+ impl From<$val_type> for HighZeroBytesDroppedBigSize<$val_type> {
+ fn from(val: $val_type) -> Self { Self(val) }
+ }
+ impl From<HighZeroBytesDroppedBigSize<$val_type>> for $val_type {
+ fn from(val: HighZeroBytesDroppedBigSize<$val_type>) -> Self { val.0 }
+ }
impl_array!(COMPACT_SIGNATURE_SIZE); // for Signature
impl_array!(1300); // for OnionPacket.hop_data
+/// For variable-length values within TLV record where the length is encoded as part of the record.
+/// Used to prevent encoding the length twice.
+pub(crate) struct WithoutLength<T>(pub T);
+impl Writeable for WithoutLength<&String> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn write<W: Writer>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
+ w.write_all(self.0.as_bytes())
+ }
+impl Readable for WithoutLength<String> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn read<R: Read>(r: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
+ let v: VecReadWrapper<u8> = Readable::read(r)?;
+ Ok(Self(String::from_utf8(v.0).map_err(|_| DecodeError::InvalidValue)?))
+ }
+impl<'a> From<&'a String> for WithoutLength<&'a String> {
+ fn from(s: &'a String) -> Self { Self(s) }
+impl From<WithoutLength<String>> for String {
+ fn from(s: WithoutLength<String>) -> Self { s.0 }
+impl<T: Writeable> Writeable for WithoutLength<&Vec<T>> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn write<W: Writer>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
+ VecWriteWrapper(self.0).write(w)
+ }
+impl<T: Readable> Readable for WithoutLength<Vec<T>> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn read<R: Read>(r: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
+ Ok(Self(<VecReadWrapper<T> as Readable>::read(r)?.0))
+ }
+impl<'a, T> From<&'a Vec<T>> for WithoutLength<&'a Vec<T>> {
+ fn from(v: &'a Vec<T>) -> Self { Self(v) }
+impl<T> From<WithoutLength<Vec<T>>> for Vec<T> {
+ fn from(s: WithoutLength<Vec<T>>) -> Self { s.0 }
// HashMap
impl<K, V> Writeable for HashMap<K, V>
where K: Writeable + Eq + Hash,
+ ($stream: expr, $type: expr, $field: expr, (tlv_record, $fieldty:ident$(<$gen:ident>)?)) => {
+ if let Some(field) = $field {
+ let field: encoded_tlv_record_ref_type!($fieldty$(<$gen>)?) = From::from(field);
+ BigSize($type).write($stream)?;
+ BigSize(field.serialized_length() as u64).write($stream)?;
+ field.write($stream)?;
+ }
+ };
macro_rules! encode_tlv_stream {
($last_seen_type: expr, $typ: expr, $type: expr, $field: ident, (option: $trait: ident $(, $read_arg: expr)?)) => {{
// no-op
+ ($last_seen_type: expr, $typ: expr, $type: expr, $field: ident, (tlv_record, $fieldty:ident$(<$gen:ident>)?)) => {{
+ // no-op
+ }};
macro_rules! check_missing_tlv {
($last_seen_type: expr, $type: expr, $field: ident, (option: $trait: ident $(, $read_arg: expr)?)) => {{
// no-op
+ ($last_seen_type: expr, $type: expr, $field: ident, (tlv_record, $fieldty:ident$(<$gen:ident>)?)) => {{
+ // no-op
+ }};
macro_rules! decode_tlv {
($reader: expr, $field: ident, (option: $trait: ident $(, $read_arg: expr)?)) => {{
$field = Some($trait::read(&mut $reader $(, $read_arg)*)?);
+ ($reader: expr, $field: ident, (tlv_record, $fieldty:ident$(<$gen:ident>)?)) => {{
+ $field = {
+ let field: encoded_tlv_record_type!($fieldty$(<$gen>)?) =
+ ser::Readable::read(&mut $reader)?;
+ Some(field.into())
+ };
+ }};
macro_rules! decode_tlv_stream {
($field: ident, vec_type) => {
+ ($field: ident, tlv_record) => {
+ $field
+ };
macro_rules! init_tlv_field_var {
($field: ident, option) => {
let mut $field = None;
+ ($field: ident, tlv_record) => {
+ let mut $field = None;
+ };
/// Implements Readable/Writeable for a struct storing it as a set of TLVs
+/// Defines a struct for a TLV stream and a similar struct using references for non-primitive types,
+/// implementing [`Readable`] for the former and [`Writeable`] for the latter. Useful as an
+/// intermediary format when reading or writing a type encoded as a TLV stream. Note that each field
+/// representing a TLV record has its type wrapped with an [`Option`].
+/// [`Readable`]: crate::util::ser::Readable
+/// [`Writeable`]: crate::util::ser::Writeable
+macro_rules! tlv_stream {
+ ($name:ident, $nameref:ident, {
+ $(($type:expr, $field:ident : $fieldty:ident$(<$gen:ident>)?)),* $(,)*
+ }) => {
+ #[derive(Debug)]
+ struct $name {
+ $(
+ $field: Option<$fieldty$(<$gen>)?>,
+ )*
+ }
+ pub(crate) struct $nameref<'a> {
+ $(
+ pub(crate) $field: Option<tlv_record_ref_type!($fieldty$(<$gen>)?)>,
+ )*
+ }
+ impl<'a> ::util::ser::Writeable for $nameref<'a> {
+ fn write<W: ::util::ser::Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), $crate::io::Error> {
+ encode_tlv_stream!(writer, {
+ $(($type, self.$field, (tlv_record, $fieldty$(<$gen>)?))),*
+ });
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ impl ::util::ser::Readable for $name {
+ fn read<R: $crate::io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self, ::ln::msgs::DecodeError> {
+ $(
+ init_tlv_field_var!($field, tlv_record);
+ )*
+ decode_tlv_stream!(reader, {
+ $(($type, $field, (tlv_record, $fieldty$(<$gen>)?))),*
+ });
+ Ok(Self {
+ $(
+ $field: init_tlv_based_struct_field!($field, tlv_record)
+ ),*
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+macro_rules! tlv_record_ref_type {
+ (u8) => {
+ u8
+ };
+ (u16) => {
+ u16
+ };
+ (u32) => {
+ u32
+ };
+ (u64) => {
+ u64
+ };
+ (char) => {
+ char
+ };
+ (String) => {
+ &'a crate::prelude::String
+ };
+ (Vec<$type:ty>) => {
+ &'a crate::prelude::Vec<$type>
+ };
+ ($type:ident$(<$gen:ident>)?) => {
+ &'a $type$(<$gen>)?
+ };
+macro_rules! encoded_tlv_record_type {
+ (u8) => {
+ u8
+ };
+ (u16) => {
+ ::util::ser::HighZeroBytesDroppedBigSize<u16>
+ };
+ (u32) => {
+ ::util::ser::HighZeroBytesDroppedBigSize<u32>
+ };
+ (u64) => {
+ ::util::ser::HighZeroBytesDroppedBigSize<u64>
+ };
+ (char) => {
+ char
+ };
+ (String) => {
+ ::util::ser::WithoutLength<crate::prelude::String>
+ };
+ (Vec<$type:ty>) => {
+ ::util::ser::WithoutLength<crate::prelude::Vec<$type>>
+ };
+ ($type:ident$(<$gen:ident>)?) => {
+ $type$(<$gen>)?
+ };
+macro_rules! encoded_tlv_record_ref_type {
+ (u8) => {
+ u8
+ };
+ (u16) => {
+ ::util::ser::HighZeroBytesDroppedBigSize<u16>
+ };
+ (u32) => {
+ ::util::ser::HighZeroBytesDroppedBigSize<u32>
+ };
+ (u64) => {
+ ::util::ser::HighZeroBytesDroppedBigSize<u64>
+ };
+ (char) => {
+ char
+ };
+ (String) => {
+ ::util::ser::WithoutLength<&crate::prelude::String>
+ };
+ (Vec<$type:ty>) => {
+ ::util::ser::WithoutLength<&crate::prelude::Vec<$type>>
+ };
+ ($type:ident$(<$gen:ident>)?) => {
+ &$type$(<$gen>)?
+ };
macro_rules! _impl_writeable_tlv_based_enum_common {
($st: ident, $(($variant_id: expr, $variant_name: ident) =>
{$(($type: expr, $field: ident, $fieldty: tt)),* $(,)*}