scids.clone(),
- });
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // Handle the next reply in the sequence, which must start at the previous message's
- // first_blocknum plus number_of_blocks. The scids in this reply will be queued.
- let reply_2_scids = vec![
- 0x00041a_000000_0000, // 1050x0x0
- 0x000432_000000_0000, // 1074x0x0
- ];
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_channel_range(&node_id_1, &ReplyChannelRange {
- chain_hash,
- full_information: true,
- first_blocknum: 1050,
- number_of_blocks: 25,
- short_channel_ids: reply_2_scids.clone(),
- });
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // Handle the final reply in the sequence, which must meet or exceed the initial query's
- // first_blocknum plus number_of_blocks. The scids in this reply will be queued.
- let reply_3_scids = vec![
- 0x000433_000000_0000, // 1075x0x0
- 0x00044b_000000_0000, // 1099x0x0
- ];
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_channel_range(&node_id_1, &ReplyChannelRange {
- chain_hash,
- full_information: true,
- first_blocknum: 1075,
- number_of_blocks: 25,
- short_channel_ids: reply_3_scids.clone(),
- });
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // After the final reply we expect the query task to be removed
- assert!(net_graph_msg_handler.chan_range_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().is_empty());
- // We expect to emit a query_short_channel_ids message with the accumulated scids that
- // match the queried channel range.
+ // We expect to emit a query_short_channel_ids message with the received scids
let events = net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);
match &events[0] {
MessageSendEvent::SendShortIdsQuery { node_id, msg } => {
assert_eq!(node_id, &node_id_1);
assert_eq!(msg.chain_hash, chain_hash);
- assert_eq!(msg.short_channel_ids, [reply_1_scids, reply_2_scids, reply_3_scids].concat());
+ assert_eq!(msg.short_channel_ids, vec![
+ 0x0003e0_000000_0000, // 992x0x0
+ 0x0003e8_000000_0000, // 1000x0x0
+ 0x0003e9_000000_0000, // 1001x0x0
+ 0x0003f0_000000_0000, // 1008x0x0
+ 0x00044c_000000_0000, // 1100x0x0
+ 0x0006e0_000000_0000, // 1760x0x0
+ ]);
_ => panic!("expected MessageSendEvent::SendShortIdsQuery"),
- // Clean up scid_task
- net_graph_msg_handler.scid_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().clear();
- }
- // Test receipt of a sequence of replies with a valid first reply and a second reply that
- // resumes on the same block as the first reply. The spec requires a subsequent
- // first_blocknum to equal the prior first_blocknum plus number_of_blocks, however
- // due to discrepancies in implementation we must loosen this restriction.
- {
- // Initiate a channel range query to create a query task
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_channel_range(&node_id_1, chain_hash, 1000, 100);
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // Clear the SendRangeQuery event
- net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
- // Handle the first reply message
- let reply_1_scids = vec![
- 0x0003e8_000000_0000, // 1000x0x0
- 0x0003e9_000000_0000, // 1001x0x0
- 0x000419_000000_0000, // 1049x0x0
- ];
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_channel_range(&node_id_1, &ReplyChannelRange {
- chain_hash,
- full_information: true,
- first_blocknum: 1000,
- number_of_blocks: 50,
- short_channel_ids: reply_1_scids.clone(),
- });
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // Handle the next reply in the sequence, which is non-spec but resumes on the last block
- // of the first message.
- let reply_2_scids = vec![
- 0x000419_000001_0000, // 1049x1x0
- 0x00041a_000000_0000, // 1050x0x0
- 0x000432_000000_0000, // 1074x0x0
- ];
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_channel_range(&node_id_1, &ReplyChannelRange {
- chain_hash,
- full_information: true,
- first_blocknum: 1049,
- number_of_blocks: 51,
- short_channel_ids: reply_2_scids.clone(),
- });
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // After the final reply we expect the query task to be removed
- assert!(net_graph_msg_handler.chan_range_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().is_empty());
- // We expect to emit a query_short_channel_ids message with the accumulated scids that
- // match the queried channel range
- let events = net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
- assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);
- match &events[0] {
- MessageSendEvent::SendShortIdsQuery { node_id, msg } => {
- assert_eq!(node_id, &node_id_1);
- assert_eq!(msg.chain_hash, chain_hash);
- assert_eq!(msg.short_channel_ids, [reply_1_scids, reply_2_scids].concat());
- },
- _ => panic!("expected MessageSendEvent::SendShortIdsQuery"),
- }
- // Clean up scid_task
- net_graph_msg_handler.scid_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().clear();
- }
- // Test receipt of reply with a chain_hash that does not match the query. We expect to return
- // an error and to remove the query task.
- {
- // Initiate a channel range query to create a query task
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_channel_range(&node_id_1, chain_hash, 1000, 100);
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // Clear the SendRangeQuery event
- net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
- // Handle the reply with a mismatched chain_hash. We expect IgnoreError result and the
- // task should be removed.
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_channel_range(&node_id_1, &ReplyChannelRange {
- chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Bitcoin).header.block_hash(),
- full_information: true,
- first_blocknum: 1000,
- number_of_blocks: 1050,
- short_channel_ids: vec![0x0003e8_000000_0000,0x0003e9_000000_0000,0x0003f0_000000_0000],
- });
- assert!(result.is_err());
- assert_eq!(result.err().unwrap().err, "Received reply_channel_range with invalid chain_hash");
- assert!(net_graph_msg_handler.chan_range_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().is_empty());
// Test receipt of a reply that indicates the remote node does not maintain up-to-date
// information for the chain_hash. Because of discrepancies in implementation we use
- // full_information=false and short_channel_ids=[] as the signal. We should expect an error
- // and the task should be removed.
+ // full_information=false and short_channel_ids=[] as the signal.
- // Initiate a channel range query to create a query task
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_channel_range(&node_id_1, chain_hash, 1000, 100);
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // Clear the SendRangeQuery event
- net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
// Handle the reply indicating the peer was unable to fulfill our request.
let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_channel_range(&node_id_1, &ReplyChannelRange {
assert_eq!(result.err().unwrap().err, "Received reply_channel_range with no information available");
- assert!(net_graph_msg_handler.chan_range_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().is_empty());
- }
- // Test receipt of a reply that has a first_blocknum that is above the first_blocknum
- // requested in our query. The reply must contain the queried block range. We expect an
- // error result and the task should be removed.
- {
- // Initiate a channel range query to create a query task
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_channel_range(&node_id_1, chain_hash, 1000, 100);
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // Clear the SendRangeQuery event
- net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
- // Handle the reply that has a first_blocknum above the query's first_blocknum
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_channel_range(&node_id_1, &ReplyChannelRange {
- chain_hash,
- full_information: true,
- first_blocknum: 1001,
- number_of_blocks: 100,
- short_channel_ids: vec![],
- });
- assert!(result.is_err());
- assert_eq!(result.err().unwrap().err, "Failing reply_channel_range with invalid first_blocknum");
- assert!(net_graph_msg_handler.chan_range_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().is_empty());
- }
- // Test receipt of a first reply that does not overlap the query range at all. The first message
- // must have some overlap with the query. We expect an error result and the task should
- // be removed.
- {
- // Initiate a channel range query to create a query task
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_channel_range(&node_id_1, chain_hash, 1000, 100);
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // Clear the SendRangeQuery event
- net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
- // Handle a reply that contains a block range that precedes the queried block range
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_channel_range(&node_id_1, &ReplyChannelRange {
- chain_hash,
- full_information: true,
- first_blocknum: 0,
- number_of_blocks: 1000,
- short_channel_ids: vec![],
- });
- assert!(result.is_err());
- assert_eq!(result.err().unwrap().err, "Failing reply_channel_range with non-overlapping first reply");
- assert!(net_graph_msg_handler.chan_range_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().is_empty());
- }
- // Test receipt of a sequence of replies with a valid first reply and a second reply that is
- // non-sequential. The spec requires a subsequent first_blocknum to equal the prior
- // first_blocknum plus number_of_blocks. We expect an IgnoreError result and the task should
- // be removed.
- {
- // Initiate a channel range query to create a query task
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_channel_range(&node_id_1, chain_hash, 1000, 100);
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // Clear the SendRangeQuery event
- net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
- // Handle the first reply
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_channel_range(&node_id_1, &ReplyChannelRange {
- chain_hash,
- full_information: true,
- first_blocknum: 1000,
- number_of_blocks: 50,
- short_channel_ids: vec![0x0003e8_000000_0000,0x0003e9_000000_0000,0x0003f0_000000_0000],
- });
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // Handle the second reply which does not start at the proper first_blocknum. We expect
- // to return an error and remove the task.
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_channel_range(&node_id_1, &ReplyChannelRange {
- chain_hash,
- full_information: true,
- first_blocknum: 1051,
- number_of_blocks: 50,
- short_channel_ids: vec![0x0003f1_000000_0000,0x0003f2_000000_0000],
- });
- assert!(result.is_err());
- assert_eq!(result.err().unwrap().err, "Failing reply_channel_range with invalid sequence");
- assert!(net_graph_msg_handler.chan_range_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().is_empty());
- }
- // Test receipt of too many reply messages. We expect an IgnoreError result and the task should
- // be removed.
- {
- // Initiate a channel range query to create a query task
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_channel_range(&node_id_1, chain_hash, 1000, 0xffff_ffff);
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // Clear the SendRangeQuery event
- net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
- // Handle a sequence of replies that will fail once the max number of reply has been exceeded.
- for block in 1000..=1000 + super::MAX_REPLY_CHANNEL_RANGE_PER_QUERY + 10 {
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_channel_range(&node_id_1, &ReplyChannelRange {
- chain_hash,
- full_information: true,
- first_blocknum: block as u32,
- number_of_blocks: 1,
- short_channel_ids: vec![(block as u64) << 40],
- });
- if block <= 1000 + super::MAX_REPLY_CHANNEL_RANGE_PER_QUERY {
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- } else if block == 1001 + super::MAX_REPLY_CHANNEL_RANGE_PER_QUERY {
- assert!(result.is_err());
- assert_eq!(result.err().unwrap().err, "Failing reply_channel_range due to excessive messages");
- } else {
- assert!(result.is_err());
- assert_eq!(result.err().unwrap().err, "Received unknown reply_channel_range message");
- }
- }
- // Expect the task to be removed
- assert!(net_graph_msg_handler.chan_range_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().is_empty());
let chain_hash = genesis_block(Network::Testnet).header.block_hash();
- // Test receipt of a reply when no query exists. We expect an error to be returned
+ // Test receipt of a successful reply
let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_short_channel_ids_end(&node_id, &ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd {
full_information: true,
- assert!(result.is_err());
- assert_eq!(result.err().unwrap().err, "Unknown reply_short_channel_ids_end message");
- }
- // Test receipt of a reply that is for a different chain_hash. We expect an error and the task
- // should be removed.
- {
- // Initiate a query to create a pending query task
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_short_channel_ids(&node_id, chain_hash, vec![0x0003e8_000000_0000]);
- // Process reply with incorrect chain_hash
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_short_channel_ids_end(&node_id, &ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd {
- chain_hash: genesis_block(Network::Bitcoin).header.block_hash(),
- full_information: true,
- });
- assert!(result.is_err());
- assert_eq!(result.err().unwrap().err, "Received reply_short_channel_ids_end with incorrect chain_hash");
- // Expect the task to be removed
- assert!(net_graph_msg_handler.scid_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().is_empty());
// Test receipt of a reply that indicates the peer does not maintain up-to-date information
- // for the chain_hash requested in the query. We expect an error and task should be removed.
+ // for the chain_hash requested in the query.
- // Initiate a query to create a pending query task
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_short_channel_ids(&node_id, chain_hash, vec![0x0003e8_000000_0000]);
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // Process failed reply
let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_short_channel_ids_end(&node_id, &ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd {
full_information: false,
assert_eq!(result.err().unwrap().err, "Received reply_short_channel_ids_end with no information");
- // Expect the task to be removed
- assert!(net_graph_msg_handler.scid_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().is_empty());
- }
- // Test receipt of a successful reply when there are no additional scids to query. We expect
- // the task to be removed.
- {
- // Initiate a query to create a pending query task
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_short_channel_ids(&node_id, chain_hash, vec![0x0003e8_000000_0000]);
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // Process success reply
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_short_channel_ids_end(&node_id, &ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd {
- chain_hash,
- full_information: true,
- });
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // Expect the task to be removed
- assert!(net_graph_msg_handler.scid_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().is_empty());
- }
- // Test receipt of a successful reply when there are additional scids to query. We expect
- // additional queries to be sent until the task can be removed.
- {
- // Initiate a query to create a pending query task
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_short_channel_ids(&node_id, chain_hash, vec![0x0003e8_000000_0000]);
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // Initiate a second query to add pending scids to the task
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_short_channel_ids(&node_id, chain_hash, vec![0x0003e9_000000_0000]);
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- assert_eq!(net_graph_msg_handler.scid_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().get(&node_id).unwrap().short_channel_ids, vec![0x0003e9_000000_0000]);
- // Initiate a third query to add pending scids to the task
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.query_short_channel_ids(&node_id, chain_hash, vec![0x0003f0_000000_0000]);
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- assert_eq!(net_graph_msg_handler.scid_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().get(&node_id).unwrap().short_channel_ids, vec![0x0003e9_000000_0000, 0x0003f0_000000_0000]);
- // Clear all of the pending send events
- net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
- // Handle the first successful reply, which will send the next batch of scids in a new query
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_short_channel_ids_end(&node_id, &ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd {
- chain_hash,
- full_information: true,
- });
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // We expect the second batch to be sent in an event
- let expected_node_id = &node_id;
- let events = net_graph_msg_handler.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
- assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);
- match &events[0] {
- MessageSendEvent::SendShortIdsQuery { node_id, msg } => {
- assert_eq!(node_id, expected_node_id);
- assert_eq!(msg.chain_hash, chain_hash);
- assert_eq!(msg.short_channel_ids, vec![0x0003e9_000000_0000, 0x0003f0_000000_0000]);
- },
- _ => panic!("expected MessageSendEvent::SendShortIdsQuery"),
- }
- // We expect the scids to be cleared from the task
- assert_eq!(net_graph_msg_handler.scid_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().get(&node_id).unwrap().short_channel_ids.len(), 0);
- // Handle the second successful reply
- let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_reply_short_channel_ids_end(&node_id, &ReplyShortChannelIdsEnd {
- chain_hash,
- full_information: true,
- });
- assert!(result.is_ok());
- // We expect the task should be removed
- assert!(net_graph_msg_handler.scid_query_tasks.lock().unwrap().is_empty());