//! (see the [`Keysend` feature assignment proposal](https://github.com/lightning/bolts/issues/605#issuecomment-606679798) for more information).
//! - `Trampoline` - supports receiving and forwarding Trampoline payments
//! (see the [`Trampoline` feature proposal](https://github.com/lightning/bolts/pull/836) for more information).
+//! - `DnsResolver` - supports resolving DNS names to TXT DNSSEC proofs for BIP 353 payments
+//! (see [bLIP 32](https://github.com/lightning/blips/blob/master/blip-0032.md) for more information).
//! LDK knows about the following features, but does not support them:
//! - `AnchorsNonzeroFeeHtlcTx` - the initial version of anchor outputs, which was later found to be
ZeroConf | Keysend,
// Byte 7
+ // Byte 8 - 31
+ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
+ // Byte 32
+ DnsResolver,
define_context!(ChannelContext, []);
+ define_feature!(
+ 259,
+ DnsResolver,
+ [NodeContext],
+ "Feature flags for DNS resolving.",
+ set_dns_resolution_optional,
+ set_dns_resolution_required,
+ supports_dns_resolution,
+ requires_dns_resolution
+ );
// Note: update the module-level docs when a new feature bit is added!
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "_test_utils"))]